LOGLAN'82 USER'S GUIDE Institute of Informatics University of Warsaw January 1988 revised October 1993 LITA Université de Pau TABLE of CONTENTS {TOC \o|0. PREFACE 3 1. USING LOGLAN-82 SYSTEM 3 1.1. COMPILATION 3 1.2. COMPILER SWITCHES 4 1.3. CODE GENERATION 4 1.4. PROGRAM INTERPRETATION 5 1.5. COMPILE TIME ERRORS 6 1.6. RUN-TIME ERRORS 6 2. COMPILER OPTIONS 6 2.1. OPTION FORMAT 7 2.2. OPTIONS LIST 7 3. CURRENT LOGLAN-82 IMPLEMENTATION SPECIFICATION 8 3.1. IMPLEMENTED SUBSET OF LOGLAN 8 3.2. PREDEFINED LANGUAGE ELEMENTS 8 3.3. FILE SYSTEM 8 3.3.1. FILE VARIABLES 8 3.3.2. FILE GENERATION 9 3.3.3. FILE DEALLOCATION 9 3.3.4. GENERAL FILE OPERATIONS 9 3.3.5. TEXT FILES 10 3.3.6. BINARY SEQUENTIAL FILES 10 3.3.7 DIRECT ACCESS BINARY FILES 10 3.4. CONCURRENCY 11 3.4.1. INVOKING THE LOGLAN INTERPRETER FOR CONCURRENT PROGRAMS 11 3.4.2. RESTRICTIONS AND DIFFERENCES FROM THE REPORT 12 3.4.3. COMMUNICATION MECHANISM 13 3.5. SYSTEM SIGNALS 15 3.6. IMPLEMENTATION RESTRICTIONS 15 APPENDICES A : PREDEFINED CONSTANTS 16 B : PREDEFINED CLASSES 16 C : PREDEFINED PROCEDURES AND FUNCTIONS 20 D : ERROR CODES 22 E : LOGLAN RUNTIME ERRORS 34 F : CHARACTER SET 36 BIBLIOGRAPHY 37 I. LOGLAN'82 37 II. Algorithmic Logic 39 III. Related literature 40 } 0. PREFACE This document provides information necessary to compile and execute Loglan programs. This manual assumes basic knowledge of Loglan-82 language, described in "Report on the Loglan Programming Language" (see Bibliography). 1. USING LOGLAN-82 SYSTEM The following three steps are required to execute a Loglan program: {SYMBOL 183 \f "Symbol" \s 10 \h} Compilation (to intermediate code), {SYMBOL 183 \f "Symbol" \s 10 \h} Generation of the interpreted code (from intermediate code), {SYMBOL 183 \f "Symbol" \s 10 \h} Interpretation (i.e. execution of program). Compilation is accomplished by invoking Loglan compiler. This step creates two destination files: the intermediate code file and the listing file. The intermediate code file is the input file for the second step: generation of the code accepted by interpreter.In this step two files containing object code are produced. They are the input files for the third step: interpretation. This step is equivalent to execution of a program. 1.1. COMPILATION To invoke the Loglan compiler without specifying any command line parameters, type: LOGLAN Then the prompt appears on your terminal: File name: and the compiler waits for file specification.The default extension is LOG. The compiler will produce (optionally) listing file with the same file name and the extension LST and will produce, if no error occurs, the code file with the extension LCD. Destination files will be stored on the same drive and directory as the source file. Examples: $ LOGLAN File name: PROGRAM <ENTER> Loglan compiler compiles program from PROGRAM.LOG file and creates PROGRAM.LCD. $ LOGLAN A:PROGRAM1 or In this case the source file is A:PROGRAM.DAT. The file PROGRAM.LCD will be created on drive A. $ LOGLAN /home/vous/PROGRAM2 If any error occurs, the code file is not produced. At the end of compilation the following message is printed: <number of errors> error(s) detected {SYMBOL 168 \f "ZapfDingbats"} 1.2. COMPILER SWITCHES There are two possibilities to specify compiler's options: by compiler switches (i.e. external options) or by comments in the source program (see chapter 2.). You may enter the compiler switches in command line after file name in the following format: sw1 sw2... swk <return> where swi consists of character that designates the name of the option and either '+' or '-'. Examples: $ LOGLAN PROGRAM L- T+ $ LOGLAN PROGRAM In this case the default switches values are assumed. {SYMBOL 168 \f "ZapfDingbats"} Scope of the switch is the entire program. All switches ,except H, correspond to options. A switch has greater priority then options: when you specify switch, all corresponding options inside source program will be ignored. Full description of each option is given in chapter 2.2. Switch L has additional significance. When this switch is set off no listing file is produced. 1.3. CODE GENERATION In this step information from the intermediate code file is read and two destination files containing the code are produced. No switch is permitted for this step. To generate code files, type: GEN <file name> or HGEN <file name>, if the switch H+ was specified for the compiler.(DOS/AT only) You type file name without extension (extension is ignored). Examples: $ GEN FILE_NAME: PROGRAM Information is read from file PROGRAM.LCD from default drive and directory. Two destination files are produced: PROGRAM.CCD and PROGRAM.PCD and stored in the same directory as the input file. $ GEN /home/vous/PROGRAM2 Files PROGRAM.CCD and PROGRAM.PCD are stored on drive A. {SYMBOL 169 \f "Symbol"} 1.4. PROGRAM INTERPRETATION To interprete (execute) the Loglan program you must invoke the interpreter INT or HINT (if the switch H+ was specified). File name must be specified in command line. The file extension is ignored. The interpreter reads input files with the given name and extensions CCD and PCD and executes the Loglan program. The syntax for calling the interpreter is INT <options> <file name> or HINT <options> <file name> (DOS/AT only) The following options are supported: /m < n > set memory size for Loglan program (in 16 bit words for small and 32 bit words for huge memory). For concurrent programs it means memory size for every process. /i information about garbage collection-compactification is printed. /r < n > used to invoke interpreter on nodes different from console (see 3.4.). option parameter is console node number (as defined by D-Link Network). /d causes trace to be printed to the file with .TRD extension provided that the option or switch D+ was used during compiling. At the end of interpretation the following message is printed: End of LOGLAN-82 program execution Examples: $ LOGLAN \DAT\EXAMP.SRC, L+ The file \DAT\EXAMP.LCD and \DAT\EXAMP.LST are generated. $ GEN \DAT\EXAMP The files \DAT\EXAMP.CCD and \DAT\EXAMP.PCD are created. {SYMBOL 168 \f "ZapfDingbats"} Then the program can be interpreted by: $ INT \DAT\EXAMP 1.5. COMPILE TIME ERRORS The errors detected during the compilation are printed on the listing file, if this file is created. In the scope of option L- or if the switch L is set off only the incorrect lines and errors messages are printed . When the switch ( not option !) L is set off then listing file is not produced and incorrect lines and error messages are printed on the user's terminal. Error message has the following format: *** ln ERROR en txt id where: ln - index of incorrect line, en - error code (see Appendix B), txt- text that explain type of the error, id - identifier helpful to situate the error. Error messages are printed in the source listing after incorrect lines. For syntax errors (numbered 101-147, 201-212), sign '?' indicates the error's position in the line. Error may be detected beyond the line containing it. Identifier helpful to find an error is printed as soon as possible. For codes 331-338 error message is printed after first line of virtual module declaration. Errors like "undeclared identifier" are printed in each module once, after first reference to this identifier. Further references are ignored. The errors related to case instruction may appear before the incorrect line. 1.6. RUN-TIME ERRORS Loglan run-time errors are detected by Loglan run-time system. When any of these errors occurs, the appropriate system signal is raised and error message is printed if handler is not found. All of these error messages are described in Appendix C. moreover the line number of the last executed statement is printed on the user's terminal. 2. COMPILER OPTIONS Options, like switches are used to pass some information to the compiler. Options are placed in source program in comments. Scope of options in source program is textual. Option may appear in any place of source program, but it is active from the beginning of the nearest instruction. Listing option L is active from the next line after line containing setting this option on up to the line containing setting this option off. Options overwrite defaults, but are overwritten by switches (external options). Option definition is not allowed before the keyword program. 2.1. OPTION FORMAT Options may be placed in source program in comments in the following format: (*$opt1,opt2,...