NA Digest Wednesday, May 6, 1987 Volume 87 : Issue 40

This weeks Editor: Gene Golub

Today's Topics:


Mail-From: GOLUB created at 5-May-87 09:53:25
Date: Tue 5 May 87 09:42:31-PDT
From: Elaine Whiteside <[email protected]>
Subject: SDSC Summer Institute
To: [email protected]
ReSent-Date: Tue 5 May 87 09:53:24-PDT
ReSent-From: Gene H. Golub <[email protected]>
ReSent-To: [email protected]

Supercomputer Users:

The San Diego Supercomputer Center, supported by a grant from the
National Science Foundation, is hosting a summer institute to be
held on the campus of the University of California at San Diego
from August 10-21, 1987. This conference includes hands-on
experience with the CRAY X-MP/48 supercomputer and the SCS-40
minisupercomputer as well as lectures by distinguished scienctists
and engineers.

Selected topics include: CRAY FORTRAN, Vectorization, Networks,
Supercomputer architectures, CTSS and CRAY UNIX, and Software for
math, chemistry, graphics, and engineering.

Participants will be given 12 nights' lodging, August 9-12, in
two-bedroom campus apartments at UCSD adjacent to the San Diego
Supercomputer Center, plus a stipend of $240 for meals and inci-
dental expenses. Travel expenses up to $500 are also covered.

Students may be faculty, researchers, graduate, or exceptional
undergraduate students and enrollment is limited to 35 people.
Each student is expected to propose and carry out a scientific
computing project during the workstation sessions. Applications
are reviewed by the SDSC Allocation Committee, which considers
the qualifications of each applicant, the nature of the project,
and the letter of recommendation. Preference is given to those
who are likely to use the expertise acquired to advance their
research or to train others at their institution. Only one
person from the same institution and department is permitted to attend.

For further information and applications, write or call Elaine
Whiteside, w.whiteside@lear or 723-7592.



End of NA Digest
