NA Digest, V. 16, # 38
NA Digest Wednesday, October 12, 2016 Volume 16 : Issue 38
Today's Editor:
Daniel M. Dunlavy
Sandia National Labs
[email protected]
Today's Topics:
- Hans Petter Langtangen (1962-2016)
- SIAG/CSE Early Career Prize, Nominations due Nov 30, 2016
- Sixth R. E. Moore Prize (2016)
- Research and Education in CSE
- NUMAWWW upgrade
- Low-Level Machine Learning Primitives
- New Release 1.16.09 of RBmatlab
- PaMPA v1.0.0
- Books on B-Splines: Extended Problem Sets
- New Book, Phylogeny
- Deadline Ext: Frontiers in Applied and Computational Math, USA, Jan 2017
- MAMERN VII-2017, Morocco, May 2017
- Mathematical Modelling and Analysis, Lithuania, May 2017
- Dobbiaco Summer School in Numerical Analysis, Italy, Jun 2017
- Equadiff 2017, Slovakia, Jul 2017
- Sparse Days at CERFACS, France, Sep 2017
- Faculty Positions, Computation Mathematics, Texas Tech Univ
- Faculty Positions, UC Merced
- Faculty Postition, Mathematics, Univ of California, Davis
- Tenure-Track Positions, Computational/Applied Math, Jackson State Univ
- Tenured Track Position, Thermal Sciences
- Postdoc Positions, BCAM
- PhD/Postdoc Position, Scientific Computing, RWTH Univ Aachen
- DAM & JOGO Special Issues on Distance Geometry
- Contents, Dolomites Research Notes on Approximation, 9
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Submissions for NA Digest:
From: Aslak Tveito [email protected]
Date: October 11, 2016
Subject: Hans Petter Langtangen (1962-2016)
Hans Petter Langtangen (1962-2016)
We are very sad to inform you that our friend and colleague, Professor
Hans Petter Langtangen, passed away on October 10th. Hans Petter was
an extraordinarily productive author, lecturer, supervisor and
researcher. His books on software and methods for solving
differential equations are widely used and have influenced these
fields considerably. He established one of the most popular enduring
courses at the University of Oslo and supervised nearly 100 MSc or PhD
graduates. Scientifically, he was always concerned with the efficient
solution of differential equations, in terms of both CPU and human
efforts. He produced scientific software of extremely high quality
that has found users all over the world. Hans Petter was also leader
of a Norwegian Center of Excellence. The scientific computing
community also knows him as a long time member of the editorial board
of SISC, and, in particular, as the Editor-in-Chief from 2011 to 2015.
Hans Petter loved his work and intensified his efforts after becoming
ill. He concentrated on his books, and finished the last book only one
week before he died. During his period of illness, he impressed both
friends and colleagues by notable openess about his disease, regularly
updating a Facebook group with information about the development of
the cancer and his treatment.
Hans Petter was an unusually friendly man, always willing to share
whatever knowledge he had with others. His impact on students and
colleagues has been enormous; no one left his office or his auditorium
without deeper insight, and a feeling of joy. Hans Petter will be
deeply missed by his family, friends and by colleagues from all over
the world.
Aslak Tveito, CEO, Simula Research Laboratory
Morten Daehlen, Dean, The Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences,
University of Oslo
From: Lois Curfman McInnes [email protected]
Date: October 07, 2016
Subject: SIAG/CSE Early Career Prize, Nominations due Nov 30, 2016
The Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics (SIAM) is now
accepting nominations for the 2017 SIAG/CSE Early Career Prize. The
prize is awarded every two years to one post-PhD early career
researcher in the field of Computational Science and Engineering (CSE)
for outstanding, influential, and potentially long-lasting
contributions to the field within seven years of receiving the PhD or
equivalent degree. The award will be presented at the SIAM CSE17
The candidate's work must be a significant research contribution to
the development and use of mathematical and computational tools and
methods for the solution of scientific and engineering problems. The
qualifying contribution(s) for which the award is made must be
publicly available and may belong to any aspect of computational
science and engineering in its broadest sense. The candidate must
have been awarded their PhD no earlier than 2010 and no later than the
nomination deadline; current graduate students are not eligible for
this award.