*) where opti consists of character that designates the option and either '+' or '-' e.g.: (*$L-,T+*). Options in one comment should be separated by commas. Spaces in such comment are not allowed. 2.2. OPTIONS LIST D - trace D+ - causes the line numbers of the executed instruction to be printed, D- - default, L - listing L- - default, only incorrect lines are printed on the terminal L+ - all lines are printed on the listing file O - optimization O+ - optimization of some arithmetical and logical expressions are included to generated code (default), O- - generate code without optimization, T - type conflict checking T+ - default, dynamic checking of type conflict in assignment instructions and in parameter transmissions, T- - no dynamic checking H - memory model (switch only) APPLIES ONLY to PC/AT/XT !! H- - default, small memory H+ - huge memory PC/AT/XT When H- is specified all code and data must fit into 64K bytes. When H+ is specified all memory available on IBM PC may be utilized, with the cost of increased execution time. 3. CURRENT LOGLAN-82 IMPLEMENTATION SPECIFICATION 3.1. IMPLEMENTED SUBSET OF LOGLAN The following constructions described in the report of Loglan-82 have not been implemented: - local attributes, - separate compilation, File system is described in 3.3. 3.2. PREDEFINED LANGUAGE ELEMENTS Predefined constants, procedures and functions are added to the language (see Appendix A). Moreover keywords char (short form of character) and bool (short form of boolean) are added. The character set, defined in the report of Loglan-82, is extended by lower-case letters and the tabulation character (decimal code 9). It is possible to use operator '<>' which stands for 'not equal'. 3.3. FILE SYSTEM Loglan contains the predefined reference type file and a set of statements and standard procedures to manipulate files. Both sequential and direct access files are implemented. 3.3.1. FILE VARIABLES Variables of the type file can be declared in the Loglan program and can be used as any variables of a reference type. Example: var f:file, A:arrayof file; unit p:procedure(f:file); ... end p; begin ...... f := A(i); ...... end; 3.3.2. FILE GENERATION A file object is generated by open statement of the form: open(f,T) for internal files or open(f,T,A) for external files where f is a file variable, T = text for text files, char for binary sequential files of character, integer integer or real real values direct for direct access binary files. A is an expression of the type arrayof char designating external file name. After execution of open statement the new file object is created and it becomes a value of the file variable f. If the file is opened as an external one, then it references to the file A. Example: open(data,text) - new internal text file data is opened open(num ,integer) - new internal binary file num is opened (the file components are integer numbers) open(f,text,unpack("my.dat")) - external text file f is opened; it references to the file my.dat stored on the default drive and directory. open(f,direct,A) - an external direct access file with name in array A is opened. 3.3.3. FILE DEALLOCATION The file can be closed and deallocated by execution of the statement kill. 3.3.4. GENERAL FILE OPERATIONS There are three standard procedures associated with files: RESET, REWRITE and UNLINK. call RESET(f) rewinds the file f. After execution of RESET on sequential files only read/get operations are available. call REWRITE(f) creates a new empty file. After execution of REWRITE on sequential files only write/put operations are available. call UNLINK(f) closes and deletes file f. File object is deallocated and f is set to one. RESET or REWRITE must be performed on the file opening before the first I/O operation on it. 3.3.5. TEXT FILES The following operations are available to text files: read, readln, eoln, write, writeln, eof. The first parameter of the operation is a file variable. If it is omitted, then a standard input/output file assigned to user's terminal is used. Example: read(f,a,b); read(c); writeln(g," .... "); if eof(f) then .... For more information see [1]. 3.3.6. BINARY SEQUENTIAL FILES Any file created with the parameter T = integer, real or char is a binary one. It is a sequence of components of the type T. Only objects of type T can be read from or written to this file. The following operations are available to binary files: put(f, w1, ..., wn) get(f, x1, ..., xn) eof(f) where f is a file opened with the type T, wi is an expression of the type T and xi is a variable of the type T. The statement put(f, w1, ..., wn) writes the components w1, ...,wn to the file f. The statement get(f, x1, ..., xn) reads the next n components from the file f and assigns them to the variables x1, ..., xn. The statement eof is the same as for text files. 3.3.7 DIRECT ACCESS BINARY FILES Direct access files are treated as a sequence of bytes without any interpretation. Operations RESET and REWRITE prepare a file for both reading and writing. RESET is used for existing files, REWRITE for the new ones. The following additional operations are available: call SEEK(f, offset, base) - moves the file pointer to the position designated by offset relative to base. Offset is a signed integer specifying the number of bytes. Possible values for base are: 0 - begining of file, 1 - current position of file pointer, 2 - end of the file. Examples: call SEEK(f, 0, 0) - rewinds file f, call SEEK(f, -3, 1) - backspaces file f by 3 bytes, call SEEK(f, 0, 2) - moves the file pointer to the first byte after end of file POSITION(f) - returns current position of the file pointer associated with f. PUTREC(f, A, n) - where A is an array of any primitive type and n is an integer variable. Let k be the number of bytes occupied by elements of array A. This operation writes min(k, n) bytes from A to the file f and advances file pointer by the number of written bytes. The number of bytes written to the file is returned in the variable n. GETREC(f, A, n) - where A is an existing array of any primitive type and n is an integer variable. Let k be the number of bytes occupied by elements of array A This operation reads min(k,n) bytes (or less, if end of file is encountered) from the file and advances the file pointer by the number of read bytes. The number of bytes read from the file is returned in the variable n. 3.4. CONCURRENCY Implemented concurrency mechanisms differ much from those described in the LOGLAN-82 report []. In particular, only distributed processes are implemented, so they cannot communicate through shared variables. For this reason semaphores had to be replaced by an entirely new communication mechanism. Such a mechanism has been designed and it is based on the rendez-vous schema. 3.4.1. INVOKING THE LOGLAN INTERPRETER FOR CONCURRENT ROGRAMS A concurrent LOGLAN program may run on a single computer with concurrency simulated by time slicing. In this case LOGLAN interpreter is invoked as usual. One must only remember that /m optional parameter (see 1.4.) denotes memory size for each process rather than for the whole program. To achieve true parallel (multiprocessor) execution, a network of IBM PC computers may be used. For the time being, only D-Link Network Version 3.21 is supported. In order to run a LOGLAN program in the network environment take the following steps: 1) make sure that every node is logged on, 2) select arbitrarily one node as a console, 3) invoke the LOGLAN interpreter on every node except the console, giving it /r option with the console node number (see 1.4.). You must give the same program file to all interpreters. Most conveniently it may be achieved by accessing a file on a disk connected through the network to each node. 4) invoke the interpreter on the console without the /r option (in the usual way). Give it the same program file as above. After the last step the main program process begins its execution on the console node. Other processes may be created dynamically on any node on which an interpreter is running. Regardless of the fact whether the network is used or not, more than one process may be executed on the same computer. 