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Title: :::Happy mail:::
Happymail �� ��Ÿ ���� 02-588-0510 2001�� 9�� 

�� �Ǹ���

�� ��������

A blonde is walking down the street with her blouse open and her

right breast hanging out.

A policeman approaches her and says.


 are you aware that I could arrest you for indecent exposure?"

She says, "Why, officer?"

"Because your breast is hanging out."

She looks down and shouts.

"OH MY GOODNESS! I left the baby on the bus again!"

�� �ؼ�����

�� �ݹ߹̳డ ����콺�� Ȱ¦ ���� �ְ� ������ �������� ������

�� �巯�� ���� ���·� ���� �ɾ�� �־���.

����� �׳��� ��ó�� �ͼ� ���ߴ�.

"����, ���� ����� ���� �����˷� ü���� ���� �ִٴ� ����� �˰�


�׳డ ����ϱ�: "�� �׷���, �����?"

"��� ������ �ۿ� ���� ���ݾƿ�?"

�׳�� �Ʒ��� ������ �̷��� ���ƴ�:

"�ƴ�! �̷�����!! �� �Ʊ⸦ ������ �ΰ� ���� ���Ⱦ��!"

�� breast  ï¿½Ê°ï¿½ï¿½ï¿½

�� approach ~�� ������ ����

�� indecent  ï¿½ï¿½ï¿½ï¿½ï¿½ï¿½ï¿½ï¿½, �� �糪��, �ܼ�(����)��

�� exposure  ï¿½ï¿½ï¿½ï¿½

" Where Does My Heart
  Beat Now
 - Sung by Celine Dion - "

�� Don't know how love could leave
    Without a trace Where do silent hearts go.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
�� ����� ������ ������ ���� ä �׷��� ���� �� �ִ���
    �� ���� �����. �� ��Ż�� ������ ���� ���� �ϳ���

������ ����� �ľ� ���� ä ���̻� �� ���� ���� ���̰� �� ������.

'silent hearts'�� �ٷ� �����ϰ� �ľ� ����, ��Ż���� ���� ���� ���¸� ǥ���� ���Դϴ�.

'without a trace'�� ������� ������ ������ �ʰ������ ������ 'silent hearts'�� �ǹ̸�

���� ������ �ְ� �־��.


�� without a trace �ƹ��� ����, ���뵵 ����

  ï¿½ï¿½That dog has gone away without a trace. (�� ���� �ƹ��� ������ ���� ����� ���ȴ�.)

�� May I try this on? 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
�� �ѹ� �Ծ���� �ɱ��?

�� ��������
A: This is the latest in swimwear.
B: What colors do you have?
A: Besides this one in black, we have red, blue and green.
B: Can I try this one on?

�� �ؼ�����
A : �̰��� �츮�� ������ �ִ� �ֽ� �������̿���.
B : ������ � �� �ֳ���?
A : �������� �̰� ���� ���� ��, �Ķ���, �ʷϻ��� �־��.
B : ���� �̰� �� �� �Ծ���� �ɱ��?

'���� �� �� �Ծ��'��� ǥ���� 'try on'�Դϴ�.

'try to'�� '����ϴ�'�̰� 'try ~ ing'�� '������ ~�ϴ�'��� ��������.


�� swimwear  ï¿½ï¿½ï¿½ï¿½ï¿½ï¿½             

�� besides  ï¿½Ô´Ù°ï¿½, �׹ۿ�

�� try on  ~�� �� �� �Ծ��.

�� ����

�� ��������

��� : ߣ��� ��(�ʪ�)����(����)����(��)�êƪ����?           

