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# Cascade Software Availability # Cascade Version SUN0.9 June 23, 1988 # # Two groups of software are available under the cascade sublibrary of netlib. # These are the cascade subroutine library, and the cascade tools, which are a # group of programs which can be called either as subroutines or as commands # from a Unix shell or VMS/DCL. The main programs use routines from the # subroutine library. # # The cascade subroutine library's subroutines and functions are documented in # the manual "Cascade Library Users' Guide", available via netlib by requesting # "send from cascade" in postscript form. # # The cascade tools are documented in the manual "Cascade Tools and Knowledge # Base", available via netlib by requesting "send from # cascade" in postscript form. # # These files, as well as a suite of examples, are also available as Unix # compressed tar-format files via anonymous login to at The # University of Tennessee, Knoxville. If you are using a Unix system, the # Makefiles for libcascade.a (the cascade subroutine library) and # libcascadetools.a (the cascade tools library) are appended at the end of this # message; they will have to be modified to work at your site, since they are # intended to be invoked from the cascade distribution tape Makefile. # # The network-available software is a part of the cascade expert system for # multivariable controller design using the LQG/LTR methodology. The complete # distribution is available on Sun 1/4" (60Mbyte or 150Mbyte) or Sun 8mm tapes, # as a tar file, only. The expert system requires the Quintus Prolog # development environment for compilation and execution. The cascade # distribution tape and/or printed documentation is available from J. D. # Birdwell at the address below; a fee is charged to cover the cost of media # and duplication. The cascade expert system and tools are known to work only # on Sun 3 workstations at the present time. # # No warranty is made concerning the quality of the cascade software or its # applicability. The software available as a part of netlib has been placed in # the public domain by the authors, as a part of the cascade development # project, sponsored by the U.S. Department of Energy. Several authors # contributed to this project; they are cited in the manuals. # # The cascade tools require several include files which netlib will not # automatically send; to receive them, request: # send Parameter.f from cascade # send dpcommon.f from cascade # send dpcom.f from cascade # send commands.h from cascade # You will also need the main program for the tools, headercode.c, in order # to invoke the tools from the command line: # send headercode.c from cascade # # For further information, contact: # # J. D. Birdwell # Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering # The University of Tennessee # Knoxville, TN 37996-2100 # # e-mail: [email protected] or [email protected] # # ======================================================================== # # Contents of the Cascade Subroutine Library # # Special Functions ## file ahcon.f ahcon.f plus dependencies for "ad-hoc" controllability calculation file gauss.f gauss.f plus dependencies for Gaussian pseudo-random number generator file gfba.f gfba.f plus dependencies for general frequency balancing algorithm file icnvrt.f for integer <-> character conversion file rand.f rand.f plus dependencies for uniformly distributed pseudo-random numbers on [0,1] # # Regulator and Filter Design Software ## file ckbf.f ckbf.f plus dependencies for continuous time Kalman filter design program file creg.f creg.f plus dependencies for continuous time LQR design program # # Riccati Equation Solver # # The following routines comprise RICPACK, written by Arnold and Laub; # some of the code is based upon other work, as referenced in the # documentation. the main entry points are ricsol and fbgain. ## file cmprs.f cmprs.f plus dependencies for forms a compressed matrix pencil for the GARE file exchqz.f exchqz.f plus dependencies for exchange diagonal blocks of the upper Hessenberg pencil a-s*b file fbgain.f fbgain.f plus dependencies for find the optimal gain from the GARE solution, discrete or conts file giv.f for forms a Givens rotation file newt.f newt.f plus dependencies for Newton iteration to GARE solution file order.f order.f plus dependencies for reorders diagonal blocks of Hessenberg pencil a-s*b file resid.f resid.f plus dependencies for calculate GARE residual and its 1-norm file ricsol.f ricsol.f plus dependencies for calculates GARE solution, discrete or continuous time file rinv.f rinv.f plus dependencies for used in solution to continuous time GARE file rotc.f for Givens rotation on columns file rotr.f for Givens rotation on rows file sepest.f sepest.f plus dependencies for used to estimate condition file sequiv.f sequiv.f plus dependencies for used to form compressed problem # # Frequency Response Computations ## file dfrmg.f dfrmg.f plus dependencies for calculate frequency response at single frequency file dhetr.f for reduction of submatrix of real general matrix to up. Hess. form file zheco.f zheco.f plus dependencies for lu factor & condition estimate of up. Hess. matrix file zhefa.f zhefa.f plus dependencies for lu factor of upper Hessenberg matrix file zhesl.f for solve complex upper Hessenberg system H*X=B # # Matrix Exponential Routines ## file pade.f pade.f plus dependencies for calculate approx. of exp(a*t) and several integrals file pade8m.f pade8m.f plus dependencies for calculate approx. of exp(a) # # Computation of Poles and Zeros ## file eigen.f eigen.f plus dependencies for find eigenvalues and eigenvectors of real general matrix file housh.f for a Householder transformation file mvzero.f for computes finite multivariable zeros of a conts linear system file pivot.f for finds maximal element of vector and its location file rduce.f rduce.f plus dependencies for extracts a reduced system with same transmission zeros file tr1.f for a Householder transformation file tr2.f for a Householder transformation file zeros.f zeros.f plus dependencies for extract pencil defining zeros of original system # # Ward's Balancing Routines ## file balgbk.f balgbk.f plus dependencies