NA Digest, V. 18, # 7

NA Digest Sunday, February 18, 2018 Volume 18 : Issue 7

Today's Editor:

Daniel M. Dunlavy
Sandia National Labs
[email protected]

Today's Topics: Subscribe, unsubscribe, change address, or for na-digest archives:

Submissions for NA Digest:

From: Giuseppe Rodriguez [email protected]
Date: February 14, 2018
Subject: Sebastiano Seatzu (1941-2018)

Sebastiano Seatzu (1941-2018)

Sebastiano Seatzu suddenly passed away in Cagliari, Italy, on February
13, 2018.

He graduated with honor in Physics in 1965 at the University of
Cagliari, and he soon started to teach at the same university. At
first he taught Mathematical Analysis, later Numerical Analysis and
Operations Research, until his retirement in 2010. He continued to
teach occasionally also after his retirement.

Seatzu's research included Numerical Analysis, Approximation Theory,
Inverse Problems, and Differential and Integral Equations. He authored
or coauthored 3 books and 86 papers. He has been co-editor of Calcolo
and associate editor of Advances in Computational Mathematics. Seatzu
educated generations of students, who greatly appreciated his
commitment as a teacher, as well as his human qualities.

Sebastiano Seatzu is survived by his wife Rita, his son Francesco and
daughter Carla, and three grandchildren.

Condolence messages sent to [email protected] will be forwarded
to the family.

From: Ariela Sofer [email protected]
Date: February 14, 2018
Subject: Call for Nominations, EiC, INFORMS Journal on Computing

Call for Nominations
Editor-in-Chief, INFORMS Journal on Computing
Deadline for Nominations: April 1, 2018.
Please see details at

From: Roger Horn [email protected]
Date: February 11, 2018
Subject: New Book, A Second Course in Linear Algebra

A Second Course in Linear Algebra, by Stephan Ramon Garcia and
Roger A. Horn, Cambridge University Press, 2018, 426 pages.
ISBN: 9781107103818.

Linear algebra and matrix methods are increasingly relevant in a world
focused on the acquisition and analysis of data. Consequently, this
book is intended for students of pure and applied mathematics,
computer science, economics, engineering, mathematical biology,
operations research, physics, and statistics. We assume that the
reader has completed a lower-division calculus sequence and a first
course in linear algebra.

Noteworthy features of this book include:
- Block matrices are employed systematically.
- Matrices and matrix factorizations are emphasized.
- Transformations that involve unitary matrices are emphasized.
- Numerous examples appear throughout the text.
- Figures illustrate the geometric foundations of linear algebra.
- Topics for a one-semester course are arranged in a sequence of short
- Many chapters conclude with sections devoted to special topics.
- Each chapter includes a problem section (more than 600 problems in
- Notes sections provide references to sources of additional information.
- Each chapter concludes with a bullet list of important concepts.
- Symbols used in the book are listed in a table of notation, with
page references.
- An index with more than 1700 entries helps locate concepts and

An errata file is among the information posted on the publisher's website:

From: Peter Schmid [email protected]
Date: February 15, 2018
Subject: Lattice Boltzmann Methods, Italy, Apr 2018

We would like to announce the ERCOFTAC Montestigliano Spring School in
Tuscany, Italy from 15. to 21. April 2018 on "Lattice Boltzmann
methods for fluid dynamics simulations". The guest speakers will be
Prof. Ilya Karlin and Dr. Fabian Boesch from ETH, Zuerich.

The Spring School is intended for doctoral and postdoctoral students;
it involves lectures, group work and hands-on training in
Lattice-Boltzmann techniques and software development. The primary
goal of the school is that every participant (i) gains practical
experience in writing her/his own Lattice-Boltzmann code and running
first simulations within a week and (ii) gets familiar with the basics
of the underlying theory. Course material will include slides of the
lectures, lecture notes and a framework code.

Applicants should send a CV, a short letter of purpose (one page) and
a brief letter of recommendation from their research advisor to
[email protected] or [email protected]. The application
deadline is 4. March 2018 and decisions on acceptance will be made
shortly thereafter.

