NA Digest, V. 22, # 37

NA Digest Sunday, November 06, 2022 Volume 22 : Issue 37

Today's Editor:

Daniel M. Dunlavy
Sandia National Labs
[email protected]

Today's Topics: Subscribe, unsubscribe, change address, or for na-digest archives:

Submissions for NA Digest:

From: Quan-Fang Wang [email protected]
Date: November 04, 2022
Subject: New Book, Quantum Control Theory and Application

Title: Quantum Control Theory and Application
Author: Quan-Fang Wang
Publisher: Lambert Academic Publishing

In this monograph, recent years published papers on the quantum
control had been collected both for theoretical study and numerical
approach. The practical application to the quantum systems covered the
Klein-Gordon equation; Sine-Gordon equation; Klein-Gordon- Schrodinger
equation (KGS); Gross-Pitaevaskii equation (Bose-Einstein Condensates,
BEC); Klein-Gordon-Maxwell equation, and so forth. For the particles
physics, single particle, couple heavy particles, many body particles
problems had been considered in the quantum theory and computational
approach. Three parts contained in the book, Part I is Quantum Control
of KGS System; Part II is Quantum Control of BEC; Part III is Control
of Quantum System. It is certainly hope to connect system control
field to chemistry, physics as well as other research areas (aero
space, surface science, etc.). Thereby, wish to get much more interest
worldwide on the hot topic quantum system control.

From: GEORGE ANASTASSIOU [email protected]
Date: October 31, 2022
Subject: New Book, Banach Space Valued Neural Network


This monograph is about the generalization and modernization of
approximation by neural network operators. Functions under
approximation and the neural networks are Banach space valued. These
are induced by a great variety of activation functions deriving from
the arctangent, algebraic, Gudermannian and generalized symmetric
sigmoid functions. Ordinary, fractional, fuzzy and stochastic
approximations are exhibited at the univariate, fractional and
multivariate levels. Iterated- sequential approximations are also
covered. The book's results are expected to find applications in the
many areas of Applied Mathematics, Computer Science and Engineering,
especially in Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning. Other
possible applications can be in applied sciences like Statistics,
Economics, etc. Therefore this monograph is suitable for researchers,
graduate students, practitioners and seminars of the above
disciplines, also to be in all Science and Engineering libraries.

From: Mitchell Graham [email protected]
Date: October 31, 2022
Subject: New Book, Business Dynamics Models: Optimization-based ...

Business Dynamics Models: Optimization-based One Step Ahead Optimal
Control by Eugenius Kaszkurewicz and Amit Bhaya

This book introduces optimal control methods, formulated as
optimization problems, applied to business dynamics problems. It
includes solutions that provide a rationale for the use of optimal
control and guidelines for further investigation into more complex
models, as well as formulations that can also be used in a so-called
flight simulator mode to investigate different complex scenarios. The
text offers a modern programming environment (Jupyter notebooks in
JuMP/Julia) for modeling, simulation, and optimization, and Julia code
and notebooks are provided on a website for readers to experiment with
their own examples.

2022 / xxii + 190 pages / Softcover / 978-1-61197-730-1/ Price $89.00

Bookstore link:

From: Mitchell Graham [email protected]
Date: November 01, 2022
Subject: New Book, Solving Nonlinear Equations with Iterative Methods ...

Solving Nonlinear Equations with Iterative Methods: Solvers and
Examples in Julia by C.T. Kelley

This user-oriented guide describes state-of-the-art methods for
nonlinear equations and shows, via algorithms in pseudocode and Julia
with several examples, how to choose an appropriate iterative method
for a given problem and write an efficient solver or apply one written
by others. A sequel, this book contains new material on
pseudo-transient continuation, mixed-precision solvers, and Anderson
acceleration. It is supported by a Julia package and a suite of
Jupyter notebooks and includes examples of nonlinear problems from
many disciplines.

October 2022 / xx + 188 pages / Softcover / 978-1-61197-726-4 / Price

Bookstore Link:

From: Dmitri Kvasov [email protected]
Date: November 04, 2022
Subject: Optimization Workshop, Hybrid, Nov 2022

14 november 2022, 9:30 - 13:30 (CET), Italy

Presentation of the book Y.D. Sergeyev, R. De Leone, Eds. Numerical
Infinities and Infinitesimals in Optimization, Springer, Cham, 2022

University of Calabria, Rende (CS) - Italy

In streaming:

Speakers: Francesco Valentini, Stefano Curcio, Yaroslav D. Sergeyev,
Renato De Leone, Manlio Gaudioso, Alfredo Garro, Annabella Astorino,
Lorenzo Fiaschi, Alessandro Cudazzo, and Maria Chiara Nasso.

