NA Digest Monday, May 25, 1987 Volume 87 : Issue 48

This weeks Editor: Gene Golub

Today's Topics:


Date: 24 May 87 21:14:12 EDT
From: [email protected]
Subject: PDE Symposium
To: [email protected]

DIFFERENTIAL * * EQUATIONS * * at Lehigh University , Bethlehem , PA * * June
23-25 , 1987 *
This symposium deals with modern developments in the solution of partial
differential equations using computers. One of the focal points is that
concerning those recent advances in vector and parallel computers and modern
numerical software which have made possible the solution of problems that only
a few years ago were condidered intractable. The scientific program contains
contributions to this important line of development in computation and
computational mathematics. It consists of Contributed Papers Sessions , of
Organized Sessions on specific topics and includes a Mini-Symposium on
Computational Fluid Dynamics.

Hard cover proceedings are in press, and should be available to the attendees
at the symposium.
REGISTRATION : June 23 , 8:00 to 9:15 am,(in Neville Hall where an information
desk will be maintained during most of the duration of the conference
tel :(215) 758-4264.)
OPENING SESSION : June 23 , 9:15 to 9:45 in Neville Auditorium l.

ORGANIZED SESSIONS (name of the organizer in parentheses)

- Algorithms and mathematical software for vector and parallel computers
(David R. Kincaid)
- Solution of PDE's on vector and parallel processors (Kirk E. Jordan)
- Modern numerical methods for elliptic equations (John R. Rice)
- Domain decomposition and preconditioning methods (W. Proskurowski)
- Finite element methods(A.K.Aziz)
- Stability paradoxes in numerical methods for nonlinear PDE's
(E.E. Rosinger)
- Numerical method of lines (G.D. Byrne)
- Numerical wave propagation (R. Vichnevetsky)
- Hyperbolic equations ( M. Witten)

Organizer : Y. M. Hussaini
ORGANIZED SESSIONS (name of the organizer in parentheses)

- Parallel computation methods (Shahid H. Bokhari)
- Solution of stiff equations (J. Philip Drummond)
- Computational Aerodynamics (Charles L. Merckle)
- Unsteady compressible flows (Rainald Loehner)
- Transonic flows (Manuel D. Salas)
- Transition and turbulence (Thomas A. Zang)

