NA Digest, V. 22, # 12

NA Digest Tuesday, April 19, 2022 Volume 22 : Issue 12

Today's Editor:

Daniel M. Dunlavy
Sandia National Labs
[email protected]

Today's Topics: Subscribe, unsubscribe, change address, or for na-digest archives:

Submissions for NA Digest:

From: Tim Kelley [email protected]
Date: April 16, 2022
Subject: Nonlinear solvers: Julia package + notebooks

I am sharing a close-to-final draft of my upcoming book

Solving Nonlinear Equations with Iterative Methods:
Solvers and Examples in Julia

with the NA-Digest community.

SIAM will publish this in late 2022/early 2023 as number 20 in the
Fundamentals of Algorithms series.

The project will have a print book, a suite of Jupyter notebooks that
are a very good approximation of the print book, and a Julia package.

The package is SIAMFANLEquations.jl. You install it like any other
registered Julia package.

The github repos are



The package and notebooks are open source. License data are on the


From: Field G. Van Zee [email protected]
Date: April 01, 2022
Subject: BLIS 0.9.0 now available

We are pleased to announce the release of BLIS 0.9.0.

BLIS is a software framework for rapidly instantiating high-
performance BLAS-like dense linear algebra operations targeting CPUs.
Besides being a developer's tool, the framework also allows end- users
to build libraries that implement a superset of the BLAS, which can be
called via conventional BLAS-like or object APIs, or via legacy BLAS
interfaces (including CBLAS).

BLIS provides optimized kernel support across a variety of
microarchitectures, including Intel's hardware with AVX, AVX2, and
AVX-512 instruction sets (Sandy Bridge onward), AMD's Ryzen/Epyc, and

This version also contains foundational support for an exciting new
class of expert functionality: creating new operations without the
need to duplicate the middleware that sits between the API and
kernels. We expect this will allow developers to rapidly prototype
custom solutions to suit their applications' needs.

A full list of improvements can be found in our release notes [1].
For other links to code, documentation, mailing lists, publications,
and related information, please visit the BLIS GitHub website [2].

BLIS is made possible in part thanks to contributions from the
community as well as funding from NSF and industry (most recently AMD,
Arm, and Oracle).


From: Mathias J. Krause [email protected]
Date: April 14, 2022
Subject: OpenLB release 1.5 available for download

OpenLB release 1.5 available for download

The developer team is very happy to announce the release of the next
version of #OpenLB. The updated open-source Lattice Boltzmann Method
(#LBM) code is now available for download .

Major new features include support for #GPUs using #CUDA, vectorized
collision steps on SIMD CPUs, a new implementation of our resolved
particle system as well as the possibility of simulating free surface
flows and reactions, see .

From: Christian Himpe [email protected]
Date: April 13, 2022
Subject: Software Release, emgr 5.99

emgr -- EMpirical GRamian Framework, version 5.99 has been released.

"emgr" provides unsupervised learning via synthetic data of
input-output system properties for data-driven control applications
such as model reduction, decentralized control, sensitivity analysis,
parameter identification, uncertainty quantification, optimal
placement, or system characterization.

For further info see: and

From: Iván Méndez Cruz [email protected]
Date: April 13, 2022
Subject: UNAMAlla6beta Release, 2D Mesh Generation

We are pleased to announce the release of version 6 beta of the mesh
generation system UNAMalla. The system generates block structured
quadrilateral meshes on polygonal regions. The user can generate
meshes on complex shapes or even on regions with holes so that a high
percentage of the quadrilaterals be approximately rectangles. UNAMalla
has generated structured meshes on irregular regions. This new version
incorporates new methods, it is coded in the Julia programming
language and it provides a set of tools for interactive mesh
generation in a Jupyter Notebook.

The system is free to use for academic research. It can be downloaded
from our website:

We hope that you will find it useful.

From: Kris ONeill [email protected]
Date: April 03, 2022
Subject: SIAM Virtual Career Fair, ONLINE, Apr 2022

The SIAM Virtual Career Fair is Wednesday, April 20, 2022. We invite
you to participate in this networking and recruitment event, where you
will have the opportunity to engage with hundreds of applied
mathematicians and computational and data scientists from leading
institutions and companies. SIAM is an organization of applied
mathematicians, computational and data scientists. We are students,
researchers, practitioners, and educators. We come together to advance
the use and application of our work in industry, engineering, science,
and society. SIAM members have the quantitative, mathematical,
computing, and analytical skills that are needed in today's
marketplace. The SIAM Career Fair is an ideal place to recruit
employees with mathematical, computational, and data science education
and training, and it is also an excellent opportunity to present your
company's mission and vision to a broad audience.

Employers can register for a Career Fair booth at this link:

Job seekers can sign up for the event at this link:

Please contact [email protected] if you have any questions. We
hope to have you join us!

From: Mike ONeil [email protected]
Date: April 04, 2022
Subject: Computational Integral Equations, Mexico, May 2022

Outstanding Challenges in Computational Methods for Integral Equations
CMO-BIRS Oaxaca, Mexico, May 23-27, 2022

The workshop brings together experts on integral equation based
techniques for modeling problems such as wave scattering problems,
fluid flows, heat conduction, and many more. Themes of particular
interest include: (1) techniques for discretizing singular integrals
and representing complex geometries, (2) fast multipole methods and
fast direct solvers for the non-oscillatory or moderately oscillatory
regime, (3) integral equations in novel application areas, (4) fast
algorithms for the highly oscillatory environment, and (5) community
software, in particular the identification of key workhorse routines
needed in analysis-based fast algorithms, including fast randomized
linear algebra techniques.

The virtual component of the workshop will be anchored by five 1.5h
panel sessions where experts in the field will moderate a discussion
on current and future research directions in each of the focus
areas. The panel discussions will be followed by a few 25 minute
regular talks. All virtual components will be scheduled early in the
day to facilitate participation from both the Americas and Europe. If
you would like to receive an invitation to participate virtually,
please email [email protected] with your name, affiliation, and email
address. We also have some open slots for virtual talks; if you would
be interested in giving one, then please send us a title and brief
abstract by April 30.

