NA Digest, V. 18, # 15
NA Digest Sunday, April 15, 2018 Volume 18 : Issue 15
Today's Editor:
Daniel M. Dunlavy
Sandia National Labs
[email protected]
Today's Topics:
- J D Lambert (1932 - 2018)
- ScalFMM Version 1.5.1
- New Deadline, Boundary and Interior Layers (BAIL), UK, Jun 2018
- Short Course on Peridynamics at WCCM, USA, Jul 2018
- Numerical Computing in Algebraic Geometry, Germany, Aug 2018
- Analysis and Numerical Approximation of Singular Problems, Italy, Sep 2018
- Computational Optimization, Austria, Dec 2018
- Fellowship Positions, SISSA, Italy
- Lecturer Position, Univ of Reading
- Postdoc Position, Mathematical Modeling and Simulation, RICAM
- Postdoc Position, Numerical Analysis, KTH, Stockholm
- Postdoc and PhD Position, Bayesian Inference, Univ of Sussex
- PhD Position, Mathematical Modeling and Simulation, RICAM
- Research Associate, Deep Learning, Los Alamos National Laboratory
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Submissions for NA Digest:
From: David Griffiths [email protected]
Date: April 15, 2018
Subject: J D Lambert (1932 - 2018)
It is with great sadness that we report the death of Jack Lambert,
Emeritus Professor of Numerical Analysis at the University of
Dundee. After three years in the Royal Naval Scientific Service, Jack
became a PhD student of Ron Mitchell's at the University of St
Andrews, completing his degree while also employed as a Lecturer. He
was one of the organisers of the numerical analysis conference at the
University of St Andrews in 1965 which is regarded as the first of the
biennial series of conferences which moved to Dundee in 1969, and
continues now at the University of Strathclyde.
Jack joined Ron Mitchell in Dundee in 1967, after a brief period at
the University of Aberdeen. His research interests lay in the
numerical solution of ordinary differential equations on which he
supervised many PhD students and authored two highly-regarded text
As well as research and teaching, Jack served as Head of Department
and Dean of the Faculty of Science and Engineering. He was elected a
Fellow of the Royal Society of Edinburgh in 1976.
Jack was a very warm man and splendid company at all times. He had a
wise head and was a fount of sound advice. He will be sadly missed by
his former colleagues and many friends worldwide, and we are sure they
would ant to join us in passing on our condolences to his wife Heather
and their sons Ian and Roddy.
David Griffiths and Alistair Watson
From: Coulaud [email protected]
Date: April 13, 2018
Subject: ScalFMM Version 1.5.1
We are pleased to announce the release 1.5.1, as an open-source
software, of ScalFMM, a task-based scalable kernel independent fast
multipole method.
The design of the library separates the FMM-core (octree management,
data structure, parallelism, ...) and the kernels that allow you to
easily introduce new kernels.
- Kernel independent method based on interpolation. We provide as well
as a method based on Chebyshev and equispaced grid points.
- Scalar and tensorial kernels
- Different implementations for Poisson kernel are available :
spherical expansion with rotation and BLAS optimizations, Chebyshev
points and equispaced grid points.
- Shared memory (OpenMP and StarPU (runtime system) and hybrid
distributed/shared memory (MPI/OpenMP)
The project Home page is
where instructions for obtaining the source code are
provided. Installation instructions and a User's Guide are also
Contributions and feedback from users are welcome.
The ScalFMM developers
From: Gabriel R. Barrenechea [email protected]
Date: April 12, 2018
Subject: New Deadline, Boundary and Interior Layers (BAIL), UK, Jun 2018
BAIL: Boundary and Interior Layers
University of Strathclyde, Glasgow
June 18-22, 2018
This conference continues a long series of meetings devoted to the
numerical, and asymptotic, analysis of problems presented sharp
layers, and, more widely, numerical methods in fluid mechanics, with
an emphasis on the development and analysis of novel and robust
Due to multiple requests, we decided to extend the deadline for
submitting an abstract to the meeting.
The new deadline is April 30. The acceptance notification will be on
May 7, and the final deadline for registration is the 15th of May.
