Interprocessor Collective Communications (InterCom) Library

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# Index for intercom

# Interprocessor Collective Communications Library (iCC)
# To retrieve a these files, send mail in the
# form:
#    send <file> from intercom
#    (where <file> is from the list below)
#	to [email protected]
# Current version on netlib:  Release R2.1.0, February 23, 1996

file    readme
for     description and how to use the iCC library

file    readme.html
for     description and how to use the iCC library

by	M. Barnett, S. Gupta, D. Payne, L. Shuler, R. van de Geijn, 
,       and J. Watts,
for     Interprocessor Collective Communication Library (InterCom),
,       Proceedings of the Scalable High Performance Computing Conference 
,       May, 1994

for     iCC Reference Guide

for     iCC Summary

file	iCC.DELTA.a
for     iCC library for Touchstone Delta, O/S release R1.5

file	NXtoiCC.DELTA.a
for     iCC library for Touchstone Delta, O/S release R1.5
,       automatically converts NX collective calls to iCC calls

file	iCC.parR1.3.a
for     iCC library for Paragon, O/S release R1.3

file	NXtoiCC.parR1.3.a
for     iCC library for Paragon, O/S release R1.3
,       automatically converts NX collective calls to iCC calls

file	iCC.SUNMOS.a
for     iCC library for Paragon, SUNMOS O/S release R1.6

file	iCC.IPSC.a
for     iCC library for Intel iPSC/860

file	NXtoiCC.IPSC.a
for     iCC library for Intel iPSC/860
,       automatically converts NX collective calls to iCC calls

file	iCC_group.DELTA.a
for     iCC group library for Touchstone Delta, O/S release R1.5

file	iCC_group.parR1.3.a
for     iCC group library for Paragon, O/S release R1.3

file	iCC_group.SUNMOS.a
for     iCC group library for Paragon, SUNMOS O/S release R1.6

file	iCC_group.IPSC.a
for     iCC group library for Intel iPSC/860

file	iCC_group.h
for     "C" include file for the iCC group interface

file	iCC_groupf.h
for     "FORTRAN" include file for the iCC group interface