NA Digest, V. 18, # 52

NA Digest Sunday, December 30, 2018 Volume 18 : Issue 52

Today's Editor:

Daniel M. Dunlavy
Sandia National Labs
[email protected]

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Submissions for NA Digest:

From: khalide jbilou [email protected]
Date: December 24, 2018
Subject: Mathematical Modeling with Applications, Morocco, Apr 2019

Mathematical Modeling with Applications M2A19
Mohammed V University, Rabat, Morocco
April, 1--4, 2019.

The conference is dedicated to Gerard Meurant for his 70th Birthday

MAIN TOPICS: Large linear systems and preconditioning, eigenvalue
problems. Linear algebra and control, model reduction. Ill-posed
problems, Image processing. Numerical methods for PDEs.
Approximation,Optimisation. Applied Statistics. Applications: Signal
processing, financial computation, learning machine.

PLENARY SPEAKERS: C. Brezinski, France; G. Meurant, France; F. Dopico,
Spain; Y. Saad, USA; H. Sadok, France; P. Van Dooren, Belgium.

Important Dates:
January 15, 2019 - Deadline for submission of titles and abstracts
February 15, 2019 - Deadline for registration

The proceedings of the conference will appear as a special volume of
the journal " Numerical Algorithms", subject to a regular refereeing

For more informations, please refer to the web page:

or contact us at: [email protected] or at:
[email protected]

From: Magdalena Thöne [email protected]
Date: December 28, 2018
Subject: Professor Position, Applied Analysis, TU Dortmund Univ, Germany

The Faculty of Mathematics at TU Dortmund University is seeking to
fill the position of a Professor (W1) in "Applied Analysis" starting
as soon as possible. The Professor should represent "Applied Analysis"
in research and teaching.

TU Dortmund University is seeking a scientist holding an excellent PhD
and having a national and international reputation with peer-reviewed
publications in the field of nonlinear partial differential equations.
The focus of research should be in a modern field of applied analysis,
for example homogenization, degenerate or rate-independent equations,
variational methods or stochastic partial differential equations. The
reference to applications such as fluid mechanics, continuum
mechanics, wave equations, porous media, free boundary value problems
or geometric problems is desired. The research interests of the
applicants should be complementary to the research activities of the
Faculty of Mathematics. The applicants should contribute to
interdisciplinary collaborative research projects within and outside
TU Dortmund University. First experience in the acquisition of
third-party funding is an asset. An adequate contribution to the
faculty's teaching curriculum is expected. The present Faculty's study
programmes include Mathematics, Technomathematics, Mathematics and
Economics as well as Mathematics for teaching at schools.

For detailed information, please visit:

From: Andre Massing [email protected]
Date: December 27, 2018
Subject: Postdoc Position, Computational Mathematics, Umea Univ, Sweden

The Department of Mathematics and Mathematical Statistics
( at Umea University is seeking a candidate for a
postdoctoral researcher position at UMIT Research Lab to work with
Andre Massing on the ESSENCE funded project "An Open Source HPC Cut
Finite Element Software Platform".

In this project we employ and advance a novel discretization
framework, the Cut Finite Element Method (CutFEM), to develop a
simulation platform for complex multiphysics flows arising, for
instance, in the modeling of droplet-based microfluidic devices,
dynamics of foams, or cell motility. The main task of the project is
to provide one of the existing open source and massively parallelized
finite element platforms such as deal.ii ( or mfem
( with modern, state-of-the-art CutFEM capabilities,
and to apply the resulting simulation platform to a number of
challenging multiphase flow problems.

The project requires a sound working knowledge in the implementation
of finite element methods and good programming skills in C++.
Experience with large-scale computing and/or an open source, C++-based
finite element framework such as FEniCS, deal.ii, mfem, ngsolve, DUNE
etc. are considered merits.

The position is a two-years full-time research employment without
teaching duties that will open March 2019, or as otherwise agreed.

For further details and to apply, please visit:

Application deadline is the 25th of January, 2019 at 23:59 CET.

For further information, please contact Assist. Prof. Andre Massing
([email protected]).

From: Harbir Antil [email protected]
Date: December 26, 2018
Subject: Postdoc Position, PDE Constrained Optimization, George Mason Univ

There is PostDoc position available at Department of Mathematical
Sciences, George Mason University, Fairfax, VA with focus on PDE
Constrained Optimization.

