Encrypt (D1/2/3)
Mill Software Development

Encrypt is a component to code/decode text in a string.
In a hexadecimal editor you can change important text (program name, author, etc) of an
executable. Encrypt can give more protection against unautorised changes in the text of an
executable. First encode the text in the demonstration program and copy the decoded text to
your program. The text will be decoded at runtime by the Encrypt component.
Encrypt component.

What is the way of coding/decoding?
I did not have the intention to make a coding method which is 100% secure!
Coding/decoding is done in three differend steps, those steps can change in sequence:

  XOR:     TextIn   = abcdefg, Key=1ABCDE
           TextOut = P#!"!#V)

  Move:    TextIn   = abcdefgh, MoveNumber = 5
           TextOut = fghijklm

  Turning: TextIn   = abcdefgh, Turning = True
           TextOut = ghfedcba

 The Key can change in different characters and in the amound of characters.
 Also 'MoveNumber' and 'Turning' can have different values.

How to use the Encript component
The property 'TextInOut' is used both for adding text and retrieving text from the component.
Put the text which should be processed in 'TextInOut'. By reading from 'TextInOut' the text is
processed before it is send back to you. That means that you first have to adjust the way the
text will be processed before you read from 'TextInOut'.

Property editor
Encript makes use of an property editor to adjust the sequence of coding/decoding. For those
people who don't now how to make there one property editor, this is a nice example.

Rights of encript
You may use Encrypt free but the rights for the code are not free and belong to Frank
Millenaar. It is free to distribute Encrypt but only in the original form, with all the files (see

Enjoy yourself with Encrypt,
Frank Millenaar

Homepage: http://ourworld.compuserve.com/homepages/FMillenaar
Email: FMillenaar@compuserve.com

Encode component
Example project