NA Digest, V. 18, # 22

NA Digest Wednesday, June 06, 2018 Volume 18 : Issue 22

Today's Editor:

Daniel M. Dunlavy
Sandia National Labs
[email protected]

Today's Topics: Subscribe, unsubscribe, change address, or for na-digest archives:

Submissions for NA Digest:

From: Ilya Loshchilov [email protected]
Date: June 01, 2018
Subject: BBComp: Black-Box Optimization Competition, Call for Participation

The Black Box Optimization Competition (BBComp, has opened five new tracks consisting of
challenging single- and multi-objective optimization problems. The
competition is organized in the scope of the Genetic and Evolutionary
Computation Conference (GECCO'2018,

BBComp is the first competition platform in the continuous domain
where test problems are truly black boxes to participants. The only
information known to the optimizer and the participant is the
dimension of the problem, bounds on all variables, and a budget of
black box queries.

The competition is also the first web/online optimization competition
in evolutionary computation domain. It aims at attacking a growing
impact of over-fitting of optimization algorithms to a narrow set of
existing benchmark problems. The competition was run five times so
far, attracting more than 100 unique submissions, including some
state-of-the-art commercial solvers.

All the material including the source code in C/C++, MATLAB, Python
and Java is available at . The results of the
competition will be announced during GECCO'2018. Participants do not
need to attend the conference or submit papers, they can even choose
to be anonymous to the other participants.

From: Veselin Dobrev [email protected]
Date: June 04, 2018
Subject: MFEM version 3.4

Version 3.4 of MFEM, a lightweight, general, scalable C++ library for
finite element methods, is now available at:

The goal of MFEM is to enable high-performance scalable finite element
discretization research and application development on a wide variety
of platforms, ranging from laptops to exascale supercomputers.

It has many features, including:
- 2D and 3D, arbitrary order H1, H(curl), H(div), L2, NURBS elements.
- Parallel version scalable to hundreds of thousands of MPI cores.
- Conforming/nonconforming adaptive mesh refinement (AMR), including
anisotropic refinement, derefenement and parallel load balancing.
- Galerkin, mixed, isogeometric, discontinuous Galerkin, hybridized,
and DPG discretizations.
- Support for triangular, quadrilateral, tetrahedral and hexahedral
elements, including arbitrary order curvilinear meshes.
- Scalable algebraic multigrid, time integrators, and eigensolvers.
- Lightweight interactive OpenGL visualization with the MFEM-based
GLVis tool.

Some of the new additions in version 3.4 are:
- Significantly improved non-conforming unstructured AMR scalability.
- Integration with PUMI, the Parallel Unstructured Mesh
Infrastructure from RPI.
- Block nonlinear operators and variable order NURBS.
- Conduit Mesh Blueprint support.
- General "high-order"-to-"low-order refined" field transfer.
- New specialized time integrators (symplectic, generalized-alpha).
- Twelve new examples and miniapps.

MFEM is being developed in CASC, LLNL and is freely available under
LGPL 2.1. For more details, see the interactive documentation and the

From: Jean-Michel Muller [email protected]
Date: June 01, 2018
Subject: New Book, Handbook of Floating-Point Arithmetic, 2nd Edition

It is my pleasure to announce the publication of the 2nd edition of
our "Handbook of Floating-Point Arithmetic" (Birkhauser, 2018), both
in electronic and paper forms. Authors: Muller, Brunie, de Dinechin,
Jeannerod, Joldes, Lefevre, Melquiond, Revol, and Torres.

Table of contents: Definitions and Basic Notions; Floating-Point
Formats and Environments; Basic Properties and Algorithms; Enhanced
Floating-Point Sums, Dot Products, and Polynomial Values; LLanguages
and Compilers; Algorithms for the Basic Operations; Hardware
Implementation of Floating-Point Arithmetic; Software Implementation
of Floating-Point Arithmetic; Evaluating Floating-Point Elementary
Functions; Complex Numbers; Interval Arithmetic; Verifying
Floating-Point Algorithms; Extending the Precision.

Birkhauser/Springer site for the 2nd edition:

From: Lisa Farkas [email protected]
Date: June 06, 2018
Subject: New Books, Modeling Uncertainty

Check out these new and key titles on modeling uncertainty from
Cambridge University Press.

