NA Digest, V. 18, # 13

NA Digest Sunday, April 01, 2018 Volume 18 : Issue 13

Today's Editor:

Daniel M. Dunlavy
Sandia National Labs
[email protected]

Today's Topics: Subscribe, unsubscribe, change address, or for na-digest archives:

Submissions for NA Digest:

From: Claude Brezinski [email protected]
Date: March 28, 2018
Subject: Peter Wynn (1932-2017)

I regret to inform you of the passing of Peter Wynn from a heart
attack in December 2017. He was living in Zacatecas, Mexico. Peter
was born in 1932. He first studied with Arthur Erd\'elyi. Then he
defended a Thesis in 1959 at the Johannes Gutenberg-Universit\"at in
Mainz under the supervision of Friedrich L. Bauer and he became his
assistant. Then, he went to Amsterdam, participating in the birth of
ALGOL. In 1961, he obtained a Ph.D. from the University of London. He
found his famous epsilon-algorithm for the recursive implementation of
Shanks' transformation in 1956 when he was only 24. He held several
positions in the United States, Canada and Mexico. He published 105
Research Reports and papers on convergence acceleration, Pad\'e
approximation and continued fractions.

Without him the field of extrapolation methods would not have
been so much developed.

From: Yang Qi [email protected]
Date: March 28, 2018
Subject: CNRS Silver Medal for Pierre Comon

Pierre Comon has won the 2018 CNRS Silver Medal for Information
Sciences and Technologies. The medal honors researchers who are
recognized nationally and internationally for the originality,
quality, and importance of their work:

The official laudatio (translated from French) reads: "Pierre Comon,
CNRS Research Director at Gipsa-Lab (Grenoble Image, Speech, Signal,
and Automatic Control) of the University Grenoble-Alpes, is the winner
of the 2018 Silver Medal of the CNRS Institute of Information Sciences
and Technologies (INS2I). This medal recognizes the excellence and
impact of his works. His research works focus on models that are
useful in real problems in many various fields. He is recognized
internationally in several scientific communities, including signal
processing, neurosciences, and remote sensing."

Read more about Pierre Comon's work here:

From: John Pryce [email protected]
Date: March 29, 2018
Subject: Re: A linear algebra query

I asked in the 25 March issue: How do you tell in O(n^2) time whether
a real n by n matrix Q, known to be orthogonal, has determinant +1 or -1?

After a few replies that don't work, I begin to think it is
impossible. Of course this depends on the methods that are allowed.

Assuming one is allowed ordinary matrix operations:
- Size n matrix-matrix multiplication is not allowed as it's O(n^3).
- To remain O(n^2), one can have up to M matrix-vector multiplications
where M is some universal bound independent of n.

Equivalently, you are allowed to know the action of Q on some
M-dimensional subspace X. But I think as soon as n exceeds M, Q is
determined by its action on X (known) and on the nontrivial orthogonal
complement Xperp (totally unknown). And (I've not checked details but
it seems clear) one can always define a different action on Xperp that
reverses the orientation.

I find this strange but convincing. Can anyone show it is wrong?

From: Jennifer Scott [email protected]
Date: March 28, 2018
Subject: ACM TOMS Editor-in-Chief Search

An open search has begun for a new Editor-in-Chief of the ACM
Transactions on Mathematical Software. Nominations, including
self-nominations, are invited for a three-year term, beginning in June
2018. Full details are available at

The deadline for applications is May 18.

From: Nick Gould [email protected]
Date: March 28, 2018
Subject: Open-source GALAHAD 3.0 for nonlinear optimization is now available

GALAHAD is an evolving library of modern Fortran packages for
nonlinear optimization. It contains packages for general constrained
and unconstrained optimization, quadratic programming, and nonlinear
least-squares fitting, as well as those for solving a large variety of
basic optimization subproblems. Many of the packages can be called
from Matlab. We are pleased to announce that from Version 3.0, the
library is freely available as open-source software released under the

For download details and installation instructions, visit

GALAHAD is available as part of the Optimization Trove
alongside CUTEst, RALFit and a variety of optimization test examples.

From: Pedro Valero-Lara [email protected]
Date: March 27, 2018
Subject: Research Engineer Position, Programming Models, BSC

Research Engineer (RE1) - Programming Models
Job Reference: 73_CS_PM_RE1RE2
Closing Date: Monday, 23 April, 2018

The Barcelona Supercomputing Center - Centro Nacional de
Supercomputacion (BSC-CNS) is the leading supercomputing center in
Spain. It houses MareNostrum, one of the most powerful supercomputers
in Europe, and is a hosting member of the PRACE European distributed
supercomputing infrastructure. The mission of BSC is to research,
develop and manage information technologies in order to facilitate
scientific progress. BSC combines HPC service provision and R&D into
both computer and computational science (life, earth and engineering
sciences) under one roof, and currently has over 500 staff from 44

Key Duties: Developing of Linear Algebra routines for parallel
architectures using parallel programing models such as OmpSs, OpenMP,
CUDA, among others; Debugging and maintenance of codes; Writing of
articles/reports about the implementations/optimizations carried out;
Provide support to teaching/laboratory activities.

