From: Oleg Burdakov [email protected]
Date: January 15, 2015
Subject: 2013 Charles Broyden Prize
The Charles Broyden prize for the best paper published in Optimization
Methods and Software (OMS) in 2013 was awarded to the paper:
"On stable piecewise linearization and generalized algorithmic
differentiation" by Andreas Griewank
that appeared in volune 28 on pages 1139-1178:
The award was established by the OMS Editorial Board and Taylor &
Francis in 2009, with a cash prize of £500.
The Broyden Prize Committee:
Frederic Bonnans, Michael Ferris (chair), Masao Fukushima,
Nickolaos Sahinidis and Ya-xiang Yuan
From: Bernard Beauzamy [email protected]
Date: January 12, 2015
Subject: Doubts about Feynman's probabilistic presentation
In this article:
I express some doubts about Richard Feynman's presentation of
probabilities in quantum electrodynamics.
All comments are most welcome.
Bernard Beauzamy
From: Robert van de Geijn [email protected]
Date: January 09, 2015
Subject: LaTeX source for introductory linear algebra
A student in my introductory undergraduate linear algebra course is
blind. The problem is that my treatment of the subject is very
"visual" (including videos), as are the notes that I wrote.
She learns from math books by reading the LaTeX source. If someone
happens to have LaTeX source for a set of notes or book, and that
LaTeX source is relatively simple and well-organized, I believe such
an extra resource would really help her out.
She is a computer science student, appears to be very bright, has been
reported to have talent in math, and can deal with a certain level of
complexity in the notes.
Kindly respond to [email protected]
From: Robert van de Geijn [email protected]
Date: January 04, 2015
Subject: Linear Algebra MOOC to Launch Again
In Spring 2014, we offered the Massive Open Online Course (MOOC)
titled "Linear Algebra: Foundations to Frontiers" (LAFF) via the edX
platform. While it covers the same topics as do traditional
introductory college linear algebra courses, we try to link
abstraction in the mathematics to abstraction in algorithms and
implementations. For the NA Digest community, this is most easily
explained as that we tie the abstractions in the mathematics to the
layering of the functionality of the Basic Linear Algebra Subprograms
(BLAS). The creation of this course was a massive undertaking that
included the writing of a 900+ page set of notes (including detailed
solutions to problems) and more than 270 short videos.
This Spring, we will again offer this course. There are a few changes
the most important one being that while we used IPython Notebooks
before for the programming assignments, we will now use MATLAB. (The
IPython Notebooks are still available from the first offering for
those who prefer them.) MathWorks has graciously offered licenses for
MATLAB to participants for the duration of the course.
For more information, including reviews by participant from 2014,
or to sign up for the course visit
The complete compilation of notes from 2014 can be found at
http://www.ulaff.net .
From: Daniel Lozier [email protected]
Date: January 10, 2015
Subject: NIST announces DLMF Tables, special function evaluation
Version 1.0 (beta) of the DLMF Standard Reference Tables web service
(DLMF Tables) has been released. Its goal is to provide a standard of
comparison for testing numerical software by computing, on demand,
values of selected special functions to user-defined accuracy with
guaranteed error bounds.
DLMF Tables has the following features:
1. arguments are read from web form or uploaded file;
2. user-specified accuracy (up to 500 digits);
3. computation errors (truncation and rounding) are analyzed a priori
to satisfy the required accuracy;
4. provides strict high-precision enclosures (upper/lower bounds);
5. optional round to nearest or directed roundings;
6. comparison to user-supplied function values, highlighting any
differences and providing approximate relative errors.
DLMF Tables is available at http://dlmftables.uantwerpen.be/.
It is a result of a collaboration between the NIST Applied and
Computational Mathematics Division and the University of Antwerp
Computational Mathematics Research Group. The functions are keyed to
http://dlmf.nist.gov/, the NIST Digital Library of Mathematical
Functions. Any comments on the new service will be gratefully received
at [email protected].
