NA Digest, V. 18, # 44

NA Digest Monday, November 05, 2018 Volume 18 : Issue 44

Today's Editor:

Daniel M. Dunlavy
Sandia National Labs
[email protected]

Today's Topics: Subscribe, unsubscribe, change address, or for na-digest archives:

Submissions for NA Digest:

From: Tobias Neckel [email protected]
Date: October 30, 2018
Subject: Call for Submissions, BGCE Student Paper Prize

The 7th BGCE Student Paper Prize will be awarded at the 2019 SIAM CS&E
Conference, February 25 - March 1, for outstanding student work in the
field of Computational Science and Engineering. Founder of the prize
is the Bavarian Graduate School of Computational Engineering (BGCE, ). The prize winner will be invited to spend one
week in Bavaria, Germany, visiting BGCE sites in Erlangen and
Munich. The main objective is to promote excellent students in CS&E
and to foster international exchange at an early career
stage. Eligible for the prize will be undergraduate and graduate
students prior to receiving their PhD (at date of submission).

Candidates are required to summarize their work in a short 4-page
paper. The prize finalists will be asked to present their work at SIAM
CS&E 2019 at a special "CS&E Student Prize Minisymposium". The papers
and talks will be evaluated by an international prize
committee. Excluded from the competition are only students from our
own universities, FAU and TUM. Deadline for submissions to the BGCE
Student Paper Prize is December 9, 2018. Submissions should be sent in
pdf format via email to [email protected]

Since we are interested in a broad and high-level competition, as in
2007, 2009, 2011, 2013, 2015, and 2017, we ask you to encourage
suitable candidates to submit a paper and to support their
participation in SIAM CS&E 2019.

Please see for details.

From: Bernard Beauzamy [email protected]
Date: October 31, 2018
Subject: Mathematical Competitive Game: Traffic Jams in Houston, Texas

The 10th annual Competitive Game, organized jointly by the French
Federation for Mathematical Games and SCM, has started. It is endowed
with 2 000 Euros of prizes. The topic this year is: "Traffic Jams in
Houston, Texas".

Please see:

Please forward this announcement to your colleagues and students.

From: Kory W. Hedman [email protected]
Date: October 31, 2018
Subject: Grid Optimization Competition, US Department of Energy

The US Department of Energy has announced the Grid Optimization (GO)
Competition. Please see the YouTube post from Secretary of Energy Rick

The GO Competition will be a series of challenges (with prize money)
aimed at modernizing power grid software tools.

Challenge 1 will start tomorrow and end in Fall of 2019. ARPA-E will
award up to $4M in prize money to the top performers of Challenge 1.

The first such challenge will focus on a mixed integer nonlinear
program, which represents the network flow problem of the high voltage
electric power grid. This problem contains a two-stage structure to
capture pre and post disturbance (contingency) constraints to ensure
the grid operates reliably and efficiently; complementarity
constraints are included to reflect the restrictions on how a power
plant responds during a disturbance. The network flow model is

The competition is open to US led teams and international teams. All
teams can compete for bragging rights. US led teams are eligible for
the prize money.

GO Competition website: and Rules: The problem
formulation and the scoring documents are also posted on the website.

Feel free to contact the Program Director, Dr. Kory Hedman. ARPA-E
staff will be in attendance at INFORMS next week advertising the GO
Competition and future pursuits.

From: John C. Nash [email protected]
Date: November 03, 2018
Subject: Algol code from Wilkinson and Reinsch

The codes in Wilkinson and Reinsch (Handbook for Automatic Computation
Vol 2: Linear Algebra) are in algol 60. I've the book and could scan
and OCR, but am wondering if anyone has machine readable source
codes. I will not pretend this is a critical request, but more of a
tangential investigation arising from the histoRicalg project to
document (including provenance) some of the algorithms used in R. See, where one of the vignettes
being developed discusses running older codes in their original form.

From: Lorenzo Tamellini [email protected]
Date: November 05, 2018
Subject: New Release, Sparse Grids Matlab Kit

The release 18-10 "Esperanza" of the Sparse Grids Matlab Kit is now
available for download (BSD2 license) at

The Sparse Grids Matlab Kit is a collection of Matlab functions for
high-dimensional quadrature and interpolation, based on the
combination technique version of sparse grids. It is lightweight,
high-level and (hopefully) easy to use, good for quick prototyping and
teaching. It comes with a very extensive documentation and examples
(7000 lines of code, 3600 lines of comments). It is somehow geared
towards Uncertainty Quantification (UQ), but it is flexible enough for
other purposes.

