Example of how to store a Component and its properties to a disk file or a Blob field author : Theodoros Bebekis Thessaloniki, Greece e-mail: bebekis@mail.otenet.gr ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Lets suppose that we have a complex data type For example: TThirdLayer = record . . end; TSecondLayer = record . . ThirdLayer :TThirdLayer; end; TFirstLayer = record . . SecondLayer :TSecondLayer; end; Jobs : array [0..9] of TFirstLayer; And we want to save Jobs in a file for later use. I tried many approaches to solve this problem. I finally tried to make it a Component to benefit from Delphi's Component streaming capabilities and defore starting struggling with DefineProperty, DefineBinaryProperty, ReadData, WriteData etc., I posted a message to Borland's NewsGroups and then Rick Rogers from TeamB pointed to me the right direction. My question: ========================================================= I have a component with some properties like records and array of records. Can I store it to a disk file including its properties and all the data they hold? And how can I read it back from disk? Here is an example of my component: //====================== unit Jobs ========================== unit Jobs; interface uses Windows, Messages, SysUtils, Classes, Graphics, Controls, Forms, Dialogs; type TJobType = (jtNormal, jtSpecial, jtFull, jtEmpty); TMyEnum = (meOne, meTwo, meThree, meFour, meFive); TJobLabel = record JobName, Job_ID : string; JobType : TJobType; end; TThirdLayer = record S : string; I : integer; B : boolean; F : double; end; TSecondLayer = record aRect : TRect; aSet : set of TMyEnum; ThirdLayer : TThirdLayer; end; TJob = record // First Layer Index : integer; Name : string; Full : boolean; SecondLayer : TSecondLayer; end; type TJobHolder = class(TComponent) private //================================================================ FJobLabel : TJobLabel; FJobArray : array [0..9] of TJob; function GetJobArray(Index:integer):TJob; procedure SetJobArray(Index:integer; Value:TJob); public //================================================================ published //=============================================================== property JobLabel:TJobLabel read FJobLabel write FJobLabel; property JobArray[Index:integer]:TJob read GetJobArray write SetJobArray; end; implementation {-------------------------GetJobArray------------------------------------} function TJobHolder.GetJobArray(Index:integer):TJob; begin Result:=FJobArray[Index]; end; { GetJobArray } {----------------------------SetJobArray--------------------------------} procedure TJobHolder.SetJobArray(Index:integer; Value:TJob); begin FJobArray[Index]:=Value; end; { SetJobArray } end. //====================== EOF unit Jobs ========================== TIA -- =================================================== Theodoros Bebekis Thessaloniki, Greece bebekis@mail.otenet.gr ===================================================== Rick's reply: ===================================================== On 18 Jun 1998 14:13:38 GMT, "Theodoros Bebekis" <bebekis@mail.otenet.gr> wrote: > Can I store it to a disk file including its properties > and all the data they hold? Two ways. First, use ReadComponentResFile and WriteComponentResFile. This takes advantage of Delphi's automatic and powerful component streaming system. However, to use component streams, you'll need to change your class structure in a number of ways. That's because only certain published properties (not including records) are automatically written to the stream (because RTTI isn't generated for records). Here are the changes: 1) you'll need to change TJobLabel, TSecondLayer, and TThirdLayer to descend from TPersistent; 2) you'll need publish all properties in TJobLabel, TSecondLayer, and TThirdLayer which you want persistent; and 3) you'll need to change TJobRecord to descend from TCollectionItem, FJobArray to TCollection, and publish the JobArray collection property. Alternatively, you could simply write a LoadFromStream and SaveToStream method for TJobHolder. Of course, this means you'll need to implement file i/o (such FileStream.ReadBuffer) logic to read and write the file format you design. -- Rick Rogers (TeamB) | Fenestra Technologies http://www.fenestra.com/ ======================================================= I found a relevant example in VCL - DBGrid.Columns - and finally I made TJobHolder class to work. I have also made some routines in case somebody needs to save a component like this to BlobField, using TBlobStream. Thats all. Copy all files in the same directory, compile and run PS. Sorry for uncommented code but I think its easy to understand what is going on if you study it Theodoros