From: Xiangxiong Zhang [email protected]
Date: April 02, 2022
Subject: Hyperbolic Conservation Laws, Purdue Univ, USA, May 2022

The Center for Computational & Applied Mathematics at Purdue
University will be hosting the 2022 Workshop on New Trends in
Numerical Methods for Hyperbolic Conservation Laws, on May 9-10, 2022.
It will be an in person workshop at Purdue University, West Lafayette,
Indiana. The workshop will start at 1:30pm EST on Monday May 9th, and
end on Tuesday May 10th.

More information can be found on the workshop webpage:

From: Mehiddin Al-Baali [email protected]
Date: April 17, 2022
Subject: Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Optimization, ONLINE, May 2022

The virtual Workshop on "Mathematical Modelling and Numerical
Optimization," (MMNO-2022), will be held at Sultan Qaboos University,
Muscat, Oman, on 12 May 2022.

The invited speakers are Adil Bagirov (University of Ballarat,
Australia), Nezam Mahdavi-Amiri (Sharif University of Technology,
Iran), Kees Roos (Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands),
and Chefi Triki (University of Kent, UK).

Registration is free and required for those wishing to attend the

To join the meeting, a link for Zoom link or Google Meet will be ready
a few days before the date of the workshop, which you can get by
writing to either [email protected] or [email protected] who will
also provide you with the program of the workshop.

From: Stefano Cipolla, Jacek Gondzio, Filippo Zanetti [email protected]
Date: April 04, 2022
Subject: Modern Techniques of Very Large Scale Optimization, UK, May 2022

On May 19th-20th the School of Mathematics at the University of
Edinburgh will host the workshop "Modern Techniques of Very Large
Scale Optimization".

The workshop will have a particular focus on Alternating Direction
Method of Multipliers and decomposition methods and aims to promote an
exchange of ideas and to advance the state of the art in these areas.

This workshop will consist of several in-person presentations by
leading researchers in the field but may also be followed online.

We invite all the interested researchers to this event, few slots for
in-person contributed talks are still available.

The participation in the workshop is free but a registration is
compulsory, see
where you will also find more information about the workshop.

From: Michail Todorov [email protected]
Date: April 02, 2022
Subject: AMiTaNS'22, Bulgaria/HYBRID, Jun 2022

The Euro-American Consortium for Promotion of the Application of
Mathematics in Technical and Natural Sciences is pleased to announce
its Fourteenth Conference AMiTaNS'22 to be held in the 5-star Flamingo
Grand hotel in the Black-Sea resort of Albena, Bulgaria. The
conference will be scheduled in plenary and keynote lectures followed
by special and contributed sessions. The accents of the conference
will be on Mathematical Physics, Solitons and Transport Processes,
Numerical Methods, Scientific Computing, Continuum Mechanics, Applied
Analysis, Applied Physics, Biomathematics, which can be complemented
by some specific topics in contributed special sessions. The format of
conference is hybrid.

Coordinator and contact person: Professor Michail Todorov, email:
[email protected] or [email protected]

From: Jochen Schütz [email protected]
Date: April 14, 2022
Subject: Discontinous Galerkin Method, Belgium, Jun 2022

Hereby, I would like to kindly invite you to participate in the summer
school on hyperbolic conservation laws at the university of Hasselt,
Belgium, from June 27-30, 2022.

The focus of this summer school is on the discontinous Galerkin
method. The DG method is one of the most famous numerical algorithms
for the approximation of solutions to PDEs, as it has very favourable
properties, such as data-locality, easy parallelizability, geometrical
flexibility and many more. Furthermore, as it can for many equations
be written in a variational form, it has a solid mathematical backup
including error estimations. The method itself dates back to the early
70's, and has become popular since the mid-90's. While DG methods are
very well understood for many problems, there is still a highly active
research scene focussing around special aspects of the DG methods, in
particular with respect to the extension to large-scale computations.

The goal of this summer school is to give the participants an
introduction to the DG methods. The focus will be more on an
introduction to the concepts including their applications rather than
a complete and rigorous discussion of the theory. The summer school
will therefore be amenable to mathematicians, engineers and scientists
and will be presented in a genuine interdisciplinary context. All
sessions will be hands-on, meaning that sufficient time for exercises
and their discussion is planned.

Confirmed speakers are Matteo Cicuttin (University of Liege),
Alexandre Ern (Universite Paris-Est) and Jennifer Ryan (Colorado
School of Mines). Subscription is free of charge; more informations
and subscription can be found on the website
questions? Do not hesitate to contact Jochen via
[email protected].

From: Martin Vohralik [email protected]
Date: April 05, 2022
Subject: Discretization and Algebraic Solvers, France, Jun 2022

Workshop on Interplay of discretization and algebraic solvers, June

We are organizing a workshop on Interplay of discretization and
algebraic solvers: a posteriori error estimates and
adaptivity. Originally scheduled in March 2020, it will take place on
June 8 - 10 2022 at Inria Paris.

Main topics are a posteriori error estimates and adaptivity for
numerical discretizations of partial differential equations, linear
algebraic solvers, and particularly their interplay (stopping
criteria, design of adaptive h or p refinement under inexact solvers,
design of algebraic solvers on hp grids), as well as h and p
robustness and material properties robustness.

There is no workshop fee. However, registration at [email protected]
is compulsory.

All the details can be found at

From: Niall Madden [email protected]
Date: April 05, 2022
Subject: Registraion Open, ILAS, Ireland, Jun 2022

Registration has opened for the 24th Conference of the International
Linear Algebra Society, to be held in Galway (Ireland), June 20-24
2022 (postponed from June 2020).

Plenary speakers of interest to the NA Community include Ilse Ipsen,
Paul Van Dooren, Pauline van den Driessche, Misha E. Kilmer, and
Nicolas Gillis.

The conference includes minisymposia on a broad range of topics
related to linear algebra, including numerical linear algebra for
PDEs, quantum information, tensors for signals and systems, and linear
algebra education. Submissions for contributed talks and poster
presentations are also welcome.

For more information, see, or contact Niall Madden
or any of the other local organisers.

From: Jakub Sistek [email protected]
Date: April 16, 2022
Subject: DD27, Czech Republic, Jul 2022

We would like to inform you about the extended deadline for submitting
abstracts of contributed talks and posters for the DD27 conference,
which is April 30, 2022.

The 27th International Conference on Domain Decomposition Methods
(DD27) will be held in Prague, Czech Republic during July 25-29, 2022.

We invite contributions fitting the themes of DD27, namely various
aspects of domain decomposition methods in relation to numerical
analysis, scientific computing, high performance computing, and
computational science with industrial applications.