From: Patty Hu [email protected]
Date: November 03, 2022
Subject: Recent Advances on Approximation Theory, ONLINE, Nov 2022

You are invited to a free webinar organized by MDPI and Mathematics.
"Recent Advances on Approximation Theory" on 10 November 2022 9:00 am
CET | 3:00 am EST | 4:00 pm CST Asia ZOOM ID: 856 3178 1191 (Please
register for the webinar first) Register now for free:

After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing
information on how to join the webinar. Registrations with academic
institutional email addresses will be prioritized.

Can't attend? Register anyway and we'll let you know when the
recording is available to watch.

The approximation is the basis of all mathematical procedures since
the exact solutions to the problems of the applied sciences are
limited to a negligible number of cases. The same real numbers, not
rational, can be conceived only for the possibility of assigning them
some approximations by default and by excess, with a consequent
estimate of the error. The modern theory of approximation can be
traced back to P.L. Chebyshev, whose work on approximation began 40
years of research on approximation in connection with the theory of
mechanisms. Orthogonal polynomials and special functions represent a
crucial tool for approaching the modern theory of approximation. The
orthogonality property is certainly the most important one to use in
approximation problems since it allows us to avoid the numerical
instability that occurs using the Hilbert matrix. It has been shown
that the pseudo-Chebyshev functions verify this property (in the same
interval and with the same weights as the corresponding classical
polynomials). Among these, they have great relevance to the Bessel
functions, recently linked to Legendre polynomials. The analysis of
fractional calculus through the concepts and formalism of some class
of orthogonal polynomials (in particular the Hermite polynomials) had
an important development, also in relation to the large interest that
this research sector has had in recent years.

From: Hemant Tyagi [email protected]
Date: November 01, 2022
Subject: Statistical Learning for Large Scale Graphs, France, Mar 2023

We will be organizing at Inria Lille a two-day workshop on Statistical
Learning for Large Scale Graphs, 9-10th March 2023.

This workshop will cover topics under the scope of statistical
learning problems on large scale networks, including topics such as
clustering, ranking, graph matching, graph neural networks, graph
signal processing and dynamic processes on networks.

It will feature a combination of long talks (1 hour each, by invited
speakers), and contributed talks (10-15 mins each, by PhD
students/post- docs/young researchers). The talks will include a
general introduction to make them accessible to a wider audience. The
submission for contributed talks will be open from 1st November to
15th December 2023. All information about the workshop and about the
submission procedure is available at this link:

Organizers: Hemant Tyagi (Inria Lille) and Christophe Biernacki
(University of Lille, Inria Lille)

From: Rob Falgout [email protected]
Date: October 31, 2022
Subject: Copper Mountain Multigrid Methods, USA, Apr 2023

21st Copper Mountain Conference on Multigrid Methods
Sunday April 16 - Thursday April 20, 2023
Copper Mountain, Colorado, USA

The Copper Mountain Conference on Multigrid Methods was founded in
1983 and is held every two years (odd years). It is widely regarded as
one of the premier international conferences on multigrid methods. The
2023 meeting is organized in cooperation with SIAM.

The main purpose of this initial announcement is to bring attention to
the student paper competition (a tradition at the meeting with a cash
award) and some important deadlines. For more information, see our
website at

Updates will be provided on the web site and in follow-up
announcements in the coming weeks. Don't forget to mark your

Important Deadlines:
- Student Paper Competition (no extensions):
- Abstract: Friday, January 20, 2023
- Paper (reserved for students who submit an abstract): Friday,
January 27, 2023
- Presentation Abstracts: Monday, February 13, 2023
- Early Registration: February 17, 2023
- Journal Special Issue: tentatively June 15, 2023

From: Marco Donatelli [email protected]
Date: November 03, 2022
Subject: Scale Space and Variational Methods (SSVM), Italy, May 2023

The 9th International Conference on Scale Space and Variational
Methods in Computer Vision (SSVM 2023) will take place from May 21 -
May 25 2023, at the Hotel Flamingo Resort in Santa Margherita di Pula,
Sardinia, Italy.