3.4.2. RESTRICTIONS AND DIFFERENCES FROM THE REPORT All processes (even those executed on the same computer) are implemented as distributed, i.e. without any shared memory. This fact implies some restrictions on how processes may be used. Not all restrictions are enforced by the present compiler, so it is the programmer's responsibility to respect them. This is the list of restrictions: 1) all process units must be declared as global, i.e. directly inside the main program, 2) a process cannot access global variables (except for the main program process), 3) any remote access to a process object other than a procedure call is inhibited 4) each parameter of {SYMBOL 183 \f "Symbol" \s 10 \h} a process, {SYMBOL 183 \f "Symbol" \s 10 \h} a procedure called by remote access to a process object, {SYMBOL 183 \f "Symbol" \s 10 \h} a procedure parameter of a process, must be one of the following: {SYMBOL 183 \f "Symbol"} a value of the primitive type (Integer, Real, Char, Boolean, String) {SYMBOL 183 \f "Symbol"} a procedure declared directly inside a process {SYMBOL 183 \f "Symbol"} a procedure which is a formal parameter of a process {SYMBOL 183 \f "Symbol"} any reference to a process object. This restriction implies that references to objects other than processes have only local meaning (in a single process) and cannot be passed among the processes. 5) comparisons, IS, IN and QUA operations are not allowed for the references to processes. 6) operations which require dynamic type checking on the references to processes are not allowed. 7) a process may be attached only by a proper coroutine generated by it. 8) the variable MAIN is accesible only in the main program process. The following concurrent constructs described in the report are not implemented at all: - semaphores and all operations on them - the WAIT expression. Semantics of the NEW generator is slightly modified when applied to the processes. The first parameter of the first process unit in the prefix sequence must be of type INTEGER. This parameter denotes the node number of the computer on which this process will be created. For a single computer operation this parameter must be equal to 0. Example: unit A:class(msg:string); ... end A; unit P:A process(node:integer, pi:real); ... end P; ... var x:P; ... begin ... (* Create process on node 4. The first parameter is the *) (* string required by the prefix A, the second is the node number *) x := new P("Hello", 4, 3.141592653); ... end The following parallel constructs are implemented as defined in the report: - KILL operation for a process - RESUME statement - STOP statement without parameter. 3.4.3. COMMUNICATION MECHANISM Processes may communicate and synchronize by a mechanism based on rendez-vous. It will be referred to as "alien call" in the following description. An alien call is either: - a procedure (or function) call performed by a remote access to a process object, or - a call of a procedure which is a formal parameter of a process, or - a call of a procedure which is a formal parameter of an alien-called procedure (this is a recursive definition). Every process object has an enable mask. It is defined as a subset of all procedures declared directly inside a process unit or any unit from its prefix sequence (i.e. subset of all procedures that may be alien-called). A procedure is enabled in a process if it belongs to that process' enable mask. A procedure is disabled if it does not belong to the enable mask. Immediately after generation of a process object its enable mask is empty (all procedures are disabled). Semantics of the alien call is different from the remote call described in the report. Both the calling process and the process in which the procedure is declared (i.e. the called process) are involved in the alien call. This way the alien call may be used as a synchronization mechanism. The calling process passes the input parameters and waits for the call to be completed. The alien-called procedure is executed by the called process. Execution of the procedure will not begin before certain conditions are satisfied. First, the called process must not be suspended in any way. The only exception is that it may be waiting during the ACCEPT statement (see below). Second, the procedure must be enabled in the called process. When the above two conditions are met the called process is interrupted and forced to execute the alien-called procedure (with parameters passed by the calling process). Upon entry to the alien-called procedure all procedures become disabled in the called process. Upon exit the enable mask of the called process is restored to that from before the call (regardless of how it has been changed during the execution of the procedure). The called process is resumed at the point of the interruption. The execution of the ACCEPT statement is ended if the called process was waiting during the ACCEPT (see below). At last the calling process reads back the output parameters and resumes its execution after the call statement. The process executing an alien-called procedure can easily be interrupted by another alien call if the enable mask is changed. There are some new language constructs associated with the alien call mechanism. The following statements change the enable mask of a process: ENABLE p1, ..., pn enables the procedures with identifiers p1, ..., pn. If there are any processes waiting for an alien call of one of these procedures, one of them is chosen and its request is processed. The scheduling is done on a FIFO basis, so it is strongly fair. The statement: DISABLE p1, ..., pn disables the procedures with identifiers p1, ..., pn. In addition a special form of the RETURN statement: RETURN ENABLE p1, ..., pn DISABLE q1, ..., qn allows to enable the procedures p1, ..., pn and disable the procedures q1,...,qn after the enable mask is restored on exit from the alien-called procedure. It is legal only in the alien-called procedures (the legality is not enforced by the compiler). A called process may avoid busy waiting for an alien call by means of the ACCEPT statement: ACCEPT p1, ..., pn adds the procedures p1, ..., pn to the current mask, and waits for an alien call of one of the currently enabled procedures. After the procedure return the enable mask is restored to that from before the ACCEPT statement. Note that the ACCEPT statement alone (i.e. without any ENABLE/DISABLE statements or options) provides a sufficient communication mechanism. In this case the called process may execute the alien-called procedure only during the ACCEPT statement (because otherwise all procedures are disabled). It means that the enable mask may be forgotten altogether and the alien call may be used as a pure totally synchronous rendez-vous. Other constructs are introduced to make partially asynchronous communication patterns possible. 3.5. SYSTEM SIGNALS System signals are connected to runtime errors (see APPENDIX C). These signals are the following: ACCERROR - reference to non existing object, CONERROR - array index outside the range or lower bound is greater than upper bound during array object generation, LOGERROR - errors related to control transfer, MEMERROR - memory overflow, NUMERROR - errors related to arithmentic operations like division by zero, floating point overflow, TYPERROR - type conflict in assignment statement, during parameter transmission or headline conflict for actual parameter function and procedure. SYSERROR - errors related to file system, like reading after writing, too many files etc. 3.6. IMPLEMENTATION RESTRICTIONS - Text line in source program can't be longer than 80 characters. - Maximal length of identifier is 20 characters, but entire length of all identifiers and keywords should be less than 3000 characters. - String constant can't be longer than 260 characters. - For case instructions: - up to 6 levels of nested case instructions are allowed, - range of labels can't be greater than 160. - Number of formal parameters can't be greater than 40, whereas up to 35 output or input parameters are allowed. Total number of formal parameters and variables declared in one module can't be greater than 130. - Number of array indices (i.e. arrayof) can't be greater than 63, - Standard type integer has the range (-32767,+32767) for small memory (16 - bit word). For huge memory (32-bit word) the range is (-2147483647,+2147483647), but values of constant expressions in a program must lie within the range (-2767, 32767). - Real numbers have the range (-8.43E-37, 3.37E+38) with 24-bit mantissa and 8-bit exponenet for small memory , giving about 7 digits of precision. For huge memory the range is (4.19E-307, 1.67E+308) with 53-bit mantissa and 11-bit exponent, giving about 15 digits of precision.Values