FFTPACK is a package of Fortran subprograms for the fast Fourier transform of periodic and other symmetric sequences. It includes complex, real, sine, cosine, and quarter-wave transforms.
file links.html for related resources file doc for user guide for fftpack file fft.c fft.c plus dependencies for C translation of much of fftpack prec single by Monty <[email protected]> gams J1a lang C file dp.tgz for double precision clone of fftpack by Hugh C. Pumphrey <[email protected]> prec double lang Fortran gams J1a file jfftpack.tgz for Java translation of fftpack by Baoshe Zhang [email protected] lang Java gams J1a file cfftb.f cfftb.f plus dependencies gams J1a2 for FFT, backward transform (synthesis) of a complex Fourier coefficient array file cfftf.f cfftf.f plus dependencies gams J1a2 for FFT, forward transform of a complex periodic sequence file cosqf.f cosqf.f plus dependencies gams J1a3 for FFT, forward cosine transform with odd wave numbers file cost.f cost.f plus dependencies gams J1a3 for FFT, discrete cosine transform of a real even sequence file ezfftb.f ezfftb.f plus dependencies gams J1a1 for FFT, backward transform (synthesis) of a real Fourier coefficient array, simplified and slower version of (fftpack/rfftb) file ezfftf.f ezfftf.f plus dependencies gams J1a1 for FFT, forward transform of a real periodic sequence, simplified and slower version of (fftpack/rfftf) file rfftb.f rfftb.f plus dependencies gams J1a1 for FFT, backward transform (synthesis) of a real Fourier coefficient array file rfftf.f rfftf.f plus dependencies gams J1a1 for FFT, forward transform of a real periodic sequence file sinqb.f sinqb.f plus dependencies gams J1a3 for FFT, backward sine transform (synthesis) with odd wave numbers file sinqf.f sinqf.f plus dependencies gams J1a3 for FFT, forward sine transform with odd wave numbers file sint.f sint.f plus dependencies gams J1a3 for FFT, discrete sine transform of a real odd sequence file cffti.f cffti.f plus dependencies gams -0- for initialization routine for (fftpack/cfftf) and (fftpack/cfftb) file cosqb.f cosqb.f plus dependencies gams J1a3 for FFT, backward cosine transform (synthesis) with odd wave numbers file cosqi.f cosqi.f plus dependencies gams -0- for initialization routine for (fftpack/cosqf) and (fftpack/cosqb) file ezffti.f ezffti.f plus dependencies for initialization routine for (fftpack/ezfftf) and (fftpack/ezfftb) file costi.f costi.f plus dependencies gams -0- for initialization routine for (fftpack/cost) file rffti.f rffti.f plus dependencies gams J1a1 for initialization routine for (fftpack/rfftf) and (ftpack/rfftb) file sinqi.f sinqi.f plus dependencies gams -0- for initialization routtine for (fftpack/sinqf) and (fftpack/sinqb) file sinti.f sinti.f plus dependencies gams -0- for initialization routine for (fftpack/sint) file cfftb1.f cfftb1.f plus dependencies file cfftf1.f cfftf1.f plus dependencies file cffti1.f file changes file cosqb1.f cosqb1.f plus dependencies file cosqf1.f cosqf1.f plus dependencies file ezfft1.f file fftpack.mail file passb.f file passb2.f file passb3.f file passb4.f file passb5.f file passf.f file passf2.f file passf3.f file passf4.f file passf5.f file radb2.f file radb3.f file radb4.f file radb5.f file radbg.f file radf2.f file radf3.f file radf4.f file radf5.f file radfg.f file rfftb1.f rfftb1.f plus dependencies file rfftf1.f rfftf1.f plus dependencies file rffti1.f file sint1.f sint1.f plus dependencies file test.f test.f plus dependencies