From: Lars Eldén [email protected]
Date: May 08, 2015
Subject: Axel Ruhe
Axel Ruhe passed away April 4 while skiing in the Swedish mountains.
Axel has made many profound contributions to numerical linear algebra
and scientific computing over the years. Since 2003 he was
Editor-in-Chief of the journal "BIT - Numerical Mathematics". Axel
was lively and always full of energy. It is very sad and a great loss
that Axel is not with us anymore. He will be long remembered.
Bo Kågström and Lars Eldén
Lars Eldén has taken over as editor-in-chief for BIT
From: Joseph Traub [email protected]
Date: May 05, 2015
Subject: Peter Kritzer Wins Information-based Complexity Prize
The recipient of the 2015 IBC Prize is Peter Kritzer, Department of
Financial Mathematics, University of Linz, Austria. The prize consists
of $3000 and a plaque, to be presented at the Seminar on Algorithms
and Complexity for Continuous Problems, Schloss Dagstuhl, Germany,
September 2015.
This annual prize is given for outstanding contributions to
information- based complexity.
From: Joseph Traub [email protected]
Date: May 05, 2015
Subject: Nominations, Achievement in Information-Based Complexity
This annual prize is for outstanding achievement in information-based
complexity. It consists of $3000 and a plaque which will be awarded on
a suitable occasion. The members of the prize committee would
appreciate nominations for the prize. However, a person does not have
to be nominated to win the award. Nominations may be sent to Joseph F.
Traub at [email protected].
The deadline for the nominations is March 31, 2016. The award can be
based on work done in a single year, in a number of years, or over a
lifetime. The work can be published in any journal, in a number of
journals, or as monographs.
From: Gilbert Strang [email protected]
Date: May 09, 2015
Subject: News for the Book, Differential Equations and Linear Algebra
This book combines the two key courses in undergraduate mathematics.
The Solution Manual has just been added to the book's website
http://math.mit.edu/dela plus a sample section from each chapter.
This textbook was reviewed by Robert O'Malley in the December 2014
SIAM Review. A series of 52 video lectures is coming on
OpenCourseWare http://ocw.mit.edu and on MathWorks.com and on YouTube
-- to give readers (including all students) an active presentation of
each key idea in understanding and solving ODEs.
From: Dr. Anja Milde [email protected]
Date: May 05, 2015
Subject: Space & Time Modeling Day Germany, Germany, Jun 2015
June 11, 2015 - Print Media Academy - Heidelberg, Germany
The 9th Modeling Day on “Space & Time†takes place on June 11, 2015,
at the Print Media Academy in Heidelberg. The half-day event starts at
2PM and offers a platform for both practitioners and scientists to
discuss innovations, determine similarities and differences of applied
modeling approaches, as well as maintain mutual exchange of

This Modeling Day aims at contributing to communication between
industry and university within the complex issue “Space & Timeâ€. 

The Modeling Day will solely be held in German.

 Participation is
free of charge.
This event is organized by the Heidelberg Graduate School of
Mathematical and Computational Methods for the Sciences (HGS
MathComp), in cooperation with BASF SE, InnovationLab GmbH, and IHK
For further information, please visit the event’s website at
http://www.modellierungstag.de .
From: Iain Duff [email protected]
Date: May 08, 2015
Subject: Sparse Days in St Girons III, France, Jun 2015
The deadline for registrations for the St Girons conference is 24th
May. This conference will be held in St Girons near Toulouse from 29
June to 2 July 2015. Previous conferences were held in 1994 and 2003
and a similar pattern will be followed for this meeting.
You are invited to attend or to give a talk on any area relevant to
the title of the conference. There will also be a poster session.
Registration is available from the website
http://cimi-semester-hpc.fr/ by clicking on the Registration flag for
the Conference. On this web site, you can find the current (very)
tentative programme, and a partial list of confirmed participants.
There is still space on the programme for further talks that should
ordinarily be for a 30 minute time slot.
A public lecture by Jack Dongarra and Satoshi Matsuoka in Toulouse on
2nd July is also open for registration via the same web address.
Registration for this event is free but mandatory.
From: Christian Vergara [email protected]
Date: May 08, 2015
Subject: Integrated models for computational medicine, Italy, Jul 2015
During the period July 20-31, 2015 the graduate course in "Integrated
models for computational medicine" will be held in Cortona at
Palazzone of the Scuola Normale Superiore, under the sponsorship of
the Consorzio per l’Alta Formazione in Matematica (CIAFM), the Italian
Ministery of University and Research (MUR) and Istituto di Alta
Matematica (INdAM).
