Please send comments to [email protected] or
Eric Grosse ATT Bell Labs 2T504 Murray Hill NJ 07974-0636, USA
Copyright 1994, AT&T Bell Labs
This catalog has drifted seriously out of date while I've been distracted by other activities. I'm just getting started bringing it up to date. ehg Oct 1995



form form (basis of approximating space)

norm norm (criteria of approximation, figure of merit, nonstandard data)

var variable (coordinate transform, mesh generation)

diag diagnostics

tools tools from other fields

omit omitted topics


geometry geometry of the domain or graph

data nonstandard data

crease discontinuities (jump, crease, edges)

expdesign experimental design

coord coordinate transformation

selection selection of regression variables

vparam choice of parameterization variable

iso isoparametric finite elements

mesh mesh generation, refinement

file-format file format


simplemesh simple spline mesh utilities

optinterp ``optimal'' spline interpolation (particular choice of knots)

segment segmented piecewise linear approximation

stopping stopping criteria for grid points

triang triangulation, given scattered points

adaptive adaptive grids

meshgen multivariate mesh generation


b78s de Boor 78 INTERV, L2KNTS



imsl imsl/bsnak not-a-knot condition


stop/plateau plateau in $||r||$

stop/autocorr $\mathop{\rm autocorr}(r)\le{1 / \sqrt{2(N-1)}}$

GCV cross-validation

stop/ML maximum likelihood


b78s de Boor 78 Practical Guide, page 266


p70smoo Powell 70


g87gcv Girard 87 estimate trace using residual for random normal data

dg91gcv Deshpande Girard 91 robust and Poisson norm

GCV1 univariate

GCV2 bivariate


w75cv Wahba 75 spline smoothing

o85cv O'Sullivan 85 O(n) GCV smoothing spline

h86cv deHoog Hutchinson 86 O(n) GCV smoothing spline

w86cv Woltring 86 GCV smoothing spline

hh87orth deHoog Hutchinson 87 replaces Cholesky by orthogonal linear algebra

ka87smoo Kohn Ansley 87 filtering

su88gcv Schumaker Utreras 88 complete spline (endpoint deriv data)


blwy86 Bates Lindstrom Wahba Yandell 86 gcvpack

y87block Yandell 87 e.g. disconnected regions but single smoothing parameter


b83ml Brannigan 83 Approx Thy IV


bf85sph Baumgardner Frederickson 85 uniform triangulation on sphere

voronoi Delaunay-Thiessen (dual to Voronoi polygons); max-min angle

other-tri other (data-independent) triangulation criteria

data-tri data dependent triangulation

searchtri searching general triangulation for given point

nonconvex-tri dealing with nonconvex domains


minmaxtri min-max angle


w92minmax Waupotitsch 92 Tan edge insertion


dlr90tri Dynb Levin Rippa 90 allow thin triangles near steep fronts

qs91tri Quak Schumaker 91 diagonal flip starting from uniform grid

s93tri Schumaker 93 simulated annealing on l2 error; local swaps does about as well


obs92voronoi Okabe Boots Sugihara 92 monograph on Voronoi, Delaunay

voronoi2d bivariate

voronoi3d three and more


l77c1 Lawson 77 swap diagonal in quadrilaterals to max the min angle

a78toms Akima 78 bivariate interpolation

cr84tri Cline Renka 84 adjacency list

bl84 Barnhill Little 84 min the max angle

f86sweep Fortune 86 sweep in transformed space

f91triang Fortune 91 survey

etw92tri Edelsbrunner Tan Waupotitsch 92 max angle


b81vor Bowyer 81

w81cont Watson 81

j89del Joe 89


l77c1 Lawson 77 step to neighbor triangle in right direction

s87tri Schumaker 87 lexicographic sorting; may need N^2 space

pt88tri Preparata Tamassia 88


sp92solidsolid Sapidis Perucchio 92 deciding if cells are in or out


refine refinement

unrefinement unrefinement

freeknot free knots

freeknot0 free knots for piecewise constant

freeknot2 free grid in more than one variable

jitter nonuniform sampling to ameliorate aliasing

quasirandom quasirandom (more uniform than true random would be)


adlm90rem Arge Daehlen Lyche Morken 90 Constrained Knot Removal

hddhjmss94 Hoppe et al 94 linear patches to control points and creases


m87nonunif Mitchell 87 Poisson disk; adaptive sampling; multistage averaging


s84go Schagen 84 tradeoff between sampling entire space and resolving minima

f86quasi Fox 86 Faure, Halton, Sobol sequences (evenly distributed over square)


cutbig refine intervals with large residual

cuttri refine triangle

cutcrit refine using critical features

segment segmented piecewise linear approximation

kd k-d tree

hier hierarchical rectangular grid

subdiv recursive subdivision


d87fit Dierckx 87 curfit, smoot

cj87l1 Cox Jones 87 drop redundant knots

af88refine Adjerid Flaherty 88

m89refine Mitchell 89 comparison of linear triangle refinements

hg95scape Heckbert Garland 95 greedy insertion


scds91tri Schmitt Chen Du Sair 91 Gregory-Bezier triangle


sp90tri Scarlatos Pavlidis 90 put triangle edges along ridgelines


h66seg Hudson 66

ph74seg Pavlidis Horowitz 74 split-and-merge piecewise linear

w76seg Wilson 76 greedy-algorithm piecewise linear

p77polyg Pavlidis 77 Newton's method starting from split-and-merge

wd84polyg Wall Danielsson 84 fast merging

dt90curv Dudek Tsotsos 90 look for jumps in curvature

mw92arc Meek Walton 92 circular arc

h93polyg Hobby 93 boxes around given vertices

h96polyg Hobby 96 fast good visible vertices


r78adapt Rice 78 ADAPT (assumes f, f' available)

br79mult de Boor Rice 79 multivariate with optimal convergence

d80refin Dahmen 80 multivariate splines

bsw83datastr Bank Sherman Weiser 83 data structures for refinement

hierbasis hierarchical basis

quadtree quadtree, octree

rectcover rectangular covering


wavelet wavelet, quadrature mirror filter

y85hier Yserentant 85 include both "broad" and "narrow" elements in basis

a92hier Anderson 92 combining local approximations, then distributing effects


gm84wavelet Grossman Morlet 84 wavelet, also known as multiresolution

bcr89wavelet Beylkin Coifman Rokhlin 89

v90wavelet Vavasis 90 piecewise constant on refined triangles

m91wave Micchelli 91 prewavelet

c92wave Chui 92


ys83quadtree Yerry Shephard 83 quadtree, boundary adjustment, smoothing


b86rot Berger 86 clustering; rotated rectangles

g87mov Gropp 87 moving hierarchical grids

br90clust Berger Riugoutsos 90 covering by oriented rectangles


f79cart Friedman 79 piecewise constant on k-d tree

r85kd Rosenberg 85 comparison of quad and kd trees

cdg88 Cleveland Devlin Grosse 88 loess k-d trees, blending

g89loess Grosse 89 further details

f88mars Friedman 89 MARS (extreme) subsample of tensor product spline basis


e88strat Eubank 88 tridiagonal Newton, asymptotic, statistical applications


br68free de Boor Rice 68 optimize one knot at a time

p70smoo Powell 70

j78free Jupp 78 nonlinear l2 after log transform

bs79free Barrow Smith 79

nss86seg Nurnberger Sommer Strauss 86 allows jumps at knots

n86free Nurnberger 86 pp-segment; fix knots and use Remez

newnot de Boor newnot

free-ode methods applied to differential equations


d91free D'Azevedo 91 adaptive triangles for simple geometry and functions


b74newnot de Boor 74 newnot

s86ssaf Schryer 86 driver for newnot

imsl imsl/bsvls newnot driver for least squares data fitting

p89newnot Pryce 89 newnot iteration


ps75pasva Pereyra Sewell 75

w79free White 79 coordinate transformation

kn80mesh Kautsky Nichols 80 bounding local mesh ratio

cd85mesh Carey Dinh 85 coordinate transformation

amr88bvp Ascher Mattheij Russell 88 survey in chapter 9


b78s de Boor 78 SPLOPT

imsl imsl/bsopk

g78range Gaffney 78 given bound on high deriv, what possible function?

t90range Thakur 90 specialized to second derivative bound


mw81des Micchelli Wahba 81

b83leb Bos 83

chebpt sample at Chebyshev points $\cos{j\pi\over n}$

fr88fejer Fischer Reichel 88 updatable, approximately Fejer distributions

statdesign optimal statistical design

blendpt blending


hr87sub Hoffman Reddy 87 subset of uniform points near Chebyshev set


bd87design Box Draper 87 bias v. variance, checking fit, factorial designs

f90design Faraway 90 local



hs91design Hardin Sloane 91 pattern search


g69lattice Gordon 69 distributive lattices

dps78ser Delvos Posdorf Schempp 78 adds a few points in interior of cells


twm85grid Thompson Warsi Mastin 85 grid generation by PDEs

j86triang Joe 86 filling convex polygons with triangles

femhand Shepard Abel 87 chapter 5.3.4, 5.4.3b

bgr88obtuse Baker Grosse Rafferty 88 nonobtuse triangulation

be91triang Bern Eppstein 91 survey

kw92atlas Kalik Wendland 92 p.l.triangulation of differential manifold

mf92plate McMahon Franke 92 choose Voronoi regions for scattered data

r92tri Ruppert 92 iterative Delaunay, adding circumcenter to skinny triangles


bdy-struct boundary data structures

cs77byu Christiansen Stephenson 77 MOVIE.BYU

cg89tensor Coughran Grosse 89 scatter data or rectangular mesh

llmmpds90 Lounsbery Loop Mann Meyers Painter DeRose Sloan 90 dstruct

p90format Pratt 90 CAD data exchange standards


w85bdy Weiler 85 winged edge

w85bdyc Woo 85

w88bdy Wilson 88

a92bdy Ala 92 "delta" E->F, F->V, V->E; paging off disk


timeser time series, digital filters, signal processing

intersect finding intersections

minimal minimal surfaces

quadrature quadrature

fn special functions

extrap extrapolation, acceleration of series


dsp79 IEEE DSP

b85filter Bose 85 digital filters

w86time Wilson 86

jt87time Jones Tryon 87 unequally spaced data


bg82gmsolid Boyse Gilchrist 82 GMSolid CSG to boundary representation

d85inters Dokken 85

hefs85inters Houghton et al 85

g85resolv Goldman 85 resolvents

ck87inters Chandru Kochar 87 intersection by elimination

ch89impl Chuang Hoffmann 89

nsk90clip Nishita Sederberg Kakimoto 90 Bezier clipping

m91intersect Mullenheim 91

m91intersect2 Mullenheim 91


bl86min Barbosa Lucas 86


gw69 Golub Welsch 69 Gaussian rule from eigensystem

dr84i Davis Rabinowitz 84 Methods

bl84quad Barnhill Little 84 cut long side of triangle with max error


h68ca Hart et al 80 Computer Approximations

cw80e Cody Waite 80 Elementary Functions

c87s Cody 87

fnlib fnlib

f80fn Fullerton 80 Bibliography

t89exp Tang 89 exp (small table, like traditional software)

elliptic elliptic integrals, Jacobian elliptic functions

t92expm1 Tang 89 exp(x)-1

bs92bessel Boisvert Saunders 92 vfnlib


fl67ellip Fair Luke 67 incomplete elliptic integrals by Pade

c79ellip Carlson 79 incomplete elliptic integrals 1-,2-,3-kind


bdg81 Bjorstad Dahlquist Grosse 81

b82neville Brezinski 82 Muhlback-Neville-Aitken Havie E-algorithm

sfs86MMPE Sidi Ford Smith 86 "modified minimal polynomial extrapolation"


k81 Knuth 81 generators, test, shuffling

m85rand Marsaglia 85 update on Fibonacci, combinational generators; tests

f86quasi Fox 86 Faure, Halton, Sobol sequences (evenly distributed over square)

gz85rand Guralnik Zemach 85 uniform random in and on a sphere, on a Cray XMP

a88rand Altman 85 more testing

a90rand Anderson 90 vectorization

p93rand Petersen 93 buffer tricks


t77eda Tukey Exploratory Data Analysis

w79free White 79 equidistributing mesh

twm85grid Thompson Warsi Mastin 85

bf85ace Breiman Friedman 85 estimating transformations for regresson

scaling scaling, centering, sphere-ing, decorrelation

conformal conformal mapping

polar polar coordinates


tt81 Tukey Tukey 81 automatic decorrelation

agk82 Art Gnanadesikan Kettenring 82 estimating within-cluster covariance matrix


t80sc Trefethen 80 Schwarz-Christoffel

h86conf Henrici 86 conformal mapping up to 86

bg87arc Bjorstad Grosse 87 circular arc polygons


d86polar Dierckx 86 tensor spline on circle


f88mars Friedman 89 MARS

stepwise stepwise

subsets all subsets


m73Cp Mallows 73 $C_p$ plots (option in imsl/rbest)

fw74leap Furnival Wilson 74 leaps and bounds

g79sweep Goodnight 79 forward stepwise regression


h77subset Hocking 77

ak82subset Armstrong Kung 82


polyrat polynomial, rational

sfem spline, finite element

specific other specific approximating spaces

refine grid refinement

techniques techniques for combining specific methods

param parametric, geometric/visual continuity

abstract abstract spaces


poly real polynomial

rational real rational

complex complex polynomial, rational

polyzero zeros of polynomials


w71zero Wilkinson 71

m73zero Madsen Reid 73 PA06,7

j75zero Jenkins 75


crease discontinuities (jump, crease, edges)

spline splines

fem finite elements


trig trigonometric

specfun special functions (approximation by, not approximation of)

kernel kernel smoothing

moving moving least squares

radial radial basis functions

wavelet wavelet, quadrature mirror filter

Urysohn Urysohn's lemma


cm89 Cavendish Marin 89 blend between domains specified by offset curves


cm89 Cavendish Marin 89 blend between domains specified by offset curves

s90surv Sabin 90 comprehensive survey

fs90hodo Farouki Sakkalis 90 polynomial arclength, rational offset


knotins knot insertion for splines

km83sub Koparkar Mudur 83 subdivision at algebraic points

dlg87 Dyn Levin Gregory 87 interpolatory

mp87sub Micchelli Prautzsch 87

h86box Hollig 86 recursive subdivision of box splines

s91subdiv Sabin 91

bounds bounds


directrix directrix, correspondence, and generator

multi1 extension of univariate methods to multivariate

stage multistage methods

iso isoparametric approximation ($\min_{P,Q}\|f\circ P-Q\|$)

GC generalized cone

offset offset

fillet fillets


s90surv Sabin 90 comprehensive survey

a91devel Aumann 91 suff conditions for developable Bezier patch


nb77gc Nevatia Binford 77 space curve and cross-section function


u-der univariate

estder/l2 least squares local quadratic

estder/dir weighted average of directional derivatives

estder/var variational method (minimize integral of derivatives)


a85estder Alfeld 85 minimum energy over piecewise polynomials

network minimum norm network


a70jacm Akima 70 local average of slopes

em77local Ellis McLain 77

iky77sweep Ichida Kiyono 77

a91der Akima 91 improved accuracy over Akima 70


l77c1 Lawson 77 software for $C^1$


a78toms Akima 78 bivariate interpolation

m80scat Mansfield 80 weighted average of directional derivatives

a84der Akima 84 weighted average of directional derivatives

bl84 Barnhill Little 84 triangular Shepard

a96der Akima 96 [tensor] weight cubic estimates by deviation from l2 line

a96der2 Akima 96 [scatter] weight cubic estimates by deviation from l2 plane


hh87blending Hoffmann Hopcroft 86 projective blending surfaces

w86fillet Warren 86 algebraic surfaces as fillets

p87l2alg Pratt 87 product of base surface and "truncating surface"

ro87blending Rockwood Owen 87 "super elliptic blend"

s90surv Sabin 90 comprehensive survey; trimming


Haar Haar system

genfun generating function methods (generalized Pad\'e)

linalg general linear basis functions

opt general non-linear basis functions

alg-eq implicit algebraic equations

dif-eq differential equations

functional functional approximation


power power

Newton Newton form of interpolating polynomial

Cheby Chebyshev

Bezier barycentric, Bernstein-Bezier curves and patches

poly/orth general orthogonal

polycon constrained

m-poly multivariate


powereval evaluation

polyint integrals


h68ca Hart et al. 68 Horner's rule and alternatives

f68eval Fike 68 economized methods

z83poly Ziv 83 factored form, more stable than Horner

s87tri Schumaker 87 raster evaluation

hpw90horner Hansen Patrick Wang 90 scaling to avoid overflow


s87tri Schumaker 87 bivariate integral over triangle


gr84interp Gasca Ramirez 84

egk87poly Egecioglu Gallopoulos Koc 87 parallel interpolation and evaluation

fr88fejer Fischer Reichel 88 updatable, approximately Fejer distributions


Cheby-interp interpolation to function and derivative data

Cheby-l2 least squares

Cheby-eval evaluation

Cheby-deriv derivatives

Cheby-int integrals

Cheby-diag/std standard errors from least squares fit

Cheby-con endpoint constrained


k70poly Krogh 70 polynomial interpolation; E01AEF


T1FE Cox 86 Clenshaw Forsythe least squares fitting


fnlib Fullerton 81 CSEVL

port Warner 75 TCHBP

dasl DASL/T1VE

bs92bessel Boisvert Saunders 92 vectorization


dasl DASL/T1DE


dasl DASL/T1QE


dasl DASL/T1SE


l88cheb Lachance 88 degree lowering for curves and surfaces


f57orth Forsythe 57 generate polynomials given abscissa

w59orth Weisfeld 59 extension of Householder Stiefel to several variables

port Warner 75 ORTHP evaluation, given recurrence coefficients

s75poly Shampine 75 advocates double precision residual

cb80 Conte de Boor 80 least squares polynomial fitting

tl81 Ting Luke 81 conversion between different bases

g82orth Gautschi 82 recurrence coefficients for general weights

poly/orth/add adding and deleting points

poly/orth/sob Sobolev norm


d77l2 Davidon 77 ``online'' algorithm

egk89 Elhay Golub Kautsky 89 rotations, Lanczos


ikns88 Iserles Koch Norsett SanzSerna 88


ch65 Clenshaw Hayes 65; T1FCE

mo86polycon Mason Opfer 86 discretized infinite program; Newton on dual

kt89 Kaufman Taylor 89 linear constraints on coefficients and range


m-poly/eval evaluation

m-poly/approx approximation, interpolation


cg90horner Carnicer Gasca 90 Horner graph


cy77interp Chung Yao 77 geometric conditions for interpolation

gr84interp Gasca Ramirez 84

b85interp Busch 85

bj85orth Bartels Jezioranski 85 Forsythe-style orthogonal basis

d87hex Dunkl 87 orthogonal polynomials on the hexagon

m88multi Muhlbach 88 generalized polynomial interpolation on tensor grid

kt89 Kaufman Taylor 89

p90c1c2 Preusser 90 C^2 9th-degree triangle for 4th-order vertex Hermite data


Remez Remez exchange

diffcor differential correction

linequality linear inequality method

ratinterp interpolation

pade Pad\'e

ratpow power of polynomial in denominator

t86cf Trefethen 86 Caratheodory-Fejer

kt88inf Kaufman Taylor 88 infinite interval

st89cf Saff Totik 89 polynomial Caratheodory-Fejer fails

mc90rat Manocha Canny 90 polynomial parametrizations

d93param Degen 93 eighth-order rational cubic

pgy93l2 Pratt Goult Ye 93 orthog poly, SVD


m63remez Maehly 63 exchange zeros rather than extrema

m67 Meinardus 67 section 7.1

b87remez Breuer 87 Thiele interpolation and secant iteration

remez1 Remez, first (single exchange)

remez2 Remez, second (multiple exchange)

c76remez Chalmers 76 linear constraints, e.g. monotone polynomials

jf87remez Jing Fam 87


d80remez Dunham 80 user supplies functions and derivatives

ns83remez Nurnberger Sommer 83 splines


co66 Curtis Osborne 66

s76li Simpson 76 polynomial

c86aa Cheney 86 Algorithms for Approximation

bcl87lp Bartels Conn Li 87

c88remez Chiang 88 modification for degeneracy


port Eldredge Warner 76 PORT/BURAM,BURM1

klt78 Kaufman Leeming Taylor 78 combined Remez - differential correction

c86aa Cheney 86 Algorithms for Approximation


lr73rat Lee Roberts 73

d84rat Dunham 84 for nearly optimal results, need high precision


g81rat Graves-Morris 81 reordering points before interpolation

bh81rat Graves-Morris Hopkins 81 continued fraction; E01RAF

c87rat Cuyt 87 recursion for multivariate rational, compared with others

cw87rat Cuyt Wuytack 87 inverse, reciprocal, qd, Gradd, eps, Stoer

c88rat Cuyt 88 convergent of a multivariate continued fraction

bb92rat Barel Bultheel 92

baryrat barycentric


b88rat Berrut 88 coefficients of equal size, no poles

b89sinc Berrut 89 stable form of sinc series without sin evaluations


harwell Morgan 64 PE06

m81pade Mason 81

cw87rat Cuyt Wuytack 87 continued fraction, qd, Gragg, determinant, Viscovatov, recursive, eps, multivariate