From: Bruce Bailey [email protected]
Date: January 05, 2015
Subject: New Book, Finite Element Methods for Computational Fluid Dynamics
Finite Element Methods for Computational Fluid Dynamics: A
Practical Guide, by Dmitri Kuzmin and Jari Hämäläinen
viii + 313 pages / Softcover / ISBN 978-1-611973-60-0 / List Price
$104.00 / SIAM Member Price $72.80 / Order Code CS14
This informal introduction to computational fluid dynamics and
practical guide to numerical simulation of transport phenomena covers
the derivation of the governing equations, construction of finite
element approximations, and qualitative properties of numerical
solutions, among other topics. To make the book accessible to readers
with diverse interests and backgrounds, the authors begin at a basic
level and advance to numerical tools for increasingly difficult flow
problems, emphasizing practical implementation rather than
mathematical theory.
The text is aimed at advanced undergraduate and graduate students in
computational engineering. It may also be useful to physicists,
computational scientists, and developers of numerical simulation
To order or for more about this book, including links to its table of
contents, preface, and index, please visit
From: Bruce Bailey [email protected]
Date: January 05, 2015
Subject: New Book, Model Emergent Dynamics in Complex Systems
Model Emergent Dynamics in Complex Systems, by A.J. Roberts
xii + 748 pages / Softcover / ISBN 978-1-611973-55-6 / List Price
$114.00 / SIAM Member Price $79.80 / Order Code MM20
Arising out of the growing interest in and applications of modern
dynamical systems theory, this book explores how to derive relatively
simple dynamical equations that model complex physical
interactions. The author’s objectives are to use sound theory to
explore algebraic techniques, develop interesting applications, and
discover general modeling principles.
Model Emergent Dynamics in Complex Systems unifies into one powerful
and coherent approach the many varied extant methods for mathematical
model reduction and approximation. Using mathematical models at
various levels of resolution and complexity, the book establishes the
relationships between such multiscale models and clarifying
difficulties and apparent paradoxes and addresses model reduction for
systems, resolves initial conditions, and illuminates control and
To order or for more about this book, including links to its table of
contents, preface, and index, please visit
From: Bruce Bailey [email protected]
Date: January 05, 2015
Subject: New Book, Preconditioning and the Conjugate Gradient Method
Preconditioning and the Conjugate Gradient Method in the Context
of Solving PDEs, by Josef Málek and Zdeněk Strakoš
x + 104 pages / Softcover / ISBN 978-1-611973-83-9 / List Price
$39.00 / SIAM Member Price $27.30 / Order Code SL01
This first title in SIAM’s new Spotlights book series is about the
interplay between modeling, analysis, discretization, matrix
computation, and model reduction.
The book’s central concept, preconditioning of the conjugate gradient
method, is traditionally developed algebraically using the
preconditioned finite-dimensional algebraic system. In this text,
however, preconditioning is connected to the PDE analysis, and the
infinite-dimensional formulation of the conjugate gradient method and
its discretization and preconditioning are linked together.
This text challenges commonly held views, addresses widespread
misunderstandings, and formulates thought-provoking open questions for
further research.
To order or for more about this book, including links to its table of
contents, preface, and index, please visit
From: Gunter H. Meyer [email protected]
Date: January 14, 2015
Subject: New Book, The Time-Discrete Method of Lines for Options and Bonds
The Time-Discrete Method of Lines for Options and Bonds: A PDE Approach
Gunter H. Meyer, School of Mathematics, Georgia Institute of Technology
World Scientific Publishing, January 2015, 267 pages, ISBN 978-981-4619-67-7.
The book is intended for readers already engaged in or contemplating
solving the pricing pdes for options and bonds. It focuses on some of
the analytic and numerical complications (due to degeneracy,
non-smooth data, non-linearities and infinite domains of definition)
which are encountered when the equations are to be solved with finite
differences. It contains a discussion of various boundary conditions
which make the pricing problem well-posed, and extensive simulations
with a time-discrete method of lines (Rothe's method) and front
tracking which illustrate the influence of the computational domain
and of the boundary conditions on prices and early exercise,
particularly near expiration. Graphical and tabular numerical results
are displayed for a variety of financial derivatives which may serve
as benchmark solutions for competing numerical methods.
