NA Digest, V. 18, # 39
NA Digest Sunday, September 30, 2018 Volume 18 : Issue 39
Today's Editor:
Daniel M. Dunlavy
Sandia National Labs
[email protected]
Today's Topics:
- Freely available software for the solution of linear algebra problems
- News from PARALUTION
- PLTMG 13 released on Netlib
- New Book, Big Jobs Guide
- New Book, Computational Uncertainty Quantification For Inverse Problems
- New Book, Core-Chasing Algorithms For The Eigenvalue Problem
- New Book, Numerical Analysis Of PDEs Using Maple And Matlab
- Fast Direct Solvers, USA, Nov 2018
- IMA Early Career Mathematicians, UK, Nov 2018
- Micromagnetics: Analysis, Numerics, Applications, Austria, Nov 2018
- Numerical Methods for Shallow Water Equations, China, Dec 2018
- Mathematical/Statistical Approaches in Data Science, USA, May-Jun 2019
- North American High Order Methods, USA, Jun 2019
- Matrix Analysis and its Applications, Czech Republic, Sep 2019
- FEA/Simulation Software Engineer Position, Akselos, Inc, Boston, USA
- Faculty Position, Applied Math/Stats, Shippensburg Univ, PA, USA
- Tenure-Track Position, Univ of Connecticut
- Assistant Professor Position, Arizona State Univ
- Postdoc Position, Applied Math & Comp Physics, Nevada National Security Site
- Postdoc Positions, Machine Learning, Mathematical Imaging, Shenzhen Univ
- PhD Position, Numerical Analysis, RICAM Linz, Austria
- PhD Positions, Algorithmic Optimization, Trier Univ, Germany
- Call for Papers, CAMWA Special Issue, Open-Source PDE Solvers
- Contents, BIT Numerical Mathematics, 58 (3)
- Contents, Evolution Equations and Control Theory, 7 (4)
- Contents, TWMS Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics, 9 (2)
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Submissions for NA Digest:
From: Jack Dongarra [email protected]
Date: September 24, 2018
Subject: Freely available software for the solution of linear algebra problems
We have an updated the survey of freely available software for the
solution of linear algebra problems. Send us comments if you see a
Jack Dongarra and Ali Charara
From: Nico Trost [email protected]
Date: September 28, 2018
Subject: News from PARALUTION
It has been a long time without news on PARALUTION. But finally, after
months of hard work, I am very pleased to announce that the library
will be hosted by AMD in the future. This gives us the opportunity, to
fully exploit the available performance of AMD GPUs and CPUs using our
single- and multi-node version. Furthermore, all previously available
license models will be combined into a single open-source package
under MIT License, and therefore available to you without any
additional licensing costs!
The brand new rocALUTION library, that offers all these great features
is released on GitHub as part of the ROCm 1.9 software platform
Looking forward to your feedback, and to answer all of your questions!
From: Randolph E Bank [email protected]
Date: September 25, 2018
Subject: PLTMG 13 released on Netlib
PLTMG 13.0 is a package for solving elliptic partial differential
equations in general regions of the plane. It is based on a family of
continuous Lagrange triangular finite elements. PLTMG features
options for adaptive h, p, and hp refinement, coarsening, and mesh
moving. PLTMG employs several algebraic multilevel solvers for the
resulting systems of equations. PLTMG provides a suite of
continuation options to handle PDEs with parameter dependencies. It
also provides options for solving several classes of optimal control
and obstacle problems. The package includes an initial mesh generator
and several graphics packages. Support for the Bank-Holst parallel
adaptive meshing paradigm and corresponding domain decomposition
solver are also provided.
PLTMG is provided as Fortran90 and a little C source code. The code
has an interface to MPI. The MPI interface requires libraries that are
NOT provided as part of the PLTMG package. PLTMG 13.0 uses Chris
Deotte's package WEBGUI 1.0 as its graphical user interface. WEBGUI
1.0 is included as part of the PLTMG source code, but is also
available independently. PLTMG 13.0 is available from Netlib and also
from the author's homepage.