This release adds functionalities for
- global and sensitivity analysis (computation of gradients and sobol
- weighted Leja quadrature points;
- exporting sparse grids to ascii file;
- plotting sparse grids interpolants;
as well as other minor additions (see release notes for full list).

From: Jerome Droniou [email protected]
Date: October 31, 2018
Subject: New Book, The Gradient Discretisation Method

The Gradient Discretisation Method
by J. Droniou, R. Eymard, T. Gallouet, C. Guichard and R. Herbin.
Springer International Publishing, Mathematics & Applications,
vol. 82, 2018, xxiv+497 pp. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-79042-8
ISBN: 978-3-319-79041-1 (softcover), 978-3-319-79042-8 (ebook)

This monograph presents the Gradient Discretisation Method (GDM),
which is a unified convergence analysis framework for discretisation
schemes for elliptic and parabolic partial differential equations.
The results obtained by the GDM cover both stationary and transient
models; error estimates are provided for linear (and some non-linear)
equations, and convergence is established for a wide range of fully
non-linear models (e.g. Leray-Lions and degenerate parabolic
equations, such as the Stefan or Richards models).

A key feature of this monograph lies in theorems that enable complete
convergence analyses under minimal regularity assumptions. These
theorems, whose scope goes beyond the GDM, include discrete versions
of classical compactness theorems (e.g. Ascoli-Arzela, Aubin-Simon).

The GDM applies to a wide range of methods, some of them applicable to
very general meshes: conforming, non-conforming and mixed finite
elements; discontinuous Galerkin; mimetic finite differences; hybrid
and mixed finite volume; MPFA-O finite volume. Tools are provided to
easily check whether a given scheme is a GDM, and thus benefits from
the analysis carried out in this framework.

This book is destined to masters students, researchers and experts in
the numerical analysis of partial differential equations.

From: Sandra Malta [email protected]
Date: November 05, 2018
Subject: Computational Modeling and Numerical Analysis, Brazil, Feb 2019

The Workshop on Computational Modeling and Numerical Analysis (WCMNA
2019) will be held February 25 - 28, 2019 at that the National
Laboratory of Scientific Computing (LNCC) in Petropolis, Rio de
Janeiro, Brazil.

The Program is composed by 09 plenary lectures and the following 02
- Hybrid High-Order Methods, Alexandre Ern - Universite Paris-Est,
- Finite Element Methods for Incompressible Flows , Volker John -
Weierstrass Institute for Applied Analysis and Stochastics.

Poster presentations will be also included in program. NEW Abstract
submission deadline is November 20, 2018.

Additional information can be found at

From: Pamela Bye [email protected]
Date: October 30, 2018
Subject: IMA Dense Granular Flows Conference, UK, Jul 2019

Monday 1 - Thursday 4 July 2019
Centre for Mathematical Sciences, University of Cambridge, UK

Flows involving solid particulates are ubiquitous in nature and
industry alike. Such flows are found in pharmaceutical production, the
chemical industry, the food and agricultural industries, energy
production and the environment. Many unsolved problems remain,
however. In order to be able to solve problems, granular flows need to
be understood so that their behaviour can be controlled and predicted.
We are able to describe rapid granular flows, where the particles are
highly agitated and there has been some success describing static
systems. The intermediate regime, where these two phases meet and
coexist, is not as well understood and yet is the most commonly
observed behaviour of granular flow. The objective of this meeting
will be to interface the two ends of the particulate flow spectrum -
those working to understand the fundamentals of granular flows and
those attempting to control particulate flows in an industrial setting
- to develop solutions to the complex problems presented by dense
granular flows. Themes will include dense granular flow, biological
systems, self- propelled particles and geological flows, exploring new
developments in theoretical analysis and experimental techniques. All
attendees will be provided with an opportunity to present recent work
and there will be substantial time for discussion, both during the
workshop and during the evening! Postgraduate and PhD students are
particularly welcomed and oral presentations will reflect the breadth
of the field.

Confirmed Invited Speakers:
- Professor Kimberly Hill (University of Minnesota)
- Dr Chris Johnson (University of Manchester)
- Lydie Staron (Institut le Rond d'Alembert, Paris)

Papers will be accepted for the conference based on a 500 word
abstract for oral or poster presentation. Abstracts should be
submitted by 31 January 2019 via Please
indicate whether your title is intended for oral or poster

For further information, please visit the conference webpage:

From: Inmaculada Higueras [email protected]
Date: November 02, 2018
Subject: Industrial and Applied Mathematics, Spain, Jul 2019

ICIAM 2019
9th International Congress on Industrial and Applied Mathematics
Universitat de Valencia, Valencia, Spain
July 15-19, 2019

Organized by the Spanish Society of Applied Mathematics (SEMA) under
the auspices of the International Council for Industrial and Applied
Mathematics (ICIAM), ICIAM 2019 will showcase the most recent advances
in industrial and applied mathematics.