Data-Driven Computational Methods: Parameter and Operator Estimations
By John Harlim, Pennsylvania State University
Describes computational methods for parametric and nonparametric
modeling of stochastic dynamics. Aimed at graduate students, and
suitable for self-study.

An Introduction to Computational Stochastic PDEs
By Gabriel J. Lord, Heriot-Watt University, Edinburgh; Catherine
E. Powell, University of Manchester; Tony Shardlow, University of Bath
This book offers a practical presentation of stochastic partial
differential equations arising in physical applications and their
numerical approximation.

Probabilistic Forecasting and Bayesian Data Assimilation
By Sebastian Reich, Universitat Potsdam, Germany and University of
Reading; Colin Cotter, Imperial College London
This book covers key ideas and concepts. It is an ideal introduction
for graduate students in any field where Bayesian data assimilation is

From: Jing-Rebecca Li [email protected]
Date: June 01, 2018
Subject: Data Science for Document Analysis and Understanding, France, Jul 2018

The France Excellence 2018 Summer School "Data Science for Document
Analysis and Understanding" will take place from July 16 to 27, 2018
at INRIA-Saclay (near Paris), France. We aim to teach the fundamental
concepts and important developments in data science and natural
language processing. The target audience are students having
completed advanced classwork in mathematics, statistics, or computer
science. We accept Master's students as well as PhD students.

For more information and how to register: see

From: Volker Schulz [email protected]
Date: June 04, 2018
Subject: Deadline Extended, Computational Optimization, Germany, Sep 2018

EUCCO 2018 - deadline for submissions extended to June 15 !

With this email, we would like to draw your attention to the 5th
European Conference on Computational Optimization - EUCCO 2018, taking
place in Trier in from September 10 - 12, 2018. The deadline for
submission is extended to June 15.

The scope of this conference series is quite broad as it aims to bring
together scientists from a diversity of subdisciplines, such as
computational optimization, algorithms and applications. The upcoming
conference will place special emphasis on certain aspects of
optimization, found in the focus sessions, while still keeping its
more traditional focus on large scale optimization, optimization with
partial differential equations, and numerical optimization algorithms
and software. More information can be found at

Furthermore, there is a special travel fund available for enroled
Master students in mathematics: travel-fund-application/

From: Iain Duff [email protected]
Date: June 04, 2018
Subject: Sparse Days at CERFACS, France, Sep 2018

The annual Sparse Days meeting will be held at CERFACS in Toulouse on
27th and 28th September 2018.

Registration for the Sparse Days is free but we ask people who are
coming to register as soon as possible although the deadline is August
26th. Please complete the form on the website indicating whether you want to give
a talk and whether you wish to attend the conference dinner. Although
an emphasis will be on parallel aspects, any talk that has an
association with sparsity is welcome. The length for a talk plus
questions is 30 minutes although this is negotiable in either

Information on accommodation can be found on the web page and a
limited amount of free on site accommodation should be available for
students. Students wanting to apply for this accommodation should
contact Brigitte Yzel on [email protected].

From: Dr. Madhukar Mallayya [email protected]
Date: May 30, 2018
Subject: Numerical Analysis, Computing & Applications, India, Dec 2018

International Conference on Numerical Analysis, Computation and
Applications in Science, Engineering & Technology (ICNumACA'18) 17 -20
December 2018, at MCET, Trivandrum, Kerala, India An International
Conference on Numerical Analysis, Computation and Applications in
Science, Engineering & Technology (ICNumACA'18) is scheduled from 17 -
20 December 2018. The conference is organized by the Department of
Mathematics & Science, Mohandas College of Engineering and Technology
in-cooperation with the Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics
(SIAM), sponsored by the Indian Society for Technical Education (ISTE)
and with Academic support by the Indian Mathematical Society (IMS),
Indian Society of Industrial and Applied Mathematics (ISIAM) & Kerala
Mathematical Association (KMA). More details regarding the
conference, registration and submission of title, abstracts, and full
text of papers for presentation, can be had from and keep in touch for updates. Registration
is open from 2 April 2018 to 2 December 2018. Contributory Papers
relating to the theme of the conference are invited for presentation
at the conference. Title and abstracts of papers are to be submitted
by 30 June 2018, and full texts by 30 September 2018 in the stipulated format.