of constant expression in a program must lie in the range (-8.43E-37, 3.37E+38). Warning Compiler computes values of expressions built from constants without range checking. It means, that integer overflow, floating point overflow or underflow cause incorrect result without any message. APPENDIX A : PREDEFINED CONSTANTS INTSIZE The size in bytes of integer variables (2 for small memory, 4 for huge memory) REALSIZE The size in bytes of real variables (4 for small memory, 8 for huge memory) APPENDIX B : PREDEFINED CLASSES IIUWGRAPH {Applies for DOS/AT versions, see a separate document IIUWGRAPH for details} {For Unix, see the separate document XIIUWGRAF} Class IIUWGRAPH defines the set of graphics procedures. The full description of these procedures is contained in the description of the library IIUWGRAF (Institute of Informatics, University of Warsaw). The following procedures are available in Loglan (heads are specified if they are different from these in IIUWGRAF description): gron - graphics on 1 parameter to be ignored integer groff - GRAPHICS OFF, no parameters cls - Clear screen, no pamrameters point - set current position to (x,y) and give it current colour move - set current position to (x,y) draw hfill vfill color style patern intens pallet border video hpage nocard : function: integer; pushxy popxy inxpos : function: integer; inypos : function: integer; inpix getmap : function(input x,y:integer): arrayof integer; putmap ormap xormap track inkey : function : integer; hascii hfont hfont8 outstring cirb MOUSE {Applies only to DOS/AT versions} {For UNIX and 386 versions see the corresponding documents} A predefined class MOUSE provides basic support for mouse. An external resident Microsoft compatible mouse driver (such as MOUSE.SYS) must be installed to use this class. MOUSE contains following procedures and functions: unit MOUSE: class; init:function(output b:integer):boolean {Initializes mouse driver. Number of mouse buttons is returned in b. Returns true iff mouse hardware and software are installed.} showcursor:procedure {This procedure increments the internal cursor counter. If the counter is 0 it displays the cursor on the screen. The cursor tracks the motion of the mouse, changing position as the mouse changes position.} hidecursor:procedure {This procedure removes the cursor from the screen and decrements the internal cursor counter. Although the cursor is hidden it still tracks the motion of the mouse, changing position as the mouse changes position.} status:procedure(output h, v:integer, l, r, c:boolean) {This procedure reports the status of the buttons and cursor. l, r, c are true iff respectively left, right and center (if it exists) buttons are down when the procedure is called. Also position of cursor is returned in h and v. Position is expressed in Color Graphics Adapter pixels (with resolution 640x200).} setposition:procedure(h, v:integer) {This procedure sets the cursor to the specified horizontal and vertical positions on the screen. The new values must be within the specified ranges of the virtual screen. The values are rounded to the nearest values permitted by the screen for horizontal and vertical positions.} getpress:procedure(b:integer; output h, v, p:integer, l, r, c:boolean) {This procedure gives a count of selected button presses (on p) since the last call to it and the position of the cursor (on h and v) the last time the button was pressed. Parameter b selects button to be checked: 0 - left, 1 - right, 2 - center. In addition current button status is returned in l, r and c (see procedure status).} getrelease:procedure(b:integer; output h, v, p:integer, l, r, c:boolean) {This procedure gives a count of selected button releases (on p) since the last call to it and the position of the cursor (on h and v) the last time the button was released. Parameter b selects button to be checked: 0 - left, 1 - right, 2 - center. In addition current button status is returned in l, r and c (see procedure status).} setwindow:procedure(l, r, t, b:integer) {Restricts the cursor movement to window described by l, r, t, b. L and r are minimum and maximum horizontal cursor position, t and b are minimum and maximum vertical cursor position (in pixels)} defcursor:procedure(s, x, y:integer) {Selects text mode cursor characteristics. When s is 0, software cursor is selected and x, y define masks to be used when modifying character-attribute word in screen memory associated with position under cursor. This word is logicaly ANDed with x and the result is XORed with y. When s is 1, a hardware cursor is selected and x, y define first and last scan lines of the cursor box within character box. X must be not greater than y and both must be in range 0-7 for Color Graphics Adapter or 0-13 for Monochrome Display Adapter, Hercules Graphics Card and Enhanced Graphics Adapter. Examples: call defcursor(0, -1, 30464) - selects standard (reverse video) software cursor call defcursor(1, 11, 12) - selects standard hardware cursor for HGC} getmovement:procedure(output h, v:integer) {Returns relative mouse movement since last call (in 1/200 inches).} setspeed:procedure(h, v:integer) {H and v specify horizontal and vertical cursor speed relative to mouse speed. It is expressed in mouse steps (1/200 inch) corresponding to 8 pixels on screen. Default is 8 horizontaly and 16 verticaly. Examples: call setspeed(1, 1) - set maximum cursor speed call setspeed(16, 32) - set cursor speed two times slower than default} setthreshold:procedure(s:integer) {sets threshold speed for double speed feature. If the mouse moves faster than the threshold, the cursor speed on the screen is doubled. Default threshold is 64 mouse steps/second. Example: call setthreshold(10000) - efectively disable double speed feature.} end MOUSE; APPENDIX C : PREDEFINED PROCEDURES AND FUNCTIONS ENDRUN:procedure; Terminates program execution (ABORT). RANSET:procedure(x:real); Initializes random generator (for RANDOM function) RANDOM:function:real; Generates uniformly distributed pseudo-random numbers in the interval (0,1). SQRT:function(x:real):real; Computes square root of parameter x. SIN:function(x:real):real; Computes sinus of parameter x. COS:function(x:real):real; Computes cosinus of parameter x. TAN:function(x:real):real; Computes tangens of parameter x. EXP:function(x:real):real; Computes e**x. LN:function(x:real):real; Computes natural logarithmus of parameter x. ATAN:function(x:real):real; Computes arcus tangens of parameter x. ENTIER:function(x:real):integer; Computes entier part of parameter x. ROUND:function(x:real):integer; Computes rounded value of parameter x: ROUND(x)=ENTIER(x+0.5). IMIN:function(x, y:integer):integer; Computes minimum of two parameters. IMAX:function(x, y:integer):integer; Computes maximum of two parameters. IMIN3:function(x, y, z:integer):integer; Returns the minimum of three parameters. IMAX3:function(x, y, z:integer):integer; Returns maximum of three parameters. ISHFT:function(x, k:integer):integer; Logically shifts x by k bits: left, when k is positive, right otherwise. IAND:function(n, k:integer):integer; Returns logical product of parameters (on all bits). IOR:function(n, k:integer):integer; Returns logical sum of parameters (on all bits). XOR:function(n, k:integer):integer; Returns exlusive sum of parameters (on all bits). INOT:function(n:integer):integer; Returns logical complement of parameters (on all bits). ORD:function(c:char):integer; Returns number that represents character c (see APPENDIX F). The following equations are satisfied: CHR(ORD(c)) = c &ORD(CHR(n)) = n CHR:function(n:integer):char; Returns character represented by parameter n (see APPENDIX F). UNPACK:function(s:string):arrayof char; Returns address of new array object containing characters of the string s. MEMAVAIL:function:integer; Returns the size of available memory in the current process (in words). EXEC:function(cmd:arrayof char):integer; Calls secondary command processor with cmd as a command string. Exit code is returned as a value of EXEC. TIME:function: integer; Returns an integer value indicating the amount of central processor time in seconds used by current process. RESET:procedure(f:file); Positionnes file f at the first component and readies it to reading. REWRITE:procedure(f:file); Positionnes file f at the first component and readies it for output. The file f becomes empty (eof(f) = true). UNLINK:procedure(f:file); Closes and deletes file f (see 3.3.4) SEEK:procedure(f:file; offset, base:integer); Positiones file pointer (see 3.3.7) POSITION:function(f:file):real; Reads position of file pointer (see 3.3.7) APPENDIX D : ERROR CODES 0 - ***declaration part overloaded Overflow of compiler data structure of declaration part. Possible reasons: too complicated program structure (too many classes, protection lists, parameter lists,...), too complicated function expressions e.g. f(g(h(...))). It is possible that removing some errors e.g. "unvisible identifier" causes shortening of the program. 