NA Digest Sunday, July 19, 1987 Volume 87 : Issue 59
This weeks Editor: Gene Golub
Today's Topics:
Date: Thu, 16 Jul 87 11:02:11 PDT
From: Bob Russell <russell%lccr.sfu.cdn%[email protected]>
To: [email protected]
Subject: Position at Simon Fraser
Simon Fraser University
The Department of Mathematics & Statistics at Simon Fraser University
invites applications for a tenure track position in Numerical Analysis at
the level of Assistant Professor. The position could commence as early as
January 1, 1988. Requirements include a Ph.D. degree and duties include
teaching and research.
Applications, including curriculum vitae, should be sent as soon as
possible to:
Dr. A.R. Freedman, Chairman
Department of Mathematics & Statistics
Simon Fraser University
Burnaby, BC, V5A 1S6
Please arrange for three letters of reference to be sent directly from the
In accordance with Canadian Immigration requirements, priority will be
given to Canadian citizens and permanent residents.
Simon Fraser University serves 11,500 undergraduate students and 1,500
graduate students. The Department of Mathematics & Statistics with a fac-
ulty of 34, has 49 graduate students (20 in the Ph.D. program).
Simon Fraser University is situated on the top of Burnaby Mountain ly-
ing just east of the cosmopolitan city of Vancouver. The site commands mag-
nificent views of Burrard Inlet, the mountains, the Fraser River, and the
Vancouver Harbour. This Lower Mainland area of British Columbia is unique
in Canada for its mild climate and varied recreational facilities.
In addition to the above, there is generally some money available for long-
term (at least one semester) visitors in numerical analysis. If interested,
write to me at the above address. Thanks, Bob Russell
Date: Fri 17 Jul 87 13:27:49-EDT
From: [email protected]
Subject: Positions at the Air Force Office of Scientific Research
To: [email protected]
The Air Force Office of Scientific Research has several current and projected
vacancies for both permanent and rotator program managers in the Directorate
of Mathematical and Information Sciences. Areas of interest include
optimization, computational mathematics, discrete mathematics, and mathematics
of signal processing and communications. If you know of anyone interested
please contact Maj Jim Crowley:
phone: (202) 767-5025 EM: [email protected] or na.crowley@su-score
To: na%[email protected]
From: golub%[email protected]
Date: Sun 19 Jul EDT 1987 13:59
Original-To: [email protected]
Subject: SVD meeting in Grenoble
>From research!csnet!csnet-relay!!uucp!mcvax!dutentd!kishan Fri, 17 Jul 87 13:41:31 CET
From: Kishan Jainandunsingh <mcvax!dutentd!>
Received: from by RELAY.CS.NET id aa07607; 17 Jul 87 8:42 EDT
Received: from by RELAY.CS.NET id aa12285; 17 Jul 87 8:40 EDT
Received: from seismo.CSS.GOV by SCORE.STANFORD.EDU with TCP; Fri 17 Jul 87 05:31:41-PDT
Received: from mcvax.UUCP by seismo.CSS.GOV (5.54/1.14) with UUCP
id AA00396; Fri, 17 Jul 87 08:36:44 EDT
Received: by; Fri, 17 Jul 87 14:21:09 +0200 (MET)
Received: by dutentd (5.51/2.4S)
id AA00703; Fri, 17 Jul 87 13:41:31 CET
To: mcvax!Score.Stanford.EDU!
Via: Csnet-Relay; 17 Jul 87 15:08-EDT
Status: R
Dear Prof. Gene Golub,
With this electronic mail I have included a
and some general information about the workshop. Soon I will send
you by air mail a complete program, including travel information.
For this purpose, can you mail your current address
to me? Thanks.
We are looking forward to welcome you at the workshop.
Kishan Jainandunsing
Les Houches, France, 21-23 September 1987
Workshop Program and Registration Form
E.F. Deprettere
G.H. Golub
F.T. Luk
J. Vandewalle
P. van Dooren
J.L. Lacoume
C. Latombe
Supported by
the European Association for Signal Processing (EURASIP)
IEEE region-8.