- Education: Bachelor or Master Degree in Computer Sciences, Computer
Engineering, Telecommunication Engineering or equivalent.
- Essential Knowledge and Professional Experience
- Good skills in programming in C/C++, OpenMP, CUDA, OpenCL, and MPI
- Knowledge about task-based programming models
- Additional Knowledge and Professional Experience
- Good written and verbal communication skills
- Ability to take initiative, prioritize and work under set
deadlines and pressure
- Ability to work independently and in a team

All applications must include:
- A motivation letter with a statement of interest, including two
contacts for further references
- A full CV including contact details

From: John Pearson [email protected]
Date: April 01, 2018
Subject: PhD Position, Numerical Analysis, Univ of Edinburgh

A PhD position is available within the School of Mathematics at the
University of Edinburgh. The project is entitled "Modern Numerical
Linear Algebra for Huge-Scale Optimization Problems", and will be
supervised by Dr John Pearson and Prof. Jacek Gondzio. Further details
about this project are available at .

The successful candidate will be fully funded by the School of
Mathematics, including PhD fees, as well as a living stipend for 3.5
years, starting in September 2018 or an alternative date by mutual
agreement. This studentship is available for all UK and EU students.

This project is suitable for the University of Edinburgh's PhD
programmes in Applied and Computational Mathematics
or Optimization and Operational Research
Candidates are asked to submit their applications at one of these
links, according to their programme of interest. All applications
received by Friday 27 April 2018 will be considered. Applications
received thereafter will be considered until the position is filled

Informal enquiries are encouraged, and may be made to
[email protected] .

From: Irad Yavneh [email protected]
Date: April 01, 2018
Subject: SISC Copper Mountain Special Issue

The Fifteenth Copper Mountain Conference on Iterative Methods was held
in March 25-31, 2018. The meeting attracted over 200 participants fr
from around the world, and there were more than 170 talks covering a
br broad spectrum of topics related to iterative solvers ht

The SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing (SISC) is dedicating a
Special Section to recent progress in iterative methods. Submissions
are encouraged in all aspects of iterative methods including the
following areas: stochastic PDEs and uncertainty quantification,
iterative linear algebraic techniques for data mining, optimization,
inverse problems, large-scale eigenvalue and singular value
computations, iterative methods in imaging, Krylov accelerators,
preconditioning, iterative solvers on high concurrency node
architectures, multigrid, domain decomposition, nonlinear solution
methods, surrogate methods/model order reduction, low-rank
approximations, nonlinear least squares, solvers for indefinite
systems, hybrid direct/iterative solvers, robust and scalable solvers
for coupled multi-physics problems (electromagnetics, fluids,
neutronics), iterative meth methods for energy applications and
climate modeling, solvers for quan quantum chemistry/physics

Submissions are accepted until May 31, 2018. Attendees and pa

participants of the conference as well as the general community are in
invited to submit papers. For submission instructions and additional
in information see and

We are looking forward to your submission. If you have any questions,
please contact Irad Yavneh [email protected]

From: Olaf Schenk [email protected]
Date: March 26, 2018
Subject: Special Journal Issue, Parallel Computing, PMAA'18, Zurich

A special issue of Parallel Computing (Elsevier) will be devoted to
the 10th International Workshop on Parallel Matrix Algorithms and
Applications (PMAA'18) that will take place in Zurich, June 27-29, 2018,

Papers submitted to the special issue should have a strong parallel
computing and numerical linear algebra components including numerical
analysis, scientific and industrial applications, software
development, and high performance computing. The topics to be covered
in the issue include, but are not limited to: Parallel methods for
solving large sparse or dense linear systems of equations. Parallel
eigenvalue and singular value computations. Automatic tuning and
performance modeling. Novel architectural paradigms (e.g. GPU and
multicore) and their use in matrix computations and applications.
Large scale scientific applications from diverse fields which have an
emphasis on parallel matrix computation.

Manuscripts will undergo the standard Parallel Computing
peer-reviewing process. They must be submitted electronically via
Elsevier's editorial system at URL

Authors are to follow the instructions in the Guide for Authors. In
particular, when choosing the "Article Type" during the submission
process, make sure you select the type "SI: PMAA'18".

