NA Digest, V. 23, # 9
NA Digest Tuesday, March 21, 2023 Volume 23 : Issue 9
Today's Editor:
Daniel M. Dunlavy
Sandia National Labs
[email protected]
Today's Topics:
- Ludwig Elsner, Jan 17, 1939 =96 Feb 25, 2023
- Share your advisee-advisor experiences
- New Book, Computational Optimization: Success in Practice
- ECM Networking, BAMC 2023, Apr 2023
- East Coast Optimization Meeting (ECOM), ONLINE, Apr 2023
- Certified Symbolic-Numeric Computation, France, May 2023
- AMiTaNS'23, Bulgaria, Jun 2023
- Summer School, Advanced Parallel-in-Time Methods, Italy, Jun 2023
- Complex Analysis, UK, Jul 2023
- Numerical Mathematics, HYBRID/Czech Republic, Jul 2023
- Conference, Nick Trefethen's Retirement, UK, Aug 2023
- Mathematical Optimization for Machine Learning, Germany, Sep 2023
- f(A)bulous Workshop, Matrix Func and Exp Int, Germany, Sep 2023
- SimTech, Germany, Oct 2023
- Numerical Software Developer Position, Arm
- Lectureship Position, Comp Mathematics, St Andrews Univ
- Lectureship/Readership Positions, ML, Univ of Edinburgh
- Research Associate Position, PINNs/Data Assimilation, Germany
- Postdoc Position, Research Software Engineer, Univ of Munster
- Postdoc Positions, Computational Mathematics, Chalmers, Sweden
- PhD Position, Digital Twins, Univ of Strathclyde, UK
- PhD Position, Optimisation, Univ Halle, Germany
- PhD Positions, Comp and Data Science, KIT
- CFP, Special Issue, Numerical Linear Algebra with Applications
- CFP, Symmetry, Special Issue, Topological Dynamical Systems
- Extension, CFP, Model Reduction and Surrogate Modeling, ACOM
- Contents, Nonlinear Analysis: Modelling and Control, 28 (2)
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Submissions for NA Digest:
From: Volker Mehrmann [email protected]
Date: March 08, 2023
Subject: Ludwig Elsner, Jan 17, 1939 =96 Feb 25, 2023
With deep sadness we announce that Ludwig Elsner passed away. He died
on February 25, 2023 in Halle (Westfalia), Germany, at the age of
84. Ludwig, professor emeritus of mathematics at the University of
Bielefeld, has been well-known for his excellent work in linear and
multi-linear algebra, in numerical linear algebra, and in particular
for his inclusion theorems for eigenvalues with their concise and
elegant proofs.
His family, his many friends, colleagues and students all remember him
as an attentive, kind, calm, caring, competent and appreciative
person. A more extensive obituary will be posted soon.
A. Bunse-Gerstner, J. Liesen, V. Mehrmann, R. Nabben
From: Tim Kelley [email protected]
Date: March 14, 2023
Subject: Share your advisee-advisor experiences
Katie Kavanagh and I are writing a book for applied mathematics
graduate students and faculty about the graduate advisor-advisee
relationship. The book gives an overview of the PhD process with an
emphasis on the importance of effective mentorship and a clear
understanding of the roles and responsibilities of both the student
and the advisor.
To this end, we are looking for vignettes to include in the book that
illustrate the numerous issues, challenges, rewards, and outcomes
arising throughout the various stages of the PhD process in the
context of advising. We are well aware that not all stories are
positive and in fact, understand that there is much to be learned from
sharing the more negative experiences. We would like to gather a set
of experiences that covers a wide range of possible scenarios.
Our hope is that by shedding light on some of the challenges that
arise, both students and new faculty can be better prepared for the
entire process.
Please use the online form at
to help us.
Any information collected will be made anonymous and we may edit the
responses for length and clarity.
