NA Digest, V. 18, # 1
NA Digest Sunday, January 07, 2018 Volume 18 : Issue 1
Today's Editor:
Daniel M. Dunlavy
Sandia National Labs
[email protected]
Today's Topics:
- UQ for Inverse Problems in Complex Systems, UK, Apr 2018
- Short Course, Hybridized Discontinuous Galerkin Methods, USA, Jul 2018
- World Congress on Computational Mechanics, USA, Jul 2018
- Finite Element Rodeo, USA, Feb 2018
- Domain Decomposition Methods, Canada, Jul 2018
- Research Associate Position, Complex Fluid Flows
- DAAD Postdoc Fellowship Position, AIMS South Africa
- Herman Goldstine Postdoc Fellowship Position, IBM Research
- Postdoc Position, Institute of Mathematics, Prague
- Postdoc Position, Scientific Computing, Univ of Edinburgh
- Postdoc/PhD Positions, Data Analysis for CAE
- Graduate Student Positions, Department of Scientific Computing, FSU
- PhD Position, Numerical Analysis
- PhD Position, Numerical Partial Differential Equations, Thapar Univ
- PhD Position, Univ of Bath (UK)
- Contents, Computational methods in applied mathematics, 2018 (1)
- Contents, Information and Inference: A Journal of the IMA, 6 (4)
- Contents, Numerical Algorithms, 77 (1)
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Submissions for NA Digest:
From: Claudia Schillings [email protected]
Date: January 06, 2018
Subject: UQ for Inverse Problems in Complex Systems, UK, Apr 2018
WORKSHOP: UQ for Inverse Problems in Complex Systems
Isaac Newton Institute, Cambridge
9 - 13 April 2018
Registration for this workshop is open through to 4th February 2018.
It is characteristic of many physical systems that quantities that are
accessible to experimental observation are related through
mathematical models to important characteristics that are not directly
observable. For this reason, the formulation and solution of inverse
problems is a fundamental component of scientific inference and
engineering design using data and models. It is also one of the
fundamental challenges in Uncertainty Quantification, since
uncertainty and stochastic error affects both the observable
quantities and models. Those challenges become very severe when the
systems involved are complex, e.g. incorporating multiple physical
processes acting over a range of scales.
The workshop will be devoted to exploring the challenges associated
with stochastic inverse problems for complex systems. The workshop
will be organized around a set of themes: (1) Formulation, solution,
and use of inverse problems for large complex systems; (2) Bayesian
model calibration; (3) Efficiency and accuracy in computational
methods for stochastic inverse problems; and (4) Experimental
design. We will also organize a discussion exploring the possibility
of establishing a set of community challenge problems.
Please see the workshop webpage for registration details. Limited
funding is available to support PhD students. There will be a poster
session. Priority for funding will be given to those students
submitting posters. Note that the organisers are not accepting
contributed talks.
This workshop is the fourth event in a six-month programme on
Uncertainty Quantification at the Isaac Newton Institute, see .
From: Tan Bui-Thanh [email protected]
Date: January 02, 2018
Subject: Short Course, Hybridized Discontinuous Galerkin Methods, USA, Jul 2018
I will offer a short course on Hybridized Discontinuous Galerkin
methods for PDEs at WCCM 18 July 22-27, 2018
in New York City. The objective of the short course is attached below
and the details can be found here
In this short course, we present a systematic and constructive
derivation of hybridized discontinuous Galerkin (HDG) methods using an
upwind framework. The key behind our construction is the Godunov
method and the Rankine-Hugoniot condition. We will show in details the
construction of an upwind HDG framework and its application to
constructively derive HDG methods for a large class of partial
differential equations (PDEs) including elliptic, parabolic,
hyperbolic, and mixed-types PDEs. The participants will learn how to
apply this framework to derive HDG methods for
convection-diffusion-reactions equations (and its subsets), Maxwell
equations, and linearized shallow water equation. The well-posedness
of the HDG framework will be discussed and the well-posedness analysis
of the HDG formulation for the convection-diffusion-reaction will be
carried out in details. The participants will learn a step-by-step
convergence analysis of the HDG method for the linearized shallow
water equations. We will discuss the extension to nonlinear systems
and active research topics.
