NA Digest, V. 17, # 13

NA Digest Wednesday, May 24, 2017 Volume 17 : Issue 13

Today's Editor:

Daniel M. Dunlavy
Sandia National Labs
[email protected]

Today's Topics: Subscribe, unsubscribe, change address, or for na-digest archives:

Submissions for NA Digest:

From: Yousef Saad [email protected]
Date: May 19, 2017
Subject: Travel-awards, Preconditioning 2017, Canada, Jul-Aug 2017

Preconditioning 2017 conference in Vancouver, Canada

As the deadline for submitting an abstract/paper to the
preconditioning-2017 conference is fast approaching (May 31st) we are
happy to inform participants that funding (NSF) is now available to
support travel of junior U.S. participants to the meeting.
Restrictions apply and they are as follows: You must be US permanent
resident or citizen, and a junior researcher (defined as someone who
received the PhD less than 6 years before the conference) and you must
have no current funding from NSF. To apply please send a cover letter
to [email protected] which certifies that you are eligible to receive an
award according to the rules stated above. Include a recent CV, the
name of someone we can contact for a recommendation letter, and, if
you are presenting a paper or poster, the title and abstract of your

From: Diane Clayton-Winter [email protected]
Date: May 23, 2017
Subject: TUM Summer School: Phase Field Models, Germany, Aug 2017

Registration is now open for the TUM Summer School "Phase Field
Models" which takes place from 31. July to 4. August 2017 in Garching,
near Munich.

Speakers are:
- Dirk Blomker (University of Augsburg): Stochastic interface motion
and slow manifolds
- Patrick Dondl (University of Freiburg): Sharp Interface Limits of
Phase Field Models
- Britta Nestler (KIT): Fundamentals of Phase-Field Modelling for HPC
Systems and Coupling with Continuum Mechanics
- Robert Nurnberg (Imperial College, London): Numerical Approximation
of Phasefield Models

Registration Deadline: July 1st 2017

The TUM Summer School is organised and supported by ISAM, TopMath and
the IGDK1754 at the TU Munchen. Contact: [email protected]

From: Paul Mycek [email protected]
Date: May 23, 2017
Subject: Sparse Days at CERFACS, France, Sep 2017

The annual Sparse Days meeting will be held at CERFACS in Toulouse on
7th and 8th September 2017 although (see below) it might be extended
to start on 6th September.

Registration is free but we ask people who are coming to register now
so we can judge numbers to see whether the extra day is needed and how
large a lecture room we will need. The reason for this is that much
preliminary interest has been shown because the meeting will inter
alia celebrate a significant birthday of Professor Iain Duff, who was
Project Leader of the Parallel Algorithms Team from its inception in
1987 until 2010 and is still a consultant to the Team.

You should register before July 16th by completing the online form: (English), or (French)
indicating whether you want to give a talk. We will not have any
parallel sessions hence the need to know this when planning the
schedule. Although an emphasis will be on parallel aspects, any talk
that has an association with sparsity is welcome. The length for a
talk plus questions is 30 minutes.

Information on accommodation can be found on the web page and a
limited amount of free on site accommodation should be available for
students. Students wanting to apply for this accommodation should
contact Brigitte Yzel on [email protected].

A celebratory conference dinner will be held on Thursday September 7th
that will hopefully be heavily subsidised, especially for students.

From: Pamela Bye [email protected]
Date: May 19, 2017
Subject: Cryptography and Coding, UK, Dec 2017

12 - 14 December 2017, St Catherine's College, University of Oxford

The mathematical theory and practice of cryptography and coding
underpins the provision of effective security and reliability for data
communication, processing and storage. Theoretical and practical
advances in the fields of cryptography and coding are therefore a key
factor in facilitating the growth of data communications and data
networks of various types. Thus, this sixteenth International
Conference in an established and successful IMA series on the theme of
"Cryptography and Coding" is both timely and relevant. Original
research papers on all technical aspects of cryptography and coding
are solicited for submission. It is anticipated that the proceedings
will be published in Springer's Lecture Notes in Computer Science
series, and will be available at the conference.

