From: Tzanio Kolev [email protected]
Date: February 12, 2015
Subject: MFEM version 3.0
Version 3.0 of MFEM, a lightweight, general, scalable C++ library for
finite element methods, is now available at
The goal of MFEM is to enable research and development of scalable
finite element discretization and solver algorithms through general
finite element abstractions, accurate and flexible visualization, and
tight integration with the hypre linear solvers library. Its features
- 2D and 3D, arbitrary high-order H1, H(curl), H(div), L2 and NURBS
- Parallel version scalable to hundreds of thousands of MPI cores.
- Conforming or nonconforming adaptive mesh refinement (AMR),
including anisotropic refinement.
- Galerkin, mixed, isogeometric, DG and DPG discretizations.
- Support for triangular, quadrilateral, tetrahedral and hexahedral
elements with curved boundaries.
- Lightweight interactive OpenGL visualization with GLVis,
An interactive documentation of MFEM's serial and parallel example
codes can be found at
MFEM is freely available under LGPL 2.1.
From: Juan Carlos De los Reyes [email protected]
Date: February 15, 2015
Subject: New Book, Numerical PDE-Constrained Optimization
Numerical PDE-Constrained Optimization, Juan C. De los Reyes
Centro de Modelización Matemática (MODEMAT), Escuela Politécnica
Nacional Quito, Springer Verlag, February 2015, 123 pages, ISBN
This book introduces, in an accessible way, the basic elements of
Numerical PDE- Constrained Optimization, from the derivation of
optimality conditions to the design of solution algorithms. Numerical
optimization methods in function-spaces and their application to
PDE-constrained problems are carefully presented. The developed
results are illustrated with several examples, including linear and
nonlinear ones. MATLAB codes, for representative problems, are
included. Furthermore, recent results in the emerging field of
nonsmooth numerical PDE constrained optimization are also covered. The
book provides an overview on the derivation of optimality conditions
and on some solution algorithms for problems involving bound
constraints, state-constraints, sparsity enhancing cost functionals
and variational inequality constraints.
To order or for more details about this book, please visit:
From: Uldis Strautins [email protected]
Date: February 10, 2015
Subject: Mathematical Modelling and Analysis, Latvia, May 2015
Sigulda, Latvia, May 26-29, 2015
The Conference focuses on various aspects of mathematical modelling
and usage of numerical methods in solving modern problems of science
and engineering. It aims, in particular, at fostering cooperation
among practitioners and theoreticians in this field.
Abstract submission and registration for the conference:
Important deadlines:
Abstract submission: 15 March 2015
Registration: 15 March 2015
Notification of acceptance: 30 March 2015
From: Ilse Ipsen [email protected]
Date: February 11, 2015
Subject: Graduate Student Modeling Workshop (IMSM 2015), USA, Jul 2015
The 21st Industrial Mathematical & Statistical Modeling (IMSM)
Workshop for Graduate Students will take place at North Carolina State
University, 13-22 July 2015. The workshop is sponsored by the
Statistical and Applied Mathematical Science Institute (SAMSI)
together with the Center for Research in Scientific Computation (CRSC)
and the Department of Mathematics at North Carolina State University.
The IMSM workshop exposes graduate students in mathematics,
engineering, and statistics to exciting real-world problems from
industry and government. The workshop provides students with
experience in a research team environment and exposure to possible
career opportunities. On the first day, a Software Carpentry bootcamp
will bring students up-to-date on their programming skills in
Python/Matlab and R, and introduce them to version control systems and
software repositories.
Local expenses and travel expenses will be covered for students at US
institutions. The application deadline is 15 April 2015. Information
is available at http://www.samsi.info/IMSM15 and questions can be
directed to [email protected]
With best regards,
Ilse Ipsen, Pierre Gremaud, and Ralph Smith
From: Ondrej Bojar [email protected]
Date: February 11, 2015
Subject: Shared Task in Machine Translation Model Optimization, Portugal, Sep 2015
Tuning Task at Workshop on Statistical Machine Translation in
conjunction with EMNLP 2015 in Lisbon, Portugal
The traditional Workshop on Statistical Machine Translation (WMT) this
year includes a special shared task aimed at the optimization of two
given MT systems (EnglishCzech). The systems including their initial
configuration and a dedicated development set have been
released. Participants in the task are expected to find the best
setting of model weights, possibly adding sparse features as available
in the underlying MT system, Moses Release 3.0. Without sparse
features, there are 9 real-valued weights to set.
In the task, you are most welcome to experiment with:
- various optimizers
- various MT evaluation metrics
- various sparse features
- additional development data (non-constraint track)
or any other changes in the tuning process. Any source-code change is
permitted for the tuning phase.