DD27 is organised jointly by the VSB - Technical University of
Ostrava, the Institute of Mathematics of the Czech Academy of
Sciences, Prague, and the Czech Technical University in Prague.

The organizing committee hopes that the conference will restart the
standard conference scheme after the COVID restrictions. Hence, the
conference is planned as on-site. Nevertheless, registered
participants who will finally not be able to attend the conference
will be given the option to participate remotely by means of a hybrid

In addition, there is also an option of on-line participation without
a talk with a significantly reduced conference fee.

For more information, please visit the conference website at

From: Calina Durbac [email protected]
Date: April 04, 2022
Subject: Early Career Mathematicians' Colloquium, UK, Jul 2022

Registration and abstract submissions are now open for the British
Early Career Mathematicians' Colloquium (BECMC).

The BECMC will be held on the 21st - 22nd July 2022 at the University
of Birmingham. This will be a two-day event aimed at PhD students and
early career mathematicians. It offers participants a valuable
opportunity to network with others in their field, gain an insight
into the active areas of research in a wide range of mathematical
disciplines, and give a talk in a relaxed and friendly
environment. The deadline for submission of abstracts will be 20th May
2022 with the deadline for registration being 23rd June 2022. (For
more details, please visit

The committee recognises that the standard of access at academic
conferences across the UK is largely unacceptable. Our team are
working to improve this within their capabilities, both for this BECMC
2022 and for future conferences. Please see our website for full
details about the accessibility at the conference.

For any questions or concerns, please email the committee on
[email protected]

Key dates:
The BECMC: 21st - 22nd July 2022
The deadline for registration: 23rd June 2022
The deadline for submission of abstracts: 20th May 2022

First call for abstract submissions to the British Early Career
Mathematicians' Colloquium (BECMC) 2022

The BECMC will be held on the 21st - 22nd July 2022 at the University
of Birmingham. This will be a two-day event aimed at PhD students and
early career mathematicians. It offers participants a valuable
opportunity to network with others in their field, gain an insight
into the active areas of research in a wide range of mathematical
disciplines, and give a talk in a relaxed and friendly
environment. The deadline for submission of abstracts is Friday 20th
May 2022 so please send your abstracts to
[email protected]. (For more details, please visit

From: Volker John [email protected]
Date: April 09, 2022
Subject: Numerical Methods and Analysis in CFD, Germany, Jul 2022

This workshop is devoted to modern numerical methods for solving
equations from fluid dynamics, such as Stokes and Navier-Stokes
equations, convection-diffusion-reaction or reaction-diffusion
equations, and coupled systems. Topics include as well the numerical
analysis of such methods as their use in simulating problems from

Plenary speakers: Alexandre Ern (Universite Paris-Est); Michael
Feischl (TU Wien); Julia Novo (Universidad Autonoma de Madrid);
Joachim Schoberl (TU Wien).

Deadline for submission of abstracts for talks is June 01, 2022 For
more information and contact, please visit

From: Florent de Dinechin [email protected]
Date: April 07, 2022
Subject: Computer Arithmetic, ARITH 2022, ONLINE, Sep 2022

29th IEEE International Symposium on Computer Arithmetic (ARITH 2022)
September 12-14, 2022 (virtual conference)

Computer arithmetic has always been at the core of the digital age,
and is currently driving innovation in domains such as artificial
intelligence, high-performance computing, signal processing, and
security. Since 1969, the ARITH symposia have served as the premier
conference for presenting the latest research in computer arithmetic.
Due to the uncertainty of the world health situation and travel
restrictions, the 29th edition of the symposium, ARITH 2022, will be a
virtual conference with live presentation of research results, keynote
talks, and panels. ARITH 2022 welcomes submissions of conference
papers (less than 8 pages in the IEEE CS Conference format) describing
recent scientific advances related to computer arithmetic. Accepted
papers will be included in the conference proceedings and in the IEEE
Xplore Digital Library.

Detailed submission procedure available at

From: Leo Liberti [email protected]
Date: April 02, 2022
Subject: Global Optimization Workshop, HUGO22, Hungary, Sep 2022

Dear all, please consider attending this Global Optimization Workshop
(GOW). Here's the call for papers. Submission deadline for 4-page
abstracts: April 30. The organizers are trying to ascertain how many
people will attend, so if you're even just considering this workshop,
please fill this "possible attendance" form .

Second Call for Papers to HUGO 2022 - XV. Global Optimization Workshop
University of Szeged, Szeged, Hungary, 5-8 September 2022, hybrid

This workshop organized by the University of Szeged offers a
traditional forum for researchers and practitioners to discuss new
issues, challenging problems, advanced solutions and new trends in
global optimization. Since 1985, a tradition of Global Optimization
Workshops exists that senior researchers and PhD students meet in a
single-stream session environment to discuss approaches, algorithms
and challenging applications in the field of global optimization. You
will also have the opportunity to visit Szeged, the sunniest city in
Hungary that is famous for its vibrant atmosphere, spectacular
festivals and last but not least for its internationally acclaimed
university. The University of Szeged gave Albert Szent-Gyorgyi the
Nobel-prize awarded scientist to the world, and nurtured Katalin
Kariko the world renowned biochemist. We also take great pride in the
fact that the University of Szeged has been the best Hungarian
university for several years according to QS World University

Plenary speakers: Inmanuel Bomze, University of Vienna; Marco
Locatelli, University of Parma; Ruth Misener, Imperial College London.

Contact: [email protected]

From: Roland Maier [email protected]
Date: April 19, 2022
Subject: Uncertainty, Adaptivity and Machine Learning, Germany, Sep 2022

We are pleased to announce the Summer School "Uncertainty, Adaptivity,
and Machine learning" to be held at the Augsburg University, Germany,
September 12-14, 2022.

In this three-day event, Michael Feischl (TU Vienna), Elisabeth
Ullmann (TU Munich), and Robert Scheichl (U Heidelberg) will present
numerical methods for solving PDEs with a focus on optimal adaptive
discretization using machine learning, numerical methods for PDEs with
random inputs, and solving large-scale Bayesian inverse problems.

In addition to the thematic lectures, participants will have the
opportunity to (shortly) present their own research and to network at
a social event.