At the end of the short course, participants will, without wary, be
able to construct HDG methods for their applications of interest. They
will learn how HDG is implemented in practice and accompanied HDG
Matlab codes will be provided at end of the short course.
From: Tan Bui-Thanh [email protected]
Date: January 04, 2018
Subject: World Congress on Computational Mechanics, USA, Jul 2018
World Congress on Computational Mechanics (WCCM)
July 22-27, 2018 in New York City, New York.
Minisymposia of interest:
High-Order discretizations for Multi-physics Applications
Advances in Uncertainty Quantification for Multi-physics Applications
The deadline for submitting an abstract is January 15, 2017 and
instruction for abstract submission can be found at .
Please note that this invitation comes with no offer of funding, but
it is our intention to put together a number of interesting talks
which could draw a good audience and help promote a significant
exchange of ideas and information among the participants and audience.
From: Susanne C. Brenner [email protected]
Date: January 06, 2018
Subject: Finite Element Rodeo, USA, Feb 2018
The 2018 Finite Element Rodeo will be held at Louisiana State
University, February 23-24, 2018.
Registration and logistical details can be found at
From: Ronald Haynes [email protected]
Date: January 04, 2018
Subject: Domain Decomposition Methods, Canada, Jul 2018
The 25th International Conference on Domain Decomposition Methods
(DD25) will be held at Memorial University, in St. John's,
Newfoundland, Canada from July 23 to 27, 2018. The conference will be
proceeded by a one day short course on the theory and practice of
domain decomposition methods, suitable for beginning graduate
students, on Sunday July 22, 2018.
The registration system for the meeting is now open, participants can
register at the url . Abstract and title
submission will follow.
We would like to remind participants of the upcoming minisymposium
proposal deadline of January 19, 2018. Proposals for minisymposia,
should be sent directly to the email address [email protected].
Submissions should take the form of a plain text email, with
the title and a brief description of the subject matter and
timeliness of the minisymposium. Please indicate the
number of speakers expected in your minisymposium, including
a (tentative) list of speakers with titles/topics, if possible.
Potential participants are asked to fill out a quick (anonymous)
google form now, to help us make local arrangements for the meeting:
Applications are being accepted for travel support for young US
participants, graduate students, and recent Ph.D.recipients for the
Twenty-fifth International Domain Decomposition Conference (DD25) at
the Memorial University of Newfoundland in St. John's, Newfoundland,
Canada, July 23-27, 2018. This support is funded by the National
Science Foundation. To be considered for funding please email a cover
letter, including a statement about why you want to participate, along
with a CV to [email protected]. Please arrange for one letter of
recommendation to be sent separately to the same email address.
Deadline for submissions: March 31, 2018.