Topics of interest include, but are not limited to: 3D vision,
Approximation methods in imaging, Optimization methods in imaging,
Differential geometry and invariants, Image- and feature analysis,
Inverse problems in imaging, Machine learning in imaging, Compressed
sensing, Manifold- valued data processing, PDEs in data processing,
Scale-space methods, Surface and shape modelling and analysis,
Segmentation, Registration, Restoration and reconstruction, Medical
imaging and other applications.

Submissions are now open through the CMT system. Submissions should
be a maximum of 12 pages. All papers will undergo a double-blind
peer-review procedure. Accepted papers will be presented at the
conference either in the format of posters or talks and published in
Springer's Lecture Notes in Computer Science series.

The conference will award a best student paper prize.

Submission of papers deadline: January 23, 2023.
Notification of acceptance: February 27, 2023
Camera-ready papers: March 13, 2023

The conference will be in-person only.

For detailed information please see:

From: Pamela Bye [email protected]
Date: November 04, 2022
Subject: Modelling in Industrial Maintenance and Reliability, UK, Jul 2023

4-6 July 2023, Nottingham, UK

The 12th International Conference on Modelling in Industrial
Maintenance and Reliability (MIMAR) will take place in Nottingham, UK
from 4-6 July 2023. This event is the premier maintenance and
reliability modelling conference in the UK and builds upon a very
successful series of previous conferences. It is an excellent
international forum for disseminating information on the
state-of-the-art research, theories and practices in maintenance and
reliability modelling and offers a platform for connecting researchers
and practitioners from around the world.

The submission deadlines for abstracts and the optional full paper for
inclusion in the Conference Proceedings are listed below. All
submissions are subject to rigorous review before an acceptance
decision is made. We hope you can attend and we will provide a warm
welcome in Nottingham in 2023. For further information on the
conference, including instructions for authors, please visit the
conference webpage:

Abstracts of 100-200 words via
by 13 February 2023*

From: Evrim Acar [email protected]
Date: October 31, 2022
Subject: Research Scientist Position, Data Science, SimulaMet, Norway

Data Science and Knowledge Discovery Department (DataSci) at Simula
Metropolitan Center for Digital Engineering (Oslo, Norway) has an
opening for a researcher in data mining/machine learning. Research
areas of interest are graph mining, network science, low-rank
approximations, tensor decompositions, and numerical
optimization. DataSci aims to advance the frontiers of machine
learning and data mining by developing novel methods to analyze
complex data sets and reveal underlying patterns. In doing so, we
enhance knowledge discovery in real-world applications in a range of
fields. This research scientist position will involve interactions
with multidisciplinary groups consisting of applied mathematicians,
computer scientists, engineers, statisticians, biologists, chemists,
and clinical researchers.

For more details, please see the full job posting:

From: Rodrigo B Platte [email protected]
Date: November 04, 2022
Subject: Assistant/Associate Professor Position, Arizona State Univ, USA

The School of Mathematical and Statistical Sciences (SoMSS) at Arizona
State University invites applications for a full-time tenure-eligible
position in applied and computational mathematics at the rank of
Assistant or Associate Professor. Anticipated start date is August 16,
2023. The Applied and Computational Mathematics program consists
approximately of 20 faculty members and has close ties with our
statistics and theoretical math groups. The essential duties of the
position will be to conduct research on areas of applied mathematics,
computational mathematics, optimization, and/or data science, publish
in appropriate high-quality journals, disseminate research at
conferences and colloquia, provide quality teaching and mentoring in
our undergraduate and graduate programs, and participate in
appropriate professional service.

Required Qualifications: A Ph.D. in mathematics, applied mathematics,
optimization, statistics, or a closely related area by the time of
appointment. Demonstrated potential for excellence in research and
teaching, relative to career level. " Demonstrated understanding of
the importance of diversity, equity, and inclusiveness in the
mathematical community.

Desired Qualifications: Documented record of published research in the
areas of applied mathematics, computational mathematics, optimization,
and/or data science. Established record or strong potential for grant
support, relative to career level. Demonstrated experience and/or
interest in teaching and mentoring. Documented experiences and/or
expertise indicative of strong support for individuals who have been
systemically underserved in the mathematical sciences.

To apply, visit Mathjobs at

The application deadline is 4:00 pm Arizona time on November 20, 2022
only applications that are complete by the deadline will be
considered. If the position is not filled, remaining applications will
be considered every two weeks thereafter until the search is closed.

