NA Digest, V. 23, # 2

NA Digest Monday, January 16, 2023 Volume 23 : Issue 2

Today's Editor:

Daniel M. Dunlavy
Sandia National Labs
[email protected]

Today's Topics: Subscribe, unsubscribe, change address, or for na-digest archives:

Submissions for NA Digest:

From: Carola-Bibiane Sch=F6nlieb [email protected]
Date: January 08, 2023
Subject: Deadline Imminent, Submissions for IMA Fox Prize 2023

The prestigious IMA Leslie Fox Prize is to be held in collaboration
with The Alan Turing Institute for the first time. The outstanding,
biennal prize was established in 1985 in honour of distinguished
mathematician and researcher Leslie Fox. The next prize (the
twenty-first) will be awarded on the 26th of June 2023, aligning with
the 29th Biennial Numerical Analysis Conference in Strathclyde.

Entries for the twenty-first IMA Leslie Fox Prize for Numerical
Analysis should be submitted by 31st of January 2023 using the form on
the website (link below). Any person who is less than 31 years old on
1st of January 2023 and has not already won a first prize is eligible
- candidates need not come from academia.

Each entry should be based on a paper, describing some of the
candidate's research, that is suitable for a 40 minute lecture at a
numerical analysis meeting.

For detailed eligibility criteria and submission guidelines please
check the website papers/

From: Mitchell Graham [email protected]
Date: January 12, 2023
Subject: New Book, Introduction to Linear Algebra, Sixth Edition

Introduction to Linear Algebra, Sixth Edition by Gilbert Strang

The new 6th edition of Gilbert Strang's textbook Introduction to
Linear Algebra combines serious purpose and a gentle touch, qualities
also found in Strang's video lectures. The lectures for Math 18.06 at
MIT are on OpenCourseWare Two of the chapters -
the first and the last - deserve special mention.

Chapter 1 emphasizes that matrix-vector multiplication Ax produces a
linear combination of the columns of A. Those combinations fill the
column space of A. And the idea of linear independence is introduced
by examples. The result is to see (for small matrices) the ideas of
column rank and row rank and a valuable factorization A =3D CR.

Later chapters (the heart of the book) develop five great
factorizations of a matrix. And they are connected to the four
fundamental subspaces that students can work with.

Chapter 10 - not reached in a first course but so valuable in modern
applications - describes the key ideas of Deep Learning. The learning
function (built from training data) is piecewise linear with matrix
weights. For unseen data, those same weights give an accurate
understanding - and every student knows the importance of these ideas.

Details can be found in the new book's Preface and Table of Contents

December 2022 / x + 430 pages / Hardcover / 9781733146678 / WC20

Bookstore Link:

From: Jon Lee [email protected]
Date: January 11, 2023
Subject: New Book, Maximum-Entropy Sampling: Algorithms and Application

Maximum-Entropy Sampling: Algorithms and Application
Authors: Marcia Fampa, Jon Lee

Part of the book series: Springer Series in Operations Research and
Financial Engineering (ORFE)

This monograph presents a comprehensive treatment of the maximum-
entropy sampling problem (MESP), which is a fascinating topic at the
intersection of mathematical optimization and data science. The text
situates MESP in information theory, as the algorithmic problem of
calculating a sub-vector of pre-specified size from a multivariate
Gaussian random vector, so as to maximize Shannon's differential
entropy. The text collects and expands on state- of-the-art algorithms
for MESP, and addresses its application in the field of environmental
monitoring. While MESP is a central optimization problem in the theory
of statistical designs (particularly in the area of spatial
monitoring), this book largely focuses on the unique challenges of its
algorithmic side. From the perspective of mathematical-optimization
methodology, MESP is rather unique (a 0/1 nonlinear program having a
nonseparable objective function), and the algorithmic techniques
employed are highly non-standard. In particular, successful techniques
come from several disparate areas within the field of mathematical
optimization; for example: convex optimization and duality,
semidefinite programming, Lagrangian relaxation, dynamic programming,
approximation algorithms, 0/1 optimization (e.g., branch-and-bound),
extended formulation, and many aspects of matrix theory. The book is
mainly aimed at graduate students and researchers in mathematical
optimization and data analytics.