The Preface and the Table of Contents may be found at:
From: Bruce Bailey [email protected]
Date: January 05, 2015
Subject: New Book, Unified Transform for Boundary Value Problems
Unified Transform for Boundary Value Problems: Applications and
Advances, by A. S. Fokas and B. Pelloni
xii + 293 pages / Softcover / ISBN 978-1-611973-81-5 / List Price
$94.00 / SIAM Member Price $65.80 / Order Code OT141
This book describes state-of-the-art advances and applications of the
unified transform and its relation to the boundary element method.
The authors present the solution of boundary value problems from
several different perspectives, in particular the type of problems
modeled by partial differential equations (PDEs). They discuss recent
applications of the unified transform to the analysis and numerical
modeling of boundary value problems for linear and integrable
nonlinear PDEs and the closely related boundary element method, a
well-established numerical approach for solving linear elliptic PDEs.
It is intended for applied and numerical research mathematicians and
scientists working on the solution of boundary value problems in
physics and engineering.
To order or for more about this book, including links to its table of
contents, preface, and index, please visit
From: Dr. Anja Milde [email protected]
Date: January 14, 2015
Subject: SIAM Heidelberg Public Lecture, Germany, Jan 2015
Public Lecture by Prof. Dr. Dres. h.c. Martin Grötschel
When: January 23, 2015 at 11:00 AM
Where: IWR - Interdisciplinary Center for Scientific Computing,
Heidelberg University, Room 432
The Siam Chapter of Heidelberg is glad to announce the talk "Is
(advanced) mathematics useful? — Ist (höhere) Mathematik nützlich?"
by Prof. Martin Grötschel from Technische Universität Berlin and Zuse
Institute Berlin. The speaker Prof. Grötschel is an outstanding expert
in combinatorial optimization. He made seminal contributions to the
Traveling Salesman Problem, cutting plane methods in mixed-integer
linear optimization and graph theory.
Link: http://www.siamchapter.uni-hd.de/index.php?id=40
From: Peter Bastian [email protected]
Date: January 13, 2015
Subject: Dune Course, Germany, Feb 2015
The Distributed and Unified Numerics Environment (DUNE) is a software
framework for the numerical solution of partial differential equations
with grid-based methods. Using generic programming techniques it
strives for both: high flexibility (efficiency of the programmer) and
high performance (efficiency of the program). DUNE provides, among
other things, a large variety of local mesh refinement techniques, a
scalable parallel programming model, an ample collection of finite
element methods and efficient linear solvers.
This one week course will provide an introduction to the most
important DUNE modules and especially to DUNE-PDELab. At the end the
attendees will have a solid knowledge of the simulation workflow from
mesh generation and implementation of finite element and finite volume
methods to visualization of the results.
Topics covered are the solution of stationary and time-dependent
problems, as well as local adaptivity, the use of parallel computers
and the solution of non-linear PDE's and systems of PDE's.
Registration deadline: Friday February 6, 2015
Dates: February 23-27, 2015
Course venue: Interdisciplinary Center for Scientific Computing
University of Heidelberg, Im Neuenheimer Feld 350/368 69120
Heidelberg, Germany
Fee: The fee for this course is 215 EUR including course material,
coffee and lunch breaks as well as course dinner on Wednesday.
For registration and further information see
From: Edmond Chow [email protected]
Date: January 08, 2015
Subject: Georgia Scientific Computing Symposium, USA, Feb 2015
The Georgia Scientific Computing Symposium is a forum for academic and
other researchers in and around the state of Georgia to meet in an
informal setting, to exchange ideas, and to highlight local scientific
computing research. The symposium has been held every year since 2009
and is open to the entire research community. This year, the symposium
will be held on Saturday, February 28, 2015, at Georgia Institute of
Technology, in Atlanta.
