NA Digest Friday, December 18, 1987 Volume 87 : Issue 83

This weeks Editor: Cleve Moler

Today's Topics:


Date: Thu, 10 Dec 87 05:09:43 cst
From: Iain Duff <[email protected]>
To: [email protected]
Subject: CERFACS meeting



The confernce will be held at CERFACS in Toulouse, France from
April 12-14, 1988.

Registration will be 1300 FFr (650FFr for students) and will cover
lunch, refreshments and documentation. Low cost accommodation
is available.

Further information and registration forms are available from :

Dominique Bennett
42 Ave Gustave Coriolis
31057 Toulouse Cedex
+33-61-07-96-96 FAX +33-61-07-96-13

Tuesday 12 April 1988

09.30 - 11.00 "Overview of sparse matrix computations on
I. Duff (CERFACS France and Harwell, Great

11.30 - 13.00 "Solution of large-scale problems on SUPRENUM
U. Trottenberg (SUPRENUM, Germany)

14.30 - 16.00 "Solution of sparse least-squares problems"
A. Bjorck (University of Linkoping, Sweden)

16.30 - 18.00 "Direct methods for sparse equations on
parallel computers"
A. George (ORNL and University of Tennessee,

Wednesday 13 April 1988

09.30 - 11.00 "Solution of sparse problems on vector
H. Van der Vorst (University of Delft,

11.30 - 13.00 "Iterative solution of sparse linear
equations on vector and parallel computers"
G. Meurant (CEA, France)

14.30 - 16.00 "Iterative techniques for large sparse
unsymmetric equations on vector computers"
G. Radicati di Brozolo (ECSEC, Italy)

16.30 - 18.00 "Techniques for sparse eigenproblems and
solution of sparse equations"
Y. Saad (University of Illinois, USA)

Thursday 14 April 1988

09.30 - 11.00 "Direct methods for sparse equations on
parallel computers"
A. George (ORNL and University of Tennessee,

11.30 - 13.00 "Large-scale non-linear optimization"
P. Toint (University of Namur, Belgium)

14.30 - 16.00 "Techniques for sparse eigenproblems and
solution of sparse equations"
Y. Saad (University of Illinois, USA)

16.30 - 18.00 "Review of projects at CERFACS"
CERFACS representative.


Date: Thu, 10 Dec 87 13:50:16 EST
From: Henry Wolkowicz <hwolkowicz%[email protected]>
Subject: Query about REDUCE on PC's
To: [email protected]

Does anyone have any experience with the REDUCE package advertised in
the latest SIAM newsletter? The distributor is
Northwest Computer Algor from Calif. This version operates on PC's.
I am particularly interested in how it works on an IBM-PC/AT
Thank you. ([email protected])


Date: Thu, 10 Dec 87 13:53:25 +0100
From: Bernd Thomas <[email protected]>
To: [email protected]
Subject: Second International SUPRENUM Colloquium

Second International SUPRENUM Colloquium

The 2nd International SUPRENUM Colloquium dedicated to "Supercomputing
Based on Multiprocessor Computer Architectures: Current Developments and
Trends" has been held in Bonn, W.Germany, from Sept. 30 to Oct. 2.

On occasion of a first prototypic version of the SUPRENUM multiprocessor
being operational, this colloquium presented the progress made so far
in the German parallel supercomputer project SUPRENUM - both in
hardware and systems software development and in profound application
software (Linear Algebra, PDE, multigrid, CFD, among others). It also
reflected the evolution of the multiprocessor world SUPRENUM finds itself
in. A number of internationally renowned speakers had been won to cover
this latter aspect with talks ranging from hardware overviews and
parallelizing tools to new application algorithms.

More than 150 participants from several countries attended the meeting
which was commonly considered a great success in dissemanating the
idea of and enforcing the interest in parallel computing. The SUPRENUM
pre-prototype system has been re-installed at the conference location
so that demonstrations could be run for the interested public.

Proceedings of the Colloquium will appear as a special issue of the
journal "Parallel Computing" (guest editor: U. Trottenberg).

Unfortunately we did not announce it in time via nanet - but maybe it is
still of interest to know what has been. We will try harder next time.