tg87cp Trefethen Gutknecht 87 like Pad\'e, but match Chebyshev series


c78ratpow Carta 78 take root, linearize, iterate

d87ratpow Dunham 87 Remez


fixed-cr known, fixed crease

free-cr unknown crease, to be found


brz76fault Bolondi Rocca Zanoletti 76 slit in thin plate

fn83disc Franke Nielson 83 adding jumps and creases to Shepard surfaces

s85edge Shiau 85 many methods

dt90curv Dudek Tsotsos 90 look for jumps in curvature

h92discont Hechbert 92 put triangle edges where jumps can be predicted


ms85edge Mumford Shah 86 min (length+gradient+L2) by Euler-Lagrange

s85edge Shiau 85 many methods

m86persmoo McDonald 86 ``split linear fit'' left, center, and right

c86edge Canny 86 numerical optimization for filter; multiscale

tp86edge Torre Poggio 86 regularization, zero-crossing; comparative remarks

b87edge Bergholm 87 multiresolution

lph88disc Lee Pavlidis Huang 88

l88edge Lee 88

g90edge Girard 90 global spline with free jumps

hddhjmss94 Hoppe et al 94 linear patches to control points and creases


c86edge Canny 86 edge dectection

b87edge Bergholm 87 edge dectection


gkm91bnd Gopalsamy Khandekar Mudur 91 optimal sample and Lebesque constant

c92ratsubdiv Cheng 92 perspective correction in estimating subdivision level


u-spline univariate

m-spline multivariate


pl piecewise linear

pch pch: piecewise cubic Hermite

pp pp: general piecewise polynomial

B-spline B-splines

Bezier Bernstein-Bezier curves

spline-conv conversion between different bases

s-spline specialized splines

adaptive free knots


b78s de Boor 78 BSPLPP,BSPP2D B-spline to truncated power, imsl/bscpp

f86wfb Fritsch 86 any $G^1$ cubic can be reparameterized as $C^1$

h87conv Hoschek 87 higher degree, fewer Bezier pieces <-> lower, more

gf87r2t Goldman Filip 87 cut rectangle along diagonal

f88rep Fritsch 88 converting $G^2$ cubic to B-spline with double knots

t92remov Tiller 92 power -> Bezier -> B-spline, then remove redundant knots


ss86rat Sakai Silanes 86

elastica elastica

nu-spline $\nu$, $\beta$, $\gamma$, Manning, Farin, W-F

tension taut splines, splines under tension

network minimum norm network spline

weighted-spline weighted splines

s-spline-other other


s84w2nd Salkauskas 84 interpolation and piecewise constant weight

f87wnu Foley 87 interval and point tension by weighted nu-splines

kl90qspline Kulkarni Laurent 90 inverse piecewise linear weights


s83hyper Schumaker 83 recursion

al68spline Anselone Laurent 68 linear system for general linear functionals

catmull-rom Catmull-Rom

d-spline discrete spline

EHB-spline EHB-spline (unusual smoothness constraints)

spec-spline spectral spline

conic-spline conic spline

bern-spline Bernoulli spline


s91bern Stockler 91 multivariate Bernoulli spline


p83conic Pavlidis 83

p85conic Pratt 85

p89conic Pham Binh 89 tridiagonal system


acctab tabulate at arguments where values need few digits

segment breakpoint placement


g85tab Gal 85 table based method for highly accurate functions

acgsst86 Agarwal et al. 86

t89exp Tang 89 exp (small table, like traditional software)

m90tab Markstein 90 rounding issues

gb91tab Gal Bachelis 91 exp, log, trig for IEEE

z91tab Ziv 91 use higher precision when first approximation isn't decisive


fn84pchip Fritsch 82 monotone interpolation, evaluation

f88monol2 Fritsch 88 least squares

u-der derivative estimation


nss86seg Nurnberger Sommer Strauss 86 allows jumps at knots

nearsmooth almost smooth (jumps less than $\epsilon$)

pp-eval evaluation of general piecewise polynomial

pp-onepass one-pass least squares fitting


b78s de Boor 78 PPVALU

imsl imsl/ppval,ppder,ppitg


y87onepass Yoshimoto 87 fit data on interval and two neighbors


b78s de Boor 78 Practical Guide

B-spline-fit fitting, interpolation

B-spline-eval evaluation, derivatives, integral

B-spline-zero zeros

knotins subdivision, knot insertion

degraise degree raising

B-diag diagnostics, error estimation

ratBspl rational B-splines


B-interp interpolation

endcond end conditions for interpolation

B-local local, variation diminishing

B-quasi quasi-interpolation

B-l2 least squares fitting

B-l1 $l_1$ fitting to data points

B-li $l_\infty$ fitting to a function


b78s de Boor 78 CUBSPL, SPLINT, SPLI2D


imsl imsl/bsint

optinterp ``optimal'' spline interpolation

B-many many-knot interpolation


dgm88many Dahmen Goodman Micchelli 88


ls75local Lyche Schumaker 75 anything that reproduces polynomials

dgm88many Dahmen Goodman Micchelli 88


b78s de Boor 78 QUASI (chapter XII, example 4)

s85ppf Sablonniere 85 quasi-interp on 3-direction mesh

cl87box Chui Lai 87 quasi-interp box spline


B-l2d fitting discrete data

B-l2f fitting user function


b78s de Boor 78 L2APPR


imsl imsl/bslsq

port Schryer PORT/DL2SF


port Schryer PORT/L2SFF


cj87l1 Cox Jones 87 spline l1 fitting, shape preserving


n86free Nurnberger 86 pp-segment; then fix knots and use Remez

b86remez Blatter 86 adaptation of Remez to splines


l74end Lucas 74 higher order accurate derivatives

bc88end Beatson Chacko 88 end $f'$ of cubic interpolant


Bs-eval spline evaluation

B-eval B-spline basis evaluation

Bs-deriv spline derivatives

B-deriv B-spline basis derivatives

Bs-int spline integrals

B-int B-spline basis integrals

Bs-fourier Fourier transform

knotins knot insertion and degree raising


b78s de Boor 78 BVALUE (BVALU2 has right endpoint continuous from left)


imsl imsl/bsval

port Schryer PORT/SPLNE

l86bse Lee 86 comparison of Lee and Boehm speedups

swf91eval Silbermann Wang Ferrari 91 speedup of forward differencing


b78s de Boor 78 BSPLVB

port Schryer PORT/BSPLE


b78s de Boor 78 BVALUE


imsl imsl/bsder

port Schryer PORT/SPLND, SPLN1


b78s de Boor 78 BSPLVD

port Schryer PORT/BSPLD, BSPL1



imsl imsl/bsitg

port Schryer PORT/SPLNI

g76int Gaffney 76


port Schryer PORT/BSPLI

vbh92quad Vermeulen Bartels Heppler 92 integral of B-spline * function


g72atten Gautschi 72 attenuation factors

g80per Gutknecht 80 conjugate function

n81four Neuman 81 arbitrary knots

g87per Gutknecht 87 attenuation factors for tensor and box splines

d87per Delvos 87


d87fit Dierckx 87 sproot (cubics only)

g89zero Grandine 89 interval Newton


B-diag/std standard errors from least squares fit

B-diag/fun function and spline

B-diag/dat two splines


dasl DASL/B1SE, B1SPE, (derivatives) B1SDE, B1SDPE


port Schryer PORT/EESFF, EESFI


port Schryer PORT/EEBSF


deglower degree lowering

h82essen Henrici 82 section 5.4.e, with flowchart for equal-step case

gm83bern Gonska Meier 83 comprehensive bibliography

f90cs Farin 90 evaluation by nested multiplication, p.48

f90cs Farin 90 degree raising, p.64

s87g1pat Sarraga 87 $G^1$ Bezier patch interpolating Bezier curves

sv86tri Schumaker Volk 86 evaluating Bernstein Bezier polynomial on triangle

s87tri Schumaker 87 evaluating Bernstein Bezier polynomial on triangle

s90triB Seidel 90 generalized Bezier patch using polar forms


cr74 Catmull Rom 74

bg88cr Barry Goldman 88


d80dspl Duris 80 Lyche cubic discrete spline oslo

Cohen Lyche Riesenfeld 80


oslo Cohen Lyche Riesenfeld 80 Oslo algorithm for subdivision

b80ins Boehm 80 knot insertion

lr80sub Lane Riesenfeld 80 subdivision

bp85 Boehm Prautzsch 85 inserting a knot sequence

d86subdiv Dahmen 86 subdivision

bpa87sub Boehm Prautzsch Arner 87 Bezier, subdivision of triangular spline

lm87deg Lyche Morken 87 fit spline of one degree and knots by another


deglower degree lowering

p84deg Prautzsch 84

cls85deg Cohen Lyche Schumaker 85 degree raising for splines

lm87deg Lyche Morken 87 fit spline of one degree and knots by another


ch91lower Cox Harris 91 left-to-right greedy algorithm

h87conv Hoschek 87 higher degree, fewer Bezier pieces <-> lower, more

e93lower Eck 93 variat of Forrest 72


pt87ratB Piegl Tiller 87

l87conic Lee 87 relationship with conics


s73spl Spaeth 73 tension varies from interval to interval

c74tension Cline 74

b78s de Boor 78 TAUTSP adds knots to cubic rather than using exponential basis

r80tension Rentrop 80

nf84tension Nielson Franke 84 minimum norm network spline with tension

r87tension Renka 87 choice of tension parameters for shape preservation

sk88tension Sapidis Kaklis 88 convex, monotone

kl91tension Koch Lyche 91 Bezier form

r93tension Renka 93 interpolating or smoothing, with bounds constraints


n74nu Nielson 74 $\nu$-spline

f86wfb Fritsch 86 any $G^1$ cubic can be reparameterized as $C^1$

h86mock Hobby 86 approximately $G^2$

f87wnu Foley 87 interval and point tension by weighted nu-splines

f88rep Fritsch 88 converting $G^2$ cubic to B-spline with double knots

f88wnu Foley 88 montone, convex constrained variational problem


lf73elas Lee Forsythe 73 definitions

m73n Malcolm 73 Nonlinear splines

r81nbb K-D Reinsch 81 Munchen PhD thesis

gj82e Golomb Jerome 82 global and local analysis of curvature functional

k86elastica Kallay 86 given endpoint locations and directions, total length

bn88elastica Bruckstein Netravali 88 min length * energy

jh91elastica Jou Han 91

b92elastica Brunnett 92 param by max curvature, tension

e92elastica Edwards 92 nonlinear equation solver, elliptic integrals


js76ehb Jerome Schumaker 76 support basis construction


c78fem Ciarlet 78

modulef Begis Hecht Vidrascu 84

femhand Finite Element Handbook 87

fem2 bivariate

fem3 trivariate and general dimension

est+fem estimate nodal information for finite element


fem2/tri triangle

fem2/rect rectangle

iso isoparametric approximation ($\min_{P,Q}\|f\circ P-Q\|$)

param/irr irregular patches for otherwise rectangular grid


fem2/tri/quad quadratic, piecewise quadratic

fem2/tri/cub cubic, piecewise cubic

fem2/tri/quin {$C^1$} quintic, piecewise quintic

fem2/tri/rat rational

fem2/tri/other other


p74quad Powell 74 {$C^1$} quadratic triangle for contour plotting

ps77quad Powell Sabin 77 {$C^1$} quadratic triangle for contour plotting

st81quad Sibson Thomson 81 16-triangle rectangle with linear grad on edges

dvv92powellsabin Dierckx VanLeemput Vermeire 92 smoothing, least sq, adapt


g87c1l2 Gmelig Meyling 87 function and derivative at vertices and internal Bezier point

g87c1 Grandine 87 B-net min norm perturbation of piecewise linear, by SOR

clough-tocher Hsieh-Clough-Tocher {$C^1$} cubic macro-triangle


bb82shell Bernadou Boisserie 82 shell finite elements

p90c1c2 Preusser 90 C^1 quintic triangle for 2nd-order vertex Hermite data


m76rat McLain 76 local quadratic at vertices; distance to opposite side

b77surf Barnhill 77 Brown, Little rational triangle

m80scat Mansfield 80 {$C^1$} rational triangle (with Birkhoff 74)

w83rat Wang 83 $C^1$ rational

ab84tri Alfeld 84 $C^2$ cubic and quintic precision

h85tri Herron 85 $C^1$ rational; cubic precision


n80mn Nielson 80 minimum pseudonorm; 9-parameter $C^1$ element with linear normals

s81nn Sibson 81 Natural Neighbor Interpolation

p90c1c2 Preusser 90 C^2 9th-degree triangle for 4th-order vertex Hermite data


ct65 Clough Tocher 65 C1 cubic macro-triangle

bh81ct Bernadou Hassan 81 basis functions, complete and reduced

bb82shell Bernadou Boisserie 82 shell finite elements

m78curtri Mansfield 78 curved triangle

f85sct Farin 85 $C^2$ variant

wf87ctn Worsey Farin 87 n dimensional


m72 Melkes 72 reduced Hermite interpolation (zeros cross-product terms)

bpd80 Baszenski Posdorf Delvos 80 explicit Melkes; $C^2$-conforming

n86melkes Nienhaus 86 $C^1$-conforming


gh73trans Gordon Hall 73 blending functions

m78curtri Mansfield 78 curved triangle

fhp78iso Frey Hall Porsching 78 sufficient conditions

f83iso Field 83 invertible quadratic elements

c83iso Citipitioglu 83


tetrahedra tetrahedron

blendmult discretizations of blending on simplices

s91omega Sabin 91 20-node quad brick versus B-spline


a84tetr Alfeld 84 $C^1$ rational

a84tetrct Alfeld 84 quintic Clough-Tocher

wf87ctn Worsey Farin 87 n dimensional cubic Clough-Tocher

wp88tetr Worsey Piper 88 Powell-Sabin-type $C^1$-quadratic, 24 pieces

r88morley Ruas 88 gen. Morley's triangle; $C^0$-quadratic


h73insight Hamming 73 Numerical Methods

port Warner 75 TRIGP ``vector variation of Horner's rule''

gm87trig Giunta Murli 87 trig coefficients


spectral spectral methods

b86hartley Bracewell 86 fast Hartley transform

dr92trig Dutt Rokhlin 92 approx by guassian*sin


clw70fft Cooley Lewis Welch 70 FFT with various symmetries

s69fft Singleton 69 complex and real in one or more variables

te73symm Ten Eyck 73 crystallographic FFT

dsp79 IEEE DSP

s82fft Swarztrauber 82 FFTPACK

s91fft Schoemake 91 efficient permutation

t92fft Temperton 92 roughly 1.25 faster than Cooley-Tukey

d93fft Dahlquist 93 logarithmic grid


go77spec Gottlieb Orszag 77

gt85local Gottlieb Tadmor 85 physical-space localization

chqz87 Canuto Hussaini Quarteroni Zang 87


exp sum of exponentials

gaus sum of gaussians

sinc sinc



h73insight Hamming 73 Numerical Methods

k79l1exp Kammler 79

r80exp Ruhe 80 discrete nonnegative least squares, then Prony

w87exp Watson 87 $l_1$

s88genfun Small 88 methods of Prony and of Tuttle

w90exp Watson 90 $l_\infty$


gp73varp Golub Pereyra 73

k75varp Kaufman 75 speedup of Golub Pereyra

kp78varp Kaufman Pereyra 78 nonlinear equality constraints

gl79varp Golub LeVeque 79 multiple sets of linear coeff for one set of nonlinear

port Gay Kaufman port/nsfb,nsf1 simple bound constraints; single nonlinear


s86go Schagen 86 Internal Modelling for Global Optimization


s81sinc Stenger 81

bers86sinc Butzer Engels Ries Stens 86 alternatives using splines

b89sinc Berrut 89 stable form of sinc series without sin evaluations


g85resolv Goldman 85 resolvents for implicitization

w86fillet Warren 86 algebraic surfaces as fillets

p87l2alg Pratt 87 best algebraic under geometric distance

s87implicit Sederberg 87 pictures

bhlh88implicit Bajaj Hoffmann Lynch Hopcroft 88

b90implicit Bajaj 90 $G^1$ interpolation

g91bdyelem Georg 91 integral of basic function projected onto manifold

kw92atlas Kalik Wendland 92 p.l.triangulation of differential manifold

wh94particle Witkin Heckbert 94 repelling particles on surface

quadric patches on quadric surfaces

cubic patches on cubic surfaces

implicit-approx approximation of parametric curve by implicit

param-approx approximation of implicit curve by parametric

paramdat data near parametric curve


wl90quad Warren Lodha 90 projective image of plane triangle under quadratic

dhj93quad Dietz Hoschek Juttler 93 Pythagorean quadruples in polynomial rings


lw92cubic Lodha Warren 92 rational biquadration Bezier; skew-line coordinates


p88implicit Patterson 88 parametric cubics as implicit curves

ch89impl Chuang Hoffmann 89

pgv91conic Potier Guermah Vercken 91 look for locally constant cross ratio


m91circle Morken 91 symmetric, $C^1$ quadratic approximation to circular arc


v82diffeq Varah 82 differential equations


d75ia Davis 75 basic definitions and examples

exp sum of exponentials

Remez Remez exchange


s88genfun Small 88


sn82compl Streit Nuttall 82

w88clin Watson 88 l-infinity complex linear system

w88compl Watson 88 l-infinity complex function

c/poly polynomial

c/rat rational


f81taylor Fornberg 81 numerical estimation of Taylor series

r84aorth Reichel 84 approximate Faber polynomials on Jordan curve

g86compl Gutknecht 86 best on domain by conformal mapping, projection

fr88fejer Fischer Reichel 88 updatable, approximately Fejer distributions

t88remez Tang 88 single-exchange Remez


r86lr Reichel 86 fix basis; interpolate at points on boundary

t86cf Trefethen 86 Caratheodory-Fejer


param/p parametric smoothness desired

param/g only geometric smoothness of locus of points needed


param/p1 curves

param/p2 surfaces

dasl (see also DASL spline routines with letter L)


param/g1 curves

param/g2 surfaces


bhs87 de Boor Hollig Sabin 87 $O(h^6)$ cubics

gu88g2 Goodman Unsworth 88 cubic segments and straight lines

nu-spline $\nu$, $\beta$, $\gamma$, Manning, Farin, Wilson-Fowler splines

s89param Schaback 89 convergence order of many methods

kl90qspline Kulkarni Laurent 90 $G^2$

l90vcquart Lasser 90 $VC^3$ and $VC^4$

s91univ Seidel 91 Bezier from spline, knot insertion for $G^1$

d93param Degen 93 eighth-order rational cubic


vparam choice of parameterization variable

p-spline spline

p-conic piecewise conic


tl2 orthogonal distance regression splines

ordering ordering scattered points

e76param Epstein 76 chordal distance is better than uniform

m83param Marin 83 minimize second derivative; better than chordal

f86wfb Fritsch 86 any $G^1$ cubic can be reparameterized as $C^1$

h88intrin Hoschek 88

l89param Lee 89 centripetal (sqrt chordal)

f90cs Farin 90 p.130-134

fs90hodo Farouki Sakkalis 90 polynomial arclength, rational offset

a91param Alt 91 conic on 3 points, various criteria


df91order Dedieu Favardin 91 fit algebraic by l2 and laplacian penalty


d87fit Dierckx 87 fitpack(parcur,clocur,concur), param


m83i McLaughlin 83 planar interpolation

f85mcl Frey 85 piecewise parabolic

mw92arc Meek Walton 92 similar to segmentation methods

h92arc Hoschek 92 shortest interpolating circular arc spline


csyl88 Choi Shin Yoon Lee 88 triangles from scattered data on surface

param/irr irregular patches for otherwise rectangular grid


s83tr Sabin 83 triangular and pentagonal patches

sb89nsided Storry Ball 89 C1 patch for bicubic neighbors

ld90nsided Loop DeRose 90 biquadratic, bicubic Sabin nets

p93box Peters 93 $C^1$ irregular cubic patch for mesh of Zwart patches

p95surf Peters 95 $C^1$ quadratic using corner cutting


f83surf Farin 83 variant of Clough-Tocher for parametric surfaces

j87assem Jensen 87 mixing triangles and rectangles

n87g1patch Nielson 87 a 6-parameter $G^1$ triangle

ss87patch Shirman Sequin 87 local, polynomial

scds91tri Schmitt Chen Du Sair 91 Gregory-Bezier triangle

r91cross Renner 91 twist compatibility and cross derivatives


c87fejer Clutton-Brock 87 kernels for sphere


shepard distance weighted interpolation (Shepard)