Submission deadlines:
- Minisymposia: December 10, 2018 (extended)
- Contributed Papers: January 7, 2019
- Posters: April 1, 2019

Financial support program to attend ICIAM 2019:
- Application deadline February 25, 2019

Further information may be found at

Sign up for the ICIAM 2019 Newsletter to keep you updated on all the
information about the Congress.

From: Luis Melara [email protected]
Date: October 30, 2018
Subject: Faculty Position, Applied Math/Stats, Shippensburg Univ, PA, USA

Tenure-Track Position in Applied Mathematics/Statistics at
Shippensburg University of Pennsylvania

The Mathematics Department at Shippensburg University is looking to
expand its offerings in applied mathematics, statistics, actuarial
science, and/or data science. One tenure-track position is available.
Applications will begin to be reviewed on Nov. 30, 2018.

Please contact Prof. Kate McGivney at [email protected] with any

For more information on this position, please go to

From: Stephan Dahlke [email protected]
Date: November 01, 2018
Subject: Faculty Position, Numerical Analysis, Philipps-Univ of Marburg

The Department of Mathematics and Computer Sciences at the
Philipps-University of Marburg, Germany, announces the availability of
a faculty position in Numerical Analysis to start in October
2019. Canditates will be considered for the Associate Professor rank
(W2). For more details on required qualifications and applications
instructions, see

From: Frank E. Curtis [email protected]
Date: October 30, 2018
Subject: Faculty Positions, Lehigh Univ

The Department of Industrial and Systems Engineering (ISE) at Lehigh
University is participating in two searches led by the P.C. Rossin
College of Engineering and Applied Science (RCEAS) at Lehigh on the
topics of:

- Foundations of Data Science
- Cyber-Physical and Sensing Systems

Please see the website below for further information:

From: Ken Jackson [email protected]
Date: October 29, 2018
Subject: Tenure-Track Positions, Computer Science, Univ of Toronto

The Department of Computer Science at the University of Toronto
invites applications for several tenure-stream faculty positions in
- Numerical Analysis -- joint position with the Department of
- Mathematical Aspects of Computer Science -- joint position with the
Department of Mathematics
- Computational Geometry
- Data Science -- joint position with the Department of Statistical
- Data Visualization -- joint position with the Department of
Statistical Sciences
- Sustainability and Climate Informatics -- joint position with the
School of the Environment
- Computer Systems
- Knowledge Representation and Reasoning

In addition, the Department of Mathematical and Computational Sciences
at the University of Toronto Mississauga (UTM) is hiring for one
position at the rank of Assistant Professor in the area of Robotics.

For further information, please go to the website

From: Mike O'Neil [email protected]
Date: October 30, 2018
Subject: Postdoc Position, Computational Math, Courant Institute, NYU

The Courant Institute at NYU invites applications for one
post-doctoral scholar position to work with Leslie Greengard and Mike
O'Neil on developing computational algorithms for solving
electromagnetic and acoustic wave propagation problems. Candidates
will likely have a PhD degree in applied and/or computational
mathematics with a strong background in at least one of the following
areas: randomized linear algebra, fast algorithms (e.g. fast
multipole methods, direct solvers, butterfly algorithms, etc.),
computational electromagnetics, numerical methods for integral
equations. The 12-month salary and benefits package are competitive,
and the position will be available starting June 1, 2019 (with some
flexibility). An initial appointment for two years is likely, with the
possibility of a one-year extension. Please contact [email protected]
for more details. Official applications should be submitted by
December 15th, 2018 via Interfolio at:

The Courant Institue is a center of advanced training and research in
the mathematical sciences, located in the heart of New York City. This
post-doctoral position will be funded in part by awards from the
Office of Naval Research, and does not carry any teaching load
(although the opportunity to teach is always available).

NYU is an equal opportunity employer.

From: Simon Funke [email protected]
Date: October 31, 2018
Subject: Postdoc Position, Scientific Computing at Simula, Norway

Simula Research Laboratory (Oslo, Norway) is looking for highly
ambitious and motivated PostDoc. The candidate will join a Norwegian
project aiming to develop new bioreactor technologies to reduce food
waste. We will employ the open-source finite element software FEniCS
and dolfin-adjoint to design multiphase flow models for these
bioreactors, and optimize the processes towards maximum yield and
product quality. The computational work will be accompanied by
experimental work performed by the project partners.