Invited Speakers:
Yuliya Babenko, Kennesaw State University
Juan Gutierrez, University of Georgia
Haesun Park, Georgia Institute of Technology
Lars Ruthotto, Emory University
Martin Short, Georgia Institute of Technology
Xiaojing Ye, Georgia State University
Participants, especially graduate students and postdocs, are
encouraged to present a poster. This year there will be a poster blitz
to highlight the posters.
The event is free, but please register and get more information at:
From: Stephen Vavasis [email protected]
Date: January 09, 2015
Subject: Optimization & Matrix Methods for Big Data, Canada, Feb 2015
The Fields Institute in Toronto, Canada, is hosting a workshop on
Optimization & Matrix Methods for Big Data Feb 9-11 as part of its
six-month thematic program on big data. For more information on the
workshop, please visit:
From: Pamela Bye [email protected]
Date: January 14, 2015
Subject: IMA Flood Risk, UK, Mar 2015
3rd IMA International Conference on Flood Risk
30 – 31 March 2015, Swansea University, Wales, UK
Recent coastal and inland flooding events such as occurred in the UK,
have highlighted the difficulties in forecasting individual and
sequences of extreme events. The widespread and catastrophic flooding
following the Japanese earthquake in March 2011 heightened the global
public awareness of the limitations of existing flood defence
infrastructure and flood warning systems. The conference will provide
a forum at which engineers, mathematicians and statisticians can meet
to exchange views on this important technical area. The emphasis will
be on new developments in the mathematical and statistical techniques
applicable for assessing flood risk. The conference will be of
interest to flood defence practitioners; flood defence managers;
statisticians, mathematicians and civil engineers.
We welcomed contributions drawing upon diverse conceptual bases,
including reliability theory, statistical analysis, mathematical
modelling of flood flows, forecasting systems and techniques, and of
course mathematics. Papers will be organised under four principal
themes: Climate change; Computational methods in flood forecasting;
Extreme events; Uncertainty and reliability
Invited Speakers:
Prof Hajime Mase (Kyoto University)
Prof Stefan Uhlenbrook (UNESCO-IHE, Netherlands)
Dr Adrián Pedrozo-Acuña (UNAM-México)
For further information please visit the conference webpage:
From: Annette Anthony [email protected]
Date: January 12, 2015
Subject: Copper Mountain Conference on Multigrid Methods, USA, Mar 2015
Author Abstract Submission Date has been extended until January 18,
The Seventeenth Copper Mountain Conference on Multigrid Methods
March 22 – 27, 2015
Copper Mountain, Colorado, USA
Student Competition Papers January 2, 2015
Author Abstracts January 18, 2015
Early Registration March 2, 2015
Guaranteed Lodging February 21, 2015
HIGHLIGHTED TOPICS: Uncertainty Quantification; Optimization and
Inverse Problems; Data Mining, Large Graphs, and Markov Chains;
Nonsymmetric and Indefinite Problems; Krylov Accelerators; Hybrid
Direct-Iterative Linear Solvers; Parallel Multigrid on Multicore
Systems and Heterogeneous Architectures; Time Parallel Methods;
Iterative Methods in Applications (e.g., Electromagnetics, Energy,
Environmental, MHD, Neutronics, Transport/Reaction)
Please access our website at
From: Inger Fabris-Rotelli [email protected]
Date: January 15, 2015
Subject: SANUM 2015, South Africa, Mar-Apr 2015
Registration for the 2015 SANUM conference is now open. The
registration form is available on the website:
Looking forward to hosting you at the University of Pretoria
30 March - 1 April 2015.
From: Xiaoming He [email protected]
Date: January 09, 2015
Subject: Deadlines extended, SIAM Central States Meeting, USA, Apr 2015
The 1st Annual Meeting of SIAM Central States Section will be held
at Missouri University of Science and Technology from April 11-12,
2015. The deadlines for mini-symposium proposals and
contributed presentations/posters are extended to February 10 and
March 10 respectively. For more information about this conference,
please visit the conference webpage:
The SIAM Central States Section was formed in 2014. For more
information about this new section, please visit the section webpage:
If you have any questions, please feel free to email
[email protected] or the conference organizing committee chair,
Xiaoming He ([email protected]).