Published: 30 October 2022

From: Konstantin Avrachenkov [email protected]
Date: January 10, 2023
Subject: New Book, Statistical Analysis of Networks

Statistical Analysis of Networks by K. Avrachenkov and M. Dreveton

This book is a general introduction to the statistical analysis of
networks, and can serve both as a research monograph and as a
textbook. Numerous fundamental tools and concepts needed for the
analysis of networks are presented, such as network modeling,
community detection, numerical algorithms for graph clustering,
graph-based semi-supervised learning and sampling in networks. The
description of these concepts is self-contained, with both theoretical
justifications and applications provided for the presented algorithms.

Researchers, including postgraduate students, working in the area of
network science, data science, complex network analysis, or social
network analysis, will find up-to-date statistical methods relevant to
their research tasks. This book can also serve as textbook material
for courses related to the statistical approach to the analysis of
complex networks.

Table of contents: 1. Introduction; 2. Random graph models; 3. Network
centrality indices; 4. Community detection in networks; 5. Graph-based
semi-supervised learning; 6. Community detection in temporal networks;
7. Sampling in networks

2022 / ix + 228 pages / Hardcover / 978-1-63828-050-7 / Price: $125.00

The pdf version is freely available from the publisher site:

From: Rob Falgout [email protected]
Date: January 05, 2023
Subject: Copper Mountain Multigrid Methods, USA, Apr 2023

21st Copper Mountain Conference on Multigrid Methods
Sunday April 16 - Thursday April 20, 2023
Copper Mountain, Colorado, USA

The Copper Mountain Conference on Multigrid Methods was founded in
1983 and is held every two years (odd years). It is widely regarded as
one of the premier international conferences on multigrid methods. The
2023 meeting is organized in cooperation with SIAM.

We would like to draw attention to the upcoming deadlines for the
- Student Paper Competition (no extensions):
- Abstract: Friday, January 20, 2023
- Paper (reserved for students who submit an abstract): Friday,
January 27, 2023
- Presentation Abstracts: Monday, February 13, 2023
- Early Registration: February 17, 2023

For more information on the student paper competition or the
conference in general, see our website at

From: Luisa Fermo [email protected]
Date: January 16, 2023
Subject: Challenges and Advances in Numerical Analysis, Italy, Jun 2023

We are pleased to announce the International Conference "Challenges
and Advances in Numerical Analysis (CaNA)" that will take place in
Cagliari, Italy, from the 5th to the 9th of June 2023.

The aim of the conference is to encourage the interaction between
young researchers and experts in the field of Numerical Analysis.

The homepage of the conference is

Pre-registration and abstract submission are open until February 28,
2023. Notification of acceptance: March 10, 2023.

Do not hesitate to contact us for any question.

From: Bangti Jin [email protected]
Date: January 04, 2023
Subject: HKSIAM Biennial Conference, Hong Kong SAR, Aug-Sep 2023

It is our pleasure to announce that the second HKSIAM Biennial
Conference will take place during August 28 - September 1, 2023 at The
Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong SAR. The Conference is
joined organized by HKSIAM and The Chinese University of Hong Kong.
The purpose of this conference is to provide a forum for exchanging
recent advances in the field of industrial and applied
mathematics. This conference is open to all researchers in the
field. In addition, PhD students and early career researchers are
especially welcome to join, and partial financial support for local
expenses may be provided to those who are not supported by any
research funding.

We invite proposals for minisymposia for the conference. A
minisymposium should consist of a multiple of 4 presentations (up to
12), and each presentation is 25 minutes plus 5 minutes for
questions. To propose a minisymposium, please send a title, a short
abstract and a list of confirmed/tentative speakers to
[email protected]. The deadline of the submission is March
3, 2023, and the decision will be announced on March 17, 2023.

Further information, including conference registration fees and
deadlines, can be found at

From: Adelia Sequeira [email protected]
Date: January 05, 2023
Subject: Call for Submissions, ENUMATH 2023, Portugal, Sep 2023

The European Conference on Numerical Mathematics and Advanced
Applications (ENUMATH 2023) will take place during September 4-8,
2023, at the Instituto Superior Tecnico, University of Lisbon,
Portugal (see the conference webpage

This is a long established forum for the presentation and discussion
of novel aspects and fundamental advances in numerical mathematics and
challenging scientific and industrial applications on the highest
level of international expertise. All scientists working in the field,
including PhD Students and young researchers are particularly welcome.

