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LAPACK95 Users' Guide
Vincent A. Barker,
L. Susan Blackford,
Jack J. Dongarra,
Jeremy Du Croz,
Sven Hammarling,
Minka Marinova,
Jerzy Wasniewski,
Plamen Yalamov
2001 by the
Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics.
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Authors' Affiliations:
V.A. Barker
Technical University of Denmark, Lyngby, Denmark
L.S. Blackford
University of Tennessee, USA
J. Dongarra
University of Tennessee, USA
J. Du Croz
Numerical Algorithms Group Ltd., Oxford, UK (retired)
S. Hammarling
Numerical Algorithms Group Ltd., Oxford, UK
M. Marinova
Danish Computing Center for Research and Education
C, Lyngby, Denmark
J. Wasniewski
Danish Computing Center for Research and Education
C, Lyngby, Denmark
P. Yalamov
University of Rousse, Bulgaria
Susan Blackford