Abdallah, S. (Pennsylvania State Univ.) Ablowitz, M. (Clarkson) Avitzur, B.
(Lehigh Univ.) Baker, G. (Exxon Research) Bayliss, A. (Northwestern Univ.)
Beiterman, M. (Boeing Computer) Benner, R. E. (Sandia Nat. Labs) Bond,
R.A.B. (Univ. of Natal-SOUTH AFRICA) Borgers, C. (Univ. of California)
Bramble, J. H. (Cornell University) Brown, P. N. (Univ. of Houston) Byrne,
G. D. (Exxon Research) Cahlon, B. (Oakland Univ.) Canuto, C. (C.N.R.-
ITALY) Carver, M. B. (Chalk River Nuclear Labs - Canada) Castillo, J. E.
(Univ. of New Mexico) Caughey, D. A. (Cornell Univ.) Chang, J. L. C.
(Rockwell Int'l.) Cohen, G. (INRIA-FRANCE) Colella, P. (LLNL) Colombeau, J.
F. (Bordeaux Univ.-FRANCE) Daripa, P. K. (Courant Inst.-NYU) Diaz, J. C.
(Univ. of Oklahoma) Erlebacher, G. (NASA Langley Res. Cntr.) Evans, D. J.
(Univ. of Technology-Loughborough-GREAT BRITAIN) Farran, H. (Calif. State
Polytechnic Univ.) Fauci, L. J. (Tulane Univ.) Flaherty, J. E. (Rennselaer
Inst. of Tech.) Goldstein, C. (Brookhaven Nat. Lab) Goldstein, J. A.
(Tulane University) Gresho, P.M. (LLNL) Grove, J. W. (Courant Inst.-NYU)
Gunzburger, M. (Carnegie Mellon Univ.) Guo, B. (Univ. of Maryland) Hafez,
M. (Univ. of California-Davis) Hager, W. (Pennsylvania State Univ.) Haimo,
D. T. (Univ. of Missouri) Hindmarsh, A. C. (LLNL) Houstis, E. N. (Purdue
Univ.) Hrymak, A. N. (McMaster Univ.-CANADA) Hsiao, G. (Univ. of Delaware)
Hyman, J. M. (Los Alamos Nat. Lab) Ipsen, I. (Yale Univ.) Jackson, K. R.
(Univ. of Toronto-CANADA) Johnsson, L. (Yale Univ.) Jones, J. Jr. (Air
Force Inst. of Tech.) Jordan, K. E. (Exxon Research) Jorge, M. C.
(IIMAS-UNAM-MEXICO) Kanniappan, P. (Gandhigram Rural Inst.-INDIA)
Karniadakis, G. (M.I.T.) Kaufman, L. C. (AT&T Bell Labs) Kee, R. J.
(Sandia National Lab) Keyes, D. (Yale Station) Kincaid, D. R. (Univ. of
Texas-Austin) Koniges, A. E. (LLNL) Kupershmidt, B. A. (UTSI) Lamson, S.
(General Electric Co.) Lohner, R. (Berkeley Res. Assoc.) Majda, G. J.(Ohio
State) Marinescu, D. (Purdue Univ.) Martin, W. R. (Univ. of Michigan)
McCoy, P. A. (U.S. Naval Academy) McDonald, E. B. (NSTL) Merkle, C. L.
(Pennsylvania State Univ.) Mhuiris, N. Mac Giolla (NASA Langley Res. Cntr.)
Minkoff, M. (Argonne Nat. Lab) Moretti, G. (G.M.A.F. Inc.) Murthy, C. Siva
Ram (Indian Inst. of Sci.-INDIA) Naik, V. (Duke Univ.) Nicolaides, R. A.
(Carnegie Mellon Univ.) Niemiec, W. (Silesian Tech. Univ.-POLAND) Nodera, T.
(Stanford Univ.) Oharu, S. (Hiroshima Univ.-JAPAN) Osborn, J. (Univ. of
Maryland) Pandolfi, M. (Politecnico Di Torino-ITALY) Pasciak, J. E.
(Brookhaven Nat. Lab) Patera, A. (Massachuseets Inst. of Tech.) Petzold, L.
(LLNL) Pierce, A. D. (Georgia Inst. of Tech.) Pratt, D. T. (Propulsion Res.
Inst.) Proskurowski, W. (Univ. So. California) Radhakrishnan, K. (NASA
Lewis Res. Cntr.) Resasco, D. C. (Yale Univ.) Ribben, C. J. (Purdue Univ.)
Rice, J. R. (Purdue Univ.) Richter, G. (Rutgers University) Rosinger, E. E.
(Univ. of Pretoria -SA) Sakell, L. (Naval Research Lab) Salane, D. E.
(Sandia Nat. Labs) Saltz, J. (Yale Univ.) Scapolla, T. (Univ. of Maryland)
Schieffer, J. (Carnegie Mellon Univ.) Schiesser, W. E. (Lehigh Univ.)
Schonauer, W. (Univ. Karlsruhe- GERMANY) - Sedin, Yngve C-J (SAAB-SWEDEN)
Sincovec, R. F. (Univ. of Colorado) Sod, G. A. (Tulane Univ.) Solomon, J.
M. (White Oak Lab) Sorensen, D. C. (Argonne Nat. Lab.) Studzinski, J.
(Polish Acad. of Sci.-POLAND) Suri, M. (Univ. of Maryland) Swiniarski, R.
(Univ. of Alabama) Szabo, B. A. (Washington University) Taha, T. R. (Univ.
of Georgia) Thompson, S. (Oak Ridge Nat. Lab) Verhoff, A. (McDonnell
Aircraft Co.) Vichnevetsky, R. (Rutgers University) Volpe, G. (Grumman Corp.
Res. Cntr.) White, A. B. Jr. (Los Alamos Nat. Lob) Witten, M. (Univ. of
Louisville) Wu, X-F (Georgia Inst. of Tech.) Xanthis, L. S. (Polytechnic
Central London-ENGLAND) Xu, Y-H (Lehigh Univ.) Young, D. M. (Boeing
Computer Services) Zalesak, S. T. (NRL)


