Component : ImageIndex Editor is a Property Editor that makes it easier to set the ImageIndex property of TMenuItems, TAction, TCoolBand, TToolButton, and TTabSheet components. After installing these property editors, double click (or click the edit button) of the ImageIndex property of these components, and (if an Image List is set for the owners) a window will open, containing the images of the ImageList, so you can select the image to use and it will fill in the ImageIndex property with the number, from the ImageList, for that image. This makes it easier than trying to remeber the number of the image in the list. Version : 1.00 Author : Rick Hollerich e-mail: <> DISCLAIMER : ImageIndex Editor is distributed as freeware, without warranties of any kind. Use of this software is at your own risk. Installation : Open ImageIndexEditD4.dpk, compile it and install it. Thats it. Any ImageIndex property in the object inspector should use these editors. If you find an ImageIndex property I missed, let me know. Tested with Delphi 4, but should work with any version that has TImageList.