for back transform eigenvectors to original problem file balgen.f balgen.f plus dependencies for balance generalized eigenproblem file balinv.f for inverse transformation of balanc (eispack) file gradbk.f for back transform eigenvectors from gradeq file gradeq.f for grade the submatrices of A and B file qzhesw.f for first step of QZ algorithm file qzitw.f for second step of QZ algorithm file reduce.f for reduce order of generalized eigenproblem if possible file scalbk.f for back transform from reduce and/or scaleg file scaleg.f for scale original problem # # Lyapunov Equation Solvers ## file dstslv.f dstslv.f plus dependencies for solve A'*X*A - X = C, C symmetric & A up. RSF file lypcnd.f lypcnd.f plus dependencies for solve F'*X + X*F + H = 0 by Bartels-Stewart file lypdsd.f lypdsd.f plus dependencies for solve F'*X*F - X = H by modified Bartels-Stewart file symslv.f symslv.f plus dependencies for solve A'*X + X*A + C = 0, C symmetrix & A up. RSF file hqrort.f for compute up. real Schur form (RSF); mod of HQR2 # # Linear Equation Solvers ## file gausel.f for Gaussian elimination file lineq.f lineq.f plus dependencies for solves A*X=B for B a vector w/ cond. est.; uses dgecom and dgeslm file mlineq.f mlineq.f plus dependencies for solves A*X=B for B a matrix w/ cond. est.; uses dgecom and dgeslm file mpinv.f mpinv.f plus dependencies for calculate Moore-Penrose pseudo-inverse of real gen. A # # Modified LINPACK Routines ## file dgecom.f dgecom.f plus dependencies for lu decomposition w/ cond. est. file dgefam.f for lu decomposition file dgeslm.f for solution of A*X=B using lu factors # # Input / Output Routines # # Note: see the Cascade Tools and Knowledge Base # manual ( for file formats. ## file insys.f insys.f plus dependencies for read a system container file file filext.f for modifies a file name by adding or changing an extension file fmout.f for formatted matrix output file mout.f for free format ascii matrix output file outsys.f outsys.f plus dependencies for writes a system container file # # Basic Matrix Manipulation Routines ## file cpycol.f for copy a column of a matrix (vector) file d1nrm.f for compute 1-norm of a matrix file dcl1.f for function to return 1-type magnitude of complex number file fnorm.f for compute Frobenius or Euclidean matrix norm of square matrix file madd.f for matrix addition file mmul.f for matrix multiplication file mqf.f for symmetric matrix product, X'*S*X file mqfa.f for symmetric matrix product, X'*X file mqfwo.f mqfwo.f plus dependencies for symmetric matrix product, X'*S*X, stored in S file mscale.f for scalar matrix product, a*X file msub.f for matrix subtraction file mula.f for matrix product, A*B, stored in A file mulb.f for matrix product, A*B, stored in B file mulwoa.f for matrix product, A*B, stored in A file mulwob.f for matrix product, A*B, stored in B file save.f for copy a matrix file symprd.f symprd.f plus dependencies for symmetric matrix product, X'*A*X file trnata.f for replace a matrix in an array with its transpose (in place) file trnatb.f for form matrix transpose file xty.f for matrix product, X'*Y file xyt.f for matrix product, X*Y' file zl1nrm.f for compute 1-norm of complex vector and scale vector by its norm # # ======================================================================== # # The Cascade Tools # # Note: These tools are intended primarily for use by the cascade expert # system, which implements a version of the LQG/LTR multivariable controller # design methodology. All of the tools can be run from the Unix or VMS/DCL # command line, but some are not very useful except to the expert system. The # tools can also be called as subroutines in other programs. As commands, all # the tools expect command line arguments providing parameters and necessary # files. These are provided as elements of the argument lists when the tools # are accessed as subroutines. File formats and the command line formats are # described in the manual. All the tools require several include files in # order to compile, which define limits on array and matrix sizes and other # parameters. The tool contained in the file "svplot.f" requires the cgs/ncar # graphics library, but can be modified to use any low-order line graphics # library. # # The tools all use a common command line parser, contained in the file # "headercode.c". The commands to be built into headercode are defined in # "commands.h", included in headercode.c. There is currently a problem with # this code's execution on Sun 4 machines. If you wish the patch when it # becomes available, contact J. D. Birdwell, [email protected]. # Notification will be available only via e-mail. The tools are linked with # headercode.c into one large file, and, on Unix, links are defined from the # toolname (e.g. aolsys) to the headercode executable. Which tool is to be # executed is determined by the name of this link. On VMS systems, a command # definition file is required; contact J. D. Birdwell for its availability. # The tools were originally developed under a VMS/DCL environment, but have # since been ported to Unix The command line software may or may not work # under recent releases of VMS; it has not been tested. # # headercode.c main program used to access all tools from the command line ## file aolsys.f aolsys.f plus dependencies for Analyze Open Loop System file auginp.f auginp.f plus dependencies for Augment at Input file augout.f augout.f plus dependencies for Augment at Output file augsqr.f augsqr.f plus dependencies for Augment-Square file balsvd.f balsvd.f plus dependencies for Balance Singular Values file dlohi.f for Decide Low or High file evlbnd.f evlbnd.f plus dependencies for Evaluate Bounds file exmsys.f exmsys.f plus dependencies for Examine System file kbf.f kbf.f plus dependencies for KBF file kbffwc.f kbffwc.f plus dependencies for KBF Find Wcmin file lqr.f lqr.f plus dependencies for LQR file lqrfwc.f lqrfwc.f plus dependencies for LQR Find Wcmin file ltrkbf.f ltrkbf.f plus dependencies for LTR using KBF file ltrlqr.f ltrlqr.f plus dependencies for LTR using LQR file makbnd.f for Make Bounds file makmat.f for Make Matrices file rankv.f rankv.f plus dependencies for Rank of V file svplot.f svplot.f plus dependencies for Svplot and Bounds