From: Michelle Montgomery [email protected]
Date: September 30, 2018
Subject: New Book, Big Jobs Guide
Big Jobs Guide: Business, Industry, And Government Careers For
Mathematical Scientists, Statisticians, And Operations Researchers
Jobs using mathematics, statistics, and operations research are
projected to grow by almost 30% over the next decade. BIG Jobs Guide
helps job seekers at every stage of their careers in these fields
explore opportunities in business, industry, and government (BIG).
Written in a conversational and practical tone, BIG Jobs Guide offers
insight on topics such as:
What skills can I offer employers?
How do I write a high-impact resume?
Where can I find a rewarding internship?
What kinds of jobs are out there for me?
The Guide also offers insights to advisors and mentors on topics such
as how departments can help students get BIG jobs and how faculty
members and internship mentors can build institutional relationships.
2018 / xii + 141 pages / Softcover / ISBN: 978-1-611975-28-4 / List
Price $25.00 / SIAM Member Price $17.50 / SIAM Student Price $15.00 /
Order Code: OT158 /
From: Michelle Montgomery [email protected]
Date: September 24, 2018
Subject: New Book, Computational Uncertainty Quantification For Inverse Problems
This book is an introduction to both computational inverse problems
and uncertainty quantification (UQ) for inverse problems. The book
also presents more advanced material on Bayesian methods and UQ,
including Markov chain Monte Carlo sampling methods for UQ in inverse
problems. Each chapter contains MATLAB code that implements the
algorithms and generates the figures, as well as a large number of
exercises accessible to both graduate students and researchers.
2018 / viii + 135 pages / Softcover / 978-1-611975-37-6 / List $59.00 /
SIAM Member $41.30 / Order Code: CS19 /
From: Michelle Montgomery [email protected]
Date: September 24, 2018
Subject: New Book, Core-Chasing Algorithms For The Eigenvalue Problem
Eigenvalue computations are ubiquitous in science and
engineering. John Francis's implicitly shifted QR algorithm has been
the method of choice for small to medium sized eigenvalue problems
since its invention in 1959. This book presents a new view of this
classical algorithm. While Francis's original procedure chases bulges,
the new version chases core transformations, which allows the
development of fast algorithms for eigenvalue problems with a variety
of special structures. This also leads to a fast and backward stable
algorithm for computing the roots of a polynomial by solving the
companion matrix eigenvalue problem. The authors received a SIAM
Outstanding Paper prize for this work.
2018 / x + 149 pages / Softcover / ISBN: 978-1-611975-33-8 / List $64.00 /
SIAM Member $44.80 / Order Code: FA13 /
From: Michelle Montgomery [email protected]
Date: September 24, 2018
Subject: New Book, Numerical Analysis Of PDEs Using Maple And Matlab
This book provides an elementary yet comprehensive introduction to the
numerical solution of partial differential equations (PDEs). Used to
model important phenomena, such as the heating of apartments and the
behavior of electromagnetic waves, these equations have applications
in engineering and the life sciences, and most can only be solved
approximately using computers.
Numerical Analysis of Partial Differential Equations Using Maple and
MATLAB provides detailed descriptions of the four major classes of
discretization methods for PDEs (finite difference method, finite
volume method, spectral method, and finite element method) and
runnable MATLAB code for each of the discretization methods and
exercises. It also gives self-contained convergence proofs for each
method using the tools and techniques required for the general
convergence analysis but adapted to the simplest setting to keep the
presentation clear and complete.
2018 / x + 153 pages / Softcover / 978-1-611975-30-7 / List $64.00 /
SIAM Member $44.80 / Order Code: FA12 /
From: Jianlin Xia [email protected]
Date: September 28, 2018
Subject: Fast Direct Solvers, USA, Nov 2018
Purdue CCAM (Center for Computational & Applied Mathematics) is
hosting the 2018 Conference on Fast Direct Solvers on Nov 9-11, 2018
(starting from the afternoon of Fri, Nov 9). The purpose of the
conference is to discuss and exchange ideas on topics related to fast
direct solvers, such as structured matrices and structured direct
solvers, sparsity and data sparsity, high performance direct solvers,
randomized algorithms, structured preconditioning, fast PDE and IE
solvers, related applications, and other relevant subjects. The
organizers are Jie Shen and Jianlin Xia.
