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Re: Altivec matmul kernel (attachment)

Greetings, and thanks for your reply!

Nicholas Coult <[email protected]> writes:

> On second thought, I think generating assembly wouldn't solve the 
> problem, since the assembler has to recognize the altivec assembly 
> instructions in order to generate the object code...

This is true, but I'd wager that an altivec capable binutils is most
likely already the default for ppc, whereas the patched gcc may never
be available as an option for the distribution.  

To get the assembler, just do your mmutstcase, look for the line where
your C file is compiled, copy this, changing -c to -S and -o ... to -o

I'm looking into the patched gcc.  There may be a Debian developer who
would be willing to package it for the ppc.  If this can be done,
would be far preferable to dealing with the assembly, so you might
want to hold off until I hear from him.

Take care,

> On Tuesday, July 17, 2001, at 03:22  PM, Camm Maguire wrote:
> >
> > Greetings!  I was just checking out your kernel, and realized that it
> > requires a compiler which recognizes the altivec extension keywords,
> > which gcc alas does not.  Could you perhaps compile with the -S flag
> > to generate assembly output files, and post these?  gcc can wrap this
> > code in a C macro.  Many Debian PPC users might appreciate your
> > kernel!
> >
> > Take care,
> > --
> > Camm Maguire			     			[email protected]
> > =========================================================================
> > =
> > "The earth is but one country, and mankind its citizens."  --  
> > Baha'u'llah
> >
> --
> Nicholas Coult, Ph.D.,  web: http://melby.augsburg.edu/~coult
> Assistant Professor, Department of Mathematics, Augsburg College
> [email protected], phone:  (612) 330-1064 office: Science Hall 137B

Camm Maguire			     			[email protected]
"The earth is but one country, and mankind its citizens."  --  Baha'u'llah