Wednesday, Sept. 30

8.30 Registration

9.30 U. Trottenberg, SUPRENUM, Bonn
SUPRENUM - Concept and Essentials

10.30 Coffee Break

11.00 W. Giloi, GMD-TUB FIRST, Berlin
The SUPRENUM Architecture

12.00 K. Peinze, SUPRENUM, Bonn
The SUPRENUM Preprototyping Programme -
Status and Experiences

13.00 Luncheon

14.00 H. Kammer, GMD-TUB FIRST, Berlin
The SUPREMUM Vector Floating Point Unit

14.30 W. Schroeder, GMD-TUB FIRST, Berlin
PEACE: The Distributed SUPRENUM Operating

15.00 G. Schaeffler, Stollmann, Hamburg
Connecting PEACE to UNIX

15.30 K. Solchenbach, SUPRENUM, Bonn
Grid Applications on SUPRENUM-like Multiprocessors

16.00 Coffee Break

16.30 O.Kolp, H. Mierendorff, GMD, St. Augustin
Performance Estimations for SUPRENUM

17.00 M. D. Ercegovac, UCLA, Los Angeles
Heterogeneity in Supercomputer Architectures

18.00 Reception - Greeting Address by
Dr. Lutz G. Stavenhagen MdB
Staatsminister beim Bundeskanzler

Thursday, Oct. 1

9.00 Z. Segall, Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh
Performance Efficient Parallel Programming

10.00 F. Hossfeld, KFA, Juelich

11.00 Coffee Break

11.30 K. Kennedy, Rice University, Houston
Programming Support Systems for Parallel Machines

12.30 H.P. Zima, H.-J. Bast, M. Gerndt, University Bonn
Advanced Tools and Techniques for Automatic

13.00 Luncheon

14.00 L. Lehmann, University Erlangen-Nuernberg
A Model of Distributed Recovery for the
SUPRENUM Multiprocessor

14.30 B. Franke, TU Braunschweig
The PIPELINE-BUS - An Interconnection Network
for Multiprocessor Systems

15.00 H. Rosenfeldt, V. Hammerschmidt, KAE, Bremen
Hardware Packaging and Industrial Design

15.30 W. Roensch, H. Strauss, Feilmeier, Junker & Co, Muenchen
A Linear Algebra Package for a Local Memory
Multiprocessor: Problems, Proposals and Solution

16.00 Coffee Break

16.30 I. Gutheil, KFA, Juelich
SUPRENUM Software for the Symmetric Eigenvalue Problem

17.00 I.S. Duff, AERE, Harwell
A Survey of Supercomputing in Europe

Friday, Oct. 2

9.00 J. Dongarra, Argonne National Laboratories
Algorithm Design for Different Computer Architectures

10.00 U. Herzog, University Erlangen-Nuernberg
Performance Evaluation - Fundamental Principles
and Trends

11.00 Coffee Break

11.30 R. D. Williams, Caltech, Pasadena
Free-Lagrange Hydrodynamics in Parallel

12.30 M. Alef, D. Seldner, Th. Westermann, E. Halter,
KFK, Karlsruhe
Parallel Particle Simulation in High Voltage Diodes

13.00 Luncheon

14.00 H. Capdevila, DFVLR, Braunschweig
Solution of 2-D Euler Equations with a Parallel Code

14.30 J. Linden, K. Stueben, B. Steckel, GMD, St. Augustin
Parallel Multigrid Solution of the Navier Stokes
Equation on General 2D-Domains

15.00 O. A. McBryan, Courant Institute, New York
From New Machines to New Algorithms

16.00 Coffee - The End


Date: Thu, 10 Dec 87 12:06:22 EST
From: Richard Bartels <hplabs!rhbartels%[email protected]>
To: [email protected]
Subject: Conference on Computer Aided Geometric Design

Conference on Mathematical Methods in CAGD

University of Oslo, Norway

June 16--22, 1988

The conference will consist of two parts. On Thursday and Friday,
June 16 and June 17, there will be a series of invited survey
lectures. Saturday and Sunday will be free days for discussion,
interaction, and optional excursions. Sessions for contributed
research papers will be organized on Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday.
The meeting will focus on curve and surface methods. A detailed
program of the conference will be available at registration.