Ecole d'ete de Physique Theorique
(Summer School of Theoretical Physics)
Cote des Chavants
74310 Les Houches
Phone : (33) 50 54 40 69
21 September 1987
8:30 a.m. : Registration
11 a.m. : Welcome and opening
12 a.m. : Lunch
Theme : Adaptive and Parallel SVD Algorithms
1:30 p.m. :
Plenary : Constrained SVD Problems and Algorithms
Speaker : Prof. Gene H. Golub (Stanford University)
2:30 p.m. :
Postersession :
A. Bunse-Gerstner, "Rank-One Updating of the Singular Value
B. De Moor, J. Vandewalle, "An Adaptive SVD Algorithm Based
on Generalized Chebyshev Recursions"
A. Bunse-Gerstner, W.B. Gragg, "Singular Value Decompositions of
Symmetric Matrices"
E.A. Trachtenberg, "SVD of Frobenius Group Matrices and Their Use in
Signal Processing"
3:15 p.m. :
3:30 p.m. :
Plenary : Numerical Aspects of Parallel SVD Algorithms
Speaker : Prof. Sven Hammarling (NAG Central Office)
4:30 p.m. :
Postersession :
J.P. Chalier, P. Van Dooren, "Numerical Aspects of Systolic Eigenvalue
and Singular Value Algorithms"
L.M. Ewerbring, F.T. Luk, "Stable Computation of the Generalized
Singular Value Decomposition"
E. Biglieri, K. Yao, "SVD Algorithms and Their Applications to Digital
Signal Processing"
Per Christian Hansen, "Improvements of Hestenes' Method for
Computing the SVD"
5:15 p.m. :
7 p.m. : Dinner
22 September 1987
Morning Theme : SVD in Signal Processing Applications I
09:00 a.m. :
Plenary : A Variety of Applications of SVD in Identification and Signal
Speaker : Prof. Joos Vandewalle (Katholic University Louvain)
10 a.m. :
Postersession :
S. van Huffel, J. Vandewalle, "The Total Least-Squares Technique:
Computation, Properties and Applications"
J. Vandewalle, S. van Huffel et al, "A variety of Applications of Singular
Value Decomposition in Identification
and Signal Processing"
B. De Moor, J. Vandewalle, "A Geometrical Strategy for the Identification
of State Space Models of Linear Multivariable
Systems with Singular Value Decomposition"
D. Callaerts, J. Vandewalle et al, "On-Line Algorithm to Compute the SVD
in Signal Processing applications"
10:45 a.m. : Discussion
11 a.m. :
Plenary : Hankel Norm Model Reduction
Speaker : To be announced
12 a.m. : Lunch
Afternoon Theme : SVD in Signal Processing Applications II
1:30 p.m. :
Plenary : Adaptive Beamforming and Direction Finding
Speaker : Dr. Chris R. Ward (STC Technology Limited)
Dr. Philip Hardgrave (STC Technology limited)
(to be announced)
2:30 p.m. :
Postersession :
J.L. Mather, "A Novel Method for Reducing the Computational Load of SVD
Based High Discrimination Algorithms"
R.D. DeGroat, R.A. Roberts, "Eigenvector Updating Algorithms with
Applications to Tracking"
R.J. Vaccaro, D.W. Tufts,
G.F. Boudreaux-Bartels, "Advances in Principal Component Signal
P. Comon, "An Array Processing using the First Principal Component;
Comparison between Inverse Iteration and Lanczos Methods"
O. Abdelaziz, "Perturbation Analysis of SVD Method for Spatial
Discrimination of Closely Spaced Correlated Sources"
3:15 p.m. : Discussion
3:30 p.m. :
Plenary : SVD Techniques for the Solution of Harmonic Retrieval Problems
Speaker : To be announced
4:30 p.m. :
Postersession :
R. de Beer, W.M.M.J. Bovee et al, "Retrieval of Significant Parameters
from Magnetic Resonance Signals via
A.C. Tsoi, "Application of Singular Value Decomposition Technique to
Electroencephalographic Signal Ananlysis"
S. Mayrargue, J.P. Jouveau, "A New Application of SVD to Harmonic
J. Casar, G. Cybenko, "An SVD Analysis of Resolution Limits for Harmonic
Retrieval Problems"
5:15 p.m. : Discussion
7 p.m. : Social evening and Dinner
23 September 1987
Theme : Concurrent Architectures for the Singular Value Decomposition
9:00 a.m. :
Plenary : Concurrent Architectural Issues of SVD Algorithms
Speaker : Prof. Franklin T. Luk (Cornell University)
10 a.m. :
Postersession :
V. Fernando, S. Hammarling, "Block Kogbetliantz Methods for Computation
of the SVD"
M. Annaratone, P.C. Maulik, "Implementation of Singular Value
Decomposition on Warp"
A.J. De Groot, S.R. Parker,
E.M. Johansson, "On the Execution of Linear Algebra Operations on the
L. Thiele, "Computational Arrays for Cyclic-By-Rows Jacobi-Algorithms"
10:45 a.m. : Discussion
11 a.m. : Closing
12 a.m. : Lunch & Adjourn
REMARK : Evening sessions can be organized for informal discussions and
presentations of ideas, results and current research, not
included in the formal program. Speakers for these presentations
should check with the chairman, at the workshop.