10 - ***too many errors Overflow of error diagnostic table. 1024 first detected errors are printed, but global number of error is equal to number of all detected errors. 41 - ***declaration part overloaded Comments as for 0. 101 - ':=' expected 102 - ';' expected 103 - 'then' expected 104 - 'fi'/'else' expected 105 - 'od' expected 106 - '(' expected 107 - ')' expected 108 - 'do' expected 109 - identifier expected 110 - too many exits found Length of sequence exit exit ...exit exceeds level of loop nesting +1. 111 - illegal character 112 - wrong structure of 'if'-statement 113 - 'end' missing 114 - '.' expected 115 - illegal constant in expression Character constant or text appears in logical or arithmetical expression. 116 - '=' expected 117 - constant expected 118 - ':' expected 119 - unit kind specification expected Keywords: class, procedure, function, coroutine or process missing in module headline. 120 - 'hidden' or 'close' occurred twice 121 - 'hidden' or 'close' out of a class 122 - 'block' expected 123 - object expression is not a generator Object expression appearing as instruction is not a generator e.g. new (a).b 124 - 'dim' expected 125 - 'to'/'downto' expected 126 - illegal arithmetic operator 127 - declaration part expected 128 - incorrect identifier at 'end' Module name after end does not correspond to name in module headline. 129 - wrong structure of 'case'-statement 130 - wrong structure of 'do'-statement 131 - illegal use of 'main' Name main may be used only as an argument of attach operator; in other cases it is illegal. 132 - 'when' expected 133 - too many branches in 'case'-statement Number of branches in case instruction is greater than 160. 134 - 'begin' missed 135 - bad option 136 - is it really a loglan program??? There is no Loglan keyword found in source program like: begin, block, unit, class,... 137 - 'block' missed - parsing began There is no keyword block or program at the beginning of the Loglan program. This message indicates the source line, that is the first compiled line. 138 - 'repeat' out of a loop The length of sequence: (exit)*repeat exceeds nested depth of the loop. 139 - there is no path to this statement 140 - 'andif'/'orif' mixed 141 - array of 'semaphore' is illegal 142 - wrong handler end Handler declaration is not ended by instruction end or end handlers. 143 - lastwill inside a structured statement 144 - repeated lastwill Label LASTWILL appears more than once in the same module. 145 - no parameter specification 146 - wrong register specification 147 - "," expected 191 - ***null program There is no source program on the input file or there is no module declaration. Causes termination of program compilation. 196 - ***too many identifiers Entire length of all identifiers and keywords is greater than 3000 characters. This overflow terminates program compilation. 197 - ***too many formal parameters The length of formal parameter list and declared local variables (in actual module) is greater than 130. This error terminates program compilation. 198 - ***parsing stack overloaded Too complicated (nested) program structure. This error terminates program compilation. 199 - ***too many prototypes Too many declarations in program caused overflow of the compiler data structure. This error terminates program compilation. 201 - wrong real constant 202 - wrong comment 203 - wrong character constant 204 - wrong integer constant 205 - integer overflow Integer constant out of range. 206 - real overflow Real constant out of range. 211 - identifier too long Length of identifier is greater than 20 characters. 212 - string too long Length of string constant is greater than 260 characters. 301 - prefix is not a class id Prefix name ID is not a class name. It may appear when identifier ID is used earlier (declared more than once). 303 - coroutine/process illegal here as prefix id Procedure, function or block can't be prefixed by coroutine or process. 304 - hidden identifier cannot be taken id Identifier ID placed on taken list is on hidden list in the prefixing module. 305 - undeclared identifier id 306 - undeclared type identifier id 307 - type identifier expected id Identifier ID used in variable or function declaration as a type name, is not declared earlier as a type (but name has been used earlier). 308 - undeclared prefix identifier id 309 - declared more than once id 310 - taken list in unprefixed unit 316 - formal type specification after use id Formal type ID appears in the parameter list after using this identifier as parameter type e.g. (... x: ID; type ID, ...). 317 - hidden type identifier id Type name ID is on hidden list in a prefix of one of the modules from SL chain of actual module and it is a nearest declaration of this identifier. 318 - type identifier not taken id Type name ID is not on taken list in a prefix of one of the modules from SL chain of actual module. 319 - hidden identifier in the list id Identifier ID from hidden or close list is on hidden list in one of the prefixing modules. 320 - identifier in the list not taken id Identifer ID from hidden or close list is not placed on taken list in none of the prefixing modules. 321 - identifier cannot be taken id Identifer ID from taken list is placed on taken list in none of the prefixes. 322 - hidden prefix identifier id Analogical to 317 error. 323 - prefix identifier not taken id Analogical to 318 error. 329 - only procedure and function may be virtual virtual specification appears with class specification. 330 - virtual in unprefixed block/procedure/function 331 - incompatible kinds of virtuals id Kind of virtual module ID is different from kind of replaced module (e.g. one of them is a function, the other one is a procedure). 332 - incompatible types of virtuals id Type of virtual function ID is different from type of replaced function. 333 - different lengths of form.param.lists in virtuals id Virtual module ID and replaced module have different number of formal parameters. 334 - conflict kinds of the 1st level parameters id In the headline of virtual module ID kind of formal parameter differs from corresponding formal parameter in the headline of replaced module (e.g. type and variable, input and output parameters,.). 335 - incompatible types of the 1st level parameters id There are formal parameters of different types (function, procedure) in the headline of virtual module ID and in the headline of replaced module on the same position. 336 - different lengths of the 2nd level params lists id There are formal procedures/functions with different numbers of parameters in the headline of virtual module ID and in the headline of replaced module on the same position. 337 - incompatible kinds of the 2nd level parameters id There are parameters of different kinds on the same position in the corresponding procedure or function parameters in the headline of virtual module ID and in the headline of replaced module. 338 - incompatible types of the 2nd level parameters id There are parameters of different types on the same position in the corresponding procedure or function in the headline of virtual module ID and in the headline of replaced module. 341 - ***declaration part overloaded Analogical to error 0. 342 - ***too many classes declared 343 - ***too many prototypes Too many modules declared on the same level. 350 - undeclared signal identifier id 351 - hidden signal identifier id Analogical to error 317. 352 - signal identifier not taken id Analogical to error 318. 353 - signal identifier expected id Identifier ID placed in handler declaration as a signal name has not been declared as a signal. 354 - different types of parameters id In the headlines of signals, that have common handler, parameters of the different types appear on the same position. ID is one of these parameters. 