movingl2 (finite weight) least squares


s68irr Shepard 68 Two-dimensional interpolation for irregular-spaced data

gw78shep Gordon Wixon 78 Shepard's method

b77surf Barnhill 77 transfinite Shepard

fn80shep Franke Nielson 80

l83ccs Little 83 triangular Shepard

f86mls Farwig 86 interpolation by moving least squares

bpr87geod Barnhill Piper Rescorla 87 distance along geodesic

r88shep Renka 88 modified Shepard in 2 and 3 dimensions with k-d tree


m74contour McLain 74 distance weighted least squares onto rectangular mesh

c79lowess Cleveland 79 (univariate) lowess; n/2 near neighbors

ls86csf Lancaster Salkauskas 86 Curve and Surface Fitting; derivatives

m86persmoo McDonald 86 ``split linear fit'' left, center, and right

cdg88 Cleveland Devlin Grosse 88 (multivariate) loess; partial sort, k-d trees, blending


multiquad Hardy's multiquadrics

plate thin plate splines $r^2 \log r^2$

gaus sum of gaussians

radial/gen algorithms applicable to many radial bases

radial/other other


dl81bell Dyn Levin 81 bell-shaped bases for Hardy, thin plate

dlr86pcg Dyn Levin Rippa 86 iterated Laplacian as preconditioner

bl88neural Broomhead Lowe 88 interpretation as neural network

mf92plate McMahon Franke 92 choose Voronoi regions for scattered data

js91box Jetter Stoeckler 91

sw93l2radial Sivakumar Ward 93 theory for fixed set of centers


s80cont Sabin 69 tech report $r^3$ instead of $r^2 \log r^2$


gtensor tensor product and similar methods

blending blending, Coons patch, transfinite element

additive additive $f(x,y) \approx g(x)+h(y)$

nomographic nomographic $\approx f(u(x)+b(y))$, ACE

proj projection pursuit, $\approx \sum f(\alpha\cdot x)$


tensor rectangular grid data; tensor splines

ten/slice slices parallel to coordinate axis

ten/scat scattered data

ten/miss missing data

ten/cur curved mesh lines

ratprod rational product


ps73ten Pereyra Scherer 73

b79ten de Boor 79 tensor computations with a twist

ten-spline-fit fitting, interpolation

ten-spline-twist twist estimation

ten-spline-ev evaluation, derivatives


ten-interp interpolation

ten-l2 least squares fitting

ten-rank low rank


f90cs Farin 90 p.276-280,350


b78s de Boor 78 SPLI2D, imsl/bs2in,bs3in


wz88pl Weiser Zarantonello 86 piecewise linear interpolation in n dim


cj74ten Call Judd 74 least squares in n dimensions

h75ten Hartley 75 least squares in n dimensions

d77ten Dierckx 82 l2 cubic

g80ten Grosse 80 normal equations ok if in factored form

d81ten Dierckx 81 tensor smoothing for scattered data



d80rank Demko 80 $\sum_i f_i(x) g_i(y)$ using SVD

f88mars Friedman 89 MARS


ten-spline-eval evaluation

ten-spline-deriv derivatives

ten-spline-int integrals



imsl imsl/bs2vl,bs3vl

port Grosse PORT/VDSS1,VDSS2,VDSS3



imsl imsl/bs2dr,bs3dr


imsl imsl/bs2ig,bs3ig


ch65 Clenshaw Hayes 65 least squares bivariate polynomial

dasl tensor spline DASL/B2FE


hh74bicub Hayes Halliday 74


 $\Delta u = 0$


c87state Cox 87 Hayes curved knot lines planned for DASL


kt75rat Kaufman Taylor 75

h77ratprod Henry 77


blendrect rectangular patch

blendtri triangular patch

blendcur network of curves

recontour slices parallel to coordinate plane

Urysohn Urysohn's lemma

blendmult more than two variables

nat-ten boundary data as basis functions

blendpt experimental design


c75blend Cavendish 75 local mesh refinement

bbk78twist Barnhill Brown Klucewicz 78 alternatives to 0 cross derivatives

b77surf Barnhill 77 Gregory, Little and Brown squares

bs93bubble Bercovier Shilat 93 Coons patch plus bubble function from serendipity element


bbg73tri Barnhill Birkhoff Gordon 73 interpolate parallel to side

b77surf Barnhill 77

g78tri Gregory 78 symmetric rational and polynomial blending

n79sv Nielson 79 side-vertex radial projectors

n80mn Nielson 80 minimum pseudonorm

ab84tri Alfeld Barnhill 84 $C^2$ quintic blending

h86curv Hagen 86 blending value, derivative, and curvature

f86tripatch Foley 86 integrates on boundary (relatively expensive)


w78cur Wixom 78 data on collection of intersecting curves

jpw91blend Jensen Petersen Watkins 91 cross-boundary derivatives


fku77 Fuchs Kedem Uselton 77 reconstructing object from slices

b88cont Boissonnat 88 pruning Delaunay

kf88cont Kehtarnavaz Figueiredo 88 match segments by shape; blend


m76tetr Mansfield 76 tetrahedra

bl84 Barnhill Little 84 BBG and radial Nielson

a85perp Alfeld 85 general dimension, smoothness, precision

g85simp Gregory 85 simplex extension of triangle method


t76natten Thomas 76 error $10^-3$ better than cubic blending for $e^{x(1-y)}$, $N=4$


h82anova Hemmerle 82 analysis of variance

c86aa Cheney 86 Algorithms for Approximation

ht86add Hastie Tibshirani 86

oyr86add O'Sullivan Yandell Raynor 86

f88mars Friedman 89 MARS

w91add Wahba 91 r.k.H.s.


fgs83 Friedman Grosse Stuetzle 83 improved projection pursuit regression

t88stat Thisted 88 section 4.6.1


c86aa Cheney 86 Algorithms for Approximation

bf85ace Breiman Friedman 85 estimating transformations for regresson


h71m Hardy 71 J Geophys Res

f82t Franke 82 tests of scattered data interpolation

f87bihash Foley 86 Interpolation and approximation of scattered data

p91multi Powell 91 choice of parameter

bp92multi Beatson Powell 92 univariate quasi-interp

bp92end Beatson Powell 92 endpoint correction


m-pp pp: general piecewise polynomial

tensor tensor product splines

plate thin plate splines

simplex simplex splines

box box splines; uniform grid

triB triangular B-spline

irrspline irregular mesh spline

supspl super spline

network minimum norm network spline

m-spline-conv conversion between different bases; degree lowering


a88news Alfeld 88 Multivariate Spline Newsletter

g86c1cub Gmelig Meyling 86 $C^1$ cubic triangles by sparse linear $l_2$

Bezier Bernstein-Bezier patches


polyharmonic polyharmonic spline

b74thin Briggs 74

brz76fault Bolondi Rocca Zanoletti 76 slit in thin plate

f82thin Franke 82

f85tens Franke 85 with tension

l86toep Lee 86 conjugate gradients, block Toeplitz

blwy86 Bates Lindstrom Wahba Yandell 86 gcvpack

qs88thin Quak Schumaker 88 calculating energy for Bernstein-Bezier patch

uv91scat Utreras Varas 91 monotone thin plate spline for scattered data

ss91plate Sibson Stone 91 precondition by Dirichlet bdy/dist

g97thin Goodsell 97 multigrid for many observations on circle


r91polyhar Rabut 91

mru91polyhar Micchelli Rabut Utreras 91 subdivision

r92polyhar Rabut 92

r92polyhar2 Rabut 92 finer discretization of Laplacian than in r92polyhar


f71triB Frederickson 71

s90triB Seidel 90 generalized Bezier patch using polar forms

bpa87sub Boehym Prautzsch Arner 87 Bezier, subdivision of triangular spline

fs93simplex Fong Seidel 93 pictures of Dahmen Micchelli Seidel 92 construction


l94irrspline Loop 94 refine to deg 4 mesh; quad-net; quartic triangles


cl87supspl Chui Lai 87

s89supspl Schumaker 89 basis construction


dm81mbspl Dahmen Micchelli 82 l2

dm82mbspl Dahmen Micchelli 82

h82mbspl Hollig 82

g87simpl Grandine 87 pessimistic

g87knot Gmelig Meyling 87 choice of knots

g87l2 Gmelig Meyling 87 evaluation and least square fitting

g88simpl Grandine 88


s85ppf Sablonniere 85 $C^1$ quadratic on criss-cross

bpa87sub Boehym Prautzsch Arner 87 Bezier, subdivision of triangular spline

d87sub Dahmen 87 multivariate spline on uniform grid by subdivision

j87assem Jensen 87 box splines for parametric surfaces

g87per Gutknecht 87 attenuation factors for tensor and box splines

d88box Dahmen 88 truncated power basis

box/eval evaluation

box/interp interpolation and quasi-interpolation


h86box Hollig 86 recursive subdivision

c88mspl Chui 88 B-nets of box splines

l92box Lai 92 recurrence DxB(*|X)=B(*|X-x)-B(*-x|X-x) and deriv of Bezier


cl87box Chui Lai 87 quasi-interp box spline

cdr88 Chui Diamon Raphael 88

dl88 Daehlen Lyche 88

wz88pl Weiser Zarantonello 86 piecewise linear interpolation in n dim

js91box Jetter Stoeckler 91 submodule; attenuation factors


hsw89conv Hoschek Schneider Wassum 89 GC^1 bicubic, GC^2 biquintic


est+fem estimate nodal information for finite element

stage2 interpolate scattered data onto rectangular grid

boolean Boolean sum, other than blending

overlap smooth averaging of overlapping local patches

residfit iterated fitting of residual

GMDH Ivakhnenko GMDH

neural adaptive learning networks


fgs83 Friedman Grosse Stuetzle 83 projection pursuit regression

f84del Foley 84 delta sum BL + S(I-BL)

s85cont Sabin 85 dynamic addition


f84gmdh Farlow,ed. 84 "group method of data handling"


bl88neural Broomhead Lowe 88


triang triangulation

estder estimate values, derivatives (for use with finite element)

fem finite element

blending blending


s76surf Schumaker 76 Fitting surfaces to scattered data


bg75bool Barnhill Gregory 75 $P \oplus Q$ has interpolation of $P$ and precision of $Q$

b77surf Barnhill 77 Shepard $\oplus$ least squares

ls86csf Lancaster Salkauskas 86 Curve and Surface Fitting


m72interp Maude 72 Hermite cubic weight of local polynomials

jmj73 Junkins Miller Jancaitis 73 overlap weighting

f77interp Franke 77 weighted average of local interpolant at data points

u79cv Utreras 79 thin plate splines on overlapping subregions

f82thin Franke 82

d86cv Daman 86 weighted overlap better than global

ac87strip Anthony Cox 87 fit coarse grid line by strips; bdy cond for patch


n83mnn Nielson 83 Minimum Norm Network

nf84tension Nielson Franke 84 minimum norm network spline with tension

nr87sph Nielson Ramaraj 87 Interpolation over a sphere

mc89mtf Montefusco Casciola 89 Min Tension Functional, related to Nielson 80


tensor data on rectangular grid

nearten data on nearly rectangular grid

track data along tracks, possibly intersecting

infint infinite interval

sphere functions defined over the surface of a sphere

alg-eq functions defined over the surface of a manifold

branch branching curve; multivalued function

paramdat points lying near a parametric curve

projective projective space


s85cont Sabin 85 1) precondition by snapping to grid; 2) parametric

param/irr irregular patches for otherwise rectangular grid


e71track Ewen-Smith 71

blendcur blending on network of curves


kt88inf Kaufman Taylor 88 rational approximation on infinite interval


lp91proj Lee Phillips 91 lattices for interpolation


sph/ten tensor grid (latitude, longitude)

sph/utri uniform triangulation

sph/other scattered over sphere

csphere curves on the surface of a sphere in 3 or 4 dimensions


s79sph Swarztrauber 79 scalars

s81sph Swarztrauber 81 vectors

w84sph Wahba 84 cross validation

d84sph Dierckx 84 tensor smoothing spline, scattered data

d86sph Dierckx 86 spherical harmonic coefficients of bicubic spline

d87sph Dierckx 87 tensor smoothing spline, lat.-long. data

gmp87sph Gmelig Meylin Pfluger 87 reconstruction from cross sections

t87sph Traas 87 $C^1$ by tensor spline with spherical harmonics at poles

st91sph Schumaker Traas 91 B-spline in latitude, trig B-spline in longitude


bf85sph Baumgardner Frederickson 85 uniform triangulation on sphere

f90sphere Fekete 90 subdivide icosahedron


l84sph Lawson 84 l2 quadratic derivative estimate and Clough-Tocher

r84sph Renka 84 $C^1$ interpolant

ap85voronoi Augenbaum Peskin 85 iterative Voronoi

c87fejer Clutton-Brock 87 kernel smoothing

f88sph Foley 88 radial basis functions, adjusted for antipode


d86quat Duff 86 spherical B-splines

nr87sph Nielson Ramaraj 87 Interpolation over a sphere

rbg87quat Roberts Bishop Ganapathy 87 quaternions


ellipsdat near circle or ellipse


bcdp88 Boffey Cox Delves Pursglove 88 inscribed sphere

b89circle Berman 89 when fitting to circle, don't use obvious l2

cj89circle Cox Jones 89 uncertainty ellipses

rz92circle Roy Zhang 92 tight bounding circles


lp classical $L_p$ and analogous norms

converg measures of convergence

penalty penalties, smoothing, tolerances

divdiff divided differences as a measure of noise

interp interpolation

fair fair, pleasing

constr constraints

data nonstandard data

bounds bounds

multires multiple scales or resolutions


s91omega Sabin 91 fix sample h, increase frequency in trial function


l2 $l_2$

tl2 total least squares, orthogonal distance regression

li $l_\infty$, $L_\infty$

l1 $l_1$

psmooth piecewise smooth

Hausdorff Hausdorff $\max[\max_{y\in G}\min_{x\in F}\|x-y\|,\max_{y\in F}\min_{x\in G}\|x-y\|]$

statnorm statistically motivated metrics

relnorm bounding the relative error


sr80 Schonfelder Razaz

p84rel Pryce 84 generalizes Olver's rho(x,y)=abs(ln(y/x))


gauss Gauss and Legendre; see Goldstine 77 section 4.10


maxlik maximum likelihood

AIC AIC (Akaike's Information Criterion)

MRF Markov random field


dlr77 Dempster Laird Rubin 77

tt78 Tapia Thompson 78 maximum penalized likelihood

o88log O'Sullivan 88 density estimation

bgw93maxlik Bunch Gay Welsch 93 generalized NL2SOL


a73aic Akaike 73

r83band Rice 83 comparison of GCV, Cp, Akaike

a88aic Atligan 88 choice of dimension in histograms, splines, gaussians


gg84gibb Geman Geman 84 simulated annealing

mmp87 Marroquin Mitter Poggio 87 other cost funtions


weight choosing weights in $l_2$ and other norms

l2penalty $l_2 + penalty$

robustspl min $\int g''^2$ subject to $|g(t_i)-z_i| \le \epsilon$


c90diff Cullinan 90 $l_2$ subject to r-th diff not changing sign often


r80exp Ruhe 80 semi-infinite programming for sum of exponentials

b82rr Beatson 82 staying within upper and lower bounds

or86conf O'Leary Rust 86 confidence intervals for l2 with x>0

sh87pos Schmidt Hess 87 positive rational quadratic $C^1$ interpolant

sh88pos Schmidt Hess 88 positive cubic $C^1$ interpolant

oo88obst Opfer Oberle 88

dr89mono Dauner Reinsch 89 adds knots


cross-sec cross sections

spectral-data given Fourier series coefficients, as in crystallography

derivdata derivative data

intdata integral data

missing missing data


gradient given gradients, get surface; ``shape from shading''

directions given only gradient directions

potential potential, stream function


dz90dir David Zucker 90 sum elongated gaussians


w84sph Wahba 84 cross validation

ab91pot Amodei Benbourhim 91 fund. solution of iterated lapalacian, GCV


hist given integrals over small subintervals

flux given flux, get velocities

moments given moments


t88stat Thisted 88 section 4.7


spec-rat rational in cos, sin

spec-spline spectral spline


c88specrat Charron 88 like Osborne exponential fitting


g86spec Grosse 86 interpolation of Fourier series data


ds83cross Dierckx Suetens 83 tensor splines

l86set Levin 86 set-valued

gmp87sph Gmelig Meylin Pfluger 87 star-like object

s90cross Schumaker 90 interp in z, polygonalize, connect

epo91cross Ekoule Peyrin Odet 91

bs91cross Baszenski Schumaker 91 random edge swap, take good ones eventually

recontour blending methods


hb86grad Horn Brooks 86 computer vision; parallel iterative methods

l88grad Lee 88 discrete smoothing splines

cfg88grad Coughran Fichtner Grosse 88 tensor spline by conjugate gradient


bs87hist Baszenski Schumaker 87 smoothing spline, variable order

su88hist Sakai Usmani 88 shape preserving, rational

s92hist Schmidt 92 l2 smoothing with convexity by quadratic program


h87flux Handscomb 84 given integral of flux on rectangular cell edges


fgm87moment Frontini Gautschi Milovanovic 87 spline

frs88moment Frontini Rodriguez Seatzu 88 Legendre, regularization

s91moment Sablonniere 91 intermediate between Lagrange and Bernstein


v87tls Van Huffel 87 tests and speedups of total least squares

hs87prin Hastie Stuetzle 87 parametric scatterplot smooth

bdbs89odr Boggs Donaldson Byrd Schnabel 87 orthogonal distance regression

ms90odr Marin Smith 90 Hoschek algorithm

t91prin Tibshirani 91 parametric scatterplot smooth


jf87li Jing Fam 87

w88compl Watson 88 l-infinity complex function

Remez Remez exchange

li-l2 approximation by $l_2$ solution

li-over overdetermined linear system

li-under underdetermined linear system

diffcor differential correction

Hankel Hankel norm (``CF'' or ``AAK'' approximation)


t86cf Trefethen 86

st89cf Saff Totik 89 polynomial Caratheodory-Fejer fails


r86lil2 Reichel 86 polynomial approximation


bp75li Barrodale Phillips 75

b85licon Brannigan 85

sn82compl Streit Nuttall 82

s85cli Streit 85 complex


tt87li Thiran Thiry 87 canonical decomposition by Gaussian elimination for rank test


a80l1 Abdelmalek 80 overdetermined linear system

br80l1 Barrodale Roberts 80 linear equality and inequality constraints

bc80l1 Bartels Conn 80 overdetermined linear system

cj87l1 Cox Jones 87 spline l1 fitting, shape preserving


m87conv Madsen 87 min H(f(x)), f smooth, H convex

sumnorms sum of norms


o83sum Overton 83 sum 2norm(A_i x - b_i) "multifacility location"

g90sum Gurwitz 90 sum w_i abs( x - x_i )


minlen $L_2$ norm of first derivative, ``minimum length''

smoo $L_2$ norm of high derivative

smooj $l_2$ and jumps in high derivative

smoodif jumps in divided difference

smooch choice of smoothing parameter

app-curv weighted norm of second derivative to approximate curvature

plate-energy energy of thin plate


bb83minlen Baker Brolley 83 scale-free version of curve length

ikns88 Iserles Koch Norsett SanzSerna 88


hr73nat Herriot Reinsch 73 natural spline interpolation

hr76nat Herriot Reinsch 76 quintic natural spline

b78s de Boor 78 SMOOTH

imsl imsl/cssmh


d82ten Dierckx 87 netlib/dierckx/smoopy,fitpack (curfit)


w23 Whittaker 23


p70smoo Powell 70

r83band Rice 83 comparison of GCV, Cp, Akaike

r85smoo Ragozin 85 Peetre K-functional

h92reg Hansen 1992 corner in plot of norm(residual) v. seminorm(solution)

GCV generalized cross validation


s84w2nd Salkauskas 84 interpolation and piecewise constant weight

dt90curv Dudek Tsotsos 90 finite diff estimate for noisy data


qs88thin Quak Schumaker 88 calculating energy for Bernstein-Bezier patch


u81rob Utreras 81 robust splines by penalty function method


chebinterp at Chebyshev points

g78range Gaffney 78 given bound on high deriv, what possible function?