For more details about it, including plenary speakers and registered
participants, please visit the web page:
From: Pablo Seleson [email protected]
Date: April 13, 2018
Subject: Short Course on Peridynamics at WCCM, USA, Jul 2018
Short Course on Peridynamics
13th World Congress on Computational Mechanics (WCCM 2018)
July 22-27, 2018, New York City, NY
A short course on the Peridynamic Theory of Solid Mechanics will be
held at the upcoming 13th World Congress on Computational
Mechanics. The short course will review the peridynamic theory, and it
will discuss various applications as well as related modeling and
computational aspects. Students, postdocs, as well as early-career
and senior researchers are welcome to participate. The short-course
description is given below.
Title: Peridynamic Theory of Solid Mechanics: Modeling, Computation,
and Applications
- Dr. John Foster ([email protected])
The University of Texas at Austin
- Dr. David Littlewood ([email protected])
Sandia National Laboratories
- Dr. Pablo Seleson ([email protected])
Oak Ridge National Laboratory
Peridynamics is a nonlocal reformulation of classical continuum
mechanics, based on integral equations, suitable for material failure
and damage simulation. In contrast to classical constitutive
relations, peridynamic models do not require spatial differentiability
assumptions of displacement fields, leading to a natural
representation of material discontinuities such as
cracks. Furthermore, peridynamic models possess length scales, making
them suitable for multiscale modeling. This course will provide an
overview of peridynamics, including its mathematical, computational,
and modeling aspects. The course will also review advanced research
topics and software in peridynamics, and it will include a hands-on
tutorial on 3D simulation of solid mechanics problems.
From: Paul Breiding [email protected]
Date: April 12, 2018
Subject: Numerical Computing in Algebraic Geometry, Germany, Aug 2018
This message is to advertise the upcoming Summer School on Numerical
Computing in Algebraic Geometry to be held at MPI MiS Leipzig, 13-17
August 2018.
The aim of this summer school is to provide insight into numerical
methods in algebraic geometry. Unlike traditional summer schools,
special emphasis is put on the application and usage of software:
- Bertini
- Tensorlab
The intention is to familiarize participants with the techniques and
provide hands-on experience with how they can be applied to
problems. As such, the summer school will feature software sessions in
lieu of traditional exercise sessions.
The lectures will be given by:
- Jonathan Hauenstein (University of Notre Dame, Indiana)
- Pablo A. Parillo (Massachusetts Institute of Technology)
- Nick Vannieuwenhoven (KU Leuven, Belgium)
For more information (including possibilities of financial support) see
From: Teresa Diogo [email protected]
Date: April 09, 2018
Subject: Analysis and Numerical Approximation of Singular Problems, Italy, Sep 2018
We would like to bring to your attention to the Sixth International
Workshop on Analysis and Numerical Approximation of Singular Problems
(IWANASP18) which will take place in Cagliari, Sardinia (Italy) on
September 4-6, 2018.
The aim of the conference is to bring together young researchers and
leading scientists specialized in approximation tools for functions
with singularities and numerical methods for singular integral
equations with applications. For detailed information please visit
The following researchers have kindly accepted to deliver plenary talks:
- Peter Junghanns, Technische Universitat Chemnitz, Germany;
- Rainer Kress, University of Gottingen, Germany;
- Giuseppe Mastroianni, University of Basilicata, Italy;
- Arvet Pedas, University of Tartu, Estonia;
- Jason Roberts, University of Chester, United Kingdom;
- Yuesheng Xu, Old Dominion University in Norfolk, United States.
A selection of papers presented at the conference will be published,
after a standard refereeing process, in a special issue of the
international journal Applied Numerical Mathematics (APNUM).
Anyone who wishes to present a talk is kindly requested to submit an
abstract online, by April 22, 2018.
From: Teresa Scarinci [email protected]
Date: April 13, 2018
Subject: Computational Optimization, Austria, Dec 2018
We are pleased to announce the VGSCO (Vienna Graduate School on
Computational Optimization)-Workshop, which will take place at the
University of Vienna (Austria), December 17-19, 2018.