Your active participation and valuable presentations will go a long
way in making the four day event academically rich. All those who are
interested in this area can contact the organizing Secretary Dr
Mallayya at [email protected]; [email protected]

From: Miguel A. Benítez [email protected]
Date: June 04, 2018
Subject: Scientific Director Position, BCAM

BCAM and Ikerbasque wish to announce an Open call for BCAM Scientific

The Basque Center for Applied Mathematics (BCAM) is about to complete
its 10th year Anniversary having successfully settled its
consolidation phase and is now looking for a new Scientific Director
that will lead the future development of the center.

The new Scientific Director must prove excellent scientific qualities
paired with human resources leadership, that will support the
development of the center in the years to come. Applicants should have
a strong scientific background in any of the areas of expertise of the

The position offers a competitive salary and excellent work
conditions. The envisaged start date will be early 2019 (or at the
earliest convenience of the appointed candidate). Only candidates with
a solid research track, senior level and international research
experience will be considered.

The process will be coordinated by BCAM and Ikerbasque. Additional
information about the requeriments can be found on the following link:

From: Klemens Fellner [email protected]
Date: May 30, 2018
Subject: University Assistant with PhD Position, Univ Graz

Institute of Mathematics and Scientific Computing is filling an
University Assistant with PhD (40 hours a week; fixed-term employment
for the period of 6 years; position to be filled as of July 2nd, 2018)

For more information follow the link:

From: Southeast Center for Mathematics and Biology [email protected]
Date: May 31, 2018
Subject: Postdoc Positions, SCMB, 2018-2019

The Southeast Center for Mathematics and Biology (SCMB) invites
applications for postdoctoral scholar positions for 2018-2019.

SCMB is a newly funded NSF-Simons Research Center for Mathematics of
Complex Biological Systems, with a core mission of catalyzing new
cross-disciplinary collaborations between biosystems experimentalists
and interdisciplinary mathematicians.

As part of that initiative, SCMB is supporting up to seven new
postdoctoral positions for recent PhD's to begin either August 2018 or
Jan 2019.

See for more information.

From: Andreas Adelmann [email protected]
Date: June 01, 2018
Subject: Fellowship Positions, PSI, Switzerland

The Paul Scherrer Institut (PSI) will launch in fall a call for
fellowship positions PSI-FELLOW-II-3i: NEW EU SUPPORTED MARIE-

The duration of each individual fellowship will be 24 months. In
addition to the highly innovative scientific environment, PSI offers
great opportunities for continuous education and training in areas
such as project management, presentation-techniques and improvement of
language skills, etc. The combination of the scientific qualifications
with managerial skills will strengthen the career opportunities of the
experienced scientists in academia or the private sector.

If you would be interested in a PostDoc position at PSI starting
between May 1st and September 1st 2019, please check if you fulfil the
following points:

1) You have not worked, studied or lived in Switzerland more than 12
months in the 36 months preceding the employment at PSI (civil /
military service or holidays are not taken into account)
2) You have your PhD degree at the starting date of the employment
3) You have written a publication from your PhD/PostDoc work

Ideally, you would finish your PhD some time early next year, or you
would hold your first PostDoc position now.

If you are interested in one of the following topics: machine learning
and uncertainty quantification; utilising tensor cores (NVIDIA or
Google's Tensor Processing Units) for general scientific computing
(PIC, FFT, Ax = b, A\nu = \lambda \nu); fast Randomised Iteration
(Diffusion Monte Carlo) and Exascale Computing, contact Dr. Andreas
Adelmann ([email protected]) in order to start a dialog. The
approach, i.e. we would together work on the research proposal.

Call Start: 1. September 2018
Call End: 30. November 2018
Evaluation Start: 15. December 2018
Evaluation End: 31. January 2019
Interviews: 25. February - 08. March 2019
Final Decision: March 2019

From: Prof. Dr. Sven Beuchler [email protected]
Date: June 06, 2018
Subject: Research Assistant Positions, Applied Mathematics

The Institute of Applied Mathematics invites applications for two
positions as a Research Assistant (m/f) (Salary Scale 13 TV-L 75%) to
be appointed the latest on October 1st 2018. The positions are
initially limited to 3 years each. Candidates will have the
opportunity to work towards a doctoral degree in Applied Mathematics
(Dr. rer. nat.).