The online submission of abstracts for minisymposia is now open and
ends on February 4, 2023. A minisymposium proposal should contain its
title, the description of its scientific subject and a list of
speakers (4, 8 or 12) and should be sent to the email address:
[email protected]. Notification of acceptance of
minisymposia proposals will be made by March 15, 2023.

Further information, including registration fees and other important
dates, are available at the conference webpage.

From: Mingchao Cai [email protected]
Date: January 13, 2023
Subject: Tenure-Track Positions, Morgan State Univ, USA

Deadline Jan. 28th, 2023
Application link:

Duties of this position includes: Teaching courses in Mathematics,
probability and statistics and other standard undergraduate and
graduate mathematics courses; mentoring and advising students in
departmental programs and performing other duties as assigned.

The successful candidate must have a Ph.D. in the Mathematical
Sciences from an accredited university, preferably in Industrial
and/or Computational Mathematics, Statistical Learning, Machine
Learning, Big Data and Analytics, and Mathematical Modeling.

The candidate must also have a strong commitment to student mentoring,
student-centered teaching, and an established record of
multidisciplinary and extramurally-funded research experience,
experience in college teaching and evidence of ongoing scholarly
activity in the mentioned fields. The years of experience requirement
is dependent on the rank of the Professor.

Assistant Professor 1-2 Years
Associate Professor 5-7 Years
Full Professor 8 + Years

From: Endre S=FCli [email protected]
Date: January 12, 2023
Subject: Professorship Position, NA, Univ of Oxford

The Mathematical Institute and Balliol College at the University of
Oxford intend to appoint to the Professorship of Numerical Analysis
with effect from 1 January 2024 or as soon as possible thereafter. The
Professorship of Numerical Analysis is a cornerstone of Oxford's
commitment to fundamental research in mathematics. The holder of the
Professorship will be a research mathematician of the highest
international calibre, working in the area of numerical analysis
interpreted in its broadest sense. The Professor of Numerical Analysis
will also be a Professorial Fellow of Balliol College. Further
information is available at:

All applications must be received by 12:00 GMT on Monday 27 February

From: Sebastian Reich [email protected]
Date: January 05, 2023
Subject: W3 Professorship Position, AI in the Sciences, Germany

The University of Potsdam, Faculty of Science invites applications for
the following position to be filled as soon as possible: Full
Professorship (W3) AI in the Sciences

We are looking for an internationally recognized researcher with an
outstanding track record in one or more areas of Artificial
Intelligence and Machine Learning, such as: analysis of
high-dimensional time series data; data integration; computational
models; visualization. A focus on applications in the natural and/or
cognitive sciences is highly desirable. The future chair holder is
expected to cooperate with the university's collaborative research
center Data Assimilation ( and with our research groups
and institutes in the fields of cognitive sciences, environmental
sciences, and biodiversity research. We expect an excellent
publication record, extensive experience in the acquisition and
implementation of third party-funded projects, as well as familiarity
with academic self-administration. Teaching opportunities are
available at the undergraduate and graduate level.

Please submit your application (including a presentation of your
research interests, curriculum vitae, copies of academic certificates
and documents, list of publications, list of courses taught, teaching
evaluations, list of externally funded projects) via e-mail to
[email protected] (in a single PDF file) by January 31,

From: Lehel Banjai [email protected]
Date: January 05, 2023
Subject: Assistant Professor Position, Mathematics, Heriot-Watt Univ, UK

The Department of Mathematics wishes to appoint an assistant professor
to strengthen and complement the expertise of the Maxwell Institute
and Heriot Watt's School of Mathematical and Computer Sciences. We
are open to all mathematicians, and are particularly interested in
appointing a candidate working in areas at the interface of
Mathematics with either Computer Science/AI, Quantum Physics or
Biology, who will grasp the many opportunities to develop connections
with world-leading groups across the university.

The application deadline is 31st Jan 2023, and full details and
application instructions can be found here (please enable cookies to
make the "Apply Now" button appear):

Informal enquiries can be made by contacting Prof Robert Weston, Head
of Department of Mathematics, Heriot Watt University,
[email protected].