For more information, see the ERCOFTAC website at

From: John Pearson [email protected]
Date: February 18, 2018
Subject: Linear Algebra & Numerical PDEs, UK, Apr 2018

A workshop on "New directions in applied linear algebra, numerical
methods for PDEs, and applications" will be held at the International
Centre for Mathematical Sciences (ICMS) in Edinburgh on 9-11 April

Invited speakers are: Luca Bergamaschi (Padua), Silvia Gazzola (Bath),
Ben Goddard (Edinburgh), Jacek Gondzio (Edinburgh), Stefan Guttel
(Manchester), Elias Jarlebring (KTH, Stockholm), Robert Luce (EPFL &
Gurobi), Margherita Porcelli (Florence), Tyrone Rees (Rutherford
Appleton Laboratory), Carola-Bibiane Schonlieb (Cambridge), Jennifer
Scott (Rutherford Appleton Laboratory & Reading), Zdenek Strakos
(Prague), Andy Wathen (Oxford), Walter Zulehner (Linz), Kostas
Zygalakis (Edinburgh)

Participation is free of charge, but registration is required for
catering and organizational purposes; to register please follow the
link at .

A limited amount of funding is available to support travel and
accommodation for UK-based PhD students coming to Edinburgh for the
workshop. To apply for funding, please email [email protected] by 3
March with a short description of your PhD research.

From: Xuemin Tu [email protected]
Date: February 18, 2018
Subject: Midwest Numerical Analysis Day, USA, Apr 2018

2018 Midwest Numerical Analysis Day (MWNADay)

The 2018 Midwest Numerical Analysis Day (MWNADay) will be held at the
University of Kansas, Lawrence, KS, April 14-15, 2018. The Midwest
Numerical Analysis Day is a forum for researchers at all stages of
their careers, mainly from the Midwest, to exchange ideas in numerical
analysis, scientific computing and related application
areas. Participation of graduate students is strongly encouraged.

Plenary Speakers: Michele Benzi, Emory University; Susanne Brenner,
Louisiana State University; Yoichiro Mori, University of Minnesota;
Zhimin Zhang, Wayne State University

Call for contributed talks and posters: Participants are invited to
give a talk or present a poster. The conference will provide lodging
for two nights for as many participants as possible. Priority will be
given to participants who have no other federal support and
participants who are students, post- doctoral scholars, or members of
groups that are under-represented in the mathematical sciences.

March 2: Deadline for submitting talk or poster abstract.
March 2: Deadline for requesting a travel support.
Participants will be notified about travel awards and their hotel and
room assignment by March 16.

From: Martin Stynes [email protected]
Date: February 17, 2018
Subject: Numerical Methods for Fractional-Derivative Problems, China, Apr 2018

The 2nd Workshop on "Numerical Methods for Fractional-derivative
Problems: Singularities and Fast Algorithms" will be held at Beijing
Computational Science Research Center on 13 & 14 April 2018. The 1st
workshop on this topic, held at Beijing CSRC in May 2017, attracted
more than 100 participants.

The main speakers are Bangti Jin (U.C. London), George Karniadakis
(Brown), Natalia Kopteva (Limerick) and Jie Shen (Purdue and Xiamen).
Other invited speakers are listed on the workshop website

A few slots are still open for contributed talks directly related to
the title of the workshop; if you wish to submit a talk, then please
email [email protected] your title and abstract (between a
half-page and one page) as soon as possible.

Registration at the workshop website is now open.

Organisers: Martin Stynes and Zhimin Zhang, Beijing CSRC

From: Aretha Teckentrup [email protected]
Date: February 14, 2018
Subject: Uncertainty Quantification and Computational Imaging, UK, Apr 2018

We are organising a workshop on Uncertainty Quantification and
Computational Imaging, taking place at the ICMS in Edinburgh, 23-24
April 2018:

The workshop wil feature mini-courses on Uncertainty Quantification
and Computational Imaging, as well as research talks from experts in
both areas and a poster session for other participants to present
their work.