355 - incompatible kinds of parameters id In the headlines of signals that have common handler, parameters of different kinds appear on the same position. ID is one of these parameters. 356 - different identifiers of parameters id In the headlines of signals that have common handler parameters of different names appear on the same position. ID is one of these parameters. 357 - incompatible kinds of the 2nd level parameters id Analogous to error 355 for 2-nd level parameters. 358 - different types of the 2nd level parameters id Analogous to error 354 for the 2-nd level parameters. 359 - different lengths of the 2nd level params lists id There are formal procedures or formal functions with different number of parameters on the same position in the headlines of signals this have common handler. ID is one of these formal parameters/functions. 360 - different lengths of form. param. lists in signals id There are different number of formal parameters in the signals that have common handler. ID is one of these signals. 361 - non-local formal type cannot be used id Formal parameter ID of signal is of non local formal type. 362 - repeated handler for signal id There are more than one handler for signal ID in the same module. 370 - only 'input' is legal here Formal parameter output or inout is illegal in process. 398 - class prefixed by itself id Construction unit ID: ID class is not allowed. 399 - cycle in prefix sequence id ID is a class identifier used in cyclic prefixing i.e. ID prefixes a, a prefixes b, ... , z prefixes ID. This construction is not allowed. 401 - wrong label in 'case' id Label in case instruction is not a constant. 402 - 'case' statement nested too deeply Nesting level in case instruction is greater than 6. 403 - too long span of 'case' labels Range of branches in case instruction is greater than 160. 404 - repeated label in 'case'-statement id Label ID appears more than once in case instruction. 405 - illegal type of 'case' expression id Control expression in case statement is not of integer or char type. 406 - different types of labels and 'case' expression 407 - non-logical expression after 'if'/'while' id 408 - real constant out of integer range Error during conversion of real constant to integer constant. 410 - simple variable expected id Control variable in for loop is not a simple variable. 411 - non-integer control variable id Control variable ID in for loop is not of integer type. 412 - non-integer expression id Expression placed as array index or bound limit in array generation or as step in for loop or as format in write statement should be reducable to integer type. 413 - file expression expected id 414 - string expression expected id 415 - reference expression expected id Expression placed before dot (remote access), before qua or as a argument of kill or copy statement is not of class type. 416 - array expression expected id 417 - boolean expression expected id 418 - semaphore variable expected 419 - illegal type in 'open' The type name placed in open is different than TEXT, REAL, INTEGER, CHAR and DIRECT. 420 - variable expected id Expression placed on the left side of assignment statement or as an argument of read instruction or in array instruction is not a variable. 421 - class identifier after 'new' expected id Identifier ID placed after new is not a class identifier. 422 - procedure identifier after 'call' expected id 423 - 'new' missing id Keyword new doesn't appear before class identifier for object generation. 424 - 'call' missing id Keyword call doesn't appear before procedure identifier for procedure call. 425 - 'inner' out of a class 426 - 'inner' occurred more than once 427 - 'wind'/'terminate' out of a handler 428 - 'inner' inside lastwill 429 - definition cannot be reduced to constant id Identifier ID placed in constant definition is not a constant. 430 - undefined constant in the definition id 431 - wrong number of indices id Number of indices in referencing to array element is different from declared number of indices. 432 - index out of range id 433 - upper bound less than lower bound id 434 - too many subscripts id Dimension of static array ID is greater than 7. 435 - variable is not array id 440 - type identifier expected after 'arrayof' id Identifier ID placed after arrayof in actual parameter list, corresponding to type parameter is not a type name. 441 - incorrect format in 'write' There is format for expression of char type or there is double format for expression of type integer or string. 442 - illegal expression in 'write' Argument of write statement is not of type char, string, integer or real. 443 - illegal type of variable in 'read' id Argument of read statement is not of type char, integer or real. 444 - no data for i/o transfer There is only file identifier in I/O instruction. 445 - illegal expression in 'put' 446 - illegal expression in 'get' 448 - 'raise' missing id There is signal identifier without keyword raise in the context of signal raising. 449 - signal identifier expected id Identifer ID after keyword raise is not a signal identifier. 450 - illegal procedure occurrence id Procedure name ID appears in illegal context. 451 - illegal class occurrence id Class name ID appears in illegal context. 452 - illegal type occurrence id Type name ID appears in illegal context. 453 - illegal signal occurrence id Signal name ID appears in illegal context. 454 - illegal operator occurence 455 - wrong number of operands 460 - divided by zero 470 - illegal input parameter id Actual parameter associated with input parameter is not expression that may have any value: it is e.g. procedure name 471 - illegal output parameter id Actual parameter corredponded to output parameter is not a variable. 472 - illegal type parameter id Actual parameter ID associated with type parameter is not a type name. 473 - illegal procedure parameter id Actual parameter ID associated with procedure parameter is not a procedure name. 474 - illegal function parameter id Actual parameter ID associated with function parameter is not a function name. 475 - illegal left side of 'is'/'in' id Left side argument ID of is/in is not a reference expression. 476 - illegal right side od 'is'/'in' id Right side argument ID of is / in is not a class name. 477 - illegal parameter of 'attach' id Parameter ID of attach statement is not a reference variable of class object. 478 - illegal type of expression 479 - negative step value 550 - ***stack overloaded This error may be removed by dividing expressions into subexpressions, making simpler nested callings of arrays, functions, classes and for loops. This error terminates compilation of current module, but other modules will be compiled. 551 - ***too many auxiliary variables needed Too complicated expressions. This error may be removed by declaration of additional variables and using them as auxiliary variables in expressions. 552 - ***too many auxiliary reference variable needed Analogical to error 551. 553 - ***statement sequence too long or too complicated This error may be removed by adding 'goto' statement into sequence of instructions e.g. if false then exit fi, inner, ... or by dividing complicated expression into subexpressions. 554 - ***real constants dictionary overflow Too many real constant, maybe because of evaluation of expressions built from real constants. 600 - undeclared identifier id 601 - illegal type before '.' id Expression placed before dot (remote access) is not of class type. 602 - close identifier after '.' id Identifier ID placed after dot is on close list in the class or its prefix that construct expression before dot. 603 - undeclared identifier after '.' id Identifier ID placed after dot is not attribute of expression placed before dot. It may be caused by missing declaration or using bad prefix for class constructing expression before dot. 604 - illegal operand type id One of the arguments in arithmetical expression or in relation is not of arithmetical type. 605 - illegal type in 'div/'mod' term id Expression identified by ID used as argument of div or mode operation is not of integer type. 606 - incompatible types in comparison id ID is an identifier of left argument of relation. 607 - unrelated class types in comparison id ID is an identifier of left argument of relation. Both arguments are of class type and none of these classes prefixes the other one. 608 - string cannot be compared id ID identifies a string. 