r69af Rivlin, Approximation of Functions, chap. 4

h82essen Henrici 82


s70hau Sendov 70


bwta66 Berger Webster Tapia Atkins 66 second derivative of spline * second difference of data > 0

mn87fair Meier Nowacki 87 square of second or even higher derivatives


ws88weight Wolke Schwetlick 88

t88stat Thisted 88 iteratively reweighted least squares

app-curv weighted norm of second derivative to approximate curvature


periodic periodic

monotone monotone, comonotone

convex convex

one-sided one-sided, non-negative

sconstr specialized constraints

aconstr abstract methods


oo88obst Opfer Oberle 88

branch branching

integer integer

polycon specific to polynomials

ENO ``essentially non-oscillatory'', ``total variation diminishing''

ellipticity ellipticity $\partial_{12}^2 \le \partial_{11}\partial_{22}$

cusp cusp, inflection, self-intersection


dly91reg Dyn Levin Yad-Shalom 91 integer translates of bell-shaped functions

mc91cusp Manocha Canny 91 reparameterization of formal power series


gl81wiggle Gresho Lee 81 why you should be {\em very} careful using these

heoc87eno Harten Engquist Osher Chakravarthy 87

h86eno Harten 86

zd93tvne Zhao Dai 93 C^0 O(h^3) quadratic interpolating endpoint and integral if possible


c87ellip Curtis 87


gh88int Grosse Hobby 88 spline with limited digits for coefficients and knots


sw87branch Silverman Wood 87 several curves required to coincide up to a point


semiinf semi-infinite programming

mu88hilbert Micchelli Utreras 88 orthogonal projection of adjoint interp, dual


r80exp Ruhe 80 semi-infinite programming for sum of exponentials

gr81semi Glashoff Roleff 81 complex

b87semi Bosworth 87 semi-infinite programming

t88remez Tang 88 single-exchange Remez

fm92semi Fischer Modersitzki 92 primal dual method


l83per Lucas 83 add polynomial correction terms to increase convergence order

m86persmoo McDonald 86 scatterplot smooth of $f(\omega t)$

r86perspl Radziewski 86 periodic spline on uniform grid

d87fit Dierckx 87 percur

sb88derper Shelley Baker 88 full-order accurate derivatives

s91bern Stockler 91 multivariate Bernoulli spline


monquad quadratic

moncub cubic

monrat rational quadratic

mono-biv bivariate

mono-other monotone, other forms or general order

cf91mono Carlson Fritsch 91 issues in comonotonicity


r80con Roulier 80 survey

s83mon Schumaker 83

bz85mon Beatson Ziegler 85 bivariate interpolation

gu88shape Goodman Unsworth 88 G^1 Bezier


fc80mono Fritsch Carlson 80

cu80mono Correa Utreras 80 min $\int s''^2$

h83mono Hyman 83

ds85dual Dietze Schmidt 85 dual nonlinear program

v86mono Varas 86 Laurent spline sequence, Gauss Seidel

dd87mono Davis Dowden 87 ``ratio slope method''

dr89mono Dauner Reinsch 89 adds knots

ms97mono Manni Sablonniere 97 local, $C^2 O(h^3)$

moncub4 $O(h^4)$


ejl85mono Eisenstat Jackson Lewis 85 $O(h^4)$ variant of Fritsch Carlson

y87mono Yan 87

bw88mono Beatson Wolkowicz 88 more fit-and-modify algorithms

gm91mono Gasparo Morandi 91 match f, f' and break interval if necessary


dg85rat Delbourgo Gregory 85 C1 rational quadratic interpolation

sh87pos Schmidt Hess 87 positive rational quadratic $C^1$ interpolant


bz85mon Beatson Ziegler 85 bivariate interpolation

cgr86vd Coughran Grosse Rose 86 tensor product of variation diminishing

cf87bimond Fritsch Carlson 85 bivariate interpolation

cf89unimond Fritsch Carlson 89 bivariate interpolation, monotone in one variable

cf90mono Costantini Fontanella 91 hermite data; raise degree until mono

uv91scat Utreras Varas 91 monotone thin plate spline for scattered data

ddm92mono Dahmen DeVore Micchelli 92 subst x=(f(x,1)-f(x,0)-c)/c in bilinear

sh93ratspl Schmidt Hess 93 C^2 rational bicubic


bs77mono de Boor Swartz 77 interpolating spline of arbitrary order, deficiency 1

cgr86vd Coughran Grosse Rose 86 tensor product of variation diminishing

ss86rat Sakai Silanes 86

r87tension Renka 87 choice of tension parameters for shape preservation

cj87l1 Cox Jones 87 B-spline coefficient difference as sufficient condition

r88monospl Ramsey 88 integrals of B-splines, nonnegative coefficients


convquad quadratic

convcub cubic

convsmoo with penalty term for smoothing

conv-other convex, other forms


mr78convex McAllister Roulier 78 convex quadratic by knot insertion

r80con Roulier 80 survey

b82convex Beatson 82 convex quadratic spline

gu88shape Goodman Unsworth 88 G^1 Bezier


b78s de Boor 78 TAUTSP

s87dual Schmidt 87 dual for convex C1 cubic

s91dual Schmidt 91 stay within intervals, min mean curvature


ims86convex Irvine Marin Smith 86 convex spline interpolation and smoothing

ae87convex Andersson Elving 87 interpolation

ea88convex Andersson Elving 87 smoothing by Newton method


n80convex Neuman 80 interpolating spline of arbitrary order, deficiency 1

d80convex Dierckx 80 quadratic programming

cd84conv Chang Davis 84 convexity of Bernstein polynomials on triangles

s84tri Scott 84 checking scattered 2d data for convexity

c87moncon Costantini 86 monotone and/or convex, general degree

r87tension Renka 87 choice of tension parameters for shape preservation

cj87l1 Cox Jones 87 B-spline coefficient difference as sufficient condition

ffj88shape Ferguson Frank Jones 88 convex slices

d91conv Dahmen 91 survey

sh93ratspl Schmidt Hess 93 C^2 rational bicubic


noise recognizing noise

outlier recognizing outliers and influential points

redundancy recognizing redundancy

B-diag diagnostics specific to B-splines

gdiag diagnostic graphics

testing tests, benchmarks


gt74noise Guerra Tapia 74 residual from 6-point spline interpolant

o80der Oliver 80 differentiation of fairly accurate function values


s77stat Seber 77 statistics

m84diag Maindonald 84


g90diag Gu 90 treat as retrospective linear model; compute column cosines


m73Cp Mallows 73 $C_p$ plots to choose subsets in regression

t77eda Tukey Exploratory Data Analysis

ah84micro Alfeld Harris 84 MICROSCOPE plotting to check smoothness

bc87brush Becker Cleveland 87 simultaneous identification in scatterplot matrix

ht88infl Hastie Tibshirani 88 equivalent kernel; eigenfunc of smoother

contouring contouring


irr-cont irregular grid

rect-cont rectangular grid

high-cont higher order than quadratic; general functions

3d-cont contour surfaces for function of three variables

color color spectrum generation

s90contsurv Sabin 90 comprehensive survey


mp76cont Marlow Powell 76 contours of quadratic in triangle

brz76fault Bolondi Rocca Zanoletti 76 slit in thin plate

s80cont Sabin 80 survey

s82cont Schagen 82 intersection with network connecting data

p84cont Preusser 84 solve quintics

d87cont Davis 87 Kansas Geological Survey contour program

wf90cont Worsey Farin 90 allegedly more accurate than Marlow Powell


m74contour McLain 74 distance weighted least squares onto rectangular mesh

s76cont Sutcliffe 76 bug fix to McLain

s78cont Snyder 78 contour following

ss78cont Schultheis Schultheis 78 degeneracies marked by multiple connections

s80contour Stucliffe 80 survey

st81quad Sibson Thomson 81 16-triangle rectangle with linear grad on edges

z88contree Zyda 88 build tree to speed contouring at many levels


f71cont Falconer 71 find intersection on coarse grid; follow by bisection

ga79cont Gray Akin 79 contour following for isoparametric surfaces


cs77byu Christiansen Stephenson 77 MOVIE.BYU

f87cont Farrell 87 color level plots

ppw87cont Petersen Piper Worsey 87 contours of Worsey Farin tetrahedron

r90iso Rockwood 90 guess, de Casteljau, deflation for root finding


g85color Grosse 85 hue correction table


test/data standard test datasets

test/methodology test methodology

test/codes programs to test approximation algorithms

test/eval evaluations of algorithms


a70jacm Akima 70 local average of slopes

p70smoo Powell 70

m74contour McLain 74 distance weighted least squares onto rectangular mesh

l77c1 Lawson 77 swap diagonal in quadrilaterals to max the min angle

a78toms Akima 78 bivariate interpolation

fc80mono Fritsch Carlson 80

f82t Franke 82 tests of scattered data interpolation

fn83disc Franke Nielson 83 adding jumps and creases to Shepard surfaces

ah84micro Alfeld Harris 84 MICROSCOPE plotting to check smoothness

s86ssaf Schryer 86 functions for testing moving knot algorithms

f87energy Fritsch 87 test data

h91test Higham 91 test matrices


cdm79test Crowder Dembo Mulvey 79 describing reproducible experiments


cw80e Cody Waite 80 elefunt,specfun

t90exptest Tang 90 1/500 ulp test for exp, log over full domain


f82t Franke 82 tests of scattered data interpolation


linalg linear algebra

multigrid multigrid

opt optimization

contin continuation, homotopy, surface-surface intersection

arith arithmetic

random random number generators


m87multigrid McCormick(ed) 87

b87multigrid Briggs 87


arith/mp multiple precision

interv interval


b78mp Brent 78 comprehensive Fortran package

s91mp Smith 91 similar to Brent, but with guard digits


interv/arith basic arithmetic and special functions

interv/opt optimization and zero-finding

m79interv Moore 79


y79interv Yohe 79 implementation considerations

r82interv Reinsch 82 from Kahan

r86horner Rokne 86 multivariate Horner centered form


g83perturb Gay 83 nonlin equations

k90intbis Kearfott 90 nonlin equations


lindr driver routine for user-supplied linear basis

linker kernel code

lineq linear equations

linlsq least squares

linpnorm least $p$-norm



imsl imsl/fnlsq


ddhd90 Dongarra DuCroz Hammarling Duff 90 BLAS3


linpack Linpack

gl80sp George Liu 80 sparspak

gv83mc Golub VanLoan 83 Matrix Computations

d84sp see references in Duff 84 sparse direct methods for linear equations

vandermonde solving Vandermonde systems

b78s de Boor 78 BANFAC,BANSLV band elimination without pivoting


dmbs79 Dongarra Moler Bunch Stewart 79

cv88 Coleman Van Loan 88


bp70ten Bjorck Pereyra 70

gp71confl Galimberti Pereyra 71 confluent

be73confl Bjorck Elfving 71 confluent

tg81vander Tang Golub 81 parallel

h88vander Higham 88 extends Bjorck Pereyra to orthogonal polynomials

h90vander Higham 90 advice on which algorithm to use; pitfalls

bh92vander Bartels Higham 92 componentwise perturbations in params and rhs

cr93vander Calvetti Reichel 94 three-term recurrence polynomials


b90sparseqr Barlow 90 structural zeros in sparse QR column updates

linsq/uncon unconstrained

linsq/con constrained


d77l2 Davidon 77 ``online'' algorithm

ps82lsqr Paige Saunders 82 LSQR sparse linear least squares

adr89lsqr Arioli Duff de Rijk 89 sparse direct with iterative refinement

ch90tsvd Chan Hansen 90 fast truncated SVD by rank-revealing QR

b91pivot Bjorck 91 factoring doubled system using Bunch-Kaufman

h91itref Higham 91 sparse direct with iterative refinement

bh91rrqr Bischof Hansen 91 RRQR Chan/Foster with no fill

ge96qr Gu Eisenstat 96 rank estimate and basis of right null space


hh81mp Haskell Hanson 81 Math Prog

gi83qp Goldfard Idnani 83 quadratic programming, implemented by Powell

v85l2 Van Loan 85 sparse LSE

h86bndcls Hanson 86 least squares with bounds and linear constraints

co88conlin Clark Osborne 88 least squares with bounds

bh88lse Barlow Handy 88 equality constraints or heavy weights


db90pnorm Dax Berkowitz 90


b73fmin Brent 73 univariate minimization and zero-finding

dgw81 Dennis Gay Welch 81 Toms NL2SOL

gt82sep Griewank Toint 82 partially separable (sum of finite elements)

ds86group Dennis Steihaug 86 sparse nonlinear l2 by group iterative

varp separable nonlinear least squares

B-spline-zero zeros of splines


rb83contin Rheinboldt Burkardt 83 continuation

wbm87homo Watson Billups Morgan 87 homotopy (continuation) methods

lp91contin Lundberg Poore 91 more steps, fewer newtons per step

surfsurf surface-surface intersection methods


bs93surfsurf Burger Schaback 93 general algorithms and advice


mr77opt Micchelli Rivlin 77 optimal recovery

mm79opt Melkman Micchelli 79 inaccurate data


uffda (no citations at hand, though surely some exist)



  references used only in the paper

dummy dummy

surveys surveys

h87kens Hand 87 KENS

akdor81 Andrews Klem Davidson O'Malley Rodges 81 decision tree for statistics

r64app Rice 64 book


s85cont Sabin survey

a88interp Alfeld 88 multivariate interpolation survey

fs87bib Franke Schumaker 87 bibliography

t88stat Thisted 88 survey book


dummylib dummylib

dg87netlib netlib

port port

nag nag

dag dag

gams gams

imsl imsl


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st statlib/general/ace


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d 1979
t Robust Locally-Weighted Regression and Smoothing Scatterplots
v 74
p 829-836


a Friedman, J. H.
d 1979
t A Tree-Structured Approach to Nonparametric Multiple Regression
in Smoothing Techniques for Curve Estimation
e Gasser, T. and Rosenblatt, M.
pub Springer
p 5-22


a Hastie, T. J. and Tibshirani, R. J.
d 1986
t Generalized Additive Models
j Statistical Science
v 1
p 297-318


a Mallows, C. L.
d 1973
t Some Comments on {$C_p$}
j Technometrics
v 15
p 661-675


a {\sortkey{Hoog}}de Hoog, F. R. and Hutchinson, M. F.
t An Efficient Method for Calculating Smoothing Splines using Orthogonal Transformations
d 1987
j Numerische Mathematik
v submitted


a Hanson, Richard J.
d 1986
t Linear Least Squares with Bounds and Linear Constraints
v 7
p 826-834


a Berger, Marsha
d 1986
t Data Structures for Adaptive Grid Generation
v 7
p 904-916


a Reichel, Lothar
d 1986
t Some Computational Aspects of a Method for Rational Approximation
v 7
p 1041-1057


a Golub, Gene H. and Van Loan, Charles F.
d 1983
t Matrix Computations
pub Johns Hopkins University Press, Baltimore Maryland


a Tukey, John W.
d 1977
t Exploratory Data Analysis
pub A-W


a Cavendish, James C.
d 1975
t Local Mesh Refinement Using Rectangular Blended Finite Elements
j J. Computational Physics
v 19
p 211-228


a Wixom, James A.
t Interpolation to Networks of Curves in {$E^3$}
d 1978
v 15
p 1178-1193


a Sabin, M. A.
d 1980
t Contouring: A Review of Methods for Scattered Data
in Mathematical Methods in Computer Graphics and Design
e Brodlie, K. W.
pub AcadPr


a Golub, Gene H. and Pereyra, Victor
d 1973
t Differentiation of Psuedo-Inverses and Nonlinear Least Squares Problems Whose Variables Separate
v 10
p 413-432


a Kaufman, Linda
d 1975
t A Variable Projection Method for Solving Separable Nonlinear Least Squares Problems
v 15
p 49-57
port/nsf nsg


a W. J. Gordon
t Distributive Lattices and the Approximation of Multivariate Functions
in Proceedings of the Symposium on Approximation with Special Emphasis on Splines
e I. J. Schoenberg
org Univ. of Wisconsin
pub AcadPr
d 1969
p 223-277.


a Barnhill, R. E. and Brown, J. H. and Klucewicz, I. M.
t A New Twist in Computer Aided Geometric Design
d 1978
j Computer Graphics and Image Processing
v 8
p 78-91


a Nielson, Gregory M.
t Minimum Norm Interpolation in Triangles
d 1980
v 17
p 44-62


a Akima, Hiroshi
d 1978
t A Method of Bivariate Interpolation and Smooth Surface Fitting for Irregularly Distributed Data Points
v 4
p 148-159
toms/526 imsl/surf


a Sabin, M. A.
t Non-Rectangular Surface Patches Suitable for Inclusion in a B-Spline Surface
d 1983
p 57-69
in Eurographics '83
e ten Hagen, P. J. W.
pub Elsevier
org Eurographics Association


a Franke, Richard and Nielson, Gregory M.
d 1983
t Surface Approximation with Imposed Conditions
in Surfaces in CAGD
e Barnhill, R. E. and Boehm, W.
pub NHolland
p 135-146


a Gregory, John A.
d 1978
t A Blending Function Interpolant for Triangles
in Multivariate Approximation
e Handscomb, D. C.
pub AcadPr
p 279-287


a Delvos, {F.-J.} and Posdorf, H. and Schempp, W.
d 1978
t Serendipity-Type Bivariate Interpolation
in Multivariate Approximation
e Handscomb, D. C.
pub AcadPr
p 47-56


a Boehm, Wolfgang and Prautzsch, Hartmut
d 1985
t The Insertion Algorithm
j Computer Aided Design
v 17
p 58-59
st simple code


a Hartley, P. J.
d 1975
t Tensor Product Approximations to Data Defined on Rectangular Meshes in N-space
j Computer J.
v 19
p 348-352


a Akima, Hiroshi
d 1970
t A New Method of Interpolation and Smooth Curve Fitting Based on Local Procedures
j J. ACM
v 17
p 589-602
st imsl/csakm


a Gautschi, Walter
d 1982
t On Generating Orthogonal Polynomials
v 3
p 289-317
ps Mark Kent says (Mar 1988) that he has an improvement


a Sendov, B.
t Approximation Relative to {Hausdorff} Distance
d 1970
in Approximation Theory
pub AcadPr


a Bernadou, M. and Boisserie, M. M.
d 1982
t The Finite Element Method in Thin Shell Theory
pub Birkhauser, Boston
st explicit basis


a Mansfield, Lois
d 1978
t A {Clough-Tocher} Type Element Useful for Fourth Order Problems Over Nonpolygonal Domains
j Mathematics of Computation
v 32:141
p 135-142


a Maude, A. D.
d 1972
t Interpolation--Mainly for Graph Plotters
j Computer J.
v 16
p 64-65


a Pavlidis, Theodosios and Horowitz, Steven L.
d 1974
t Segmentation of Plane Curves
j IEEE Transactions on Computers
v C23
p 860-870


a Alfeld, Peter
d 1987--1988
t The Multivariate Spline Newsletter
pub Dept. Mathematics, Univ. Utah, Salt Lake City UT 84112


a Lucas, Thomas R.
d 1974
t Error Bounds for Interpolating Cubic Splines Under Various End Conditions
v 11
p 569-579


a Cox, M. G.
d 1986
t Piecewise {Chebyshev} Series
j Bulletin of the Institute of Mathematics and its Applications
v 22
p 396-411


a Clenshaw, C. W. and Hayes, J. G.
d 1965
t Curve and Surface Fitting
j J. of the Institute of Mathematics and its Applications
v 1
p 164-183


a Cox, M. G. and Jones, Helen M.
t Shape Preserving Spline Approximation in the {$l_1$}-norm
p 115-129
d 1987
in Algorithms for Approximation
e Mason, J. C. and Cox, M. G.
pub Clarendon Press, Oxford
st DASL/planned


a Cox, M. G.
d 1987
t Data Approximation by Splines in One and Two Variables
p 111-138
in The State of the Art in Numerical Analysis
e Iserles, A. and Powell, M. J. D.
pub Oxford Univ. Press


a Anthony, Gerald T. and Cox, Maurice G.
t The {National Physical Laboratory's} Data Approximation Subroutine Library
p 669-687
d 1987
in Algorithms for Approximation
e Mason, J. C. and Cox, M. G.
pub Oxford Univ. Press


a Barnhill, R. E. and Gregory, J. A.
d 1975
t Polynomial Interpolation to Boundary Data on Triangles
j Mathematics of Computation
v 29
p 726-735


a Gansner, E. R. and North, S. C. and Vo, K. P.
d 1990
t DAG - A Program for Drawing Directed Graphs
p 147-162
in Unix Research System Papers, Tenth Edition, Volume II
pub Saunders College Publishing


a Barnhill, Robert E.
d 1977
t Representation and Approximation of Surfaces
p 69-120
in Mathematical Software III
pub AcadPr


a Gasca, M. and Ramirez, V.
d 1984
t Interpolation Systems in {$R^k$}
v 42
p 36-51


a Piegl, Leslie and Tiller, Wayne
d 1987
t Curve and Surface Constructions using Rational {B-splines}
j Computer Aided Design
v 19
p 485-498


a McLain, D. H.
d 1974
t Drawing Contours from Arbitrary Data Points
j Computer J.
v 17
p 318-324
st Algol listings; see also Sutcliffe


a Cohen, Elaine and Lyche, Tom and Riesenfeld, Richard
d 1980
t Discrete {B-splines} and Subdivision Techniques in Computer-Aided Geometric Design and Computer Graphics
j Computer Graphics and Image Processing
v 14
p 87-111


a Lane, Jeffrey M. and Riesenfeld, Richard F.
d 1980
t A Theoretical Development for the Computer Generation and Display of Piecewise Polynomial Surfaces
v PAMI-2
p 35-46


a Frey, William H.
d 1985
t A Useful Variant of {McLaughlin's} Interpolant
r GMR-5004
i General Motors Research Laboratories


a McLaughlin, H. W.
d 1983
t Shape-Preserving Planar Interpolation
j IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications
v 3
p 58-67


a Dyn, Nira and Levin, David
d 1981
t Bell-Shaped Basis Functions for Surface Fitting
p 113-129
in Approximation Theory and Applications
e Ziegler, Zvi
pub AcadPr


a Gottlieb, David and Tadmor, Eitan
d 1985
t Recovering Pointwise Values of Discontinuous Data within Spectral Accuracy
r Report No. 85-3
pub NASA


a Oliver, J.
d 1980
t An Algorithm for Numerical Differentiation of a Function of One Real Variable
j J. of Computational and Applied Mathematics
v 6
p 145-160
st ``Algorithm 017'' Algol listing


a Dokken, Tor
d 1985
t Finding Intersections of {B-spline} Represented Geometries using Recursive Subdivision Techniques
v 2
p 189-195
ps Fortran subroutine package?