The course will be divided into two modules:
i) Geometrical multiscale models of the cardiovascular system;
Lecturers: L. Formaggia, C. Vergara (MOX, Politecnico di MIlano);
ii) Reduced basis, optimal control and application to cardiovascular
modeling; Lecturer: A. Quarteroni, A. Manzoni (CMCS, EPF de
For further details, see the website
From: Ilse Ipsen [email protected]
Date: May 07, 2015
Subject: SAMSI Ideas Lab on Biomed, USA, Jul 2015
The Statistical and Applied Mathematical Sciences Institute (SAMSI) is
organizing an Ideas Lab on Interdisciplinary Approaches to Biomedical
Data Science Challenges, July 20-24, 2015, jointly sponsored by NSF
and NIH. It will be an intensive five-day residential workshop aimed
at the development of multidisciplinary collaborative research
proposals motivated by large-data problems in precision medicine, and
will lead to the opportunity to submit proposals for small, 1-year
funding awards to further build the collaborations. Applications to
attend the workshop are due by May 25, 2015. Further details may be
found at www.samsi.info/ideas-lab .
From: Bo Kagstrom [email protected]
Date: May 06, 2015
Subject: BIT Circus 2015, Sweden, Aug 2015
Inspired by the former BIT Chief Editor Axel Ruhe*, we announce the
BIT Circus 2015, focusing on Numerical Mathematics and Computational
Sciences, to be held August 26-27, 2015 at Umea University, Sweden.
The circus motto is "everybody is welcome, nobody is invited", and the
main idea is that PhD students, Post-docs, and young researchers are
presenting their on-going work and exchanging ideas in their research.
Sadly, Axel Ruhe passed away suddenly on April 4, 2015. Axel
encouraged the planning of the next BIT Circus to be held during this
summer. True to his spirit and in memory of Axel, the BIT Board
supported that the next event will take place at Umea University where
Axel started his academic career as Professor.
For more information, see BIT Circus 2015 web page, with the
registration form (dead-line June 12):
We wish you most welcome,
The BIT Board and the Local Organizers
From: Ernst Hairer [email protected]
Date: May 08, 2015
Subject: New Talent Invited Speaker, SciCADE, Germany, Sep 2015
SciCADE 2015, September 14-18, 2015, Potsdam, Germany
Call for papers.
We invite applicants to submit their papers to be considered for the
New Talent Award. The topic of the paper has to be in a field that is
covered by the SciCADE conference.
The author of the best paper will be asked to give an invited lecture
at SciCADE 2015. All local expenses will be covered for this speaker,
and the registration fee will be waived as well. The criteria for
eligibility are
1. the candidate must be under 35 years old as of 1 January 2015; and
2. the candidate must not have completed their PhD more than 4 years
ago (that is, before 1 January 2011).
Submission guidelines can be found at
Deadline for New Talent submission is 31 May 2015. The paper should
be sent to Ernst Hairer ([email protected]).
For SciCADE 2015
Ernst Hairer
From: Daniel Potts [email protected]
Date: May 05, 2015
Subject: Summer School on Applied Analysis, Germany, Sep 2015
Summer School on Applied Analysis
September 21-25, 2015, Chemnitz, Germany
The summer school is devoted to applied analysis. The courses,
focusing on different aspects of applied analysis, will take place
Monday-Friday during the entire week. It is meant for training of
graduate students, Ph.D. students and young post-doc researchers. The
registration is free, but we may limit the number of participants if
There will be five general lectures given by the following speakers.
- Oliver Ernst (Technsiche Universität Chemnitz)
Mathematical methods of uncertainty quantification
- Stefan Kunis (Universität Osnabrück)
Low ranks in computational Fourier analysis
- Volker Mehrmann (Technsiche Universität Berlin)
Analysis and numerical solution of eigenvalue problems
- Frank-Olme Speck (Universidade de Lisboa, Portugal)
Operator factorization and boundary value problems
- Jan Vybiral (Charles University, Praha, Czech Republic)
Low-rank matrix recovery
Further information and online registration is available on the
website: http://www.tu-chemnitz.de/~potts/cms/
From: FULGONI Patricia [email protected]
Date: May 11, 2015
Subject: SimRace 2015, France, Dec 2015
IFP Energies nouvelles organize the conference SimRace : Numerical
methods and high performance computing for industrial fluid flows in
Rueil-Malmaison from 8 to 10 december 2015.