Submission Deadline: 14 July 2017
Author Notification: 5 September 2017
Proceedings Version Deadline: 22 September 2017

Submissions must not substantially duplicate work that any of the

authors has published elsewhere or has submitted in parallel to a
journal or any other conference or workshop with proceedings.
Accepted submissions may not appear in any other conference or
workshop that has proceedings. Authors of accepted papers must
guarantee that their paper will be presented at the conference and
must make a full version of their paper available online.

Submissions should be submitted via EasyChair:

For further details on the conference, please visit:

From: Kristjan Onu [email protected]
Date: May 18, 2017
Subject: Research Scientist Position, Physical Ocean Modeling, Environment Canada

Research and development in physical ocean modeling coupled to weather
numerical prediction models in Montreal, Quebec.

- Graduation with a doctoral degree with a specialization in
physical oceanography or a related discipline
- Experience in Lagrangian trajectory modeling;
- Experience in ensemble forecasting
- Experience in data assimilation
- Experience coupling environmental models (for example:
atmosphere, ocean, ice, waves, hydrology)
- Knowledge of parallel computation on supercomputers

Deadline June 14

From: Ken McKinnon [email protected]
Date: May 19, 2017
Subject: Postdoc Position, Multi-scale optimization of energy systems, Edinburgh

Applications are invited for the post of PDRA in the multi-scale
optimization of energy systems. The post is available for an immediate
start for 36 months. The precise start date is flexible.

The post holder will join the Centre for Energy Systems Integration
(CESI), a new 20M GBP EPSRC consortium project involving Newcastle,
Edinburgh, Durham, Heriot-Watt and Sussex Universities. The aim of
this project is to understand the complex relationship between energy
supply, demand and infrastructure and how this will evolve.

Within CESI, Edinburgh is responsible for developing modular
multi-scale stochastic planning and operational models and solution
methods. Operational and planning models operate over different time
scales, and local area energy networks need to operate in an
integrated way in regional, national and international scale models. A
single monolithic model at high time and spatial resolution is
computationally intractable, so our focus will be on developing
decomposition approaches that calibrate and select sub models at the
appropriate spatial and time scales.

The starting salary will be in the range 32,004 - 38,183 GBP,
depending on experience. The closing date for receipt of applications,
including reference letters, is 12th June 2017.

For further particulars and how to apply see

Informal enquiries are encouraged; please contact Professor Ken
McKinnon initially by e-mail: [email protected].

From: Daniele Di Pietro [email protected]
Date: May 19, 2017
Subject: Postdoc Position, NA, Alexander Grothendieck Institute, Montpellier

The Alexander Grothendieck Institute in Montpellier (IMAG, has an opening for a postdoctoral
researcher in Numerical Analysis. The goal is to extend the recently
developed Hybrid High-Order technology [1,2] to advanced problems in
fluid or solid mechanics.

The successful candidate has a Ph.D. in Applied Mathematics or related
subjects and a strong theoretical background on standard and new
generation discretization methods for PDEs. Implementation and
numerical testing on scientific platforms will also be required.

The starting date of the post-doc is September 2016, and the initial
duration is 12 months. To apply, please send a CV including a full
list of publications along with a motivation letter to Daniele A. Di
Pietro ([email protected]). This address can also be
used for inquiries.

[1] D. A. Di Pietro, A. Ern, and S. Lemaire, An arbitrary-order and
compact- stencil discretization of diffusion on general meshes based
on local reconstruction operators, Comput. Meth. Appl. Math., 2014,
14(4):461- 472. DOI: 10.1515/cmam-2014-0018

[2] D. A. Di Pietro and A. Ern, A hybrid high-order locking-free
method for linear elasticity on general meshes,
Comput. Meth. Appl. Mech. Engrg., 2015, 283:1-21. DOI:

From: Isabel Narra Figueiredo [email protected]
Date: May 18, 2017
Subject: Postdoc Positions and Grants, Univ of Coimbra, Portugal

Postdoctoral research grants

The Centre for Mathematics of the University of Coimbra invites
applications for two four-month Postdoctoral research grants (for
the period 1 September 2017 - 31 December 2017).
Application deadline: June 5, 2017.
The candidates must hold a PhD degree by the time they submit their
For more information see the official announcement at the following

Research grants
The Centre for Mathematics of the University of Coimbra invites
applications for four research positions (for the period 1
September 2017 - 31 December 2017).
Application deadline: June 16, 2017.
Applicants should have a Bachelor or Master degree in Mathematics.
For more information see the official announcement at the following

From: Lars Elden [email protected]
Date: May 24, 2017
Subject: Contents, BIT Numerical Mathematics, 57 (2)

BIT Numerical Mathematics. Volume 57:2 is now available online.

