NA Digest, V. 17, # 8

NA Digest Friday, March 24, 2017 Volume 17 : Issue 8

Today's Editor:

Daniel M. Dunlavy
Sandia National Labs
[email protected]

Today's Topics: Subscribe, unsubscribe, change address, or for na-digest archives:

Submissions for NA Digest:

From: JS Hysing [email protected]
Date: March 14, 2017
Subject: FEATool Matlab CFD and Multiphysics Toolbox v1.6 released

The FEATool Matlab and Octave Multiphysics toolbox has now been
significantly updated with computational fluid dynamics capabilities
by integrating the high performance CFD solver FeatFlow. For the first
time, high performance CFD simulations can now be performed from an
easy to use and convenient GUI directly in Matlab and Octave.

The open source FeatFlow CFD solver has been thoroughly tested,
validated, and used in computational fluid dynamics benchmarks and in
a wide variety of industrial fluid flow simulations such as heat
exchangers, two-phase flows, screw and fixed industrial mixers, and
more. Employing a novel and unique FEM multigrid solver approach
FeatFlow has consistently shown to be both faster and more accurate
compared to both modern academic and commercial CFD codes. With the
new FEATool integration the high performance FeatFlow CFD solver now
can be used by everyone.

In addition to the improved CFD capabilities, FEATool v1.6 includes a
new automatic quadrilateral grid generation functionality, expanded
FEM basis function library, several new models, tutorials, and updated

FEATool Multiphysics developed by Precise Simulation Ltd. is above all
designed to be a fully integrated and very easy to use, flexible, and
customizable PDE and FEM Continuum Mechanics and Multiphysics
Simulation Toolbox for Matlab and Octave.

Please visit for more information.

From: Christophe Tribes [email protected]
Date: March 24, 2017
Subject: Release of NOMAD 3.8.0

We are pleased to announce the release of NOMAD version 3.8.0 which is
available at .

NOMAD is a software application for simulation-based optimization. It
can efficiently explore a design space in search of better solutions
for a large spectrum of optimization problems. For an overview of what
NOMAD can do, take a look at the user guide posted at

In addition of fixing several bugs the new release features a new
surrogate library and a new way to handle categorical variables.

The NOMAD team, Ecole Polytechnique de Montreal and GERAD.

From: Christian Schulz [email protected]
Date: March 16, 2017
Subject: Release of VieM v1.00

We are proud to announce the release of VieM (Vienna Mapping and
Sparse Quadratic Assignment). Communication and topology aware process
mapping is a powerful approach to reduce communication time in
parallel applications with known communication patterns on large,
distributed memory systems. Here, we provide algorithms to construct
initial mappings of processes to processors as well as fast local
search algorithms to further improve the mappings.

The software is released under the GPL 2.0 License.

Open source implementation / website


We are glad for any comments and error reports (or even bug fixes)
that you send us.

From: Stefan Engblom [email protected]
Date: March 16, 2017
Subject: URDME 1.3 released

Version 1.3 of the URDME software for simulating stochastic spatially
defined reaction-transport processes has now been released, see The manual is also available via

The version 1.3 brings, amongst other things:
- a substantially streamlined and simplified interface
- support for Comsol 5.x and PDE Toolbox
- several new solvers
- new powerful model parsing and construction in the Matlab layer

In its current form, URDME is suitable for rather advanced stochastic
modeling already at the undergraduate level, as witnessed by several
ongoing BSc and MSc projects.

From: Lothar Banz [email protected]
Date: March 23, 2017
Subject: Austrian Numerical Analysis Day, Austria, May 2017

This year's Austrian Numerical Analysis Day will take place in
Salzburg on the 4th and 5th of May.

You may register via the homepage until the 21st of April.

The aim of this workshop is to inform about research activities in the
fields of numerical analysis and applied mathematics. Scientists from
Austrian universities and other research institutions in particular
are invited to present their research and discuss their ideas. Apart
from strengthening already well established contacts this annual
workshop should also provide an opportunity to start new

For more details please check the homepage

From: Marta Betcke [email protected]
Date: March 23, 2017
Subject: Bayesian Inverse Problems, UK, May 2017

LMS short course "Introduction to the Bayesian approach to inverse
problems" will be held on 11th of May, 2017 at the University of

Particular topics include: Bayes' theorem in finite and infinite
dimensional parameter spaces; well-posedness; statistical estimates;
connections to classical regularisation methods; algorithms for the
efficient approximation of the solution of the Bayes inverse problem:
Monte Carlo, multilevel Monte Carlo and Markov-chain Monte Carlo.

The course will be given by Dr Aretha Teckentrup (University of
Edinburgh and the Alan Turing Institute) and Dr Claudia Schillings
(Mannheim, Germany).

Registration is free, registration deadline is 4th of May 2017.

For details please refer to the course website:

From: Marta Betcke [email protected]
Date: March 23, 2017
Subject: Inverse Problems and Data Science, UK, May 2017

We would like to bring to your attention workshop on Inverse Problems
and Data Science, 8-10 May 2017 in Edinburgh, sponsored by the Alan
Turing Institute, London Mathematical Society and Schlumberger, and
supported by the School of Mathematics at the University of Edinburgh.

The aim of the workshop is to bring together researchers on inverse
problems working in different areas of mathematics, statistics and
machine learning as well as from the applied disciplines where inverse
problems arise, such as astronomy, biology, computer vision,
geoscience and medicine. The topics of the workshop include nonlinear
inverse problems, algorithms, inverse problems in machine learning,
theoretical properties of statistical estimators in inverse problems,
Bayesian inverse problems, applications in science and medicine.

Registration and poster submission is open; the deadline for
submission of poster abstracts is 7 April, and the registration
deadline is 30 April. There is a registration fee 60 pounds to cover
catering. Limited number of travel bursaries are available for
UK-based PhD students presenting a poster.