Nomination Deadline: November 30, 2016.
This is a hard deadline that will not be extended.
Required Materials:
- Nominator's Letter of Recommendation for Candidate
- Candidate's CV
- 2-3 Letters of Support from experts in the field
For more details and to submit nominations:
From: Vladik Kreinovich [email protected]
Date: October 05, 2016
Subject: Sixth R. E. Moore Prize (2016)
Balazs Banhelyi, Tibor Csendes, and Tibor Krisztin from the University
of Szeged, and Arnold Neumaier from the University of Vienna, Austria,
have been awarded the 6th biannual R. E. Moore Prize for Applications
of Interval Analysis. The R. E. Moore Prize was established in 2002 by
the Editorial Board of Reliable Computing, an International Journal
devoted to reliable mathematical computations based on finite
representations and guaranteed accuracy. The 2016 R. E. Moore Prize is
awarded to Drs. Banhelyi, Csendes, Krisztin, and Neumaier for their
paper "Global attractivity of the zero solution for Wright's equation"
published in SIAM Journal on Applied Dynamical Systems in 2014
(Vol. 13, No. 1, pp. 537-563).
The idea of arithmetic over sets to encompass finiteness, roundoff
error, and uncertainty dates back to the first part of the twentieth
century or earlier. By the late 1950's, with exponentially increasing
use of digital electronic computers for mathematical computations,
interval arithmetic was a concept whose time had come. With his 1962
dissertation "Interval Arithmetic and Automatic Error Analysis in
Digital Computing," encouraged by George Forsythe, Prof. Ramon Moore
was one of the first to develop the underlying principles of interval
arithmetic in their modern form. Prof. Moore subsequently dedicated
much of his life to furthering the subject. This includes guidance of
seven Ph.D. students, interaction with other prominent figures in the
area such as Eldon Hansen, Louis Rall, and Bill Walster, and
publication of the seminal work "Interval Analysis" (Prentice Hall,
1966) and its update "Methods and Applications of Interval Analysis"
(SIAM, 1979). In addition, Prof. Moore published a related book
"Computational Functional Analysis" (Horwood, 1985), and organized the
conference with proceedings Reliability in Computing (Academic Press,
1988). This latter conference was a major catalyst for renewed
interest in the subject. It is safe to say that these accomplishments
of Professor Moore have made interval analysis what it is today. To
continue and further this tradition, in 2002, we decided to dedicate
to Prof. Moore a biennial prize for the best dissertation or paper in
applications of interval analysis.
Note: By "applications" we intend primarily applications in
engineering and the sciences that will bring further recognition to
the power of interval computations. However, we do not wish to rule
out significant and widely recognized "pure" applications. The
editorial board of the journal "Reliable Computing" judges this.
From: Uli Ruede [email protected]
Date: October 12, 2016
Subject: Research and Education in CSE
We are happy to announce the availability of a new status report
Research and Education in Computational Science and Engineering
in preprint form, accessible from the SIAG CSE Wiki
or directly from
The article summarizes the status of CSE as an emerging discipline and
presents the trends and challenges for the field. The report is based
on the outcomes of a workshop that was sponsored by SIAM and the
European Exascale Software Initiative in 2014, a minisymposium and a
panel discussion held during the SIAM CSE conference 2015, and all the
community feedback collected over the past years.
We hope that you will find this report useful and interesting.
From: Peter Spellucci [email protected]
Date: October 05, 2016
Subject: NUMAWWW upgrade
We are pleased to announce an upgrade of our service (NUMAWWW for short) for
supporting teaching numerics and optimization. Since its first
anouncement in 2010 the collection of methods has largely grown and
the users possibilities to formulate his own testcases much improved.
There is now enough material for
-numerical linear algebra
-linear and nonlinear least squares
-nonlinear equations and systems
-interpolation and approximation
-ODEs IVP's and BVP's
-zeroes of polynomials in detail
-continuous optimization
Your comments and suggestions are welcome.