From: Jeremy Marzuola [email protected]
Date: January 12, 2023
Subject: Assistant or Associate Professor Position, Mathematics, UNC-Chapel Hill

The University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill (UNC Chapel Hill) has
established a School of Data Science and Society (SDSS) in 2022. Given
the highly interdisciplinary nature of this field, the SDSS and the
College of Arts and Sciences (CAS) are planning a cluster hire to
attract outstanding tenure track faculty whose research and teaching
interests lie at the intersection of data science and Mathematics
(MATH), Statistics & Operations Research (STOR), or Computer Science
(CS). These joint hires will have their tenure homes in the MATH,
STOR, or CS Department in the CAS, depending on their core area of
expertise, but will hold a half- time appointment at SDSS and
contribute to their teaching and research mission as well. New hires
will be helping to build undergraduate and graduate programs with a
strong quantitative core as well as many interdisciplinary options. As
a part of this overarching initiative to deepen and expand research
and teaching related to data science, applications are being invited
at the ranks of Assistant or Associate Professors - with a starting
date of July 01, 2023. The MATH department has core strengths in the
mathematics of data science (algebra, analysis, geometry,
optimization, scientific computation, stochastic modeling) with
interests in a variety of data-driven applications spanning biology,
imaging, materials science, and medicine. We welcome candidates with
expertise in these or related strengths anchored in
mathematics. Examples of areas of specialization we seek include but
are not limited to the geometry of data, topological data analysis,
mechanistic AI, computational linear algebra in machine learning,
computational harmonic analysis of data, and all aspects of
imaging. We will begin considering candidates after January 27, 2023
and candidates with all required materials submitted at that time will
be given full consideration. However, we will continue accepting
applications until the position is filled. Please check for further details.

From: Ass.-Prof. Dr. Christina Krause [email protected]
Date: January 16, 2023
Subject: University Assistant Position, Univ of Graz, Austria

The Institute of Mathematics and Scientific Computing is looking for a
University assistant without doctorate (m/f/d) 20 hours a week
fixed-term employment for 4 years* position to be filled as of now We
are looking for a committed individual who will enrich our growing
working group and add depth and breadth to the existing areas of
interest. These focus areas include, among other things, issues of
inclusion and diversity in mathematics teaching and learning, research
on processes of mathematical thinking and learning, and the
development and research of learning opportunities. In this, we
collaborate with colleagues from German-speaking and international

We offer you a job with a lot of responsibility and variety. You can
expect an enjoyable work climate, flexible work hours and numerous
possibilities for further education and personal development. Take
advantage of the chance to enter into a challenging work environment
full of team spirit and enthusiasm for your job.

Application deadline: 01.02.2023
The University of Graz strives to increase the proportion of women in
particular in management and faculty positions and therefore
encourages qualified women to apply.

Especially with regard to academic staff, we welcome applications from
persons with disabilities who meet the requirements of the advertised
position. The protection of our students and staff is very important
to us! For this reason, preference is given to persons who can provide
proof of a COVID-19 vaccination, assumed that they have the same
professional qualifications. For further information, please refer to
our general application regulations. Please note the limitations of
S109 UG (university act), especially in the case of short contract
terms. For further information, please refer to our general
application regulations.

From: Melina Freitag [email protected]
Date: January 09, 2023
Subject: Postdoc Position, Data Assimilation, Uni Potsdam

We seek applicants for 2 open topic postdoctoral positions. The
positions are for the duration of two years. Starting dates are
negotiable. The proposed research should align with the research areas
of SFB 1294. Information on the SFB, its partner institutions and
research areas can be found on our website:
The research centre seeks to promote diversity in research and
encourages qualified applicants of any gender and from any background
to apply.

More information

From: Giulia Giordano [email protected]
Date: January 11, 2023
Subject: Postdoc Positions, Systems-and-Control, Univ of Trento

There are 2 postdoc vacancies at the University of Trento (Italy), to
work with Giulia Giordano within the ERC project "INSPIRE: Integrated
Structural and Probabilistic Approaches for Biological and
Epidemiological Systems".

The 2 postdoc positions are for 1 year, but can be extended for
additional 2-3 years upon successful performance, and the net salary
is about 3000 euros/month.

Excellent and enthusiastic candidates, with a strong mathematical
background and interest in interdisciplinary research at the edge
between systems-and-control and the life sciences, are encouraged to
apply. The application deadline is January 31st.