Invited Speakers:

P. Alfeld, Univ. Utah J. Gregory, Brunel

M. Atteia, Toulouse H. Hagen, Braunschweig

B. Barnhill, Arizona State K. Hoellig, Stuttgart

C. de Boor, Wisconsin P. J. Laurent, Grenoble

W. Boehm, Braunschweig A. Le Mehaute, Lille

C. Chui, Texas A & M H. McLaughlin, RPI

E. Cohen, Univ. Utah C. Micchelli, IBM

W. Dahmen, Berlin G. Nielson, Arizona State

G. Farin, Arizona State R. Riesenfeld, Univ. Utah

R. Franke, Monterey M. Sabin, Cambridge

T. Goodman, Dundee

Location of Lectures: All sessions will be held in
Vilhelm Bjerknes Hall on the campus of the University of Oslo.

Activities: There will be several events including a beer
party and a conference banquet.


If you wish to present a research talk, please submit
a title and abstract to Tom Lyche by May 1, l988.

Tom Lyche
Institutt for Informatikk
Box 1080
0316 Oslo 3
<[email protected]>

The abstract should consist of a single page with the
title of the talk, followed by the author(s) name(s),
and the body of the abstract typed double spaced.


We expect to publish a proceedings similar to
Topics in Multivariate Approximation, Chui, Schumaker & Utreras
(eds), Academic Press, New York, 1987.

Papers will be refereed, and depending on the number of contributors,
we may not be able to accept all submitted manuscripts.
The book will be prepared in camera-ready form using TEX, so if at
all possible we would like to receive TEX files. Typing
instructions will be sent after receipt of your abstract.

Registration: Wed. evening 7:00 - 10:00 P.M., Blindern
Studenthjem, and starting Thur. morning at 8:00 A. M. in Vilhelm
Bjerknes Hall. The registration fee will be 300 Kroner.

Transportation to Oslo:

Air--Northwest and SAS have direct flights from
the U. S. to Gardermoen airport about 50 km north of Oslo. There is
an airport bus to downtown Oslo. All other flights land at Oslo
airport, Fornebu, which is about 10 km south of Oslo. From Fornebu
we suggest taking a taxi directly to the University.

Train--The train from Copenhagen takes about 10 hours.

Boat--There are ferries to Oslo from Copenhagen, Kiel (Germany),
Fredrikshavn (Denmark), and Harwich (England). You can bring
you car on these ferries. There are also ferries to Kristiansand
(350 km south of Oslo), Larvik (150 km south of Oslo)
and Bergen (470 km west of Oslo) if you come by car.

Car--You can take a ferry, or drive directly from Copenhagen in
about 12 hours.


We recommend that participants stay in the Blindern
Studenthjem on the campus of the University of Oslo. The campus is
about 4 km from downtown and can be reached by Subway 13 (Sognsvann),
exiting at the Blindern station.


Date: Fri, 11 Dec 87 14:53 EST
From: SIAM <[email protected]>
Subject: Third SIAM Conference on Applied Linear Algebra
To: [email protected]


May 23 - 26, l988
The Concourse Hotel, Madison, Wisconsin
Sponsored by the SIAM Activity Group on Linear Algebra

Plus a short course on
May 22, l988
Organized by: Ingram Olkin, Stanford University
George P.H. Styan, McGill University
Douglas Bates, University of Wisconsin


Research in linear algebra impacts on many areas of science. Moreover,
new directions in research are suggested by questions and developments to both
pure and applied mathematics. The rapid development of supercomputers,
including increasingly available parallel processors, has triggered a new look
at some of the standard computational linear algebra algorithms.
Opportunities abound for the development of new algorithms which utilize the
increasing power of machines in order to solve very large linear systems
problems. The conference will bring together researchers and practioners from
academic, industrial and government environments in order to promote
interaction and exchange of ideas and problems in all aspects of linear
algebra. The resulting cross-fertilization is expected to lead to solutions
of currently outstanding problems as well as to the foundation of new problems
that will guide the further development of linear algebra.