For more information, visit the conference
website,, or email [email protected]
From: Serafim Kalliadasis [email protected]
Date: January 03, 2018
Subject: Research Associate Position, Complex Fluid Flows
Applications are invited by highly talented researchers for a Research
Associate position funded by the EPSRC project "Fluid Processes in
Smart Microengineered Devices: Hydrodynamics and Thermodynamics in
Microspace," under the joint supervision of Prof. Serafim Kalliadasis
(Chemical Engineering, Imperial College) and Dr. Marc Pradas
(Mathematics & Statistics, Open University). The project concerns the
theoretical-computational investigation of hydrodynamics of smart
microengineered devices in the presence of complexities such as
vapour-liquid interfaces and critical phenomena- phase transitions,
thus ultimately bridging the gap between microfluidics and modern
theoretical physics. It is in collaboration with the experimental
microchemical engineering group of Prof. Asterios Gavriilidis
(Chemical Engineering, University College London). The successful
candidate should have a PhD (or equivalent) in Mathematics, Physics,
Engineering or other related area and a strong foundation on general
mathematical modelling and mathematical techniques (analytical and
numerical). A good knowledge of interfacial fluid mechanics and
critical phenomena theory is highly desirable. They will join a
highly interdisciplinary team working on a wide variety of exciting
projects at the interface between applied mathematics and engineering
science fundamentals. The post is available immediately and is based
in the Department of Chemical Engineering at Imperial College London
(South Kensington Campus). The appointment is for 12 months in the
first instance, with the possibility of extension. Informal enquiries
about the post can be made to Prof. Serafim Kalliadasis
([email protected]). Should you have any queries about the
application process please contact Mrs Sneha Saunders
([email protected]). Our preferred method of application is
online via our website (please enter
the vacancy reference number ENG00132 in "Search for jobs"). Please
complete and upload an application form and a copy of your CV as
directed. For technical issues when applying online, please contact:
[email protected]
From: Bubacarr Bah [email protected]
Date: January 03, 2018
Subject: DAAD Postdoc Fellowship Position, AIMS South Africa
Applications are invited for the DAAD funded postdoctoral fellowship
in Mathematics at AIMS South Africa under the supervision of
Dr. Bubacarr Bah, the German Research Chair for Mathematics with
specialization in Data Science, see details at
The research area will be Data Science in a very broad sense.
Applications will be submitted through the DAAD portal found at
In recognition of the higher cost of living in South Africa compared
to other Sub-saharan African countries, the salary offered by DAAD
will be topped-up by AIMS South Africa and the amount of top-up will
be negotiated with the candidate. Furthermore, the candidate will be
provided with a laptop and he/she will have the opportunity to spend
time in Germany working with Dr. Bah's collaborators.
Closing date for applications: 15 January 2018
From: Sanjeeb Dash [email protected]
Date: January 03, 2018
Subject: Herman Goldstine Postdoc Fellowship Position, IBM Research
2018-2019 Herman Goldstine Postdoctoral Fellowship at IBM Research
The Mathematical Sciences Department of the IBM Thomas J. Watson
Research Center invites applications for its 2018-2019 Herman
Goldstine Memorial Postdoctoral Fellowship for research in
mathematical and computer sciences. The fellowship provides scientists
of outstanding ability an opportunity to advance their scholarship as
resident department members at the Research Center. The department
provides an atmosphere in which basic research is combined with work
on technical problems arising in industry. Our permanent members,
academic visitors, and post-doctoral fellows pursue research in pure
and applied mathematics and in theoretical and exploratory computer
science. Areas of research include: algorithms (approximation,
randomized, and on-line); complex systems; data mining (machine
learning, pattern recognition, computational statistics); dynamical
systems; high-performance computing (scientific computing, parallel
computing, big-data); inverse problems; numerical analysis;
optimization (discrete, continuous, global and stochastic); operations
research; probability theory (stochastic models, risk management,
queues & queuing networks, simulation); and statistics (time-series,
multivariate analysis, spatiotemporal analysis, design of experiments
& reliability). Up to two fellowships will be awarded. The fellowship
has a period of one year and may be extended another year by mutual
agreement. The stipend is expected to be between $130,000 and
$150,000, depending on the length of experience.
Applications will be accepted until Jan 16, 2018. Candidates must have
received a Ph.D. degree after September 2013 or should expect to
receive one before the fellowship commences in September 2018.
For full details and to apply, please visit:
From: Tomáš Vejchodský [email protected]
Date: January 05, 2018
Subject: Postdoc Position, Institute of Mathematics, Prague
The Institute of Mathematics of the Czech Academy of Sciences, Prague,
calls for applications for a Postdoctoral position, see
Applications are invited from candidates who have completed their
Ph.D. after 1 July 2016 (maternity/paternity leave will be taken into
account). Applicants who have not yet obtained their Ph.D. must
provide evidence that their thesis will be defended before 1 July
2018. Strong candidates interested in numerical analysis are
especially welcome.
Feel free to contact me for more information.
