
Click here to see the number of accesses to this library.

file	links.html
for	related resources, such as Fraley's mclust

file	addtree.pas
for	fitting additive trees to proximity data
by	James Corter
contact	James Corter <[email protected]>
ref	Behavior Research Methods and Instrumentation, 1982, 14:353-54.
ref	Psychometrika, 1977, 42:319-345.
see	addtree_manual
kind	command
lang	Pascal
age	stable

file	addtree_manual
by	James Corter
contact	James Corter <[email protected]>
kind	text in plain ascii form

file	cancor.f
for	canonical correlation analysis of 3 or more sets of variables
by	J Douglas Carroll and ?
contact	J Douglas Carroll <[email protected]>
ref	Proc.76th Amer.Psych.Assoc., 1968, 3:227-228
kind	command
age	old

file	ccm.f
for	categorical conjoint measurement
by	J Douglas Carroll and ?
contact	J Douglas Carroll <[email protected]>
kind	command
age	old

file	extree.pas
for	fitting extended tree model to proximity data
by	James Corter
contact	James Corter <[email protected]>
ref	Psychometrika, 1986, 51:429-451.
see	extree_manual
kind	command
lang	Pascal
age	stable

file	extree_manual
by	James Corter
contact	James Corter <[email protected]>
kind	text in plain ascii form

file	gtree.pas
for	fitting additive trees to proximity data
by	James Corter
contact	James Corter <[email protected]>
ref	"Tree Models of Similarity and Association", Sage Pub'ns 1996, QASS #112
see	gtree_manual
kind	command
lang	Pascal
age	stable

file	gtree_manual
by	James Corter
contact	James Corter <[email protected]>
kind	text in plain ascii form

file	hiclust.f
for	hierarchical clustering
by	Steven C Johnson
contact	Joseph B Kruskal <[email protected]>
ref	Psychometrika, 1967, 32:241-254
see	another version in icicle
kind	command
# Different from (though similar to) hiclust.f in icicle.shar below
age	old

file	icicle.shar
for	plotting the output of hierarchical clustering
by	Joseph B Kruskal and James Landwehr
contact	Joseph B Kruskal <[email protected]>
ref	Amer.Statistician, 1983, 37:162-168
kind	shell archive, i.e., files combined by Unix command "bundle"
# Files included:
# icicle.r	ratfor function
# icicle.f	fortran IV expansion (modified)
# hiclust.r	ratfor command
# hiclust.f	fortran IV expansion (modified)
#   Different from (though similar to) mds/hiclust.f above
#	sample data and results
age	old

file	idioscal.f
for	model more general than the INDSCAL model
by	J Douglas Carroll and Jih-Jie Chang(?)
contact	J Douglas Carroll <[email protected]>
ref	Psychometrika, 1970, 35:283-319
kind	command
age	old

file	indclus.shar
for	individual differences clustering (INDCLUS model)
by	J Douglas Carroll and ?
contact	J Douglas Carroll <[email protected]>
ref	Psychological Review, 1979, 86:87-123
kind	shell archive, i.e., files combined by Unix command "bundle"
# Files included:
# indclus.f	fortran command
#	sample data and results
age	old

file	indscal.f
for	individual differences scaling (INDSCAL model)
by	J Douglas Carroll and Jih-Jie Chang
contact	J Douglas Carroll <[email protected]>
ref	Psychometrika, 1970, 35:283-319
ref	"Three-way scaling and clustering", Sage Pub'ns 1987, Appendices A & B
see	sindscal.f
kind	command
#	sindscal.f is recommended instead of this for most uses
age	old

file	indscals.f
for	individual differences scaling (INDSCAL model)
by	J Douglas Carroll and Jih-Jie Chang
contact	J Douglas Carroll <[email protected]>
ref	Psychometrika, 1970, 35:283-319
ref	"Three-way scaling and clustering", Sage Pub'ns 1987, Appendices A & B
see	sindscal.f
kind	command
#	sindscal.f is recommended instead of this for most uses
age	old

