Release date: Mo 04/18/2011.
This material is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation and the Department of Energy under Grant No. NSF-OCI-1032861 (2010-2013 est.), NSF-CCF-00444486 (2005-2008 est.), NSF-CNS-0325873 (2004-2009 est.), NSF-EIA-0122599 (2001-2004 est.), NSF-ACI-0090127, DOE-DE-FC02-01ER25478, DOE-DE-FC02-06ER25768.
LAPACK is a software package provided by Univ. of Tennessee, Univ. of California Berkeley, Univ. of Colorado Denver and NAG Ltd.
1. Support and questions:
2. LAPACK 3.3.1: What’s new
3. External Contributors
Chuck Atkins and Brad King (Kitware, Inc)
4. Thanks
Nadezhda Mozartova (Intel, USA)
Alexander Kobotov (Intel, USA)
John Tellefson (Salina, KS, USA)
Inge Gutheil (Juelich Supercomputing Centre, Germany)
Christof Voemel
Paul Roberts (NAG, UK)
Pat Quillen (Mathworks, USA)
Michael Chuvelev (Intel, USA)
Vasile Sima (National Institute for Research & Development in Informatics, Romania)
Clint Whaley (University of Texas at San Antonio, USA)
Allin Cottrell (Wake Forest University, USA)
5. Developer list
Jim Demmel (University of California at Berkeley, USA)
Jack Dongarra (University of Tennessee and ORNL, USA)
Julien Langou (University of Colorado Denver, USA)
Julie Langou (University of Tennessee, USA)
Rodney James (University of Colorado Denver, USA)
6. Improvment to the CMAKE build
Added a FindBLAS module to easily search for and link against various optimized BLAS implementations
Added proper default compiler flags for various commercial Fortran compilers
Check for and disable SIGFPE handlers (LAPACK code handles these internally) on known compilers
Remove testing drivers and BLAS source from nightly code coverage to get a more accurate representation of the LAPACK code getting exercised
Suppress harmless warning messages for various platforms and compilers
Added 28 nightly builds (
Standardized binary output locations to play nicely when building Windows DLLs
Cleaned up CMake packaging to allow find_package(LAPACK) in applications
Added missing link dependencies for test libraries
7. Level-3 BLAS hermitian indefinite inversion: This enables better performance for CHETRI and ZHETRI.
Julie Langou
Level-3 BLAS hermitian indefinite inversion (CHETRI and ZHETRI). See Release 3.3.0 section 6.2 for more details
8. Bug Fix
bug0078 :: DBDSDC problem with orthogonality of U in certain cases
bug report sent by duncanpo on April 4th 2011
see forum topic 2326
decreased EPS by a factor of 0.9 to correct problem with orthogonality of U in certain cases
corrected by Rodney on Tue April 7th 2011
bug0077 :: [DS]GESVD Minimum Worksize comments need clarification
bug report sent by squartz on Sep 19th
see forum topic 2011
corrected by Julie on Tue April 5th 2011
bug0076 :: Problem in ?(sy/he)tri2 when nbmax greater than n
bug report sent by nmozarto on Mar 4th
see forum topic 2223
corrected by Julie on Fri March 4th 2011
bug0075 :: not orhtogonal: eigenvectors of a symmetric matrix with DSYEV
bug report sent by fabioaffinito on Feb 8th
see forum topic 2169
corrected by Rodney on Thu March 3rd 2011
The bug appears only when the matrix is diagonalized by using the upper half, and when the leading dimension n>200 approx.
User gave test program see: here
Come from change in version 3.2 [Release Notes]
related to 0035
bug0074 :: ?sysv and ?hesv
bug report sent by Alexander Kobotov on Feb 8th
see forum topic 2168
corrected by Julie
In LAPACK 3.3 ?(SY/HE)SV are updated to use TRS2. The TRS2 requires WORK(N) to operate, whereas in SV requirements for LWORK just to be >=1. There is no any check in SV if LWORK>=N, the array WORK just passed as it is to TRS2. So if LWORK<N a crash could occur while executing TRS2 due to overuse of allocated workspace.
I guess for the case of LWORK<N just previsous Level2 based ?(SY/HE)TRS should be used.
bug0073 :: secondtst.f and dsecnd.f
bug report sent by John Tellefson on Feb 7th
email sent to lapack mailing list, user provided fix.
corrected by Julie
We went ahead and remove the dummy subroutine in those timing for the last LAPACK version because we did not find a machine or compiler that still had the problem. I guess we were too optimistic.
also committed the "cosmetic" modifications suggested by user as they make the program easier to modify.
bug0072 :: cchkhs.f and zchkhs.f
bug report sent by Inge Gutheil on Feb 3rd
email sent to lapack mailing list, user provided fix.
corrected by Julie
Add IF statement to prevent calculation if N=0
bug0071 :: slarre and dlarre
bug report sent by Christof Voemel on Jan 31th
email sent directly to Julie and Julien, Christof provided fix.
corrected by Julien
Add a line to prevent TAU from becoming zero
bug0070 :: IWORK dimension is incorrect
bug report sent by nmozarto on Jan 27th
see forum topic 2156
confirmed by Julie and corrected by Brian Sutton
The correct dimension is (M-R), in which R is the smallest of P, M-P, Q, and M-Q.
