NA Digest Tuesday, March 10, 1987 Volume 87 : Issue 14

This weeks Editor: Gene Golub

Today's Topics:


Date: Tue, 10 Mar 87 10:29:47 CST
From: [email protected] (Jim Daniel)
Posted-Date: Tue, 10 Mar 87 10:29:47 CST
To: [email protected]
Subject: HELP: software needed!

As soon as possible I need to locate anya nd all numerical methods
books and associated or related software written in BASIC. That's
right, in BASIC. Something in the style of Forsythe/Malcolm/Moler
would be nice, especially as regards its programs.
Anybody know of any good methods books that use BASIC?
Anybody know of any appropriate software using BASIC?

Please let me hear any suggestions soon.

Jim Daniel
[email protected]
[email protected]


Date: Tue, 10 Mar 87 15:13:24 EST
From: [email protected]
To: [email protected]
Subject: SPIE Program

SPIE Conference on

Advanced Algorithms and Architectures for Signal Processing II

Tues. 8/18/87 - Wed. 8/19/87. San Diego, CA.

Organizing Committee: Franklin Luk, George Cybenko, John McWhirter,
Jeffrey Speiser

1. Numerical Linear Algebra on the Cedar Multiprocessor
Ahmed Sameh
2. The Systolic QRD Algorithm - A Brief Review
John G McWhirter
3. A Novel MVDR Beamforming Algorithm
Adam Bojanczyk and Franklin Luk
4. Comparison of real and complex baseband processing for
digital adaptive beamforming.
C.R. Ward, P.J. Hargrave, and J.G. McWhirter
5. Systolic Kalman Filtering based on QR Decomposition
K Yao
6. A Systolic Architecture for Extended Kalman Filtering
Ralph Fabrizio and Douglas Wood
7. A Unified Systolic Array Architecture for the Luk QRD and SVD algorithms
Cynthia Anfinson and Barry Drake
8. Convergence of Kogbetliantz methods for computing the SVD
Sven Hammarling and Vince Fernando
9. Robust Techniques for Spectral Estimation
Rao Yarlagadda, James Lansford, Charles Kriel
10. High Resolution Spectrum Estimation
James Cadzow
11. Sonar Signal Processing on the SAXPY 1-M Parallel Processor
S.L. Marple
12. A Signal Subspace Method for Mainlobe Interference Cancellation
Benjamin Friedlander and Tiejun Shan
13. Adaptive Multiple Signal Classification (MUSIC)
Daniel Fuhrmann
14. Beamformers with Multiple Linear Constraints
Lloyd Griffiths and Kevin Buckley
15. Maximum Likelihood Direction-of-Arrival Estimation for Multiple Narrowband
Michael Miller and Daniel Fuhrmann
16. Pattern Recognition using the SVD of the Wigner-Ville Distribution
Boualem Boashash
17. Linear System Description Using Wigner Distribution Functions
B.V. Kumar
18. Parallel Algorithms for Classification and Clustering
George Cybenko
19. Approx. of Eigenvector Weights for Inverse Synthetic Aperture Radar (ISAR)
Thomas Bronez
20. An Estimation-Theoretic Approach for Imaging Diffuse Radar Targets
Donald Snyder and Joseph O'Sullivan
21. The Unitary Eigenproblem
William Gragg and Lothar Reichel
22. On the Parallel Solution of Eigenproblems on Multiprocessor Systems
P.J. Eberlein
23. On the Equivalence and Convergence of Parallel Jacobi SVD methods
Franklin Luk and Haesun Park
24. On-line Scheme for Computing Rotation Angles for SVD's
Milos Ercegovac and Tomas Lang
25. Behavior of Generalized Singular Value Solvers in the Face of
Charles Van Loan
26. Parallel Computing Research at ISI
David Mizell
27. Fast Fourier Transform Algorithm for Two-dimensional Array of Processors
Greg Nash, Wojtek Przytula and Siegfried Hansen
28. Cumulants: A Powerful Tool in Signal Processing
Georgios B. Giannakis
29. Signal Processing Applications of Functional Equations
Jeffrey Speiser
30. Warp: a supercomputer for signal processing
H.T. Kung
31. The Connection Machine: a versatile, high performance computer
for advanced signal processing
Lennart Johnsson
32. SLAPP: a special purpose multiprocessor array for signal processing
and linear algebra
Jerry Symanski
33. An Algorithmically Specialized Multiprocessor: MOSAIC
Frank Lin, Yul Inn, John Shen and Phil Kuekes
34. Concurrent Error Detection in VLSI Processor Arrays
Roger Chen and Jacob Abraham


Mail-From: GOLUB created at 10-Mar-87 23:25:12
Date: Mon, 9 Mar 87 13:45:51 EST
From: [email protected] (G. W. Stewart)
To: [email protected]
Subject: Gatlinburg.
ReSent-Date: Tue 10 Mar 87 23:25:10-PST
ReSent-From: Gene H. Golub <[email protected]>
ReSent-To: [email protected]


Will you please distribute the following announcement via
your net. Thanks.