From: Xuemin Tu [email protected]
Date: November 01, 2022
Subject: Visiting Professor Position, Comp Mathematics, Univ of Kansas

The Department of Mathematics at the University of Kansas invites
applications for a Visiting Assistant Professor position in
computational mathematics. This position is expected to begin as early
as August 18, 2023. This is a non-tenure track, limited term,
full-time appointment for three consecutive academic years (272 days
per year). Preference will be given to candidates whose research
meshes well with current faculty interests in computational
mathematics. Candidates must demonstrate an outstanding record of
research and must be strongly committed to excellence in
teaching. Requirements for the position include a PhD or ABD in
Mathematics or a related field and outstanding publication record in
the designated areas. For a complete announcement and to apply
online, go to A complete
on-line application includes: C.V. including record of accomplishments
and productivity, cover letter, research statement including a
description of research agenda, a teaching philosophy statement, and
the names and contact information for four references. In addition, at
least four recommendation letters (teaching ability must be addressed
in at least one letter) should be submitted electronically to Initial review of
applications will begin November 15, 2022 and continue as long as
needed to identify a qualified pool. In a continuing effort to enrich
its academic environment and provide equal educational and employment
opportunities, the university actively encourages applications from
members of underrepresented groups in higher education.

From: Karen Willcox [email protected]
Date: October 31, 2022
Subject: Postdoc Fellowship Position, Oden Institute, UT Austin

Applications for the Peter O'Donnell Jr. Postdoc Fellowship at the
Oden Institute for Computational Engineering and Sciences are being
accepted now through December 16, 2022.

Please see details at

From: J=F3 Ueyama [email protected]
Date: October 31, 2022
Subject: Postdoc Position, Artificial Intelligence, Brazil

Area: Artificial Intelligence
Project title: Combining Internet of Things and Artificial
Intelligence for Flood Prediction
Location: ICMC/USP - Sao Carlos - Sao Paulo - Brazil

The Center for Mathematical Sciences Applied to Industry (CeMEAI), a
Research, Innovation and Diffusion Center (CEPID) supported by FAPESP
offers a postdoctoral fellowship in an interdisciplinary project
involving the Internet of Things and Artificial Intelligence applied
to flood prediction. The research consists of applying machine
learning techniques on readings from sensors deployed in the city of
Sao Carlos - SP, to predict the risk of flooding in
real-time. Candidates for the vacancy must have obtained his/her
Ph.D. in CS (or related fields) in the last 5 years. Other
requirements are to have authored articles in the area and to
demonstrate experience in research and software development,
particularly in Python. The selected candidate will be awarded a
FAPESP grant of R$8,479.20 monthly and a Technical Reserve equivalent
to 10% of the annual amount of the grant to cover expenses related to
the research activity. To apply, send the following items by email to
[email protected] by January 31st, 2023. Please send the pdf files
of the following documents: 1. Letter of interest, containing complete
information of contact, year of graduation, and
citizenship/immigration status, clearly addressing the research above;
2. Resume; 3. Cover letter including names and contact information of
three references. Enter "Postdoc - Flood Prediction" in the subject
field of the message.

From: Kent-Andre Mardal [email protected]
Date: November 05, 2022
Subject: Postdoc Position, Computational Mechanics and Math, Univ of Oslo

The Department of Mathematics, University of Oslo invites applications
for a post-doctoral position in computational science and mathematiccs
under the direction of Kent-Andre Mardal. The postdoc will join on the
computional hydrology project where mixed dimensional PDEs and machine
learning are exploited to model the waterscape of in particular
Norway. The project is a part of a larger project of sustainability at
the University of Oslo. We seek candidates with a stong background in
numerics and computational mechanics.

More info can be found at:

Contact Kent-Andre Mardal ([email protected]) with questions.

From: Per Christian Hansen [email protected]
Date: November 04, 2022
Subject: Postdoc Position, Computational UQ, Technical Univ of Denmark

The Technical University of Denmark opens a 2-year Postdoc position
starting February 2023. It is part of the research project CUQI:
Computational Uncertainty Quantification for Inverse problems

We create a platform for modeling and computations needed to apply UQ
to a range of inverse problems. This position focuses on further
development of our package CUQIpy
and the underlying computational methods.

You will join the developer team and play an integral role in expand-
ing CUQIpy to support an even wider range of inverse problems and UQ
analyses. You will interact with the CUQI team to ensure that our
theory and methods are put into optimal use. Responsibilities include:
- Design, abstraction & implementation of Bayesian inversion methods.
- Acceleration of computations (using structureand parallelization).
- Development of high-level user interfaces for non-experts.
- Support and training of CUQIpy users.
- Co-supervision of MSc and PhD students.