From: Vladislav Bukshtynov [email protected]
Date: March 16, 2023
Subject: New Book, Computational Optimization: Success in Practice
CRC Press (Taylor & Francis) has recently published Computational
Optimization: Success in Practice
This textbook is designed for graduate students of math, computer
science, engineering, and all who explore optimization techniques at
different levels for educational or research purposes. It might also
benefit many professionals in academic and industry-related research
as it offers a guided tutorial reviewing the theoretical fundamentals
while going through the practical examples used for constructing a
computational framework applicable to various real-life models. This
framework will be assembled piece by piece; the readers may apply this
process at the levels of complexity matching their current projects or
research needs.
Features: The main optimization framework builds through the course
exercises and centers on MATLAB. All other scripts to implement
computations for solving optimization problems with various models use
only open-source software. Each chapter contains problems based on
the examples provided in the text and associated scripts. The readers
will not need to create the scripts from scratch but rather modify the
codes provided as a supplement to the book
( This book has
everything to teach computational optimization: theory review,
practical examples, homework problems, computer lab assignments, and
lecture slides available to instructors by request
From: Pamela Bye [email protected]
Date: March 17, 2023
Subject: ECM Networking, BAMC 2023, Apr 2023
Design West, 16 Narrow Quay, Bristol, BS1 4QA, UK
Welcome to the icebreaker event for Early Career Mathematicians (ECM)
at the BAMC 2023, sponsored by the ECM Committee of the Institute of
Mathematics and its Applications (IMA). We had a fantastic time last
year at Loughborough, so much so that we are going to run the same
event in Bristol. We are hosting the event at Design West, right in
the city centre of Bristol, the evening before the BAMC begins.
Feedback we, the Committee, received from our members is that
networking and forming contacts with others at conferences can be
daunting. In the instances that a group of friends has been formed,
they have said that the enjoyability of the conference improves
significantly. So, forming contacts and groups is what we want to
facilitate at this event. We will start the event with quick opening
speeches about the BAMC (and ECMs) from one of the Organising
Committee and who the ECM Committee are and what they do for the
IMA. Then we will start the activities, which include:
- Knowing me, knowing you
- Mathematical Taboo
- Celebrity Cameo
- Mathematical Headbandz
- Shakespeare's Radio
Refreshments will be supplied and you are welcome to join the ECM
Committee for an informal dinner after the event.
Register here -
If you are attending the conference please use the hashtag
#ECMIcebreaker2022 and tag the IMA on socials!
From: Harbir Antil [email protected]
Date: March 14, 2023
Subject: East Coast Optimization Meeting (ECOM), ONLINE, Apr 2023
The schedule of the East Coast Optimization Meeting (ECOM) 2023 is now
Our two keynote speakers
- Prof. Michael Ferris (University of Wisconsin Madison)
- Prof. Uday Shanbhag (Pennsylvania State University)
will give two hour tutorials (each) and additional one hour long
keynote talks.
In addition, we will have three invited speakers
- Afrooz Jalilzadeh (The University of Arizona)
- Rongjie Lai (Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute)
- Mathias Staudigl (Maastricht University, Netherlands)
Finally, we will have around 10 contributed talks from early career
researchers. The information on contributed talks will be posted
Location: The workshop will be fully virtual and the zoom link of
the workshop will be sent a few days prior to the meeting.
Registration: Everyone is welcome to attend, but registration is
mandatory. Please register using the following link
From: Nicolas Brisebarre [email protected]
Date: March 20, 2023
Subject: Certified Symbolic-Numeric Computation, France, May 2023
We are pleased to make the following: Second Announcement: on May
will take place at ENS de Lyon (Lyon, France).
REGISTRATION IS OPEN on the web site, where more information can be
The last twenty years have seen the advent of computer-aided proofs in
mathematics and this trend is getting more and more important. This
workshop aims at discussing the trust issues raised by the rise of
computational mathematics, with an emphasis on numerical methods.
