
Click here to see the number of accesses to this library.

lib	blur
for	image deblurring
editor	David Lee

lib	wavelet
for	wavelet construction and transforms

file	catalog.html
for	hypertext catalog of approximation algorithms
by	Eric Grosse
#	sadly, this has fallen out of date
size	318 kB

file	dloess
for	smoothing of multivariate scattered data
by	Cleveland, Grosse, and Shyu
ref	Statistics and Computation 1:1
prec	double
lang	Fortran77 and C
gams	K5, L8h
alg	moving least squares quadratic, k-d trees, blending functions
see	go/lowess
,	(for the older, univariate code)

file	loess-notes.tgz
for	internal documentation on the dloess program
by	Grosse <[email protected]>
lang	pine

file	cloess.ps
for	user manual for a/dloess
by	Cleveland, Grosse, and Shyu
size	701 kB

file	cloess.pdf
for	PDF reformatting of a/cloess.ps

file	loess
for	Fortran-only, limited version of a/dloess

file	stl
for	decompose time series into trend + seasonal + remainder
by	Cleveland and Cleveland
lang	Fortran77
gams	K5, L10a

file	cdfcor.f
for	rational approximation to finite set of data
by	E. H. Kaufman, Jr. and G. D. Taylor
alg	differential correction algorithm to compute a
,	best uniform generalized rational approximation p/q to a function
,	defined on a finite set of grid points, with the options of including
,	a weight function and linear equality and inequality constraints on
,	the coefficients.
gams	k2

file	difcor
for	rational approximation to finite set of data
lang	Fortran77
alg	differential correction

file	sdifcor
for	rational approximation to finite set of data
lang	Fortran77
alg	differential correction
gams	k2

file	sdifcor.doc
for	rational approximation to finite set of data
lang	Fortran77
alg	differential correction

file	gaim
for	fitting generalized additive models,
by	T. Hastie and R. Tibshirani
ref	Stat. Sci 1,297 and JASA June 1987.
lang	Fortran77
gams	l8h

file	fun.f
for	test functions for approximation algorithms
gams	k6d

file	masa.f
for	approximation for scattered data in many variables
by	J. H. Friedman and E. H. Grosse and W. Stuetzle",
ref	SIAM J. Sci Stat Comp 4,291-301
,	a dusty old deck from Stanford, 1980
gams	k1b1a

file	dbspvt.f
for	derivatives of B-splines with respect to knots
by	Eric Grosse, derived from de Boor's pppack/bsplvb
ref	Grosse and Hobby, Improved Rounding for Spline Coefficients...
prec	double
gams	e3d, k6d

file	coca.shar
for	COmplex linear Chebyshev Approximation
by	Bernd Fischer and Jan Modersitzki
ref	Fischer and Modersitzki, An Algorithm for Complex Linear Approximation..
lang	matlab
gams	k2

file	beatson
for	bivariate monotone interpolation by Beatson and Ziegler   Mar 85
lang	fortran
gams	e2a

file	perlman
for	normal, chi-square, and F distributions
alg	translations of TOMS algorithms into C
by	Gary Perlman.
gams	l5a1c, l5a1f, l5a1n
age	superseded
see	toms/322

file	tension
for	splines under tension
lang	C
by	J. R. Van Zandt
alg	A. K. Cline.
gams	e1a

file	datred.uu
title	P19253
for	knot removal from B-spline curve
by	Knut Moerken and Tom Lyche
ref	IMA J. of Num. Anal. 8 (1988) 185-208.  CAGD 4 (1987) 217-230.
lang	Fortran uuencoded compressed shar
gams	e3d, k2, k6b, k6d
size	274 kB

file	minsurf1.f
for	minimal surfaces
alg	Sobolev gradients
by	R. J. Renka and J. W. Neuberger
ref	SIAM J. Sci. Comp., to appear

file	minsurf2.f
for	minimal surfaces
alg	Sobolev gradients
by	R. J. Renka and J. W. Neuberger
ref	SIAM J. Sci. Comp., to appear

file	changes

file	wavelets94
for	tables for Wavelets on the Interval and Fast Wavelet Transforms
by	Albert Cohen, Ingrid Daubechies and Pierre Vial
ref	Applied and Computational Harmonic Analysis, 1993

file	FreeFormSplines.tgz
for	surfaces of high smoothness from control nets of arbitrary topology
by	Univ. Karlsruhe/Inst. Op. and Dialog Systems/Geom. Design Group
contact	H. Prautzsch <[email protected]>
lang	C++
see	http://i33www.ira.uka.de
ref	Freeform splines, CAGD, 14(3): 201-206, 1997
size	489 kB

file	FFS-manual.ps.gz
for	user manual for a/FreeFormSplines.tgz

file	pcp2nurb.tar.gz
for	submesh of a planar cut polyhedron (pcp) into a nurbs patch
keywords	spline
by	Jorg Peters <[email protected]>

lib	ml
for	machine learning

file	mvp.tgz
for	manipulating multivariate polynomials
alg	interpolates by least polynomial method of de Boor and Ron
by	[email protected]
lang	C

file	bspllib.tgz
for	pppack with IMSL interface, plus B-spline interpolation in 2d and 3d
by	Wolfgang Schadow <[email protected]> or [email protected]
lang	Fortran77, Fortran90

lib	sf
for	miscellaneous special functions
seealso amos elefunt fdlibm fn slatec specfun vfnlib

file	esl.tgz
for	estimation and smoothing by UDU**T and square root information filter SRIF for Kalman filtering
by	Keith and Gerald Bierman
lang	Fortran
ref	"Factorization Methods for Discrete Sequential Estimation", Academic Press 1977. Republished by Dover