Confirmed speakers are: Yoann Altmann (Heriot-Watt University); Alain
Durmus (ENS Paris-Saclay); Anthony Kennedy (University of Edinburgh);
Jason McEwen (Mullard Space Science Laboratory, University College
London); Omiros Papaspiliopoulos (Universitat Pompeu Fabra); Marcelo
Pereyra (Heriot-Watt University); Aretha Teckentrup (University of

Registration is now open, and will close once full capacity has been

From: Julio Garralón Ruiz [email protected]
Date: February 12, 2018
Subject: Nonlinear Mathematics and Physics, Spain, Jun 2018

When: 12th 15th June, 2018
Where: Malaga (Spain)
Abstract Submission Deadline: 9th March, 2018
Notice of acceptance: 23rd March, 2018

The 11th International Conference on Nonlinear Mathematics and Physics
(Non-Linear 2018) will provide an international forum for sharing
knowledge and results in theory and applications of different areas
related to nonlinear sciences. The fundamental topics are Nonlinear
Science, Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems, Chaos, Nonlinear
Waves and Solitons, Complex Systems Computational Physics, Machine
Learning Algorithms, Complex Networks, evolutionary Computation and
Swarm Algorithms. The areas of applications include, but are not
limited to Physics, Chemistry, Ecology and Biology, Medicine and
Physiology; Mechanical Engineering; Communications Engineering;
Economics; Social Sciences; and other research areas related to
nonlinear science.

Authors are invited to submit abstracts of their presentations through
the Conference Submission System on by March 9th,
2018, where instructions and paper formatting guide-lines can be
found. Submissions must be original and should not have been published
previously or be under consideration for publication while being
evaluated for this Conference.

You can contact the Local Organizing Committee in the mentioned url
for more information. Regards, the Local Committee.

From: Rachel Thomas [email protected]
Date: February 16, 2018
Subject: Summer School in Computational Physiology, Norway/USA, Jun/Aug 2018

Applications for the 2018 Summer School in Computational Physiology
now open (deadline: 15 March 2017)

In conjunction with the University of California San Diego, Simula
Research Laboratory is pleased to announce the 5th edition of our
annual Summer School in Computational Physiology. This school
focuses on multiscale modelling of electrophysiology and mechanics
of the heart, and related material in computational neurophysiology
and pharmacology.

Simula Research Laboratory, Oslo, Norway, June 18-29
University of California San Diego, La Jolla, CA, USA, August 9-17
(Travel grants are available through Simula.)

We are currently seeking master's and early doctoral students to
participate, and will accept applications until March 15th 2017.
The initial series of lectures will be hosted by Simula Research
Laboratory in Oslo, Norway (June 18th-29th), followed by project
work, a workshop in scientific presentation skills, and final
student presentations hosted by the University of California San
Diego from August 9th-17th.

The travel and accommodation expenses for successful applicants
will be supported by grants from Simula designed to cover these costs.

Details regarding scheduling, logistics, core scientific material,
and the application process can be found through our online call
for participation:

Scientific content: Dr. Andy Edwards ([email protected])
General inquiries: Dr. Rachel Thomas ([email protected])

From: Ronald Haynes [email protected]
Date: February 14, 2018
Subject: Domain Decomposition Methods, Canada, Jul 2018

The 25th International Conference on Domain Decomposition Methods
(DD25) will be held at Memorial University, in St. John's,
Newfoundland, Canada from July 23 to 27, 2018. The meeting will
discuss the latest results on domain decomposition methods, linear and
nonlinear solvers for PDEs etc. The conference will be proceeded by a
one day short course on the theory and practice of domain
decomposition methods, suitable for beginning graduate students, on
Sunday July 22, 2018.

We would like to remind you that minisymposium proposal is upcoming,
please contact us as soon as possible at [email protected] if you are
interested in organizing a minisymposium. Submissions should take the
form of a plain text email, with the title and a brief description of
the subject matter and timeliness of the minisymposium. Please
indicate the number of speakers expected in your minisymposium,
including a (tentative) list of speakers with titles/topics, if
possible. The abstract and title submission system will go live
shortly after decisions are made on the minisymposia proposals.

We are now issuing our first call for contributed talks at DD25. If
you hope to give a talk in the Contributed Talk session please send
your name, institution, talk title and abstract to [email protected] and we
will get back to you as soon as possible. Deadline: April 15, 2018.

We are pleased to announce a poster session (and poster prize) during
the DD25 meeting. Please send an email to [email protected] with your name,
institution, poster title and abstract, if you are interested in
presenting a poster. Deadline: April 15, 2018.

The registration system for the meeting is now open, participants can
now register at the url

The early registration deadline is April 15, 2018.