Responsibilities and duties include research in the Numerics of PDE's,
Finite Elements under supervision of Prof. Sven Beuchler, and a
teaching load of three hours a week. To qualify for the position,
applicants must hold a Master's degree in Mathematics. In addition, an
advanced knowledge of partial differential equations and programming
as can be acquired through a Master's thesis in the subject and
through advanced courses in areas such as Computational Mathematics
and Scientific Computing. The ability to communicate on scientific
topics in English is essential. Part-time employment is possible. As
an equal opportunities employer, the Leibniz Universitat Hannover
intends to promote women and men in the context of statutory
requirements. For this reason suitably qualified women are
specifically invited to apply. Equally qualified applicants with
disabilities will be given preferential treatment.

For further information, please contact Prof. Sven Beuchler
Tel: ++49228733861, [email protected]
who will be pleased to assist.

Please send your application with a curriculum vitae, a description of
your research interests, and a list of courses taken in your Master's
studies (with grades if applicable) compiled in one single pdf
document by June 30th, 2018, to: [email protected]

From: Jack Dongarra [email protected]
Date: June 04, 2018
Subject: Open Positions, UTK/ICL

Open positions: Research Scientist (with Master or PhD) or
Postdoctoral Researcher

Open positions in Jack Dongarra's ICL team at the University of
Tennessee Knoxville for a full-time scientist (with Master or PhD) or
postdoctoral researcher to participate in the design, development and
maintenance of numerical software libraries for solving linear algebra
problems on large distributed memory machines with multicore
processors, hardware accelerators, and performance monitoring
capabilities for new and advanced hardware and software technologies;
to help write research papers documenting research findings; to
present the team's work at conferences; and to help lead students and
research team in their research endeavors as related to ongoing and
future projects. Given the nature of the work, there will be
opportunities for publication, travel, and high profile professional
networking in academia, labs, and industry.

A MS or PhD in computer science, computational sciences, or math is
preferred. Background in at least one of the following areas is
preferred: numerical linear algebra, high performance computing,
performance monitoring, machine learning, or data analytics.
Full-time employment for up to 4 years, with the possibility of
further extensions based on funding availability and performance.
Starting date is July 1 or later. For further information contact Jack
Dongarra, [email protected].

Joining this team will offer qualified candidates exciting career
opportunities in the participation in the Exascale Computing Projects
(ECP) by the U.S. Department of Energy. ICL is involve in a number of
DOE-ECP projects such as SLATE (, PEEKS
(, xSDK
(, Distributed Tasking for Exascale
( and FFT-ECP, and others.

We encourage both fresh PhD graduates, as well as seasoned HPC
veterans to apply. For more information, check out the job offer at (section Research
Position: "Software Engineer", "Numerical Linear Algebra" and
"Research Performance Measurement and Modeling").

From: Jaap van der Vegt [email protected]
Date: June 04, 2018
Subject: PhD Position, Discontinuous Galerkin Methods, Univ of Twente

In this 4 year PhD project at the Mathematics of Computational Science
Group in the Department of Applied Mathematics, University of Twente,
Enschede, The Netherlands, the focus will be on the development of
novel discontinuous Galerkin methods for the Maxwell equations to
study the absorption of light in photovoltaic cells. This will require
both the development of efficient numerical discretizations and
solvers for the Maxwell equations, their implementation in highly
efficient parallel solvers, and the modelling of the absorption of
light in complex nanophotonic media. The absorption of light is
modelled by considering absorption as a sequence of scattering events
and wave interference. This project requires significant advances in
both finite element methods to solve the Maxwell equations and in the
understanding of the absorption of light in nanophotonic media. The
main research topics are: 1. the development, analysis and
implementation of an efficient higher order accurate discontinuous
Galerkin finite element method and multigrid techniques to solve the
time-harmonic Maxwell equations; 2. to compute eigenchannels using a
singular value decomposition (SVD) and to use these results to study
the absorption of light in thin photovoltaic cells.

For more information, see

Contact: Jaap van der Vegt, [email protected]

From: Roel Verstappen [email protected]
Date: May 29, 2018
Subject: PhD Position, Parallel-in-Time, Univ of Groningen

A fully-funded 4 year PhD position starting August 1st, 2018 is
available in the Computation and Numerical Maths group at the
University of Groningen, Netherlands. The PhD-project aims to develop
parallel-in-time methods for the propagation of uncertainties in
wind-farm simulations. Wind-farm simulations have to resort to
coarse-grained models of the small scales of motion for which
numerical resolution is not available. The nonlinear propagation of
the resulting modeling uncertainties is studied numerically. To start,
a comparative study of surrogate models for uncertainty propagation
(UP) is performed and the best method is tailored to turbulence. The
number of cores needed for this UP is so large that a space-only
parallelization does not suffice; hence parallel-in-time algorithms
are developed for this application.