From: Michael Kloeppel [email protected]
Date: January 14, 2015
Subject: Parallel-in-Time Integration, Germany, May 2015
Registration is now open for the
4th Workshop on Parallel-in-Time Integration, Technische
Universitaet Dresden (Germany), May 27-29, 2015
With the ever increasing availability of distributed processing power
new ways to exploit parallelism have to be found, with one emerging
trend being the parallelization in the time domain. In this workshop,
we want to bring together scientists working on parallel time
integration methods (like Parareal, PFASST, etc.) with scientists
from the areas of atmospheric and multibody dynamics. We aim at
exploring similarities and mutual benefits between the more
traditional multiscale/multirate/cosimulation time integration methods
and the relatively new parallel-in-time algorithms.
Invited Speakers:
Martin Arnold - MLU Halle-Wittemberg, Germany
Martin J. Gander - Universite de Geneve, Switzerland
Michael L. Minion - Stanford University, US
Hilary Weller - University of Reading, UK
Beth Wingate - University of Exeter, UK
For registration and more information visit
Early Registration Deadline: March 27, 2015
Registration Deadline: April 24, 2015
From: Ali Pinar [email protected]
Date: January 08, 2015
Subject: SIAM Network Science, USA, May 2015
The 3rd SIAM Workshop on Network Science 2015 will be held on May
16-17, 2015, at Snowbird UT. Submissions are welcome on all aspects of
rigorous computational and mathematical techniques involved in network
analysis, with a particular interest in contributions in the following
- dynamic processes on networks and especially epidemic spreading
- higher order network analysis including topological and geometric
methods for networks
- applications to infrastructure and computer security networks
It will be co-located with the SIAM Conference on Applications of
Dynamical Systems 2015.
The deadline for submissions is Jan 19. Please see
http://www.siam.org/meetings/ns15/ for more details.
From: Pamela Bye [email protected]
Date: January 14, 2015
Subject: IMA Maths in Finance, UK, Jun 2015
2nd IMA Maths in Finance
18 – 19 June 2015, University of Manchester
The purpose of the conference is to bring together academics and
practitioners interested in mathematical modelling in finance. We
invite researchers whose research work contains a strong Mathematical
element to attend. We have included a broad range of topics with the
aim to expose participants to models, ideas and techniques that they
may not be aware of, and to foster future collaborations.
We will be accepting papers on the following themes: Computational
Finance (high dimensional problems, simulation techniques, PDE
methods) Energy Markets (market regulation and monitoring, competition
and investment, commodity pricing and risk management) Risk (credit
risk modelling, liquidity risk, counterparty risk) Operations Research
(game theory, network optimisation, revenue management, portfolio
optimisation) Real Options (competition, optimal investment)
Papers will be accepted for the conference based on a 150 word
abstract for oral or poster presentation. Abstracts should be
submitted by Friday 26 February 2015 by e-mail to
[email protected]. Please state whether your title is intended
for oral or poster presentation.
Abstracts are expected to follow the following template:
Contributing author(s) Initials, Surname
Affiliation(s) Department, organisation.
For further information on this conference, please visit the
conference webpage:
From: Barry Smith [email protected]
Date: January 05, 2015
Subject: PETSc 20th Anniversary Conference/Tutorial, USA, Jun 2015
We are excited to invite you to the PETSc 20th anniversary conference
and tutorial from June 15 to June 18 2015 at Argonne National
Laboratory. The conference announcement and registration information
can be found at http://www.mcs.anl.gov/petsc-20. Thanks to the
generosity of the Computing, Environment, and Life Sciences (CELS)
directorate of Argonne, there are no registration fees, and we can
provide some travel support for students, post-docs and those with
limited travel budgets. Please register soon so we can include you in
the program.