From: Hans Pabst [email protected]
Date: October 05, 2016
Subject: Low-Level Machine Learning Primitives
LIBXSMM 1.5 released - Library for small convolutions (Machine
Learning), and small dense or sparse matrix multiplications
A Collection of Machine Learning APIs from Intel: If you ever wondered
about what Intel brings to the table for the shiny Machine Learning
topic, you might give this short piece a read! Beside of "bragging
about [the most recent] hardware", there is the perhaps not so
entertaining field of software primitives. These primitives are more
important than ever, and in fact are needed to be well-optimized. In
the last years, new workloads such as deep learning and more
specifically convolutional neural networks (CNN) emerged, and are
pushing the limits of today's hardware. One of the expensive kernels
is a small convolution with certain kernel sizes (3, 5, or 7) such
that calculations in the frequency space are not the most efficient
method when compared with direct convolutions. Workloads such as
speech recognition or face detection are just a few applications.
From Intel's (MKL-)side,
two low-level libraries are available; one of which is the Intel MKL
product with its DNN API (Intel MKL 2017). This is API is a key
enabler for some of the higher level frameworks such as [Intel] Caffe
or the own DAAL framework (Intel Data Analytics Acceleration
Library). In addition, the MKL team open-sourced a package called
MKL-DNN, which targets Intel AVX2, and helps to get a real insight of
how such a low-level Machine Learning API may be implemented [1].
LIBXSMM is a small library targeting Intel Architecture (x86) for
small, dense or sparse matrix multiplications, and small
convolutions. It incorporates support for small convolution kernels
(version 1.5). The highly optimized code leverages LIBXSMM's
Just-In-Time (JIT) in-memory code generation, and focuses on Intel
AVX-512 but also covers Intel AVX2 [2]. Also, have a look at the
performance as delivered in DeepBench [3]. LIBXSMM comes with
permissive license (BSD 3-clause).
LinkedIn update:
From: Bernard Haasdonk [email protected]
Date: October 07, 2016
Subject: New Release 1.16.09 of RBmatlab
We announce the release 1.16.09 of RBmatlab, a MATLAB package for
Reduced Basis Methods including corresponding discretization
techniques. The package contains contributions from the Universities
Stuttgart, Munster, Ulm and Freiburg.
New features imply
- More discretization techniques (Lagrange-, Mini-, Taylor-Hood Finite
Elements, Finite Volumes, Radial Basis Function Collocation)
- A (paedagogical) standalone model of a thermalblock following a
recent RB-tutorial
- Accelerated elliptic model problem
- Stokes and Navier-Stokes flow examples
- RB surrogate optimization examples
- RB feedback control examples
- RBF interpolation for stability factors.
- Several new demos of the added features.
For download and online documentation see
From: Cédric Lachat [email protected]
Date: October 04, 2016
Subject: PaMPA v1.0.0
Release v1.0.0 of the PaMPA software is now available for download,
under the GPL licence.
PaMPA is a software library for handling unstructured meshes in
parallel, on distributed memory architectures. PaMPA speeds-up and
eases the writing of scientific solvers that implement compact schemes
and models, by providing abstractions of mesh entities and their
connected neighbors of a given kind.
PaMPA has been extensively tested for several years, being used in the
Aerosol solver developed by the Cardamom and Cagire Inria teams. PaMPA
has run on up to 1200 cores on the Curie cluster (CCRT, France), and
2048 cores on the Turing cluster (IDRIS).
In order to obtain it, one just needs to fill out this form:
An e-mail will be sent in return, including a link to the sources.
Cedric Lachat & Francois Pellegrini.
From: Klaus Höllig [email protected]
Date: October 09, 2016
Subject: Books on B-Splines: Extended Problem Sets
The SIAM books
"Approximation and Modeling with B-Splines"
"Finite Element Methods with B-Splines"
are now available with extended problem sets; see the websites .
From: Bruce Bailey [email protected]
Date: October 12, 2016
Subject: New Book, Phylogeny
Phylogeny: Discrete and Random Processes in Evolution by Mike Steel
xvi + 293 pages / Softcover / ISBN 978-1-611974-47-8 / List Price
$64.00 / SIAM Member Price $44.80 / Order Code CB89
Phylogenetics is a topical and growing area of research. Phylogenies
(phylogenetic trees and networks) allow biologists to study and graph
evolutionary relationships between different species. These are also
used to investigate other evolutionary processes-for example, how
languages developed or how different strains of a virus (such as HIV
or influenza) are related to each other.