March 9, 1987

Dear Colleague:

This letter concerns Gatlinburg X. I have just
returned from seven weeks in China to find unfavorable
reviews of the meeting. This was not entirely unexpected.
Even as early as Gatlinburg VII, some reviewers were sug-
gesting that the meetings were outdated, and much the same
happened when we attempted to get US money for Gatlinburg
IX. The principal objections are to closed meetings with no
conference proceedings. Even some members of the Gatlinburg
committee, including me, feel that the number of good
researchers in numerical algebra has grown so large that any
small meeting must exclude many worthy people.

Nonetheless, something as good as Gatlinburg should not
a be abandoned. I have conferred by phone with some of the
committee and they agree that we should try to hold the
meeting anyway, with a registration fee to cover incidental
expenses. Many good meetings have been successfully organ-
ized this way. I would also propose that the meeting be
expanded somewhat. People would still be evaluated on the
basis of a short vita and an extended abstract, but there
would be no arbitrary cut-off.

The main question is whether the attendance under these
circumstances will justify holding the meeting. To find
out, I am extending the deadline for applying to attend to
April 15. If you apply, I will interpret as saying that you
intend to come if your are invited. I would appreciate a
quick note from those of you who have already applied, say-
ing whether you can come unsupported. (To help you make a
decision, a shared room at Fairfield Glade is about thirty
five dollars.)

I am enclosing the original announcement of the meeting
for anyone who missed it.


Pete Stewart


The Tenth Gatlinburg Meeting
on Numerical Algebra

The Tenth Gatlinburg Meeting will be held during the
week of October 4, 1987 at Fairfield Glade, Tennessee and
will be dedicated to the memory of J. H. Wilkinson, one of
the preeminent numerical analysts of our time. The confer-
ence is an international meeting of experts in the field of
numerical algebra. The format of the meeting is a sequence
of invited papers during the day and special workshops
organized by the participants in the evening. Although
there is no formal program, it has been traditional to
emphasize one or two topics. For this meeting they will be
the parallel numerical linear algebra and the numerical
treatment of large Markov chains.

The meeting is being organized by Robert Ward of Oak
Ridge National Laboratory and G. W. Stewart of the Univer-
sity of Maryland, with the guidance of the Gatlinburg com-
mittee. The SIAM Activity Group on Linear Algebra is a cos-
ponsor of the meeting.

The nature of the conference requires that the atten-
dance be limited. However, the organizing committee invites
all qualified persons to apply to attend. The application
should consist of a vita and an extended abstract (about two
pages) of a paper you would present if you were asked. The
latter item is especially important, since the committee
will use the abstracts in planning the program. Material
should be sent to

G. W. Stewart
Department of Computer Science
University of Maryland
College Park, Maryland 20742

before April 15, 1987.


Mail-From: GOLUB created at 10-Mar-87 23:33:47
Date: Tue, 10 Mar 87 22:13:11 cst
From: [email protected] (Paul Messina)
To: [email protected], [email protected]
Subject: Re: announcement
ReSent-Date: Tue 10 Mar 87 23:33:46-PST
ReSent-From: Gene H. Golub <[email protected]>
ReSent-To: [email protected]


Did you receive the announcement of my new job for posting
on NA-net? I sent it last Friday (March 6). I enclose it below
in case it got lost.


Here is an announcement of my move for the NA distribution.

I will be leaving Argonne, where I have been Director of the
Mathematics and Computer Science Division, on March 11th to
take a position at the California Institute of Technology
effective March 24th. Hans Kaper has agreed to be Acting
Division Director until a permanent replacement is found. A
national search will be conducted to find a new MCS Division

At Caltech I will be Project Manager of the Caltech Initia-
tive in Supercomputing. I will be responsible for

Setting up a supercomputing facility for the Institute
that will initially be built around a 1024 node NCUBE
and other internal and commercial hypercubes with a
peak performance of around one gigaflop. The ultimate
goal of the initiative is "To develop the Supercomput-
ing Facility of Future" including software tools and
major scientific breakthroughs enabled by such
machines. The hardware goal is 10-50 Gflop machine in
1990 timeframe. This goal will require large-scale
concurrent machines; the initiative will use the most
attractive architecture available at that time. The
research component of initiative will include comparis-
ons of various concurrent supercomputer architectures.

My new address is:

Paul Messina
California Institute of Technology
Mail Code 158-79
Pasadena, California 91125

netmail: [email protected]
office phone: (818) 356-3732


End of NA Digest
