CALC, (c) 1997 by Dr. Udo Rabe

CALC is an emulation of a simple UPN desktop calculator.

The code for managing the stack is in HPStack.pas.

The registers:

?						:	your input
X, Y, Z, T 	:	the stack
M						: a memory register

Number input:

e						: exponention
chs					: change sign

0..9				: then number keys

+, -, x, /	:	the calculator keys

Mode				: select rad(iant) or deg(ree)

Display			: configure the display

up					: move stack up
down				: move stack down
swap				: swap X- and Y-register
drop				: drop X-register

<--					: backspace
c						: clear input
clr					: clear registers

Laxt x			: recall last X-value

M+, M-			: add or subtract to/from M-register
>M					: replace value in M-register
M>					: recall value in M-register

enter				: enter input to stack, duplicate X-register

Function		:	sin, cos, tan, cot, asin, acos, atan, acot
							x², sqrt, ln, log, y^x, e^x, 10^x, pi, 1/x
							abs, int, frac
							work as expected (I hope so!)

Have fun!