This self-contained book addresses the underlying mathematical theory
behind the reconstruction and analysis of phylogenies. The theory is
grounded in classical concepts from discrete mathematics and
probability theory as well as techniques from other branches of
mathematics (algebra, topology, differential equations). The
biological relevance of the results is highlighted throughout.
In Phylogeny: Discrete and Random Processes in Evolution, the author
supplies proofs of key classical theorems and includes results not
covered in existing books, emphasizes relevant mathematical results
derived over the past 20 years, and provides numerous exercises,
examples, and figures.
To order or for more about this book, including links to its table of
contents, preface, and index, please visit
From: Sigal Gottlieb [email protected]
Date: October 05, 2016
Subject: Deadline Ext: Frontiers in Applied and Computational Math, USA, Jan 2017
The conference "Frontiers in Applied and Computational Math" in honor
of Chi-Wang Shu's 60th birthday will take place in January 4-6, 2017.
The deadline for funding and for poster presentations is
approaching. We will consider all applications submitted by October
15th, 2016. To a apply, please register at the website
From: Amaziane [email protected]
Date: October 05, 2016
Subject: MAMERN VII-2017, Morocco, May 2017
7th International Conference on Approximation Methods and Numerical
Modeling in Environment and Natural Resources (MAMERN VII-2017)
May 17-20, 2017, Oujda, Morocco
Contact: [email protected]
Deadline for submission of abstracts: 3rd February 2017
Topics: Approximation and modeling applied to environment sciences and
natural resources; New applications and developments in approximation
methods; Mathematics and computation in geosciences; Modeling of
ecosystems; Oceanographic and coastal engineering; Numerical modeling
of flow and transport in porous media; Mathematical analysis of models
in porous media; Multi-Scale Modeling of Flow and Transport in Porous
Media; Statistical modeling in geosciences; Stochastic partial
differential equations
Selected papers from MAMERN VII-2017 will be published, after a
refereeing process, as a Special Issue of the Journal MATHEMATICS AND
From: Raimondas Ciegis [email protected]
Date: October 12, 2016
Subject: Mathematical Modelling and Analysis, Lithuania, May 2017
Mathematical Modelling and Analysis (MMA2017)
May 30-- June 2 2017, Druskininkai, Lithuania
The Conference focuses on various aspects of mathematical modelling
and usage of numerical methods in solving modern problems of science
and engineering. It aims, in particular, at fostering a cooperation
among practitioners and theoreticians in this field. The Basic Topics:
Analysis of numerical methods for solving problems of mathematical
physics; Application of numerical methods to industrial and
engineering problems; Inverse and Ill-Posed Problems; Analysis and
applications of ODE and PDE problems; Parallel algorithms and parallel
computing; Scientific computation; Financial mathematics and
mathematics in economics.
Abstracts and Proceedings: Authors are requested to send an abstract
(1 page) before March 15, 2017 by e-mail: [email protected]
Conference Materials: The selected papers of the MMA2017 Conference
will be published in Vol.23 of "Mathematical Modelling and Analysis"
(The Baltic Journal on Mathematical Applications, Numerical Analysis
and Differential Equations),
Questions regarding MMA2017 should be addressed to e-mail:
[email protected] . Information about the conference MMA2017 can be
found also on the home page at
From: Alfredo Bellen [email protected]
Date: October 05, 2016
Subject: Dobbiaco Summer School in Numerical Analysis, Italy, Jun 2017
The 15th "Dobbiaco Summer School in Numerical Analysis" will take
place from 18 to 23 June 2017 at Dobbiaco/Toblach, Italy.
During the school, two leading specialists in the field will present a
series of 90 minutes long lectures on the topic. The school is
intended for PhD students and young researchers. The lecturers will
be: Mark Girolami, Imperial College London, London (United Kingdom)
and Philipp Hennig, Max Plank Institute for Intelligent Systems,
Tubingen (Germany).
For early bird registration and further information on the summer
school, see
Please note that the number of participants is limited.