609 - incompatible types in assignment/transmission id ID is an identifier of left side of assignment statement or an identifier of actual parameter in object generation. Types of both sides of instruction or type of formal parameter and type of actual parameter are incompatible. 610 - unrelated class types in assignment/transmission id Analogical to errors 609 and 607. 611 - constant after '.' id An attempt to remote access to constant. 612 - this class does not occur in sl-chain id Class ID appeared in expression this ID, but ID dosn't prefix any module in SL chain of actual module. It may be a cycle. 613,614 - class identifier expected id For error 613: identifier ID used in expression this ID is not of class type. For error 614: identifier ID used in expression this ID is not name of any type. 615 - illegal type before 'qua' id Object expression before qua should be of one of the types: class, coroutine, process or simple (not array) formal type. 616,617 - illegal type after 'qua' id For error 616: identifier ID used after qua is not of any type. For error 617: identifier ID used after qua is not of class type. 618 - unrelated types in 'qua'-expression id Identifier ID is a name of class type used after qua. This class type and class type used before qua doesn't prefix each other. 619 - hidden identifier id Identifier ID used in construction qua ID or this ID is on hidden list in the prefix of one of the module from SL chain of actual module. 620 - not taken identifier id Identifier ID used in construction qua ID or this ID is not on taken list in any prefix of any module of actual module. 621 - invisible identifier after '.' id Identifier ID placed after dot is on hidden list or is not on taken list in prefix. 622 - formal parameter list is shorter id Identifier ID identifies generated object: class, procedure or function. Formal parameters list of this object is shorter than actual parameters list. 623 - formal parameter list is longer id Analogical to error 622. 624 - actual parameter is not a reference type id Actual parameter identified by ID in generated object can't be of primitive type: integer, real, boolean or string. 625 - actual parameter is not a type id Actual parameter identified by ID is not a type, so it can't replace formal type parameter. 626 - procedure-function conflict between parameters id Actual parameter, identified by ID, that replaced formal parameter in generated object is function whereas formal parameter is a procedure or vice versa. 627 - unmatched heads-wrong kinds of parameters id ID identifies actual module that replaced formal module. There are parameters of different kinds on the same position in the headlines of these modules. For input - output conflict the agreement of parameter types is checked also. 628 - unmatched heads-incompatible types in lists id ID identifies actual module that replaced formal module. There are input /output parameters of different types on the same position in the headlines of actual and formal module. 629 - unmatched heads-unrelated class types in lists id ID identifies actual module that replaced formal module. There are input/output parameters specifying classes of disjointed prefix sequences in the headlines of actual and formal module. 630 - unmatched heads-different numbers of parameters id There are different lengths of headlines in actual module identified by ID and formal module. 631 - incompatible types of function parameters id There are different types of actual function specified by identifier ID and formal function in generated object. 632 - function/procedure expected id Actual parameter identified by identifier ID is not function/procedure, whereas corresponding formal parameter is function/procedure. 633 - actual function type defined weaker than formal id Type of actual function identified by ID is weaker defined than formal function type e.g. formal function type is statically defined, whereas actual function type is formal (external) or formal function is class, whereas actual function type is coroutine or process. 634 - unmatched heads-too weak type in actual list id There are input/output parameters on the same position in the headlines of actual module identified by identifier ID and formal module, but ID is weaker defined than corresponding formal module parameter (see error 633). 635 - standard function/procedure cannot be actual par. id ID identifies standard procedure/function used as actual parameter. 636 - illegal use of semaphore id 637 - 'semaphore' cannot be used id APPENDIX E : LOGLAN RUNTIME ERRORS In the following list system signal name, raised after detection of runtime error, is placed in brackets. ARRAY INDEX ERROR (CONERROR) Index outside range during reference to array variable. NEGATIVE STEP VALUE (CONERROR) SL CHAIN CUT OFF (LOGERROR) Control transfer to object that has SL link cut off earlier in the consequence of kill operation. ILLEGAL ATTACH (LOGERROR) The value of parameter of attach instruction is none or object differs from coroutine. ILLEGAL DETACH (LOGERROR) An attempt to return by detach to coroutine that has been dealocated (by kill). ILLEGAL RESUME (LOGERROR) An attempt to resume an object which is not a process or a process which is running. TOO MANY PROCESSES ON ONE MACHINE (SYSERROR) Number of processes existing on one computer is greater than 64. INVALID NODE NUMBER (SYSERROR) An attempt to create a process on a computer which is not connected to network. IMPROPER QUA (LOGERROR) Error during computing expression of the form: ...x qua a, when 'x' references to none or 'a' doesn't prefix dynamic type object, which is value of 'x'. ILLEGAL ASSIGNMENT (TYPERROR) Type conflict between left and right side of assignment instruction. FORMAL TYPE MISSING (LOGERROR) Formal type is not accessible because of SL cut off. ILLEGAL KILL (LOGERROR) An attempt to deallocate object in SL chain of active object. ILLEGAL COPY (LOGERROR) An attempt to copy non terminated object (i.e. class before execution of return statement, coroutine before execution of end statement...). REFERENCE TO NONE (ACCERROR) An attempt to remote access (by dot) to attributes of non existing object: dealocated or not generated. MEMORY OVERFLOW (MEMERROR) INCOMPATIBLE HEADERS (TYPERROR) Actual parameter list of generated object (procedure, function or class) is incompatible with formal parameter list from module declaration or formal function type is incompatible with actual function type. INCORRECT ARRAY BOUNDS (CONERROR) An attempt to generate dynamic array object, when lower bound of index range is greater than upper bound. DIVISION BY ZERO (NUMERROR) COROUTINE TERMINATED (LOGERROR) An attempt to transfer control to a terminated coroutine. COROUTINE ACTIVE (LOGERROR) An attempt to transfer control to an active coroutine. HANDLER NOT FOUND (LOGERROR) There is no handler for signal declared by user. ILLEGAL RETURN (LOGERROR) An attempt to execute return instruction in handler serving system signal. UNIMPLEMENTED STANDARD PRC. (LOGERROR) Standard procedure or function is not implemented. FORMAL LIST TOO LONG (MEMERROR) Formal parameter list is greater than 40. ILLEGAL I/O OPERATION (SYSERROR) Reading after writing, the type of the read/write parameter does not match the type of the file etc. I/O ERROR (SYSERROR) System error during I/O. CANNOT OPEN FILE (SYSERROR) INPUT DATA FORMAT BAD (SYSERROR) SYSTEM ERROR (SYSERROR) Should not occur. UNRECOGNIZED ERROR APPENDIX F : CHARACTER SET At the top of the table are hexadecimal digits (0 to 7), and to the left of the table are hexadecimal digits (0 to F). Hexadecimal code of ASCII character is constructed by contatenation of column label and row label. For example, the value of character representing the plus sign is 2B. 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 _________________________________________________ ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! 0 ! NUL ! DLE ! SP ! 0 ! @ ! P ! ! p ! _________________________________________________ ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! 1 ! SOH ! DC1 ! ! ! 1 ! A ! Q ! a ! q ! _________________________________________________ ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! 2 ! STX ! DC2 ! " ! 2 ! B ! R ! b ! r ! _________________________________________________ ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! 3 ! ETX ! DC3 ! # ! 3 ! C ! S ! c ! s ! _________________________________________________ ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! 4 ! EOT ! DC4 ! $ ! 