The aim of this workshop is to gather researchers from the
optimization community. There will be opportunities to interact and
discuss the latest trends and theoretical results in this field, but
also to review advances and challenges in the computational aspects.
The program will include eight plenary talks and a number of
contributed presentations. Participation is *free of charge*, but
registration is required due to a limited number of admissions. The
abstract submission for contributed talks is already open.
Invited Speakers include
- Heinz Bauschke (University of British Columbia)
- Stephen Boyd (Stanford University)
- Peter Gritzmann (TU Munich)
- Harald Raecke (TU Munich)
- Stephen Wright (University of Wisconsis)
- Anita Schoebel (University of Goettingen)
The topics covered will include Convex Optimization; Nonsmooth
Optimization; Dynamic Optimization; Combinatorial Optimization;
Stochastic Optimization; with a special emphasis on computational
issues and applications.
The city of Vienna offers lots of cultural highlights and nice
Christmas markets and decorations in this period. Check out the
workshop website at You may find a link
for registration to this workshop there. The deadline for submitting
abstracts is June 15, 2018.
From: Gianluigi Rozza [email protected]
Date: April 13, 2018
Subject: Fellowship Positions, SISSA, Italy
At SISSA -- International School for Advanced Studies, Trieste, Italy
-- a new post-doctoral program in Mathematics: the SISSA Mathematical
Fellowships is starting.
Starting from 2018, there will be a yearly call for two 3-year
The positions are not restricted to a specific research theme but are
intended to attract promising candidates in all fields of mathematics
by providing them with the opportunity to independently pursue their
own research as well as to enlarge their research profile by
interacting with top- leading scientists.
The appointments will last up to three years and will be provided with
a competitive salary together with a small research grant that can be
autonomously used by the successful candidate.
More information can be found here:
Deadline is April 23, 2018 at 1pm (Rome time).
From: Tristan Pryer [email protected]
Date: April 12, 2018
Subject: Lecturer Position, Univ of Reading
A lecturer (assistant professor) position is available at the
Department of Mathematics and Statistics at the University of Reading,
UK. The position is in general applied mathematics however
applications from numerical analysis and computational science are
particularly welcome. The closing date for applications is 21/05/2018.
Further details about this position are available at:
From: Marie-Therese Wolfram [email protected]
Date: April 12, 2018
Subject: Postdoc Position, Mathematical Modeling and Simulation, RICAM
The New Frontiers Group on 'Mathematical modeling and simulation of
crowded transport in the life and social sciences' at the Johann Radon
Institute for Computational and Applied Mathematics (RICAM, ) is seeking for a PostDoc with a strong
background in applied partial differential equations. The successful
candidate will join the team of Dr. Marie-Therese Wolfram in Vienna,
which is working on analytic and computational aspects of crowded
transport. The research focus will be adjusted to the candidates'
interests and should include collaborative projects within the working
group. We are looking for talented and independent young researcher
with an exceptional research background in the field of mathematical
modeling and partial differential equations. A PhD in applied
mathematics is mandatory. A strong record of relevant publications in
international peer- reviewed journals in applied mathematics is
essential. The position is available from July 1, 2018 and will be
offered as a fixed- term contract for an initial period of one year
(with a possible extension to a maximum of two years). The monthly
gross salary is based on the salary scale of the FWF and will be EUR
3.711,10 (14 times per year).
Applicants should send the following information:
- motivation letter
- research statement
- curriculum vitae
- PhD certificate and
- publication list
- 2 refererence letters
in a single pdf file to [email protected] until
May 13, 2018.
The Austrian Academy of Sciences is an equal opportunity employer.
From: Anna-Karin Tornberg [email protected]
Date: April 13, 2018
Subject: Postdoc Position, Numerical Analysis, KTH, Stockholm
We are announcing a two-year postdoc position in numerical analysis at
KTH in Stockholm. The postdoc will work on a collaborative project
with Prof Bjorn Engquist at UT Austin, "Multiscale algorithms for
effective approximation of interfaces in fluid flows".
The work "interfaces" in this title includes e.g. interfaces between a
region of clear fluid and a porous structure with small scale
features. The essential idea is to apply efficient and accurate
numerical methods based on integral equations for microscale
simulations in small local domains near the interfacewith
micro-structure, coupled with macroscale methods away from the
interface through effective interface conditions.