Name : __________________________________________
Institute : _____________________________________
Address : _______________________________________
Phone : __________________
Electronic mail : __________________________
Please, mark appropriate items.
I have paid my registration fee for the INTERNATIONAL WORKSHOP ON SVD AND
SIGNAL PROCESSING (all payments in Dutch guilders : DFL) :
1. DFL 580 (if paid before 1 September 1987)
2. DFL 680 (if paid at the workshop)
1. by bank transfer to
K. Jainandunsing
inz. Int. Workshop on SVD and Signal Processing
AMRO bank, Mekelweg/hoek Chr. Huygensweg,
Delft, The Netherlands
Account nr.: A.P.R. 49 71 23 207
2. by bank check to
Workshop Secretariat
c/o : K. Jainandunsing
Dept. of Electr. Eng.
Delft Univ. of Tech.
Mekelweg 4
2628 CD Delft
The Netherlands
Sex :
1. Male 2. Female
Please, reserve a room at the :
1. School, all double rooms, at DFL 52 per room per day.
A. I would not mind sharing my room with a roommate.
a. I prefer to share my room with (print name of roommate) : __________
b. I have no preference for a specific roommate.
B. I prefer not to share my room.
2. Hotel Peter Pan (100 meters from the School) all double rooms at DFL 64
per room per day.
3. Hotel Labarme (2 kilometers from the School), all double rooms at DFL 45
per room per day.
4. I will arrange for accomodation independently.
I will visit the workshop :
1. alone 2. with my spouse
IMPORTANT. Mail the completed registration form and a copy of the bank
transfer order or bank check to the Workshop Secretariat :
Workshop Secretariat
c/o : K. Jainandunsing
Dept. of Electr. Eng.
Delft Univ. of Tech.
Mekelweg 4
2628 CD Delft
The Netherlands
1. Lodging is in short supply at the workshop. Room reservations will be
done on a "first registered, first served" base! Please, register
early to ensure space.
2. The registration fees include meals, social evening and proceedings.
Rooms are not included in the fee. Registrants will have to pay for
their rooms at check-in time at the workshop.
3. All payments should be done in Dutch guilders (DFL). Rooms may be
paid for in French currency (FF).
Workshop Secretariat
K. Jainandunsing
Dept. of Electr. Eng.
Delft Univ. of Tech.
Mekelweg 4
2628 CD Delft
The Netherlands
Phone : (31) (0)15-786057
Telex : 338151 butud nl
Electronic mail :
- on UUCP : !mcvax!dutentb!kishan
- on NA net : na.jainandunsing@SU-SCORE
>From research!csnet!csnet-relay!!uucp!mcvax!dutentd!kishan Fri, 17 Jul 87 13:41:31 CET
From: Kishan Jainandunsingh <mcvax!dutentd!>
Received: from by RELAY.CS.NET id aa07607; 17 Jul 87 8:42 EDT
Received: from by RELAY.CS.NET id aa12285; 17 Jul 87 8:40 EDT
Received: from seismo.CSS.GOV by SCORE.STANFORD.EDU with TCP; Fri 17 Jul 87 05:31:41-PDT
Received: from mcvax.UUCP by seismo.CSS.GOV (5.54/1.14) with UUCP
id AA00396; Fri, 17 Jul 87 08:36:44 EDT
Received: by; Fri, 17 Jul 87 14:21:09 +0200 (MET)
Received: by dutentd (5.51/2.4S)
id AA00703; Fri, 17 Jul 87 13:41:31 CET
To: mcvax!Score.Stanford.EDU!