All the details on the two positions and how to apply are in the

From: Lieven De Lathauwer [email protected]
Date: January 05, 2023
Subject: Postdoc and PhD Positions, Tensor Methods, KU Leuven, Belgium

Topic: We are looking for new collaborators to conduct research on
topics related to tensor decompositions and applications. We study
algebraic aspects such as the uniqueness of tensor decompositions and
develop numerical algorithms for their computation. We also develop
tensor-based methods for solving sets of polynomial equations. We work
out applications in data analysis, compressed sensing, quantum
many-body physics, system modelling and machine learning. Code will be
integrated in Tensorlab (

Profile: We are seeking outstanding candidates who have obtained a
master's or doctoral degree in mathematical engineering, computer
science, electrical engineering, mathematics or physics, with a strong
interest in the mathematical aspects of signal processing and a good
knowledge of linear algebra. Experience with numerical mathematics,
optimization, signal processing and/or machine learning is a
plus. Good implementation skills are valued as well. Knowledge of
tensor techniques is not required.

Successful applicants will join a well-equipped and experienced
multidisciplinary research group at a top university. The positions
are initially for one year and can be extended. Candidates are
requested to send an application letter and detailed CV to
Prof. Lieven De Lathauwer (URL:

From: Joakim Sundnes [email protected]
Date: January 05, 2023
Subject: Postdoc/PhD Positions, Computational Physiology, Simula Research Lab

In the department for Computational Physiology at Simula research
Laboratory we have multiple open postdoctoral fellowships and PhD
fellowships. The positions are linked to two ongoing research
projects: Dynacomp, which aims to build validated computational models
of how the heart adapts and grows in response to mechanical stimuli;
Procardio, a research center hosted by Oslo University Hospital, which
aims to optimize diagnosis and treatment of progressive cardiac
disease.Simula is an independent and publicly owned research lab located in
Oslo, Norway. We focus on performing excellent research within
selected research areas in computing and information technology,
developing and supporting our researchers, students and staff, and
spinning out applicable results into profitable startups.

The candidates will join the research team of the Computational
Physiology department, consisting of several other PhD candidates,
postdoctoral fellows, and senior researchers, as well as national and
international collaborators. The positions will be part of ongoing
collaborations between Simula Oslo University Hospital, and the
candidates will be part of a large and vibrant research environment
within scientific computing and computational physiology at Simula.

We are looking for candidate either for a 3-year PhD fellowship or a
3-year postdoctoral fellowship. Candidates should have a solid
background in scientific computing, machine learning, biomedical
engineering, biomechanics, or related areas, and an interest in
contributing to computational physiology and cardiac research. Simula
offers an excellent and research focused environment, competitive
salary, as well as generous support for travel and opportunities to
build an international network. More information about the positions,
including application links, can be found here:

From: Jan ten Thije Boonkkamp [email protected]
Date: January 09, 2023
Subject: PhD Position, Eindhoven Univ of Technology

In the Computational Illumination Optics group at Eindhoven University
of Technology there is a vacancy on machine learning to improve
illumination optics design; see

From: Martin Stoll [email protected]
Date: January 09, 2023
Subject: PhD Position, Scientific Computing, TU Chemnitz

The group of scientific computing at TU Chemnitz (Prof. Martin Stoll)
offers a 3+1 year PhD position on developing numerical methods for
morphology formation in organic solar cells.

The position is part of a DFG funded research unit (13 position from
various fields, where this
position focuses on the development of fast iterative solvers for
simulation and parameter identification of discretizations of
phase-field equations describing the organic solar cell.

The PhD thesis will be co-supervised by Prof. Roland Herzog from the
University of Heidelberg.

Candidates are expected to have finished a Master's degree in
mathematics, physics, computational science or an equivalent
qualification. A good command of numerical analysis, scientific
computing, and PDEs is desired.

Inquiries and applications (including at least a cover letter, CV,
certificates of academic degrees and references for possible
recommendation letters) should be directed to
[email protected] until January 31st, 2023. Later
applications might be considered. The position is desired to be filled
starting from the 1st of April, 2023 or soon afterwards.

From: Caroline Geiersbach [email protected]
Date: January 10, 2023
Subject: PhD Positions, Computational Optimization, Weierstrass Institute

Several PhD positions are available immediately at the Weierstrass
Institute in Berlin, Germany. All three positions are in the research
group "Nonsmooth Variational Problems and Operator Equations."

We are looking for: candidates with a master's degree in mathematics
or a closely related field with a strong background in optimization
and partial differential equations. All projects involve developing
and implementing algorithms and prior experience with numerical
methods for partial differential equations is desired. Prior knowledge
in stochastic optimization, algorithms for solving games and
variational inequalities, functional analysis or stochastic analysis
is beneficial.