This workshop is part of a special year on Recent Trends in Computer
Algebra in Lyon and Paris in 2023, presented in full at
Invited Speakers: Manuel Eberl, U. Innsbruck, Austria; Jordi-Lluis
Figueras, U. Uppsala, Sweden; John Harrison, Amazon Web Services,
Portland, OR, USA; Fredrik Johansson, Inria Bordeaux, France; Mioara
Joldes, LAAS Toulouse, France; Jean-Bernard Lasserre, LAAS Toulouse,
France; Patrick Massot, U. Paris-Saclay, France; Guillaume Melquiond,
Inria Saclay, France; Jason Mireles-James, Florida Atlantic
University, FL, USA; Jean-Michel Muller, LIP Lyon, France; Michael
Plum, KIT, Karlsruhe, Germany; Daniel Wilczak, Jagiellonian U.,
Krakow, Poland.
Participation is free, but registration is mandatory. We may arrange
some funding to help students or young researchers who want to
attend. Please contact us at [email protected] if you are
interested (before April, 22).
If you have any questions, do not hesitate to write at csnc2023@ens-, or to reach any of the organizers (Nicolas Brisebarre, Assia
Mahboubi, Damien Pous, Bruno Salvy).
From: Michail Todorov [email protected]
Date: March 19, 2023
Subject: AMiTaNS'23, Bulgaria, Jun 2023
The Euro-American Consortium for Promotion of the Application of
Mathematics in Technical and Natural Sciences is pleased to announce
its Fifteenth Conference AMiTaNS'23 to be held in the 5-star Flamingo
Grand hotel in Albena, which is one of the top level vacation resorts
in the Northern Bulgarian Black Sea coast.
The conference will be scheduled in plenary and keynote lectures
followed by special and contributed sessions. The accents of the
conference will be on Mathematical Physics, Solitons and Transport
Processes, Numerical Methods, Scientific Computing, Continuum
Mechanics, Applied Analysis, Applied Physics, Biomathematics, which
can be complemented by some specific topics in contributed special
sessions. If you are interested in attending AMiTaNS'23 please
prepare a short abstract within 300 words clearly stating the goal,
tools, fill out the online Application form. The deadline for
submissions is March 31, 2023.
In order to make the conference accessible to all those who wish to
attend, we are pleased to announce that it will be fully hybrid, with
all speakers and attendees offered the option to present and attend
either in person or remotely.
For details please do not hesitate to contact the conference organizer
Dr Michail Todorov at [email protected] or visit the
conference URL at
From: Gabriele Ciaramella [email protected]
Date: March 20, 2023
Subject: Summer School, Advanced Parallel-in-Time Methods, Italy, Jun 2023
We are pleased to announce the Summer School on Advanced
Parallel-in-Time Methods at the Politecnico di Milano, Milan, Italy,
from 13.06.2023 to 15.06.2023.
The goal of this summer school is to introduce basic and advanced
parallel-in-time methods to researchers interested in understanding
these methods, and to give them detailed insight on how these methods
reduce various error components and are used in practice. The course
will cover parallel-in-time methods for various time-dependent
problems ranging from parabolic and hyperbolic partial differential
equations (PDEs) to PDE-constrained optimization problems. The school
is suitable for young mathematicians (PhD students and highly
motivated Master Students), who wish to either get in touch with
parallel-in-time methods, as well as young researchers and Post-docs
who desire to strengthen and broaden their knowledge on advanced
time-parallelization techniques.
The event will be held in June 13-15, 2023 at the Politecnico di
Milano (Italy) and is free of fees, and it can be attended either in
presence or online. For more details see the website
The event is funded by the European Mathematical Society and the Indam
GNCS group.
From: Andr=E9 Weideman [email protected]
Date: March 13, 2023
Subject: Complex Analysis, UK, Jul 2023
In 2019 a successful CAT workshop (Complex analysis: techniques,
applications and computations) was held at the Isaac Newton Institute
in Cambridge, UK. A follow-on workshop is scheduled for 24-28 July
2023 at the same venue and is now accepting applications.