Registration is free. Note that travel reimbursement can be provided
for some participants. For more details and information regarding
registration, please visit:

From: Luca Paglieri [email protected]
Date: April 04, 2022
Subject: Modelling the Cardiac Function, Italy, Sep-Oct 2022

2022 iHEART Congress
Modelling the Cardiac Function
Cetraro (IT), September 30 - October 2, 2022

This congress aims at highlighting the state of the art in the
mathematical modelling and numerical simulation of the cardiac
function and its clinical applications. Previous edition have taken
place in 2021, 2020 and 2019.

The event will host plenary lectures from distinguished scientists as
well as contributed talks and a poster session. The event will take
place in presence; in case the present pandemic should be still
ongoing, the conference will be possibly held online in the same
days. Final confirmation will be given no later than 3 months before
the starting date.

Organizers are: Alfio Quarteroni, Luca Dede', Andrea Manzoni,
Christian Vergara, Paolo Zunino.

Plenary speakers: Gerhard Holzapfel (Graz University of Technology,
AT, and Norwegian University of Science and Technology), Alison
Marsden (Stanford University, CA USA), Gernot Plank (Medical
University of Graz, AT), Michael Sacks (University of Texas, TX USA),
Charles Taylor (Heartflow Inc, CA USA), Natalia Trayanova (Johns
Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD USA), Roberto Verzicco (Universita
di Roma "Tor Vergata", IT)

The conference is organized by MOX - Politecnico di Milano, with the
support of the EU ERC - ADG - Advanced Grant iHEART - Project ID:

Contributed talks (15 min) are welcome. A poster session reserved to
young researchers (PhD students and postdoctoral researchers) will be
organized as well. Deadline for talk or poster abstract submission is
May 31, 2022. For more information, abstract submission and
registration, visit

From: Lehel Banjai [email protected]
Date: April 08, 2022
Subject: Chair Position, Computational Mathematics, Heriot-Watt Univ

The Department of Mathematics at Heriot-Watt University, Edinburgh, UK
is looking to appoint a Chair in Computational Mathematics to lead its
activities in computational mathematics and numerical analysis.

The details of the post and how to apply can be found at:

The closing date for applications is May 13th, 2022.

From: Emmanuil Georgoulis [email protected]
Date: April 07, 2022
Subject: Full Professor Positions, Computational Modelling

The School of Computing and Mathematical Sciences at the University of
Leicester is advertising for Fully Professor (Chair) positions in
Computational Modelling (and also in AI, OR/Optimization, and Software
Engineering). \

More details can be found here:

Applicants in the areas of Numerical Analysis and/or Scientific
Computing are particularly encouraged to apply.

For any informal enquiries you may contact either Lu Liu
([email protected] , Head of School) or Emmanuil Georgoulis
([email protected]).

From: Josef Malek [email protected]
Date: April 01, 2022
Subject: Assistant Professor Position, NA/Sci Comp, Charles Univ

The Faculty of Mathematics and Physics of Charles University (Prague,
Czech Republic) has opened a call for an Assistant Professor position
in the field of Numerical Analysis and Scientific Computing.

The details are available from:

The position is also announced at,
where further details are given.

The deadline for applications is April 20, 2022.

From: Marion Weinzierl [email protected]
Date: April 14, 2022
Subject: Research Software Engineer Positions, Durham Univ, UK

We are recruiting two Research Software Engineers for our team at
Advanced Research Computing (ARC), Durham University, UK.

We are looking in particular for people with skills in web and mobile
apps, machine learning or High Performance Computing.

Additionally, we are looking for an RSE with experience in the field
of X-Ray Crystallography for an upcoming project.

Grade 7: - 34,304 - 40,927 GBP per annum
Fixed Term - Full Time
Contract Duration: 3 years fixed term in the first instance
Contracted Hours per Week: 35
Closing Date: 29-Apr-2022, 11:59:00 PM

ARC encourages flexible working and welcomes applications from
candidates wanting to be part time or part of a job share arrangement.

All the details here:

From: Idoia Hernandez [email protected]
Date: April 11, 2022
Subject: Research Technician Position, Minimax Risk Classifiers, BCAM

Basque Center for Applied Mathematics - BCAM offers Research
Technician position in Minimax Risk Classifiers to work in Supervised
learning by robust risk minimization. Statistical learning techniques
that minimize the worstcase expected loss. Generalized maximum entropy
methods for supervised learning at Machine Learning Group with
Dr. Santiago Mazuelas.

Deadline: 29th April 2022

More info and applications at:

Requirements: Bachelor's degree in Mathematics finished or near to be
finished. Experience working with Matlab.

Skills: Good interpersonal skills. Ability to present and publish
research outcomes in spoken (talks) and written (papers) form.
Ability to effectively communicate and present research ideas to
researchers and stakeholders with different backgrounds.

The preferred candidate will have: Strong background in mathematics/
probability/statistics. Interest and disposition to work in
interdisciplinary groups.

From: Idoia Hernandez [email protected]
Date: April 11, 2022
Subject: Research Technician Position, Statistical Physics, BCAM

Basque Center for Applied Mathematics - BCAM offers a Research
Technician position in Statistical Physics to work in Statistical
Analysis of Growing Areas Simulated by a Cellular-Automata Model of
Wildfires with Dr. Gianni Pagnini at Statistical Physics research

Deadline: 29th April 2022

More info and applications at:

Requirements: Promising graduate student with interest in
environmental applications of mathematics and/or physics and/or
engineering. Candidates must have their Master degree preferable in
Applied Mathematics, Physics, Computer Science, Environmental
Engineering, or related fields.

Skills: Interdisciplinary thinking. Good interpersonal skills.
Demonstrated ability to work independently and creatively as part of a
collaborative research team. Master thesis with solid computational
basis. Fluency in spoken and written English.

The preferred candidate will have: Basic background in Mathematics
included numerical analysis. Basic knowledge of Statistics and
Probability included Monte Carlo simulations and/or cellular automata.
Working knowledge of Programming Languages: C++, python, &. Working
knowledge of the GIS platform is appreciated.