For further details please refer to the workshop's website

From: Natasa Krklec Jerinkic [email protected]
Date: March 22, 2017
Subject: Mathematics for Big Data, Serbia, May 2017

The availability of huge amounts of data is often considered as the
fourth industrial revolution we are living right now. The increase in
data accumulation allows us to tackle a wide range of social,
economic, industrial and scientific challenges. But extracting
meaningful knowledge from the available data is not a trivial task and
represents a severe challenge for data analysts. Mathematics plays an
important role in the existing algorithms for data processing through
techniques of statistical learning, signal analysis, distributed
optimization, compress sensing etc. The amounts of data that are
available and that are going to be available in near future call for
significant efforts in mathematics. These efforts are needed to make
the data useful. The main challenges we plan to consider within this
SIG are, roughly speaking, in the area of mathematical optimization
and statistics. The Special Interest Group Mathematics for Big Data,
organized under ECMI umbrella, aims to bring together major
stakeholders in this exciting area.

The principal objectives of the workshop are: to gather experts from
academia working on Big Data issues; to promote scientific cooperation
on up-to-date open challenges in the area; to promote cooperation
between academia and industry in the area; and to promote joint
applications to EU funded programs.

The workshop will have the usual format of ECMI Special Group
workshops. Several distinguished experts will deliver plenary lectures
on the state-of-the art topics, followed by a limited number of
contributed lectures. Posters sections are also possible. A panel
discussion with the representatives of industry will also be
organized. A collection of survey papers will be published in Springer
book edition "Mathematics in Industry".

Place: University of Novi Sad, Serbia
Dates: May 31 - June 1, 2017

For more details, please visit

From: Philipp Petersen [email protected]
Date: March 16, 2017
Subject: Wavelet and Tensor Methods for PDEs, Germany, May 2017

MATHEON Workshop on "Wavelet and Tensor Methods for Partial
Differential Equations",

3-5 May, 2017, Technische Universitat Berlin

The goal of this conference is to bring together experts from the
fields of wavelet approximation methods, low-rank tensor techniques,
nonlinear approximation, and from quantum chemistry to exchange the
most recent results and foster understanding and collaboration on the
broad intersection of these fields. The conference is dedicated to
Reinhold Schneider on the occasion of his 60th birthday. Reinhold
Schneider is a leading expert in adaptive and hierarchical methods for
the solution of high dimensional PDEs and in particular for wavelet,
sparse grid and tensor product approximation.

For more information, see .

To register for the conference please complete the electronic
registration form at .

From: Alex Barnett [email protected]
Date: March 20, 2017
Subject: Epstein-Greengard Workshop, USA, Jun 2017

This is a reminder that the deadline for application for support
(April 1) is soon, and that timely hotel booking is recommended, for
the upcoming workshop:

"Modern Advances in Computational and Applied Mathematics: a workshop
in honor of the birthdays of Charlie Epstein and Leslie Greengard" :
June 9-10, 2017, Yale University, New Haven, CT.

Registration is at:

Students and early-career researchers are encouraged to apply to
receive full travel/accommodation support by the April 1 deadline,
using this website. (We will then notify those receiving support on
April 15.) Hotel booking is also now also recommended. Please go the
"Travel & Accommodations" tab on the website to access the discounted
hotel block. This two-day workshop will feature ten speakers that
celebrate the far-reaching impact in applied mathematics of the work
of both Charlie Epstein and Leslie Greengard, which includes fast
algorithms, PDEs and integral equations, medical imaging, numerical
analysis, population genetics, and data analysis. There will be poster
sessions, a banquet, and plenty of informal interaction time.

Confirmed invited speakers include: Brian Avants (Biogen); Jon
Wilkening (Berkeley); Adrianna Gillman (Rice); Zydrunas Gimbutas
(NIST); Mary-Catherine Kropinski (Simon Fraser); Antoine Cerfon (NYU);
Jeremy Magland (Simons Foundation); Rachel Ward (UT Austin); Kirill
Serkh (NYU)

From: Jed Brown [email protected]
Date: March 21, 2017
Subject: PETSc User Meeting, USA, Jun 2017

We'd like to invite you to join us at the 2017 PETSc User Meeting held
at the University of Colorado Boulder on June 14-16, 2017.

The first day consists of tutorials on various aspects and features of
PETSc. The second and third days will be devoted to exchange,
discussions, and a refinement of strategies for the future with our
users. We encourage you to present work illustrating your own use of
PETSc, for example in applications or in libraries built on top of

Registration for the PETSc User Meeting 2017 is free for students and
$75 for non-students. We can host a maximum of 150 participants, so
register soon (and by May 15). We are also offering a low-cost,
on-campus lodging package.

Thanks to the generosity of Intel, we will be able to offer a limited
number of student travel grants. We are also soliciting additional
sponsors -- please contact us if you are interested.

We are looking forward to seeing you in Boulder! Please contact us at
[email protected] if you have any questions or comments.

From: Melina Freitag [email protected]
Date: March 18, 2017
Subject: Recent Advances in the NA of PDEs, UK, Jun 2017

Conference: Recent Advances in the Numerical Analysis of PDEs - A
conference to celebrate the 65th birthday of Professor Ivan Graham

A three-day meeting in honour of Ivan Graham's 65th birthday will be
held at the University of Bath, UK, on 21st-23rd June 2017.

The meeting will take place the week before the 27th Biennial
Conference on Numerical Analysis in Strathclyde, Scotland.

Invited speakers are: Kendal Atkinson, Simon Chandler-Wilde, Victor
Dominguez, Martin Gander, Mahadevan Ganesh, Wolfgang Hackbusch, Tom
Hou, Frances Kuo, Victorita Dolean Maini, Jens Markus Melenk, Ilaria
Perugia, Christoph Schwab, Ian Sloan, Valery Smyshlyaev, Nicole
Spillane, Elisabeth Ullmann.

For full details and registration, please visit the conference website

This conference is supported by the London Mathematical Society and
the Bath Institute for Mathematical Innovation.