The workshop page has more
details including registration and a list of confirmed speakers. We
anticipate organizing a poster session if there is demand. We hope to
see you there.
From: Stefano Pozza [email protected]
Date: March 21, 2023
Subject: Numerical Mathematics, HYBRID/Czech Republic, Jul 2023
Prague Workshop on Numerical Mathematics
July 20-21, 2023, Prague, Czech Republic (hybrid)
The workshop focuses on matrix computations, high-performance
computing, and numerical methods for partial and ordinary differential
equations. The main topic of this workshop is the so-called
star-product, particularly its application in quantum
chemistry. Quality contributions in numerical mathematics are more
than welcome, even if unrelated to the main topic.
The aim is to gather prominent scientists from the international
landscape around the topic and allow young researchers and
Ph.D. students to present their work.
For details, follow the link below:
From: Alex Townsend [email protected]
Date: March 10, 2023
Subject: Conference, Nick Trefethen's Retirement, UK, Aug 2023
Numerical Analysis in the 21st century,
University of Oxford, 14-17 August 2023
In celebration of the retirement of Nick Trefethen from Oxford
Nick Trefethen is a leading figure in numerical analysis for his work
in approximation theory (incl. the Chebfun project), pseudospectra,
numerical linear algebra, and numerical complex analysis. The meeting
will be an opportunity to celebrate his significant research
contributions on the occasion of his retirement from Oxford. The
conference has a broad theme of new developments in all areas of
numerical analysis and computation. The registration deadline for
contributed talks is the 31st March, 2023. We have also extended the
travel support application deadline to the 31st March, 2023.
The conference has been generously supported by MathWorks, SIAM,
IMA,HIMR, and the LMS. This support enables us to offer bursaries to
early-career researchers who might not otherwise be able to attend.
Plenary speakers: Folkmar Bornemann, Coralia Cartis, Toby Driscoll,
Alan Edelman, Mark Embree, Martin Gander, Kathryn Gillow, Abinand
Gopal, Anne Greenbaum, Nick Hale, Nick Higham, Daan Huybrechs, Randy
LeVeque, Gunnar Martinsson, Cleve Moler, Cecile Piret, Steven
Strogatz, Anna-Karin Tornberg, Laurette Tuckerman, Andre Weideman,
Heather Wilber.
31 Mar 2023: New application deadline for early-career travel support
31 Mar 2023: Registration deadline for contributed talks
14-17 Aug 2023: Conference dates
15 Aug 2023: Banquet in Balliol College
From: Martin Weiser [email protected]
Date: March 13, 2023
Subject: Mathematical Optimization for Machine Learning, Germany, Sep 2023
Within its Thematic Einstein Semester on Mathematical Optimization for
Machine Learning, the Berlin Mathematics Research Cluster MATH+
organizes the TES Conference on Mathematical Optimization for Machine
Learning, September 13-15, 2023, Berlin
Conference topics include, but are not limited to: Discrete
optimization, Nonlinear programming, Optimal control, First order
methods, Multilevel optimization, Machine learning in optimization,
Machine learning for physical systems, Fairness and ethics in machine
Confirmed plenary speakers are Nicolas Gauger (U
Kaiserslautern-Landau), Rolf Krause (Universia della Svizzera
italiana), Ruth Misener (Imperial College London).
The conference will host minisymposium sessions as well as contributed
sessions. Minisymposium proposals shall be submitted until April 30.
For more information, see
From: Kathryn Lund [email protected]
Date: March 20, 2023
Subject: f(A)bulous Workshop, Matrix Func and Exp Int, Germany, Sep 2023
We have extended the abstract submission deadline for The f(A)bulous
Workshop on Matrix Functions and Exponential Integrators, which will
be held 25-27 September 2023 at the Max Planck Institute for Dynamics
of Complex Technical Systems in Magdeburg, Germany. Participants are
also encouraged to attend without contribution.