a Houghton, Elizabeth G. and Emnett, Robert F. and Factor, James D. and Sabharwal, Chaman L.
d 1985
t Implementation of a Divide-and-Conquer Method for Intersection of Parametric Surfaces
v 2
p 173-183


a Carlson, R. E. and Fritsch, F. N.
d 1988
t An Algorithm for Monotone Piecewise Bicubic Interpolation
v 26
p 230-238
ps ehg/a/bimond


a Franke, Richard
d 1985
t Thin Plate Splines with Tension
v 2
p 87-95


a Gregory, John A.
d 1985
t Interpolation to Boundary Data on the Simplex
v 2
p 43-52


a Mansfield, L.
d 1976
t Interpolation to Boundary Data in Tetrahedra with Applications to Compatible Finite Elements
j J. Mathematical Analysis and Applications
v 56
p 137-164


a Sablonni{\`e}re, Paul
t {Bernstein-B{\'e}zier} Methods for the Construction of Bivariate Spline Approximants
d 1985
v 2
p 29-36


a Farin, Gerald
t A Modified {Clough-Tocher} interpolant
d 1985
v 2
p 19-27


a Goldman, Ronald N.
t The Method of Resolvents: A Technique for the Implicitization, Inversion, and Intersection of Non-Planar, Parametric, Rational Cubic Curves
d 1985
v 2
p 237-255


a Dunham, Charles B.
t Stability of the Linear Inequality Method for Rational {Chebyshev} Approximation
d 1984
v 11
p 139-143


a Lee, C. M. and Roberts, F. D. K.
d 1973
t A Comparison of Algorithms for Rational {$l_\infty$} Approximation
j Mathematics of Computation
v 27
p 111-121


a Fritsch, F. N.
d 1986
t The {Wilson-Fowler} Spline is a {$\nu$-spline}
v 3
p 155-162


a Handscomb, D. C.
t Recovery of Fluid Flow Fields
p 531-540
d 1987
in Algorithms for Approximation
e Mason, J. C. and Cox, M. G.
pub Oxford Univ. Press


a Costantini, Paolo
d 1987
t Co-Monotone Interpolating Splines of Arbitrary Degree---A Local Approach
v 8
p 1026-1034


a Gmelig Meyling, R. H. J. and Pfluger, P. R.
d 1987
t B-Spline Approximation of a Closed Surface
v 7
p 73-96


a Warren, Joe D.
d 1986
t On Algebraic Surfaces Meeting with Geometric Continuity
r TR 86-770
i Dept. Computer Science, Cornell University


a Hoffmann, Christoph and Hopcroft, John
t The Potential Method for Blending Surfaces and Corners
p 347-365
in Geometric Modeling: Algorithms and New Trends
e Farin, Gerald E.
pub SIAM
d 1987


a Clutton-Brock, M.
d 1987
t Generalized {Fej{\'e}r} and {Lanczos} Kernels
j SIAM J. Mathematical Analysis
v 18
p 259-


a Cohen, Elaine and Lyche, Tom and Schumaker, Larry L.
d 1985
t Algorithms for Degree-Raising of Splines
v 4
p 171-181


a Bolondi, G. and Rocca, F. and Zanoletti, S.
d 1976
t Automatic Contouring of Faulted Subsurfaces
j Geophysics
v 41
p 1377-1393


a Reichel, Lothar
d 1986
t On Polynomial Approximation in the Uniform Norm by the Discrete Least Squares Method
v 26
p 349-368


a Galimberti, G. and Pereyra, V.
d 1971
t Solving Confluent {Vandermonde} Systems of {Hermite} Type
j Numerische Mathematik
v 18
p 44-60
st Algol listing


a Levin, David
d 1986
t Multidimensional Reconstruction by Set-valued Approximations
v 6
p 173-184


a Alfeld, Peter
d 1985
t Derivative Generation from Multivariate Scattered Data by Functional Minimization
v 2
p 281-296


a Butzer, P. L. and Engels, W. and Ries, S. and Stens, R. L.
d 1986
t The {Shannon} Sampling Series and the Reconstruction of Signals in Terms of Linear, Quadratic, and Cubic Splines
j SIAM J. of Applied Mathematics
v 46
p 299-


a {\sortkey{Boor}}de Boor, C.
d 1974
t Good Approximation by Splines with Variable Knots, {II}
p 12-20
in Numerical Solution of Differential Equations
e Watson, G. A.
pub Springer


a Schryer, N. L.
d 1986
t {SSAF} -- Smooth Spline Approximations to Functions
r Numerical Analysis Memorandum 86-8


a Hastie, Trevor and Stuetzle, Werner
d 1989
t Principal Curves
v 84
p 502-516
st S version will be available from statlib


a Barbosa, J. and Lucas, M.
d 1986
t Minimal Surfaces in {$R^3$}
pub Springer
bln 422061M 518/B238m:E mh


a Cline, A. K. and Renka, R. L.
t A Storage-Efficient Method for Construction of a {Theissen} Triangulation
d 1984
j Rocky Mountain J. of Mathematics
v 14
p 119-139


a Alfeld, Peter
t A Discrete {$C^1$} Interpolant for Tetrahedral Data
p 5-16
d 1984
j Rocky Mountain J. of Mathematics
v 14


a Alfeld, Peter and Barnhill, Robert E.
t A Transfinite {$C^2$} Interpolant over Triangles
p 17-39
d 1984
j Rocky Mountain J. of Mathematics
v 14


a Akima, Hiroshi
t On Estimating Partial Derivatives for Bivariate Interpolation of Scattered Data
p 41-52
d 1984
j Rocky Mountain J. of Mathematics
v 14


a Little, F. F.
t Convex Combination Surfaces
d 1983
p 99-107
in Surfaces in Computer Aided Geometric Design
e Barnhill, R. E. and Boehm, W.
pub NHolland


a Barnhill, R. E. and Little, F. F.
t Three- and Four-dimensional Surfaces
p 77-102
d 1984
j Rocky Mountain J. of Mathematics
v 14


a Schumaker, L. L.
d 1976
t Fitting Surfaces to Scattered Data
in Approximation Theory II
e Lorentz, G. G. and Chui, C. K. and Schumaker, L. L.
pub AcadPr
p 203-268


a Lawson, Charles L.
t {$C^1$} Surface Interpolation for Scattered Data on a Sphere
p 177-202
d 1984
j Rocky Mountain J. of Mathematics
v 14


a Nielson, Gregory M. and Franke, Richard
t A Method for Construction of Surfaces Under Tension
p 203-221
d 1984
j Rocky Mountain J. of Mathematics
v 14


a Cline, A. K.
d 1974
t Curve Fitting in One and Two Dimensions Using Splines Under Tension
v 17
p 213-218
st fitpack (commercial, subset in netlib)


a Salkauskas, K.
t {$C^1$} Splines for Interpolation of Rapidly Varying Data
p 239-250
d 1984
j Rocky Mountain J. of Mathematics
v 14


a Wahba, Grace
t Surface Fitting with Scattered Noisy Data on Euclidean D-Space and on the Sphere
p 281-299
d 1984
j Rocky Mountain J. of Mathematics
v 14


a Kohn, Robert and Ansley, Craig F.
d 1987
t A Nerw Algorithm for Spline Smoothing Based on Smoothing a Stochastic Process
v 8
p 33-48


a Jones, Richard H. and Tryon, Peter V.
d 1987
t Continuous Time Series Models for Unequally Spaced Data Applied to Modeling Atomic Clocks
v 8
p 71-81


a Dennis, Jr., J. E. and Steihaug, Trond
d 1986
t On the Successive Projections Approach to Least-Squares Problems
v 23
p 717-733


a Van Huffel, Sabine
d 1987
t Analysis of the Total Least Squares Problem and its Use in Parameter Estimation
school Katholieke Universiteit Leuven


a Sp{\"a}th, H.
t Spline-Algorithmen zur Konstruktion glatter Kurven und Fl{\"a}chen
d 1973
pub R. Oldenbourg Verlag, M{\"u}nchen


a Boisvert, Ronald F. and Howe, Sally E. and Kahaner, David K.
d 1984
t Guide to Available Mathematical Software
r NBSIR 84-2824
i US Department of Commerce, National Bureau of Standards


a {Harwell Laboratory, Computer Science and Systems Division}
d 1987
t Harwell Subroutine Library
r AERE - R 9185


a {Digital Signal Processing Committee}
d 1979
t Programs for Digital Signal Processing
pub IEEE Press
ps netlib/dsp/ (AT&T only, because IEEE holds copyright)
bln 621.3804301/I22p  174043C


a Golub, G. H. and Welsch, J. H.
d 1969
t Calculation of Gaussian Quadrature Rules
j Mathematics of Computation
v 23
p 221-230


a Brent, Richard
d 1973
t Algorithms for Minimization Without Derivatives
pub Prentice
go/fmin.f zeroin.f


a Fritsch, F. N. and Butland, J.
d 1984
t A Method for Constructing Local Monotone Piecewise Cubic Interpolants
v 5
p 300-304


a George, A. and Liu, J. W. H.
d 1980
t Computer Solution of Large Sparse Positive Definite Systems
pub Prentice


a Brent, R. P.
t A {Fortran} Multiple-Precision Arithmetic Package
v 4
d 1978
p 57-81


a Beatson, R. K. and Ziegler, Z.
d 1985
t Monotonicity Preserving Surface Interpolation
v 22
p 401-411


a Dietze, Siegfried and Schmidt, Jochen W.
d 1985
t Determination of Shape Preserving Spline Interpolants with Minimal Curvature via Dual Programs
i Technische Universit{\"a}t Dresden


a Worsey, A. J. and Farin, G.
t An {$n$}-Dimensional {Clough-Tocher} Interpolant
p 99-110
d 1987
j Constructive Approximation
v 3


a Alfeld, P.
d 1984
t A Trivariate {Clough-Tocher} Scheme for Tetrahedral Data
v 1
p 169-181


a Chui, C. K. and Lai, M. J.
t A Multivariate Analog of {Marsden's} Identity and a Quasi-Interpolation Scheme
p 111-122
d 1987
j Constructive Approximation
v 3


a Boehm, Wolfgang and Prautzsch, Hartmut and Arner, Paul
t On Triangular Splines
p 157-167
d 1987
j Constructive Approximation
v 3


a Chung, K. C. and Yao, T. H.
d 1977
t On Lattices Admitting Unique Lagrange Interpolations
v 14
p 735-743


a Grandine, Thomas Allan
d 1987
t The Computational Cost of Simplex Spline Functions
v 24
p 887-890


a Grandine, Thomas A.
d 1988
t The Stable Evaluation of Multivariate Simplex Splines
j Mathematics of Computation
v 50
p 197-205


a Weiser, Alan and Zarantonello, Serge E.
t A Note on Piecewise Linear and Multilinear Table Interpolation in Many Dimensions
d 1988
j Mathematics of Computation
v 50
p 189-196


a Silverman, B. W. and Wood, J. T.
d 1987
t The Nonparametric Estimation of Branching Curves
j J. of the American Statistical Association
v 82
p 551-558


a Swarztrauber, Paul N.
d 1979
t On the Spectral Approximation of Discrete Scalar and Vector Functions on the Sphere
v 16
p 934-949


a Swarztrauber, Paul N.
d 1981
t The Approximation of Vector Functions and Their Derivatives on the Sphere
v 18
p 191-210


a Golub, G. H. and LeVeque, R. J.
d 1979
t Extensions and Uses of the Variable Projection Algorithm for Solving Nonlinear Least Squares Problems
in Proceedings of the Army Numerical Analysis and Computers Conference, ARO Rep. 79-3
p 1-12


a Singleton, Richard C.
t An Algorithm for Computing the Mixed Radix Fast Fourier Transform
j IEEE Transactions on Audio and Electroacoustics
v AU-17
p 93-103
d 1969
go/fft.f realtr.f


a Bose, N. K.
d 1985
t Digital Filters: Theory and Applications
pub NHolland
st short Fortran listings


a Marsaglia, George
d 1985
t A Current View of Random Number Generators
in Computer Science and Statistics: The Interface
e Billard, L.
p 3-10
pub NHolland


a Rice, John
d 1983
t Methods for Bandwidth Choice in Nonparametric Kernel Regression
p 186-190
in Computer Science and Statistics: 15th Interface
e Gentle, James E.
pub NHolland


a Powell, M. J. D.
d 1970
t Curve Fitting by Splines in One Variable
p 65-83
in Numerical Approximation to Functions and Data
e Hayes, J. G.
pub The Athlone Press, University of London
org Institute of Mathematics and Its Applications
st harwell/ts01


a Lee, E. T. Y.
d 1986
t Comments on Some {B}-Spline Algorithms
j Computing
v 36
p 229-238


a Kaufman, Jr., Edwin H. and Leeming, David J. and Taylor, G. D.
t A Combined {Remes}--Differential Correction Algorithm for Rational Approximation
d 1978
j Mathematics of Computation
v 32
p 233-242
st diff-corr version in netlib/a/difcor


a Kaufman, Jr., Edwin H. and Taylor, G. D.
d 1975
t Uniform Rational Approximation of Functions of Several Variables
j International J. of Numerical Methods in Engineering
v 9
p 297-323


a Henry, Jackson N.
d 1977
t Comparison of Algorithms for Multivariate Rational Approximation
j Mathematics of Computation
v 31
p 485-494


a Traas, C. R.
d 1987
t Smooth Approximation of Data on the Sphere with Splines
j Computing
v 38
p 177-184


a Geman, Stuart and Geman, Donald
d 1984
t Stochastic Relaxation, {Gibbs} Distributions, and the {Bayesian} Restoration of Images
v PAMI-6
p 721-741
ps David Lee


a Marroquin, J. and Mitter, S. and Poggio, T.
d 1987
t Probabilistic Solution of Ill-Posed Problems in Computational Vision
v 82
p 76-89
ps David Lee


a Bowyer, A.
d 1981
t Computing {Dirichlet} Tessellations
j Computer J.
v 24
p 162-166


a Sabin, M. A.
d 1985
t Contouring - the State of the Art
p 411-482
in Fundamental Algorithms for Computer Graphics
e Earnshaw, R. A.
pub Springer
org NATO ASI Series F17


a Frederickson, P. O.
d 1971
t Quasi-Interpolation, Extrapolation and Approximation on the Plane
in Conference on Numerical Mathematics
p 159-167


a Watson, D. F.
d 1981
t Computing the $n$-Dimensional {Delaunay} Tesselation with Application to {Voronoi} Polytopes
j Computer J
v 24
p 167-172


a Rice, John R.
d 1964
t The Approximation of Functions
pub A-W


a Dierckx, Paul
d 1982
t A Fast Algorithm for Smoothing Data on a Rectangular Grid While Using Spline Functions
v 19
p 1286-1304
dierckx/smoopy.f fitpack(curfit)


a Dierckx, Paul
d 1981
t An Algorithm for Surface Fitting with Spline Functions
v 1
p 267-283


a Dierckx, Paul
d 1977
t An Algorithm for Least-Squares Fitting of Cubic Spline Surfaces to Functions on a Rectilinear Mesh Over a Rectangle
v 3
p 113-129


a McAllister, D. F. and Roulier, J. A.
d 1978
t Interpolation by Convex Quadratic Splines
j Mathematics of Computation
v 32
p 1154-1162


a Beatson, R. K.
d 1982
t Restricted Range Approximation by Splines and Variational Inequalities
v 19
p 372-380


a Fritsch, F. N. and Carlson, R. E.
t Monotone Piecewise Cubic Interpolation
d 1980
v 17
p 238-246


a Hyman, James M.
d 1983
t Accurate Monotonicity Preserving Cubic Interpolation
v 4
p 645-654


a Small, R. D.
d 1988
t The Generating Function Method of Nonlinear Approximation
v 25
p 235-244


a Schumaker, Larry L. and Utreras, Florencio
d 1988
t Asymptotic Properties of Complete Smoothing Splines and Applications
v 9
p 24-38


a Varah, J. M.
d 1982
t A Spline Least Squares Method for Numerical Parameter Estimation in Differential Equations
v 3
p 28-46


a Gmelig Meyling, R. H. J.
t An Algorithm for Constructing Configurations of Knots for Bivariate {B}-Splines
d 1987
v 24
p 706-724


a Baszenski, Guenter and Schumaker, Larry L.
d 1987
t On a Method for Fitting an Unknown Function Based on Mean-Value Measurements
v 24
p 725-736


a Dierckx, P.
d 1980
t Algorithm 42: An Algorithm for Cubic Spline Fitting with Convexity Constraints
j Computing
v 24
p 349-371
dierckx/fitpack (cocosp, concon), concon


a Gropp, William D.
d 1987
t Local Uniform Mesh Refinement with Moving Grids
v 8
p 292-304


a Renka, R. J.
d 1987
t Interpolatory Tension Splines with Automatic Selection of Tension Factors
v 8
p 393-415


a Hoffman, Peter and Reddy, K. C.
d 1987
t Numerical Differentiation by High Order Interpolation
v 8
p 979-987


a Andersson, Lars-Erik and Elfving, Tommy
d 1987
t An Algorithm for Constrained Interpolation
v 8
p 1012-1025


a Boggs, Paul T. and Donaldson, Janet R. and Byrd, Richard H. and Schnabel, Robert B.
d 1989
t {ODRPACK}: Software for Weighted Orthogonal Distance Regression
v 15
p 348-364


a Hayes, J. G. and Halliday, J.
d 1974
t The Least Squares Fitting of Cubic Spline Surfaces to General Data Sets
j J. Institute of Mathematics and Its Applications
v 14
p 89-103


a Bartels, R. H. and Conn, A. R.
d 1980
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v 6
p 594-608


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v 6
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v 6
p 220-227


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v 8
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v 20
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pub Johns Hopkins University Press, Baltimore Maryland


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v 4
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v 2
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v 16
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v 2
p 281-289


a Simpson, Joseph C.
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v 2
p 95-97


a Barrodale, I. and Phillips, C.
d 1975
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v 1
p 264-270


a Lyche, T. and Schumaker, L.
d 1975
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v 15
p 294-325


a Ellis, R. M. R. and McLain, D. H.
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t A New Method of Cubic Curve Fitting Using Local Data
v 3
p 175-178
toms/514 algol listing


a Ichida, Kozo and Kiyono, Takeshi and Yoshimoto, Fujiichi
d 1977
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v 3
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v 1
p 333-344


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d 1971
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j Nature
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p 33-34


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j Numerische Mathematik
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d 1987


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d 1985
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st C listing


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d 1984
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v 40
p 11-28


a Henrici, Peter
d 1986
t Applied and Computational Complex Analysis
v 3
pub Wiley


a Trefethen, Lloyd N.
d 1986
t Matlab Programs for {CF} Approximation
in Approximation Theory V
e Chui, C. K. and Schumaker, L. L. and Ward, J. D.
pub AcadPr
p 599-602


a P. E. Bj{\o}rstad and E. H. Grosse
t Conformal Mapping of Circular Arc Polygons
d 1987
v 8
p 19-32


a P. E. Bj{\o}rstad and G. Dahlquist and E. H. Grosse
t Extrapolation of Asymptotic Expansions by a Modified {A}itken $\delta^2$-Formula
v 21
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d 1981


a Coughran, Jr., William M. and Grosse, Eric and Rose, Donald J.
t Variation Diminishing Splines in Simulation
d 1986
v 7
p 696--705
port/vdss1.f vdss2,vdss3


a Brenda Baker and Eric Grosse and Conor Rafferty
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d 1988


a Grosse, Eric
d 1986
t Spectral Spline Approximation
p 363-366
in Approximation Theory V
e Chui, C. K. and Schumaker, L. L. and Ward, J. D.
pub AcadPr
st crysalis, available from author


a Schumaker, L. L.
d 1983
t On Shape Preserving Quadratic Spline Interpolation
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p 854-864


a O'Sullivan, Finbarr
d 1988
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v 9
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d 1986
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j Numerische Mathematik
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d 1977
t A Survey of Optimal Recovery
in Optimal Estimation in Approximation Theory
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p 178-196


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j Computing
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d 1985
v 22
p 1107-1115


a Eisenstat, S. C. and Jackson, K. R. and Lewis, J. W.
d 1985
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t The Order of Monotone Piecewise Cubic Interpolation