ߣ� : ��! ��骯�� ����������(���󪮪�)������(�Ϫ�)�ʪ����

��� : �Ǫ⣬����(���󪮪�)�Ϊ���(�Ϫ�)�˪����㣬���� ��(����),


ߣ� : ��۰(������)�ʪ��裮



�� �ؼ�����
�ٳ��� : �߸��ٱ�, ���� ������ �İ� �ִ�?
�߸��� : ��! �ٳ��, �츮 �� �ݺؾ� �����̾�.
�ٳ��� : ��ġ��, �ݺؾ� ����ġ��, �� ����, �ʹ�ũ��.
�߸��� : ��¿ �� ����. �츮�� �ݺؾ ������ ������ ��ӿ� ����ְŵ�.

�� ����(�ժ����媦)  ï¿½ï¿½ï¿½ï¿½

�� ��(����)  ï¿½ï¿½ï¿½ï¿½

�� ��(��)��  ï¿½Ä´ï¿½

�� ������~   ï¿½ì¸®(��)~

�� ����(���󪮪�)  ï¿½ÝºØ¾ï¿½

�� ����(�Ϫ�)  ï¿½ï¿½ï¿½ï¿½

�� ��(����)��������(���ު���)  ï¿½Ê¹ï¿½Å©ï¿½ï¿½.

�� ��۰(������)�ʪ�  ï¿½ï¿½Â¿ �� ����.

�� �ͪ�  ï¿½ï¿½ï¿½ï¿½ï¿½ï¿½

�� ��(�Ϫ�)��  ï¿½ï¿½î°¡ï¿½ï¿½.

�� �Ѫ���� ���(���窦����)�� ����ު��� 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
�� �达�� ������ �ֽ��ϱ�?

�� ��������
���� : �Ѫ���� ���(���窦����)�� ����ު���.
��    : ������ ��(����)�� ��(����)�� ����(�ҪȪ�)���� ����ު�.
���� : ����(�˪�)����� ��(�ʪ�)�� ���� ���ު���.
��    : ��(����)�� Ý«(����)�� ����(��������)�� �Ϫ��骤�� ���ު�.

�� �ؼ�����
�⹫�� : �达�� ������ �ֽ��ϱ�?
��      : ��, ���� ������ �� ���� �ֽ��ϴ�.
�⹫�� : ������ ������ �ϰ� �ֽ��ϱ�?
��      : ���� �ƹ��� ȸ�翡�� ���ϰ� �ֽ��ϴ�.

�� ���(���窦����) ���� �� �Ϫ��骯 ���ϴ�


atlas-comm�� �ȳ��ϼ���?


����� ��ȭ�� �̿��ؼ� ����� 1 : 1 �� �ܱ��� �н��� �� �� �ִ� �� Online Korea �� ��

�� �մϴ�.     ï¿½Ì¸ï¿½ ������� �ʰ� ���� ��� �˼��մϴ�.     ï¿½Îµï¿½ �ʱ׷���� �뼭��......


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�ʿ��� ȸȭ �� ���徿�� ����� ���� �帮�� �־��.


���� ���� ������ ���ñ½º¸ï¿½ �޾ƺ��� ���Ͻø� �� [email protected] ���� "yes"���

������ ������ �ֽñ� �ٶ��ϴ�.


�׸���, ���� ��ȭ �ܱ��� ���ǰ� �ñ��Ͻ� �е��� ����, 1ȸ�� ���ؼ� �� ���� �ù����� �µ�

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�ۼ��ϼż� ���� �ֽø� �˴ϴ�.  ï¿½ï¿½ï¿½ï¿½, ��ȭ 02-588-0510 ���ε� ��û�Ͻ� �� �ֱ���.


�ƹ��ɷ� �� �н����� atlas-comm���� ȸȭ �Ƿ� ��� ���� ������ �Ǿ����� �մϴ�.


atlas-comm�Բ��� http://scicomp.ewha.ac.kr/netlib/atlas/atlas-comm/msg00019.html�� �ִ� �ּҸ� ���� ���� ��ȴµ���, ���ʿ��� �������ٸ� ���� �˼��մϴ�.

���� ���� �źθ� ���Ͻø� [email protected] �� [NO] ��� ������ �ֽø� �ٽô� �̷� ������

�帮�� �ʰڽ��ϴ�.
