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Re: subscribe

Robert van de Geijn wrote:

> What is GPL?
> gemm numbers are on the webpage now:
> http://www.cs.utexas.edu/users/flame/ITXGEMM/performance.html
> The best performance I have seen with our stuff on my laptop has been better
> than 80% of peak.

Can I just check what you mean by peak?

I thought a P III could issue 2 flops every 3 cycles, such that a 650Mhz chip
maxed out at 433 Mflops/s ?


Dr. Daniel Kidger                               | E: [email protected]
High Performance Computing Group                | W: www.csar.cfs.ac.uk
Manchester Computing, University of Manchester, | T:   +44 161 275 7038
Manchester, M13 9PL, United Kingdom.            | F:   +44 161 275 6800
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