From: Idoia Hernandez [email protected]
Date: April 09, 2022
Subject: Data Science Research Technician Position, BCAM

Basque Center for Applied Mathematics - BCAM offers Research
Technician position to work with the Knowledge Transfer Unit - KTU in
Data Analysis, Statistics (regression methods, time series,
multivariate analysis, clustering methods), Machine Learning
techniques (e.g.: neural networks, random forests, decision trees,
SVM's etc.) and Optimization (linear programming, multi-objective
optimization, large-scale optimization etc.) topics. The researcher
will collaborate in knowledge transfer projects with industry and
research entities. Will work in Statistical and Machine Learning data
analysis and participation in research projects, including: Data
processing, data management and data analysis; Writing code to analyse
data and produce results; Summarizing and interpreting data and
results; Preparing, producing, updating and automating reports;
Elaborating interim and final analysis of research projects; Assisting
and preparing presentations to stakeholders. And will contribute in
the preparation and production of scientific publications and report.

Deadline: 22 April 2022
More info and application:

Requirements: Master's and or PhD degree in Statistics, Computer
Science, or a closely related field. Strong background in Statistics
and Mathematics and Computer Science. Fluency in spoken and written
Spanish and English.

Skills: Knowledge of advanced statistical methods and/or machine
learning techniques, data base management and data visualization.
Ability to analyse data, perform statistical analysis, elaborate
scientific reports and interpret results. Experience with statistical
software packages and good programming skills in R, Python and/or
MATLAB. Knowledge in database languages (e.g. SQL) and Big Data
technologies (e.g. Hadoop, etc) are valuable. Strong analytical and
problem-solving skills. Strong programming skills. Ability to read
scientific publications and implement mathematical algorithms. Good
interpersonal skills. Ability to effectively communicate and present
research ideas to researchers and stakeholders with different
backgrounds. Demonstrated high level written and oral communication
skills. Demonstrated ability to work independently and as part of a
collaborative research team.

From: Heike Sill [email protected]
Date: April 08, 2022
Subject: Research Assistant Position, Optimization with PDEs, Germany

WIAS invites in the Research Group "Nonsmooth Variational Problems and
Operator Equations" (Head: Prof. Dr. M. Hintermuller) applications for
a Research Assistant Position (f/m/d) (Ref. 22/15) to be filled at the
earliest possible date.

Field of work: Optimization with partial differential equations. The
holder of the position is qualified in a modern field of optimization
with partial differential equations. Of particular interest are
non-smooth coupled systems and data-driven (e.g. machine learning)
approaches to modeling and optimization, variational problems in
mathematical image processing or nonlinear inverse problems. In
addition to analytical considerations, the development and
implementation of numerical solution methods are of central
importance. Wanted: A motivated, outstanding researcher with a very
good degree and excellent doctorate in mathematics as well as previous
experience in the fields mentioned above with the willingness to take
on responsibility for interdisciplinary projects. Further experience
within the framework of independent research in a postdoctoral phase
as well as very good knowledge in one or more of the areas: Optimal
control with partial differential equations and numerical solution
methods; (Quasi-)Variational inequalities and their optimal control;
Non-smooth variational problems, e.g. with applications in image
processing or nonlinear inverse problems; as well as experience in the
computer-aided realization of the associated numerical solution
methods. This position is associated with the production of
publications in international peer-reviewed journals, presentation of
the results at international conferences and co-support of students
working at WIAS in this field as bachelors, masters or doctoral
students. Technical queries should be directed to Prof. Dr. Michael
Hintermuller ([email protected]). The position is
remunerated according to TVoD Bund and is initially limited to two
years, while a long-term perspective is envisioned. The Institute
aims to increase the proportion of women in this field, so
applications from women are particularly welcome. Among equally
qualified applicants, disabled candidates will be given preference.
Please upload your complete application documents, including cover
letter, curriculum vitae and certificates, via our applicant portal as
soon as possible but not later than May 8th, 2022 using the button
"Apply online".

We are looking forward to your application!

See here for more information:

From: Timo Heister [email protected]
Date: April 02, 2022
Subject: Postdoc Position, Computational Mathematics, Clemson Univ

I would like to invite applications for a Postdoc position to join my
research group in computational mathematics at Clemson University. A
successful candidate will work in the area of numerical methods for
finite element discretizations. Expertise in high performance
computing and the finite element method is expected. Additionally,
expertise in open source software development, c++, high-performance
computing, linear solvers, and visualization is a plus. The position
involves development of the open source library deal.II.

For more information see and feel
free to contact me directly for questions.

From: Brittany Erickson [email protected]
Date: April 04, 2022
Subject: Postdoc Position, HPC/Earthquake Cycle Models, Univ of Oregon

This postdoc position will involve research in high-performance
computing techniques for numerical partial differential equations
(PDEs) and their use in large-scale earthquake simulations in complex
fault networks. The postdoc will develop the computational
infrastructure for a 3D code based on finite-difference methods,
integrating GPU acceleration with advanced techniques in numerical
linear algebra. The ideal candidate will have experience in the
following areas: high-performance computing for PDEs, experience
developing optimized GPU kernels. The ideal candidate will also have
experience in some of the following areas: finite difference and/or
finite element methods, computational earthquake seismology (fault
friction and earthquake dynamics), large-scale numerical linear
algebra techniques. In addition, the candidate will conduct
interdisciplinary research, exploring science questions spanning
topics in both applied mathematics and earthquake seismology. The
successful candidate will have the ability to work effectively with
faculty, staff, and students from Earth sciences, applied mathematics,
and computer science. They will have opportunities to mentor graduate
students and integrate student contributions to code development,
leading the charge in the creation of a publicly available,
HPC-enabled code 3D code for earthquake applications. Preferred
Qualifications: Ph.D. in Computer Science, Mathematics, Geophysics, or
a related field is desirable; experience in HPC and numerical
PDEs. More details and how to apply:

From: Buyang Li [email protected]
Date: April 04, 2022
Subject: Postdoc Position, Hong Kong Polytechnic Univ

The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Department of Applied
Mathematics, invites well-qualified candidates to apply for a two-year
Postdoctoral Fellow position in computational mathematics.

The postdoctoral fellow is expected to work in part on the computation
of blood flow dynamics and other research within the group's research
interests, such as geometric curvature flows, nonlinear wave
equations, multi-phase flows, and so on.

Candidates with strong background in analysis (rather than coding) is
also welcome to apply. The selection will be held in a department
committee based on the candidate's publication on recognized good

Interested candidates should send a CV with a list of publications to
Dr. Buyang Li via email: [email protected]

From: Giraud [email protected]
Date: April 19, 2022
Subject: Postdoc Position, ML/NLA, Airbus-Cerfacs-Inria

In the context of a joint team between Airbus C R & T, Cerfacs and
Inria a 24 mont posdoc position is available.