More details are available here

Please contact Harbir Antil at
[email protected]
if you are interested in applying.

From: Guewei wei [email protected]
Date: December 26, 2018
Subject: Postdoc Positions, Data Science or Mathbio, Michigan State

Two postdoctoral associate positions are available at the Wei group at
the Department of Mathematics, Michigan State University. Research
topics can be either one or an arbitrary combination of the follows:

1) machine learning/deep learning theory and application.

2) data analysis with either algebraic topology, differential
geometry, graph theory, combinatorics, or other mathematical tools.

3) mathematical molecular bioscience and biophysics, and

4) drug design and discovery.

Ideal candidates should have much coding experience and solid training
in mathematics. Requirements include a Ph.D. in either mathematics or
other quantitative sciences, such as biophysics, computational
chemistry, and computer science. These positions are partially funded
by NSF, NIH, Pfizer, Bristol-Myers Squibb, and Detroit Medical
Center. Successful candidates have opportunities to work with world
top performers on computer-aided drug design (winners of the D3R Grand
Challenge competitions), and Pfizer and Bristol-Myers Squibb
scientists. Interested candidates should apply to Mathjobs and send a
note to [email protected].

From: Andre Massing [email protected]
Date: December 27, 2018
Subject: PhD Position, Computational Mathematics, NTNU, Norway

A new PhD fellowship in computational mathematics is available at the
Department of Mathematical Sciences at the Norwegian University of
Science and Technology (

The PhD project will focus on the development and application of novel
computational tools for the accurate and efficient simulation of
complex multiphysics flows. Such flows play an important role in many
environmental and engineering applications, for instance, in the
combat of oil spills, the design of droplet-based microfluidic
devices, and the modeling of cell motion.

We are looking for a highly motivated candidate with a sound
background in numerical mathematics and a strong interest for
developing novel numerical schemes and applying them to challenging
application problems in science and engineering. The project requires
good programming skills, preferably in C++, and basic knowledge in
partial differential equations and their numerical
solution. Knowledge/interest in fluid mechanics and/or scientific
computing are considered merits. Experience with open source finite
element libraries such as FEniCS, deal.ii, mfem, ngsolve, DUNE
etc. are advantageous but not required.

The successful candidate will be offered a three-year, full-time
research position. The Department may offer a twelve month extension
as a teaching assistant. The work place will be Trondheim.

For further details and to apply, please visit:

Application deadline is the 31st of January, 2019.

For further information, please contact the Head of Department, Einar
Ronquist ([email protected]) or Assoc. Prof. Andre Massing
(currently reachable via [email protected]).

From: Fikret Aliev, [email protected]
Date: December 26, 2018
Subject: Contents, Proc Institute of Applied Mathematics, 7 (2)

Fikret A. Aliev, M.M. Mutallimov, I.A. Maharramov, New sweep algorithm
for solving a linear quadratic optimization problem with unseparated
two-point boundary conditions

A.O. Mostafa, Meromorphic Subclasses of p-valent Functions Involving
Certain Operator

H.K. Musaev, Linear degenerate convolution-elliptic equations with

B. Basavanagoud, Anand P. Barangi, Sunilkumar M. Hosamani, First
neighbourhood zagreb index of some nanostructures

E. A. Gasymov, Application of finite integral transformation method to
the solution of mixed problems for parabolic equations with a control

A.G. Nagiyev, F.A. Aliyeva, G.A. Naghiev, Vibrational management in
one class models with differential equations in partial derivatives
with the criterion of maximum average quality

A.B. Ramazanov, Accuracy of the gradient algorithm in tasks with -
coordinate-convexity criterion functions

Fikret A. Aliev, N.A. Aliev, N.A. Safarova, N.I. Velieva, Algorithm
for solution the Cauchy problem for stationary linear systems of
ordinary differential equations of fractional order

T.K. Yuldashev, Determination of coefficient in differential equation
with two dimensional whitham operator of higher power

Fikret A. Aliev , E.R. Shafizade,A.B. Ramazanov, Discrete Dynamic
model of GDP in Azerbaijan

R.Shikhlinskaya, E. Nasibov, S.Peker, Applying the fuzzy inference
using wabl defuzzification method to fuzzy controls

End of Digest