NA Digest Tuesday, August 12, 2014 Volume 14 : Issue 27

Today's Editor:
Daniel M. Dunlavy
Sandia National Labs
[email protected]

Submissions for NA Digest:


From: Anshul Gupta [email protected]
Date: August 11, 2014
Subject: Watson Sparse Matrix Package, iterative and out-of-core solvers added

Watson Sparse Matrix Package (WSMP) is a collection of algorithms for
efficiently solving large sparse systems of linear equations. The
software can be used in a shared-memory environment with
multithreading, or as a scalable parallel solver in a message-passing
environment, where each process can be either serial or multithreaded.

While WSMP has traditionally been known for its in-core direct
solvers, recent releases of the multithreaded library include an
out-of-core direct solver for symmetric systems, and Krlylov subspace
solvers with robust preconditioning based on incomplete factorization
for both SPD and general sparse systems.

For more details, and to download a trial copy, please visit:


From: Margreet Nool [email protected]
Date: August 07, 2014
Subject: Woudschoten Conference, The Netherlands, Oct 2014

It is with great pleasure to announce the thirty-ninth Woudschoten
Conference of the Dutch & Flemish Numerical Analysis Communities, that
will be held on 8 - 10 October 2014, at the Woudschoten Conference
Center, Zeist, The Netherlands.

Themes of the conference will be:
- Domain decomposition and multi-physics
- Highly-oscillatory problems

Keynote speakers are:
Martin J. Gander (University of Geneva, Switzerland)
Axel Klawonn (University of Cologne, Germany)
Daniel Rixen (Technical University München, Germany)
Simon N. Chandler-Wilde (University of Reading, UK)
Ivan G. Graham (University of Bath, UK)
Daan Huybrechs (KU Leuven, Belgium)

A full announcement is available on the revised conference web page

Participants are invited to present a poster about their present
research. See the conference website for more details.


From: Serafim Kalliadasis [email protected]
Date: August 08, 2014
Subject: Postdoc Position, Complex Interfacial Flows

Salary £33,410 to £42,380 per annum*
South Kensington Campus
Fixed term appointment for up to 18 months.

Applications are invited by highly talented researchers for an 18
month Research Associate position funded by the EPSRC Grant “Complex
Interfacial Flows with Heat Transfer: Analysis, Direct Numerical
Simulations and Experiments,” under the supervision of Professor
Serafim Kalliadasis.

The project concerns the theoretical investigation of free-surface
thin-film flows in the presence of complexities such as heat transfer
and microstructured substrates. It is in collaboration with the
experimental group of Dr Christos Markides (Chemical Engineering,
Imperial) and the computational group of Dr Berend Van Wachem
(Mechanical Engineering, Imperial).

The successful candidate should have a PhD (or equivalent) in
Mathematics, Engineering, Science, or other related area and a strong
foundation on general mathematical modelling and mathematical
techniques (analytical and numerical). A good knowledge of interfacial
fluid mechanics is highly desirable.

You will join a highly interdisciplinary team working on a wide
variety of exciting projects at the interface between applied
mathematics and engineering science fundamentals.

If you would like to discuss the project, please contact Professor
Serafim Kalliadasis at [email protected], Telephone:

Additional information is given in


From: Serafim Kalliadasis [email protected]
Date: August 08, 2014
Subject: Postdoc Position, Dynamic Density Functional Theory

Salary £33,410 to £42,380 per annum*
South Kensington Campus
Fixed term appointment until 31 March 2016

Applications are invited by highly talented researchers for an 18
month Research Associate position funded by the ERC Advanced Grant
“Complex Interfacial Flows: From the Nano- to the Macro- Scale” under
the supervision of Professor Serafim Kalliadasis.

The project concerns the theoretical formalism of dynamic density
functional theory of non-uniform fluids. Of particular interest are
liquid-gas interfaces in contact with a solid substrate. The ultimate
aim is the development of a rigorous microscopic approach based on
first principles for the description of such interfaces in classes of
problems in order of increasing complexity.

The successful candidate should have a PhD (or equivalent) in Applied
Mathematics, Engineering, Science, or other related area and a strong
foundation on general mathematical modelling, mathematical techniques
(analytical and numerical), thermodynamics and statistical
mechanics. A good knowledge of density functional theory is highly

You will join a highly interdisciplinary team working on a wide
variety of exciting projects at the interface between applied
mathematics and engineering science fundamentals.

If you would like to discuss the project, please contact Professor
Serafim Kalliadasis at [email protected], Telephone:

*Candidates who have not yet been officially awarded their PhD will be
appointed as Research Assistant within the salary range £29,350 -
£32,520 per annum.

Additional information is given in


From: Valeria Simoncini [email protected]
Date: August 12, 2014
Subject: Postdoc Position, Math Dept, Univ of Bologna, Italy

The Department of Mathematics of the University of Bologna invites
applications for a Post-Doc position in "Mathematics in Science,
Social Sciences and Engineering".

The appointment is for one year, renewable to a second year upon funds
availability. Candidates are expected to propose and perform research
in one theme of interest to the Department (see the full announcement
link for more details).

Information about online submission available at

The application deadline is September 30, 2014.


From: Claude Brezinski [email protected]
Date: August 08, 2014
Subject: Contents, Numerical Algorithms, 66 (4)

Table of contents for Numerical Algorithms, Volume 66, Number 4.

An indefinite variant of LOBPCG for definite matrix pencils, Daniel
Kressner, Marija Miloloza Pandur, Meiyue Shao

The semi-convergence properties of MHSS method for a class of complex
nonsymmetric singular linear systems, Ai-Li Yang, Yu-Jiang Wu,
Zhen-Jian Xu

Hermite G1 rational spline motion of degree six, Karla Pockaj

A model-hybrid approach for unconstrained optimization problems,
Fu-Sheng Wang, Jin-Bao Jian, Chuan-Long Wang

Application of denoising methods to regularization of ill-posed
problems, Tristan A. Hearn, Lothar Reichel

A new iterative algorithm for solving a system of generalized mixed
equilibrium problems for a kind of multi-valued nonlinear mappings,
Wei-Qi Deng

Deficient discrete cubic spline solution for a system of second order
boundary value problems, Fengmin Chen, Patricia J. Y. Wong

A comparison of iterative methods to solve complex valued linear
algebraic systems, Owe Axelsson, Maya Neytcheva, Bashir Ahmad

Optimal homotopy analysis and control of error for solutions to the
non-local Whitham equation, Kristina Mallory, Robert A. Van Gorder

On the practical use of the spectral homotopy analysis method and
local linearisation method for unsteady boundary-layer flows caused by
an impulsively stretching plate, Sandile S. Motsa

On per-iteration complexity of high order Chebyshev methods for sparse
functions with banded Hessians, Bilel Kchouk, Jean-Pierre Dussault

A spatially second-order accurate implicit numerical method for the
space and time fractional Bloch-Torrey equation, J. Song, Q. Yu,
F. Liu, I. Turner

End of Digest