Via: Csnet-Relay; 17 Jul 87 15:08-EDT
Status: R
Dear Prof. Gene Golub,
With this electronic mail I have included a
and some general information about the workshop. Soon I will send
you by air mail a complete program, including travel information.
For this purpose, can you mail your current address
to me? Thanks.
We are looking forward to welcome you at the workshop.
Kishan Jainandunsing
Les Houches, France, 21-23 September 1987
Workshop Program and Registration Form
E.F. Deprettere
G.H. Golub
F.T. Luk
J. Vandewalle
P. van Dooren
J.L. Lacoume
C. Latombe
Supported by
the European Association for Signal Processing (EURASIP)
IEEE region-8.
Ecole d'ete de Physique Theorique
(Summer School of Theoretical Physics)
Cote des Chavants
74310 Les Houches
Phone : (33) 50 54 40 69
21 September 1987
8:30 a.m. : Registration
11 a.m. : Welcome and opening
12 a.m. : Lunch
Theme : Adaptive and Parallel SVD Algorithms
1:30 p.m. :
Plenary : Constrained SVD Problems and Algorithms
Speaker : Prof. Gene H. Golub (Stanford University)
2:30 p.m. :
Postersession :
A. Bunse-Gerstner, "Rank-One Updating of the Singular Value
B. De Moor, J. Vandewalle, "An Adaptive SVD Algorithm Based
on Generalized Chebyshev Recursions"
A. Bunse-Gerstner, W.B. Gragg, "Singular Value Decompositions of
Symmetric Matrices"
E.A. Trachtenberg, "SVD of Frobenius Group Matrices and Their Use in
Signal Processing"
3:15 p.m. :
3:30 p.m. :
Plenary : Numerical Aspects of Parallel SVD Algorithms
Speaker : Prof. Sven Hammarling (NAG Central Office)
4:30 p.m. :
Postersession :
J.P. Chalier, P. Van Dooren, "Numerical Aspects of Systolic Eigenvalue
and Singular Value Algorithms"
L.M. Ewerbring, F.T. Luk, "Stable Computation of the Generalized
Singular Value Decomposition"
E. Biglieri, K. Yao, "SVD Algorithms and Their Applications to Digital
Signal Processing"
Per Christian Hansen, "Improvements of Hestenes' Method for
Computing the SVD"
5:15 p.m. :
7 p.m. : Dinner
22 September 1987
Morning Theme : SVD in Signal Processing Applications I
09:00 a.m. :
Plenary : A Variety of Applications of SVD in Identification and Signal
Speaker : Prof. Joos Vandewalle (Katholic University Louvain)
10 a.m. :
Postersession :
S. van Huffel, J. Vandewalle, "The Total Least-Squares Technique:
Computation, Properties and Applications"
J. Vandewalle, S. van Huffel et al, "A variety of Applications of Singular
Value Decomposition in Identification
and Signal Processing"
B. De Moor, J. Vandewalle, "A Geometrical Strategy for the Identification
of State Space Models of Linear Multivariable
Systems with Singular Value Decomposition"
D. Callaerts, J. Vandewalle et al, "On-Line Algorithm to Compute the SVD
in Signal Processing applications"
10:45 a.m. : Discussion
11 a.m. :
Plenary : Hankel Norm Model Reduction
Speaker : To be announced
12 a.m. : Lunch
Afternoon Theme : SVD in Signal Processing Applications II
1:30 p.m. :
Plenary : Adaptive Beamforming and Direction Finding
Speaker : Dr. Chris R. Ward (STC Technology Limited)
Dr. Philip Hardgrave (STC Technology limited)
(to be announced)
2:30 p.m. :
Postersession :
J.L. Mather, "A Novel Method for Reducing the Computational Load of SVD
Based High Discrimination Algorithms"
R.D. DeGroat, R.A. Roberts, "Eigenvector Updating Algorithms with
Applications to Tracking"
R.J. Vaccaro, D.W. Tufts,
G.F. Boudreaux-Bartels, "Advances in Principal Component Signal
P. Comon, "An Array Processing using the First Principal Component;
Comparison between Inverse Iteration and Lanczos Methods"
O. Abdelaziz, "Perturbation Analysis of SVD Method for Spatial
Discrimination of Closely Spaced Correlated Sources"
3:15 p.m. : Discussion
3:30 p.m. :
Plenary : SVD Techniques for the Solution of Harmonic Retrieval Problems
Speaker : To be announced
