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file cap for conformal mapping of circular arc polygons by P. Bjorstad and E. Grosse ref SIAM J Scientific Computing 8,19-32 rel ok age experimental file scpack for Schwarz-Christoffel conformal mapping, disk to polygon prec single by L. N. Trefethen ref SCPACK User's Guide, Internal Report 24, ICASE, NASA Langley, 1983. rel excellent age stable gams i2b4, p lang fortran file scpdbl for Schwarz-Christoffel conformal mapping, disk to polygon prec double by L. N. Trefethen ref SCPACK User's Guide, Internal Report 24, ICASE, NASA Langley, 1983. rel excellent age stable gams i2b4, p lang fortran file scdoc for users guide for conformal/scpack by L. N. Trefethen file sclibdbl for requisite utility routines for conformal/scpack prec double by L. N. Trefethen file testdbl for three tests for conformal/scpack prec double by L. N. Trefethen file sclib for requisite utility routines for conformal/scpack prec single by L. N. Trefethen file tests for three tests for conformal/scpack prec single by L. N. Trefethen file kirch1 for free-streamline flows code for conformal/scpdbl by L. N. Trefethen gams i2b4, p, z lang fortran file gearlike for conformal mapping from the unit disk to a gear-like domain , consisting of concentric circular arcs and radial line segments. by Kent Pearce ref SIAM J Sci and Stat Comp. gams p lang fortran file gearplot for plotting output of conformal/gearlike using DISSPLA by Kent Pearce file confpack for The CONFPACK subroutine library size 412 kB alg Symm's integral equation by Gutknecht and Hough ref David M. Hough, August 1990, "User's Guide to CONFPACK, Version 1.0", IPS Research Report No. 90-11. ETH-Zentrum, Ch-8092 Zurich, Switzerland. # CONFPACK 1.0, 6 Apr 1991 by ftp from in Zurich. see linpack, quadpack # send isamax sasum saxpy sdot sgeco sgefa sgedi sgesl sscal sswap from linpack. # send qaws qawse qc25s qcheb qk15w qmaco qmomo qsort qwgts from quadpack. # But netlib has slatec version of quadpack, this code uses book version! # We'll fix this when we get a chance. # Martin Gutknecht [email protected] or [email protected] # David Hough [email protected] or [email protected] gams i2b4, p lang fortran file pargen for preprocessor program PARGEN for conformal/confpack file confdrivers for 10 example driver programs for conformal/confpack file readme