NA Digest Sunday, August 30, 1987 Volume 87 : Issue 67
This weeks Editor: Cleve Moler
Today's Topics:
Date: 24 August 1987, 12:40:26 IST
To: NA list < [email protected] >
From: Danny Hershkowitz < MAR23AA%[email protected]>
Subject: Fourth Haifa Matrix Conference
The Fourth Haifa Matrix Conference will be held at the Technion -
Israel Institute of Technology, Haifa, Israel, on January 4-6, 1988.
If you are interested in giving a talk at the conference, please
send a title and an abstract, to be received by us no later than
December 10, 1987. The title and the abstract should be sent to any
member of the organizing commtittee.
CONFERENCE PROCEEDINGS will be published in the special issue of
the journal "Linear Algebra and its Applications". The special
editors of this issue are Abraham Berman, Daniel Hershkowitz, and
Leonid Lerer (which also form the organizing committee of the
conference). The proceedings will include research papers based on
the talks given in the conference. Participants wishing to have their
papers considered for publication in the Proceedings should send
three copies of their completed typescripts to one of the special
editors, to be received no later than April 30, 1988. Only research
papers meeting the usual standards of the journal will be considered
for publication in the Proceedings.
In addition, there will be an opportunity to publish synopses of
talks in a Conference Report that will form a part of the Proceedings
(the full paper may be submitted to this or any other journal). These
synopses should in general be from 2 to 6 typed page in length. They
should not be abstracts of papers or research announcements, but
should contain at least 50% expository material giving background and
motivation for the problem. Proofs to be published elsewhere should
be omitted. References should be included, and open problems and
conjectures are encouraged. Synopses prepared for publication should
also conform to the style of the journal and should be sent (two
copies) to one of the special editors.
ADDRESS of the special editors and the organizing committee:
Mathematics Department
Technion - Israel Institute of Technology
Haifa 32000
e-mail address: MAR23AA @ TECHNION (bitnet).
From: AIHDM%[email protected]
Date: 24 August 87 11:33-MST
To: [email protected]
Subject: Nonlinear PDE Conference at Arizona State
To: [email protected]
From: H.D. Mittelmann, [email protected], na.mittelmann
A two-day conference on
will be held on the campus of Arizona State University, Nov. 5/6, 1987.
This conference is sponsored by the Graduate College of ASU and thus
adheres to a specific format.
There is no possibility of contributing papers, but everyone interested
in the subject is invited to attend. A block of rooms has been reserved
at Howard Johnson's Tempe in 2 min. walking distance from the meeting
place. The rates are $46 single and $49 double; mention the conference.
They have complimentary limousine service to the Phoenix airport and may
be called direct 602-967-9431 or through 1-800-654-2000.
The list of speakers includes:
E. Allgower Colorado State
U. Ascher U British Columbia
R. Bank UC San Diego
T.F. Chan UCLA
R. Ewing U Wyoming
S. McCormick CU Denver
H. Mittelmann ASU
R. Renaut ASU
C. Ringhofer ASU
H. Walker Utah State
The conference will start at 1 p.m on 11/5 and end at 3:30 p.m. on 11/6.
Arizona weather should be very pleasant and spending a little additional
time may be worthwhile.
If you have any questions or want to get on the mailing list respond by
e-mail (addresses in head) or regular mail to
H.D. Mittelmann
Dept. Math. 602-965-6595 (off.)
Arizona State University 602-965-3951 (dept.)
Tempe, AZ 85287
Date: Fri 28 Aug 87 11:01:36-CDT
From: [email protected]
Subject: Temporary Address Change for David M. Young
To: [email protected]
Dear Colleague:
Please note that my address from September 8, 1987 through December 15, 1987
will be the following:
David M. Young
Department of Mathematics
Ayers Hall
The University of Tennessee
Knoxville, TN 37996
David M. Young
Date: 29 Aug 87 13:55:10 GMT
From: sadler @
Subject: Request for help from readers
To: golub @
This may not be the right forum for this question but I need help so
badly I'll risk it anyway; I'm having trouble developing an algorithm that
will identify various unique combinations of objects.
The problem I have is probably just a simple matter of logic that, for
some reason, I can't work out. Although I can't explain exactly what my
application is, I can provide an analogous situation that illustrates the
concept I'm wrestling with.
Imagine this hypothectical situation:
Given 1) a club whose sole purpose for existence is to "meet and mingle".
2) there are 20 members (call this A).
3) the meeting place has 5 tables (call this B) numbered 1 to 5.
4) each table seats 4 (call this C).
5) the club will meet weekly for 12 weeks (call this D).
Problem: devise a method to arrange seating at each meeting such that, for
the entire 12 weeks, no two members sit at the same table twice. In other
words, each table would have four members but the mix of four would always
be unique.
What I want to do is develop an algorithm so that I can specify the
variables A, B, C, and D then sit back and let the computer take over and
provide a list of unique combinations (members) per node (table) per period
(week). The only language I speak is BASIC so I'm obviously not obsessed
with speed but any help or code you can provide will sure help.
It seems like I saw something like this years ago in a quantitative
analysis book but I can't find it now. Again, if you can just point me in
the right direction, it'll help.
My address is [email protected]
Please feel free to write to me directly as I am not yet on this
mailing list.
End of NA Digest