NA Digest Tuesday, May 26, 2015 Volume 15 : Issue 21

Today's Editor:
Daniel M. Dunlavy
Sandia National Labs
[email protected]

Submissions for NA Digest:


From: Beauzamy [email protected]
Date: May 19, 2015
Subject: Results of the 6th competitive game

The results of the 6th competitive game "uncertainties in GPS
positioning" are available (with a few comments) at:

Best regards,
Bernard Beauzamy


From: Pamela Bye [email protected]
Date: May 20, 2015
Subject: IMA Maths in Finance, UK, Jun 2015

18 – 19 June 2015
University of Manchester

The purpose of the conference is to bring together academics and
practitioners interested in mathematical modelling in finance. We
invite researchers whose research work contains a strong Mathematical
element to attend. We have included a broad range of topics with the
aim to expose participants to models, ideas and techniques that they
may not be aware of, and to foster future collaborations.

Papers were invited on the following themes:
- Computational Finance high dimensional problems, simulation
techniques, PDE methods
- Energy Markets: market regulation and monitoring, competition and
investment, commodity pricing and risk management
- Risk: credit risk modelling, liquidity risk, counterparty risk
- Operations Research: game theory, network optimisation, revenue
management, portfolio optimisation
- Real Options: competition, optimal investment

Invited Speakers:
- Rui Carvalho (University of Cambridge)
- Tim Johnson (Heriot-Watt University)
- Christoph Reisinger (University of Oxford)
- Alex Weissensteiner (Technical University of Denmark)

Further information


From: Wil Schilders [email protected]
Date: May 19, 2015
Subject: Preconditioning 2015, Netherlands, Jun 2015

The full program for Precon 2015 is now available on the website: It is a very
interesting program with the latest developments in
preconditioning. Furthermore, there will be an evening lecture by Henk
van der Vorst and Koos Meijerink on "40 years of preconditioning in
The Netherlands" to be held in the Van Abbe museum of modern arts in
Eindhoven. It is still possible to register at the early bird rates
until May 31. Please consult the website for more information, and for


From: Dongbin Xiu [email protected]
Date: May 19, 2015
Subject: UQ Conference (QUEST), China, Oct 2015

On behalf of the organizing committee, we would like to invite you to
take part in the first International Conference on Quantification of
Uncertainty in Engineering, Sciences and Technology (QUEST). The
QUESTconference will be held in Beihang University, Beijing, China,
during October 19th-23rd, 2015. The conference will bring together
leading researchers from a large variety of disciplines including
mathematics, computer science, engineering, social sciences, etc. to
discuss the latest developments in uncertainty quantification (UQ).
Representative focal areas include, but are not limited to, stochastic
methods, data science, material, bio-engineering, aerospace
engineering, environmental science, hydrology, etc.

Preliminary information about the conference can be found at The website will be under constant update.

Please respond by May 31st, 2015 about your decision. We sincerely
hope you will be able to join the conference and we are very much
looking forward to your presence at QUEST.


From: David Gleich [email protected]
Date: May 25, 2015
Subject: WAW2015, Netherlands, Dec 2015

The 12th Workshop on Algorithms and Models for the Web Graph (WAW
2015) will take place in Eindhoven, Netherlands on December 10-11,
2015. Please visit for info.

This year, WAW will be collocated with a school on complex networks
and graph models held on December 7-8, 2015 with a collaborative
project day on December 9. There will be a separate announcement with
additional details on the school.

WAW 2015 invites original research papers on all mathematical and
algorithmic aspects of graph algorithms and graph models especially
papers that espouse the view of complex data as networks.

Submissions are invited in, but not limited to, the following areas:
- Algorithms: graph algorithms, clustering, collaborative filtering.
- Analysis: structural properties, visualization, communities,
real-world random graph models, processes on random graphs.
- Data Models: graph models, evolution, trust and reputation networks.
- Applications: web mining, social applications, web search and
ranking, recommender systems, citation analysis, biological
networks, molecular networks, other complex network models.

The workshop proceedings will be published as a Springer LNCS volume.
Paper submissions July 25, 2015; notifications by Sept. 11, 2015.