Potential participants are asked to fill out a quick (anonymous)
google form now, to help us make local arrangements for the meeting:

For more information, visit the conference
website,, or email [email protected]

From: Ilse Ipsen [email protected]
Date: February 14, 2018
Subject: Graduate Student Modelling (IMSM), USA, Jul 2018

The 24th Industrial Mathematical & Statistical Modeling (IMSM)
Workshop for Graduate Students will take place at North Carolina State
University, between 15-25 July 2018. The workshop is sponsored by the
Statistical and Applied Mathematical Sciences Institute (SAMSI)
together with the Center for Research in Scientific Computation (CRSC)
and the Department of Mathematics at North Carolina State University.

The IMSM workshop exposes graduate students in mathematics,
engineering, and statistics to exciting real-world problems from
industry and government. The workshop provides students with
experience in a research team environment and exposure to possible
career opportunities. On the first day, a Software Carpentry bootcamp
will bring students up-to-date on their programming skills in
Python/Matlab and R, and introduce them to version control systems and
software repositories.

Local expenses and travel expenses will be covered for students at US
institutions. The application deadline is April 15, 2018.
Information is available at and
questions can be directed to [email protected]

From: Gerhard-Wilhelm Weber [email protected]
Date: February 18, 2018
Subject: Operational Research, Spain, Jul 2018

EURO 2018: 29th European Conference on Operational Research
Valencia, Spain, July 8-11, 2018
Abstract submission -

Researchers, academics, practitioners, and students interested in any
branch of Operational Research, mathematical modelling or economic
analysis are invited to submit abstracts or organize sessions.
Invited and contributed papers will be organized in parallel
sessions. In general, sessions will be a part of the Conference
streams, and streams are grouped in 25 Main Areas. The list of main
areas and streams can be followed at Each participant may
present no more than one paper at the Conference. Abstract submission
system is available online, via the Conference web page or directly at

Abstracts: max. 1500 characters; submission deadline: March 5, 2018.

Researchers who wish to organize a stream or an invited session or
contribute with a paper within an invited session should contact a
Programme Committee member of the corresponding area.

Registration is available online via the Conference web page

For any further information please contact:
Email: [email protected]

From: Kathleen Kavanagh [email protected]
Date: February 11, 2018
Subject: SIAM, Mathematics for Planet Earth, USA, Sep 2018

SIAM Conference on Mathematics of Planet Earth (MPE18) Sponsored by
the SIAM Activity Group on Mathematics of Planet Earth.

Location: DoubleTree by Hilton Hotel Philadelphia Center City,
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA

Dates: September 13-15, 2018

The Call for Presentations for this conference is available at:

Twitter hashtag: #MPE18

February 14, 2018: Minisymposium Proposal Submissions
March 14, 2018: Contributed Lecture, Poster and Minisymposium
Presentation Abstracts

March 2, 2018

Please visit for
detailed submission information.

For additional information, contact the SIAM Conference Department
([email protected]).

From: Iain Duff [email protected]
Date: February 15, 2018
Subject: Sparse Days at CERFACS, France, Sep 2018

The annual Sparse Days meeting will be held at CERFACS in Toulouse on
27th and 28th September 2018 although it might be extended to start on
26th September.

Registration is free but we ask people who are coming to register as
soon as possible so we can judge numbers to see whether the extra day
is needed and how large a lecture room we will need.

You should register before August 26th by completing the online form:
indicating whether you want to give a talk. We will not have any
parallel sessions hence the need to know this when planning the
schedule. Although an emphasis will be on parallel aspects, any talk
that has an association with sparsity is welcome. The length for a
talk plus questions is 30 minutes although this is negotiable in
either direction.

Information on accommodation can be found on the web page and a
limited amount of free on site accommodation should be available for
students. Students wanting to apply for this accommodation should
contact Brigitte Yzel on [email protected].

From: Andreas Mang [email protected]
Date: February 13, 2018
Subject: Research Associate Position, Computational Mathematics, Univ of Houston

The Department of Mathematics at the University of Houston invites
applications for a research associate (postdoc) position in
computational mathematics. The position is for 2 years. We are
especially interested in candidates that have a strong track record in
(parallel) scientific computing with application to one or more of the
following fields: optimization (with PDEs), inverse problems,
statistical inference, and/or machine learning. Having a strong
interest in scientific computing is a prerequisite; experience in
high-performance computing is a plus. Applicants should have a PhD
degree in applied mathematics or a related discipline. The position
may involve teaching of up to one course per semester.

Review of applications will begin immediately and will continue until
the position is filled.