The confirmed invited speakers are:
Eric Darve, Stanford University
Ming Gu, UC Berkeley
Sabine Le Borne, Hamburg University of Technology, Germany
Eric Michielssen, University of Michigan
Olaf Schenk, Universita della Svizzera italiana, Switzerland
Xiaobai Sun, Duke University
Hongkai Zhao, UC Irvine
Contributed talks are welcome. Please register to participate or
submit talk information. There is no registration fee.
Deadline for booking the conference hotel room: Oct 10, 2018. Please
see the conference webpage for more information.
From: Pamela Bye [email protected]
Date: September 26, 2018
Subject: IMA Early Career Mathematicians, UK, Nov 2018
IMA Early Career Mathematicians' Autumn Conference 2018
Saturday 3 November 2018, University College London
The conference will interest mathematicians early in their career, be
it in academia or industry, as well as students of mathematics, and
those with an interest in the subject. There will be plenty of time to
network; allowing you the opportunity to meet people with similar
interests and find out more about the wide range of careers that are
Registration will open via:
Conference Webpage:
For further information to students, including the "IMA eStudent" grade:
The Early Career Mathematicians' (ECM) Branch is designed for those
with a maths degree who are within the first 15 years of graduating,
or, those without a degree who are within the first 15 years of
membership. The ECM group has been set up to engage and empower ECM,
and students of mathematics at university, to provide them with
support and an opportunity to network. The ECM Branch holds
conferences twice a year which provide an opportunity for
mathematicians across industry, academia and university to meet. It
offers a range of mathematical presentations and activities for
attendees to participate in.
From: Dirk Praetorius [email protected]
Date: September 25, 2018
Subject: Micromagnetics: Analysis, Numerics, Applications, Austria, Nov 2018
MANA 2018 - Micromagnetics: Analysis, Numerics, Applications
TU Wien, November 8-9, 2018
The aim of the interdisciplinary workshop is to bring together some of
the leading researchers working in micromagnetics to give an overview
of the active research interests in the field, encourage intensive
idea exchanges, and possibly initiate new collaborations. The workshop
consists of invited talks (45 minutes each) plus a poster session.
Registration deadline: October 10, 2018
Confirmed speakers: Francois Alouges, Ecole Polytechnique, France;
Sergio Conti, University of Bonn, Germany; Massimiliano D'Aquino,
Parthenope University of Naples, Italy; Riccardo Hertel, University of
Strasbourg, France; Stavros Komineas, University of Crete, Greece;
Felix Otto, MPI for Mathematics in the Sciences, Germany; Andreas
Prohl, University of Tubingen, Germany; Valeriy V. Slastikov,
University of Bristol, UK; Dieter Suess, University of Vienna, Austria
From: Alexander Kurganov [email protected]
Date: September 25, 2018
Subject: Numerical Methods for Shallow Water Equations, China, Dec 2018
The Second Conference on Numerical Methods for Shallow Water Equations
and Related Models will be held at the Southern University of Science
and Technology (SUSTech) in Shenzhen, China during December 8-10, 2018.
You can find more details about conference at the web page:
At this conference, experts in numerical analysis and modeling of
shallow water flows will present their recent results and discuss
collaborative research projects.
The list of invited speakers includes: Christophe Berthon, University
of Nantes, France; Zhixian Cao, Wuhan University, China; Manuel Castro
Diaz, University of Malaga, Spain; Alina Chertock, North Carolina
State University, USA; Wai Sun Don, Ocean University of China; Michael
Dumbser, University of Trento, Italy; Stephen Griffiths, University of
Leeds, UK; Kaiheng Hu, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China; Maria
Lukacova-Medvidova, University of Mainz, Germany; Sebastian Noelle,
RWTH Aachen University, Germany; Mario Ricchiuto, INRIA Bordeaux
Sud-Ouest, France; Jacques Sainte-Marie, CEREMA, INRIA Paris, France;
Chi-Wang Shu, Brown University, USA; Tao Xiong, Xiamen University,
China; Xinghui Zhong, Zhejiang University, China
There will be also several contributed talks. If you plan to attend
the conference, please send an e-mail to Prof. Alexander Kurganov at
[email protected]
In your letter, please indicate whether you would like to give a
contributed talk (in this case, please include the title and abstract
of your proposed talk) and whether you would like to apply for some
financial assistance as we will be able to cover local expenses for
some of the participants (in this case, please attach your CV). Please
send your application by November 1, 2018.