All information on http://www.rs-simrace.com/
Patricia Fulgoni
Tél. : 01 47 52 67 21 – [email protected]
From: Karol Mikula [email protected]
Date: May 06, 2015
Subject: ALGORITMY 2016, Slovakia, Mar 2016
20th ALGORITMY conference will be held in the High Tatra Mountains,
Slovakia on March 13-18, 2016. The conference is devoted to
computational methods, their analysis, algorithmic realization and
application to real-world problems arising from natural sciences,
engineering, technology, medicine and finance.
Invited talks include:
- Martin Gander - Iterative methods in linear algebra
- Patrick Joly - Grand piano modelling and simulation
- Cornelis W. Oosterlee - Different applications of Fourier cosine
expansions and wavelets in Computational Finance
- Stanley Osher - What sparsity and L1 optimization can do for you
- Dan Raviv - Stretchable isometric structures: Theory, Algorithms and
- Olivier Saut - Data assimilation in tumor growth modelling: towards
calibrated models using imaging devices
- Chi-Wang Shu - Bound-preserving high order schemes for
convection-dominated problems
- Karsten Urban - Reduced basis methods and industrial applications -
chances and challenges
- Martin Vohralik - Estimating a posteriori the discretization and
algebraic errors: an overview
Registration and paper submission deadline - October 31, 2015
Detailed information: http://www.math.sk/alg2016
From: Adelmann Andreas [email protected]
Date: May 05, 2015
Subject: Postdoc Position, Computational Science, PSI Switzerland
Your Profile: You hold a PhD degree with excellent grades in applied
mathematics, computational science or physics. Furthermore, you have
profound knowledge of: Particle accelerator physics or classical
mechanics, AMR (BoxLib is an advantage), PIC methods, C++, MPI
(Trilinos & Boost is an advantage) and Uncertainty quantification.
Your task:
- Continuously development of a multi scale Adaptive Mesh Refinement
(AMR), Particle in Cell (PIC) based numerical simulation model
- Uncertainty quantification of the physics and solver related
- Applying AMR and UQ to gain a detailed understanding of the
neighbouring bunch effects with respect to halo formation in the PSI
ring cyclotron and prediction for the next generation high power
cyclotrons with respect to halo formation, the most limiting factor
of megawatt class particle accelerators
For more information please visit
http://www.psi.ch/pa/offenestellen/1042 or send email to
[email protected]
From: John N. Shadid [email protected]
Date: May 08, 2015
Subject: Postdoc Postion, Computational Electromagnetics, Sandia National Labs
SNL Post-doctoral Research Position: Computational and Applied
Mathematics Research in Electromagnetics and Magnetohydrodynamics
An opening is available for a post-doctoral researcher in
computational and applied mathematics research in electromagnetics and
magnetohydrodynamics modeling in the Computational Mathematics
Department at Sandia National Laboratories.
John N. Shadid & Pavel B. Bochev
Computational Mathematics Department
Center for Computing Research
Sandia National Laboratories
Job Title: Postdoctoral Appointee - Computational Electromagnetics
Location: Albuquerque
Sandia National Laboratories is the nation's premier science and
engineering lab for national security and technology innovation. We
are a world-class team of scientists, engineers, technologists, post
docs, and visiting researchers all focused on cutting-edge technology,
ranging from homeland defense, global security, biotechnology, and
environmental preservation to energy and combustion research, computer
security, and nuclear defense. To learn more, http://www.sandia.gov.
Use the following link and follow the instructions to upload a resume,
and complete the submission process to indicate your interest in this
From: Antonella Zanna [email protected]
Date: May 05, 2015
Subject: PhD Position, Math Ed or Applied/Comp Math, Univ of Bergen
At the Department of Mathematics, University of Bergen, a position as
research fellow (PhD candidate) in either mathematics education or
applied and computational mathematics is available.
The position as research fellow is intended to give promising
candidates the opportunity to pursue advanced research leading to a
doctoral degree within mathematics education or applied and
computational mathematics. PhD candidates who speak Norwegian or
another Scandinavian language will be employed for 4 years with 25 %
of the working hours being duty work in the form of research, teaching
and dissemination of results. PhD candidates who do not speak
Norwegian or another Scandinavian language will normally be employed
for 3 years. Strategic considerations may be taken in the final
ranking of candidates and in the prioritization between the subject
areas mathematics education and applied and computational mathematics.
Closing date for applications: 2 June 2015
Detailed information about the position can be obtained by contacting
associate professor Mette Andresen, e-mail [email protected]
(didactics of mathematics) or professor Antonella Zanna, epost
[email protected] (applied and computational mathematics).
The full announcement for the position can be found at:
End of Digest