From: Jens Saak [email protected]
Date: March 16, 2017
Subject: Power-Aware COmputing, Germany, Jul 2017

The Scientific Computing Team of the Computational Methods in Systems
and Control Theory group at the MPI in Magdeburg is holding the second
workshop entitled "Power-Aware Computing PACO2017" at the Max Planck
Society's conference site Ringberg Castle. The workshop aims at
bringing together experts in and close to the field in a 3-day event
from July 5-8 (departure after joint breakfast on July 8).

For the scientific program the workshop searches for contributions on
any development that reports power or energy savings in a
computational system.

The interests include, but are not strictly limited to: Exploitation
of low-power hardware architectures; Development of algorithms that
facilitate energy savings; Tools, libraries and environments for the
development of power-aware software; Measurement and control of the
power consumption; High-performance power-aware applications;
Communication avoiding algorithms; High-performance implementations of
tensor methods; and Multi-precision algorithms in numerical linear
algebra and related fields.

The keynote presentations will be given by Jack Dongarra (ICL UTK;
USA), Laura Grigori (INRIA; France), Axel Klawonn (University of
Cologne; Germany) and Ulrich Rude (FAU Erlangen/Nurnberg;
Germany). Moreover we have scheduled 3 invited young researchers
presentations by Hartwig Anzt (ICL UTK; USA), Matthias Bolten (Uni
Kassel; Germany) and Markus Geveler (TU Dortmund, Germany).

Detailed information about the workshop, the venue and the important
dates can be found at:

The registration for the Workshop is opened and the abstract
submission deadline is approaching (April 1st).

In case of any questions, do not hesitate to contact the organizing
team via email to [email protected].

From: Pablo Seleson [email protected]
Date: March 16, 2017
Subject: Short Course on Peridynamics, Canada, Jul 2017

Short Course on Peridynamics
14th U.S. National Congress on Computational Mechanics (USNCCM14)
July 17-20, 2017, Montreal, QC, Canada,

A short-course on the Peridynamics Theory of Solid Mechanics will be
held at the upcoming U.S. National Congress on Computational
Mechanics. The short course will cover both the fundamentals of
peridynamics as well as advanced topics and applications, including a
hands-on computational tutorial. Students, postdocs, as well as
early-career and senior researchers are welcome to participate. The
short-course description is given below.

Peridynamics Theory of Solid Mechanics: modeling, computation, and

- Dr. John Foster ([email protected]), The University of Texas at
- Dr. David Littlewood ([email protected]), Sandia National
- Dr. Pablo Seleson ([email protected]), Oak Ridge National Laboratory

Peridynamics is a nonlocal reformulation of classical continuum
mechanics, based on integral equations, suitable for material failure
and damage simulation. In contrast to classical constitutive
relations, peridynamic models do not require spatial differentiability
assumptions of displacement fields, leading to a natural
representation of material discontinuities such as
cracks. Furthermore, peridynamic models possess length scales, making
them suitable for multiscale modeling. This course will provide an
overview of peridynamics, including its mathematical, computational,
and modeling aspects. The course will also review advanced research
topics and software in peridynamics, and it will include a hands-on
tutorial on 3D simulation of solid mechanics problems.

From: Giuseppe Rodriguez [email protected]
Date: March 16, 2017
Subject: Summer School on Inverse Problems, Italy, Jul 2017

Summer School "Advanced Numerical Techniques for Inverse Problems,
with Applications in Imaging Science and Applied Geophysics" Cagliari
(Sardinia, Italy) July 17-21, 2017.

The last 20 years has seen significant development in methods for
analyzing and solving inverse ill-posed problems. Many of these
methods can be expressed with the tools of Numerical Linear Algebra.
Six courses will provide an overview of many of established and new
techniques for the analysis and solution of inverse ill-posed
problems. The theory presented is illustrated with computed examples.
Participants in the summer school will be assigned homework that
expands the theory that is presented in lectures, and programming
exercises that will show how the methods discussed perform.

Application: Participation is open to Ph.D students and young
researchers. Prerequisites for participants of the summer school
include basic knowledge of Linear Algebra and MATLAB programming. The
number of participants in the summer school is limited. Applications
can be submitted by e-mail to the address [email protected] March
15 - April 20, 2017, and should include an application letter by the
applicant, a CV of the applicant, and a letter of recommendation
describing the background of the applicant. This letter should be sent
by the letter writer. Applicants will be notified of acceptance by
April 30. Participation in the summer school is free.

Complete information on the summer school is available at the web site The event is sponsored by Sardegna
Ricerche ( and the University of Cagliari

From: Roderick Melnik [email protected]
Date: March 16, 2017
Subject: AMMCS International Conference, Canada, Aug 2017

This international conference will take place in Waterloo, Canada,
August 20-25, 2017 ( The AMMCS
Conference Series aims at promoting interdisciplinary research and
collaboration involving mathematical and computational sciences within
a larger international community, and highlighting recent advances in
Applied Mathematics, Modeling and Computational Science (AMMCS).You
are invited to submit your abstract by going directly to the
submission page at to
one of our special sessions, minisymposia, or contributed sessions.

The Conference features eleven distinguished plenary and
semi-speakers, including Ivet Bahar (University of Pittsburgh),
Vincent Conitzer (Duke University), Andre Longtin (University of
Ottawa), Andrew Majda (New York University), Kavita Ramanan (Brown
University), Harvy Stein (Bloomberg LP and Columbia University),
Francis Edward Su (Harvey Mudd College), Alessandro Vespignani
(Northeastern University), William Welch (University of British
Columbia), Mary Wheeler (University of Texas at Austin), and Andrew
Sutherland (M.I.T.).

Refereed proceedings will be published by Springer and selected
papers, presented at the conference, will be invited to several
journal issues. A number of prizes for students and young researchers
will be awarded at the Conference, including the Kolmogorov-Wiener
Prize. Travel scholarships for students are available on a competitive

Further details are at the conference website: (contact us at [email protected]).