From: Yifei Lou [email protected]
Date: September 24, 2018
Subject: Mathematical/Statistical Approaches in Data Science, USA, May-Jun 2019
The workshop on "Recent Developments on Mathematical/Statistical
approaches in DAta Science" (MSDAS) will be held on May 31-June 2,
2019 at the University of Texas, Dallas, TX, USA. The objectives of
this workshop are (1) to facilitate discussions and foster
collaborations among the participants with different backgrounds and
expertise; (2) to attract new researchers to the field of data science
and to offer mentoring service to junior participants in this field;
and (3) to bridge the gap between the theoretical development in
academia and practical applications in industry. The workshop will be
multidisciplinary with topics ranging from scientific computing and
statistics to various applications in data science. Besides regular
oral/poster presentations, there will be a panel discussion for
careers in data science and a tour (up to 20 participants) to visit
the Medical Artificial Intelligence and Automation (MAIA) Laboratory
at the University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center. Information
on speakers and further details can be found on the workshop webpage:
Registration is free of charge but mandatory and can be done at
This workshop is partially supported by the National Science
Foundation (NSF). Partial travel supports are available for junior
researchers (including postdocs), graduate students, and non-NSF
grantees to attend this workshop. Please see Registration page for
more details.
From: Gustaaf Jacobs [email protected]
Date: September 28, 2018
Subject: North American High Order Methods, USA, Jun 2019
The North American High Order Methods Conference (NAHOMCon) will be
held June 3-7, 2019 at the San Diego State University to be the forum
for computational scientists, mathematicians, scientists and engineers
to share ideas and techniques on and further the state of the art of
high order methods (order three or higher) for the solution of partial
differential equations with applications to a broad range of
scientific and engineering applications. While the meeting is held in
North America, hence the name of the conference, we welcome
participation from outside the continent. Please join us in June to
advance the development and application of high order methods! For
more information visit our web site at
Gustaaf Jacobs, David Kopriva, Jose Castillo and Frank Giraldo
From: Miro Rozloznik [email protected]
Date: September 26, 2018
Subject: Matrix Analysis and its Applications, Czech Republic, Sep 2019
The 8th International Conference on Matrix Analysis and its
Applications, MAT TRIAD 2019 will be held in Liblice, Czech Republic,
in September 8 - 13, 2019.
MAT TRIAD provides an opportunity to bring together researchers
sharing an sharing an interest in a variety of aspects of matrix
analysis and its applicatio applications in other area of
science. Researchers and graduate students i students interested in
recent developments in matrix theory and computatio computation,
spectral problems, applications of linear algebra in statistics
statistics, statistical models, matrices and graphs as well as
combinator combinatorial matrix theory are particularly encouraged to
attend. The format of format of the meeting will involve plenary
sessions, special sessions and sessi and sessions with contributed
talks posters.
The list of invited speakers includes also two winners of Young
Scientists Award of MAT TRIAD 2017 held in Bedlewo, Poland: Dario
Bini, University of Pisa, Italy; Mirjam Dur, University of Augsburg,
Germany; Shmuel Friedland, University of Illinois, Chicago, USA;
Arnold Neumaier, University of Vienna, Austria; Martin Stoll,
Technical University of Chemnitz, Germany; Zdenek Strakos, Charles
University, Prague, Czech Republic; Alvaro Barreras, Universidad
Internacional de La Rioja, Spain; Ryo Tabata, National Institute of
Technology, Fukuoka, Japan
The conferences from MAT TRIAD series attract a number of inte
international participants, provide a high quality scientific program
as well well as a friendly atmosphere for the discussion and exchange
of ideas. The The MAT TRIAD 2019 is organized by the Institute of
Mathematics, Czec Czech Academy of Sciences and Faculty of Mathematics
and Physics, Char Charles University in Prague (MFF UK). A special
issue of Applications of M of Mathematics will be published after the
meeting, with the papers rela related to the talks presented during
the conference.