From: Wil Schilders [email protected]
Date: January 15, 2015
Subject: Preconditioning 2015,The Netherlands, Jun 2015
The International Conference on Preconditioning Techniques for
Scientific and Industrial Applications, Preconditioning 2015, is the
ninth in a series of conferences that focus on preconditioning
techniques in sparse matrix computation. The goal of this series of
conferences is to address the complex issues related to the solution
of general sparse matrix problems in large-scale real applications and
in industrial settings. The speakers of this conference will discuss
some of the latest developments in the field of preconditioning
techniques for sparse matrix problems. The conference will allow
participants to exchange findings in this area and to explore possible
new directions in light of emerging paradigms, such as parallel
processing and object- oriented programming. More information and a
list of invited speakers can be found at
Registration is now open, deadline for submission of abstracts is
March 31, 2015. Early bird registration deadline is May 3, 2015.
From: Endre Suli [email protected]
Date: January 06, 2015
Subject: Conference for Nick Trefethen's 60th birthday, UK, Aug 2015
New Directions in Numerical Computation,
University of Oxford, 25-28 August 2015:
In celebration of Nick Trefethen's 60th birthday
Nick Trefethen is well-known for his work in approximation theory,
pseudospectra, numerical linear algebra, and numerical complex
analysis. The meeting will be an opportunity to celebrate his
significant research contributions on his 60th birthday. The
conference has a broad theme of new developments in all areas of
numerical computation, with a special theme of algorithms for
numerical computation with functions.
Plenary speakers: Penny Anderson (Mathworks); Marsha Berger (NYU);
Jean-Paul Berrut (Fribourgd); Folkmar Bornemann (TU Munich); Brian
Davies (King's College London); Alan Edelman (MIT); Mark Embree
(Virginia Tech); Bengt Fornberg (Colorado-Boulder); Anne Greenbaum
(Washington); Leslie Greengard (NYU); Des Higham (Strathclyde); Nick
Higham (Manchester); Randy LeVeque (Washington); Volker Mehrmann (TU
Berlin); Michael Overton (NYU); Ian Sloan (New South Wales); Gil
Strang (MIT); Andrew Stuart (Warwick); Andy Wathen (Oxford); Andre
Weideman (Stellenbosch).
REGISTRATION, from the webpage:
20th January 2015: Registration deadline for contributed talks
25th-28th August 2015: Conference dates
27th August 2015: Banquet in Balliol College
From: Nicole Erle [email protected]
Date: January 09, 2015
Subject: SIAM Applied Linear Algebra, USA, Oct 2015
Conference Name:SIAM Conference on Applied Linear Algebra
Hyatt Regency Atlanta, Atlanta, Georgia, USA
October 26-30, 2015
The Call for Papers for this conference is now available. Please
visit http://www.siam.org/meetings/la15/ for more information.
Haim Avron, IBM T.J. Watson Research Center, USA
Raymond Chan, Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong
Geir Dahl, University of Oslo, Norway
Zlatko Drmac, University of Zagreb, Croatia
Howard Elman, University of Maryland, USA
Maryam Fazel, University of Washington, USA
Melina Freitag, University of Bath, United Kingdom
Xiaoye Sherry Li, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, USA
Volker Mehrmann, TU Berlin, Germany
Michael Overton, New York University, USA
Haesun Park, Georgia Institute of Technology, USA
Eugene Tyrtyshnikov, Russian Academy of Sciences, Russia
March 30, 2015: Minisymposium proposals
April 27, 2015: Abstracts for contributed and minisymposium speakers
April 27, 2015: Contributed poster presentation abstracts
April 17, 2015: SIAM Student Travel Award and Post-doc/Early
Career Travel Award Applications
Twitter hashtag: #SIAMLA15
Contact SIAM Conference Department at [email protected] with any
questions about the conference.