Modified Douglas splitting methods for reaction-diffusion equations,
A. Arraras, K. J. in't Hout, W. Hundsdorfer and L. Portero

Regularized HSS iteration methods for saddle-point linear systems,
Zhong-Zhi Bai and Michele Benzi

A G-symplectic method with order 6, John C. Butcher, Gulshad Imran and
Helmut Podhaisky

Quasi-interpolation based on the ZP-element for the numerical solution
of integral equations on surfaces in R^3, Catterina Dagnino and Sara

Majorization-minimization generalized Krylov subspace methods for
$${\ell _p}$$ - $${\ell _q}$$ optimization applied to image
restoration, G. Huang, A. Lanza, S. Morigi, L. Reichel and F. Sgallari

A breakdown-free block conjugate gradient method, Hao Ji and Yaohang

Robust preconditioners for PDE-constrained optimization with limited
observations, Kent-Andre Mardal, Bjorn Fredrik Nielsen and Magne

Structural analysis based dummy derivative selection for differential
algebraic equations, Ross McKenzie and John Pryce

Invariant curves for the discretised van der Pol equation, Kaspar Nipp
and Daniel Stoffer

Efficient estimation of regularization parameters via downsampling and
the singular value expansion, Rosemary A. Renaut, Michael Horst, Yang
Wang, Douglas Cochran and Jakob Hansen

Interval unions, Hermann Schichl, Ferenc Domes, Tiago Montanher and
Kevin Kofler

Sharp mean-square regularity results for SPDEs with fractional noise
and optimal convergence rates for the numerical approximations,
Xiaojie Wang, Ruisheng Qi and Fengze Jiang

Linearly implicit BDF methods for nonlinear parabolic interface
problems, Chaoxia Yang

From: Raimondas Ciegis [email protected]
Date: May 21, 2017
Subject: Contents, Mathematical Modelling and Analysis, 22 (3)

The Baltic Journal on Mathematical Applications, Numerical Analysis
and Differential Equations
ISSN 1392-6292, ISSN 1648-3510 online, Electronical edition:
Volume 22, Number 3, May 2017

Eugene Smolkin, Numerical Method for Electromagnetic Wave Propagation
Problem in a Cylindrical Inhomogeneous Metal Dielectric Waveguiding

Sergii G. Solodky, Ganna L. Myleiko and Evgeniya V. Semenova,
Complexity Estimates for Severely Ill-posed Problems under A
Posteriori Selection of Regularization Parameter Equations

Alexander V. Vasilyev and Vladimir B. Vasilyev, Two-Scale Estimates
for Special Finite Discrete Operators

Xiangtuan Xiong and Xiaojun Ma, A Backward Identification Problem for
an Axis-Symmetric Fractional Diffusion Equation

Young I. Kim, Ramandeep Behl and Sandile S. Motsa, An Optimal Family
of Eighth-Order Iterative Methods with an Inverse Interpolatory
Rational Function Error Corrector for Nonlinear Equations

Paulius Miskinis, Aleksandras Krylovas and Olga Lavcel-Budko,
Uniformly Valid Asymptotics for Carrier's Mathematical Model of String

Ji-Chuan Liu, Reconstruction Algorithms of an Inverse Coefficient
Identification Problem for the Schrodinger Equation

Turgut Ak, Sharanjeet Dhawan, S. Battal Gazi Karakoc, Samir K. Bhowmik
and Kamal R. Raslan, Numerical Study of Rosenau-KdV Equation Using
Finite Element Method Based on Collocation Approach

Huan Hu, Jianhe Shen, Zheyan Zhou and Zhonghui Ou, Relaxation
Oscillations in Singularly Perturbed Generalized Li\'{e}nard Systems
with Non-Generic Turning Points

Andrej Bugajev, Raimondas Ciegis, Rima Kriauziene, Terese Leonaviciene
and Julius Zilinskas, On the Accuracy of Some Absorbing Boundary
Conditions for the Schrodinger Equation

End of Digest