The deadline for special session proposals is January 31, 2019. The de
deadline for registration and submission of abstracts is May 31,
2019. Re Registration will be open soon at the link including the additional information
about the venue, program, deadlines and chartered buses from Prague to
Liblice and back. In case of any question, do not hesitate to contact
us at [email protected]
From: David Knezevic [email protected]
Date: September 28, 2018
Subject: FEA/Simulation Software Engineer Position, Akselos, Inc, Boston, USA
Akselos is an MIT spin-off that provides an advanced cloud-based
Digital Twin platform that enables fast, high-fidelity analysis of
critical machines and infrastructure. We recently completed a Series A
funding round including investment from innogy Ventures and Shell
Ventures, and we are currently expanding our team.
We are hiring a developer to contribute to Akselos's core simulation
engine, which includes advanced reduced order modeling (ROM) and
finite element analysis (FEA) capabilities.
The ideal candidate will have the following skills:
- Solid understanding of mathematical foundations of FEA.
- Experience with development of FEA software (either open source or
- Advanced C++ knowledge and experience.
- Familiarity with FEA for solid mechanics (linear and nonlinear),
including solids, shells, and beams.
- Experience with MPI-based high-performance computing.
- Experience with reduced order modeling is a plus.
Please forward a CV/resume with a cover letter to
[email protected]
From: Luis Melara [email protected]
Date: September 24, 2018
Subject: Faculty Position, Applied Math/Stats, Shippensburg Univ, PA, USA
Tenure-Track Position in Applied Mathematics/Statistics at
Shippensburg University of Pennsylvania
The Mathematics Department at Shippensburg University is looking to
expand its offerings in applied mathematics, statistics, actuarial
science, and/or data science. One tenure-track position is available.
Applications will begin to be reviewed on Nov. 30, 2018.
Please contact Prof. Kate McGivney at [email protected] with any
For more information on this position, please go to
From: Qian Yang [email protected]
Date: September 25, 2018
Subject: Tenure-Track Position, Univ of Connecticut
The Computer Science and Engineering (CSE) Department at the
University of Connecticut invites applications for a tenure-track
faculty position at the assistant professor level. The position is
expected to start on August 23, 2019. The department is seeking a
Computer Scientist specializing in Machine Learning, Data Mining or
The University of Connecticut (UConn) is entering a transformational
period of growth supported by the $1.7B Next Generation Connecticut
(, the $1B Bioscience Connecticut
( investments, and a bold new Academic
Plan: Path to Excellence
As part of these initiatives, UConn has hired more than 450 new
faculty members at all ranks during the past five years. We are
pleased to continue these investments by inviting applications for
this new position. The Department of Computer Science & Engineering
harbors a rich environment of instruction and research, offering three
rigorous degrees (B.S., M.S., and Ph.D.) in the computing sciences and
a world-class research enterprise. Additional information about the
department can be found at
Successful candidates will be expected to develop and sustain an
internationally-recognized and externally-funded research program in
Computer Science with specialization in the fields of Machine
Learning, Data Mining or Systems. Successful candidates must share a
deep commitment to effective instruction in Computer Science at the
undergraduate and graduate levels as well as development of innovative
courses and mentoring of students in research, outreach and
professional development. Successful candidates are also expected to
broaden participation among members of under-represented groups;
demonstrate through their teaching, research and/or public engagement
the richness of diversity in the learning experience; and provide
leadership in developing pedagogical techniques designed to meet the
needs of diverse learning styles and intellectual interests.
For further information on this position and to apply, please visit
the following URL:
From: Rosemary Renaut [email protected]
Date: September 24, 2018
Subject: Assistant Professor Position, Arizona State Univ
The School of Mathematical and Statistical Sciences at Arizona State
University invites applications for a full-time tenure-eligible
position in applied and computational mathematics at the rank of
Assistant Professor. Anticipated start date is Fall 2019. Full details
of the position are available at and
From: Marylesa Howard [email protected]
Date: September 24, 2018
Subject: Postdoc Position, Applied Math & Comp Physics, Nevada National Security Site
The Signal Processing and Applied Mathematics group at the U.S.