4:30 p.m. :
Postersession :
R. de Beer, W.M.M.J. Bovee et al, "Retrieval of Significant Parameters
from Magnetic Resonance Signals via
A.C. Tsoi, "Application of Singular Value Decomposition Technique to
Electroencephalographic Signal Ananlysis"
S. Mayrargue, J.P. Jouveau, "A New Application of SVD to Harmonic
J. Casar, G. Cybenko, "An SVD Analysis of Resolution Limits for Harmonic
Retrieval Problems"
5:15 p.m. : Discussion
7 p.m. : Social evening and Dinner
23 September 1987
Theme : Concurrent Architectures for the Singular Value Decomposition
9:00 a.m. :
Plenary : Concurrent Architectural Issues of SVD Algorithms
Speaker : Prof. Franklin T. Luk (Cornell University)
10 a.m. :
Postersession :
V. Fernando, S. Hammarling, "Block Kogbetliantz Methods for Computation
of the SVD"
M. Annaratone, P.C. Maulik, "Implementation of Singular Value
Decomposition on Warp"
A.J. De Groot, S.R. Parker,
E.M. Johansson, "On the Execution of Linear Algebra Operations on the
L. Thiele, "Computational Arrays for Cyclic-By-Rows Jacobi-Algorithms"
10:45 a.m. : Discussion
11 a.m. : Closing
12 a.m. : Lunch & Adjourn
REMARK : Evening sessions can be organized for informal discussions and
presentations of ideas, results and current research, not
included in the formal program. Speakers for these presentations
should check with the chairman, at the workshop.
Name : __________________________________________
Institute : _____________________________________
Address : _______________________________________
Phone : __________________
Electronic mail : __________________________
Please, mark appropriate items.
I have paid my registration fee for the INTERNATIONAL WORKSHOP ON SVD AND
SIGNAL PROCESSING (all payments in Dutch guilders : DFL) :
1. DFL 580 (if paid before 1 September 1987)
2. DFL 680 (if paid at the workshop)
1. by bank transfer to
K. Jainandunsing
inz. Int. Workshop on SVD and Signal Processing
AMRO bank, Mekelweg/hoek Chr. Huygensweg,
Delft, The Netherlands
Account nr.: A.P.R. 49 71 23 207
2. by bank check to
Workshop Secretariat
c/o : K. Jainandunsing
Dept. of Electr. Eng.
Delft Univ. of Tech.
Mekelweg 4
2628 CD Delft
The Netherlands
Sex :
1. Male 2. Female
Please, reserve a room at the :
1. School, all double rooms, at DFL 52 per room per day.
A. I would not mind sharing my room with a roommate.
a. I prefer to share my room with (print name of roommate) : __________
b. I have no preference for a specific roommate.
B. I prefer not to share my room.
2. Hotel Peter Pan (100 meters from the School) all double rooms at DFL 64
per room per day.
3. Hotel Labarme (2 kilometers from the School), all double rooms at DFL 45
per room per day.
4. I will arrange for accomodation independently.
I will visit the workshop :
1. alone 2. with my spouse
IMPORTANT. Mail the completed registration form and a copy of the bank
transfer order or bank check to the Workshop Secretariat :
Workshop Secretariat
c/o : K. Jainandunsing
Dept. of Electr. Eng.
Delft Univ. of Tech.
Mekelweg 4
2628 CD Delft
The Netherlands
1. Lodging is in short supply at the workshop. Room reservations will be
done on a "first registered, first served" base! Please, register
early to ensure space.
2. The registration fees include meals, social evening and proceedings.
Rooms are not included in the fee. Registrants will have to pay for
their rooms at check-in time at the workshop.
3. All payments should be done in Dutch guilders (DFL). Rooms may be
paid for in French currency (FF).
Workshop Secretariat
K. Jainandunsing
Dept. of Electr. Eng.
Delft Univ. of Tech.
Mekelweg 4
2628 CD Delft
The Netherlands
Phone : (31) (0)15-786057
Telex : 338151 butud nl
Electronic mail :
- on UUCP : !mcvax!dutentb!kishan
- on NA net : na.jainandunsing@SU-SCORE
End of NA Digest