The partners of the Concace joint project, namely Airbus C R & T -
Cerfacs and Inria, have been studying and developing Krylov subspace
solvers and associated software packages for the past few years for
the parallel solution of large systems of linear equations. In this
work, we will be interested in the solution of long sequences of
symmetric non-Hermitian problems arising for instance from the
solution of the Helmholtz equation in heterogeneous media in the
context of a sensitivity or parametric study. A key numerical
component to ensure the robustness and the efficiency of these
numerical methods is the so-called preconditioner, whose definition
requires some a priori knowledge on the properties of the linear
system or of the underlying problem. Classical approaches consist in
exploiting this algebraic or analytic information. In this work, we
intend to investigate how machine learning techniques could be used to
improve a prescribed preconditioner or to fully learn one.

For more information please refer to

or contact Luc Giraud (Inria, [email protected]), Pierre Benjamin
(Airbus CRT, [email protected]) or Carola Kruse (Cerfacs,
[email protected])

This 24 month position is planned to start on October 1st, 2022 at the
very latest.

From: Mengwu Guo [email protected]
Date: April 07, 2022
Subject: Postdoc Position, Scientific Machine Learning, Univ of Twente

We are calling for applications for a two-year postdoc position in the
Mathematics of Imaging and AI group at University of Twente s Applied
Mathematics Department to work in the area of scientific machine
learning. Research activities of this postdoc position focus on the
synergistic integration of modern numerical methods for PDEs and
machine learning techniques. The successful candidate will be working
with Dr. Mengwu Guo on Bayesian learning of latent dynamics in the
context of computational physics/mechanics.

We look for an enthusiastic researcher and team worker who is driven
by curiosity and has a strong background of numerical simulation in
computational physics/mechanics. In addition, candidates are expected
to have demonstrated experiences in at least two of the following
research areas: Reduced order modeling, Bayesian inversion,
Uncertainty quantification, Neural differential equations, and
Bayesian neural networks and/or Gaussian process emulation. Good
communication skills are also required for working in a highly
collaborative environment.

This open position is expected to be filled as soon as
possible. Interested candidates are welcome to contact Dr. Mengwu Guo
([email protected]) for further information and send an application
package including a motivation letter, an updated CV, and the contact
information of two references.

From: Idoia Hernandez [email protected]
Date: April 12, 2022
Subject: Postdoc Position, Special Functions and Random Walks, BCAM

Basque Center for Applied Mathematics - BCAM offers a Postdoctoral
Fellowship position in Special Functions and Random Walks to work with
Dr. Gianni Pagnini at Statistical Physics research line inside the
Generalized Master Equation for the Continuous-Time Random Walk. The
proposed research project is focused on the derivation of the
Generalized Master Equation (GME) for the Continuous-Time Random Walk
(CTRW) as published in literature, e.g., [1,2], and on its specific
determination for fractional diffusion [3]. Actually, the GME depends
on a kernel function that is explicitly given in terms of the jumps
and waiting-times distributions of the CTRW. Surprisingly, a
systematic study concerning the features of the CTRW, the kernel of
the GME and the resulting walker's distribution is not provided,
yet. The aim of the research is to fill this literature gap in the
view of the many applications of the CTRW and in particular because of
the recent regime-transitions (exponential-to-fractional-to-Gaussian)
observed in anomalous diffusion processes.

[1] Klafter J and Silbey R 1980 Phys. Rev. Lett. 44 55-58
[2] Klafter J, Blumen A and Shlesinger M F 1987 Phys. Rev. A 35 3081-3085
[3] Hilfer R and Anton L 1995 Phys. Rev. E 51 R848-R851

Deadline: 29th April 2022
More info and applications at:

Requirements: Applicants must have their PhD completed before the
contract starts.

Skills: Good interpersonal skills. A proven track record in quality
research, as evidenced by research publications in top scientific
journals and conferences. Demonstrated ability to work independently
and as part of a collaborative research team. Ability to present and
publish research outcomes in spoken (talks) and written (papers) form.
Ability to effectively communicate and present research ideas to
researchers and stakeholders with different backgrounds. Fluency in
spoken and written English.

The preferred candidate will have: Strong background in special
functions and integral transforms. Background in fractional calculus
and fractional modelling. Knowledge in statistics and probability.
Good programming skills in Mathematica and/or Maple and/or MathLab.
Interest and disposition to work in interdisciplinary groups.

From: Thomas Wick [email protected]
Date: April 02, 2022
Subject: Postdoc Positions, Applied Mathematics, Germany

The Institute of Applied Mathematics at the Leibniz University
Hannover invites applications for two positions of a Research
Assistant (Postdoctoral Fellow, m/f/d) in Mathematics (Salary Scale 13
TV-L, 100 %) to be filled as of now, at latest on October 01,
2022. The positions are limited to three years, with the possibility
of an extension. For excellent academic achievements during the
Postdoc time, there is the possibility of pursuing a habilitation.
Responsibilities and duties include research in Applied Analysis,
Numerical Mathematics, or Optimization and a teaching load of four
hours a week. The focus of teaching is in service classes (in German
language) such as numerical mathematics for (high) school teachers and
mathematics courses for other faculties. To qualify for the position,
applicants should hold a PhD in mathematics. In addition, applicants
should have a strong track record in Applied Analysis, or Numerical
Mathematics or Optimization. Communication in English is advantageous.
Leibniz University Hannover considers itself a family-friendly
university and therefore promotes a balance between work and family
responsibilities. Part-time employment can be arranged upon request.
The university aims to promote equality between women and men. For
this purpose, the university strives to reduce under-representation in
areas where a certain gender is under-represented. Women are
under-represented in the salary scale of the advertised
position. Therefore, qualified women are encouraged to
apply. Moreover, we welcome applications from qualified
men. Preference will be given to equally-qualified applicants with
disabilities. For further information, please contact Prof. Dr. Thomas
Wick via email [email protected] .