From: FedCSIS Secretariat [email protected]
Date: March 17, 2017
Subject: Computer Aspects of Numerical Algorithms, Czech Republic, Sep 2017

10th Workshop on Computer Aspects of Numerical Algorithms (CANA'17)
Prague, Czech Republic, 3 - 6 September, 2017, E-mail: [email protected]

We would like to cordially invite you to consider contributing a paper
to CANA'17 - held as a part of the Federated Conference on Computer
Science and Information Systems (FedCSIS 2017).

TOPICS: Parallel numerical algorithms; Novel data formats for dense
and sparse matrices; Libraries for numerical computations; Numerical
algorithms testing and benchmarking; Analysis of rounding errors of
numerical algorithms; Languages, tools and environments for
programming numerical algorithms; Numerical algorithms on coprocesors
(GPU, Intel Xeon Phi, etc.); Paradigms of programming numerical
algorithms; Contemporary computer architectures; Heterogeneous
numerical algorithms; and Applications of numerical algorithms in
science and technology.

- Paper submission: May 10, 2017 (strict deadline, there will be no
- Position paper submission: May 31, 2017
- Acceptance decision: June 14, 2017
- Final version of paper submission: June 28, 2017
- Final deadline for discounted fee: August 1, 2017
- Conference dates: September 3-6, 2017

From: Pamela Bye [email protected]
Date: March 17, 2017
Subject: Inverse Problems from Theory to Application, UK, Sep 2017

Tuesday 19 - Thursday 21 September 2017
Isaac Newton Institute, Cambridge, UK
CALL FOR PAPERS - submission deadline 30 April 2017

An inverse problem denotes the task of computing an unknown physical
quantity from indirect measurements. The corresponding forward problem
maps the physical quantity to the measurements. In most realistic
situations the solution of the inverse problem is challenging,
complicated by incomplete and noisy measurements, as well as
non-invertible forward operators which render the inverse problem
ill-posed (that is lack of stability and/or uniqueness of
solutions). Inverse problems appear in many practical applications in
biology, medicine, weather forecasting, chemistry, engineering,
physics, to name but a few, and their analysis and solution presents
considerable challenges in mathematics and statistics. This conference
will bring together mathematicians and statisticians, working on
theoretical and numerical aspects of inverse problems, and engineers,
physicists and other scientists, working on challenging inverse
problem applications. We welcome industrial representatives, doctoral
students, early career and established academics working in this field
to attend.

Conference topics: Imaging; Regularisation theory; Statistical inverse
problems; Sampling; Data assimilation; Inverse problem applications

Papers will be accepted for the conference based on a 300 word
abstract for oral or poster presentation. Abstracts should be
submitted by 30 April via

For further information on this conference, please visit the
conference webpage:

From: Bo Li [email protected]
Date: March 20, 2017
Subject: Multiscale Theory and Computation, USA, Sep 2017

Multiscale Theory and Computation, An International Conference
Honoring Mitchell Luskin on the Occasion of his 65th Birthday
University of Minnesota, Minneapolis
September 23-25, 2017

Multiscale modeling, theory, and computation have made fundamental
contributions to many areas of physical, chemical, and biological
sciences. Recent theoretical and experimental advances present new
challenges for multiscale theory and computation. This conference will
seek to stimulate new approaches and collaborations by bringing
together both senior and junior researchers with expertise spanning
molecular to continuum scales and stochastic to deterministic methods.

Invited Plenary Speakers (all confirmed): Claude Le Bris (Ecole des
Ponts ParisTech); Eric Cances (Ecole des Ponts ParisTech); Bjorn
Engquist (University of Texas, Austin); Irene Fonseca (Carnegie Mellon
University); Thomas Y. Hou (California Institute of Technology);
Richard D. James (University of Minnesota, Twin Cities); Efthimios
Kaxiras (Harvard University); David Kinderlehrer (Carnegie Mellon
University); Robert Kohn (New York University); Tony Lelievre (Ecole
des Ponts ParisTech); Christoph Ortner (University of Warwick);
Stanley Osher (University of California, Los Angeles); Arnd Scheel
(University of Minnesota, Twin Cities); Andrew Stuart (California
Institute of Technology); Vladmir Sverak (University of Minnesota,
Twin Cities); and Arthur F. Voter (Los Alamos National Laboratory).

For more information on the conference, including conference
registration, the poster session, and application for possible
financial support, please visit the conference web site:

From: Are Magnus Bruaset [email protected]
Date: March 14, 2017
Subject: International CSE Conference, Norway, Oct 2017

Deadline for abstract submission: May 1, 2017

In memory of our dear colleague and friend professor Hans Petter
Langtangen who recently passed away, Simula Research Laboratory
organizes an international conference on Computational Science and
Engineering during October 23-25, 2017. The event will take place
in Oslo, Norway and mirror the most important streams in
Langtangen's work: Scientific software, Education, and Biomedical

For up-to-date information and submission of abstracts for
contributed talks, please see the conference web site at Selected contributions will be invited for
full papers in a book to be published by Springer.

Confirmed keynote speakers: Professor Peter Hunter, University of
Auckland (NZ); Professor Randall J. LeVeque, Washington University
(US); Professor Anders Logg, Chalmers University (SE); Associate
Professor Alison Marsden, Stanford University (US); Professor Knut
M. Morken, University of Oslo (NO)

Questions can be sent to [email protected].