CUQIpy is developed in a highly collaborative GitHub-centered workflow
with regular programming sessions, code reviews, sprints, and hacka-
thons. We offers rich opportunities to build a profile in scientific
software development and computational UQ for inverse problems.

For more details and to apply (deadline December 12, 2022), see:

Per Christian Hansen and Jakob Sauer Jorgensen

From: Nick Polydorides [email protected]
Date: November 02, 2022
Subject: Postdoc Position, Inverse problems, Univ of Edinburgh

We are looking to recruit a postdoctoral research associate with
expertise in numerical PDES and inverse problems. Knowledge of random
matrix theory will be considered an advantage. The post is available
for an initial period of 18 months with a possibility of renewal for
another 12.

Further particulars on the post:

Informal enquiries [email protected]

Deadline 18th Nov, 22.

From: Ernesto G. Birgin [email protected]
Date: November 06, 2022
Subject: Postdoc Position, Optimization, Univ of Sao Paulo


The FAPESP Thematic Project Computational Optimization Methods
announces a 12-month post-doctoral fellowship at the Institute of
Mathematics and Statistics ( of the
University of Sao Paulo ( The project
consists of developing and implementing solution methods for
continuous and discrete optimization problems.

Candidates should have completed their Ph.D. less than 7 years ago and
have a background and proven experience in optimization. Programming
skills are also required. The candidate is expected to interact with
other members of the project, including MSc and PhD students as well
as faculty members of the team.

The post-doctoral fellowship includes a monthly stipend of R$ 8.479,20
(about USD 1,700 - enough for the maintenance of a single person in
Sao Paulo) and research contingency funds (15% of the annual value of
the fellowship, each year). For more details, check out FAPESP's

To apply, the candidate must send the following documents by email
until November 30th, 2022: Curriculum vitae with a list of
publications, and previous experience; Two recommendation letters,
being one preferably from a previous supervisor (those can be sent
directly to [email protected] by the recommenders); A motivation
letter for the application.

All documents must be sent to Prof. Ernesto G. Birgin at
[email protected], using 'postdoc application' as the subject.

From: Sven Leyffer [email protected]
Date: November 03, 2022
Subject: Postdoc Position, Randomized Algorithms, Argonne NL, USA

The Mathematics and Computer Science Division at Argonne National
Laboratory seeks candidates for a postdoctoral position in
mixed-integer optimization. In this role you will perform research in
the development and implementation of randomized algorithms for
solving discrete optimization problems that are critical to
challenging applications, such as optimal topology design, and
resilience of interconnected infrastructure systems. Knowledge of
these application domains is not a prerequisite.

Research will be performed in close collaboration with leading
scientists in applied mathematics and computer science. Researchers
will have access to cutting-edge extreme-scale computing
facilities. Argonne provides a collaborative, open-science environment
where scientists from various disciplines and backgrounds are engaged
in solving challenging fundamental and practical problems. We actively
promote diversity in backgrounds, experiences, and perspectives.

Position Requirements: (1) Recent or soon-to-be-completed PhD (within
the last 0-3 years) in applied mathematics, statistics, computer
science, industrial engineering or related field. (2) Experience in
nonlinear optimization, discrete optimization, or PDE- constrained
optimization. (3) Interest in contributing to the development of
numerical software. (4) Experience with (or willingness to explore)
high-performance computing environments. (5) Openness to adopt
Argonne's core values of impact, respect, integrity, safety and

US citizenship or permanent residence status are not required for this

Apply here:

For more information contact Kibaek Kim ([email protected]), Matt
Menickelly ([email protected]), or Sven Leyffer ([email protected]).

From: Heiko Gimperlein [email protected]
Date: November 06, 2022
Subject: Postdoc Position, Scientific Computing, Innsbruck, Austria

A postdoc position is available at the University of Innsbruck,
Austria, to develop fast and highly accurate numerical methods for
simulations in soft matter / bio-nano physics. The position is funded
by the Austrian Science Fund FWF.

The project will be in close cooperation with colleagues from both
numerical analysis and theoretical physics. It will develop new
boundary element and finite element methods for parabolic equations,
which allow to address open physical questions about the long-time
dynamics of many-particle systems outside equilibrium.

A strong background in finite or boundary element methods or in
scientific computing is essential. Some background knowledge of
physics is helpful, but not required.