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t The Discrete {$k$}-Functional and Spline Smoothing of Noisy Data
d 1985
v 22
p 1241-1254


a Yserentant, H.
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d 1985
j Computing
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p 39-49


a Van Loan, Charles
d 1985
t On the Method of Weighting for Equality-Constrained Least-Squares Problems
v 22
p 851-864


a Herron, Gary
t A Characterization of Certain {$C^1$} Discrete Triangular Interpolants
v 22
p 811-819
d 1985


a Alfeld, Peter
t Multivariate Perpendicular Interpolation
d 1985
v 22
p 95-106


a Busch, J. R.
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p 107-113


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d 1985
v 22
p 1-15


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t On the Linear Independence of Multivariate {B}-Splines, 1. Triangulations of Simploids
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v 19
d 1982


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t Numerical Algorithms for Least Squares Approximation by Multivariate {B}-Splines
d 1981
in Numerical Methods of Approximation Theory
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e Collatz, L. and Meinardus, G. and Werner, H.
pub Birkh{\"a}user Verlag


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j Numerische Mathematik
v 39
p 119-137
st harwell/ve08ad  formerly pspmin


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d 1988
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v 28
p 98-112


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p 611-623


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d 1987
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d 1987
pub NHolland
ps Studies in Computational Mathematics 1; North-Holland Mathematics Studies 136


a Ramsey, Jim
t Monotone Splines in Action
j Statistical Science
d 1988
p to appear


a Dierckx, P.
d 1987
t FITPACK User Guide, Part 1: Curve Fitting Routines
i Katholieke Universiteit Leuven
r Report TW89


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d 1980
p 199-201
dierckx/ (insert)


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d 1976
t The Calculation of Indefinite Integrals of {B}-Splines
v 17
p 37-41
dierckx/ (splint)


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p 5-20
d 1987
in Algorithms for Approximation
e Mason, J. C. and Cox, M. G.
pub Oxford Univ. Press


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t Subdivision Algorithms - Recent Results, Some Extensions and Further Developments
p 21-49
d 1987
in Algorithms for Approximation
e Mason, J. C. and Cox, M. G.
pub Oxford Univ. Press


a Lyche, T. and M{\o}rken, K.
t A Discrete Approach to Knot Removal and Degree Reduction Algorithms for Splines
p 67-82
d 1987
in Algorithms for Approximation
e Mason, J. C. and Cox, M. G.
pub Oxford Univ. Press


a Gmelig Meyling, R. H. J.
t On Algorithms and Applications for Bivariate {B}-Splines
p 83-93
d 1987
in Algorithms for Approximation
e Mason, J. C. and Cox, M. G.
pub Oxford Univ. Press


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d 1988
t A Decomposable Algorithm for Contour Surface Display Generation
v 7
p 129-148


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p 290-294


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d 1985
r Numerical Analysis Manuscript 85-1


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d 1981
j Computer J
v 24
p 378-382


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d 1987
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j Science
v 237
p 669-672
st commercial; see note 10 in article


a Sutcliffe, D. C.
d 1976
t A Remark on a Contouring Algorithm
j Computer J
v 19
p 3-333-335
st Algol bug fix to McLain


a Schagen, I. P.
d 1982
t Automatic Contouring from Scattered Data Points
j Computer J
v 25
p 7-11


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d 1980
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pub AcadPr


a Schultheis, Hildegard and Schultheis, R.
d 1978
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j Computing
v 19
p 381-387
st Fortran listing


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d 1979
t An Improved Method for Contouring on Isoparametric Surfaces
v 14
p 451-458


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t On the Influence of Parametrization in Parametric Interpolation
d 1976
v 13
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d 1986
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v 30
p 126-144


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d 1985
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p 1-16
in Accurate Scientific Computations
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ser LNCS 235


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d 1987
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v 21
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v 21
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d 1983
in Approximation Theory IV
e Chui, C. K. and Schumaker, L. L. and Ward, J. D.
pub AcadPr
p 739-785


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d 1977
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v C-26
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d 1983
t A Fast Algorithm for Surface Reconstruction from Planar Contours Using Tensor Product Splines
i Katholieke Universiteit Leuven (Belgium)
r Report TW64


a Dierckx, P.
t An Algorithm for Fitting Data on a Circle Using Tensor Product Splines
d 1986
j J. Computational and Applied Mathematics
v 15
p 161-173


a Dierckx, P.
t Fast Algorithms for Smoothing Data over a Disc or a Sphere Using Tensor Product Splines
p 51-65
d 1987
in Algorithms for Approximation
e Mason, J. C. and Cox, M. G.
pub Oxford Univ. Press


e Farlow, Stanley J.
t Self-Organizing Methods in Modeling
pub Marcel Dekker, New York
d 1984
st SAS listing on pp.305--314


a Yoshimoto, F.
t Least Squares Approximation by One-Pass Methods with Piecewise Polynomials
p 213-224
d 1987
in Algorithms for Approximation
e Mason, J. C. and Cox, M. G.
pub Oxford Univ. Press


a Trefethen, L. N. and Gutknecht, M. H.
t {Pad\'e}, Stable {Pad\'e}, and {Chebyshev}-{Pad\'e} Approximation
p 228-264
d 1987
in Algorithms for Approximation
e Mason, J. C. and Cox, M. G.
pub Oxford Univ. Press


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t Brushing Scatterplots
j Technometrics
v 29
d 1987
p 127-142
st dynam


a Breuer, P. T.
t A New Method for Real Rational Uniform Approximation
p 265-283
d 1987
in Algorithms for Approximation
e Mason, J. C. and Cox, M. G.
pub Oxford Univ. Press


a Falconer, K. J.
d 1971
t A General Purpose Algorithm for Contouring over Scattered Data Points
r NAC6
i National Physical Laboratory


a Dunham, C. B.
t Rationals with Repeated Poles
p 285-291
d 1987
in Algorithms for Approximation
e Mason, J. C. and Cox, M. G.
pub Oxford Univ. Press


a Madsen, K.
t General Algorithms for Discrete Non-Linear Parameter Estimation
p 309-326
d 1987
in Algorithms for Approximation
e Mason, J. C. and Cox, M. G.
pub Oxford Univ. Press


a Ruhe, Axel
t Fitting Empirical Data by Positive Sums of Exponentials
d 1980
v 1
p 481-498


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d 1980
v 1
p 497-511


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t Data Fitting by Positive Sums of Exponentials
p 337-356
d 1987
in Algorithms for Approximation
e Mason, J. C. and Cox, M. G.
pub Oxford Univ. Press


a Schumaker, L. L.
t Numerical Aspects of Spaces of Piecewise Polynomials on Triangulations
p 373-406
d 1987
in Algorithms for Approximation
e Mason, J. C. and Cox, M. G.
pub Oxford Univ. Press


a Schumaker, L. L. and Volk, W.
d 1986
t Efficient Algorithms for Evaluating Multivariate Polynomials
v 3
p 149-154


a Horn, Berthold K. P. and Brooks, Michael J.
t The Variational Approach to Shape from Shading
d 1986
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v 33
p 174-208


a Coughran, Jr., W. M. and Fichtner, W. and Grosse, Eric
t Extracting Transistor Charges from Device Simulations by Gradient Fitting
j IEEE Transactions on Computer Aided Design
v to appear
d 1988


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t Approximation of Functions: Theory and Numerical Methods
pub Springer
d 1967
st translated by L. L. Schumaker


a Fritsch, F. N.
d 1988
t Representations for Parametric Cubic Splines
p submitted


a Nielson, G. M.
d 1974
t Some Piecewise Polynomial Alternatives to Splines Under Tension
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p 209-235
pub AcadPr


a Maehly, Hans J.
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d 1963
j J. of the A. C. M.
v 10
p 257-277
st harwell/pe05


a Marlow, S. and Powell, M. J. D.
t A {Fortran} Subroutine for Plotting the Part of a Conic that is Inside a Given Triangle
d 1976
i Atomic Energy Research Establishment
r AERE R-8336
st harwell/ob14a


a Powell, M. J. D. and Sabin, M. A.
d 1977
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v 3
p 316-325


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d 1983
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v 3
p 39-46


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t A {Fortran} Program for Discrete Nonlinear {Chebyshev} Approximation
v 6
p 241-245
d 1980
st Algorithm 017; Fortran listing


a McLain, D. H.
t Two Dimensional Interpolation from Random Data
d 1976
j Computer J.
v 19
p 178-181
st Algol listing


a Franke, R.
t Locally Determined Smooth Interpolation at Irregularly Spaced Points in Several Variables
d 1977
v 19
p 471-482


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t An Algorithm for Best Uniform Approximation by Splines with Fixed Knots
p 263-266
d 1986
in Approximation Theory V
e Chui, C. K. and Schumaker, L. L. and Ward, J. D.
pub AcadPr
ps sounds messy


a Foley, Thomas A.
t A Triangular Surface Patch with Optimal Error Bounds
p 343-346
d 1986
in Approximation Theory V
e Chui, C. K. and Schumaker, L. L. and Ward, J. D.
pub AcadPr


a Gutknecht, Martin H.
t An Iterative Method for Solving Linear Equations Based on Minimun Norm {Pick}-{Nevanlinna} Interpolation
p 371-374
d 1986
in Approximation Theory V
e Chui, C. K. and Schumaker, L. L. and Ward, J. D.
pub AcadPr


a Mason, J. C. and Opfer, G.
t An Algorithm for Complex Polynomial Approximation with Nonlinear Constraints
p 471-474
d 1986
in Approximation Theory V
e Chui, C. K. and Schumaker, L. L. and Ward, J. D.
pub AcadPr


a Gmelig Meyling, Robert
t Numerical Experiments with Cubic {$C^1$}-Spline Functions
p 475-478
d 1986
in Approximation Theory V
e Chui, C. K. and Schumaker, L. L. and Ward, J. D.
pub AcadPr


a Nienhaus, Helmut
t A {$C^1$}-Conforming Finite Element of the Extended {Melkes} Family
p 503-506
d 1986
in Approximation Theory V
e Chui, C. K. and Schumaker, L. L. and Ward, J. D.
pub AcadPr


a {\sortkey{Nurnberger}}N{\"u}rnberger, G.
t Chebyshev Approximation by Splines with Free Knots and Computation
p 511-514
d 1986
in Approximation Theory V
e Chui, C. K. and Schumaker, L. L. and Ward, J. D.
pub AcadPr


a Radziewski, Karin von
t On Periodic {{Hermite}} Spline Interpolation
p 531-534
d 1986
in Approximation Theory V
e Chui, C. K. and Schumaker, L. L. and Ward, J. D.
pub AcadPr


a Wall, Karin and Danielsson, {Per-Erik}
d 1984
t A Fast Sequential Method for Polygonal Approximation of Digitized Curves
j Computer Vision, Graphics, and Image Processing
v 28
p 220-227
ps available from Henry Baird, who got it from ...


a Varas, {Mar\'\i a} Leonor
t A Modified Dual Algorithm for the Computation of the Monotone Cubic Spline
p 607-610
d 1986
in Approximation Theory V
e Chui, C. K. and Schumaker, L. L. and Ward, J. D.
pub AcadPr


a Bosworth, Ken W.
t Shape Constrained Curve and Surface Fitting
p 247-263
in Geometric Modeling: Algorithms and New Trends
e Farin, Gerald E.
pub SIAM
d 1987


a Lee, Eugene T. Y.
t The Rational {B\'ezier} Representation for Conics
p 3-19
in Geometric Modeling: Algorithms and New Trends
e Farin, Gerald E.
pub SIAM
d 1987


a Sederberg, Thomas W.
t Algebraic Geometry for Surface and Solid Modeling
p 29-42
in Geometric Modeling: Algorithms and New Trends
e Farin, Gerald E.
pub SIAM
d 1987


a Fritsch, Frederick N.
t Energy Comparisons of {Wilson}-{Fowler} Splines with Other Interpolating Splines
p 185-201
in Geometric Modeling: Algorithms and New Trends
e Farin, Gerald E.
pub SIAM
d 1987


a Jensen, Thomas
t Assembling Triangular and Rectangular Patches and Multivariate Splines
p 203-220
in Geometric Modeling: Algorithms and New Trends
e Farin, Gerald E.
pub SIAM
d 1987


a Nielson, Gregory M.
t A Transfinite, Visually Continuous, Triangular Interpolant
p 235-246
in Geometric Modeling: Algorithms and New Trends
e Farin, Gerald E.
pub SIAM
d 1987


a Barnhill, Robert E. and Piper, Bruce R. and Rescorla, Kim L.
t Interpolation to Arbitrary Data on a Surface
p 281-289
in Geometric Modeling: Algorithms and New Trends
e Farin, Gerald E.
pub SIAM
d 1987


a Chandru, Vijaya and Kochar, Bipin S.
t Analytic Techniques for Geometric Intersection Problems
p 305-318
in Geometric Modeling: Algorithms and New Trends
e Farin, Gerald E.
pub SIAM
d 1987


a Rockwood, Alyn P. and Owen, John C.
t Blending Surfaces in Solid Modeling
p 367-383
in Geometric Modeling: Algorithms and New Trends
e Farin, Gerald E.
pub SIAM
d 1987


a Petersen, Carl S. and Piper, Bruce R. and Worsey, Andrew J.
t Adaptive Contouring of a Trivariate Interpolant
p 385-395
in Geometric Modeling: Algorithms and New Trends
e Farin, Gerald E.
pub SIAM
d 1987


a Barlow, Jesse L. and Handy, Susan L.
t The Direct Solution of Weighted and Equality Constrained Least-Squares Problems
d 1988
p 704-716
v 9


a Micchelli, Charles A. and Utreras, Florencio I.
t Smoothing and Interpolation in a Convex Subset of a {Hilbert} Space
d 1988
v 9
p 728-746


a Grosse, Eric and Hobby, John
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d 1994
j Mathematics of Computation


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d 1989
j Numerische Mathematik
v 56
p 1-23


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d 1975
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v 1
p 178-189
toms/493  imsl/zporc,zpocc


a Goldfarb, D. and Idnani, A.
d 1983
t A Numerically Stable Dual Method for Solving Strictly Convex Quadratic Programs
j Mathematical Programming
v 27
p 1-33
st imsl/qprog (Powell)


a Guerra, V. and Tapia, R. A.
d 1974
t A Local Procedure for Error Detectoion and Data Smoothing
r MRC Technical Summary Report 1452
i Mathematics Research Center, University of Wisconsin, Madison
st imsl/cssed
ps see imsl manual, 546-549


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d 1974
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v 12
p 283-290


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j Numerische Mathematik
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in Approximation Theory III
pub AcadPr


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j Mathematics of Computation
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j Numerische Mathematik
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st imsl/rotin


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j Technometrics
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st imsl/rbest


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j American Statistician
v 33
p 149-158
st imsl/rstep


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j SIAM J. on Applied Mathematics
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st imsl/opoly


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p 726-741


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d 1985
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ps David Lee


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d 1985
t Smoothing Spline Estimation of Functions with Discontinuities
school University of Wisconsin, Madison
ps David Lee


a Franke, Richard and Schumaker, Larry L.
t A Bibliography of Multivariate Approximation
p 275-335
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d 1987
e Chui, C. K. and Schumaker, L. L. and Utreras, F. I.
pub AcadPr


a Goldstine, Herman H.
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st Gauss


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v 14
p 139-148
toms/660 661


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v 13
p 281-310
toms/652  netlib/hompack/


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d 1985
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v 11
p 201-217


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d 1988
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j Numerische Mathematik
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p 639-664


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e Devore, Ronald A. and Scherer, Karl
pub AcadPr
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p 99-114


a Bjorck, Ake and Pereyra, Victor
d 1970
t Solution of {Vandermonde} Systems of Equations
j Mathematics of Computation
v 24
p 893-904
st Algol listing


a Kaufman, Linda and Pereyra, Victor
d 1978
t A Method for Separable Nonlinear Leasw Squares with Separable Nonlinear Equality Constraints
v 15
p 12-20
ps as of 22 Sep 1988, Linda says no code exists


a Pereyra, V. and Sewell, G.
t Mesh Selection for Discrete Solution of Boundary Value Problems in ODE's
d 1975
j Numerische Mathematik
v 23
p 261-268
st pasva3  imsl/bvpfd, nag/d02gaf


a {\sortkey{Boor}}de Boor, Carl and Rice, John R.
d 1968
t Least Squares Cubic Spline Approximation {II} - Variable Knots
i Purdue University, Computer Sciences Department
r CSD TR 21
st Fortran listing


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t A Root-Finding Algorithm Based on {Newton's} Method
d 1973
v 13
p 71-75
st harwell/pa06


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t Practical Problems Arising in the Solution of Polynomial Equations
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v 8
p 16-35
st harwell/pa06


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t Local Support Bases for a Class of Spline Fucntions
d 1976
v 16
p 16-27


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d 1987
t Fast and Practical Parallel Polynomial Interpolation
i Center for Supercomputing Research and Development, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
r report 646


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v 5
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ps 519.4/T468N  411074V


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ps 515.7/F47 136030


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t Discrete Least Squares Polynomial Fits
v 18
p 179-180
st imsl/rcurv


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d 1966
t The Construction of Minimax Rational Approximations to Functions
j Computer J.
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p 286-293
st harwell/pe05ad


a Gordon, William J. and Hall, Charles A.
d 1973
t Transfinite Element Methods: Blending-Function Interpolation over Arbitrary Curved Element Domains
j Numerische Mathematik
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d 1980
t Elementary Numerical Analysis: An Algorithmic Approach, 3rd edition
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st ortpol,p.263


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d 1989
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pub AcadPr


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v 1
p 82-102
conformal/scpack scdoc sclib


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pub ChapHall


a Bj{\"o}rck, {\AA}ke and Elfving, Tommy
d 1973
t Algorithms for Confluent {Vandermonde} Systems
j Numerische Mathematik
v 21
p 130-137


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d 1978
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v 32
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j Numerische Mathematik
v 35
p 81-93


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d 1988
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i Department of Mathematics, University of Utah


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d 1977
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v 21
p 411-416


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e Collatz, L. and Meinardus, G. and Werner, H.
pub Birkh{\"a}user Verlag


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d 1987
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j Mathematics of Computation
v 48
p 691-710


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d 1987
t Piecewise Cubic Curve Fitting Algorithm
j Mathematics of Computation
v 49
p 203-213
ps superseded by gm91mono ?


a Chui, Charles K. and Diamond, Harvey and Raphael, Louise A.
d 1988
t Interpolation by Multivariate Splines
j Mathematics of Computation
v 51
p 203-218


a {\sortkey{Daehlen}}D{\ae}hlen, Morten and Lyche, Tom
d 1988
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j Mathematics of Computation
v 51
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d 1988
t Second-Order Finite Element Approximations and a posteriori Error Estimation for Two-Dimensional Parabolic Systems
j Numerische Mathematik
v 53
p 183-198


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d 1977
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j American J. of Physics
v 45
p 260-262


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j Edinburgh Mathematical Society Proceedings
v 41
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d 1980
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v 15
p 1691-1704


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d 1981
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pub AcadPr


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d 1987
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v 71
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d 1983
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j Numerische Mathematik
v 41
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d 1982
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j Mathematics of Computation
v 36
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d 1979
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j Numerische Mathematik
v 33
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v in press


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d 1987
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v 15
p 1-16


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v 50
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v 51
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j Numerische Mathematik
v 51
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j Numerische Mathematik
v 51
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j Mathematics of Computation
v 48
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r AERE R 12524


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d 1987
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i Dept. Statistics, University of Wisconsin
r TR 812


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d 1986
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d 1987
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j Computing
v 38
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st Fortran listing


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st Pascal listings


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st lotps


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p 1442-1452


a Goodman, T. N. T. and Unsworth, K.
d 1988
t Shape-Preserving Interpolation by Parametrically Defined Curves
v 25
p 1453-1465


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d 1978
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v 21
p 211-226


a Goldman, Ronald N. and Filip, Daniel J.
d 1987
t Conversion from {B\'ezier} Rectangles to {B\'ezier} Triangles
v 19
p 25-27


t Finite Element Handbook
e Kardestuncer, H. and Norrie, D. H.
d 1987
pub McGraw-Hill
st chapter 4.5 surveys commercial codes


a Broomhead, D. S. and Lowe, David
d 1988
t Radial Basis Functions, Multi-Variable Functional Interpolation, and Adaptive Networks
i Royal Signals and Radar Establishment, UK
r Memorandum 4148


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d 1987
t Multigrid Methods
pub SIAM


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d 1988
t Multivariate Splines
pub SIAM


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d 1987
t A Multigrid Tutorial
pub SIAM