From: Peter Deuflhard [email protected]
Date: March 16, 2017
Subject: Director Position, Beijing Institute of Scientific and Engineering Computing

Beijing University of Technology (BJUT) has recently opened the
Beijing Institute for Scientific and Engineering Computing, in short:
BISEC. The institute shall establish this field, both nationally and
internationally visible. It will be devoted to important problems
with practical relevance arising from engineering, environmental or
societal challenges. It shall build bridges to connect mathematics and
engineering by investigating and developing mathematical theories in
connection with computational methods and developing associated
software. Moreover, it shall contribute to the education and training
of scientific staff in its research directions. Main tasks of BISEC
are: (a) to develop applied and computational mathematics and conduct
scientific research therein, (b) to serve Beijing's needs with respect
to urban traffic and logistics, atmospheric environment, aerospace,
bio-medicine, new materials, and other possible key areas, (c) to
promote the development of related industries in Beijing thus making a
positive contribution to an innovation-driven development of Beijing,
and (d) to train scientific staff in these directions. At present,
Peter Deuflhard as founding director of BISEC acts as the director. He
had formerly founded Zuse Institute in Berlin (ZIB), which may be
understood as a role model for BISEC. BJUT is now seeking a permanent
Director. The Director will be in charge of the scientific research
and administration of BISEC. The candidate will be recruited from open
international applications, and is to be appointed and dismissed by
BJUT. The candidate should be Chinese and exhibit proven
internationally visible competence in the general field of SEC with
good English language skills. The expected salary will depend on the
achievements of the candidate and be competitive on a national and
international level. As soon as a suitable candidate has been found,
he will replace the founding director in his role. Professional
enquiries can be obtained from the founding director
([email protected]) or any scientific member of the present Board of
Directors. For details see the webpage of the institute: Applications should be sent to
[email protected].

From: Jonathan Crofts [email protected]
Date: March 20, 2017
Subject: Lectureship Position, Nottingham Trent Univ, UK

The Department of Physics and Mathematics invites applications for a
Lecturer / Senior Lecturer position in Statistics / Data Science. We
seek an exceptional individual with an emerging record in
multi-disciplinary research and expertise in statistical modelling
and/or statistical aspects of Data Science such as data visualisation,
Bayesian networks and inference and modelling for 'big data'. The
existing multi-disciplinary research strengths of the Mathematics team
are in: applied statistics; numerical analysis; mathematical biology,
including large networks; bioinformatics; quantum information theory;
and modelling in engineering and physics. However, your expertise in
mathematical and statistical modelling could equally well complement
the research strengths of the wider School, which includes areas such
as: computational biology; imaging science; computational physics; and
space science. The successful candidate will also possess excellent
communication and presentation skills, being capable of teaching both
undergraduate and postgraduate students across our portfolio of
Mathematics courses, which now includes - subject to validation - BSc
(Hons) Data Science. You should be ready to play a leading role in the
further development of our Data Science courses and be able to
supervise student Projects or Dissertations up to and including those
at Masters Level. An ability or willingness to contribute to teaching
in financial mathematics would also be welcomed.

You can apply on-line using links from
Please submit a single document to include a full CV, a Teaching
Statement, a Research Statement and a Covering Letter addressing your
suitability for the role outlined in the associated Job Description
and Person Specification. If the 1MB file size restriction makes this
difficult or impossible, please email all your supporting
documentation to [email protected].

From: University of Graz, Institute of Mathematics and Scientific Computing [email protected]
Date: March 15, 2017
Subject: University Assistant Position, Univ of Graz

Institute of Mathematics and Scientific Computing at the University of
Graz is looking for an University Assistant with doctorate (40 hours a
week; fixed-term employment for the period of 6 years; position to be
filled as of now )

Research area: Mathematical image processing and inverse problems

Salary: According to university collective agreement B1 (currently
3626.60 Euro monthly gross income, 14x a year)

More information can be found at:

From: Stefan Kunis [email protected]
Date: March 21, 2017
Subject: Postdoc Position, Applied Analysis, Osnabrueck

University Osnabrueck, Institute of Mathematics, invites applications
for a Postdoctoral Position (100% TV-L E13), starting at 01.07.2017
for the duration of 2 years. Applicants should have some experience
and interest in Applied Harmonic Analysis, Numerical Algebra, Fast
Algorithms or Applications for Image and Signal Processing.

Description of responsibilities:
- Research in the field of Applied Analysis
- Teaching duties in mathematics (4 hours per week)

Applications (including a CV, relevant certificates, and a summary of
the research and teaching experience) in a single PDF file should be
submitted to Prof. Dr. Stefan Kunis, [email protected],
preferably no later than 31.03.

From: Daniele Boffi [email protected]
Date: March 15, 2017
Subject: Postdoc Position, Approx. of PDEs and HPC, Univ of Pavia, Italy

Postdoctoral Fellowship call

The Department of Mathematics of the University of Pavia (Italy) has
an opening for one Postdoctoral Fellowship in Numerical Analysis
beginning fall 2017. The position is offered for one year and can be
renewed for one more year.

The research project is on "Numerical approximation of partial
differential equations and high performance computing"

Candidates must hold, or be working towards, a PhD degree in
computational/applied mathematics or similar fields.

The application deadline is April 12, 2017.

Interested candidates can address their inquiries to Daniele Boffi.

From: Felipe Pereira [email protected]
Date: March 16, 2017
Subject: Postdoc Position, ICMC/USP-Brazil

The Institute for Mathematical and Computer Sciences (ICMC - of the University of Sao Paulo at Sao Carlos,
Sao Paulo, Brazil, seeks to fill a Postdoctoral Research Associate
position to work with Computational Modeling of Flows in Porous Media,
starting immediately with duration of one year with a possibility of
extension for two additional years upon performance review.

Requirement: PhD in Computer Science or closely related field.
Preference will be given to candidates with experience in the
following topics: (i) Code development in C/C++; (ii) Software
engineering and code design; (iii) High performance computing and
parallel programming; (iv) Good background in mathematics/numerical
methods. This position is funded by the Brazilian oil company
Petrobras, regulated by the Brazilian Agency of Petroleum (ANP). The
monthly net salary will be R$ 6.342,00. The research associate will
have the opportunity to collaborate with researchers from State
University of Campinas (UNICAMP) and the University of Texas at
Dallas. Applicants should provide a letter of intention, a curriculum
vitae and two letters of recommendation to Professor Fabricio Simeoni
de Sousa ([email protected]) or Professor Felipe Pereira
([email protected]). Review of applicants will begin
immediately and will continue until the position is filled.