Alfredo Bellen, Stefano Maset, Marino Zennaro (Trieste, Italy)
Alexander Ostermann (Innsbruck, Austria)
From: Karol Mikula [email protected]
Date: October 08, 2016
Subject: Equadiff 2017, Slovakia, Jul 2017
We would like to inform you that the next Equadiff conference will be
held in Bratislava, Slovakia on July 24-28, 2017 and we cordially
invite you and your colleagues to attend this traditional event. The
registration and further information is available at the conference
web page .
The Equadiff is a series of biannual conferences on mathematical
analysis, numerical approximation and applications of differential
equations. It is held in rotation in the Czech Republic, Slovakia and
Western Europe. During the last decades the Equadiff has clearly
developed into the world platform for international exchange of ideas
on all mathematical and numerical aspects of differential equations,
ranging from fundamental concepts to applications.
From: Iain Duff [email protected]
Date: October 10, 2016
Subject: Sparse Days at CERFACS, France, Sep 2017
The annual Sparse Days meeting will be held in Toulouse on 7 and 8
September 2017.
The meeting has moved from its normal June slot because of other
meetings in June and the fact that CERFACS will be celebrating its
30th anniversary on 11 and 12 May.
More communications on this event will follow shortly.
From: Victoria Howle [email protected]
Date: October 05, 2016
Subject: Faculty Positions, Computation Mathematics, Texas Tech Univ
The Department of Mathematics and Statistics at Texas Tech University
invites applications for six tenure-track positions beginning Fall
2017. While preference will be given to junior faculty candidates for
the rank of assistant professor, candidates with very strong records
of research productivity who will bring externally sponsored research
to Texas Tech will be considered for associate or full professor
ranks. The department seeks candidates who will be engaged in
nationally visible scholarship, establish externally-funded research
programs, interact with the existing research groups, participate in
interdisciplinary collaborations and service, involve graduate
students in their research, and show excellence in teaching at the
graduate and undergraduate levels. A Ph.D. degree in mathematics,
applied mathematics, statistics, or a related area, at the time of
appointment, is required. A demonstrated record of peer reviewed
publication is expected. Senior applicants are expected to provide a
strong record of scholarly research, teaching effectiveness, and
professional service.
Candidates should apply at using the
appropriate requisition number, as follows: 1). Mathematical sciences
- requisition #7946BR; 2). Computational mathematics - requisition
#7947BR; 3). Biomathematics - requisition #7948BR; 4). Statistics -
requisition #7949BR.
As an Equal Employment Opportunity/Affirmative Action employer, Texas
Tech University is dedicated to the goal of building a culturally
diverse faculty committed to teaching and working in a multicultural
environment. We actively encourage applications from all those who can
contribute, through their research, teaching, and service, to the
diversity and excellence of the academic community at Texas Tech
University. The university welcomes applications from minorities,
women, veterans, persons with disabilities, and dual-career couples.
From: Arnold Kim [email protected]
Date: October 06, 2016
Subject: Faculty Positions, UC Merced
The School of Natural Sciences at UC Merced invites applications for
three new faculty in Applied Mathematics starting July 1, 2017 at the
rank of tenure-track Assistant Professor. For one of these positions,
we are seeking exceptionally qualified candidates with expertise in
statistics, probability, and/or stochastic processes. For the other
two, we are seeking all exceptionally qualified candidates in applied
mathematics areas. A Ph.D. in Applied Mathematics, Statistics, or a
related scientific field, demonstrated excellence in research,
teaching, and strong interpersonal communication skills are required.
To apply to the position in statistics, probability, and/or stochastic
processes, visit To
apply to the position in applied mathematics, visit The deadline for all
applications is October 31, 2016.
For more information, contact Harish S. Bhat: [email protected] for
the statistics position and contact Arnold D. Kim: [email protected]
for the applied mathematics positions.
From: Matthew Silver [email protected]
Date: October 07, 2016
Subject: Faculty Postition, Mathematics, Univ of California, Davis
The Department of Mathematics at the University of California, Davis
invites applications for an Assistant Professor (tenure-track) faculty
position in the areas of Mathematical Optimization and Data Analytics
starting July 1, 2017.