If you wish to make use of our complimentary manual evaluation for
translations into Czech during your development, please register by
February 22, 2015. Otherwise, no registration for the task is needed,
just follow the instructions on the task web page:
From: Gianluigi Rozza [email protected]
Date: February 14, 2015
Subject: Model Reduction of Parametrized Systems, Italy, Oct 2015
The third edition of MoRePaS, Model Reduction of Parametrized Systems,
will be held at SISSA, International School for Advanced Studies,
Trieste, Italy on October 13-16, 2015. The workshop focuses on
several topics related with Model Order Reduction. The event is
organized by SISSA, University of Ulm and University of Muenster in
the framework of COST EU-MORNET: European Union Network on Model
Reduction, Cooperation in Science and Technology (TD 1307). More info
at the website http://www.sissa.it/morepas2015 and
http://www.morepas.org. Abstracts submission for contributed talks
will be opened soon. Abstracts are due by July 1, 2015.
From: Angela Kunoth [email protected]
Date: February 12, 2015
Subject: Call for Proposals, Location of FoCM Conference, 2017
We are currently inviting proposals for the location of the next
FoCM (Foundation of Computational Mathematics) conference to be
held in 2017, see http://focm-society.org for the call and
http://focm-society.org/conferences.php for previous conferences.
The deadline is April 30, 2015.
From: Peter Deuflhard [email protected]
Date: February 10, 2015
Subject: Faculty Positions, Beijing Center for Scientific and Engineering Computing
Beijing Center for Scientific and Engineering Computing
Faculty positions openings
BJC-SEC invites applications for positions at various levels including
postdoctoral fellows, tenure-line assistant, associate and full
professors for research and graduate student education in the center.
The salary, start-up funds, and fringe benefits for these positions
will be competitive by both domestic and international standard and
they will be commensurate with each applicant’s research credentials
and working experiences.
1. Ten postdoctoral fellow positions with annual salary up to 180,000
RMB. Some of these postdoctoral fellows will be trained abroad
(Europe and USA) in which case salary will be competitive by the
standard in the respective country.
2. Eight tenure-line assistant professor positions (details on these
positions can be found in the web site
http://zhaopin.bjut.edu.cn/rszp/index.html. There is a deadline for
this line of positions: March 5, 17:00.
3. A number of associate professor and professor positions with
competitive salary and benefit by both China and international
More detailed information on any of the above positions will be
available to interested applicants upon email request via
[email protected]
Review of applications will begin immediately, and will continue for
the next five years. Deadline only applies to the tenure-line
assistant professor position: March 5, 2015.
All applicants should submit their CV, research statement,
representative research papers, and three letters of references via
email to Ms. Ke Li ([email protected]). All application
materials should be in English.
From: Gunilla Kreiss [email protected]
Date: February 11, 2015
Subject: Postdoc Position, Scientific Computing, Uppsala Univ
Applications are invited for a PostDoctoral researcher in Scientific
Computing at Uppsala University in Sweden.
Research in Scientific Computing at Uppsala University ranges from
analysis and development of numerical methods, over numerical linear
algebra, software development and high-performance computing to
collaborative projects in computational science and engineering, and
industrial applications. More information can be found on
http://www.it.uu.se/research/scicomp. To qualify for the position, the
applicant must hold a PhD degree in a relevant field. The appointment
is for two years.
For further information about the position and instructions on how to
apply see
Deadline for the applications is March 7 2015.
From: Sabine Le Borne [email protected]
Date: February 10, 2015
Subject: PhD/PostDoc Position, Numerics, Hamburg Univ of Technology
The Math Department of Hamburg University of Technology is seeking a
PhD student or a postdoctoral scientist in the field of Numerical
Methods for PDEs. Besides research, the position includes teaching
responsibilities (in German).
The position is limited to 25 months, the salary level is according to
the German public service regulation (TV-L 13). Additional
information is available at
Please email your application including your CV until 27. February
2015 to:
Prof. S. Le Borne,
Technische Universität Hamburg-Harburg,
Institut für Mathematik,
Schwarzenbergstrasse 95,
21073 Hamburg, Germany
E-Mail: [email protected]
From: Fischer Patrick [email protected]
Date: February 10, 2015
Subject: PhD Position, Bordeaux (France) for Chinese students (CSC funding)
The Chinese Scholarship Council offers PhD fundings in France.
We propose a PhD offer in numerical/experimental fluid mechanics/ two
dimensional turbulence. Deadline: 20th of february 2015
Keywords: fluid mechanics, two dimensional turbulence, numerical
The topic of the present PhD offer is thermal convection on the
surface of a sphere with direct applications to recent experiments.