Further information is available from Heiko Gimperlein
([email protected], and
Thomas Franosch ([email protected],

From: Rodrigo B Platte [email protected]
Date: November 04, 2022
Subject: Postdoc Positions, Arizona State Univ

The School of Mathematical and Statistical Sciences (SoMSS) at Arizona
State University invites applications for Postdoctoral Research
Scholar positions. The anticipated start date is August 16,
2023. These full-time academic-year, benefits-eligible positions are
renewable on an annual basis through spring 2026 contingent upon
satisfactory performance, availability of resources, and the needs of
the university. The essential duties of the position will be to
conduct research in the mathematical sciences, along with a teaching
load that is normally three courses per year.

Required Qualifications: A Ph.D. in the mathematical or statistical
sciences, or a closely related area by the time of
appointment. Applicants must be within five years of receipt of their
PhD to be considered for initial appointments and subsequent
renewals. Demonstrated potential for excellence in research and

Desired Qualifications: A documented research record in an area that
meshes with the research interests of a current faculty member or
group of faculty members (SoMSS has strong research groups in
analysis, combinatorics, computational mathematics, differential
equations, dynamical systems, geometry, graph theory, mathematical
biology, mathematics education, number theory, probability, and
statistics). Demonstrated success working with diverse student and/or
faculty populations.

The application is through Mathjobs:

The application deadline is 4:00 pm Arizona time on December 2, 2022;
only applications that are complete by the deadline will be given full
consideration. Applications will continue to be accepted on a rolling
basis for a reserve pool after the deadline. Applications in the
reserve pool may then be reviewed in the order in which they were
received until the position is filled.

From: Akil Narayan [email protected]
Date: November 04, 2022
Subject: Postdoc Positions, RTG on Optimization and Inversion, Univ of Utah

As part of the NSF-funded RTG "Optimization and Inversion for the 21st
Century Workforce," the Department of Mathematics at the University of
Utah invites applicants for postdoctoral associates at the level of
Assistant Professor (Lecturer). These positions involve working
closely with applied mathematics faculty to contribute to RTG
initiatives and the overarching goals of the RTG as described at For further information, please
contact Professor Ken Golden, [email protected].

These are 3-year, termed [postdoctoral] positions. Applicants must
have a Ph.D. in Mathematics or a closely related field and must be US
citizens, nationals, or permanent residents. Outstanding candidates in
areas of optimization, inverse problems, mathematics of materials and
fluids, and mathematical climate science, as well as related areas in
data science, machine learning and statistics will be
considered. Applications from other fields of applied mathematics may
be considered as long as they fit in the overarching goals of the
RTG. Ideal applicants would be effective educators, and contribute to
a diverse and inclusive environment within the department and at the
University of Utah.

For more information and to apply, please see our ad in Mathjobs Review of complete
applications will begin on January 1, 2023 and will continue until the
positions are filled.

The University of Utah values candidates who have experience working
in settings with students from diverse backgrounds and possess a
strong commitment to improving access to higher education for
historically underrepresented students.

From: Johan Gaume [email protected]
Date: November 04, 2022
Subject: PhD/Postdoc Positions, Alpine Mass Movements, ETH Z=FCrich

I wanted to draw your attention on two PhD and one PostDoc positions
in the field of modeling alpine mass movements opened at ETH Zurich
and at the WSL Institute for Snow and Avalanche Research SLF,
Davos. The full description and application webpage is given in the
links below:

- PostDoc position: "Experimental analysis and numerical modeling of
geophysical mass flows":
- PhD position: "Multiphase Modeling of Alpine Mass Movements and
Process Cascades":
- PhD position: "Modeling Entrainment Mechanisms in Alpine Mass

From: Scott Congreve [email protected]
Date: November 02, 2022
Subject: PhD Position, Numerical Analysis, Charles Univ, Czech Republic

A four year Ph.D. studentship is available in the Department of
Numerical Mathematics at Charles University, Czech Republic, on the
Primus project "Agglomeration and refinement of polytopic meshes for
virtual element and discontinuous Galerkin finite element methods".
The Ph.D. grant will be 25000 CZK/month for the project duration
(until August 2025) and 20000 CZK/month thereafter. The expected start
date will be during February 2023. Applicants must hold a Master's
degree by the start date of the Ph.D. (February 2023) and have a
strong interest in numerical analysis and finite element
methods. Knowledge of MATLAB, C++, Python, or similar is strongly
recommended. Applicants will be required to demonstrate an adequate
command of English; i.e., at least B2 on CEFR. Interested applicants
should submit the following documents to [email protected]
before November 18th 2022: Curriculum Vitae; Cover Letter explaining
motivation and interest in this position; Official Transcripts for
their Master's and undergraduate studies; Brief summary of Master's
thesis (inc. PDF of thesis if available). Additionally, the candidate
should arrange 2 letters of recommendation to be submitted directly to
the same address before the deadline.