Please submit your application (CV, Research Statement, List of
Publications) until May 15, 2022 in one single pdf-file to
[email protected]

The official ad is here:

From: Jose A Cuminato [email protected]
Date: April 12, 2022
Subject: Postdoc Postion, ML/Text Mining

Post-doc position in machine learning and text mining. This project
involves the development of models for automatic inspection from large
databases with Electronic Invoices. The objective is to identify fraud
and detect overpricing in government data. Text mining methods will be
investigated and developed specifically to extract features and
improve the information contained in electronic invoices. This
information is used by machine learning methods to classify textual
segments of electronic invoices, as well as to improve electronic
invoices data clustering. It is expected to identify risks and explore
relationships between companies, public agencies, and other entities
described in the electronic invoices. The candidate will investigate
methods for text pre-processing, data clustering, outlier and anomaly
detection, and one-class classification. It is recommended that the
candidate have expertise in python packages currently used for these
activities, such as SkLearn, Keras, and/or PyTorch, as well as
graph-based visualization techniques using the Neo4J environment. The
candidate will be based in Sao Carlos, Brazil. The post is initially
for one year and can be renewed depending on performance. Starting
date is from 1st July 2022. To apply, please send a CV and a reference
letter to [email protected]. Applications are open until May 25,

From: Peter Kritzer [email protected]
Date: April 17, 2022
Subject: PhD and Postdoc Position, NA, Austria

We advertise a PhD Position (3 yrs.) and a Post-Doc Position (1-2
yrs.) in the field of Information-Based Complexity at JKU Linz and at
RICAM of the Austrian Academy of Sciences, respectively.

Both positions will be supervised in cooperation by Aicke Hinrichs and
Peter Kritzer. The PhD Position is formally affiliated with JKU Linz,
while the Post-Doc Position is affiliated with RICAM.

Both positions remain open until suitably filled.

Further details on the PhD Position are available at:

Further details on the Post-Doc Position are available at:

From: Idoia Hernandez [email protected]
Date: April 07, 2022
Subject: PhD Position, Fluid Dynamics Modelling, BCAM

In the framework of the BCAM "Mathematical Modelling Applied to
Health" strategy, a series of projects will be launched in different
areas of AppliedMathematics. The "Computational Fluid Dynamics"
research line ( at the
BCAM looks for a PhD candidate to work in the project: "Mesoscopic
fluid dynamics modelling and simulation of virus transport"

The coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 (as well as other viruses), consist of a
nanoscale spherical capsid decorated with protruding functional
proteins. The alignment of the such proteins with specific receptors
of the human cells determines the linkage and further insertion of the
viral genetic material into the cells. At the nanoscale, the
rotational diffusion of such decorated objects may exhibit
characteristic deviations compared to a simple nanosphere. Moreover,
the type and distribution of the surrounding proteins can provide
rotational signatures that differentiate various types of virus, thus
providing relevant biomarkers. The goal of this PhD project is to
explore the potential of microrheological characterization of viral
solutions as a tool for virus-identification and characterization. The
effect of the decorating-proteins morphology and distribution over the
dynamics of virus will be investigated using the smoothed dissipative
particle dynamics method. The results of this project will provide
relevant mesoscopic information to construct a multiscale framework to
investigated viral pathologies.

The PhD candidate will work under the supervision of Ikerbasque
Prof. Marco Ellero (CFD group, BCAM) on the developments and use of
mesoscopic particle-simulation methods to better understand changes in
the translational and rotational diffusivity of viruses. Experimental
collaborations with the Dr. Padilla's Lab at Kings College
( as well as with
groups at CICbiomagune and BioDonostia in San Sebastian are foreseen.

Requirements: Bachelor's or Master's degree in Physics, Enginering or
Applied Mathematics

More info and application at:
Deadline: 19 April 2022

From: Wim Michiels [email protected]
Date: April 14, 2022
Subject: PhD Position, KU Leuven, Belgium

In the Numerical Analysis and Applied Mathematics (NUMA) section of KU
Leuven, Belgium, there is a vacancy for a four year, fully funded PhD
position on "Mathematical and computational approaches for analysis
and control of complex dynamical systems".

A description of the PhD project, at the intersection of the
computational mathematics, and dynamical systems and control, the
desired profile of the applicants, the hosting research group and
university, as well as application instructions can be found at

Applications will be considered as soon as they are received, and the
opening will be closed as soon as a suitable candidate has been
hired. The formal application deadline is June 7, 2022.

From: Silke Glas [email protected]
Date: April 02, 2022
Subject: PhD Position, Numerical Mathematics, Univ of Twente

Applications are invited for a four-year PhD position under the
supervision of Silke Glas in the Department of Applied Mathematics at
the University of Twente, the Netherlands.

This topic of this PhD position is centered around "but not limited
to" developing methods to perform model reduction of dynamical
systems, both concerning analysis and application. The aim is to
develop reduced models on manifolds while possibly preserving the
structure of the given high-dimensional equation, which can be, e.g.,
Hamiltonian or port- Hamiltonian. For the explicit construction of the
reduced model, recent methods utilizing machine learning techniques
will be reviewed and further methods will be developed/newly created.

More information on this position and on how to apply can be found

Applications received prior to April 15, 2022 will receive full
consideration, but applications will be accepted until the position is
filled. For any questions, please contact Silke Glas
[email protected] directly.

From: Heike Sill [email protected]
Date: April 08, 2022
Subject: PhD Position, Optimization Methods for DL, WIAS, Germany

WIAS invites in the Research Group "Nonsmooth Variational Problems and
Operator Equations" (Head: Prof. Dr. M. Hintermuller) applications for
a PhD student position (f/m/d) on optimization methods for deep
learning (Ref. 22/13) to be filled at the earliest possible date. The
position is associated to the MATH+ Cluster of Excellence project
EF1-15 \Robust Multilevel Training of Artificial Neural Networks". The
project aims to develop novel methods for training nonsmooth
artificial neural networks with emphasis on their theoretical
analysis, algorithmic implementation and related applications
(e.g. deep learning-based numerical solution of PDEs and their optimal
control). We are looking for: a motivated and enthusiastic candidate
with an above-average master s degree in mathematics and a solid
background in mathematical optimization, numerical analysis,
scientific computing, functional analysis and partial differential
equations. Strong programming skills are highly desired. Technical
queries should be directed to Prof. Dr. Michael Hintermuller
([email protected]). The position is remunerated
according to TVoD Bund and is limited to three years. The Institute
aims to increase the proportion of women in this field, so
applications from women are particularly welcome. Among equally
qualified applicants, disabled candidates will be given preference.
Please upload your complete application documents (motivation letter,
detailed CV, certificates, list of MSc courses and grades, copy of the
master thesis, reference letters, etc.) via our applicant portal using
the button Apply online". The advertisement is open with immediate
effect and will remain open until the position will be filled. We are
looking forward to your application!

