NA Digest Wednesday, October 21, 1987 Volume 87 : Issue 74
This weeks Editor: Cleve Moler
Today's Topics:
Date: Mon, 19 Oct 87 09:20:07 edt
From: Greg Astfalk <ga@pruxd>
To: [email protected]
Subject: Club Modulef
Can anyone furnish information about "Club Modulef." This is a
group of French (and possibly other) universities and industries.
The common goal is producing and distributing a collection of FEM
codes for fluid flow, elasticity, etc.
I am most interested in any English language references. Those
I have seen cited are all in French. If anyone has the code(s) or
has used them, comments would be appreciated.
Greg Astfalk
PO Box 900
Princeton, NJ 08540
uucp: ihnp4!pruxd!ga
arpa: ga%[email protected]
Date: Mon, 19 Oct 87 08:42:01 PDT
From: David Donoho <[email protected]>
To: [email protected]
Subject: Karmarkar's Algorithm
Is there a public domain version of Karmarkar's Algorithm for
linear programming available (i.e. ready to run code?) Is there
a version that can be bought. I've heard many researchers are experimenting
with it; has it advanced to the stage of being reliable and robust
David Donoho, Statistics, UC Berkeley
donoho%[email protected]
Date: Tue, 20 Oct 87 10:58:34 +0200
From: Paul Fuhrmann <paf%[email protected]>
To: na%[email protected]
Subject: Special Issue of LAA
In view of the success of the 1983 special issue on Linear
Systems and Control we think the time is ripe for another issue
which will also focus on those areas of Systems and Control
Theory, Signal Processing and Numerical Algebra where methods of
Linear Algebra are relevant. Note that we use Linear Algebra in
the wide sense, thus topics which are linear algebraic in flavour
but where analytic techniques are used, such as much of
H-infinity theory, are not only acceptable but are solicited.
Contributions are invited. Papers should meet the publications
standards of Linear Algebra and Its Applications, and they will
be refereed in the usual way. This announcement will be made
public at some professional meetings, on the E-LETTER
on Systems, Control and Signal Processing published by B. W.
Dickinson and E. D. Sontag and the NA-Net distributed from
Stanford. This is done to meet the planned
publication date. We are hoping to receive both papers
describing significant new results and well written survey papers
on a relevant topic within the outlines of the special issue.
Appropriate areas include:
Polynomial matrices, rational functions.
Realization theory in its various forms (deterministic, partial,
Inverse scattering.
Large scale or structured systems.
Geometric methods.
Control design methods.
Model reduction.
Stability and quadratic forms, Bezoutians.
Hankel and Toeplitz operators and related operators.
Recursive methods. Interpolation problems.
Fast algorithms, Parallel algorithms.
Factorization theory (coprime, inner outer, Wiener-Hopf).
Parametrization problems in system theory.
Structured eigenvalue problems.
Decentralized control.
The deadline for submission of papers is May 31, 1988, and the
special issue is scheduled to appear in spring of 1989.
Papers should be sent to any of the special editors of the issue:
Professor P. A. Fuhrmann Department of Mathematics Ben Gurion University
of the Negev Beer Sheva, Israel
Professor H. Kimura Department of Mechanical Engineering for
Computer-Controlled Machinery Faculty of Engineering Osaka
University 2-1, Yamada-oka, Suita Osaka 565, JAPAN
Professor J. C. Willems Department of Mathematics University of
Groningen P.O.Box 800 Groningen, The Netherlands
Date: Tue, 20 Oct 87 15:39:39 EST
From: Tim Kelley <CTK%[email protected]>
Subject: Position at N. C. State
To: [email protected]
The Mathematics Department at North Carolina State University has a junior
level tenure track opening in partial differential equations. We are especially
interested in people with research experience in numerical solution of
hyperbolic equations. We are also interested in people working in theoretical
aspects of elliptic equations. Additionally, an applied mathematician using any
aspect of partial differential equations would be of interest to us.
Candidates should send a resume and arrange for three letters of reference
to be sent to
Michael Shearer
Department of Mathematics, Box 8205
North Carolina State University
Raleigh, NC 27695-8205
Questions can be addressed to [email protected]. Applications that
are complete by January 15, 1988 are assured of full consideration.
North Carolina State University is also making a special effort to solicit
applications from women and members of minority group faculty in all fields.
Date: Wed, 21 Oct 87 13:28:32+0900
From: Nodera Takashi <nodera%koscvax.keio.junet%[email protected]>
To: [email protected]
Subject: Sparse Matrix Symposium in Japan
Fourth Symposium on Large Sparse Sets of Linear Equations
Sparsity and SuperComputer
This symposium will be held on the Campus of Keio University
Yokohama, JAPAN, on March 15th, 1988. If you are interested in
giving talk at the symposium, please send a title and an abstract,
to be received by us no later than January 18th, 1988.
Title and the abstract should be sent to the following address.
Contact address: T. Nodera, Dr.
Department of Mathematics
Faculty of Science and Technology
Keio University
3-14-1 Hiyoshi Kohoku Yokohama 223
e.mail address:
[email protected]%[email protected]
Date: Wed, 21 Oct 87 11:04:23 CDT
From: David Kincaid <[email protected]>
Posted-Date: Wed, 21 Oct 87 11:04:23 CDT
To: [email protected]
Subject: Conference on Iterative Methods
First Announcement
October 19-21, 1988
The University of Texas at Austin
Celebrating the 65-th Birthday of David M. Young, Jr.
This conference will be dedicated to providing an overview of the state of
the art in the use of iterative methods for solving sparse linear systems
with an eye to contributions of the past, present, and future. The emphasis
will be placed upon identifying current and future research directions
in the mainstream of modern scientific computing.
Recently, the use of iterative methods for solving linear systems has
experienced a resurgence of activity as scientists attach extremely
complicated three dimensional problems using vector and parallel
supercomputers. Many research advances in the development of iterative
methods for high-speed computers over the past forty years will be reviewed
as well as focusing on current research.
L. Adams (University of Washington)
O. Axelsson (University of Nijmegen, Netherlands)
G. Birkhoff (Harvard University)
P. Concus (Livermore Berkeley Laboratory)
L. Ehrlich (John Hopkins University)
H. Elman (University of Maryland)
G. Golub (Stanford University)
L. Hageman (Bettis Atomic Power Laboratory)
R. Lynch (Purdue University)
T. Manteuffel (Los Alamos National Laboratory)
J. Ortega (University of Virginia)
J. Rice (Purdue University)
P. Saylor (University of Illinois)
R. Varga (Kent State University)
W. Wachspress (University of Tennessee)
M. Wheeler (Rice University)
O. Widlund (Courant Institute)
D. Young (University of Texas)
D. Kincaid, L. Hayes and W. Cheney
(all at The University of Texas at Austin)
For more information on this conference, write:
Center for Numerical Analysis
RLM Bldg 13.150
University of Texas at Austin
Austin, Texas 78713-8510
Tel: (512) 471-1242
Arpanet: [email protected]
End of NA Digest