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# misc/umfpack.tgz moved to linalg/umfpack.shar file besz.c for fast zero finder for bessel functions J_nu(x) lang c by E. Onofri ([email protected]) gams c10a3 file bitnet for a list of bitnet sites. file blocksolve.tgz for BlockSolve is a software library module for solving large, , sparse, symmetric systems of linear equations on parallel , computers. The package contains source code, Unix "man" , pages and a manual. To achieve portability, BlockSolve uses , the Chameleon package developed by Bill Gropp and others at , Argonne National Laboratory. BlockSolve has been tested on the , Intel DELTA, the IBM SP series, and a network of Sun , workstations, but can be expected to run without modification , of source code on other architectures. , This file CANNOT be retrieved by email. by Mark Jones [email protected], Paul Plassmann [email protected] contact [email protected] prec single/double gams d2b4 lang c age research file contrib for a checklist for netlib contributors file dlamch.f for determines double precision machine parameters. gams r1 file fft.f for yet another fft subroutine, this one from Ferziger's text file gmcmc.for for GMCMC, General Markov Chain Monte Carlo routine in Fortran by Guthrie Miller, December 28, 2013 lang fortran file gn/GN_ReadMe.pdf for The GN (Gauss Newton) algorithm does nonlinear least squares minimization with finite-difference derivatives. , It uses an augmented Gauss-Newton, Levenberg-Marqardt method. , GN README. file gn/GN.FOR for The GN (Gauss Newton) algorithm does nonlinear least squares minimization with finite-difference derivatives. , It uses an augmented Gauss-Newton, Levenberg-Marqardt method. , The Fortran contains 323 executable lines. by Kenneth Klare, Guthrie Miller, February 21, 2013 lang fortran file groups for list of people interested in na at various centers. by Gene Golub, Stanford age old file ickp.tar.z for for checkpointing programs on the Intel iPSC/2 & iPSC/860 by James Plank, Princeton University gams z file instab.tgz for Instab is a software package for automatically detecting instability , in numerical algorithms. Instab implements functional stability analysis, , which uses the relationship between the forward error, the backward error, , and a problem's condition to define a function that estimates a lower bound , on the backward error. The subplex optimization method then maximizes the function. , A numerical algorithm is unstable if the maximization shows that the backward error , can become large. Since numerical algorithms are treated as black boxes, Instab , normally requires little more than an executable version of a numerical algorithm , to determine if it is unstable. by Tom Rowan <[email protected]> lang fortran size 24K file intel/README.txt for README for Intel(R) Decimal Floating-Point Math Library file intel/IntelRDFPMathLib10U1.tar for Intel(R) Decimal Floating-Point Math Library file iqpack for Fortran subroutines for the weights of interpolatory quadratures , the package is an implementation of the method described in , "Calculation of the Weights of Interpolatory Quadratures", , J. Kautsky and S. Elhay, Numer Math 40 (1982) 407-422, by S. Elhay, Feb 1988. gams h2c lang fortran file jet-lag-diet for Argonne's Anti-Jet-Lag Diet helps travelers adjust to new time zones. file jgraph.readme gams q file jgraph.tgz for program to plot graphs in Postscript by Jim Plank, Princeton University gams q file lis for Lis, a Library of Iterative Solvers for linear systems, , is a parallel library for solving linear equations and , eigenvalue problems that arise in the numerical solution , of partial differential equations using iterative methods. file machar for this program prints hardware-determined , machine constants obtained by smchar, a subroutine due to , w. j. cody. , descriptions of the machine constants are , given in the prologue comments of smchar. , subprograms called smchar , version Fri Oct 25 22:54:26 BST 1985 lang C by Tim Hopkins , Computing Laboratory, University of Kent, Canterbury CT2 7NF Kent U.K. lib mglab for tutorial 1d multigrid gams i1b1 file mpsim for Portable (to most UNIX systems) message-passing simulator , that supports both C and FORTRAN. Uses forks and pipes , to support up to 8 to 16 processes on UNIX bsd 4.x, SYS V 3.x, , DYNIX, Encore, Ultrix, Sun, XENIX, Tek UNIX, 3B2s. Simulates , Intel iPSC/1 and iPSC/2 hypercubes and produces trace file of message , events. Trace-file analyzers produces tabular or graphical , summaries. (Encore and Sequent versions will utilize , multiple processors.) by Tom Dunigan, Oak Ridge Nat Lab, 2/89, [email protected] gams z file mus for A package for solving two-point BVPs Double precision version by Authors: R.M.M. Mattheij, G.W.M. Staarink. , G.W.M. Staarink; Economisch Instituut; Thomas van Aquinostraat 6; , 6525 GD Nijmegen; The Netherlands file nanet for an introduction to NAnet, after its move from Stanford to ORNL file nanet.tgz for the software for running the na-net. file netlib for The source and scripts for netlib. file netlib-paper for The troff form of the paper describing netlib. file nonsymdc for This software is a sequential version of a parallel algorithm for , computing the eigenvalues and eigenvectors of a , non-symmetric matrix. The algorithm is based on a , divide-and-conquer procedure and uses an iterative , refinement technique. , see tennessee/ for details on the approach. by Jack Dongarra <[email protected]> , Majed Sidani <[email protected]> file randnum-cray for vectorised random number generator for the CRAY X-MP. by Oscar Buneman, 10/16/86 gams l6a21 file rktec.c for computes the truncation error coefficients, tecs, of a Runge-Kutta , formula, or a pair of formulas, specified in an input file. , Version 2.1 by Mike Hosea ([email protected]) June 6, 1994 gams i1c file slamch.f for determines single precision machine parameters. gams r1 file sledge for These routines estimate eigenvalues, eigenfunctions and/or , spectral density functions for Sturm-Liouville problems. by Steven Pruess <[email protected]>, , Charles Fulton <[email protected]> lang fortran size 195k file sleign for eigenvalues and eigenfunctions of regular and singular Sturm-Liouville , boundary value problems. The package is a modification and , extension of the code developed by Bailey, Gordon, and Shampine, , described in ACM-TOMS 4(1978).(Burt Garbow, ANL, 11/29/88) gams i1b3 lang fortran file syevj for the code implements the accurate symmetric eigensolver , which consist of the symmetric indefinite decomposition , followed by implicit Jacobi iteration. by "Dr. Ivan Slapnicar" <[email protected]> , 3 Dec 1992 gams d4a1 lang fortran file xplayer.tgz for trace2au is a tool that takes trace stream as input and outputs sounds , on a Sun workstation. E.g., can be used with a trace file produced by , picl to identify communication patterns, hotspots, and bottlenecks. by Jean Yves Peterschmitt <[email protected]> and , Bernard Tourancheau <[email protected]> gams n1, s3 file trace2au_report.tgz for utility for xplayer file trace2au_tools.tgz for utility for xplayer file tymnet for list of tymnet numbers around the country. file vrend.tgz for 3-D volume-renderer (using ray-casting); a PVM 2.4 implementation. by Hugh Caffey, [email protected] Dec 10, 1992 gams q