For more information, please visit the workshop website:
Please feel free to contact the organizers with any questions:
Stephane Gaudreault ([email protected]), Kathryn Lund
(lund@mpi-, and Marcel Schweitzer
([email protected]).
From: Miriam Schulte [email protected]
Date: March 14, 2023
Subject: SimTech, Germany, Oct 2023
From October 4 to 6, 2023, the University of Stuttgart and the Cluster
of Excellence EXC 20275 "Data-integrated Simulation Science" (SimTech)
will host leading researchers in data-integrated simulation
science. This emerging new way of simulation tightly integrates
various types of data from experimental data over simulation output to
meta data to improve the efficiency and reliability of simulations by
enhancing classical methods with data-driven approaches.
We invite authors to submit short abstracts (1/4-1/2 page plain text)
for poster presentations of new ideas, work in progress and promising
new results in all areas of data-integrated simulation - from (hybrid)
models for biological, environmental or technical systems and material
over numerical methods for partial differential equations and
learning, stochastic (Bayes) approaches for uncertainty
quantification, reduction and optimization , dynamical systems and
control to high performance computing for hybrid and novel
architectures including quantum computing.
Deeadline: April 7, 2023.
Notofication: April 30, 2023
One or more authors of accepted posters are expected to present the
poster in person at the conference. Accepted posters and the
corresponding short abstracts will be published online via the
conference website. Please submit your abstract as a single pdf file
to [email protected] using the attached latex
From: Chris Goodyer [email protected]
Date: March 11, 2023
Subject: Numerical Software Developer Position, Arm
At Arm we are building software to support the wide range of
ecosystems that deploy on Arm-based hardware. Numerical libraries are
an important part of many of these areas.
In the Manchester (UK) office we have a team that delivers solutions
into both proprietary and open source solutions. These include Arm
Performance Libraries (BLAS, LAPACK, FFT, sparse), Arm RAN
Acceleration Library (5G networking), vectorized math.h and developing
performant libraries to enable ML workloads to run efficiently in the
likes of TensorFlow and PyTorch.
We are looking for an experienced numerical software developer to join
our team to help us to deliver performance to our users. For more
details see:
From: Mark Chaplain [email protected]
Date: March 14, 2023
Subject: Lectureship Position, Comp Mathematics, St Andrews Univ
The University of St Andrews is seeking to enhance its research and
teaching strengths and broaden its impact potential in Applied
Mathematics by appointing an outstanding candidate as Lecturer in
Computational Mathematics and Scientific Computing within the School
of Mathematics and Statistics. The successful candidate will be a
scholar with a growing international research reputation and
commitment to delivering high quality teaching. We welcome
applications from candidates who hold a PhD in Applied Mathematics or
a cognate discipline. Although all areas of Computational Mathematics
and Scientific Computing will be considered, we are particularly
interested in candidates with expertise in, for example: numerical
analysis of ordinary, partial, stochastic differential equations; data
assimilation for dynamical systems; Bayesian probabilistic numerical
methods; multiscale computational modelling. Experience with
implementing and/or running numerical codes on high-performance
computers would be welcome. Candidates who can both complement and
interact with the existing research interests of the Applied Division
(Mathematical Biology, Solar and Magnetospheric Theory, Fluid/Vortex
Dynamics) are particularly welcome. Candidates should also have some
teaching experience at undergraduate or postgraduate level, have
experience applying relevant computational skills and teaching
computational techniques to a wide range of learners, and have good
communication skills and share our desire to educate and inform
students. Experience in curriculum development in applied mathematics
or in similar disciplines will be an advantage, as will being able to
work effectively in a team.