file	kyst.f
for	multidimensional scaling
by	Joseph B Kruskal, Judith Seery, Forrest Young
contact	Joseph B Kruskal <[email protected]>
ref	Psychometrika, 1964, 29:1-17
kind	command
see	kyst2a_manual
see	kyst2a.f, mdscal.f
#	historical order: mdscal.f, kyst.f, kyst2a.f
age	old

lib	kyst2a.dos
for	multidimensional scaling
by	Joseph B Kruskal, Judith Seery, Forrest Young
contact	Phipps Arabie <[email protected]>
ref	Psychometrika, 1964, 29:1-17
see	Fortran version in kyst2a.f
age	old

file	kyst2a.f
for	multidimensional scaling
by	Joseph B Kruskal, Judith Seery, Forrest Young
contact	Joseph B Kruskal <[email protected]>
ref	Psychometrika, 1964, 29:1-17
kind	command
see	kyst2a_manual
see	kyst.f, mdscal.f
#	historical order: mdscal.f, kyst.f, kyst2a.f
age	old

file	kyst2a_manual.txt
by	Joseph B Kruskal
contact	Joseph B Kruskal <[email protected]>
kind	text in plain ascii form
see, kyst2a_manual.BinHex
#	Also helpful in using kyst and mdscal

by	Antonio Chella <[email protected]>
contact	Joseph B Kruskal <[email protected]>
kind	text in PostScript form
see	kyst2a_manual, kyst2a_manual.BinHex
#	Also helpful in using kyst and mdscal

file	kyst2a_manual.BinHex
by	Antonio Chella <[email protected]>
contact	Joseph B Kruskal <[email protected]>
kind	text in Macintosh BinHex form
see	kyst2a_manual,
#	Also helpful in using kyst and mdscal

file	mapclus.shar
for	fitting ADCLUS model
by	Phipps Arabie
contact	Phipps Arabie <[email protected]>
ref	Psychometrika, 1980, 45:211-235
kind	shell archive, i.e., files combined by Unix command "bundle"
# Files included:
# mapclus.f	fortran command
#	sample data and results
age	stable

file	maxscal4.1.f
for	maximum likelihood multidimensional scaling
by	Yoshio Takane
contact	Yoshio Takane <[email protected]>
ref	Psychometrika, 1981, 46:389-405
kind	command
age	old

file	mdpref.f
for	multidimensional preference mapping
by	J Douglas Carroll and Jih-Jie Chang
contact	J Douglas Carroll <[email protected]>
ref	"Multidimensional Scaling", Seminar Press, 1972, 1:105-155
see	mdprefs.f
kind	command
age	old

file	mdprefs.f
for	multidimensional preference mapping
by	J Douglas Carroll and Jih-Jie Chang(?)
contact	J Douglas Carroll <[email protected]>
ref	"Multidimensional Scaling", Seminar Press, 1972, 1:105-155
see	mdpref.f
kind	command
age	old

file	mdscal.f
for	multidimensional scaling
by	Joseph B Kruskal
contact	Joseph B Kruskal <[email protected]>
ref	Psychometrika, 1964, 29:1-17
kind	command
see	kyst2a_manual
see	kyst2a.f, kyst.f
#	historical order: mdscal.f, kyst.f, kyst2a.f
age	old

file	monanova.f
for	monotone analysis of variance (MONANOVA model)
by	Joseph B Kruskal
contact	Joseph B Kruskal <[email protected]>
ref	J.Roy.Stat.Soc.,Ser.B, 1965, 27:251-263
kind	command
age	old

file	nindscal.f
for	individual differences scaling (INDSCAL model)
by	J Douglas Carroll and Jih-Jie Chang(?)
contact	J Douglas Carroll <[email protected]>
ref	Psychometrika, 1970, 35:283-319
ref	"Three-way scaling and clustering", Sage Pub'ns 1987, Appendices A & B
see	sindscal.f
kind	command
#	sindscal.f is recommended instead of this for most uses
age	old