4 ! D ! T ! d ! t ! _________________________________________________ ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! 5 ! ENQ ! NAK ! % ! 5 ! E ! U ! e ! u ! _________________________________________________ ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! 6 ! ACK ! SYN ! & ! 6 ! F ! V ! f ! v ! _________________________________________________ ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! 7 ! BEL ! ETB ! ' ! 7 ! G ! W ! g ! w ! _________________________________________________ ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! 8 ! BS ! CAN ! ( ! 8 ! H ! X ! h ! x ! _________________________________________________ ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! 9 ! HT ! EM ! ) ! 9 ! I ! Y ! i ! y ! _________________________________________________ ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! A ! LF ! SUB ! * ! : ! J ! Z ! j ! z ! _________________________________________________ ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! B ! VT ! ESC ! + ! ; ! K ! [ ! k ! { ! _________________________________________________ ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! C ! FF ! FS ! , ! < ! L ! \ ! l ! | ! _________________________________________________ ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! D ! CR ! GS ! - ! = ! M ! ] ! m ! } ! _________________________________________________ ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! E ! SO ! RS ! . ! > ! N ! ^ ! n ! ~ ! _________________________________________________ ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! F ! SI ! US ! / ! ? ! O ! _ ! o ! DEL ! _________________________________________________ where: NUL Null DLE Data Link Escape SOH Start of Heading DC1 Device Control 1 STX Start of Text DC2 Device Control 2 ETX End of Text DC3 Device Control 3 EOT End of Transmission DC4 Device Control 4 ENQ Enquiry NAK Negative Acknowledge ACK Acknowledge SYN Synchronous Idle BEL Bell ETB End of Transmission Block BS Backspace CAN Cancel HT Horizontal Tabulation EM End of Medium LF Line Feed SUB Substitute VF Vertical Tab ESC Escape FF Form Feed FS File Separator CR Carriage Return GS Group Separator SO Shift Out RS Record Separator SI Shift In US Unit Separator SP Space DEL Delete BIBLIOGRAPHY Last update: {TIME \@ "MMMM d, yyyy"|March 21, 1994} Should you like to read on Loglan and its companion Algorithmic Logic, here it is, a short list of more important papers. I. LOGLAN'82 Bartol,W.M., et al. Report on the Loglan 82 programming Language, Warszawa-Lodz, PWN, 1984 A.Kreczmar A micro-manual of the programming language LOGLAN-82, Institute of Informatics, University of Warsaw, 1984 (there exists a french translation of the above manual) (both texts are distributed together with this package) A.Kreczmar, A.Salwicki, M. Warpechowski, Loglan'88 - Report on the Programming Language, Lecture Notes on Computer Science vol. 414, Springer Vlg, 1990, ISBN 3-540-52325-1 /* do you know polish? istnieje dobry podrecznik Loglanu! */ A.Szalas, J.Warpechowska, LOGLAN, Wydawnictwa Naukowo-Techniczne, Warszawa, 1991 ISBN 82-204-1295-1 Some papers devoted to the problems and challenges of Loglan. Bartol,W.M., Kreczmar, A., Litwiniuk, A., Oktaba, H., Semantic and Implementation of Prefixing at Many Levels, in Lecture Notes in Computer Science vol.148, Springer Verlag, Berlin, 1983, pp.45-80 Krause,M., Kreczmar, A., Langmaack, H., Salwicki,A., Specification and Implementation Problems of Programming Languaages Proper for Hierarchical Data Types, Report 8410 of Institut fuer Informatik und Praktische Mathematik Christian-Albrechts-Universitaet Kiel, 1984, pp.1-68 Kreczmar,A., Salwicki,A., Concatenable Type Declarations, Their Application and Implementation in: Programming Languages and System Design, in Programming, Languages and System Design Proc. IFIP TC2 Conference (J.Bormann ed.) Dresden, 1983 North Holland, Amsterdam, 1983, pp.29-41 Cioni, G., Kreczmar, A., Modules in high level programming languages in: Advanced Programming Methodologies (G.Cioni, A.Salwicki eds.) Academic Press, London, 1989, 247-340 Kreczmar, A., On inheritance Rule in Object Oriented Programming in: Advanced Programming Methodologies Academic Press, London, 1989, pp. 141-164 Cioni,G., Kreczmar,A., Vitale, R., Storage Management in: Advanced Programming Methodologies Academic Press, London, 1989, pp.341-366 Cioni, G., Kreczmar, A., Programmed deallocation without Dangling References, IPL, vol. 18 1984, pp. 179-185 Krause, M., Kreczmar, A., Langmaack, H., Warpechowski, M., Concatenation of program modules, an Algebraic Approach to the Semantic and Implementation Problems, in: Proc. Computation Theory, LNCS 208, Springer Vlg, Berlin, 1986, pp. 134-156 full text in: Report 8701 of Institut fuer Informatik und Praktische Mathematik Christian-Albrechts-Universitaet Kiel, 1987, pp.1-48 Krause, M., Die Korrektheit einer Implementation der Modulpraefigerung mit reiner Static Scope Semantik, Report 8616 of Institut fuer Informatik und Praktische Mathematik Christian-Albrechts-Universitaet Kiel, 1986, pp.1-139 Langmaack, H., On static Semantic of Prefixing (=inheritance), Talk delivered during the Summer School on Loglan'82, Zaborow, September 1983 Ph.D. thesis (in polish!) related somehow to Loglan project. Szalas, A., On parallel processes, 1984 Gburzynski, P., GPR - theorem prover 1982 Petermann, U., On file system and signalling exceptions between processes 1987 Oktaba, H. On Formalisation of the Notion of Reference and its Applications in Theory of Data Structures, 1982 Bartol, W.M., Application of Static Structure of Type Declarations and the System of Dynamic Configurations in a Definition of Semantics of a Universal Programming Language 1981 Szczepanska-Wasersztrum, D., A logical system for reasoning about exceptions,1990 Litwiniuk, A.I., Several algorithms for optimisation of code in presence of nesting, 1988 Jankowska-Puchalka B. A code genarator generator for an object oriented language, 1992 II. Algorithmic Logic There is a monograph: G.Mirkowska, A.Salwicki, Algorithmic Logic, D.Reidel & Polish Scientific Publ., Dordrecht & Warszawa, 1987, ISBN 83-01-06859-0 the book contains a chapter devoted to certain problems of Loglan. A new book on AL appeared in polish G.Mirkowska, A.Salwicki, Logika algorytmiczna dla programistow, Wydawnictwa Naukowo-Techniczne, Warszawa, 1993 (ISBN 83-204-1296-X). An english version in preparation. There are many papers discussing the applications of AL in programming. Salwicki, A., Development of Software from Algorithmic Specifications in: Advanced Programming Methodologies Academic Press, London, 1989, pp.1-40 Salwicki, A., On algorithmic theory of Stacks, in Proc. MFCS'78 (J.Winnkowski ed.), LNCS 63, Springer Berlin 1978, pp. Salwicki, A., On algorithmic theory of dictionaries, Proc. Logic of Programs (E.Engeler ed.), LNCS 125, Springer, Berlin 1981 pp.145-168 Müldner, T., Salwicki, A., On algorithmic Properties of Concurrent Programs, in: Proc. Logic of Programs (E.Engeler ed.), LNCS 125, Springer, Berlin 1981 pp.170-193 Mirkowska,G., Salwicki, A., On applications of Algorithmic Logic, in: Proc. CAAP'86 (P. Franchi-Zanetacci ed.) Springer, 1986 pp.288-306 Mirkowska,G., Salwicki, A., Axiomatic definability of programming language semantics, in: Proc. IFIP Working Conf on Formal Description of Programming Concepts Ebberup 1986 (M. Wirsing ed.) Noth Holland, Amsterdam, 1986, pp1-15 Mirkowska,G., Salwicki, A., On Axiomatic Definition of Max-model of concurrency, in Proc. Advanced School on Mathematical Models of Parallelism Rome 1986 (M. Venturini-Zilli ed.) LNCS Springer Berlin Salwicki, A., Algorithmic Theories of Data Structures, in Proc. ICALP'82 (M.Nilsen, E.Schmidt eds.) LNCS 140 Springer, Berlin, 1982, pp. 458-472 III. Related literature on object programming is immense. Let us quote a few books: E. Horowitz, Fundamentals of Programming Languages, Springer, New York, 1983 O.-J. Dahl, B. Myhrhaug, K. Nygaard, Simula 67 Common Base Language, Norwegian Computing Center, Oslo, 1970 the mother of object languages!! B. Meyer, Object-oriented software construction, Prentice Hall, 1988 B. Stroustrup The C++ Programming Language, Addison-Wesley, Reading, Mass., 1991 on logics of programs: see a survey D. Kozen, J. Tiuryn Logics of Programs, in: Handbook of Theoretical Computer Science, vol.B, Formal Models and Semantics Elsevier, Amsterdam, 1990, pp. 789-998 {PAGE|40} Loglan'82 user's manual Loglan'82 users's manual {PAGE|39}