NA Digest Thursday, March 19, 1987 Volume 87 : Issue 23

This weeks Editor: Gene Golub

Today's Topics:


Mail-From: GOLUB created at 19-Mar-87 10:39:47
Date: Thu 19 Mar 87 10:39:46-PST
From: Gene H. Golub <[email protected]>
Subject: MORE on Stanford NA reunion
To: [email protected]

As I indicated in a previous msg, the Stanford NA reunion will take
place on Saturday, March 28 at 2pm. We will be meeting in Room 380C.
If you haven't sent in your check, please do so immediately.

I'm attaching a list of NA graduates of the Stanford CS department.
Some numerical analysts from Stanford received their degrees before
there was a department or were in other departments.


Dear Friend,

As you may know, the CS department of Stanford is having a reunion:
"Computer Science at Stanford: the impact of the first ten years" at
Stanford from March 26 to March 28. As part of this reunion, we are
having a reunion of the greater Stanford NA community (this includes
former or present students, faculty, visitors and friends): "Numerical
Analysis at Stanford: Rememberance of Things Past", to be held on the
afternoon of Saturday, March 28. The tentative program consists of a
tour of Serra House, the drafting of a "family tree", several informal
talks and a cocktail party at Gene's followed by a banquet in a
Chinese restaurant.

Several people have agreed to talk and here is their tentative titles:

Ake Bjorck (Linkoping/USC): On Being a Frequent NA Visitor at Stanford;

Alan George (Univ. of Tenn./ORNL): Life at the Top: On Being a Dean;

Eric Grosse (Bell Labs): The Greater World of Bell Labs: the Netlib Revolution;

Jack Herriot (Stanford Emeritus): In The Beginning ....;

Cleve Moler (Intel): Fond Memories of George Forsythe;

John Palmer (Ncube): Standards and Startups;

Beresford Parlett (Berkeley): The Pleasures and Work of Jim Wilkinson;

Jim Varah (UBC): All in the Family: the Stanford NA Family Tree.

The cost of the festivities (including the banquet) is $25 per person.
Please send a check to Gene (made out to him) by March 21.

We really do hope that you can come and join us in this unique
celebration! Feel free to bring your family and friends. And bring your
memorabilia too!

Tony Chan
Gene Golub

PS: If you are unable to come, please feel free to send a brief
reminiscence and/or photos.


Name Adviser Current Affiliation

Bartels, Richard Golub Waterloo
Berger, Marsha Oliger NYU
Boley, Daniel Golub Minnesota
Bolstad, John Oliger LLL
Brent, Richard Forsythe, Golub ANU
Chan, Tony Oliger UCLA
Coughran, Bill Oliger Bell
George, John A. Forsythe Tennessee/ORNL
Gropp, William Oliger Yale
Grosse, Eric Golub Bell
Heath, Michael Golub ORNL
Jenkins, Michael A. Golub Queens
Kaufman, Linda Golub Bell
LeVeque, Randall Oliger U Washington
Lewis, John Golub Boeing
Luk, Franklin Golub Cornell
Malcolm, Michael Forsythe/Herriot Consultant
Nash, Stephen Golub Hopkins
O'Leary, Dianne P. Golub Maryland
Overton, Michael Golub NYU
Palmer, John Golub NCUBE
Ramos, George Golub Rolm
Richman, Paul L. Forsythe/Herriot Bell
Saunders, Michael Golub Stanford
Smith, Lyle Golub NIU
Stoutemyer, David Herriot Hawaii
Trefethen, Lloyd Oliger MIT
Underwood, Richard Golub Deceased
Wright, Margaret Golub Stanford


End of NA Digest