We are looking for a motivated candidate with a Master degree that has
experience in Scientific Computing. The University of Groningen offers
a salary of 2,222 Euro gross per month in the first year to a maximum
of 2,840 Euro gross per month in the final year excluding a 8% holiday
allowance and a 8.3% end of the year bonus. The conditions of
employment are available at /

You may apply for this position until 15 June 2018 by sending an email
to [email protected] The application should contain: your cv,
BSc/MSc transcripts and a brief description of previous research
experience, such as the bachelor/master research projects

From: Matteo Giacomini [email protected]
Date: May 28, 2018
Subject: PhD Position, UPC-BarcelonaTech

One PhD position is available in Prof. Antonio Huerta's group within
the Laboratori de Calcul Numeric (LaCaN) at Universitat Politecnica de
Catalunya, BarcelonaTech.

The project focuses on the development of high-order finite element
methods for the high-fidelity simulation of multiphysics coupled
problems involving electromagnetic phenomena (e.g. metamaterials,
magnetohydrodynamics, ...) and reduced order models techniques for
real- time solution of parameterized partial differential equations.

The research will be developed under the supervision of Prof. Antonio
Huerta and Dr. Matteo Giacomini (UPC), in close collaboration with Dr.
Ruben Sevilla (Swansea University, UK). The project is funded by means
of a 4-year fellowship within the framework of the Spanish Plan
Nacional CrediblE "Data assimilation for Credible Engineering
simulations". The prospective PhD student is expected to start
immediately or in September 2018.

Requirements: MSc degree (or equivalent) in mathematics, engineering
or related disciplines; knowledge of numerical methods for the
approximation of partial differential equations (in particular, the
finite element method); good programming skills (Matlab and/or
Fortran); hard-working and enthusiastic attitude; curiosity and
commitment to develop high-quality research.

Interested candidates may apply by sending a CV, transcripts of BSc
and MSc studies, a motivation letter and the contacts of at least two
academic references to [email protected].

From: Paolo Bientinesi [email protected]
Date: May 31, 2018
Subject: PhD Positions, RWTH Aachen Univ

The High-Performance and Automatic Computing group (HPAC) [1] at RWTH
Aachen University (Germany) has immediate openings for fully-funded
Ph.D. positions in computer science, to work on code generation for
linear algebra and tensor operations. The research contributes to the
Linnea project [2], and draws from the many compilers, libraries, and
frameworks (BLIS, FLAME, TTC, TCCG, TBLIS, ...) developed within HPAC
and the Science of High-Performance Computing group [3].

These positions are part of a collaboration between RWTH Aachen
University and The University of Texas at Austin, and will be
co-supervised by Prof. Paolo Bientinesi (RWTH) and Prof. Robert van de
Geijn (UT Austin). Research stays at UT Austin are expected.

The appointments --either at the payscale TVL-13 (about 3600
Euros/month gross at the entry level [2]) or as a tax-free stipend
(2000 Euros/month net)-- will be initially for one year, and will be
extended for two extra years upon positive evaluation.

Applications from excellent candidates are invited. To apply, please
email the following documents to Prof. Paolo Bientinesi
([email protected]), with subject "PhD @ HPAC":
- cover letter (why are you applying? what are your interests?)
- detailed CV
- transcripts from your Bachelor and MS degrees
- contact info of at least two references
- pointers to your previous publications and software projects (if any)

The review of applications will begin *immediately* and will continue
until the positions are filled.


Requirements: Master's degree in computer science or related field.
The project lies at the intersection of a variety of topics, including
numerical linear algebra, high-performance computing, automation,
compilers & code-generation, parallel computing. Because of this, the
candidates need to be able to acquire knowledge in new subjects
quickly and independently. Good knowledge of C and demonstrated
ability to develop high-quality compilers or libraries or software in
general. Knowledge of other languages such as Julia, Mathematica,
C++, Python, Matlab, is a plus. Ability to work productively both
independently and as part of an interdisciplinary team. Excellent
oral and written English communication skills.

End of Digest