Minimum qualifications for the position include a Ph.D. degree or its
equivalent in the Mathematical Sciences or a related field and
excellent potential for performance in teaching and research. Duties
include mathematical research, undergraduate and graduate teaching,
and departmental, university and professional service. Candidates are
expected to engage in interdisciplinary research within the UC Davis
Data Science Initiative.
Additional information about the Department may be found at
Applications will be accepted until the position is filled. For full
consideration, completed applications should be received by December
15, 2016. To apply: submit the AMS Cover Sheet and supporting
documentation electronically through
The University of California, Davis, is an affirmative action/equal
opportunity employer with a strong institutional commitment to the
achievement of diversity among its faculty and staff.
From: Jun Liu [email protected]
Date: October 06, 2016
Subject: Tenure-Track Positions, Computational/Applied Math, Jackson State Univ
The Department of Mathematics and Statistical Sciences at Jackson
State University invites applications from excellent candidates for
two positions in Mathematics with emphasis in scientific computing and
the application of Mathematics outside of the discipline prior to the
start of the Fall 2017 semester. Applicants with
Computational/Applied Statistics background are also encouraged to
For more information please refer to the HR job postings: (open rank) (assistant professor)
Informal enquiries may be addressed to:
Dr. Roosevelt Gentry,
[email protected] (Hiring Committee Chair)
Dr. Tor A. Kwembe,
[email protected] (Department Chair)
From: University of Pittsburgh, Swanson School of Engineering [email protected]
Date: October 05, 2016
Subject: Tenured Track Position, Thermal Sciences
Thermal Sciences Faculty Position Opening
Department of Mechanical Engineering and Materials Science
The University of Pittsburgh
The Department of Mechanical Engineering and Materials Science (MEMS)
at the University of Pittsburgh (Pitt) invites applications for a
tenure-track or tenured position in the Thermal Sciences area.
Successful applicants should have the ability to build an externally
funded research program, as well as contribute to the teaching mission
of the Mechanical Engineering programs. Applicants should have a PhD
or ScD in Mechanical Engineering or a related field. Applicants with
outstanding track records at the associate professor level are
encouraged to apply. We are seeking applicants who have strong
interdisciplinary interests, who can collaborate across disciplines of
engineering. We are particularly interested in candidates with
expertise in the following areas: Heat transfer and Thermophysics;
Novel experimental approaches to thermal transport; and Thermoscience
related emerging areas. The Department of Mechanical Engineering and
Materials Science has 28 tenured or tenure-track faculty members who
generate over $6 million in annual research expenditures. The
National Research Council (NRC) has recently placed Mechanical
Engineering at Pitt as top 20 among public universities. The
Department maintains cutting edge experimental and computational
facilities in advanced manufacturing and design, materials for extreme
conditions, biomechanics and medical technologies, modeling and
simulation, energy system technologies, and quantitative and in situ
materials characterization. The successful candidate for these
position will benefit from the resources, support, and
multidisciplinary research environment fostered by the University of
Pittsburgh's Mascaro Center for Sustainable Innovation
(, Center for Energy
( and Center for Simulation and Modeling
(, as well as the Pittsburgh Supercomputing
Center ( Qualified applicants should submit their
application electronically to pitt- [email protected]. The
application should include the following materials in pdf form: a
curriculum vitae, a statement of research interests and teaching
philosophy, and a list of at least three references. Review of
applications will begin on October 1, 2016, and continue until the
position is filled. The successful applicant will be expected to
contribute to the department's inclusive excellence goals, and must be
committed to high quality teaching for a diverse student body at both
the undergraduate and graduate levels. Candidates from groups
traditionally underrepresented in engineering are strongly encouraged
to apply. The University of Pittsburgh is an equal
opportunity/affirmative action employer.
From: Miguel A. Benítez [email protected]
Date: October 06, 2016
Subject: Postdoc Positions, BCAM
BCAM offers four postdoctoral positions in the following research
areas: Harmonic Analysis and Differential Equations, CFD Computational
Technology, Mathematical Modelling in Biosciences and Fluid Mechanics.