Meeting Themes

Large Scale Computing and Linear Systems and Control
Numerical Methods Signal Processing and VLSI
Inverse Eigenvalue Problems Optimization
Qualitative and Combinatorial Multivariate Statistics
Analysis of Matrices Design Theory for Systolic

How to Contribute

Contributed Presentations and Poster Presentations
Contributed presentations and poster presentations are invited in all areas
consistent with the conference themes. A brief description of your talk must
be submitted on a SIAM abstract form, which can be obtained by completing the
postage-paid coupon below and returning it to SIAM. A contributed
presentation consists of a twelve-minute talk, followed by questions.

Deadline for abstracts of contributed presentations and poster presentations:
December 10, l987. However, SIAM will accept late contributed presentations
and poster presentations for this meeting. To make a contribution, please
call or write for an abstract form: Conference Coordinator, SIAM, ll7 S. l7th
Street, l4th Floor, Philadelphia, PA l9l03. Telephone: (2l5) 564-2929.
E-Mail: [email protected]

Contributions must be received by March 2l, l988, in order to appear in the
final program. SIAM will consider contributions until May 4, l988, but those
received after March 2lst will be listed in an addendum.


A minisymposium may focus on any topic consistent with the conference themes
and may be organized by any SIAM member. Prospective organizers are asked to
provide the title of the suggested minisymposium, a description not exceeding
l00 words, and a recommended list of speakers and titles of their talks.
Proposals must be submitted on a SIAM proposal form, which can be obtained by
completing the postage-paid coupon below and returning it to SIAM.

Deadline for minisymposium proposals: January 5, 1988.

Preliminary Program for Conference

If you wish to receive additional information regarding the conference or you
would like to receive the preliminary program, contact SIAM Conference
Coordinator, ll7 South l7th Street, l4th Floor,, Philadelphia, PA l9l03-5052.
Telephone: (2l5) 564-2929 or E-Mail to: [email protected]

Invited Presentations

Numerical Linear Algebra on a Shared Memory Multiprocessor
Ahmed Sameh, Center for Supercomputing Research and Development, and the
University of Illinois, Urbana

Direct Methods for Solving Sparse Systems on Parallel Computers
J. Alan George, University of Tennessee, and Oak Ridge National Laboratory

The Formulation and Analysis of Inverse Eigenvalue Problems for Symmetric
Shmuel Friedland, University of Illinois, Chicago

On a Class of Robust Numerical Methods in Linear System Theory
Paul Van Dooren, Phillips Research Laboratory, Brussels, Belgium

Applications of Linear Algebra to Problems of Direction-Finding and High
Resolution Spectral Analysis
T. Kailath, Stanford University

Qualitative Analysis of Linear Systems
Victor Klee, University of Washington, Seattle

Greedy Algorithms in Mathematical Programming
Alan J. Hoffman, IBM T. J. Watson Research Center

Group-Symmetry Covariance Models
Michael Perlman, University of Washington, Seattle


Numerical Linear Algebra for Parallel Architectures
Robert J. Plemmons, North Carolina State University

Matrix Computations in Statistics
George Oustrouchov, Oak Ridge National Laboratory

Combinatorial Techniques in Matrix Analysis
Charles R. Johnson, Clemson University

Canonical Forms of Matrices
Roger A. Horn, Johns Hopkins University

Signal Processing
George Cybenko, Tufts University

Geometric and Lie Theoretic Methods in Numerical Linear Algebra
Gregory A. Ammar, Northern Illinois University

Lanczos Algorithms
Beresford N. Parlett, University of California, Berkeley

Large Eigenvalue Problems
Beresford N. Parlett, University of California, Berkeley

Numerical Methods for Structured Eigevalue Problems
Ralph Byers, University of Kansas, Lawrence

Organizing Committee

Richard A. Brualdi, Co-Chair
University of Wisconsin, Madison

Hans Schneider Co-Chair
University of Wisconsin, Madison

David H. Carlson
San Diego State University

John G. Lewis
Boeing Computer Services

Robert Plemmons
North Carolina State University

Charles Van Loan
Cornell University


Date: Sun, 13 Dec 87 17:18:48 EST
From: Gene Golub <[email protected]>
To: [email protected]
Subject: Supercomputing '88