From: Nick Polydorides [email protected]
Date: January 06, 2018
Subject: Postdoc Position, Scientific Computing, Univ of Edinburgh
The Computational Imaging and Data Analytics lab at the School of
Engineering is seeking to hire a postdoctoral research associate to
work on an EPSRC funded project on real-time process analytics. The
project's focus is on developing randomised numerical linear algebra
algorithms for approximating the solution of finite element method and
regression equations in high-dimensional models. More details on the
post and the application process at Post duration: 2 years,
Deadline for apps: 31-Jan-2018.
From: Jochen Garcke [email protected]
Date: January 04, 2018
Subject: Postdoc/PhD Positions, Data Analysis for CAE
The Fraunhofer Institute for Algorithms and Scientific Computing SCAI
develops innovative methods in the field of Computational Science and
actively supports their take-up in industrial practice. The
Department of Numerical Data-Driven Prediction deals with applications
and methods of machine learning and data-driven prediction, especially
in engineering. Both PhD and PostDoc positions are available (E13/E14
payment scale), where the PhD will be undertaken at the University of
Bonn. You will work on national and international research and
development projects as well as industrial projects on tasks related
to the topics:
- Analysis of numerical simulation data
- Development of statistical models and machine learning methods
- Analysis of time series from cyber-physical systems
We expect a degree in mathematics, computer science, or a comparable
field of study with a solid share of mathematics. Postdoctoral
applicants must have published in first-rate venues. Besides the
willingness to carry out business- and practice-oriented research
projects in a committed and independent team, we require very good
knowledge of software development, especially fluency in C++ or
python. Ideally, you have academic and practical experience in some of
the following areas: machine learning, numerical simulation, sensor
data processing, software technology, visualization.
For more and to apply visit
(if need be, translate with the help of
For further inquiries, please contact Jochen Garcke
From: Gordon Erlebacher [email protected]
Date: January 01, 2018
Subject: Graduate Student Positions, Department of Scientific Computing, FSU
Florida State State University's Department of Scientific Computing
(DSC; is currently accepting applications for its
interdisciplinary Masters and PhD programs. These programs provide
graduate students broad and deep knowledge of the fundamental
techniques used in computational modeling and data science,
significant exposure to at least one application domain, and the
opportunity to conduct significant original research in algorithms
and/or applications relating to computational and data science. A
brief overview of the MS and PhD programs can be found at, and a short movie at .
To be considered for funding, the deadline for application for the
Fall 2018 cohort is January 15, 2018. Application information can be
found at Self-funded
applicants interested in our one-year MS program are considered
throughout the Spring Semester.
Please forward this message along to any students that you think might
be interested in our graduate program. Requests for more information
and questions about the graduate programs or about the Department of
Scientific Computing should be addressed to the Graduate Coordinator
Dr. Sachin Shanbhag at [email protected] or to the Chair Gordon
Erlebacher (Chair) at [email protected].
From: Prof. Dr. Stefan Sauter [email protected]
Date: January 03, 2018
Subject: PhD Position, Numerical Analysis
The Computational Mathematics Group at the University of Zurich has an
opening for a PhD position for 3+1 years.
Development of an efficient numerical method to solve wave equations
in unbounded domains by space-time integral equation methods.
Master/diploma in Mathematics, very good knowledge in numerical
analysis and good knowledge in programming.
In environmental physics there are applications where it is essential
to obtain information on material properties inside (large) solid
objects. For this purpose, typically, a wave is sent into the solid
and the scattered wave is recorded and used to solve the relevant
mathematical equations for the quantity of interest.
The proposal for this project has a concrete application: to determine
the ice volume of glaciers in Switzerland (within a cooperation with
the "Exploration and Environmental Geophysics" group at ETHZ).
The software development will be a close cooperation with the
"Scientific Computing Group" at the University of Kiel.
Starting salary: CHF 58'800.
The I-Math at the University of Zurich provides an excellent
environment and infrastructure for their PhD students. PhD students
are members of the Zurich Graduate School in Mathematics (ZGSM) which
is jointly run with the D-Math at the ETH Zurich. The new PhD students
will be integrated in the Numerical Analysis/Computational Mathematics
research group of Professor Stefan Sauter.
