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Re: ATLAS developer release 3.1.1

Greetings, Clint!  Thanks as always for your work on this.

About the dgemv, I can get 20% or so over the best atlas routine
(_mm.c) using prefetch.  But when redefining prefetch to nop in my
code, the performance improvement from prefetch is more like 100%.
Which makes me think that the best strategy would be to take atlas' mm
code and just add a few prefetch commands where necessary.
Unfortunately, I haven't yet spent the time to know where the real
core routines are, there being so many includes and all.  Can you give
me a pointer here?

Take care,

R Clint Whaley <[email protected]> writes:

> Guys,
> I have posted a new developer release to the developer page,
>    www.cs.utk.edu/~rwhaley/ATLAS/OS/index.html
> It is far from complete; I still have yet to get Camm's stuff in,
> or many of my own updates, for instance.  However, it *does* have
> the new paper, and Goto's assembler ev5x/ev6 GEMM, as well as 
> a "user-supplied GEMM" (i.e., the ability for the user to supply a
> full GEMM, rather than just a GEMM kernel) that simply calls ATLAS
> (as a building block for your own user-supplied GEMM).
> This release is 3 or so months overdue, but things keep intruding.  I
> wanted to wait until I got Camm's stuff in, but with all the crap that
> keeps happening, I feared that might mean additional delays, so the
> strategy is going to be to release as soon as possible, every time
> I manage to get any significant progress done . . .
> Cheers,
> Clint

Camm Maguire			     			[email protected]
"The earth is but one country, and mankind its citizens."  --  Baha'u'llah