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d 1988
t Fast Solution of {Vandermonde}-Like Systems Involving Orthogonal Polynomials
v 8
p 473-486


a Watson, G. A.
t A Method for the Chebyshev Solution of an Overdetermined system of Complex Linear Equations
d 1988
v 8
p 461-471


a Art, D. and Gnanadesikan, R. and Kettenring, J. R.
t Data-based Metrics for Hierarchical Cluster Analysis
j Utilitas Mathematica
v 21A
d 1982
p 75-99
ps see log, 10 Feb 1989, p.35


a Tukey, P. A. and Tukey, J. W.
t Preparation; Prechosen Sequences of Views
in Interpreting Multivariate Data
e Barnett, V.
pub Wiley
d 1981
p 196-197
ps section 10.2.2


a Hand, D. J.
d 1987
t A Statistical Knowledge Enhancement System
j J. Royal Statistical Society, Series A
v 150
p 334-345


a Fritsch, Frederick N.
t Monotone Piecewise Cubic Data Fitting
p 99-106
d 1990
in Algorithms for Approximation II
e Mason, J. C. and Cox, M. G.
pub ChapHall
st pchip/pchls


a Kaufman, Jr., Edwin H. and Taylor, Gerald D.
d 1990
j Theory of Computation and Computational Mathematics
v 2
pub Ablex Publishing
ps according to email from Taylor, 18 Feb 1989


a Carlson, R. E. and Fritsch, F. N.
d 1989
t A Bivariate Interpolation Algorithm for Data Which are Monotone in One Variable
i Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
r UCRL-100512
ps submitted to SINUM


a Grossmann, A. and Morlet, J.
d 1984
t Decomposition of {Hardy} Functions into Square Integrable Wavelets of Constant Shape
j SIAM J. on Mathematical Analysis
v 15
p 723-736


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d 1983
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j Numerische Mathematik
v 41
p 309-319


a Berrut, Jean-Paul
d 1989
t Barycentric Formulae for Cardinal {(SINC-)}Interpolants
j Numerische Mathematik
v 54
p 703-718
st erratum 55,747


a Stenger, F.
d 1981
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j SIAM Review
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p 165-224


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d 1989
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v 45
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d 1988
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v 42
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d 1978
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p 490-492


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v 6
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a Andrews, Frank M. and Klem, Laura and Davidson, Terrence N. and O'Malley, Patrick M. and Rodgers, Willard L.
d 1981
t A Guide for Selecting Statistical Techniques for Analyzing Solcial Science Data, Second Edition
pub Institute for Social Research, University of Michigan


a Tang, Ping Tak Peter
d 1989
t Table-Driven Implementation of the Exponential Function in {IEEE} Floating-Point Arithmetic
v 15
p 144-157
st pseudo-code with hex constants


a Joe, Barry
d 1989
t Three-Dimensional Triangulations from Local Transformations
v 10
p 718-741
st pseudo-code


a Elhay, Sylvan and Golub, Gene H. and Kautsky, Jaroslav
d 1989
t Updating and Downdating of Orthogonal Polynomials with Data Fitting Applications
i Stanford Computer Science Dept.
r NA-89-04
st explicit


a Grosse, Eric
t LOESS: Multivariate Smoothing by Moving Least Squares
p 299-302
d 1989
in Approximation Theory VI
e Chui, C. K. and Schumaker, L. L. and Ward, J. D.
pub AcadPr


a Cox, Maurice G. and Jones, Helen M.
t An Algorithm for Least-Squares Circle Fitting to Data with Specified Uncertainty Ellipses
d 1989
v 9
p 285-298


a Dauner, Herbert and Reinsch, Christian H.
d 1989
t An Analysis of Two Algorithms for Shape-Preserving Cubic Spline Interpolation
v 9
p 299-314


a Pryce, J. D.
d 1989
t On the Convergence of Iterated Remeshing
v 9
p 315-335


a Schaback, R.
t Convergence of Planar Curve Interpolation Schemes
d 1989
in Approximation Theory VI
e Chui, C. K. and Schumaker, L. L. and Ward, J. D.
pub AcadPr


a Arioli, M. and Duff, I. S. and de Rijk, P. P. M.
d 1989
t On the Augmented System Approach to Sparse Least-Squares Problems
j Numerische Mathematik
v 55
p 667-684


a Bracewell, Ronald N.
d 1986
t The {Hartley} Transform
pub Oxford University Press, New York
st legal restrictions apply; some say this never beats FFT anyway


a Cavendish, James C. and Marin, Samuel P.
d 1989
t Feature-Based Design of Automobile Surfaces
in Proceedings of the IMA Conference on Mathematics in the Automotive Industry, University of Warwick
p to appear
pub Oxford University Press
e Smith, J. R.
st patent pending


a Coughran, Jr., William M. and Grosse, Eric
d 1989
t A Philosophy for Scientific Computing Tools
j SIGNUM Newsletter
v 24:2/3
p 2-9


a Mitchell, William F.
d 1989
t A Comparison of Adaptive Refinement Techniques for Elliptic Problems
v 15
p 326-347


a Montefusco, Laura Bacchelli and Casciola, Giulio
d 1989
t {$C^1$} Surface Interpolation
v 15
p 365-374


a Friedman, Jerome H.
d 1988
t Multivariate Adaptive Regression Splines
i Stanford University, Dept. Statistics
r Tech. Rep. 102
st statlib/general/newmars


a Baker, Jr., George A. and Brolley, John E.
d 1983
t Deconvolution of Noisy Experimental Data
j J. of Computational Physics
v 51
p 227-240


a Chuang, Jung Hong and Hoffmann, Christoph M.
d 1989
t On Local Implicit Approximation and Its Applications
v 8
p 298-324


a Carnicer, J. and Gasca, M.
d 1990
t Evaluation of Multivariate Polynomials and their Derivatives
j Mathematics of Computation
v 54:189
p 231-243


a Hastie, Trevor and Tibshirani, Robert
d 1988
t Comment (on paper by {J.} {Ramsey}
j Statistical Science
v 3
p 450-456


a Dongarra, Jack J. and Du Croz, Jeremy and Hammarling, Sven and Duff, Iain
d 1990
t A Set of Level 3 Basic Linear Algebra Subprograms
v 16
p 1-17


a Hansen, Eldon R. and Patrick, Merell L. and Wang, Richard L. C.
d 1990
t Polynomial Evaluation with Scaling
v 16
p 86-93


a Arge, E. and {\sortkey{Daehlen}}D{\ae}hlen, Morten and Lyche, Tom and M{\o}rken, K.
t Constrained Spline Approximation of Functions and Data Based on Constrained Knot Removal
p 4-20
in Algorithms for Approximation II
e Mason, J. C. and Cox, M. G.
pub Chapman and Hall, London
ser Lecture Notes in Mathematics
d 1990


a Kearfott, R. Baker
d 1990
t Preconditioners for the Interval {Gauss-Seidel} Method
v 27
p 804-822
ps replace this by TOMS citation when available


a Yohe, J. M.
d 1979
t Implementing Nonstandard Arithmetics
j SIAM Review
v 21
p 34-56
st augment


a Moore, R. E.
d 1979
t Methods and Applications of Interval Analysis
pub SIAM, Philadelphia


a Rokne, J. G.
d 1986
t Low Complexity {$k$}-dimensional Centered Forms
j Computing
v 37
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d 1983
t Computing Perturbation Bounds for Nonlinear Algebraic Equations
v 20
p 638-651


a Reinsch, Christian
d 1982
t A Synopsis of Interval Arithmetic for the Designer of Programming Languages
in The Relationship Between Numerical Computaton and Programming Langugaes
e Reid, J. K.
org IFIP
pub North-Holland


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t The Art of Computer Programming, Second Edition, Volume 2 / Seminumerical Algorithms
d 1881
pub A-W


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d 1985
t An Algorithm for Uniform Random Sampling of Points in and on a Hypersphere
j Information Processing Letters
v 21
p 17-22


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d 1988
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d 1990
t Random Number Generators on Vector Supercomputers and Other Advanced Architectures
v 32
p 221-251


a Saff, E. B. and Totik, V.
d 1989
t Behavior of Polynomials of Best Uniform Approximation
j Transactions of the American Mathematical Society
v 316
p 567


a Iserles, A. and Koch, P. E. and {N\o rsett}, S. P. and {Sanz-Serna}, J. M.
d 1990
t Orthogonality and Approximation in a {Sobolev} Space
p 117-124
in Algorithms for Approximation II
e Mason, J. C. and Cox, M. G.
pub ChapHall


a Tang, P. T. P.
d 1990
t A Fast Algorithm for Linear Complex {Chebyshev} Approximation
p 265-273
in Algorithms for Approximation II
e Mason, J. C. and Cox, M. G.
pub ChapHall


a Quak, E. and Schumaker, L. L.
t Calculation of the Energy of a Piecewise Polynomial Surface
p 134-143
d 1990
in Algorithms for Approximation II
e Mason, J. C. and Cox, M. G.
pub ChapHall


a Dahmen, W.
t A Basis for Certain Spaces of Multivariate Polynomials and Exponentials
p 80-98
d 1990
in Algorithms for Approximation II
e Mason, J. C. and Cox, M. G.
pub ChapHall


a Boffey, T. B. and Cox, M. G. and Delves, L. M. and Pursglove, C. J.
t Approximation by Spheres
p 296-302
d 1990
in Algorithms for Approximation II
e Mason, J. C. and Cox, M. G.
pub ChapHall


a Frontini, M. and Rodriguez, G. and Seatzu, S.
t An Algorithm for Computing Minimum Norm Solutions of Finite Moment Problem
p 361-386
d 1990
in Algorithms for Approximation II
e Mason, J. C. and Cox, M. G.
pub ChapHall


a Foley, T. A.
t Interpolation of Scattered Data ona Spherical Domain
p 303-310
d 1990
in Algorithms for Approximation II
e Mason, J. C. and Cox, M. G.
pub ChapHall


a Thakur, Lakshman S.
d 1990
t A Direct Algorithm for Optimal Quadratic Splines
j Numerishce Mathematik
v 57
p 313-332


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d 1990
t An Algorithm for Point Clustering and Grid Generation
i New York Univ., Courant Institute
r Tech. Rpt. 501


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d 1984
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j Rocky Mountain J. Mathematics
v 14
p 53-75


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d 1990
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d 1990
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v 24
p 337-345


a Loop, Charles and DeRose, Tony
d 1990
t Generalized {B}-Spline Surfaces of Arbitrary Topology
j Computer Graphics (SIGGRAPH)
v 24
p 347-356


a Overton, Michael L.
d 1983
t A Quadratically Convergent Method for Minimizing a Sum of Euclidean Norms
j Mathematical Programming
v 27
p 34-63
st author


a Gurwitz, Chaya
d 1990
t Weighted Median Algorithms for {$L_1$} Approximation
v 30
p 301-310


a Pryce, J. D.
d 1984
t A New Measure of Relative Error for Vectors
v 21
p 202-215


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d 1990
t Computation of Elementary Functions on the {IBM} {RISC} {System/6000} Processor
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v 34
p 111-119


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d 1990
t Accurate and Efficient Testing of the Exponential and Logarithm Functions
v 16
p 185-200


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t On Reporting Computational Experiments with Mathematical Software
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p 193-203


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d 1984
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d 1990
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a Kulkarni, Rekha and Laurent, Pierre-Jean
d 1990
t Q-Splines
i Grenoble


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d 1990
t A Note on Wavelet Bases for Two-Dimensional Surfaces
i Dept. Computer Science, Cornell Univ.
r TR 90-1157


a Beylkin, G. and Coifman, R. and Rokhlin, V.
d 189
t Fast Wavelet Transforms and Numerical Algorithms I
i Dept. Computer Science, Yale Univ.
r Research Report 696
ps Haven't seen this yet, only description in v90wavelet.


a Dax, Achiya and Berkowitz, Brian
d 1990
t Column Relaxation Methods for Least Norm Problems
v 11
p 975-989


a Schumaker, Larry L.
d 1989
t On Super Splines and Finite Elements
v 26
p 997-1005


a Chui, C. K. and Lai, M. L.
d 1987
t On Multivariate Vertex Splines and Applications
p 19-36
in Topics in Multivariate Approximation
e Chui, C. K. and Schumaker, L. L. and Utreras, F. I.
pub AcadPr


a Chan, Tony F. and Hansen, Per Christian
d 1990
t Computing Truncated Singular Value Decomposition Least Squares Solutions by Rank Revealing {QR}-Factorizations
v 11
p 519-530


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d 1990
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v 11
p 600-601


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d 1990
t Hierarchical Triangulation Using Terrain Features
p 168-175
in Visualization '90 Proceedings
e Kaufman, Arie
pub IEEE Computer Society


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d 1990
t Rendering and Managing Spherical Data with Sphere Quadtrees
p 176-186
in Visualization '90 Proceedings
e Kaufman, Arie
pub IEEE Computer Society


a Rockwood, Alyn
d 1990
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p 353-360
in Visualization '90 Proceedings
e Kaufman, Arie
pub IEEE Computer Society
st author
ps f/In/rockwood/


a Seidel, {Hans-Peter}
t Symmetric Algorithms for Curves and Surfaces
p 18-29
in Curves and Surfaces in Computer Vision and Graphics
ser Proc. 1251
d 1990
e Ferrari, Leonard A. and Figueiredo, Rui J. P. de
pub SPIE


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t Free-form Quadric Surface Patches
p 30-40
in Curves and Surfaces in Computer Vision and Graphics
ser Proc. 1251
d 1990
e Ferrari, Leonard A. and Figueiredo, Rui J. P. de
pub SPIE


a Bajaj, Chanderjit
t {$G^1$} Interpolation using Piecewise Quadric and Cubic Surfaces
p 82-93
in Curves and Surfaces in Computer Vision and Graphics
ser Proc. 1251
d 1990
e Ferrari, Leonard A. and Figueiredo, Rui J. P. de
pub SPIE


a Lounsbery, Michael and Loop, Charles and Mann, Stephen and Meyers, David and Painter, James and DeRose, Tony and Sloan, Kenneth
t A Testbed for the Comparison of Parametric Surface Methods
p 94-105
in Curves and Surfaces in Computer Vision and Graphics
ser Proc. 1251
d 1990
e Ferrari, Leonard A. and de Figueiredo, Rui J. P.
pub SPIE


a Schumaker, Larry L.
t Reconstruction of {3D} Objects using Splines
p 130-140
in Curves and Surfaces in Computer Vision and Graphics
ser Proc. 1251
d 1990
e Ferrari, Leonard A. and de Figueiredo, Rui J. P.
pub SPIE


a Dudek, Gregory and Tsotsos, John
t The Decomposition and Representation of Planar Curves Using Curvature-Tuned Smoothing
p 142-150
in Curves and Surfaces in Computer Vision and Graphics
ser Proc. 1251
d 1990
e Ferrari, Leonard A. and de Figueiredo, Rui J. P.
pub SPIE


a Manocha, Dinesh and Canny, John F.
t Polynomial Parametrizations for Rational Curves
p 151-162
in Curves and Surfaces in Computer Vision and Graphics
ser Proc. 1251
d 1990
e Ferrari, Leonard A. and de Figueiredo, Rui J. P.
pub SPIE


a Girard, Didier
t From Template Matching to Optimal Approximation by Piecewise Smooth Curves
p 174-182
in Curves and Surfaces in Computer Vision and Graphics
ser Proc. 1251
d 1990
e Ferrari, Leonard A. and de Figueiredo, Rui J. P.
pub SPIE


a David, Chantal and Zucker, Steven W.
t Computing Global Coverings
p 227-241
in Curves and Surfaces in Computer Vision and Graphics
ser Proc. 1251
d 1990
e Ferrari, Leonard A. and de Figueiredo, Rui J. P.
pub SPIE


a Watson, G. A.
d 1990
t Chebyshev Approximation to Data by Positive Sums of Exponentials
v 10
p 569-582


a Cullinan, M. P.
d 1990
t Data Smoothing using Non-negative Divided Differences and $l_2$ Approximation
v 10
p 583-608


a Utreras, Florencio and Varas, M. Leonor
d 1991
t Monotone Interpolation of Scattered Data in {$R^s$}
j Constructive Approximation
v 7
p 49-68


a St{\"o}ckler, Joachim
d 1991
t Multivariate Bernoulli Splines and the Periodic Interpolation Problem
j Constructive Approximation
v 7
p 105-122


a Sabin, Malcolm
t Sculptured Surface Definitions---A Historical Survey
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in Computer Graphics Techniques: Theory and Practice
e Rogers, David F. and Earnshaw, Rae A.
d 1990
pub Springer


a Sabin, Malcolm
t Interrogation Techniques for Parametric Surfaces
p 339-361
in Computer Graphics Techniques: Theory and Practice
e Rogers, David F. and Earnshaw, Rae A.
d 1990
pub Springer


a Pratt, M. J.
t Solid Modelling---Survey and Current Research Issues
p 363-405
in Computer Graphics Techniques: Theory and Practice
e Rogers, David F. and Earnshaw, Rae A.
d 1990
pub Springer


a Costantini, Paolo and Fontanella, Ferruccio
d 1990
t Shape-Preserving Bivariate Interpolation
v 27
p 488-506
ps tendency toward flat spots; high degree but only $O(h^2)$


a Rheinboldt, W. C. and Burkardt, J. V.
d 1983
t A Locally Parameterized Continuation Process
v 9
p 103-113
st contin/dpcon61.f


a Lundberg, Bruce N. and Poore, Aubrey B.
d 1991
t Variable Order {Adams-Bashforth} Predictors with an Error-Stepsize Control for Continuation Methods
v 12
p 695-723
ps wrote Lundberg 21 May 91 for code


a Gal, Shmuel and Bachelis, Boris
d 1991
t An Accurate Elementary Mathematical Library for the {IEEE} Floating Point Standard
v 17
p 26-45
ps coefficients not given


a Ekoule, A. B. and Peyrin, F. C. and Odet C. L.
d 1991
t A Triangulation Algorithm from Arbitrarily Shaped Multiple Planar Contours
j ACM Transactions on Graphics
v 10
p 182-199


a Cox, M. G. and Harris, P. M.
d 1991
t The Approximation of a Composite {B\'ezier} Cubic Curve by a Composite {B\'ezier} Quadratic Curve
v 11
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d 1990
t Curves and Surfaces for Computer Aided Geometric Design: A Practical Guide
pub AcadPr


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d 1989
t Choosing Nodes in Parametric Curve Interpolation
v 21


a Higham, N. J.
d 1990
t Stability Analysis of Algorithms for Solving Confluent {Vandermonde}-like Systems
j SIAM J. Matrix Analysis and Applications
v 11
p 23-41


a Higham, N. J.
d 1991
t A Collection of Test Matrices in {MATLAB}
p to appear
st  matlab/linearalgebra/testmatrices


a Marin, Samuel P. and Smith, Philip W.
d 1990
t Parametric Approximation of Data using {ODR} Splines
r GM Research Labs


a Farouki, R. T. and Sakkalis, T.
d 1990
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j IBM J. Research and Development
v 34
p 736-


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d 1991
t Optimal Triangular Mesh Generation by Coordinate Transformation
v 12
p 755-786


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d 1991
t Algorithm 693: A FORTRAN Package for Floating-Point Multiple-Precision Arithmetic
v 12
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d 1991
t Pivoting and Stability in the Augmented System Method
r Link{\"o}ping University LiTH-MAT-R-1991-30


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d 1991
t Convex Interval Interpolation with Cubic Splines, II
v 31
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d 1991
t Construction of Lattices for {Lagrange} Interpolation in Projective Space
j Constructive Approximation
v 7
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d 1985
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v 22
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a Akima, Hiroshi
d 1991
t A Method of Univariate Interpolation that Has the Accuracy of a Third-Degree Polynomial
v 17
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a Ziv, Abraham
d 1991
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v 17
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d 1991
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org University of Toronto


a Higham, Nicholas J.
d 1991
t Iterative Refinement Enhances the Stability of {$QR$} Factorization Methods for Solving Linear Equations
v 31
p 447-468


a Alt, Laurent
t Parametrization for Data Approximation
p 1-4
in Curves and Surfaces
d 1991
e Laurent, P. J. and Le {M{\'e}haut{\'e}}, A. and Schumaker, L. L.
pub AcadPr


a Carlson, R. E. and Fritsch, F. N.
t A Note on Piecewise Monotonic Bivariate Interpolation
p 71-74
in Curves and Surfaces
d 1991
e Laurent, P. J. and Le {M{\'e}haut{\'e}}, A. and Schumaker, L. L.
pub AcadPr


a Baszenski, G. and Schumaker, Larry L.
t Use of Simulated Annealing to Construct Triangular Facet Surfaces
p 27-32
in Curves and Surfaces
d 1991
e Laurent, P. J. and Le {M{\'e}haut{\'e}}, A. and Schumaker, L. L.
pub AcadPr


a Amodei, L. and Benbourhim, M. N.
t A Vector Spline Approximation With Application to Meterology
p 5-10
in Curves and Surfaces
d 1991
e Laurent, P. J. and Le {M{\'e}haut{\'e}}, A. and Schumaker, L. L.
pub AcadPr


a Dahmen, Wolfgang
t Convexity and {Bernstein}-{B\'ezier} Polynomials
p 107-134
in Curves and Surfaces
d 1991
e Laurent, P. J. and Le {M\'ehaut\'e}, A. and Schumaker, L. L.
pub AcadPr


a Dedieu, J. P. and Favardin, Ch.
t How to Draw a Curve Using Geometrical Data
p 135-138
in Curves and Surfaces
d 1991
e Laurent, P. J. and Le {M\'ehaut\'e}, A. and Schumaker, L. L.
pub AcadPr


a Silbermann, M. J. and Wang, S. Y. and Ferrari, L. A.
t Efficient Computation of Multiple Knots Nonuniform Spline Functions
p 449-452
in Curves and Surfaces
d 1991
e Laurent, P. J. and Le {M\'ehaut\'e}, A. and Schumaker, L. L.
pub AcadPr


a Jou, Emery and Han, Weimin
t Elastica and Minimal-Energy Splines
p 247-250
in Curves and Surfaces
d 1991
e Laurent, P. J. and Le {M\'ehaut\'e}, A. and Schumaker, L. L.
pub AcadPr


a Koch, Per Erik and Lyche, Tom
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p 255-258
in Curves and Surfaces
d 1991
e Laurent, P. J. and Le {M\'ehaut\'e}, A. and Schumaker, L. L.
pub AcadPr


