NA Digest Sunday, January 21, 1990 Volume 90 : Issue 03

Today's Editor: Cleve Moler

Today's Topics:


From: Mingyu Wang <[email protected]>
Date: 20 Jan 90 05:40:29 GMT
Subject: EISPACK in C

If you know where I can get the EISPACK library in C,
or if it exits in C at all, please email me at:

[email protected]

Your help will be greatly appreciated.


From: Kathy Salazar <[email protected]>
Date: Thu, 18 Jan 90 09:33:29 -0800
Subject: New Phone Number for NASA Ames Research Center

Effective January 15, 1990, The NASA Ames Research Center telephone
exchanged has changed has changed from prefix "694" to "604".

Main NASA number is: (415) 604-5000. To reach individual extension
dial (415) 604-xxxx.

There is a recording on the old numbers of (415) 694-xxxx, referring
you to the new prefix.


From: Michelle Jones <[email protected]>
Date: Tue, 16 Jan 90 11:29 EDT
Subject: SIAM 1990 Annual Meeting and Short Course

Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics

SIAM 1990 Annual Meeting and Short Course

July 15 - 20, 1990
Hyatt Regency Hotel, Chicago, IL

Call for Papers and Registration Iinformation

Meeting Themes
Algebraic and Symbolic Computing
Combinatorial Optimization
Control and Systems Theory
Discrete Mathematics
Dynamical Systems and Chaos
Fluid Mechanics
Free Boundary Problems
Interior Point Methods
Mathematical Biology
Mathematics Education
Neural Computing
Nonlinear and Parallel Optimization
Numerical Analysis and Computation
Optimal Design
Solid Mechanics

Meeting Highlights

Invited Presentations

Crystal Microstructure via Elasticity Theory
John M. Ball
Heriot-Watt University

Wavelets Making Waves in Mathematics and Engineering
Ingrid Daubechies
AT&T Bell Laboratories

Nonlinear Morphologies in Directional Solidification
Stephen H. Davis
Northwestern University

The Mathematics of Mixing Things Up
Persi Diaconis
Harvard University

Solving Large-Scale Combinatorial Optimization Problems in Practice
Martin Groetschel
Universitat Augsburg

Algebraic Computation Comes of Age
Anthony C. Hearn
The RAND Corporation

Mathematical Modeling of Unstable Growth Processes
George M. Homsy
Stanford University

Networks in Neurophysiology
Nancy Kopell
Boston University

Control of Systems Arising in Flexible Structures
Irena Lasiecka
University of Virginia, Charlottesville

The Matrix Sign Function and Large Scale Riccati Equation
Alan J. Laub
University of California, Santa Barbara

Wanted: Applied Mathematicians to Try the Fruit Fly Challenge
Garrett M. Odell
University of Washington

Interior Point Methods for Linear Programming - State-of-the-Art
David F. Shanno
Rutgers University

Linear and Nonlinear Stability in Granular Flow
David G. Schaeffer
Duke University

How to Contribute

Papers and Posters

Contributed presentations and poster presentations are invited in all areas
consistent with the meeting themes. A brief description of your talk (not
exceeding 100 words) must be submitted on a SIAM abstract form, which can be
obtained by contacting SIAM, 3600 University City Science Center,
Philadelphia, PA 19104-2688; telephone: 215-382-9800; fax: 215-386-7999; e-
mail: [email protected]. A contributed presentation consists of a
twelve-minute talk, followed by three minutes for questions.

Abstract Deadline: February 19, 1990

For additional information, please contact: Conference Coordinator, SIAM,
3600 University City Science Center, Philadelphia, PA 19104-2688. Telephone:
(215) 382-9800. E-Mail: [email protected] FAX: (215) 386-7999


From: Arieh Iserles <ai%[email protected]>
Date: Tue, 16 Jan 90 18:31:33 PST
Subject: Research Fellowship at Cambridge

DAMTP, University of Cambridge, England

This Fellowship is an appointment for up to 3 years in the Numerical
Analysis Group of the Department of Applied Mathematics and
Theoretical Physics, University of Cambridge, England, endowed by the
Amoco Production Company. Its purpose is to allow the appointee to
pursue research in numerical analysis, there being no restrictions on
the fields of study within this subject.

Applications are invited for the Fellowship. They should include a
curriculum vitae, at most 50 pages of written work of the candidate
that has been published or submitted for publication, a statement of
current research, an indication of future work, and the names of three
referees. This material should arrive in Cambridge not later than
March 16th, 1990. Further, the candidate should arrange for letters
from the referees to be received not later than March 30th. Please
address all correspondence to Professor M.J.D. Powell, DAMTP, Silver
Street, Cambridge CB3 9EW.

At present there are two permanent staff in the NA Group
(M.J.D. Powell and A. Iserles), one research fellow (M.D. Buhmann) and
two Ph.D. students. Their fields of research include multivariable
approximation, optimization algorithms, differential equations of
evolution, iterative methods and orthogonal polynomials. The appointee
will be welcome to collaborate and to initiate new work. Computing
facilities include SUN workstations and access to the university mainframe.

The stipend of the Fellowship is determined by the university scale
for Unestablished Research Workers. At present it is 11736 pounds at
age 26 and 14169 pounds at age 30, for example. The appointment can
begin on any date in the interval June 1st-December 31st, 1990.
Please contact M.J.D. Powell if you require further information by
letter, telephone (0223-337889), e-mail (mjdp%[email protected])
or fax (0223-337918).


From: H.J.J. te Riele <[email protected]>
Date: Wed, 17 Jan 90 11:04:41 +0100
Subject: CWI-IMACS Symposium on Parallel Scientific Computing


(Centre for Mathematics and Computer Science
Kruislaan 413
1098 SJ Amsterdam
The Netherlands)

D.T. van Daalen (KSEPL Rijswijk),
The Parallelisation of an Oil Reservoir Simulator.

D. Roose (KU Leuven),
Implementation of a Solver for the Euler Equations on the iPSC/2.

Y. Censor (Univ. of Haifa, Israel),
Parallel Computing with Block-Iterative Image Reconstruction Algorithms.

D.T. Winter (CWI),
Cache memory and Vector Processors.

Phuong Vu (CRAY Research, Mendota Heights, USA),
Sparse Matrix Computations at Cray Research.

The organizing committee,
H.J.J. te Riele (CWI, 20-5924106)
Th.J. Dekker (UvA)
H.A. van der Vorst (TUD)


End of NA Digest