Supercomputing '88

November 14-18, 1988
Orlando, Florida, USA

Sponsored by:
Computer Society of the IEEE and ACM SIGARCH

In Cooperation with:
Argonne National Laboratory, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory,
Los Alamos National Laboratory, NASA Ames Research Center,
National Center for Atmospheric Research,
National Science Foundation, SIAM, Supercomputing Research Center

Papers submitted by: March 14, 1988
Poster proposals due: August 2, 1988

Supercomputing '88 is a new conference that will bring together
supercomputing system researchers, designers, and users to
report new advances and experiences, state needs, suggest future
directions, and contribute to discussions. It will include
tutorials, a high quality technical program, on-line and video
taped demonstrations, informal poster sessions, vendor and
university exhibits, and product briefings.

TOPICS OF INTEREST. Examples include, but are not limited to,
the following:
Science and Supercomputing
The Impact of New Technology on the Future of Supercomputing
Supercomputing Execution Environment
Supercomputing Development Environment
Supercomputing Application Environment
Supercomputing System Evaluation
Supercomputing Management Issues
Mass Storage and Supercomputers
Technical Aspects of Products
User Experience

PAPERS. Authors are invited to submit papers which report
concrete results and experience. Papers reporting important
negative results are also encouraged. Selection criteria will
include originality, clarity, and relevance.

Requirements: Papers must be original material not previously
published. Papers must be submitted without conditions; authors
must obtain any necessary approvals and/or clearances prior to
submission. Copyright release will be required. Authors of
accepted papers will be responsible for retyping corrected
papers on special forms to be provided and for preparing visual
material for their presentations using guidelines to be
provided. Camera-ready copy is due July 18, 1988. Presentation
visual material is due for quality review October 4, 1988.

Instructions: Submit five copies to the Program Chairman by
March 14, 1988. Papers must be in English, be typed double-
spaced, and not exceed 25 pages (about 5000 words). Papers must
have: (1) a title page that lists the name, mailing and
electronic address, and telephone number for each author; (2) an
abstract; (3) keywords; (4) and the presentation media
requirement. For multiple author papers, identify the
corresponding author and the presenting author.

POSTERS. In addition to informal evening poster sessions, an
on-line poster session will be scheduled where people who have
developed interesting applications will demonstrate them using
exhibitor equipment.

Instructions: Contact the Program Chairman for all poster
proposals. Proposals for on-line posters should be made jointly
with the collaborating exhibitor.

sessions will be organized so that supercomputing center
managers can share recent progress, discuss common problems, and
consider opportunities for collaboration.

Supercomputing '88 Organizing Committee
General Chairman George Michael, LLNL
Deputy Chairman Robert Voigt, ICASE
Program Chair Stephen Lundstrom, Parallel Technology
Publicity Chair George Adams, Purdue University and RIACS
Exhibits Chair Roger Anderson, LLNL
Local Arrangements Chair Dennis Duke, Florida State Univ.
Finance Chair Sidney Fernbach, consultant
Publication Chair Harlow Freitag, SRC

Supercomputing '88 Advisory Committee
Robert Borchers Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
Bill Buzbee National Center for Atmospheric Research
F. Ron Bailey NASA Ames Research Center
Melvyn Ciment National Science Foundation
Jack Dongarra Argonne National Lab
Doug DeGroot ACM-Sigarch; Texas Instruments
Joanne Martin IEEE Computer Society, TC on Supercomputing; IBM
Norman R. Morse Los Alamos National Laboratory
Paul Schneck Supercomputing Research Center
Daniel Sorenson Argonne National Laboratory

For information on the conference, program, or exhibits contact
one of the following:

General Chairman Program Chairman Exhibits Chairman
George Michael, L-306 Stephen F. Lundstrom Roger Anderson, L-306
P. O. Box 808 Stanford University P. O. Box 808
Livermore, CA 94550 Stanford, CA 94305 Livermore, CA 94550
(415) 422-4239 (415) 723-0140 (415) 422-8572
[email protected] [email protected] [email protected]

For location and registration information contact the Computer
Society of the IEEE, 1730 Massachusetts Ave., N.W., Washington,
DC 20036-1903. (202) 371-1013


End of NA Digest