From: Esmond G. Ng [email protected]
Date: May 20, 2015
Subject: Scalable Solvers Group Lead Position, Berkeley Lab

The Scalable Solvers Group in the Computational Research Division at
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory is looking for a group lead.
The successful candidate will join the Scalable Solvers Group as a
career staff scientist or senior scientist, depending on
qualifications, and will lead and manage the group. There will be
opportunities for the success candidate to conduct research and
development in areas related to the solution of large-scale algebraic
systems, with an emphasis on high-performance computing on forthcoming
extreme-scale computer architectures.

The Scalable Solvers Group develops and implements state-of-the-art
algorithms for solving large-scale algebraic systems, including, but
not limiting to, systems of linear equations, systems of nonlinear
equations, and eigenvalue problems, on massively parallel computer
architectures. Many of the algorithms are available and have been
distributed in the form of software packages. By collaborating with
domain scientists, the group applies the algebraic solvers developed
to solve a variety of scientific problems that are central to the
mission of the U.S. Department of Energy. Information on the group is
available at

Qualified candidates with complementary expertise in new scientific
areas are highly desired.

Full postings of the group lead position can be found at

The posting shall remain open until the position is filled, however
for full consideration, please apply by August 31, 2015.


From: Sylvain Vallaghe [email protected]
Date: May 18, 2015
Subject: Postdoc Position, Computational Science, EPFL, Switzerland

In the frame of an exciting industrial grant between Prof. Picasso’s
group at EPFL MATHICSE and the company Akselos, we're looking for a
computational scientist/applied mathematician to work at EPFL MATHICSE
on R&D problems that are relevant to Akselos customers.

Akselos is an MIT spin-off that is providing a revolutionary new
cloud-based approach for large-scale engineering simulations.

Job description: The component-based reduced basis technology combines
the strengths of domain decomposition and model reduction techniques
in order to reach unprecedented simulation speed (around 1000 times
faster than traditional Finite Element). The successful candidate will
join a 2 year project focused on extending the current technology.

The ideal candidate will have the following skills:
- Solid understanding of mathematical foundations of Finite Element
Analysis (FEA),
- Previous development of FEA software,
- Software engineering practices (revision control, continuous
integration, agile development, etc),
- Advanced C++ expertise (STL, C++11),
- Experience with implementation of numerical methods,
- Experience with open source C++ FEA or CFD libraries is a plus
(e.g. libMesh, Deal.II, DUNE, OpenFOAM, PETSc, etc),
- Experience with model reduction techniques is a plus.

Send resume and cover letter to [email protected] .

More information:
Relevant publication: doi:10.1186/2213-7467-1-3


From: Eric Miller [email protected]
Date: May 18, 2015
Subject: Postdoc Position, X-ray Imaging, Tufts Univ

Applications are invited for a postdoctoral position in the Laboratory
for Imaging Science Research (LaISR) in the Tufts University Dept. of
Electrical and Computer Engineering. This appointment would be for 18
months, with an estimated start date of September 2015, for a project
entitled “3D Reconstruction Methods for Novel Sparse-view Energy-
discriminating Computed Tomography System.” Under this project, the
fellow will work with Tufts faculty and industrial collaborators to
perform research in the area of limited view, multi-energy X-ray
reconstruction methods with the goal of developing next-generation
airport baggage scanning systems. In particular, we are developing
iterative methods that can exploit novel system geometries and can
combine energy-resolved X- ray measurements from a sensors operating
at varying levels of energy resolution. While previous experience in
CT reconstruction would be ideal, we welcome applicants with
significant experience in related fields including inverse problems,
statistical signal processing, sparse signal or image processing,
compressive sensing, and computational modeling. Interested
applicants should send a cover letter detailing their research
interests and career goals, CV, and names and contact information of 3
references to Dr. Brian Tracey ([email protected]).


From: Michael Bader [email protected]
Date: May 20, 2015
Subject: Postdoc and PhD Positions, Exascale Simulations

Postdoc and PhD positions in Exascale Simulations of Earthquakes and
Binary Neutron Stars (at Technische Universität München, University of
Trento, Durham University, Frankfurt Institute of Advanced Studies and
Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München).