Applications should include electronic versions of your transcripts
and, if available, a certificate of the master degree. In addition 3
letters of recommendation are requested.
The application should be send to the head of the Numerical Analysis
Group, Professor Stefan Sauter (eMail: [email protected]). The
application deadline is February 15, 2018.
From: Paramjeet Singh [email protected]
Date: January 04, 2018
Subject: PhD Position, Numerical Partial Differential Equations, Thapar Univ
Applications are invited from the candidates for recruitment of Junior
Research Fellow under NBHM (DAE) research project entitled "Numerical
Analysis of Tumor Growth Models using Discontinuous Galerkin
Techniques" at the School of Mathematics, Thapar Institute of
Engineering & Technology, Patiala, India. Required Job Profile:
Candidate must possess M.Sc. in mathematics with good academic record.
Preference will be given to candidates qualified in NET/GATE. The
candidate must have strong background in analysis and partial
differential equations, and should be strongly motivated to research
in partial differential equations and applications. This work will
lead to a PhD degree. Fellowship: Rs. 25000.00 per month for first
and second year and Rs. 28000.00 per month for third year.
Eligible and interested candidates should send their detailed CV
through e-mail to Dr. Paramjeet Singh ([email protected]),
Principal Investigator of the Project. The application deadline is
January 15, 2018.
For more information, please visit University Openings
From: Robert Scheichl [email protected]
Date: January 02, 2018
Subject: PhD Position, Univ of Bath (UK)
"On-line drill system parameter estimation & hazardous event
detection" Centre for Doctoral Training in Statistical Applied
Mathematics (SAMBa) Department of Mathematical Sciences, University of
Bath. Supervisors: Kari Heine, Mark Opmeer and Rob Scheichl (in
collaboration with Schlumberger). Starting September 2018 or before
The project aims to develop statistical methods for automatic
detection of hazardous events in oil and gas drilling operations,
beginning within simple models and moving to more complex
scenarios. The scope of the project includes developing surrogate
models, using computational methods and Bayesian approaches to
estimate system parameters, studying methods for hazardous event
detection, and then using multilevel inference to develop an algorithm
that brings all the results together.
This is a fully-funded studentship for any EU/UK student. More details
Further fully-funded projects on related topics are also
available. These can be found at with PJIDs: 85079,
86111, 92169, and 92716.
From: Piotr Matus [email protected]
Date: January 07, 2018
Subject: Contents, Computational methods in applied mathematics, 2018 (1)
The Second Part of the Special CMAM Issue on Numerical Analysis of
Fractional Differential Equations, Guest Editors: Raytcho Lazarov,
Petr Vabishchevich, and Bangti Jin.
1. Space-Time Petrov-Galerkin FEM for Fractional Diffusion Problems,
Duan, Beiping / Jin, Bangti / Lazarov, Raytcho / Pasciak, Joseph /
Zhou, Zhi. Pp 1-20.
2. Super-Exponentially Convergent Parallel Algorithm for a Fractional
Eigenvalue Problem of Jacobi-Type, Gavrilyuk, Ivan / Makarov, Volodymyr
/ Romaniuk, Nataliia. Pp 21-32.
3. Convergence in Positive Time for a Finite Difference Method Applied
to a Fractional Convection-Diffusion Problem, Gracia, Jose Luis /
O'Riordan, Eugene / Stynes, Martin. Pp 33-42.
4. Muntz Spectral Methods for the Time-Fractional Diffusion Equation,
Hou, Dianming / Hasan, Mohammad Tanzil / Xu, Chuanju. Pp 43-62.
5. Finite Difference Methods for the Generator of 1D Asymmetric
Alpha-Stable Levy Motions, Huang, Yanghong / Wang, Xiao. Pp 63-76.
6. The Numerical Computation of the Time Fractional Schrodinger
Equation on an Unbounded Domain, Li, Dan / Zhang, Jiwei / Zhang,
Zhimin. Pp 77-94.