The successful candidate will enjoy an inspiring and interdisciplinary
environment, with the ability to engage with a broad range of relevant
experts. The position also brings the possibility of travelling to
conferences, visiting the national and international partner
laboratories, and establishing new collaborations.

We are looking for candidates who fulfill one or more of the following
- A strong interest in mathematical modelling and optimization.
- Experience with numerical techniques for solving partial
differential equations.
- A PhD degree in applied mathematics, physics, computer science or

Simula Research Laboratory AS is a publicly owned research institution
with the aim to generate new understanding about fundamental
scientific challenges in ICT that are of genuine value for society. It
is a multi-cultural organization, employing about 150 individuals from
30 countries.

The application deadline is 1st December 2018 and the starting date is
1st January, 2019 or later. Applications should be handed in through
the job opening website

From: Volker Mehrmann [email protected]
Date: October 30, 2018
Subject: Postdoc Position, TU Berlin

A 4 year postdoc position (Salary scale E14) is open at TU Berlin
within the group of Volker Mehrmann

Please find the advertisement under

Research in the area of numerical mathematics, in particular in
modeling, analysis, simulation and control of dynamical processes,
which are described by differential or differential-algebraic
equations; Establish scientific collaborations with colleagues from
engineering departments; Application for funds and active
participation in current research projects such as collaborative
research centers from the German science foundation, graduate schools,
and priority programs within MATH+.

Application for funds with interdisciplinary research partners and
institutes. Coordination of the research projects within the research

Organization and implementation of conferences and workshops for or
within the research projects. Publication of novel research results
and presentation of these results at scientific conferences

Teaching responsibilities: Conduct lectures and seminars for
undergraduate and graduate students and engage in teaching activities
for other faculties. Supervision of PhD, graduate, and undergraduate

More information can be obtained from Prof. Dr. Mehrmann
([email protected]).

From: Qing Nie [email protected]
Date: October 30, 2018
Subject: Postdoc Position, UCI

Applications are invited for multiple postdoctoral fellow positions at
University of California Irvine in the area of Computational Systems
Biology. The successful candidates will be working with Professor Qing
Nie on various topics related to cell fate dynamics. More information
on the position and the application submission link can be found at:

From: Madhava Syamlal [email protected]
Date: November 05, 2018
Subject: Postdoc Positions, Exascale Computing, NETL

For more info see:

If you have questions contact [email protected].

Application Deadline: 12/31/2018 11:59:00 PM Eastern Time Zone

Through the Oak Ridge Institute for Science and Education (ORISE) this
posting seeks candidate with an advanced degree to apply for an
appointment to develop and implement algorithms for computational
fluid dynamics-discrete element method (CFD-DEM) on exascale high
performance computers at NETL. NETL is a multi-disciplinary,
scientific and technical-oriented national laboratory. NETL's
Research an and Innovation Center (RIC) conducts research to evaluate
en environmental impacts and risk assessments associated with domestic
en energy resource development.. Opportunities are available im
immediately, but there is flexibility in start dates.

The specific assignments include: code profiling, algorithm
development and implementation, writing reports/papers and making
presentations to report the results of the research. The development
team is geographically disperse making excellent communication skills
a must

From: Jose E Castillo [email protected]
Date: October 30, 2018
Subject: PhD Positions, Computational Science, Southern California

The Interdisciplinary Ph.D. Program in Computational Science is aimed
at training scientists and engineers who will create advanced
computational methods and tools to model and solve challenging
problems at the intersections of scientific disciplines. The doctoral
program offers coursework and research in a broad range of subjects
that develop expertise in Mathematical Modeling and Scientific
Computing with applications to Biological Science, Earth Science,
Engineering Science, Health, Physical and/or Chemical Science.

UCI and SDSU campuses are recognized as Hispanic Serving Institutions
offering a welcoming and supportive environment for diverse students.
Admitted graduate students are offered a range of financial assistance
options while they are pursuing advanced degrees, including Teaching,
Graduate, and Research Assistantships and Fellowships.