ExaHyPE is a new project to be funded by the European Horizon 2020
initiative. ExaHyPE's mission is to develop a novel simulation engine
for hyperbolic PDE problems at exascale. Within the four-year project
period, we tackle grand-challenge simulations in Seismology and
Astrophysics. Applications include multi-physics earthquake events,
exploration scenarios and seismic hazard assessment, as well as the
collapse of a binary neutron star system with the anticipated
gravitational wave signal. The underlying simulation engine will be
based on high-order discontinuous Galerkin discretization on
dynamically adaptive Cartesian grids.

ExaHyPE brings together researchers in HPC, numerical mathematics,
computational seismology and computational astrophysics on a highly
interdisciplinary challenge. To join our ExaHyPE project team, we call
for applications for the following positions:

Project Coordinator (PostDoc position): In the ExaHyPE project, you
will coordinate the joint research, software development and outreach,
and you will work actively towards an interdisciplinary, networked,
productive team. We are therefore looking for a postdoc researcher
with excellent interdisciplinary background and strong motivation to
drive cooperative research in an international team of young
researchers. Ideally, you have worked with discontinuous Galerkin
methods in HPC environments before, however, we see the ability and
passion to integrate and learn new techniques as your most important

Research Assistants: At each of the university partners, we offer one
or two positions as research assistant. All positions offer excellent
research training opportunities to obtain a PhD degree. If you have
earned your master degree (or will earn it in the near future) in a
field related to computational science, high performance computing,
seismology or astrophysics, please send your application to the
ExaHyPE team.

Applications will be considered until the positions are filled. To
enable a project start at Oct 1, 2015, we request applications before
June 30 (esp. for the coordinator position). Please send a single PDF
document, to [email protected].


From: Arnaud Knippel [email protected]
Date: May 19, 2015
Subject: PhD Position, Applied Mathematics, INSA Rouen

A position as research fellow (PhD candidate) in applied mathematics
is available at INSA Rouen in the Laboratory of Mathematics (LMI -

The PhD candidate will be a member of the XTerM project, a regional
project on complex systems. The work will consist in the analysis of
dynamic fluxes on graphs.

The position is open for three years starting october 1st. Candidates
should have a MSc/M2 in mathematics, computer science or relative
fields with some knowledge of graph theory and dynamical systems.

Contact me and Jean-Guy Caputo ([email protected],
[email protected]) before June 15 for more information or
send CV, grades of the last two years and reference letters.


From: Lars Elden [email protected]
Date: May 25, 2015
Subject: Contents, BIT Numerical Mathematics, 55 (2)

BIT Numerical Mathematics
Volume 55, Issue 2, June 2015

On the positivity of Poisson integrators for the Lotka–Volterra
equations, Mélanie Beck, Martin J. Gander

Generalized grid transfer operators for multigrid methods applied on
Toeplitz matrices, Matthias Bolten, Marco Donatelli, Thomas Huckle…

A high-order accurate accelerated direct solver for acoustic
scattering from surfaces, James Bremer, Adrianna Gillman, Per-Gunnar

A continuation multilevel Monte Carlo algorithm, Nathan Collier,
Abdul-Lateef Haji-Ali, Fabio Nobile

A well-balanced and asymptotic-preserving scheme for the one-
dimensional linear Dirac equation, Laurent Gosse

Comparison of approximate shape gradients, R. Hiptmair, A. Paganini,
S. Sargheini

Stability analysis of Crank–Nicolson and Euler schemes for time-
dependent diffusion equations, Cassio M. Oishi, Jin Y. Yuan, Jose
A. Cuminato…

A review on numerical schemes for solving a linear stochastic
oscillator, M. J. Senosiain, A. Tocino

Stiffness 1952–2012: Sixty years in search of a definition, Gustaf
Söderlind, Laurent Jay, Manuel Calvo

Inner products of box splines and their derivatives, Hendrik Speleers

A damped semismooth Newton method for the Brugnano–Casulli piecewise
linear system, Zhe Sun, Lei Wu, Zhe Liu

On the application of GMRES to oscillatory singular integral
equations, Thomas Trogdon


From: Ed Saff [email protected]
Date: May 26, 2015
Subject: Contents, Constructive Approximation, 41 (3)

Constructive Approximation
Volume 41 Number 3
Special Issue on Painleve Equations - Part II
Table of Contents

Introduction, Percy Deift and Alexander Its, Pages 325-334

Isomonodromic Deformations and Painleve Equations, Mikhail V. Babich,
Pages 335-356