file	paramap.f
for	parametric mapping
by	J Douglas Carroll and ?
contact	J Douglas Carroll <[email protected]>
ref	"Multivariate Analysis", Academic Press, 1966, pp.561-592
kind	command
age	old

file	polyfac.f
for	polynomial factor analysis
by	J Douglas Carroll and ?
contact	J Douglas Carroll <[email protected]>
ref	Proc.77th Amer.Psych.Assoc., 1969, 4:103-104
kind	command
age	old

file	prefmap.f
for	preference mapping
by	J Douglas Carroll and Jih-Jie Chang
contact	J Douglas Carroll <[email protected]>
ref	"Multidimensional Scaling", Seminar Press, 1972, 1:105-155
ref	"Similarity and Choice", Hans Huber, 1980, pp. 234-289
see	prefmap3, prefmap2.f
#	prefmap3 or prefmap2.f are recommended instead of prefmap.f for most uses
kind	command
age	superseded

file	prefmap2.f
for	preference mapping
by	J Douglas Carroll and ?
contact	J Douglas Carroll <[email protected]>
ref	"Multidimensional Scaling", Seminar Press, 1972, 1:105-155
ref	"Similarity and Choice", Hans Huber, 1980, pp. 234-289
see	prefmap3, prefmap.f
#	prefmap3 is recommended instead of prefmap2.f for most uses.  However,
,	prefmap2.f can do some useful things prefmap3 cannot
kind	command
age	old

lib	prefmap3a
for	preference mapping
by	Jacqueline Meulman <[email protected]>
contact	Patrick Groenen <[email protected]>
ref	"Multidimensional Scaling", Seminar Press, 1972, 1:105-155
ref	"Similarity and Choice", Hans Huber, 1980, pp. 234-289
see	prefmap.f, prefmap2.f, prefmap3b
#	prefmap3 is recommended over prefmap.f and prefmap2.f for most uses.
#	However, prefmap2.f can do some useful things prefmap3 cannot
#	prefmap3a (DOS version) has dynamic memory allocation which is more flexible
#	prefmap3b (DOS only) has static allocation which is simpler to use
age	stable

lib	prefmap3b
for	preference mapping
by	Jacqueline Meulman <[email protected]>
ref	"Multidimensional Scaling", Seminar Press, 1972, 1:105-155
ref	"Similarity and Choice", Hans Huber, 1980, pp. 234-289
see	prefmap.f, prefmap2.f, prefmap3a
#	prefmap3 is recommended over prefmap.f and prefmap2.f for most uses.
#	However, prefmap2.f can do some useful things prefmap3 cannot
#	prefmap3b (DOS only) has static allocation which is simpler to use
#	prefmap3a (DOS version) has dynamic memory allocation which is more flexible
age	stable

file	profit.f
for	application of nonlinear correlation to psychol and physical dimensions
by	J Douglas Carroll and ?
contact	J Douglas Carroll <[email protected]>
ref	American Psychologist, 1964, 19:540
kind	command
age	old

file	simules.f
for	simultaneous linear equation scaling
by	J Douglas Carroll and Sandra Pruzansky
contact	J Douglas Carroll <[email protected]>
ref	Proc.80th Amer.Psych.Assoc., 1972, 7:11-12
kind	command
age	old

lib	sindscal.dos
for	individual differences scaling (INDSCAL model)
by	J Douglas Carroll and Sandra Pruzansky
contact	Phipps Arabie <[email protected]>
ref	Psychometrika, 1970, 35:283-319
ref	"Three-way scaling and clustering", Sage Pub'ns 1987, Appendices A & B
see	Fortran version in sindscal.f
age	old

file	sindscal.f
for	individual differences scaling (INDSCAL model)
by	J Douglas Carroll and Sandra Pruzansky
contact	J Douglas Carroll <[email protected]>
ref	Psychometrika, 1970, 35:283-319
ref	"Three-way scaling and clustering", Sage Pub'ns 1987, Appendices A & B
kind	command
see	DOS version in sindscal.dos
#	this is recommended in place of indscal.f, indscals.f, nindscal.f
age	old