Please see further details here, including how to apply: For inquiries about the positions, please
contact Caroline Geiersbach: [email protected].

From: Jingwei Hu [email protected]
Date: January 09, 2023
Subject: CFP, LAMA: Advances in NA and Scientific Computing

I would like to draw your attention to a topical collection on:
Advances in Numerical Analysis and Scientific Computing, in La
Matematica - the flagship journal of Association for Women in
Mathematics (AWM) The
submission to this topical collection is currently open. Accepted
articles will appear in the regular issues of the journal with a
phrase indicating they are part of the collection.

This topical collection is co-edited by Jingwei Hu, Fengyan Li, and
Sara Pollock. It aims to showcase recent advances in the field of
numerical analysis and scientific computing. It will cover a wide
spectrum of research topics including, but not limited to,
mathematical modeling, numerical algorithm design, analysis, and
implementation. It will also feature research articles that are of
interdisciplinary nature, such as the interplay between ODE/PDE theory
and numerics, optimization, numerical linear algebra, data science,
etc. Work that connects disparate fields or that provides novel design
and analysis of algorithms is particularly encouraged.

The submission instructions can be found on this page Unlike a
typical special issue, the topical collection is ongoing, and there is
no hard deadline for submission. If you have any questions, please
feel free to reach any of us. We look forward to your contributions!

On behalf of the editors: Jingwei Hu (University of Washington,
[email protected]), Fengyan Li (Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute,
[email protected]), and Sara Pollock (University of Florida,
[email protected]).

From: GEORGE ANASTASSIOU [email protected]
Date: January 15, 2023
Subject: Contents, J Computational Analysis and Appl, 31 (1)



Characteristics of Mexican hat wavelet transform in a class of
generalized quotient space, Abhishek Singh, Aparna Rawat, and Shubha

Maxwell Cattaneo double diffusive convection (DDC) in a viscoelastic
fluid layer, Monal Bharty, Atul. K. Srivastava, Hrisikesh Mahato

Some New Results for the M-Transform Involving the Incomplete H- and
\bar{H}-Functions, Sanjay Bhatter, Sapna Meena, Jagdev Singh, and
Sunil Dutt Purohit

Approximate solutions of space and time fractional telegraph equations
using Taylor series expansion method, Shweta Dubey, S. Chakraverty,
and M. Kundu

An M/G/1 Feedback retrial queue with working vacation and a waiting
server, S.Pazhani Bala Murugan and R.Keerthana

An Application of Incomplete I-Functions with Two Variables to Solve
the Nonlinear Differential Equations Using S-Function, Rahul Sharma,
Jagdev Singh, Devendra Kumar, and Yudhveer Singh

SEAIQHRDP mathematical model Analysis for the transmission dynamics of
COVID-19 in India, M. Ankamma Rao and A.Venkatesh

On nonempty intersection properties in metric spaces, A. Gupta and S.

Goal programming approach to solve linear transportation problems with
multiple objectives, Vishwas Deep Joshi, Keshav Agarwal, and Jagdev

Dynamical analysis of fractional yellow fever virus model with
efficient numerical approach, Chandrali Baishya, Sindhu J. Achar,
P. Veeresha, and Devendra Kumar

From: Yonghui Yu [email protected]
Date: January 16, 2023
Subject: Contents, J Computational Mathematics, 41 (1)

Journal of Computational Mathematics, Volume 41 (2023), issue 1


Required Number of Iterations for Sparse Signal Recovery via
Orthogonal Least Squares, Haifeng Li, Jing Zhang, Jinming Wen and
Dongfang Li

Reconstruction of Sparse Polynomials via Quasi-Orthogonal Matching
Pursuit Method, Renzhong Feng, Aitong Huang, Ming-Jun Lai and Zhaiming

Reconstructed Discontinuous Approximation to Stokes Equation in a
Sequential Least Squares Formulation, Ruo Li and Fanyi Yang

Second Order Unconditionally Stable and Convergent Linearized Scheme
for a Fluid-fluid Interaction Model , Wei Li, Pengzhan Huang and
Yinnian He

Unconditional Superconvergent Analysis of Quasi-Wilson Element for
Benjamin-Bona-Mahoney Equation, Xiangyu and Shi Linzhang Lu