From: Des Higham [email protected]
Date: March 16, 2023
Subject: Lectureship/Readership Positions, ML, Univ of Edinburgh
Two Lectureships/Readerships in Machine Learning, School of
Mathematics, University of Edinburgh
The School of Mathematics is seeking candidates with a track record of
high-quality research in mathematical and statistical aspects of
machine learning (ML) and its applications. We welcome applicants
with expertise in any of a broad range of topics including:
mathematical foundations of ML, interface of optimization and ML,
Bayesian neural networks, inference and inverse problems, integration
of ML with other forms of mathematical modelling and algorithms, and
applications of ML to science, engineering, health and social
Deadline: Monday 10th April 2023 at 5pm GMT
From: Dirk Lorenz [email protected]
Date: March 15, 2023
Subject: Research Associate Position, PINNs/Data Assimilation, Germany
For the Institute of Analysis and Algebra and the Institute of Partial
Differential Equations we are looking for a Research associate (PhD
student or post-doctoral researcher, m/f/d) in the fields of damage
detection in fiber metal laminates using physics informed neural
networks (PINNs) and methods from data assimilation (full-time , 100 %
- temporary).
The position is initially limited for a period of 3 years. It is
intended to serve the qualification of young scientists and offers the
opportunity for a doctorate or for further scientific qualification.
The scientific activity takes place within the framework of the DFG-
funded research group FOR 3022 "Ultrasonic monitoring of fiber metal
laminates using integrated sensors" in subproject 4 "Automated data-
driven damage detection". With the help of guided ultrasonic waves in
fiber metal laminates, damage within the material is to be detected
and, if necessary, even characterized. For this purpose, mathematical
models (differential equations) as well as (synthetic and
experimental) measurement data are used. In work group Lorenz, machine
learning methods (in particular Physics Informed Neural Networks) will
be used, adapted, analyzed and further developed for this purpose. In
the work group Grassle the focus is on the application, further
development and implementation (theory and numerics) of methods of
data assimilation using model reduction techniques for the detection
of damages in fiber metal laminates. The work group Lorenz moves to
the University of Bremen during the project period - if desired, the
activity can also be taken up directly there.
For more information see the full job ad at
or call Prof. Dr. Dirk Lorenz (+49 531 391 7423 or via email
[email protected]) or Prof. Dr. Carmen Grassle (+49 531 391
7417 or via email [email protected]).
Are you interested? Please send your application (containing letter of
motivation, curriculum vitae, certificates, theses) in a single PDF
document via email to Prof. Dr. Dirk Lorenz (d.lorenz@tu- and/or Prof. Dr. Carmen Grassle
([email protected]) stating the desired WG (if applicable)
until 15 April 2023. Until the position is filled, applications
received later may also be considered.
From: Mario Ohlberger [email protected]
Date: March 14, 2023
Subject: Postdoc Position, Research Software Engineer, Univ of Munster
As part of the MaRDI ( consortium within the
German National Research Data Initiative (NFDI,,
the University of Munster is filling a full-time position (fixed-term
until Sept. 30, 2026) as Research Software Engineer (m/f/d) starting
as soon as possible. The deadline for application is March 31, 2023.
For details, see
From: Annika Lang [email protected]
Date: March 10, 2023
Subject: Postdoc Positions, Computational Mathematics, Chalmers, Sweden
At the Department of Mathematical Sciences at Chalmers and the
University of Gothenburg, Sweden, we have two open postdoc positions:
Postdoc position in geometric hydrodynamics
Mentor: Klas Modin, [email protected]
Project: Geometric numerical hydrodynamics funded by the Swedish
Research Council (VR). The project includes components of differential
geometry, partial differential equations (PDE), and computational
mathematics. Depending on the candidate, there might also be elements
of stochastic analysis and/or statistical mechanics.
Link to announcement and application system:
Postdoc position in computational mathematics
Mentor: Annika Lang, [email protected]
Project: Time-evolving stochastic manifolds funded by the European
Research Council (ERC CoG). The project includes components of
stochastic analysis, geometry, partial differential equations (PDE),
and computational mathematics.