The University of Houston is one of the most diverse research
universities in the nation. It is an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative
Action employer. Minorities, women, veterans and persons with
disabilities are encouraged to apply. The University of Houston is the
recipient of a National Science Foundation ADVANCE Institutional
Transformation Award and is committed to increasing the participation
of women in academic science and engineering careers.

Inquiries about the position may be directed to Andreas Mang
([email protected]).

From: Scott MacLachlan [email protected]
Date: February 15, 2018
Subject: Postdoc Positions, Memorial Univ of Newfoundland

The Department of Mathematics and Statistics at the Memorial
University of Newfoundland invites applications for multiple
postdoctoral research positions within the Memorial University of
Newfoundland Centre for Numerical Analysis and Scientific
Computing. The successful candidates will work under the supervision
of Drs. Alexander Bihlo, Ronald Haynes, and Scott MacLachlan, with
research focus areas of

1. linear and nonlinear solvers, including multigrid and domain
decomposition methods,

2. geometric numerical integration and time-stepping algorithms, or

3. space-time adaptive methods for PDEs, with possible applications in
atmospheric, ocean, and Earth sciences, and in complex fluid and
solid mechanics.

Full details are available here:

Review of applications will begin on March 15, 2018 and continue until
the positions are filled.

From: Santiago Badia [email protected]
Date: February 14, 2018
Subject: Postdoc Positions, UPC BarcelonaTech/CIMNE

Open Postdoc Positions in High Performance Scientific Computing, at the
Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya (UPC BarcelonaTech) and CIMNE,
within the frame of the FET-HPC EU project:

ExaQUte - Exascale Quantification of Uncertainties for Technology and
Science Simulation

ExaQUte is a FET-HPC H2020 3-year project (2018-2021) with the
objective to develop new computational methods and software tools to
target Uncertainty Quantification (UQ) and Optimization Under
Uncertainties (OUU) for multiphysics and multiscale problems on
geometrically complex domains. It involves the following institutions:

ExaQUte will exploit unfitted finite element techniques on adaptive
octree meshes, space-time formulations and preconditioners, multilevel
Montecarlo methods, and gradient-based optimization.

Candidates should have a PhD in computational science/engineering.
Experience in finite element modelling, UQ, optimization, and/or
object- oriented and parallel programming will be an asset.

Applications will be considered till the positions will be filled, so
it is advised to send them as soon as possible. In any case, we would
like to take a decision before May 31st. Please, send your application
to: [email protected]

Inquiries can be addressed to:
[email protected]
Santiago Badia, UPC BarcelonaTech & CIMNE

From: Lieven De Lathauwer [email protected]
Date: February 12, 2018
Subject: PhD and Postdoc Positions, EOS Project KULeuven/VUB/UCL/UMons

We are advertising several PhD and postdoctoral positions for an EOS
project on "Structured Low-Rank Matrix/Tensor Approximation: Numerical
Optimization-Based Algorithms and Applications" (2018-2021). This
excellence-of-science project involves a consortium of four Belgian
universities: KULeuven (L. De Lathauwer, B. De Moor, P. Patrinos,
M. Van Barel), VUB (I. Markovsky, M. Ishteva), UCL (P.A. Absil,
F. Glineur) and UMons (N. Gillis).

We are seeking outstanding candidates who have obtained a master's or
doctoral degree in mathematical engineering, computer science,
electrical engineering, mathematics or physics. Strong candidates have
a proven record in numerical mathematics, optimization, systems &
control, machine learning and/or signal processing. A good knowledge
of linear algebra is mandatory but experience with tensor techniques
is not required. Candidates must be fluent in English.

Further information and application form are available from .

From: Max Jensen [email protected]
Date: February 13, 2018
Subject: PhD Position, Optimal Control, Sussex Univ, UK

Sussex University is recruiting a fully funded PhD student in the
field of Optimal Control in a joint project of the Departments of
Engineering and Mathematics.

The aim of the project is to utilise the distributed analysis and
computation capabilities of large numbers of control hardware and
software in future electricity networks, to optimise network
resilience, cost and emissions.

From: M. Falcke [email protected]
Date: February 16, 2018
Subject: PhD Positions, Finite Element Simulations using DUNE

This is a call for PhD stipends including a project on cell
simulations with finite element methods using DUNE (pde lab a.o.). Go
in the application portal main menu to HEIBRIDS->Projects-> Nr. 26
"Integration of heterogeneous data by multiscale computational
modelling in cardiovascular medicine - MDC / DZHB" to find it.