Energy and Quadratic Invariants Preserving Methods for Hamiltonian
Systems with Holonomic Constraints, Lei Li and Dongling Wang

A SSLE-type Algorithm of Quasi-strongly Sub-feasible Directions for
Inequality Constrained Minimax Problems, Jinbao Jian, Guodong Ma and
Yufeng Zhang

A Hybrid Viscosity Approximation Method for a Common Solution of a
General System of Variational Inequalities, an Equilibrium Problem and
Fixed Point Problems, Maryam Yazdi and Saeed Hashemi Sababe

From: Everett Zhu [email protected]
Date: January 12, 2023
Subject: Contents, Mathematical and Computational Appl, Feature Papers

Table of Contents, Mathematical and Computational Applications,
Feature Paper Collection

Monika Stipsitz and Helios Sanchis-Alepuz, Approximating the Steady-
State Temperature of 3D Electronic Systems with Convolutional Neural

Roy M. Howard, Arbitrarily Accurate Analytical Approximations for the
Error Function

Sorena Sarmadi, James J. Winkle, Razan N. Alnahhas, Matthew R.
Bennett, Kreaimir Josic, Andreas Mang and Robert Azencott, Stochastic
Neural Networks for Automatic Cell Tracking in Microscopy Image
Sequences of Bacterial Colonies

Guzel Khayretdinova, Christian Gout, Theophile Chaumont-Frelet and
Sergei Kuksenko, Image Segmentation with a Priori Conditions:
Applications to Medical and Geophysical Imaging

Moriz A. Habigt, Jonas Gesenhues, Maike Stemmler, Marc Hein, Rolf
Rossaint and Mare Mechelinck, In Vivo Validation of a Cardiovascular
Simulation Model in Pigs

Harri Hakula, Resolving Boundary Layers with Harmonic Extension Finite

Daniele Mortari, Using the Theory of Functional Connections to Solve
Boundary Value Geodesic Problems

Lindomar Soares Dos Santos, Jose Renato Alcaras, Lucas Murilo Da
Costa, Mateus Mendonca Ramos Simoes and Alexandre Souto Martinez,
Analytical Solutions of Microplastic Particles Dispersion Using a
Lotka-Volterra Predator-Prey Model with Time-Varying Intraspecies

Quoc Khanh Nguyen, Stefano Serra-Capizzano, Cristina Tablino-Possio
and Eddie Wadbro, Spectral Analysis of the Finite Element Matrices
Approximating 3D Linearly Elastic Structures and Multigrid Proposals

Sohail A. Khan and Tasawar Hayat, Entropy Analysis for Hydromagnetic
Darcy-Forchheimer Flow Subject to Soret and Dufour Effects

Gabriel Thomaz de Aquino Pereira, Ricardo J. Alves de Sousa, I-Shih
Liu, Marcello Goulart Teixeira and Fabio A. O. Fernandes, A New
Material Model for Agglomerated Cork

From: Claude Brezinski [email protected]
Date: January 10, 2023
Subject: Contents, Numerical Algorithms, 92 (1)

Table of Contents
Numerical Algorithms, Vol. 92, No. 1

Special Issue

Numerical Methods and Scientific Computing
CIRM, Luminy, France 8-12 November 2021

Guest Editor: Michela Redivo-Zaglia

Michela Redivo-Zaglia

The global Golub-Kahan method and Gauss quadrature for tensor function
approximation, A. H. Bentbib, M. El Ghomari, K. Jbilou, L. Reichel

On an integrated Krylov-ADI solver for large-scale Lyapunov equations,
Peter Benner, Davide Palitta, Jens Saak

Extrapolation quadrature from equispaced samples of functions with
jumps, Jean-Paul Berrut, Manfred R. Trummer

Computing eigenvalues of semi-infinite quasi-Toeplitz matrices,
D. A. Bini, B. Iannazzo, B. Meini, J. Meng, L. Robol

Optimal size of the block in block GMRES on GPUs: computational model
and experiments, Erik G. Boman, Andrew J. Higgins, Daniel B. Szyld

Dual descent regularization algorithms in variable exponent Lebesgue
spaces for imaging, Brigida Bonino, Claudio Estatico, Marta Lazzaretti

On multivariate orthogonal polynomials and elementary symmetric
functions, Cleonice F. Bracciali, Miguel A. Pinar

On the kernel of vector epsilon-algorithm and related topics, Claude
Brezinski, Michela Redivo-Zaglia, Ahmed Salam