Link to announcement and application system:
Deadline for both positions: April 14, 2023
From: Marco de Angelis [email protected]
Date: March 14, 2023
Subject: PhD Position, Digital Twins, Univ of Strathclyde, UK
We investigate the correctness and validity of simulation models for
structural-health digital twins. A paradigm shift in the way
simulation models are solved numerically is porposed towards the
efficient and rigorous uncertainty propagation. The research will
investigate current scalability concerns in relation to the
application of these rigorous solvers in structural-health monitoring.
The ideal candidate will have interests in programming and scientific
computing, an understanding of physics-based simulation and
differential equations, and an open mind towards challenging and
abstract research.
From: Axel Kroener [email protected]
Date: March 14, 2023
Subject: PhD Position, Optimisation, Univ Halle, Germany
A 3-year PhD position is available in the optimisation group at the
Martin-Luther-University Halle-Wittenberg, Germany.
The focus of the research will be in the field optimization with
partial differential equations. A strong background in functional
analysis, partial differential equations, and optimisation will be
Deadline for applications: April 14
For details see:
From: Angela H=FChnerfu=DF [email protected]
Date: March 20, 2023
Subject: PhD Positions, Comp and Data Science, KIT
KIT Graduate School Computational and Data Science (KCDS) is an
international graduate school at KIT Center MathSEE at Karlsruhe
Institute of Technology (KIT) that offers an interdisciplinary
training program for doctoral researchers in the field of model-driven
and data-driven computational science. We are looking for master
degree holders who are interested in interdisciplinary research
projects that revolve around computational methods such as
mathematical models, simulation methods and data science techniques,
all the while building bridges between mathematical sciences and an
applied SEE discipline (science, economics and engineering).
Five funded doctoral researcher positions (TV-L, E13) are
offered. More info on the doctoral projects and the application
procedure on the KCDS website:
Learn more about the graduate school and the projects at the "KCDS
Virtual Open House" event on Thursday, March 30 from 10-12:00h CET (no
prior registration necessary). Find the link to the virtual event on
the KCDS website:
Are you finishing your master degree this year and are ready to
conquer the data-driven challenges of tomorrow? Then apply for a
doctoral researcher position!
Online application form:
More info:
Deadline for applications: Monday, April 17, 2023
From: Maya Neytcheva [email protected]
Date: March 20, 2023
Subject: CFP, Special Issue, Numerical Linear Algebra with Applications
The journal 'Numerical Linear Algebra with Applications' announces a
special issue, entitled 'Preconditioning and Multilevel Methods; in
memory of Owe Axelsson'.
Further information on the special issue, how to submit a paper and
deadlines can be found at
Contributions to the special issue are welcome!
From: amelia sun [email protected]
Date: March 14, 2023
Subject: CFP, Symmetry, Special Issue, Topological Dynamical Systems
In recent decades, the topological theory of dynamical systems has
rapidly developed. In particular, topological dynamical systems are
nowadays widely applied in chaos theory, combinatorics, fractal
geometry, etc. The theory of topological dynamical systems is one of
the most interesting research fields in contemporary mathematics. Many
of its theoretical results have found many real-world applications.
In the last twenty years, considerable attention has been paid to the
theory's connections with fractal sets and function spaces, especially
towards links with wavelet analysis. Therefore, topological dynamical
systems act as links between several mathematical fields, and in
general between different fields of the functional analysis. In
particular, topological dynamical systems deal with the topological
properties of dynamical systems, i.e., the study of phenomena related
to iterations of continuous maps defined on topological spaces. The
topological approach to dynamical systems, due to the pioneering work
of Henry Poincare on the topological properties of differential
equations, is relevant both in the qualitative theory of dynamical
systems and in the numerical theory of dynamical systems. More
importantly, dynamical systems may often possess different kinds of
symmetry. Both continuous dynamical systems and discrete dynamical
systems exhibit, in different ways, a local form of symmetry at
minimum (e.g., Henon map, Lorenz attractor). In fact, in order to
understand the models that describe the world around us, we need to
know the best way to model the symmetry of nature. In this Special
Issue, we invite and welcome review, expository, and original papers
dealing with recent advances in the modern theory of topological
dynamical systems, and, from a more general point of view, all
theoretical and practical studies in pure and applied mathematics
focused on this topic.