We are pleased to announce the 2018 Recruitment of HEIBRiDS, a new
Research School in Data Science. Founded in 2018, HEIBRiDS is a
cooperation between the Einstein Center for Digital Future involving
four Berlin universities and six Helmholtz Centers (AWI, DESY, DLR,
GfZ, HZB and MDC) in the capital region and offers projects in a
collaborative research environment across disciplinary borders.

Doctoral training at the HEIBRiDS partner organizations covers the
areas of Machine Learning and Data Mining; Modeling; Novel Hardware
Concepts; Imaging; and Visualization with applications including but
not limited to genomics, structural biology, medicine, remote sensing,
seismology, earth - and space sciences.

We are looking for highly motivated students (with a corresponding
master's degree) with a background in quantitative sciences (computer
science, physics, statistics or mathematics) or related applied
subjects (bio- or geo-informatics, etc).

We offer
- Cutting-edge research in big data science under close supervision of
a team of scientific mentor and co-mentor
- Integrated training curriculum of scientific and professional skills
taught in English
- Financial support for conferences and collaborations
- Institutions that value diversity and promote an inclusive work
- Fully-funded positions for 3 years with the option of 1 year
- Competitive salaries according to German E13

Interested candidates are invited to apply via our online application
portal until March 3, 2018.

From: Santiago Badia [email protected]
Date: February 14, 2018
Subject: PhD Positions, UPC BarcelonaTech/CIMNE

Open PhD Positions in High Performance Scientific Computing, at the
Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya (UPC BarcelonaTech) and CIMNE,
within the frame of the FET-HPC EU project:

ExaQUte - Exascale Quantification of Uncertainties for Technology and
Science Simulation

ExaQUte is a FET-HPC H2020 3-year project (2018-2021) with the
objective to develop new computational methods and software tools to
target Uncertainty Quantification (UQ) and Optimization Under
Uncertainties (OUU) for multiphysics and multiscale problems on
geometrically complex domains. It involves the following institutions:

ExaQUte will exploit unfitted finite element techniques on adaptive
octree meshes, space-time formulations and preconditioners, multilevel
Montecarlo methods, and gradient-based optimization.

Candidates should hold a degree in mathematics, engineering, computer
science, or physics, and an excellent academic record. Experience in
finite element modelling, UQ, optimization, and/or object-oriented and
parallel programming will be an asset.

Applications will be considered till the positions will be filled, so
it is advised to send them as soon as possible. In any case, we would
like to take a decision before May 31st. Please send your application
(with an academic record) to: [email protected]

Inquiries can be addressed to:
[email protected]
Santiago Badia, UPC BarcelonaTech & CIMNE

From: Irena Lasiecka [email protected]
Date: February 11, 2018
Subject: Contents, EECT Evolution Equations and Control Theory, 7 (1)

I am pleased to inform you the new issue EECT 7-1 March 2018 regular
issue is now online.

From: Siberian Journal of Numerical Mathematics [email protected]
Date: February 12, 2018
Subject: Contents, Siberian J of Numerical Mathematics, 21 (1)

CONTENTS, Siberian Journal of Numerical Mathematics
Volume 21, No. 1, 2018

For information to contributors and about subscriptions

Bandman O.L., A discrete stochastic model of water permeation through
a porous substance: parallel implementation peculiarities

Gasnikov A., Dvurechensky P., Zhukovskii M., Kim S., Plaunov S.,
Smirnov~D., Noskov F., Around power law of distribution of PageRank
vector II. Experimental check of the low for the Backley--Osthus model

Dvurechensky P., Gasnikov A., Lagunovskaya A., Parallel algorithms and
probability of large deviation for stochastic convex optimization

Kabanikhin S.I., Shishlenin M.A., Recovery of the time-dependent
diffusion coefficient by known nonlocal data

Mohanty R.K., Kaur D., Compact difference scheme with high accuracy
for one dimensional unsteady quasi-linear biharmonic problem of second
kind: Application to physical problems}

Paasonen V.I., The properties of difference schemes on oblique
stencils for the hyperbolic equations

Penenko A.V., Consistent numerical schemes for the solution of
nonlinear inverse source problems with the gradient-type algorithms
and Newton--Kantorovich methods

Solodusha S.V., To the numerical solution of one class of systems of
the Volterra polynomial equations of the first kind

End of Digest