Department of Energy's Nevada National Security Site is seeking a post-
doctoral research candidate to join its team of physicists and applied
mathematicians in North Las Vegas, NV. The projects involve designing
algorithms to analyze signal and image data from large-scale physics
experiments in support of the National Nuclear Security Administration's
(NNSA) Science Based Stockpile Stewardship and Global Security efforts.
We seek candidates with backgrounds in image and signal processing,
inverse problems, Bayesian modeling, Markov Chain Monte Carlo
algorithms, uncertainty quantification, and nuclear physics.
The projects focus on modeling and algorithms for analysis of X-ray
and neutron radiographies, including statistical image deblurring and
enhancement, image segmentation, and uncertainty quantification
associated with real-time algorithms for linear inverse problems. The
position is available immediately, but the start date is negotiable. A
Ph.D. in mathematics, statistics, electrical engineering, physics,
computer science, or related field must be obtained prior to start
date. The full position posting can be found at https://careers-;
contact Marylesa Howard ([email protected]) or Aaron Luttman
([email protected]) for further information. U.S. citizenship is
From: Jian Lu [email protected]
Date: September 29, 2018
Subject: Postdoc Positions, Machine Learning, Mathematical Imaging, Shenzhen Univ
Postdoc Positions in Shenzhen University, China
Location: Shenzhen, China
Job Type: Full-Time
Duration: 2 years
Number of Position: 2 Positions
Closing Date: Open Until Filled
Description: We are looking for Postdoctoral Researchers in Computer
Science, Applied and Computational Mathematics and related discipline
with extensive experience in the following field(s): 1. Machine
Learning (deep learning); 2. Signal and Image Processing/Analysis;
3. Computer vision; 4. Optimization, etc.
We have no teaching tasks and check in / check out policy for
Postdoctoral Researchers.
- Prof. Jian Lu (Shenzhen Key Laboratory of Advanced Machine Learning
and Applications)
- Prof. Lixin Shen (Syracuse University, USA)
- Prof. Charles K. Chui (Editor-in-Chief, Applied and Computational
Harmonic Analysis (ACHA), Elsevier.)
The salary is about 30,000+ RMB (43,000 US dollars) per year, of which
120,000 RMB per year comes from a local government source as a
tax-free postdoc subsidy. Those who are interested please send their
C.V. to Prof. Dr. Jian Lu, e-mail: [email protected];
[email protected]
From: Stefan Takacs [email protected]
Date: September 24, 2018
Subject: PhD Position, Numerical Analysis, RICAM Linz, Austria
We are looking for a PhD student to work within the project "Fast
Solvers for Isogeometric Analysis", which is funded by the Austrian
Science fund (FWF) under grant P31048 and led by Stefan Takacs. The
starting date of the project can be adjusted to the candidate's needs.
The main research goal of the project is the construction and the
analysis of fast numerical methods for solving linear systems arizing
from the discretization of partial differential equations with
isogeometric analysis. The job includes both analysis of new
algorithms and their implementation. The selected candidate will have
the opportunity to present the results on scientific conferences
worldwide and to earn a PhD degree from the Johannes Kepler University
(JKU), Linz, Austria. The candidate is required to have a master
degree (or equivalent) in mathematics or a related field. Preferably,
the candidate should be familiar with numerical analysis of partial
differential equations and should have good programming skills.
We offer in accordance with the rules of the FWF a yearly gross salary
of EUR 29.573,60 within a 75% employment (30 hours per week). Funding
would be possible for up to four years. The selected candidate will be
located at the RICAM (, Linz,
Austria. The institute, which is part of the Austrian Academy of
Sciences (OAW), offers high standard research and life conditions. The
Austrian Academy of Sciences is an equal opportunity employer.
The application should be sent as one single pdf file per e-mail to
the project leader Stefan Takacs ([email protected]).
The application should contain a curriculum vitae and information
on the lectures successfully completed during the studies.
Moreover, a copy of the master certificate and a copy of the
master's thesis should be attached.