With the exception of Lehigh University Residence Halls , attendees are asked
to make their own arrangements. Generally, special rates have been quoted for
visitors to Lehigh University. Therefore, attendees should indicate that they
are attending the IMACS Symposium at Lehigh. The indicated rates generally do
not include taxes, and also, may be subject to small increases after June 1,

The Hotel Bethlehem is a pleasant l5-minute walk from the Lehigh campus. All
other hotels and motels require a car.

Hotel Bethlehem Single: $50.00
437 Main Street Double: $60.00
Bethlehem, PA 18018
(215) 867-3711

Holiday Inn Bethlehem Single: $54.00
Routes 22 and 512 Double: $60.00
Bethlehem, PA l80l8@*
(215) 866-5800

McIntosh Inn Single: $26.45
l70l Catasauqua Road Double: $33.87
Allentown, PA l8l03
(215) 264-7531

Econo Lodge Single: $27.95
Route 22 & Airport Road Double: $34.00
Bethlehem, PA l8l03
(215) 867-8681

Days Inn Single: $29.99
l5th St. & Route 22 Double: $36.99
Allentown, PA l8l05
(215) 534-7880

Red Roof Inn Single: $29.95
1846 Catasauqua Road Double: $34.94
Allentown, PA l8l03 Three or more: $36.95

Coachaus Hotel Small hotel with
107 North 8th. Street elegantly furnished
Allentown, PA 18103 rooms
(215) 821-4854

Salisbury House Bed and breakfast in
9l0 East Emmaus Ave. an old, historic home
Allentown, PA l8l03
(215) 791-4225


Air conditioned apartments in Trembley and Brodhead Houses consisting of two
single bedrooms and one double bedroom, with a small living room and shared
bath. Both Trembley and Brodhead are near University dining rooms, and within
an easy walk of the Symposium meeting rooms.

$23.00/person for three-person occupancy
$19.50/person for four-person occupancy

Additional information is available by calling the University Residence
Operations, (215) 758-3500. Ms. Karen M. Anselmin will be handling the
accommodations for the Symposium, (215) 758-3510.

Inquiries concerning the local arrangements may be directed to:

Prof. W. E. Schiesser
Whitaker Lab. #5, Lehigh University
Bethlehem, PA l80l5
(215) 758-4264 (during working hours)


Lehigh University is located approximately midway between Philadelphia and New
York. Bethlehem is served by the Allentown-Bethlehem-Easton (ABE) Airport,
which is a 10 minute drive from the Hotel Bethlehem, and the Lehigh campus.
ABE Airport is served by Eastern, US Air and United, as well as several
commuter lines. Van service is available to the Hotel Bethlehem by calling on
a special telephone from the Airport. Several major car rental companies also
have facilities at the ABE Airport.


Name and Mailing Address ................................................




Telephone :..................................

Symposium Fee (includes one copy of the Proceedings and Conference Dinner on
June 23) :

- if mailed on or before June 10 .....................................$ 200.-
- if mailed after june 10 ............................................$ 220.-
Full time students (with verification - does not include Proceedings
or Conference Dinner) :...............................................$ 15.-

Note : To benefit of the reduced fee, this form must be mailed no later than
June 10, with payment of at least of at least 25% of the amount due enclosed)

Check in the amount of $__________ enclosed (will pay remainder at the

Date :___________________Signature :________________________

Make all checks payable to IMACS


Request for Lodging at University Residences :

Shared room at $ -----------a night Arrival date :______________________

Departure date :____________________

Special requests : _______________________________________________________

Mail to Prof. W.E. Schiesser
Whitaker Lab. # 5, Lehigh University
Bethlehem, PA, 18015, USA


End of NA Digest