Center for Mathematical Sciences Applied to Industry (CeMEAI):
Institute for Mathematical and Computer Sciences (ICMC):
University of Sao Paulo (USP): ,
City of Sao Carlos:

From: Mini Das [email protected]
Date: March 14, 2017
Subject: Postdoc Position, Inverse Problems in Imaging

Postdoctoral/Research Associate Position in Imaging

A postdoctoral position is available to work in the Imaging Physics
Laboratory at the University of Houston (UH) to work on projects
funded via NSF and DOD. The successful candidate will work
collaboratively with physicists, engineers and clinicians on an array
of projects involving inverse problems in multiple modalities. Key
projects involve x-ray phase retrieval methods, inverse problems
combining ultrasound and x-ray imaging, Optical phase retrieval in
microscopy and statistical tomographic reconstruction methods
(e.g. for Computed Tomography). Projects involve collaborations with
national labs and industry. The position is available for up to three
years and offers opportunities for career growth, mentoring experience
as well as an excellent benefits package. Highly motivated
individuals with a Ph.D. in physics, mathematics, computer science,
engineering or related fields are invited to apply. Strong
mathematical, analytical and computer programming skills are
essential, as are good communication skills. Strong computer
programming skills in C/C++, Unix shell scripting as well as
experience with Matlab, Python or IDL is highly desirable. Prior
experience with parallel computing will be an advantage as well. UH
is centrally located near nations largest medical centers and
petroleum industry. Houston is a dynamic and internationally diverse
city known for its excellent restaurants. Interested candidates
should send a copy of their CV and statement of research along with
the names and addresses of three references to Dr. Mini Das (email:
[email protected] web:

From: Bartosz Protas [email protected]
Date: March 24, 2017
Subject: Postdoc Position, Math Modelling and Scientific Computing, McMaster

Applications are invited for a postdoctoral fellowship position in the
Department of Mathematics and Statistics at McMaster University. This
fellowship provides an opportunity to engage in research in close
collaboration with Dr. Protas and his group (more information
available at ) with a limited
amount of teaching. The focus of this industry-cofunded position will
be research on mathematical and computational modelling of
nonequilibrium electrochemical and thermodynamic processes occurring
in Li-ion batteries. This position is intended for an applied
mathematician interested in exploring a rapidly developing application
area, or for a mathematically-minded chemist with a solid background
in theoretical and computational chemistry. In either case, knowledge
of multiscale modelling (especially homogenization), electrochemistry,
PDEs and scientific computing will be an asset. This research project
also involves close collaboration with chemists and material
scientists as well as research scientists with our Industrial
Partner. The duration of the position will be initially one year with
extension for the second year contingent on satisfactory performance
and availability of funding.

The fellowship is open to candidates of any nationality and selection
will be based on the candidate's research potential and fit with
Dr. Protas' research group. The fellowship starts on September 1, 2017
or earlier, and provides an annual stipend salary of $42,000
CAD. Candidates are required to apply for this fellowship by using the
MathJobs website (see our advertisement with ID McMaster-PDFMMSC
[#10171] at We will begin reviewing applications on
April 14, 2017. Applications received after this date will be accepted
until the position is filled, but to ensure full consideration
applicants are advised to submit all supporting materials by the above

From: Alireza Doostan [email protected]
Date: March 24, 2017
Subject: Postdoc Position, Optimization of Complex Engineering Systems

Applications are invited for a postdoctoral position available
immediately in the Smead Aerospace Engineering Sciences Department at
the University of Colorado, Boulder.

The appointees will conduct fundamental research in the areas of
(topology) optimization, PDE-constrained optimization, stochastic
optimization, and/or optimization under uncertainty. Applicants must
have a Ph.D. in areas related to computational mechanics/mathematics.
Preference will be given to applicants with expertise in large-scale
computing and C++ programming.

The positions are for the duration of one year with the possibility of
extension to three years. The appointees will be working with
Profs. Kurt Maute and Alireza Doostan, and will participate in
research activities of the Optimization and Uncertainty Quantification
groups within the Smead Aerospace Engineering Sciences Department at
the University of Colorado, Boulder.

The interested candidates should submit a CV, a brief (max one page)
statement of research interests, and contact information of two
references to Prof. Maute ([email protected]). Questions may be
directed to Prof. Maute.

From: Miguel Fosas de Pando [email protected]
Date: March 16, 2017
Subject: PhD Position, Aerodynamic Optimization, Univ of Cadiz, Spain

Fully-funded PhD scholarship in Aerodynamic optimization of axial-flow
compressors. We are currently looking for candidates for a
fully-funded PhD scholarship on Aerodynamic optimization of axial-flow
compressors. These devices exhibit flow instabilities at
high-compression ratios that typically limit the performance of
aircraft engines. This scholarship provides the opportunity to develop
advanced theoretical and numerical frameworks for the design of
turbomachinery and devise new strategies to improve their
efficiency. The successful candidate will join the research team
involved in the project "Adjoint-based approaches to stability and
control of unsteady flows in axial-flow compressors". Funded by the
National Research Agency of Spain (AEI) and based at the University of
Cadiz, the project is carried out in collaboration with the University
of Cambridge, Imperial College London, RWTH Aachen and the University
of Illinois at Urbana-- Champaign. He/she will conduct the PhD
research work in the Mathematical Engineering group at the School of
Engineering at the University of Cadiz. The candidate is expected to
collaborate actively with researchers from participating universities
and will benefit from local and national supercomputing resources.
Profile: Candidates must have a strong background in Fluid Mechanics
and Applied Mathematics. They are expected to hold a Master's degree
in Aerospace Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Mathematics, Physics
or an equivalent degree. Previous experience in Scientific Computing
will be highly valued. Knowledge of Spanish is desirable but not
indispensable. Conditions: Fully funded PhD position for EU nationals
and overseas. The scholarship includes tuition fees, stipend of 16
422 Euro/yr (up to 4 years) and funds for research stays abroad. The
candidate is expected to join us during the first semester of the
2017--2018 academic year. The university is based in Cadiz, the
three-millennial city on the west coast of Andalusia, which features a
vast historical heritage in close connection with its natural