7. Sparse Optimal Control for Fractional Diffusion, Otarola, Enrique /
Salgado, Abner J. Pp 95-110.
8. Numerical Solution of Time-Dependent Problems with Fractional Power
Elliptic Operator, Vabishchevich, Petr N. Pp 111-128.
9. Some Time Stepping Methods for Fractional Diffusion Problems with
Nonsmooth Data, Yang, Yan / Yan, Yubin / Ford, Neville J. Pp 129-146.
10. A High-Order Difference Scheme for the Space and Time Fractional
Bloch-Torrey Equation, Zhu, Yun / Sun, Zhi-Zhong. Pp 147-164.
From: Kathryn Roberts [email protected]
Date: January 02, 2018
Subject: Contents, Information and Inference: A Journal of the IMA, 6 (4)
Contents, Information and Inference: A Journal of the IMA, 6 (4)
Information and Inference: A Journal of the IMA
This issue is available at
Representation and coding of signal geometry, Petros T Boufounos;
Shantanu Rane; Hassan Mansour
Clustering subgaussian mixtures by semidefinite programming, Dustin G
Mixon; Soledad Villar; Rachel Ward
Posterior contraction in Gaussian process regression using Wasserstein
approximations, Anirban Bhattacharya; Debdeep Pati
Time for dithering: fast and quantized random embeddings via the
restricted isometry property, Laurent Jacques; Valerio Cambareri
From: Claude Brezinski [email protected]
Date: January 07, 2018
Subject: Contents, Numerical Algorithms, 77 (1)
Table of Contents
Numerical Algorithms, Vol. 77, No. 1
Modified Newton-NSS method for solving systems of nonlinear equations,
Ping-Fei Dai, Qing-Biao Wu, Min-Hong Chen
Design and analysis of two discrete-time ZD algorithms for
time-varying nonlinear minimization, Dongsheng Guo, Xinjie Lin,
Zhaozhu Su, Sibo Sun, Zhijing Huang
Extended phase properties and stability analysis of RKN-type
integrators for solving general oscillatory second-order initial value
problems, Kai Liu, Xinyuan Wu, Wei Shi
Adaptive mesh point selection for the efficient solution of scalar
IVPs, Boleslaw Kacewicz
On the numerical treatment of the eigenparameter dependent boundary
conditions, Calin-Ioan Gheorghiu
A new eight-order symmetric two-step multiderivative method for the
numerical solution of second-order IVPs with oscillating solutions,
Ali Shokri
A new approach to improve the order of approximation of the Bernstein
operators: theory and applications, Hassan Khosravian-Arab, Mehdi
Dehghan, M.R. Eslahchi
A parallel two-grid linearized method for the coupled
Navier-Stokes-Darcy problem, Liyun Zuo, Guangzhi Du
MN-DPMHSS iteration method for systems of nonlinear equations with
block two-by-two complex Jacobian matrices, Jing Wang, Xue-Ping Guo,
Hong-Xiu Zhong
Convergence properties of dynamic string-averaging projection methods
in the presence of perturbations, Christian Bargetz, Simeon Reich,
Rafal Zalas
Bernstein polynomial basis for numerical solution of boundary value
problems, Hamid Reza Tabrizidooz, Khadigeh Shabanpanah
New error bounds for the linear complementarity problem of
QN-matrices, Lei Gao, Yaqiang Wang, Chaoqian Li
Multiquadric trigonometric spline quasi-interpolation for numerical
differentiation of noisy data: a stochastic perspective, Wenwu Gao,
Ran Zhang
Optimal homotopy analysis of a chaotic HIV-1 model incorporating
AIDS-related cancer cells, Jorge Duarte, Cristina Januario, Nuno
Martins, C. Correia Ramos, Carla Rodrigues, Josep Sardanyes
Krasnoselski-Mann type iterative method for hierarchical fixed point
problem and split mixed equilibrium problem, K. R. Kazmi, Rehan Ali,
Mohd Furkan
Correction to: Polynomials with bounds and numerical approximation,
B. Despres, M. Herda
End of Digest