There is no fixed deadline; we will announce online on the project
homepage when the position is filled:
Please feel free, to contact the project leader Stefan Takacs for any
information regarding this position (as the detailed research topics,
duties and benefits of the positions, etc.).
From: Volker Schulz [email protected]
Date: September 28, 2018
Subject: PhD Positions, Algorithmic Optimization, Trier Univ, Germany
RTG 2126 (Graduiertenkolleg) Algorithmic Optimization
The Research Training Group (RTG) Algorithmic Optimization, funded by
the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG), invites applications for
several doctoral research positions (TVL 13, 75%) at Trier University
for the period of 3 years, starting early in 2019. The research topics
are devoted to all mathematical aspects of algorithmic optimization
with an emphasis on applications, in particular in large and big data
as well as systems models from economics. The doctoral research
positions do not involve teaching duties.
At the time of hiring, applicants must hold a MSc degree (or
equivalent) in mathematics or a strongly related field. They should be
able to communicate in English and should document their interest in
the scientific goals of the research program of the research training
group (Graduiertenkolleg). Excellent programming skills are a plus.
Applications should include: letter of motivation (no longer than 2
pages); curriculum vitae; a recent letter of reference (in English or
German) to be sent directly to the address given below; contact
information of at least one additional reference; copies of earned
degrees (in German or English translation); a mathematical writing
sample (preferably the master's thesis); transcript of grades.
Applications from researchers of all nationalities are welcome. Trier
University strives to increase the share of women in research and
strongly encourages women to apply. Trier University is a certified
family-friendly employer. Applicants with disabilities who are equally
qualified will be favoured.
Please compile all application materials into one pdf or zip-file
and send it via e-mail to:
Email: [email protected]
Subject: RTG ALOP
For full consideration, applications must be received by October 17,
2018, however, late applications will be considered until the
positions are filled.
For more information see:
From: Fei Xu [email protected]
Date: September 29, 2018
Subject: Call for Papers, CAMWA Special Issue, Open-Source PDE Solvers
Computers & Mathematics with Applications (Elsevier, current impact
factor 1.860) will launch a special issue dedicated to open-source
numerical solvers for partial differential equations (PDEs).
The primary purpose of this special issue is to provide an overview of
the progress in this rapidly developing area and to identify current
trends and near-term prospects in connection with the algorithm
design, theoretical development, and various areas of application of
open- source software for PDEs. Our goal is to let authors focus on
the software design, algorithms, applications and future prospects of
open source PDE solvers. Articles focusing on these topics are usually
very difficult to publish in refereed journals in either applied
mathematics, or engineering, or computer science. In addition, we
attempt to facilitate better communication between the authors and the
users of such packages by providing the developers with a forum to
present their work and supplying an up-to-date list of open source PDE
solvers. Major numerical methods covered in this special issues
include, but not limited to, finite difference methods, finite element
methods, finite volume methods, spectral methods, meshfree/meshless
methods (e.g. LBM and SPH), gradient discretization methods, domain
decomposition methods, time discretization methods, as well as
multigrid methods (in conjunction with spatial discretization).
The guest editors of this special issue invite authors of open-source
packages interested in having their package listed in the editorial as
well as the potential contributors to the special issue to fill out by
November 30th a short information sheet
( Please note that, required
by the journal, a printed published paper must contain at least 15
pages. The estimated manuscript submission deadline is June 30,
2019. The guest editors encourage you to help spreading this "Call for
Papers" to your colleagues and collaborators active in this area.
From: Lars Eldén [email protected]
Date: September 25, 2018
Subject: Contents, BIT Numerical Mathematics, 58 (3)
BIT Numerical Mathematics. Volume 58 Number 3 is now available online.