The conditions of the offer are the following: 2 year contract. 100%
dedication. The gross annual salary of the Fellowships will be EUR
28.000 - 30.000. There is a moving allowance for those researchers
that come from a research institution outside the Basque Country from
EUR 1.000 to EUR 2.000 gross. Free access to the Public Health System
in Spain is provided to all employees. New Postdoctoral Fellows are
expected to join BCAM by the beginning of 2017.
General requirements: Promising young researchers. Applicants must
have their PhD completed before the end of 2016. Ability to
effectively communicate and present research ideas to researchers with
different background. Ability to clearly present and publish research
outcomes in spoken (talks) and written (papers) form. Good command of
spoken and written English. For specific requirements per position
and to proceed with your application please click on the ''Apply
through website'' button.
More information:
From: Lars Grasedyck [email protected]
Date: October 10, 2016
Subject: PhD/Postdoc Position, Scientific Computing, RWTH Univ Aachen
The Institute for Geometry and Practical Mathematics (IGPM) of the
RWTH University Aachen (Germany) is offering a
PhD (or young PostDoc) position
(wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin, 100% TVL-13, 3 years)
within the DFG priority program 1886 on Polymorphic Uncertainty
Modelling for the Numerical Design of Structures.
We seek candidates with a Master's degree in mathematics and basic
knowledge in numerical analysis of partial differential equations
and/or numerical linear algebra. The topic of the project is the use
of hierarchical low rank tensor techniques for efficient model
reduction and polymorphic uncertainty quantification.
The position is to be filled by January 2016, but the starting date is
quite flexible. Applications including a CV and copies of relevant
certificates should be sent (as soon as possible) to
Lars Grasedyck
Institut f. Geometrie u. Praktische Mathematik
RWTH Aachen
Templergraben 55
52056 Aachen
or via email to [email protected]
From: Nathan Krislock [email protected]
Date: October 10, 2016
Subject: DAM & JOGO Special Issues on Distance Geometry
Following the Distance Geometry Theory and Applications (DGTA16)
workshop, organized at DIMACS last July 2016
(, we are calling for
contributions to two special journal issues dedicated to the topics of
the workshop, but open to everyone: one in Discrete Applied
Mathematics (DAM) and the other in the Journal of Global Optimization
(JOGO). Both of these issues will be co-edited by:
- Farid Alizadeh (Rutgers University, USA)
- Douglas Goncalves (Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Brazil)
- Nathan Krislock (Northern Illinois University, USA)
- Leo Liberti (CNRS & Ecole Polytechnique, France).
The DAM special issue is especially suitable to papers with elements
of combinatorics, or purely theoretical papers. The JOGO special issue
is more suitable to papers in nonlinear optimization, particularly if
they involve many (or mainly) continuous decision variables, and if
they have a computational section.
The submission deadline is 31st December 2016. Submissions are made
through the respective web editorial managers:
- DAM (Elsevier):
- JOGO (Springer):
When submitting you must select "DGTA16 special issue" as the paper
Feel free to get in touch with any of us if you want to ask us for
advice on your submission. In general, a heads up about a paper you
want to submit to these issues is welcome!
From: Stefano De Marchi [email protected]
Date: October 12, 2016
Subject: Contents, Dolomites Research Notes on Approximation, 9
Dolomites Research Notes on Approximation
Volume 9 - Special Issue of the min-workshop
"Kernel-based Methods and Function Approximation 2016"
held in Torino on February 5, 2016
Guest editors report: Roberto Cavoretto, Alessandra De Rossi,
Kernel-based Methods and Function Approximation 2016
Alessandra De Rossi, Emma Perracchione, Ezio Venturino, Fast strategy
for PU interpolation: An application for the reconstruction of
separatrix manifolds
Emma Perracchione, Ilaria Stura, RBF kernel method and its
applications to clinical data pages: 13-18
Stefano De Marchi, Armin Iske, Amos Sironi, Kernel-based Image
Reconstruction from Scattered Radon Data
Francesco Dell'Accio, Filomena Di Tommaso, Scattered data
interpolation by Shepard's like methods: classical results and recent
Donatella Occorsio, Approximation of a weighted Hilbert transform by
using perturbed Laguerre zeros
For details see:
End of Digest