An Arnoldi-based preconditioner for iterated Tikhonov regularization,
Alessandro Buccini, Lucas Onisk, Lothar Reichel

Iterative refinement of Schur decompositions, Zvonimir Bujanovic,
Daniel Kressner, Christian Schroeder

Two-point Pade approximation to Herglotz-Riesz transforms, Adhemar
Bultheel, Carlos Diaz Mendoza

Cross-points in the Dirichlet-Neumann method I: well-posedness and
convergence issues, Bastien Chaudet-Dumas, Martin J. Gander

Generalized discrete Lotka-Volterra equation, orthogonal polynomials
and generalized epsilon algorithm, Xiao-Min Chen, Xiang-Ke Chang, Yi
He, Xing-Biao Hu

A Lanczos-type procedure for tensors, Stefano Cipolla, Stefano Pozza,
Michela Redivo-Zaglia, Niel Van Buggenhout

The seriation problem in the presence of a double Fiedler value, Anna
Concas, Caterina Fenu, Giuseppe Rodriguez, Raf Vandebril

ESPRIT versus ESPIRA for reconstruction of short cosine sums and its
application, Nadiia Derevianko, Gerlind Plonka, Raha Razavi

Regularized minimal-norm solution of an overdetermined system of first
kind integral equations, Patricia Diaz de Alba, Luisa Fermo, Federica
Pes, Giuseppe Rodriguez

Estimating the trace of matrix functions with application to complex
networks, Rafael Diaz Fuentes, Marco Donatelli, Caterina Fenu, Giorgio

Internality of generalized averaged Gauss quadrature rules and
truncated variants for modified Chebyshev measures of the third and
fourth kinds, D. Lj. Djukic, R. M. Mutavdzic Djukic, L. Reichel,
M. M. Spalevic

Averaged cubature schemes on the real positive semiaxis, Dusan Lj
Djukic, Luisa Fermo, Rada M. Mutavdzic Djukic

Integrability and geometry of the Wynn recurrence, Adam Doliwa, Artur

Perron communicability and sensitivity of multilayer networks, Smahane
El-Halouy, Silvia Noschese, Lothar Reichel

Orthogonal Cauchy-like matrices, Dario Fasino

On the convergence of randomized and greedy relaxation schemes for
solving nonsingular linear systems of equations, Andreas Frommer,
Daniel B. Szyld

Higher-order recurrence relations, Sobolev-type inner products and
matrix factorizations, Carlos Hermoso, Edmundo J. Huertas, Alberto
Lastra, Francisco Marcellan

Complex moment-based methods for differential eigenvalue problems,
Akira Imakura, Keiichi Morikuni, Akitoshi Takayasu

Stieltjes interlacing of zeros of little q-Jacobi and q-Laguerre
polynomials from different sequences, Pinaki Prasad Kar, Kerstin
Jordaan, Priyabrat Gochhayat

On the robustness of exponential base terms and the Pade denominator
in some least squares sense, Ferre Knaepkens, Annie Cuyt

Computing Gaussian quadrature rules with high relative accuracy,
Teresa Laudadio, Nicola Mastronardi, Paul Van Dooren

A tau-preconditioner for a non-symmetric linear system arising from
multi-dimensional Riemann-Liouville fractional diffusion equation,
Xue-lei Lin, Xin Huang, Michael K. Ng, Hai-Wei Sun

Adaptive cross approximation for Tikhonov regularization in general
form, T. Mach, L. Reichel, Marc Van Barel

Numerical methods for CT reconstruction with unknown geometry
parameters, Chang Meng, James Nagy

RMPIA: a new algorithm for computing the Lagrange matrix interpolation
polynomials, Abderrahim Messaoudi, Hassane Sadok

Detection and correction of silent errors in the conjugate gradient
algorithm, Gerard Meurant

Acceleration of sequences with transformations involving
hypergeometric functions, Rafael Tristao Pepino

Revisiting the (block) Jacobi subspace rotation method for the
symmetric eigenvalue problem, Yousef Saad

The recursive quasi-orthogonal polynomial algorithm, S. Sidki,
R. Sadaka

A recursive algorithm for an efficient and accurate computation of
incomplete Bessel functions, Richard M. Slevinsky, Hassan Safouhi

Fully numerical Laplace transform methods, J. A. C. Weideman, Bengt

End of Digest