Applications must be submitted, prior registration, through the

Call name "Concurso publico de contratos predoctorales de personal
investigador en formacion PIF (2017-020)", reference DPI2016-75777- R.
Deadline: March 30th, 2017 23:59 CEST (UTC+2). For further information
or assistance through the application process do not hesitate to
contact Dr. Miguel Fosas de Pando [email protected]

From: Heike Sill [email protected]
Date: March 16, 2017
Subject: PhD Position, Applied Analysis, WIAS Berlin, Germany

The Weierstrass Institute for Applied Analysis and Stochastics (WIAS),
located near Gendarmenmarkt right at the heart of Berlin-Mitte, is an
institute of the Forschungsverbund Berlin e. V. (FVB). The FVB
comprises eight non-university research institutes in Berlin which are
funded by the federal and state governments. The research institutes
are members of the Leibniz Association.

WIAS invites applications for a PhD Student Position (Ref. 17/06) in
the Research Group "Nonsmooth Variational Problems and Operator
Equations" (Head: Prof. Dr. Michael Hintermuller) starting on May 1,
2017 in the project Generalized Nash Equilibrium Problems with Partial
Differential Operators: Theory, Algorithms, and Risk Aversion in the
framework of the Priority Program SPP 1962 funded by the German
research funding organization DFG. The focus of the research
activities is on modeling, analysis and numerical analysis as well as
computer-oriented realization of algorithms for generalized Nash
equilibrium problems with partial differential operators.

The successful candidate will have a university degree (Master or
Diploma with distinction) in Mathematics and collaborate responsibly
in an interdisciplinary project. Experience in the following fields is
expected: Optimization with partial differential equations;
Variational problems on infinite-dimensional spaces; Development and
computer-oriented implementation of efficient numerical solution

Please direct your queries to Prof. Dr. Michael Hintermuller
([email protected]). The initial appointment is
for one year, and the contract may be extended for two more years. The
position and the salary is according to the German TVoeD scheme (75%).

The Weierstrass Institute is an equal opportunity employer. We
explicitly encourage female researchers to apply for the post. Among
equally qualified applicants, disabled candidates will be given
preference. The application material (including curriculum vitae,
photocopies of certificates and a list of publications, and a cover
letter) shall be sent, mentioning the reference number 17/06,
exclusively in electronic form in a single pdf-file by April 09, 2017,
to: [email protected].

From: Tuomo Valkonen [email protected]
Date: March 22, 2017
Subject: PhD Position, Multimodality image registration, Univ of Liverpool

The Department of Mathematical Sciences and the EPSRC Liverpool Centre
of Maths in Healthcare at the University of Liverpool invites
applications for this graduate teaching assistant (GTA) studentship
leading to a PhD and starting from 1st September 2017. The project
will develop mathematical models for multimodal imaging: the
combination of different modalities, such as CT, MRI, photoacoustic,
optical, ultrasound, and Tera-Hertz imaging. Our goal is robustness,
which will be achieved through rigorous mathematical analysis. The
models combined with relevant numerical solution techniques will be
applied to various applications, such as oncology and functional brain
imaging, relevant to the EPSRC Liverpool Centre of Maths in Healthcare
and its clinical and industrial partners. Any single modality of
images (e.g. CT) cannot reveal all the features in an object and
different modalities may offer advances in practical applications by
complementing each other through suitable combination of information.

From: Matthias Schlottbom [email protected]
Date: March 23, 2017
Subject: PhD Position, NA, Univ of Twente, The Netherlands

Applications are invited for a 4-year PhD candidate position in
Numerical Analysis at the University of Twente.

The successful candidate will conduct research in numerical analysis
of kinetic equations.

The official announcement with full details of the position and online
application instructions can be found here:!/vacature/1010979

The deadline for application is April 30th, 2017. For further
questions, please contact Matthias Schlottbom
([email protected]).

From: Jan Giesselmann [email protected]
Date: March 22, 2017
Subject: PhD Position, Univ of Stuttgart

Applications are invited for a PhD position at the Institute of
Applied Analysis and Numerical Simulation, University of Stuttgart,
Germany. The position is within the project "Dynamical, spatially
heterogeneous model adaptation in compressible flows" funded by the
German Research Foundation.

The highly motivated candidate should hold an MSc degree in
mathematics or a related subject and have a background in analysis,
modeling or numerical methods for PDEs. Good programming skills
(MATLAB or C++) and familiarity with hyperbolic conservation laws are
beneficial. The position is fixed for a term of 3 years. The
preferred starting date is July 2017 or as soon as possible
thereafter. Salary will be paid in accordance with the German TVL,
salary bracket E13 (75%).

For more information can be fund at

From: Ke Chen [email protected]
Date: March 23, 2017
Subject: PhD Positions, Mathematical Imaging, Univ of Liverpool

PhD candidates are solicited in the Department of Mathematical
Sciences of the University of Liverpool. The candidates will join the
Centre for Maths Imaging Techniques and the Liverpool Centre for Maths
in Healthcare, headed by Prof. Ke Chen. There are currently 3 fully
funded positions (stipend & tuition for up to 3.5 or 4 years from
different funders), expected to start from 1 Oct or 1 Sept 2017.

Students at the B.Sc or M.Sc level with background in Mathematical or
Computational Sciences are encouraged to apply. The accepted
candidates will work on exciting research problems from real life
applications at the intersection of mathematical analysis, numerical
analysis, medical image processing, and scientific computing. Each
project (one involving overseas placements) will be supervised by a
team of multidisciplinary experts.

Solid mathematical background and knowledge of programming languages
and software tools (e.g. Matlab, Python) are required. Above all, the
applicants must be self-motivated to learn quickly and work
effectively on challenging research problems.