From: Anna-Karin Tornberg [email protected]
Date: January 12, 2015
Subject: Assistant Professor Position, NA, KTH Stockholm
A position as Assistant professor in Numerical Analysis at the Royal
Institute of Technology (KTH) in Stockholm, Sweden is now open. The
deadline for application is February 2, 2015.
The subject of the position concerns development, analysis and
computer implementation of computational methods, with emphasis on
modeling and simulation of systems within engineering and science.
Particular focus is put on numerical solution of partial differential
equations and/or stochastic differential equations in addition to
numerical linear algebra.
The ad can be found in english at the following link:
and in Swedish:
From: Rodrigo Platte [email protected]
Date: January 09, 2015
Subject: Postdoc Position, Numerical Methods for Sensing, ASU
The School of Mathematical and Statistical Sciences (SoMSS) at Arizona
State University (ASU) invites applications for a Postdoctoral
Associate with an anticipated start date of August 2015. This is a
non-tenure-track, benefits-eligible, year-to-year appointment,
renewable annually for up to three academic years contingent upon
satisfactory performance, availability of resources, and the needs of
the unit.
Applicants are required to have a Ph.D. or equivalent by the time of
appointment in the mathematical sciences, engineering, or a closely
related field; and the potential for excellent teaching and
research. Desired qualifications include knowledge of radar
technologies, such as synthetic aperture radar; and a solid background
in signal processing, in particular Fourier Analysis. Knowledge of
frames, regularization techniques, and numerical analysis is also
desirable. Teaching load is at the discretion of the director, but is
typically two courses per year.
Applications must be submitted online through mathjobs at
https://www.mathjobs.org/jobs/jobs/6901 and must include the following:
1) A cover letter
2) A curriculum vitae
3) A personal statement addressing the candidate's research program
4) A statement of teaching experience and philosophy
5) At least three letters of recommendation that must be submitted at
the mathjobs site, including one that addresses teaching.
Initial review of applications will begin on February 6th, 2015; if
not filled, every week thereafter until the search is closed. A
background check is required for employment. Arizona State University
is a VEVRAA Federal Contractor and an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative
Action Employer. All qualified applicants will be considered without
regard to race, color, sex, religion, national origin, disability,
protected veteran status, or any other basis protected by law.
From: Cells-in-Motion Cluster of Excellence, Münster, Germany [email protected]
Date: January 13, 2015
Subject: Postdoc Positions, Cells-in-Motion Cluster of Excellence
The Cells-in-Motion Cluster of Excellence (CiM) is offering
Postdoctoral Positions in any research area represented in CiM for the
development and implementation of individual research projects. The
fellowship covers a TV L 13-position for 2 years plus 12.000 € per
year to cover consumables and travel costs. Research projects should
be developed together with the host laboratory; see
www.cells-in-motion.com for research areas and associated principal
Research fields relevant to the CiM-cluster include biophysical
aspects of cell dynamics, cell-cell and/or cell-matrix interactions,
cell migration and /or differentiation, mathematical modelling of
biological systems, protein and/or lipid biochemistry and biophysics,
intracellular dynamics, and high resolution optical and non-optical
imaging to study cell biology.
Excellent researchers with not more than 2 years of postdoctoral
experience, who provide the CiM-cluster with new expertise, models
and/or techniques and possess a capacity for teamwork, are invited to
submit their CV, list of publications, two reference letters and the
completed application form to [email protected] by 31st
March 2015. Only applications using the template provided on our
Homepage will be considered, each applicant can submit only one
application. A letter of support written by the head of the host CiM
lab is mandatory. We encourage interested researchers to contact their
favoured host labs as soon as possible for detailed discussion of the
research project.
The Cells-in-Motion Cluster of Excellence uniquely merges existing
excellence at the University of Münster in cell biology and molecular
imaging and integrates internationally visible interdisciplinary
networks between the medical, natural sciences and mathematical
faculties as well as the Max Planck Institute for Molecular
For more information please visit http://www.cells-in-motion.com .