Further details can be found on the project website:

Informal enquiries about this studentship can be directed to:
Dr. Scott Congreve, Department of Numerical Mathematics, Sokolovska
83, 18675 Prague ([email protected]).

From: Heiko Gimperlein [email protected]
Date: November 06, 2022
Subject: PhD Position, Scientific Computing, Innsbruck, Austria

A PhD position is available at the University of Innsbruck, Austria,
to develop fast and highly accurate numerical methods for simulations
in soft matter / bio-nano physics. The position is funded by the
Austrian Science Fund FWF.

The project will be in close cooperation with colleagues from both
numerical analysis and theoretical physics. It will develop new
boundary element and finite element methods for parabolic equations,
which allow to address open physical questions about the long-time
dynamics of many-particle systems outside equilibrium.

A background in numerical methods or scientific computing is
essential. Some background knowledge of physics is helpful, but not

Further information is available from Heiko Gimperlein
([email protected], and
Thomas Franosch ([email protected],

From: E. Alper Yildirim [email protected]
Date: November 03, 2022
Subject: PhD Positions, Optimization and OR, Univ of Edinburgh

Applications are invited for PhD studies in Optimization and
Operational Research at the School of Mathematics at the University of
Edinburgh for the academic year 2023-2024. This is a 3-year programme
with an additional year available for the completion and submission of
the thesis. The students admitted typically have an MSc degree, or
1st class honours degree (or its international equivalent). The
School of Mathematics offers several fully funded PhD studentships
each year. Students receiving School funding are awarded a competitive
stipend equivalent to UKRI stipend rates (17,668 GBP per year for the
current academic year) for a period of 4 years plus tuition fee
waiver. All applications received by 23rd January 2023 will receive
full consideration for funding. Later applications will be considered
until all positions are filled. The Optimization and Operational
Research Group in the School is an international leader in the
mathematical and computing aspects of optimization and operational
research, with members of high repute, as evidenced by Editorial Board
Memberships in major international journals, international research
awards, fellowships and other peer recognitions, and memberships of
prestigious international societies. The group members collaborate
with several research groups in the UK and overseas, and are actively
engaged in collaborations with industry and government.

Research Areas: Computational Optimization and Applications;
Continuous Optimization; Decision Making under Uncertainty; Future
Energy Networks; Integer and Combinatorial Optimization.

For further information, please send an e-mail to
[email protected] or visit

From: Akil Narayan [email protected]
Date: November 04, 2022
Subject: PhD Positions, RTG on Optimization and Inversion, Univ of Utah

As part of the NSF-funded RTG "Optimization and Inversion for the 21st
Century Workforce," the Department of Mathematics at the University of
Utah invites applicants for graduate student (PhD) research
assistantships. These positions involve working closely with applied
mathematics faculty to contribute to RTG initiatives and the
overarching goals of the RTG as described at For further information, please
contact Professor Ken Golden, [email protected].

Admission to the PhD program in Mathematics requires a Bachelor's
degree in Mathematics (or a related field). Candidates with a strong
academic background (e.g., GPA and GRE scores) and strong potential
for research are invited to apply. General information about the PhD
program can be found at, and
instructions for applying can be found at To be
considered for RTG support, applicants must be US citizens, nationals,
or permanent residents, but admission to the PhD program is open to
all nationalities and backgrounds.

The faculty in the Department of Mathematics at the University of Utah
that specialize in applied mathematics have diverse areas of
expertise, spanning the mathematics of materials and fluids, data
science, optimization, inverse problems, machine learning, climate
science, probability and statistics, numerical analysis and PDEs. More
information about the group can be found at

From: Annalisa Quaini [email protected]
Date: November 03, 2022
Subject: New Journal, Advances in Computational Science and Engineering

The editorial office announces the launching of a new journal of the
American Institute of Mathematical Sciences (AIMS): Advances in
Computational Science and Engineering (ACSE) AIMS has been publishing high
quality mathematical journals since 1995, however none of them
specifically focuses on computational mathematics. ACSE is intended to
fill this gap, with special attention to cross-disciplinary, high
quality research. Contributions are expected to focus on advances in
mathematical, numerical, and data-driven modeling and methods, however
nontrivial applications should be discussed.