An M-by-M matrix is partitioned into a 2-by-2 block structure. The
dimensions of the blocks are P-by-Q, P-by-(M-Q), (M-P)-by-Q, and
(M-P)-by-(M-Q). IWORK is involved in the permutation of rows or
columns of these blocks, and it is the largest block, in terms of
number of rows or columns, that determines the size of IWORK.
bug0069 :: sytri2x is writing on other part of A
bug report sent by nmozarto on Jan 27th
see forum topic 2156
confirmed by Julie and corrected by Julie
bug0068 :: Need to add LDA in *sytrs2
bug report sent by nmozarto on Jan 27th
see forum topic 2157
confirmed by Julie and corrected by Julie
bug0067 :: Need to add LDA in *syswapr
bug report sent by nmozarto on Jan 24th
see forum topic 2150
confirmed by Julie and corrected by Julien
Need to add LDA in *syswapr routines and update testing to test having LDA
bug0066 :: bugs in {s,d}gejsv
bug report sent by Paul Roberts on Oct 21st
reported to Zlatko Drmac and corrected by Zlatko Drmac
bug0036 :: scaling in xSTEQR, xSTERF
bug report sent by Pat Quillen on Fri 24 Jul 2009 to "[email protected]". "Scaling in xSTEQR, xSTERF"
Correction: "changed matrix norm to M (max) from I (inf) for scaling of input matrix
and added check for zero norm in xSTERF (the xSTEQR already had this check)"
confirmed by Rodney and corrected by Rodney
bug0035 :: dlarfb.f and likes
bug report sent by Michael Chuvelev (Intel) on Tue 21 Jul 2009 to "[email protected]". "Bug in LAPACK 3.2 dlarfb.f and likes"
see Michael Chuvelev and Julie’s emails, q.dat, tau.dat, and test_dorgql.f
confirmed by Rodney on Tue Feb 22 2011
corrected by Rodney on Thu March 3rd 2011
bug0034 :: comments in SSPTRF not correct
clarification asked by "sarnath" on Thu Jul 02 2009
confirmation of bug by "sarnath" and Julien Langou on Fri Jul 03 2009
The statement "JMAX is the column-index of the largest off-diagonal element in row IMAX" is not correct
see forum topic 1553
bug0027 :: misleading comment in the header of DGHEQZ, the 2x2 block of the real Schur form are not as claimed
reported by Vasile Sima on Tue Jan 27 2009
see: email from Vasile
more information: more specifically Vasile is reporting that the comments:
* [...] H contains the upper quasi-triangular
* matrix S from the generalized Schur factorization;
* 2-by-2 diagonal blocks (corresponding to complex conjugate
* pairs of eigenvalues) are returned in standard form, with
* H(i,i) = H(i+1,i+1) and H(i+1,i)*H(i,i+1) < 0.
are not correct
confirmed by Rodney and corrected by Rodney
bug0024 :: the notation A' is confusing for complex matrices. Does A' stand for A transpose of A Hermitian transpose?
reported by Clint Whaley early July 2009
LAPACK is not consistent in it use of the notation for transpose and Hermitian transpose.
The use of LAPACK A' is not consistent with the BLAS useage.
We note that the Matlab/Scilab/Octave convention is A' stands for "conjugate transpose" and A.' stands for "transpose".
In the Z routines, LAPACK uses the notation A' 669 times, it means "conjugate transpose" most of the time but it means "transpose" a few times (maybe 10 times max, for BLAS-like routines). The notation A*H, A*T, A*N is used 549 times, The notation AT, AN, A^H 19 times. (This is just for the Z routines.)
see Julien’s emails
vote on the lapackers mailing list: A*T (or AT) and A*H (or AH): Clint Whaley, Jim Demmel, Sven Hammarling, Antoine Petitet, Daniel Kressner A' (for A*H) and A.' for (A*T): Julien Langou (I love to be that supported by the lapackers!)
corrected by Julie
bug0022 :: workspace query bug with DGEJSV (when only left or right singular vectors desired)
reported by Allin Cottrell on Tue Jan 15 2009
confirmed by Julien Langou on Fri Jan 30 2009
see forum topic 866
all information sent to Zlatko Drmac
Corrected by Zlatko Drmac