Please contact the Computational Science Research Center if you have
questions about our graduate programs and check our website for
details regarding the doctoral program and the application process.
Email: [email protected] Website:

From: Konrad Steiner [email protected]
Date: October 30, 2018
Subject: PhD Positions, Material Simulation, Fraunhofer ITWM

The department Flow and Material simulation at Fraunhofer ITWM is
looking for highly motivated PhD students in applied mathematics,
physics or computational engineering. The PhD topics offered are
concerned with the development of numerical methods and multiscale
models in connection with current data analysis methods (low-rank
tensor decomposition, TensorFlow, PyTorch) for industrial problems.
You can expect an exciting doctoral thesis in applied research with
regular graduation after 3 years on one of the following topics:
- Design and optimization of structures for 3D printing (additive
manufacturing) by combining topology optimization with machine-
learning methods.
- Multiscale modelling and simulation of the thermomechanical failure
behaviour of composite materials
- Electrodynamic microstructure simulation of ferromagnetic materials
and their correlation to microstructural mechanical properties
- Multiscale simulation of the application and operating behaviour of
solid electrolyte batteries

Application: Please upload complete application documents (motivation
letter, detailed CV, certificates, list of MSc courses and grades,
copy of the master thesis, reference letter etc) via our online
job-application facility

Contact: Dr. Konrad Steiner
Information about the department and institute can be found on the
Internet at:

From: Michiel Hochstenbach [email protected]
Date: November 03, 2018
Subject: PhD Positions, TU Eindhoven, Netherlands

Two 4-year Marie Curie PhD positions are available at TU Eindhoven,
starting March 1, 2019, in collaboration with industry in
Milan. Research topics may include numerical linear algebra, big data,
large-scale optimization, modeling, probability and statistics, model
reduction. These positions are part of the EU Marie Curie EID project
BIGMATH,, with 7 PhD positions at
universities in Milan, Novi Sad, Lisbon, and Eindhoven.

Asked: MSc in applied or pure mathematics.
Please see for more info.

From: Edward B. Saff [email protected]
Date: November 01, 2018
Subject: Contents, Constructive Approximation, 48 (3)

Constructive Approximation
Volume 48, Issue 3, December 2018
Table of Contents

Meromorphic Solutions of Algebraic Difference Equations, Katsuya
Ishizaki, Risto Korhonen

Norm Estimates for the Bergman and Cauchy-Szego Projections Over the
Siegel Upper Half-Space, Congwen Liu

Embeddings and Lebesgue-Type Inequalities for the Greedy Algorithm in
Banach Spaces, Pablo M. Berna, Oscar Blasco, Gustavo Garrigos,
E. Hernandez, and T. Oikhberg

An Algebra Model for the Higher-Order Sum Rules, Jun Yan

On the Instability of the Essential Spectrum for Block Jacobi
Matrices, S. Kupin, S. Naboko

Stochastic Subspace Correction in Hilbert Space, Michael Griebel,
Peter Oswald

Constructive Approximation
An International Journal for Approximations and Expansions
Published by Springer

From: Claude Brezinski [email protected]
Date: November 01, 2018
Subject: Contents, Numerical Algorithms, 79 (3)

Table of Contents
Numerical Algorithms, Vol. 79, No. 3

On the accurate discretization of a highly nonlinear boundary value
problem, Mojtaba Hajipour, Amin Jajarmi, Dumitru Baleanu

A superconvergent local discontinuous Galerkin method for nonlinear
two-point boundary-value problems, Mahboub Baccouch

Delay-dependent stability of linear multistep methods for DAEs with
multiple delays, Xiulin Hu, Yuhao Cong, Guang-Da Hu

Numerical solutions to large-scale differential Lyapunov matrix
equations, M. Hached, K. Jbilou

On the zeros of subrange Jacobi polynomials, Walter Gautschi

Hybridization of accelerated gradient descent method, Milena Petrovic,
Vladimir Rakocevic, Natasa Kontrec, Stefan Panic, Dejan Ilic

Trigonometrical fitting conditions for two derivative Runge-Kutta
methods, Th. Monovasilis, Z. Kalogiratou, T. E. Simos

Convergence analysis of a general iterative algorithm for finding a
common solution of split variational inclusion and optimization
problems, Kanokwan Sitthithakerngkiet, Jitsupa Deepho, Juan
Martinez-Moreno, Poom Kumam

Robust regression for mixed Poisson-Gaussian model, Marie Kubinova,
James G. Nagy

Differential quadrature method for space-fractional diffusion
equations on 2D irregular domains, X. G. Zhu, Z. B. Yuan, F. Liu,
Y. F. Nie

A numerical algorithm to reduce ill-conditioning in meshless methods
for the Helmholtz equation, Pedro R. S. Antunes

An unconditionally stable linearized difference scheme for the
fractional Ginzburg-Landau equation, Dongdong He, Kejia Pan

A modified subgradient extragradient method for solving the
variational inequality problem, Qiao-Li Dong, Dan Jiang, Aviv Gibali

An inertial subgradient-type method for solving single-valued
variational inequalities and fixed point problems, Lixin Zhang,
Changjie Fang, Shenglan Chen

Two computationally efficient polynomial-iteration infeasible
interior-point algorithms for linear programming, Y. Yang

End of Digest