The objective of ACSE is to provide a medium of exchange for cross-
disciplinary scientists. ACSE will start as a quarterly publication,
with all articles open-access at no charge for authors. The editorial
board of ACSE is diverse in terms of disciplines, affiliations, and
gender and will do its best to carry out a thorough and responsive
review process.

Submissions are welcomed:

From: Iain Duff [email protected]
Date: November 01, 2022
Subject: Proceedings, Sparse Days, France

We are pleased to announce that the slides from most of the talks at
the Fourth Sparse Days in St Girons are now available from our

There were over 100 attendees, over 40% of whom were from outside
France and over 20 from the United States. More than 25% of the
attendees were students. It was doubly appreciated by them as it was
for many their first face-to-face meeting since the outbreak of the
COVID pandemic. This meeting, co-organized by INPT and Cerfacs,
followed a similar recipe to the three previous conferences organized
in St Girons in 1994, 2003, and 2015. We are grateful to our
sponsors: ANITI, Atos, Departement Ariege, CIMI, HPE, IRIT, N7 Dev,
NEC, and Ville de Saint-Girons for enabling us to fully cover the
costs for students and to keep the costs to other participants at a
minimal level.

The meeting was held as an in-person meeting from Sunday 19th June
until Wednesday 22nd June and was memorable both for the excellence of
the 38 talks and 9 posters as well as the fantastic hospitality of our
hosts in St Girons and Ariege. In the final session for the meeting
held at ENSEEIHT in Toulouse, Satoshi Matsuoka and Jack Dongarra made
presentations on HPC followed by a panel discussion. We were also able
to celebrate Jack's then very recent Turing Award from the IEEE.

Such was the success of the meeting that we are already beginning
plans for the fifth St Girons meeting, although next year we will host
Sparsedays at Cerfacs on 19-20 June 2023 and will post a separate save
the date for this.

From: Badih Ghusayni [email protected]
Date: November 01, 2022
Subject: Contents, Intl J Mathematics and Computer Science, 18 (1)

The following papers can be downloaded freely via

Ola A. Neamah, Shatha A. Salman, The relationship between chromatic
polynomial and Tutte polynomial for rooted graphs and tree

Timothy Eller, Peter Johnson, William Jones, Jakub Kraus, Distance
graphs on normed function spaces

Shaymaa Maki Kadham, Ameera N. Alkiffai, Model Tumor Response to
Cancer Treatment Using Fuzzy Partial SH-Transform An Analytic Study

Ali Abd Alhussein Zyarah, Ahmed Hadi Hussain, Semiprime Hollow

Rizky Rosjanuardi, Sumanang Muhtar Gozali, Imam Nugraha Albania,
c-Convex Subgroups of Finite Dimensional Cyclically Ordered Free
Abelian Group

Khalid Alshammari, Maslina Darus, Hankel Determinant for a Class of
Analytic Functions Involving the Q-Ruscheweyh Derivative and the
Symmetric Differential Operator

Nongluk Viriyapong, Chawalit Boonpok, Almost (\Lambda,sp)-continuity
and p(\Lambda,sp)-open sets

Jeeranunt Khampakdee, Chawalit Boonpok, Almost contra-
(\Lambda,sp)-continuity and s(\Lambda,sp)-closed sets

A. V. Ramakrishna, T. V. N. Prasanna, A Note On New Near Algebraic

Napassanan Srisarakham, Chawalit Boonpok, Properties of locally
(\Lambda,p)-closed sets

Chokchai Viriyapong, Chawalit Boonpok, On generalized
(\Lambda,p)-closed sets

Saja Abdulameer Kahdim, Areej M. Abduldaim, Principal Component
Analysis for Zero Watermarking Technique

Montri Thongmoon, Chawalit Boonpok, Characterizations of
(\Lambda,p)-R_1 topological spaces

Prapart Pue-on, Chawalit Boonpok, Weak (\Lambda,sp)-continuity and
\theta(\Lambda,sp)-closed sets

Ahmed Hassan Hassan, The Effectiveness of Security Factors on Using
Technology Acceptance Model in Jordan

Jairo E Castillo H, Jamel Castillo Mejia, Alvaro H. Salas, A Nonlinear
Transmission Model with Analytical Soliton Solution

Apirat Siraworakun, Suton Tadee, Solutions of the Diophantine Equation
p^x+q^y=3Dz^2, where p, q \equiv 3 \pmod{4}

Kulprapa Srimud, Suton Tadee, On the Diophantine Equation 3^x+b^y=3Dz^2

End of Digest