The main topics of this Special Issue include (but are not limited
to): Dynamical systems for fixed point problems and variational
inequalities; Operators, dynamical systems and global convergence in
measurable function spaces; Continuous dynamical systems and integral
equations; Discrete dynamical systems, iterative process and limit
sets; General theory of dynamical systems; Orbits, attractors and
iterated function systems; Chaos theory, combinatorics and fractal
sets; Isomorphism of dynamical systems and integral transformations;
Random dynamical systems and applications.
More information can be found at:
If you are interested, please contact the Symmetry Editorial Office
([email protected]), or the leading Guest Editor, Dr. Emanuel
Guariglia ([email protected])."
From: Tobias Breiten [email protected]
Date: March 20, 2023
Subject: Extension, CFP, Model Reduction and Surrogate Modeling, ACOM
We are calling for full papers to be published in a topical collection
on "Model Reduction and Surrogate Modeling" in Advances in
Computational Mathematics (ACOM). The topical collection is an
initiative of the first "MORe" conference which was held in September
2022 and which served as a central kick-off event of the merger of the
two previous conference series "Model Reduction of Parametrized
Systems (MoRePaS)" and "Model Reduction of Complex Dynamical Systems
(Modred)". The collection addresses recent results and significant new
achievements in model reduction and surrogate modeling. It is not
restricted to papers by authors who attended the MORe conference.
The submission deadline is April 30, 2023. More details on the scope
of the topical collection and further information can be found under
the following link:
From: Romas Baronas [email protected]
Date: March 17, 2023
Subject: Contents, Nonlinear Analysis: Modelling and Control, 28 (2)
Nonlinear Analysis: Modelling and Control, ISSN 1392-5113,
Volume 28, Number 2, 2023
Xili Wu, Liangwei Wang, Zhengwen Tu, Yuming Feng, Global attractive
set of neural networks with neutral item.
Muhammad Ozair Ahmed, Rishi Naeem, Muhammad Akhtar Tarar, Muhammad
Sajid Iqbal, Mustafa Inc, Farkhanda Afzal, Existence theories and
exact solutions of nonlinear PDEs dominated by singularities and time
Fang Wang, Maoxing Liu, Lei Zhang, Boli Xie, Bifurcation analysis and
optimal control of a network-based SIR model with the impact of
medical resources.
Weiying Shang, Weiwei Zhang, Hai Zhang, Hongmei Zhang, Jinde Cao,
Fawaz E. Alsaadi Finite-time lag projective synchronization of delayed
fractional-order quaternion-valued neural networks with parameter
Marta Karaliute, Kestutis Ducinskas, Performance of the supervised
generative classifiers of spatio-temporal areal data using various
spatial autocorrelation indexes.
Tahira Batool, Aly. R. Seadawy, Syed T.R. Rizvi, Multiple lump
solutions and their interactions for an integrable nonlinear
dispersionless PDE in vector fields.
Sivajiganesan Sivasankar, Ramalingam Udhayakumar, Venkatesan
Muthukumaran, A new conversation on the existence of Hilfer fractional
stochastic Volterra- Fredholm integro-differential inclusions via
almost sectorial operators.
Betty K. Nabiyonga Kirenga, John M. Kitayimbwa, Joseph Y.T. Mugisha,
Modelling asthma development in a population with genetic risk and
polluted environment.
Md. Sabiar Rahman, Subhash Pramanik, Ezio Venturino, An ecoepidemic
model with healthy prey herding and infected prey drifting away.
Mifodijus Sapagovas, Jurij Novickij, On stability in the maximum norm
of difference scheme for nonlinear parabolic equation with nonlocal
Andrejs Reinfelds, Dzintra `teinberga, Bounded solutions and
Hyers-Ulam stability of quasilinear dynamic equations on time scales.
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