Contact: Careers in Motion Centre, Dr. Julia Meskauskas,
[email protected] .
From: Stig Larsson [email protected]
Date: January 13, 2015
Subject: PhD Positions, Chalmers Univ and Univ of Gothenburg
The Mathematical Sciences Department of Chalmers University of
Technology and University of Gothenburg invites applications for a
number of PhD positions in all areas of mathematics and mathematical
statistics. Deadline for applications: February 15, 2015.9
For more information follow the link
and look up the two advertisements:
Ref. No. 20140554 PhD student positions in mathematics
Ref. No. 20140530 PhD student positions in mathematical statistics
Some positions are dedicated to specific research projects and some
are open to all research areas in the department, including numerical
analysis. For numerical analysis, note in particular the position of
Anders Logg in mathematics and the position of Annika Lang in
mathematical statistics.
From: Suzanne Eves [email protected]
Date: January 13, 2015
Subject: Contents, Information and Inference, 03 (4)
Contents, Information and Inference: A Journal of the IMA, 03(4)
Information and Inference: A Journal of the IMA
All Content Free in 2015
Links to all articles in this issue are available online at:
Scaling law for recovering the sparsest element in a subspace, Laurent
Demanet and Paul Hand
Persistent homology transform for modeling shapes and surfaces,
Katharine Turner, Sayan Mukherjee, and Doug M. Boyer
Deterministic Bayesian information fusion and the analysis of its
performance, Gaurav Thakur
From: Chi-Wang Shu [email protected]
Date: January 05, 2015
Subject: Contents, Journal of Scientific Computing, 62 (1)
Journal of Scientific Computing
Volume 62, Number 1, January 2015
Numerical Approximation of the Singularly Perturbed Heat Equation in a
Circle, Youngjoon Hong, pp.1-24.
A High-Order Discontinuous Galerkin Discretization with
Multiwavelet-Based Grid Adaptation for Compressible Flows, Nils
Gerhard, Francesca Iacono, Georg May, Siegfried Muller and Roland
Schafer, pp.25-52.
A Sharp-Interface Active Penalty Method for the Incompressible
Navier–Stokes Equations, D. Shirokoff and J.-C. Nave, 53-77.
Finite Difference Schemes for the Cauchy–Navier Equations of
Elasticity with Variable Coefficients, Bernard Bialecki and Andreas
Karageorghis, pp.78-121.
Superconvergence Analysis for Linear Tetrahedral Edge Elements,
Yunqing Huang, Jichun Li, Chao Wu and Wei Yang, pp.122-145.
Decay Properties for the Numerical Solutions of a Partial Differential
Equation with Memory, Da Xu, pp.146-178.
A Unified Mortar Condition for Nonconforming Finite Elements, Chunmei
Wang, Shangyou Zhang and Jinru Chen, pp.179-197.
A Third Order Fast Sweeping Method with Linear Computational
Complexity for Eikonal Equations, Liang Wu and Yong-Tao Zhang,
H2-Stability of the First Order Fully Discrete Schemes for the
Time-Dependent Navier–Stokes Equations, Yinnian He, Pengzhan Huang and
Xinlong Feng, pp.230-264.
The Extrapolated Crank–Nicolson Orthogonal Spline Collocation Method
for a Quasilinear Parabolic Problem with Nonlocal Boundary Conditions,
B. Bialecki, G. Fairweather and J.C. Lopez-Marcos, pp.265-283.
The Lower/Upper Bound Property of the Crouzeix–Raviart Element
Eigenvalues on Adaptive Meshes, Yidu Yang, Jiayu Han, Hai Bi and
Yuanyuan Yu, pp.284-299.
Numerical Caputo Differentiation by Radial Basis Functions, Ming Li,
Yujiao Wang and Leevan Ling, pp.300-315.
End of Digest