The starting date is flexible, and we encourage candidates to apply
and state a preferred starting date between Aug 2018-Jan 2019.
The deadline for application is May 2, 2018.
More information can be found at
The official ad describing the application procedure can be found at
for Swedish)
From: Masoumeh Dashti [email protected]
Date: April 11, 2018
Subject: Postdoc and PhD Position, Bayesian Inference, Univ of Sussex
One Research Fellow and one funded PhD position in "Bayesian Inference
and Approximations of High-Dimensional Network Models" is available at
the University of Sussex, Mathematics Department:
From: Marie-Therese Wolfram [email protected]
Date: April 12, 2018
Subject: PhD Position, Mathematical Modeling and Simulation, RICAM
A PhD position is available at the Johann Radon Institute for
Computational and Applied Mathematics (RICAM ) within the New Frontiers Group on
"Multi- scale modeling and simulation of crowded transport in the life
and social sciences". The applicant will work with Dr. Marie-Therese
Wolfram in the NFG research group, which started in the beginning of
2014. The PhD project focuses on the development of mathematical
models for pedestrian dynamics. A main focus will lie on the analysis
of the derived partial differential equations, in particular the
existence and long time behavior of solutions. The PhD researcher will
work in collaboration with applied mathematicians, engineers and
social scientists. The NFG is a young research team, which focuses on
various aspects of crowded transport such as mathematical modeling,
analysis of partial differential equations and scientific
computing. The PhD position offers excellent opportunities to work in
a lively research environment and collaborate with international
experts in the field of applied mathematics as well as transportation
research. We are looking for a talented and self-motivated individual
with a solid background in mathematical modeling and partial
differential equations. Knowledge in numerical analysis and
scientific computing is desirable. An MSc degree in mathematics is
mandatory. The position is available from June 1, 2018 or as soon as
possible thereafter. It will be offered for 1 year with a possible
extension afterwards. The monthly gross salary is EUR 2.112,40 (14
times per year), the weekly working time is 30 hours and includes five
weeks of vacation. Applicants should provide the following
information: letter of motivation, curriculum vitae, record of their
university course work, PDF file of their master thesis and two
reference letters. Interested candidates are invited to send their
application in a single PDF file directly to
[email protected] until May 13, 2018. The Austrian Academy
is an equal opportunity employer.
From: Youzuo Lin [email protected]
Date: April 11, 2018
Subject: Research Associate, Deep Learning, Los Alamos National Laboratory
The Geophysics Group (EES-17) in the Earth and Environmental Sciences
(EES) Division at Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL) has an
immediate opening for a creative and resourceful post-master's
candidate with strong deep learning, programming, and computational
science skills. As a Post-Master's Research Associate, the selected
candidate will develop novel deep learning techniques and apply them
to various applications such as image analysis, time-series analysis,
and event detection etc. The term of the appointment is 1 to 2 years;
depending on the performance and funding availability there are
opportunities to an extent the appointment by transitioning to other
types of LANL positions.
Minimum Job Requirements: Record of proficiency in deep learning
frameworks such as TensorFlow, Torch, Caffe2, or Keras; Record of
proficiency in Python; Demonstrated ability to work independently and
as a member of a team, with good communication skills; Demonstrated
ability to quickly learn new skills and knowledge in a fast-paced
research environment.
Completion of a Master's degree in Computer Science, Electrical
Engineering, Applied Mathematics, Computational Sciences, or a related
field within the past 3 years but have not yet been accepted into
another master's program or a Ph.D. program. Experience in
application and development of signal processing, imagery analysis,
and computer vision applications. Publication record in top
conferences and journals is a plus.
The position does not require a security clearance. Selected
candidates will be subject to drug testing and other pre-employment
background checks.
Please see more details and apply here:
As part of the application process, please upload your transcripts,
cover letter, and resume. In addition to applying on-line, please
send a cover letter detailing qualifications, a curriculum
vitae/resume, and names of three references to Dr. Youzuo Lin
([email protected]). The positions remain open until they are filled.
End of Digest