SQLBoxes 1.00

SQLBoxes is a package of VCL components for Delphi.
It includes "SQL driven" combo and list boxes.
"SQL driven" because the items are loaded from an internal query.
SQLBoxes will save you the need of a specific datasource and table to fill its rows.

SQLBoxes's components
TSQLComboBox like a ComboBox, but items are filled from SQL
TDBSQLComboBox sort of DBComboBox
TDBSQLLookupComboBox kind of DBLookupComboBox
TSQLListBox something like a ListBox
TDBSQLListBox probably parent with DBListBox
TDBSQLLookupListBox Nice weather, isn't it ?

One of the most useful component of the package is TDBSQLLookupComboBox
(originaly called TDBReferencedCombo).
TDBSQLLookupComboBox key properties
DataSource connection to the "main" table
DataField datafield in the main table
ItemsDatabase internal query database
ItemsSQL internal query SQL order
ItemsKeyField internal query key field
ItemsViewField internal query view field

For example, in a form with a datasource (dsCustomer) and a table (tbCustomer),
TDBSQLLookupComboBox properties may be
DataSource dsCustomer
DataField CountryRef
ItemsDatabase aDatabaseName
ItemsSQL SELECT * FROM Country ORDER BY OrderNum
ItemsKeyField Ref
ItemsViewField Name
...assumed that you work on the tables Customer = (Ref, Name, ..., CountryRef,...) and Country = (Ref, Name, OrderNum...).

Limited warranty
SQLBoxes is provided "AS IS" without warranty of any kind.
It has been developed and fully tested with Paradox tables on Delphi 1. Yes, Delphi 1 in 1998 ! I know that the component may be useless in versions 2, 3 or 4. But it useful for ME !

Freeware and Registration
SQLBoxes is freeware.
You are licensed to evaluate the software for 30 years.
You are encourage to redistribute this package.

Any feed-back will be greatly appreciated.

Now, if you REALLY like SQLBoxes, please send a me packet of cigarettes (welcome to indians beedees, cloved tobaccos and all others specialities...).

Robert SAMPY
14bis, rue Juillet
75020 PARIS

e-Mail : [email protected]
Home Page (http://ourworld.compuserve.com/homepages/rsampy)

Download SQLBoxes.ZIP (10 KB)

SQLBoxes.htm, August 1998.