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e Laurent, P. J. and Le {M\'ehaut\'e}, A. and Schumaker, L. L.
pub AcadPr


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in Curves and Surfaces
d 1991
e Laurent, P. J. and Le {M\'ehaut\'e}, A. and Schumaker, L. L.
pub AcadPr


a Quak, Ewald and Schumaker, L. L.
t Least Squares Fitting by Linear Splines on Data Dependent Triangulations
p 387-390
in Curves and Surfaces
d 1991
e Laurent, P. J. and Le {M\'ehaut\'e}, A. and Schumaker, L. L.
pub AcadPr


a Powell, M. J. D.
t Univariate Multiquadric Interpolation: Some Recent Results
p 371-382
in Curves and Surfaces
d 1991
e Laurent, P. J. and Le {M\'ehaut\'e}, A. and Schumaker, L. L.
pub AcadPr


a Schmitt, Francis and Chen, Xin and Du, Wen-Huik and Sair, Farouk
t Adaptive {$G^1$} Approximation of Range Data Using Triangular Patches
p 433-436
in Curves and Surfaces
d 1991
e Laurent, P. J. and Le {M\'ehaut\'e}, A. and Schumaker, L. L.
pub AcadPr


a Sabin, M. A.
t Cubic Recursive Division With Bounded Curvature
p 411-414
in Curves and Surfaces
d 1991
e Laurent, P. J. and Le {M\'ehaut\'e}, A. and Schumaker, L. L.
pub AcadPr


a Wahba, Grace
t Multivariate Model Building Wtih Additive Interaction and Tensor Product Thin Plate Splines
p 491-504
in Curves and Surfaces
d 1991
e Laurent, P. J. and Le {M\'ehaut\'e}, A. and Schumaker, L. L.
pub AcadPr


a Seidel, H.-P.
t Universal Splines and Geometric Continuity
p 437-444
in Curves and Surfaces
d 1991
e Laurent, P. J. and Le {M\'ehaut\'e}, A. and Schumaker, L. L.
pub AcadPr


a Renner, G.
t Polynomial N-sided Patches
p 407-410
in Curves and Surfaces
d 1991
e Laurent, P. J. and Le {M\'ehaut\'e}, A. and Schumaker, L. L.
pub AcadPr


a Potier, Christine and Guermah, Mustapha Bel and Vercken, Christine
t Curve Fitting Using {NURBS}
p 367-370
in Curves and Surfaces
d 1991
e Laurent, P. J. and Le {M\'ehaut\'e}, A. and Schumaker, L. L.
pub AcadPr


a M{\o}rken, Knut
t Best Approximation of Circle Segments by Quadratic B\'ezier Curves
p 331-336
in Curves and Surfaces
d 1991
e Laurent, P. J. and Le {M\'ehaut\'e}, A. and Schumaker, L. L.
pub AcadPr


a Deshpande, L. N. and Girard, D.
t Fast Computation of Cross-Validated Robust Splines and Other Non-linear Smoothing Splines
p 143-148
in Curves and Surfaces
d 1991
e Laurent, P. J. and Le {M\'ehaut\'e}, A. and Schumaker, L. L.
pub AcadPr


a Dyn, N. and Levin, D. and Yad-Shalom, I.
t Regularity Conditions for a Class of Geometrically Continuous Curves and Surfaces
p 169-176
in Curves and Surfaces
d 1991
e Laurent, P. J. and Le {M\'ehaut\'e}, A. and Schumaker, L. L.
pub AcadPr


a Manocha, Dinesh and Canny, John F.
t Detecting Cusps and Inflection Points in Curves
p 315-319
in Curves and Surfaces
d 1991
e Laurent, P. J. and Le {M\'ehaut\'e}, A. and Schumaker, L. L.
pub AcadPr


a {Sablonni\`ere}, Paul
t Bernstein-Type Quasi-Interpolants
p 421-426
in Curves and Surfaces
d 1991
e Laurent, P. J. and Le {M\'ehaut\'e}, A. and Schumaker, L. L.
pub AcadPr


a {\sortkey{Mullenheim}}{M\"ullenheim}, G.
t A Procedure for Determining Starting Points for a Surface/Surface Intersection Algorithm
p 337-340
in Curves and Surfaces
d 1991
e Laurent, P. J. and Le {M\'ehaut\'e}, A. and Schumaker, L. L.
pub AcadPr


a Shoemake, Ken
t Faster Fourier Transform
p 368-370
in Graphics Gems {II}
d 1991
e Arvo, James
pub AcadPr


a Gopalsamy, S. and Khandekar, Dilip and Mudur, S. P.
t A New Method of Evaluating Compact Geometric Bounds for Use in Subdivision Algorithms
p 337-356
d 1991
v 8


a Jensen, T. W. and Petersen, C. S. and Watkins, M. A.
t Practical Curves and Surfaces for a Geometric Modeler
p 357-369
d 1991
v 8


a {\sortkey{Mullenheim}}{M\"ullenheim}, G.
t On Determining Start Points for a Surface/Surface Intersection Algorithm
p 401-408
d 1991
v 8


a Aumann, {G\"unter}
t Interpolation with Developable {B\'ezier} Patches
p 409-420
d 1991
v 8
ps Bill Frey has rewritten this in cleaner form


a Hardin, R. H. and Sloane, N. J. A.
d 1991
t Computer-generated Minimal (and Larger) Response Surfaces
j Technometrics
v submitted
st gosset (available from authors)


a Augenbaum, J. M. and Peskin, C. S.
t On the Construction of the {Voronoi} Mesh on a Sphere
j Journal of Computational Physics
d 1985
v 59
p 177-192


a Sibson, Robin and Stone, G.
t Computation of Thin-Plate Splines
d 1991
v 12
p 1304-1313


a Bischof, Christian H. and Hansen, Per Christian
t Structure-Preserving and Range-Revealing {$QR$}-Factorizations
d 1991
v 12
p 1332-1350


a McMahon, John R. and Franke, Richard
t Knot Selection for Least Squares Thin Plate Splines
d 1992
v 13
p 484-498


a Micchelli, Charles A.
d 1991
t Using the Refinement Equation for the Construction of Pre-Wavelets
j Numerical Algorithms
v 1
p 75-116


a Carlson, B. C.
d 1979
t Computing Elliptic Integrals by Duplication
j Numerische Mathematik
v 33
p 1-16


a Fair, Wyman G. and Luke, Yudell L.
d 1967
t Rational Approximations to the Incomplete Elliptic Integrals of the First and Second Kinds
j Mathematics of Computation
v 21
p 418-422


a Micchelli, Charles A. and Rabut, Christophe and Utreras, Florencio I.
d 1991
t Using the Refinement Equation for the Construction of Pre-Wavelets {III}: Elliptic Splines
j Numerical Algorithms
v 1
p 331-352


a Rabut, Christophe
d 1992
t Elementary {$m$}-Harmonic Cardinal {B}-Splines
j Numerical Algorithms
v 2
p 39-62


a Rabut, Christophe
d 1992
t High Level {$m$}-Harmonic Cardinal {B}-Splines
j Numerical Algorithms
v 2
p 63-84


a Lai, Ming-Jun
d 1992
t Fortran Subroutines for {B}-nets of Box Splines on Three- and Four-Directional Meshes
j Numerical Algorithms
v 2
p 33-38


a Bern, Marshall and Eppstein, David
d 1991
t Mesh Generation and Optimal Triangulation
in Computing in Euclidean Geometry
pub World Scientific Publishing Co.


a Fortune, Steven
d 1991
t Voronoi Diagrams and Delaunay Triangulations
in Computing in Euclidean Geometry
pub World Scientific Publishing Co.


a Chui, Charles K.
d 1992
t An Introduction to Wavelets
pub AcadPr


a Temperton, Clive
d 1992
t A Generalized Prime Factor {FFT} Algorithm for Any {$N=2^p 3^q 5^r$}
v 13
p 676-686


a Jetter, Kurt and St{\"o}ckler, Joachim
d 1991
t Algorithms for Cardinal Interpolation using Box Splines and Radial Basis Functions
j Numerische Mathematik
v 60
p 97-114


a Schumaker, Larry L. and Traas, Cornelis
d 1991
t Fitting Scattered Data on Spherelike Surfaces using Tensor Products of Trigonometric and Polynomial Splines
j Numerische Mathematik
v 60
p 133-144


a Dahmen, Wolfgang and DeVore, Ronald A. and Micchelli, Charles A.
d 1992
t On Monotone Extensions of Boundary Data
j Numerische Mathematik
v 60
p 477-492


a Van Barel, Marc and Bultheel, Adhemar
d 1992
t A New Formal Approach to the Rational Interpolation Problem
j Numerische Mathematik
v 62
p 87-122


a Bartels, Sven G. and Higham, Desmond J.
d 1992
t The Structured Sensitivity of {V}andermonde-Like Systems
j Numerische Mathematik
v 62
p 17-33


a Anderson, Christopher R.
d 1992
t An Implementation of the Fast Multipole Method Without Multipoles
v 13
p 923-947
st helm2, helm3


a Edelsbrunner, Herbert and Tan, Tiow Seng and Waupotitsch, Roman
d 1992
t An {$O(n^2\log n)$} Time Algorithm for the Minmax Angle Triangulation
v 13
p 994-1008
ps max angle very slightly better than Delaunay


a Vermeulen, A. H. and Bartels, R. H. and Heppler, G. R.
d 1992
t Integrating Products of {B}-Splines
v 13
p 1025-1038


a Ala, Seshagiri Rao
d 1992
t Performance Anomalies in Boundary Data Structures
p 49-58


a Weiler, K. J.
d 1985
t Edge-Based Data Structures for Solid Modeling in Curved-Surface Environments
v 5:1
p 21-40


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d 1985
t A Combinatorial Analysis of Boundary Data Structure Schemata
v 5:3
p 19-27


a Wilson, P. R.
d 1988
t Data Transfer and Solid Modeling
p 217-249
in Geometric Modeling for {CAD} Applications
ed Wozny, M. J. and McLaughlin, H. W. and Encarnacao, J. L.
pub Elsevier


a Dutt, A. and Rokhlin, V.
d 1992
t On the Rapid Evaluation of Trigonometric Series
i Yale Univ., Computer Science
st pseudo-code
ps first transform is factor 30 slower than FFT, next is 10 slower


a Tang, Ping Tak Peter
d 1992
t Table-Driven Implementation of the Expm1 Function in {IEEE} Floating-Point Arithmetic
v 18
p 211-222
st pseudo-code with hex constants


a Edwards, John A.
d 1992
t Exact Equations of the Nonlinear Spline
j TOMS 18
p 174-192
st driver for DNSQE from Kahaner Moler Nash
ps no real advance I can see


a Dierckx, P. and Van Leemput, S. and Vermeire, T.
d 1992
t Algorithms for Surface Fitting Using {Powell-Sabin} Splines
v 12
p 271-299
ps ought to be requested for netlib, when I get email address


a Brunnett, Guido
d 1992
t A New Characterization of Plane Elastica
in Mathematical Methods in {CAGD} and Image Processing
ed Lyche, Tom and Schumaker, L. L.
p 1-15


a Beatson, R. K. and Powell, M. J. D.
d 1992
t Univariate Multiquadric Approximation: Quasi-Interpolation to Scattered Data
j Constructive Approximation
v 8
p 275-288
ps if convergence is only slightly better than linear interp, why bother?


a Cheng, Fuhua
d 1992
t Estimating Subdivision Depths for Rational Curves and Surfaces
v 11
p 140-151


a Hoschek, J. and Schneider, F.-J. and Wassum, P.
d 1989
t Optimal Approximate Conversion of Spline Surfaces
v 6
p 293-306


a Worsey, A. J. and Farin, G.
d 1990
t Contouring a Bivariate Quadratic Polynomial Over a Triangle
v 7
p 337-351


a Beatson, R. K. and Powell, M. J. D.
d 1992
t Univariate Interpolation on a Regular Finite Grid by a Multiquadric Plus a Linear Polynomial
v 12
p 107-133


a Lasser, D.
d 1990
t Visually Continuous Quartics and Quintics
j Computing
v 45
p 119-129


a Gasparo, M. G. and Morandi, R.
d 1991
t Piecewise Cubic Monotone Interpolation with Assigned Slopes
j Computing
v 46
p 355-365


a Kalik, K. and Wendland, W.
d 1992
t The Approximation of Closed Manifolds by Triangulated Manifolds and the Triangulation of Closed Manifolds
j Computing
v 47
p 255-275


a Schmidt, J. W.
d 1992
t Constrained Smoothing of Histograms by Quadratic Splines
j Computing
v 48
p 97-107


a Fischer, Bernd and Modersitzki, Jan
d 1992
t An Algorithm for Complex Linear Approximation Based on Semi-Infinite Programming
org University of Hamburg


a Faraway, Julian J.
d 1990
t Sequential Design for the Nonparametric Regression of Curves and Surfaces
p 104-110
in Computing Science and Statistics, Interface '90
ed Page, Connie and {LePage}, Raoul
pub Springer


a Gu, Chong
d 1990
t Diagostics for Additive Spline Models
p 137-142
in Computing Science and Statistics, Interface '90
ed Page, Connie and {LePage}, Raoul
pub Springer


a Hansen, Per Christian
d 1992
t Analysis of Discrete Ill-Posed Problems by Means of the {L}-Curve
j SIAM Review
v 34
p 561-580


a Waupotitsch, Roman
d 1992
t Implementation and Performance Analysis of the MinMax Angle Algorithm
org Computer Science, Univ. Illinois, Urbana-Champaign


a Ruppert, James
d 1992
t Results on Triangulation and High Quality Mesh Generation
org Computer Science, Univ. California Berkeley
st pseudocode on p.60; see also p.81


a Boisvert, Ronald F. and Saunders, Bonita V.
d 1992
t Portable Vectorized Software for {Bessel} Function Evaluation
v 18
p 456-469


a Okabe, Atsuyuki and Boots, Barry and Sugihara, Kokichi
d 1992
t Saptial Tessellations: Concepts and Applications of {Voronoi} Diagrams
pub Wiley


a Lodha, S. and Warren, J.
d 1992
t {B\'ezier} Representation for Cubic Surface Patches
v 24
p 643-650


a Hoschek, J.
d 1992
t Circular Splines
v 24
p 611-618


a Sapidis, N. and Perucchio, R.
d 1992
t Solid/solid Classification Operations for REcursive Spatial Decomposition and Domain Triangulation of Solid Models
v 24
p 517-529


a Tiller, W.
d 1992
t Knot-Removal Algorithms for {NURBS} Curves and Surfaces
v 24
p 445-453


a Meek, D. S. and Walton, D. J.
d 1992
t Approximation of Discrete Data by {$G^1$} Arc Splines
v 24
p 301-306


a Roy, U. and Zhang, X.
d 1992
t Establishment of a Pair of Concentric Circles with the Minimum Radial Separation for Assessing Roundness Error
v 24
p 161-168


a Renka, R. J.
d 1993
t {TSPACK:} Tension Spline Curve-Fitting Package
v 19
p 81-94


a Bunch, David S. and Gay, David M. and Welsch, Roy E.
d 1993
t Subroutines for Maximum Likelihood and Quasi-Likelihood Estimation of Parameters in Nonlinear Regression Models
v 19
p 109-130


a {Zhao Ning} and {Dai Jiazun}
d 1993
t Uniformly Third-Order Accurate {TVNE} Interpolations
v 13
p 255-261


a Gresho, Philip M. and Lee, Robert L.
d 1981
t Don't Suppress the Wiggles---They're Telling You Something!
j Computers and Fluids
v 9
p 223-253


a Dahlquist, Germund
d 1993
t A ``Multigrid'' Extension of the {FFT} for the Numerical Inversion of {Fourier} and {Laplace} Transforms
v 33
p 85-112


a Sivakumar, N. and Ward, J. D.
d 1993
t On the Least Squares Fit by Radial Functions to Multidimensional Scatter Data
j Numerische Mathematik
v 65
p 219-243


a Petersen, W. P.
d 1993
t Lagged Fibonacci Series Random Number Generators for the {NEC SX-3}
j J. of High Speed Computing
st random/zufall.f


a Dietz, Roland and Hoschek, Josef and J{\"u}ttler, Bert
d 1993
t An Algebraic Approach to Curves and Surfaces on the Sphere and on Other Quadrics
v 10
p 211-229


a Eck, Matthias
d 1993
t Degree Reduction of {B{\'e}zier} Curves
v 10
p 237-251


a Bercovier, Michel and Shilat, Erez
d 1993
t Enhancement of {Gordon-Coons} Interpolations by ``Bubble Functions''
v 10
p 253-265


a Fong, Philip and Seidel, Hans-Peter
d 1993
t An Implementation of Triangular {B}-Spline Surfaces over Arbitrary Triangulations
v 10
p 267-275


a B{\"u}rger, Heiko and Schaback, Robert
d 1993
t A parallel Multistage Method for Surface/Surface Intersection
v 10
p 277-291


a Degen, W. L. F.
d 1993
t High Accurate Rational Approximation of Parametric Curves
v 10
p 293-313


a Schumaker, Larry L.
d 1993
t Computing Optimal Triangulations Using Simulated Annealing
v 10
p 329-345


a Peters, J{\"o}rg
d 1993
t Smooth Free-Form Surfaces over Irregular Meshes Generalizing Quadratic Splines
v 10
p 347-361


a Pratt, M. J. and Goult, R. J. and Ye, L.
d 1993
t On Rational parametric Curve Approximation
v 10
p 363-377


a Calvetti, D. and Reichel, L.
d 1993
t Fast Inversion of {Vandermonde}-Like Matrices Involving Orthogonal Polynomials
v 33
p 437-484


a Schmidt, Jochen W. and He{\ss}, Walter
d 1993
t S-Convex, Monotone, and Positive Interpolation with Rational Bicubic Splines of {$C^2$}-Continuity
v 33
p 496-511


a Witkin, Andrew P. and Heckbert, Paul S.
d 1994
t Using Particles to Sample and Control Implicit Surfaces
j Computer Graphics (SIGGRAPH)
p 269-277


a Hoppe, Huges and DeRose, Tony and Duchamp, Tom and Halstead, Mark and Jin, Hubert and McDonald, John and Schweitzer, Jean and Stuetzle, Werner
d 1994
t Piecewise Smooth Surface Reconstruction
j Computer Graphics (SIGGRAPH)
p 295-302


a Loop, Charles
d 1994
t Smooth Spline Surfaces over Irregular Meshes
j Computer Graphics (SIGGRAPH)
p 303-310


a Georg, Kurt
d 1991
t Approximation of Integrals for Boundary Element Methods
p 443-453
st unoptimized code is listed, with hints for improvements


a Heckbert, Paul S.
d 1992
t Discontinuity Meshing for Radiosity
p 203-216
in Third Eurographics Workshop on Rendering, Bristol UK


a Heckbert, Paul S. and Garland, Michael
d 1995
t Fast Polygonal Approximation of Terrains and Height Fields


a Hobby, John D.
d 1993
t Polygonal Approximations that Minimize the Number of Inflections
p 93-102
in Fourth Symposium on Discrete Algorithms


a Hobby, John D.
d 1996
t Space-Efficient Outlines from Image Data via Vertex Minimization and Grid Constraints


a Gu, Ming and Eisenstat, Stanley C.
t Efficient Algorithms for Computing a Strong Rank-Revealing {QR} Factorization
v 4
p 848-869
st pseudocode


a Akima, Hiroshi
d 1996
t Algorithm 760: Rectangular-Grid-Data Surface Fitting that Has the Accuracy of a Bicubic Polynomial
v 22
p 357-361


a Akima, Hiroshi
d 1996
t Algorithm 761: Scattered-Data Surface Fitting that Has the Accuracy of a Cubic Polynomial
v 22
p 362-371


a Peters, J{\"o}rg
d 1995
t $C^1$-Surface Splines
v 32
p 645-666


a Manni, Carla and Sablonni{\`e}re, Paul
d 1997
t Monotone Interpolation of Order 3 by {$C^2$} Cubic Splines
v 17
p 305-320


a Goodsell, George
d 1997
t A Multigrid-Type Method for Thin Plate Spline Interpolation on a Circle
v 17
p 321-327