New 2x2-Matrix Linear Problems for the Painleve Equations III, V,
G. Aminov and S. Arthamonov, Pages 357-383

Classical-Quantum Correspondence and Functional Relations for Painleve
Equations, Anton Zabrodin and Andrey Zotov, Pages 385-423

On the Tritronquee Solutions of P^2_I, Andrei Kapaev, Christian Klein,
and Tamara Grava, Pages 425-466

Tronquee Solutions of the Painleve Equation PI, O. Costin,
R.D. Costin, and M. Huang, Pages 467-494

A Review on the Sixth Painleve Equation, Davide Guzzetti, Pages

Asymptotics of Orthogonal Polynomials with Complex Varying Quartic
Weight: Critical Point Behavior and the First Painleve Equation,
M. Bertola and A. Tovbis, Pages 529-587

Painleve II in Random Matrix Theory and Related Fields, Peter
J. Forrester and Nicholas S. Witte, Pages 589-613

Integrable Aspects of Universal Quantum Transport in Chaotic Cavities,
Eugene Kanzieper, Pages 615-651

Volume 41 Number 3 of Constructive Approximation is now available on
the SpringerLink web site at


From: SibJNM [email protected]
Date: May 20, 2015
Subject: Contents, Siberian J of Numerical Mathematics, 18 (1-2)

CONTENTS, Siberian Journal of Numerical Mathematics
Volume 18, No. 1, 2015

For information to contributors and about subscriptions

Aleksandrov V.M., Computing optimal internal control of linear system
(in Russian), pp. 1-13

Artemiev S.S., Ivanov A.A., Smirnov D.D., New frequency
characteristics of the numerical solutions of stochastic differential
equations (in Russian), pp. 15-26

Borovko I.V., Krupchatnikov V.N., Simulation of reaction of the Hadley
cell and extratropical troposphere stratification on the climate
changes using a general atmosphere circulation of a medium complexity
(in Russian), pp. 27-40

Gervich L.R., Kravchenko E.N., Steinberg B.Y., Yurushkin M.V.,
Automatic program parallelization with block data distribution (in
Russian), pp. 41-53

Kozak A.V., Khanin D.I., Approximate solution of large systems of
equations with multi- dimensional Toeplitz matrices (in Russian),
pp. 55-64

Mohanty R.K., Talwar Jyoti., A new coupled reduced alternating group
explicit method for non- linear singular two point boundary value
problems on a variable mesh (in Russian), pp. 65-78

Tarakanov V.I., Dubovik A.O., Iterative algorithm for calculation
spectral parameters of quadratic bunch operators in the Hilbert space
(in Russian), pp. 79-93

Khatuntseva O.N., Method for description of heat transfer processes in
fractal systems using scale variable (in Russian), pp. 95-105

CONTENTS, Siberian Journal of Numerical Mathematics
Volume 18, No. 2, 2015

Antonova T.V., Methods of identifying a parameter in the kernel of the
first kind equation of the convolution type on the class of functions
with discontinuities (in Russian), pp. 107-120

Artemiev S.S., Ivanov A.A., Analysis of the effect of random noise on
the strange attractors of Monte Carlo on a supercomputer (in Russian),
pp. 121-134

Voronin K.V., Laevsky Yu.M., On the stability of some flux splitting
schemes (in Russian), pp. 135-145

Gusev S.A., Application of SDE's to estimating the solution of heat
equations with discontinuous coefficients (in Russian), pp. 147-161

Kotel'nikov E.A., Non-convex minimization of a quadratic function on a
sphere (in Russian), pp. 163-176

A.G. Nikolaev, E.A. Tanchik, The first boundary value problem of
elasticity theory for a cylinder with $N$ cylindrical cavities (in
Russian), pp. 177-189

Saveliev L.Ya., Calculation of the number of states in binary Markov
stochastic models (in Russian), pp. 191-200

Stepanova L.V., Igonin S.A., Asymptotics of the near crack-tip stress
field of a fatigue growing crack in damaged materials: numerical
experiment and analytical solution (in Russian), pp. 201-217

Shkarupa E.V., Comparison of approaches to optimization of functional
statistical modeling algorithms in the metric of the space \C (in
Russian), pp. 219-234

End of Digest