For a description of recent research activities carried out by the
group, please visit the sites and where one clicks
"Opportunities", reaching to the projects' details and the application

From: Chi-Wang Shu [email protected]
Date: March 13, 2017
Subject: Contents, Journal of Scientific Computing, 70 (3)

Journal of Scientific Computing
Volume 70, Number 3, March 2017

Numerical Analysis of Second Order, Fully Discrete Energy Stable
Schemes for Phase Field Models of Two-Phase Incompressible Flows,
Daozhi Han, Alex Brylev, Xiaofeng Yang and Zhijun Tan

Multidirectional Subspace Expansion for One-Parameter and
Multiparameter Tikhonov Regularization, Ian N. Zwaan and Michiel
E. Hochstenbach

A Superconvergent HDG Method for the Maxwell Equations, Huangxin Chen,
Weifeng Qiu, Ke Shi and Manuel Solano

Direct Solvers for the Biharmonic Eigenvalue Problems Using Legendre
Polynomials, Lizhen Chen, Jing An and Qingqu Zhuang

Stochastic C-Stability and B-Consistency of Explicit and Implicit
Milstein-Type Schemes, Wolf-Jurgen Beyn, Elena Isaak and Raphael Kruse

Nonlinear Advection-Diffusion-Reaction Phenomena Involved in the
Evolution and Pumping of Oil in Open Sea: Modeling, Numerical
Simulation and Validation Considering the Prestige and Oleg Naydenov
Oil Spill Cases, Benjamin Ivorra, Susana Gomez, Roland Glowinski and
Angel Manuel Ramos

Accurate Implicit-Explicit General Linear Methods with Inherent
Runge-Kutta Stability Michal Bras, Giuseppe Izzo and Zdzislaw

Two-Level Penalty Newton Iterative Method for the 2D/3D Stationary
Incompressible Magnetohydrodynamics Equations, Haiyan Su, Xinlong Feng
and Jianping Zhao

An Extrapolation Cascadic Multigrid Method Combined with a
Fourth-Order Compact Scheme for 3D Poisson Equation, Kejia Pan,
Dongdong He and Hongling Hu

Two-Step Fixed-Point Proximity Algorithms for Multi-block Separable
Convex Problems, Qia Li, Yuesheng Xu and Na Zhang

Piecewise-Smooth Image Segmentation Models with L1 Data-Fidelity
Terms, Miyoun Jung

Efficient Parallelization of a Shock Capturing for Discontinuous
Galerkin Methods using Finite Volume Sub-cells, Matthias Sonntag and
Claus-Dieter Munz

Symmetric Boundary-Finite Element Discretization of Time Dependent
Acoustic Scattering by Elastic Obstacles with Piezoelectric Behavior,
Tonatiuh Sanchez-Vizuet and Francisco-Javier Sayas

Symmetric Homotopy Method for Discretized Elliptic Equations with
Cubic and Quintic Nonlinearities, Xuping Zhang, Jintao Zhang and Bo Yu

Low Rank Prior and Total Variation Regularization for Image
Deblurring, Liyan Ma, Li Xu and Tieyong Zeng

The Effect of the Consistent Mass Matrix on the Maximum-Principle for
Scalar Conservation Equations, Jean-Luc Guermond, Bojan Popov and Yong

Decoupled Energy Stable Schemes for a Phase Field Model of Three-Phase
Incompressible Viscous Fluid Flow, Jia Zhao, Huiyuan Li, Qi Wang and
Xiaofeng Yang

A New Stable Splitting for the Isentropic Euler Equations, Klaus
Kaiser, Jochen Schutz, Ruth Schobel and Sebastian Noelle

From: Raimondas Ciegis [email protected]
Date: March 22, 2017
Subject: Contents, Mathematical Modelling and Analysis, 22 (2)

The Baltic Journal on Mathematical Applications, Numerical Analysis
and Differential Equations
ISSN 1392-6292, ISSN 1648-3510 online, Electronical edition:

Volume 22, Number 2, March 2017

Bashir Ahmad, Sotiris K. Ntouyas, Jessada Tariboon and Ahmed Alsaedi,
A Study of Nonlinear Fractional-Order Boundary Value Problem with
Nonlocal Erd\'elyi-Kober and Generalized Riemann-Liouville Type
Integral Boundary Conditions

Serge Bruno Yamgou\'{e}, Olivier Tiokeng Lekeufack and Timol\'{e}on
Cr\'{e}pin Kofan\'{e}, Harmonic Balance for Non-Periodic Hyperbolic
Solutions of Nonlinear Ordinary Differential Equations

Adrian Holho\c{s}, Two Area Preserving Maps from the Square to the

Zhao-Xiang Li, Ji Lao and Zhong-Qing Wang, Mixed Fourier-Legendre
Spectral Methods for the Multiple Solutions of the Schr\"{o}dinger
Equation on the Unit Disk

Pedro Jodr\'{a}, H\'ector Wladimir G\'omez, Mar{\'i}a Dolores,
Jim\'{e}nez-Gamero and Mar{\'i}a Virtudes Alba-Fern\'{a}ndez The Power
Muth Distribution

Teresa Regi\'nska, Discrepancy Sets for Combined Least Squares
Projection and Tikhonov Regularization

Gail{\.{e}} Pauk{\v{s}}tait{\.{e}} and Art{\={u}}ras {\v{S}}tikonas,
Green's Matrices for First Order Differential Systems with Nonlocal

Ioannis K. Argyros and Santhosh George, Local Convergence of
Jarratt-Type Methods with Less Computation of Inversion Under Weak

Xueyong Chen, Fuxing Hu, Jianhua Zhang and Jianwei Shen, Global
Existence and Blow-Up for a Chemotaxis System

Aibo Liu and Changchun Liu, Asymptotic Dynamics of a New
Mechanochemical Model in Biological Patterns

End of Digest