COA (VERSION 1.0)                  Copyright (c) 1995, Neil J. Rubenking
                First Published in PC Magazine June 13, 1995 (Utilities)

COA by Neil J. Rubenking

         COA lets you send change-of-address notices to Windows when you
change the location of a Windows program on your system. It can be used
to update your .INI files, .GRP files, and registration database
automatically, or you can use the built-in .INI and .GRP file editors
to make changes manually.

       To install COA, simply copy the program files COA.EXE and COA.HLP
to a directory on your hard disk, and then use Program Manager to add an
icon for COA.
COA is flexible, but the simplest way to change the address of a program
is to start with the Find and Replace window. Type the old address on the
Find What line and type the new address on the Replace With line. Go to
the File List window and press the Plus speed button to select which .INI
and .GRP files to modify. Then press the DO IT button in the Find and
Replace window. COA will automatically update your registration database
and the .INI and .GRP files you have selected.
COA also contains viewers to help in selecting .GRP and .INI files for processing, and editors for making manual changes to .GRP and .INI files.

You can obtain on-line help at any time by pressing the F1 key.
Neil J. Rubenking is Technical Editor of PC Magazine.