For any questions, please contact Olaf Schenk ([email protected])

Deadline for submissions of full papers: October 15, 2018
Reviews due: December 30, 2018
Deadline for re-submission of revised papers: February 28, 2019

From: Kathryn Roberts [email protected]
Date: March 26, 2018
Subject: Contents, Information and Inference, 7 (1)

Contents, Information and Inference: A Journal of the IMA, 7 (1)

Information and Inference: A Journal of the IMA
This issue is available at

Superresolution without separation, Geoffrey Schiebinger; Elina
Robeva; Benjamin Recht,

Quantized minimax estimation over Sobolev ellipsoids, Yuancheng Zhu;
John Lafferty,

One-bit compressive sensing of dictionary-sparse signals, R Baraniuk;
S Foucart; D Needell; Y Plan; M Wootters,

Demixing sines and spikes: Robust spectral super-resolution in the
presence of outliers, Carlos Fernandez-Granda; Gongguo Tang; Xiaodong
Wang; Le Zheng,

From: ZHEN [email protected]
Date: March 29, 2018
Subject: Contents, Journal of the Operations Research Society of China, 6 (1)

Special Issue:
New Challenges in Financial Optimization and Risk Management

Incorporating Convexity in Bond Portfolio Immunization Using
Multifactor Model: A Semidefinite Programming Approach

Valuation of American Strangles Through an Optimized Lower-Upper Bound

Core of the Reinsurance Market with Dependent Risks

Robust Valuation, Arbitrage Ambiguity and Profit & Loss Analysis

Extra Resource Allocation: A DEA Approach in the View of Efficiencies

Optimal Portfolio and Consumption Rule with a CIR Model Under HARA

Time Consistent Multi-period Worst-Case Risk Measure in Robust
Portfolio Selection

Explicit Solution for Constrained Optimal Execution Problem with
General Correlated Market Depth

Time-Consistent Portfolio Policy for Asset-Liability Mean-Variance
Model with State-Dependent Risk Aversion

From: Claude Brezinski [email protected]
Date: March 30, 2018
Subject: Contents, Numerical Algorithms, 77 (4)

Table of Contents
Numerical Algorithms, Vol. 77, No. 4

Detection of the singularities of a complex function by numerical
approximations of its Laurent coefficients, Mariarosaria Rizzardi

Convergence analysis of a new algorithm for strongly pseudomontone
equilibrium problems, Dang Van Hieu

The error bounds of Gauss-Kronrod quadrature formulae for weight
functions of Bernstein-Szego type, Dusan Lj. Djukic, Aleksandar
V. Pejcev, Miodrag M. Spalevic

Robust intersection of structured hexahedral meshes and degenerate
triangle meshes with volume fraction applications, Frida Svelander,
Gustav Kettil, Tomas Johnson, Andreas Mark, Anders Logg, Fredrik

New algorithm for computing the Hermite interpolation polynomial,
A. Messaoudi, R. Sadaka, H. Sadok

Exact optimal values of step-size coefficients for boundedness of
linear multistep methods, Lajos Loczi

A numerical method for stationary shock problems with monotonic
solutions, Relja Vulanovic, Thai Anh Nhan

A derandomization approach to recovering bandlimited signals across a
wide range of random sampling rates, Dan Gordon

An affine scaling interior trust-region method combining with line
earch filter technique for optimization subject to bounds on
variables, Dan Li, Detong Zhu

A cubically convergent method for solving the largest eigenvalue of a
nonnegative irreducible tensor, Wei-wei Yang, Qin Ni

A method of directly defining the inverse mapping for solutions of
coupled systems of nonlinear differential equations, Mathew Baxter,
Mangalagama Dewasurendra, Kuppalapalle Vajravelu

Piecewise Chebyshevian splines: interpolation versus design,
Marie-Laurence Mazure

An eighth-order family of optimal multiple root finders and its
dynamics, Ramandeep Behl, Alicia Cordero, Sandile S. Motsa, Juan
R. Torregrosa

A Dai-Liao conjugate gradient algorithm with clustering of
eigenvalues, Neculai Andrei

Muntz-Legendre wavelet operational matrix of fractional-order
integration and its applications for solving the fractional pantograph
differential equations, P. Rahimkhani, Y. Ordokhani, E. Babolian

From: Fikret Aliev [email protected]
Date: March 28, 2018
Subject: Contents, TWMS Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics, 9 (1)

TWMS Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics, Vol. 9, No.1, 2018
ISSN 2076-2585

1. Generalized Metric Spaces: Survey, T. Dosenovic, S. Radenovic,
S. Sedghi

2. Extended Rectifying Curves as New Kind of Modified Darboux Vectors,
Y. Yayli, I. Gok, H. H. Hacisalihoglu

3. Local Convergence of a Hansen-Patrick-like Family of Optimal Fourth
Order Methods, I.K. Argyros, S. George

4. Convenient Pretopologies on Z2, J. Slapal

5. Decision Making Support in Human Resource Management Based on
Multi-Objective Optimization, M. H. Mammadova Z. G. Jabrayilova

6. Optimal Decision Making for Well Interventions under Uncertainty,
R.A. Aliev, H.G. Hajiyev, O.H.Huseynov

7. A New Approach to Separability and Compactness in Soft Topological
Spaces, S. Bayramov, Gunduz C. Aras

8. The Fibonacci Numbers of Asymptotically Lacunary of X2 over
Probabilistic p- Metric Spaces , Deepmala, Vandana, N. Subramanian,
L.N. Mishra

9. On Factorization of Matrix Polynomial with Respect to the Unit
Circle, F.A. Aliev, V.B. Larin

End of Digest