In these experiments, thermal convection is produced on the surface of
a half soap bubble, heated at its equator and whose thickness is small
enough for the flow to be confined in two dimensions (the surface of
the bubble). Other phenomena can be obtained: large isolated vortices
whose properties as well as their intensity can be measured under
different conditions. The reasons for the emergence and persistence of
these isolated vortices are still lacking. Further, the motion and
intensification of these vortices have been positively compared to the
dynamics of hurricanes and cyclones on Earth so a full understanding
of the dynamics of these vortices may be important for understanding
particular features of atmospheric flows for example. Also, rotation
of the bubble plays an important role in the behavior of the vortices
and introduces non trivial effects on the statistics of the thermal
convection. Here we will employ numerical simulations to shed light
on this problem. The fluid behavior is described using the Navier
Stokes equations for the two-dimensional thermal convection under the
Boussinesq approximation. Stereographic projection based numerical
simulations of such a situation will help bring forth detailed
information about such objects (the vortices) as well as the
statistics of the thermal convection on the surface of the bubble,
with and without rotation. The prospected PhD student will work on
the analysis of the numerical simulations as well as the experimental
data in order to make comparisons between experiments and simulations
and make progress in our understanding of the physics of this
experimental setup and its possible implications and applications.
Competences: strong background in mathematics, fluid mechanics,
numerical analysis, Fortran, Matlab, parallel computing. Some
knowledge in two-dimensional turbulence will be highly appreciated.
Students interested in this offer have to contact as soon as possible
Patrick Fischer, +33 540 002 130, [email protected] to get
the application material.
From: Oliver Junge [email protected]
Date: February 12, 2015
Subject: PhD Position, Numerics, Simulation, TUM/Siemens CT, Munich, Germany
Applications are invited for a PhD student position at the Chair for
Scientific Computing, TU Muenchen and Siemens Corporate Technology,
In the PhD thesis, hybrid models for complex engineering systems shall
be developed where some components are described by physical and
others by black box models. The model shall be consistent with the
data which will continuously be collected from sensors and inspections
on the real system. To this end, the calibration of the model to the
(noisy) data will be done by Bayesian inference. The resulting model
shall be sufficiently small in order to enable a real time simulation
under uncertainty in the systems parameters and initial conditions.
In particular, confidence intervals on future system states shall be
Prerequisites include a strong background in modeling and numerics (as
evidenced, e.g., by a master's degree in Mathematics or related
fields), very good analytical and programming skills, high motivation
for doing independent research and a creative mind. Prior knowledge on
general model order reduction strategies (e.g. Kahunen- Loewe
expansions), bifurcations and stochastics is welcome.
The salary level is according to the German public service regulation
(TV-L 13) at 50% full-time-equivalent. Applications with the usual
documents (letter of motivation, curriculum vitae, certificates, two
letters of recommendation) should be sent electronically as a single
PDF file to Prof. Dr. O. Junge ([email protected]) by March 15, 2015.
From: Len Bos [email protected]
Date: February 13, 2015
Subject: Call for Papers, Special Issue, Multivariate Approximation
We are announcing a special issue of the journal
Dolomites Research Notes on Approximation, DRNA
published by the Padova University Press, entitled:
"Ten years of the Padua Points: the state of the art in multivariate
polynomial interpolation and approximation".
The subject is intended in a broad sense, from both the theoretical
and the computational point of view, ranging from polynomial
interpolation and fitting to cubature formulas, multivariate
orthogonal polynomials, multivariate polynomial inequalities,
pluripotential theory, applications to the discretization of PDEs, and
other topics related to the subject.
We are calling for papers to be published in the special issue, after
The issue will appear (only electronically) at the end of 2015, so the
deadline for submission is July 31, 2015.
With best regards,
The Managing Editors:
Len Bos (Verona), Stefano De Marchi (Padua), Marco Vianello (Padua)
From: Pandian Vasant [email protected]
Date: February 10, 2015
Subject: Calls for Papers, Special Issue, Intl J Energy Optim and Eng
Calls for Papers (special): International Journal of Energy
Optimization and Engineering (IJEOE)
Special Issue On: Computational intelligent Algorithms and Its
Application to Real World problems
Submission Due Date: 5/15/2015
Topics to be discussed in this special issue include (but are not
limited to) the following: Imperialist Competitive Algorithm; Black
Hole Algorithm; Biogeography Based Optimization; Teaching and Learning
Based Optimization; Cuckoo Optimization Algorithm; Shuffled Frog
Leaping Algorithm; Gravitational Search Method; Firefly Algorithm;
Harmony Search Algorithm; Quantum-Inspired Binary PSO; Chaotic PSO;
Real Word Application Problems; Power Systems; Financial Engineering;
Mathematical Economics; Plug-in-Hybrid Electrical Vehicle; Thermal
Optimization; Economic Dispatch; Production Planning; Robotics,
Mechatronics, and Control; Distribution Generation; Process
Optimization; Manufacturing Industrial Problems; Scheduling Problems;
Computer Science; Oil and Gas Industrial Problems; Energy Efficiency
Problems; Solar and Wind Energy Problem; Petroleum, Electrical,
Chemical, and Mechanical Engineering
Researchers and practitioners are invited to submit papers for this
special theme issue on Computational intelligent Algorithms and Its
Application to Real World Problems on or before 15th May 2015:
Papers must follow APA style for reference citations.
All papers must be submitted through the E-Editorial DiscoveryTM
online submission manager: http://www.igi-global.com/submission/submit-manuscript/?
End of Digest