Analysis of local discontinuous Galerkin method for time-space
fractional convection-diffusion equations, M. Ahmadinia, Z. Safari and
S. Fouladi
Solution methods for linear discrete ill-posed problems for color
image restoration, A. H. Bentbib, M. El Guide, K. Jbilou, E. Onunwor
and L. Reichel
Correction to: Solution methods for linear discrete ill-posed problems
for color image restoration, A. H. Bentbib, M. El Guide, K. Jbilou,
E. Onunwor and L. Reichel
Well-balanced mesh-based and meshless schemes for the shallow-water
equations, Alexander Bihlo and Scott MacLachlan
Relative perturbation bounds for eigenpairs of diagonalizable
matrices, Yanmei Chen, Xiaofei Peng and Wen Li
Numerical integration using integrals over hyperplane sections of
simplices in a triangulation of a polytope, Allal Guessab and Boris
Optimal $$L^\infty (L^2)$$ L\infty(L2) error analysis of a direct
discontinuous Galerkin method for a time-fractional reaction-diffusion
problem, Chaobao Huang, Martin Stynes and Na An
Unconditionally positive and conservative third order modified
Patankar-Runge-Kutta discretizations of production-destruction
systems, Stefan Kopecz and Andreas Meister
Efficient preconditioner of one-sided space fractional diffusion
equation, Xue-Lei Lin, Michael K. Ng and Hai-Wei Sun
A Lyapunov and Sacker-Sell spectral stability theory for one-step
methods, Andrew J. Steyer and Erik S. Van Vleck
An efficient fourth-order in space difference scheme for the nonlinear
fractional Ginzburg-Landau equation, Pengde Wang and Chengming Huang
A parallel spectral deferred correction method for first-order
evolution problems, Shuai Zhu and Shilie Weng
From: Irena Lasiecka [email protected]
Date: September 23, 2018
Subject: Contents, Evolution Equations and Control Theory, 7 (4)
Evolution Equations and Control Theory
Tomas Barta, Exact rate of decay for solutions to damped second order
ODE's with a degenerate potential
Imen Benabbas and Djamel Eddine Teniou, Observability of wave equation
with Ventcel dynamic condition
Francesco Cordoni and Luca Di Persio, Optimal control for the
stochastic FitzHugh-Nagumo model with recovery variable
Tyrone E. Duncan, Some partially observed multi-agent linear
exponential quadratic stochastic differential games
Abdelkarim Kelleche and Nasser-Eddine Tatar, Existence and
stabilization of a Kirchho moving string with a delay in the boundary
or in the internal feedback
Yangrong Li, Renhai Wang and Lianbing She, Backward controllability of
pullback trajectory attractors with applications to multi-valued
Jereys-Oldroyd Equations
Ahme Ozkan Ozer, Dynamic and electrostatic modeling for a
piezoelectric smart composite and related stabilization results
Zhousheng Ruan, Sen Zhang and Sican Xiong, Solving an inverse source
problem for a time fractional diffusion equation by a modied
quasi-boundary value method
From: Fikret Aliev [email protected]
Date: September 28, 2018
Subject: Contents, TWMS Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics, 9 (2)
TWMS Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics, Vol. 9, No.2, 2018
ISSN 2076-2585
Volume 9, No. 2, 2018
On and Embedded Uniform Spaces, A.A.Chekeev, B.Z.Rakhmankulov,
Synthesis of the Quad-Rotor Control Algorithms in the Basic Flight
Modes, V.B. Larin, A.A. Tunik
Skew Generalized Quasi-Cyclic Codes, T. Abualrub , M.F. Ezerman ,
P. Seneviratne , P. Sole
Some New Quantum Inequalities via Tgs-Convex Functions, M.A. Noor,
M.U. Awan, K.I.Noor, F. Safdar
Impact of Advertisement on Retailer's Inventory with Non-
Instantaneous Deterioration under Price-Sensitive Quadratic Demand,
N.H. Shah, U. Chaudhari, M.Y. Jani
Normalized Wright Functions with Negative Coefficients and Their Some
Integral Transforms, N. Mustafa, O. Altintas
Design and Analysis of A Class of Weighted-Newton Methods with Frozen
Derivative, J.R. Sharma, D. Kumar
A Priori Estimates of Solutions Dirichlet Boundary Value Problems for
the Polyharmonic Equations in Generalized Morrey Spaces, T.Gadjiev,
S. Aliev, S. Galandarova
On Primeness of Non-deterministic Automata Associated with Input
Semigroup S, S. Shaheen, .M. Shabir
End of Digest