See here for more information:

From: Andreas Adelmann [email protected]
Date: April 12, 2022
Subject: PhD Positions, Bayesian Calibration Methodology for Complex Models

Data assimilation is a mathematical discipline that seeks to optimally
combine theory with observations. There may be a number of different
goals sought, for example - to determine the optimal state estimate of
a system, to determine initial conditions for a numerical forecast
model, to interpolate sparse observation data using physical knowledge
of the system being observed, to train numerical model parameters
based on observed data. De- pending on the goal, different solution
methods may be used. Data assimilation is distinguished from other
forms of machine learning, image analysis, and statistical methods in
that it utilizes a dynamical model of the system being analyzed. The
ultimate outcome of this research project is to provide the
accelerator & nuclear reactor modelling community with an open source
data assimilation toolbox for non-linear, time-dependent models,
potential model inadequacy and inconsistency in the experimental
data. The methodology will be provided with a set of prescriptions on
how to use it depending on the features of the modelling problem at

Details of the particle accelerator related project can be found at:
https: // or
contact Andreas Adelmann directly.

Details of the project related to the modeling of nuclear fuel under
irradi- ation can be found at: 50608-
phd-student-data-assimilation-index-no-4102-01 or contact Math- ieu
Hursin directly.

From: Ed Saff [email protected]
Date: March 30, 2022
Subject: Contents, Constructive Approximation, 55 (1-2)

Constructive Approximation
Volume 55, Issue 1
Table of Contents: CA Special Issue on Neural Network Approximation

Introduction to CA Special Issue on Neural Network Approximation,
Wolfgang Dahmen, Ronald A. DeVore, & Philipp Grohs

DNN Expression Rate Analysis of High-Dimensional PDEs: Application to
Option Pricing, Dennis Elbrachter, Philipp Grohs, Arnulf Jentzen, &
Christoph Schwab

A Theoretical Analysis of Deep Neural Networks and Parametric PDEs,
Gitta Kutyniok, Philipp Petersen, Mones Raslan & Reinhold Schneider

Nonlinear Approximation and (Deep) ReLU Networks, I. Daubechies,
R. DeVore, S. Foucart, B. Hanin & G. Petrova

Neural Network Identifiability for a Family of Sigmoidal
Nonlinearities, Verner Vlacic & Helmut Bolcskei

Depth Separations in Neural Networks: What is Actually Being Separated?q
Itay Safran, Ronen Eldan & Ohad Shamir

Approximation Spaces of Deep Neural Networks, Remi Gribonval, Gitta
Kutyniok, Morten Nielsen & Felix Voigtlaender

The Barron Space and the Flow-Induced Function Spaces for Neural
Network Models, Weinan E, Chao Ma, & Lei Wu

Universal Approximations of Invariant Maps by Neural Networks, Dmitry

Robust and Resource-Efficient Identification of Two Hidden Layer
Neural Networks, Massimo Fornasier, Timo Klock & Michael

Exponential ReLU DNN Expression of Holomorphic Maps in High Dimension,
J. A. A. Opschoor, Ch. Schwab & J. Zech

Best k-Layer Neural Network Approximations, Lek-Heng Lim, Mateusz
MichaBek & Yang Qi

Constructive Approximation
Volume 55, Issue 2
Table of Contents

Markov's Theorem for Weight Functions on the Unit Circle, Kenier

Distortion and Critical Values of the Finite Blaschke Product,
V. N. Dubinin

Discrete Self-adjoint Dirac Systems: Asymptotic Relations, Weyl
Functions and Toeplitz Matrices, Alexander Sakhnovich

Microlocal Analysis and Characterization of Sobolev Wavefront Sets
Using Shearlets, Bin Han, Swaraj Paul & Niraj K. Shukla

Fourier Multipliers on a Vector-Valued Function Space, Bae Jun Park

Numerical Integration and Discrepancy Under Smoothness Assumption and
Without It, V. N. Temlyakov

From: Irena Lasiecka [email protected]
Date: April 19, 2022
Subject: Contents, Evolution Equations and Control Theory, 11 (3)

Contents:Evolution Equations and Control Theory,
Vol 11 Nr 3, 2022

Pseudo S-asymptotically Bloch type periodic solutions to a damped
evolution equation, Siqi Chen, Yong-Kui Chang and Yanyan Wei

Initial boundary value problem for a strongly damped wave equation
with a general nonlinearity, Hui Yang and Yuzhu Han

Optimal control problems governed by two dimensional convective
Brinkman-Forchheimer equations, Manil T. Mohan

Exact controllability and stabilization for a general internal wave
system of Benjamin-Ono type, Jose R. Quintero and Alex M. Montes

On the stabilization for the high-order Kadomtsev-Petviashvili and the
Zakharov-Kuznetsov equations with localized damping, Roger P. de
Moura, Ailton C. Nascimento and Gleison N. Santos

Exponential stability for a multi-particle system with piecewise
interaction function and stochastic disturbance, Yipeng Chen, Yicheng
Liu and Xiao Wang

Local null controllability for a parabolic equation with local and
nonlocal nonlinearities in moving domains, Andre da Rocha Lopes and
Juan Limaco

The lifespan of solutions for a viscoelastic wave equation with a
strong damping and logarithmic nonlinearity, Menglan Liao

Functional inequalities involving nonlocal operators on complete
Riemannian manifolds and their applications to the fractional porous
medium equation, Nikolaos Roidos and Yuanzhen Shao

On a class of differential quasi-variational-hemivariational
inequalities in infinite-dimensional Banach spaces, Savin Treanca

On the Cauchy problem for a derivative nonlinear Schrodinger equation
with nonvanishing boundary conditions, Phan Van Tin

Persistence of superoscillations under the Schriodinger equation,
Elodie Pozzi and Brett D. Wick

Long-time behavior of a size-structured population model with
diffusion and delayed birth process, Dongxue Yan and Xianlong Fu

Neutral delay Hilfer fractional integrodifferential equations with
fractional brownian motion, Yousef Alnafisah and Hamdy M. Ahmed

Local stabilization of viscous Burgers equation with memory, Wasim
Akram and Debanjana Mitra

Solvability of doubly nonlinear parabolic equation with p-laplacian,
Shun Uchida

End of Digest